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- Rebooting Chinese history
- Is mal-apportionment pro-rural, pro-Malay or pro-Umno?
- Life As The Wrong Kind of Muslim
- 10 Dangerous Cities In The World
- Alies Anor Abdul, the Brutus in Najib’s camp
- Police warn Black 505 organisers not to hold rally
- Pakatan Rakyat Boleh Jatuhkan Najib Menerusi Tengku Razaleigh
- Bila berbalah tentang dasar parti, jangan serang peribadi individu
- Najib lega selepas bertemu Dr Mahathir
- New DAP man turns on his party after elections
- Ku Li-Anwar, ideal pair to lead Malaysia
- Coming soon: New info on Scorpene deal
- Matangkah cara kita berpolitik?
Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:11 PM PDT
Wow. They did all that even back then? My history books sure didn't teach me that. The Chinese in Malaysia certainly didn't get a free ride to where they are. But if I didn't know my community's history well, how could I expect others to know? June HL Wong, The Star There would be better understanding of the Chinese if their contributions to the nation were brought to light. THE clue to the forgotten nugget of information came in the form of an e-mail. The reader who sent it pointed me to a particular chapter in a book written by long-serving colonial officer Sir Frank Swettenham. The book was British Malaya, published in 1907, and once I perused chapter 10, I understood why the reader thought I might find it interesting. Here's the pertinent excerpt: "Their energy and enterprise have made the Malay States what they are today, and it would be impossible to overstate the obligation which the Malay Government and people are under to these hardworking, capable, and law-abiding aliens. "They were already the miners and the traders, and in some instances the planters and the fishermen, before the white man had found his way to the Peninsula. "In all the early days it was Chinese energy and industry which supplied the funds to begin the construction of roads and other public works, and to pay for all the other costs of administration. "They have driven their way into remote jungles, run all risks, and often made great gains. They have also paid the penalty imposed by an often deadly climate. "But the Chinese were not only miners, they were charcoal-burners in the days when they had to do their own smelting; as contractors they constructed nearly all the government buildings, most of the roads and bridges, railways and waterworks. "They brought all the capital into the country when Europeans feared to take the risk; they were the traders and shopkeepers. Their steamers first opened regular communication between the ports of the colony and the ports of the Malay States. "They introduced tens of thousands of their countrymen when the one great need was labour to develop the hidden riches of an almost unknown and jungle-covered country, and it is their work, the taxation of the luxuries they consume and of the pleasures they enjoy, which has provided something like nine-tenths of the revenue. "The reader should understand at once what is due to Chinese labour and enterprise in the evolution of the Federated Malay States." Wow. They did all that even back then? My history books sure didn't teach me that. The Chinese in Malaysia certainly didn't get a free ride to where they are. But if I didn't know my community's history well, how could I expect others to know? If they did know, surely it would help create a deeper appreciation of the Chinese and assuage the suspicions about their loyalty. As the nation mourned the loss of eight policemen and two soldiers and hailed them as heroes in the recent Lahad Datu armed intrusion, a blogger thought fit to write: "As has always been the case, when we send our policemen and soldiers into battle and they are killed or injured, the chances are they are Melayus and bumiputeras. Perhaps there is wisdom in getting more Chinese and Indians to join the armed forces so that they, too, can die for one Malaysia." "Always been the case"? How sad that the many Chinese Special Branch officers who died fighting the communists are unforgivably forgotten. Online columnist K. Temoc who took umbrage at this blogger's "caustic and unfair" remarks pointed out that five Chinese police officers have been awarded the nation's highest gallantry award, the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP), two posthumously. Again, it shows how little is known about non-Malay heroes who served in the security forces. This blogger certainly didn't and he clearly buys into the belief that non-Malays aren't willing to risk life and limb for the country and doesn't consider why there are so few of them in uniform today. The irony is even if you are well-known, your deeds may not be officially recorded. Hence, Robert Kuok may be a business legend in Asia but few Malaysians know he was the close friend and confidant of Deputy Prime Minister Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman. As mentioned in Ooi Kee Beng's biography, The Reluctant Politician, Tun Dr Ismail and His Time, Kuok played a role in the nation's development and politics, including helping to pave the way for Tun Abdul Razak's historic six-day visit to China in May 1974. So much is left out of our history books and our national museums. It's telling that even Yap Ah Loy's tok panjang showcasing the family's exquisite dinner ware are housed in Singapore's Peranakan Museum, not in Kuala Lumpur, the modern city he founded. I agree whole-heartedly with the Prime Minister that Malaysians must understand each other better if we hope to become a great nation. Something therefore must be done to document and preserve the nation's history that is more inclusive and multiracial. If the Government has been remiss, the Chinese should take it upon themselves to address this lack of understanding and appreciation of their community's immense contributions. It shouldn't, however, be a glossy and glossed-over coffee table account. By all means include the darker and controversial aspects, including the Chinese-led Communist Party of Malaya's attempt to overthrow the colonial government (Interestingly, Kuok's brother, William, was a communist who died in the jungle). But it was also a long war that was won with the help of the Chinese, like those S.B. officers. While we take pride in celebrating our most famous Malaysians – Michelle Yeoh, Jimmy Choo and Zang Toi – we must also honour the unsung, unknown heroes like those mentioned by K Temoc: policeman Yeap Sean Hua who died while apprehending a criminal at Setapak and was awarded the SP, sergeant Lee Han Cheong and Deputy Commissioner Khoo Chong Kong who were both killed by the communists. It's time to build a Malaysian Chinese museum that will tell a history – the good, the bad, the noble, the inspiring – that must no longer be hidden or forgotten. > The writer believes the Malaysian Indian community also has a proud and even longer history to share and preserve. Feedback: or tweet @JuneHLWong |
Is mal-apportionment pro-rural, pro-Malay or pro-Umno? Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:09 PM PDT Wong Chin Huat, ONE reason why electoral fraud and manipulation have not raised widespread objection is the myth that it is the necessary evil for the Malay-Muslims' political dominance. The bipolar society which Malaya was in the 1950s - with about equal number of Malays and non-Malays - led the Malay nationalists to be highly suspicious of democracy. Thinking in zero-sum game's mentality, like other nationalists in the world, the Malay nationalists shunned pluralism. They dreaded any possibility of the Malays being politically split, worrying that this would be exploited by the non-Malays, especially if the latter were united. They saw a natural trade-off between democracy and ethnic power and they picked the latter. Perhaps nothing in our electoral arrangement illustrates this point better than the mal-apportionment of constituencies. As a matter of fact, "rural weightage" in the Federal Constitution was actually the code word for "Malay weightage", to ensure the Malays' political dominance, since in the early years, most Malay voters resided in the rural area and most rural voters were Malay. Today, while many supporters and critics of the Election Commission (EC) may have a completely opposite value judgement, most of them would agree on one thing: the EC is mal-apportioning constituencies to benefit the Malay/rural voters at the expense of the non-Malay/urban voters. Is this true? No. The cases of Baling and Alor Setar have made clear to us that the EC did not carry out pro-rural mal-apportionment as stipulated by the constitution. If anything, villagers of Baling today are punished with amplified difficulties in access to their MP, when their number is 35% more than the electorate of Alor Setar. What about Malays? Could the anti-rural mal-apportionment happen because the EC went all the way out to over-represent the Malays in Alor Setar and under-represent the non-Malays in Baling? Again, no. In 2004, Baling had 86.9% of Malay voters while Alor Setar had only 58.4%. The mal-apportionment of Baling and Alor Setar within the state of Kedah was not only anti-rural, but anti-Malay too. And this is not an isolated case. Let's look at the mal-apportionment within the parliamentary constituency of Puchong, an unquestionably urban seat. In 2004, Sri Serdang had 39,688 voters while its neighbour Kinrara had nearly just its half, at 20,006. Sri Serdang was then a 59% Malay constituency while Kinrara was 61% Chinese in composition.(See chart above). In other words, if you lived in the Malay-majority Sri Serdang, you would get only half of the attention of your state assemblyperson than if you lived in the Chinese-majority Kinrara. It was as if one got punished by the EC for living next to too many Malays? Why so? Isn't the EC under the control of the Umno, whose raison d'etre is to protect the interests of Malays? The 2008 elections revealed the secret. Then, the electorate of Sri Serdang had risen to 49,757. However, in a contest for 37,819 valid votes, Umno could only defeat PAS with a paper-thin margin of 45 votes, or 0.12%. Umno's support base in urban area was said to be so weak that it could not ensure its victory without carving huge constituencies to bring in enough supporters to counter the anti-Umno votes. Baling had a different story. In 1999, Baling had an electorate that was more Malay (90.1%) but much smaller (53,886 voters in total), which handed the victory to PAS. The mal-apportionment in 2003 hence might not be aiming at securing an Umno victory there, but to take away as many as possible PAS supporters from the neighbouring constituencies. In contrast, before 2013, Alor Setar had always voted in MCA candidates. Sri Serdang and Baling were not the only cases where Malay voters, opposition supporters in particular, suffer under-representation. Read more at: |
Life As The Wrong Kind of Muslim Posted: 19 Jun 2013 11:58 AM PDT A soldier gestures to people to stay away from the site of a bomb blast in Peshawar, Pakistan on March 29, 2013. (Fayaz Aziz/Reuters) (The Atlantic) - A Pakistani-American man is accused of being a terrorist. In Pakistan. This article is adapted from the book The Wrong Kind of Muslim, by Qasim Rashid. I walked out onto the main street. Rabwah, Pakistan after dark is exciting. Shops are still open and the aroma of fresh fried delectables command the air. I walked past Tahir Heart Institute, a state-of-the-art cardiac center that provides free or near-free medical care to all Pakistanis, regardless of background. Pausing to admire it, I heard a voice call out to me to stop walking any further. Thinking perhaps it was Uncle Bashir, I turned with a smile. Jogging up to me instead was a Pakistani police officer ready to draw his pistol. The police officer's left hand was up, making the "stop" motion, the other securely on his holster. He was slender and tall; easily around 6'3, and in full uniform. I want to say that his giant mustache added to his intimidation factor, but it's more likely that I was paranoid about how tightly he gripped his pistol. I wasn't sure how to react, but stood still for the moment to let him know I wasn't going anywhere. It isn't necessarily smart to run from a man clutching a gun. "What are you doing here?" He demanded to know. "Why did you stop me?" I replied rather glibly. "I asked what you're doing here." He demanded again, taking a step towards me. "I'm walking." My reply was ruder than I'd intended. But nothing could've prepared me for his response. "I know what you're doing here. Where's the bomb? Where'd you put it?!" "Wha.. What?? Bomb? What the hell are you talking about?" "Don't get smart with me, you son of a bitch. You goddamn Americans! Where's the bomb? Where is it, you terrorist?!" The police officer took another step closer, one hand still in front and the other tightly clutching his pistol. It occurred to me that there was nervousness in his voice. At first, it surprised me that he knew I was American. But I quickly realized how foreign I looked from the way I dressed, the way I walked, the way I combed my hair even. When he heard me speak in my accented Urdu, it confirmed that I was definitely either American or Canadian. He probably just guessed American, and guessed right. My secret identity revealed, I decided to switch it up to English, having no idea whether he understood English or not. I figured it couldn't possibly get me in any more trouble. "Alright, pal, listen. Slow down. You have no idea what you're doing, and you need to take your hand off your gun." My American humility showed through clearly. He became tenser. I countered by putting my palms out to show I had nothing to hide. "There's no bomb, I'm not a danger to you, and I'm only heading home." I found myself echoing a statement I'd made to police in post-9/11 America on more than one occasion. "You not terrorist? Prove!" he said in his broken English as he pulled his gun partially out of its holster. "Wait, what? I said slow down! Prove I'm not a terrorist?" How the hell was I supposed to do that? I paused because I couldn't believe the question. I had to deal with proving I wasn't a terrorist every time I flew in America since 2001. Every time I crossed the U.S.-Canada border I was "randomly stopped" to be searched, sometimes for hours. And traveling with my U.S. Marine brother wasn't any better. Once while crossing through Cornwall in Ontario, Border Patrol actually separated us and interrogated us about one another for four hours. I'd been pulled off planes, interrogated in back rooms with a "mirror" on one wall, and frisked up and down. I'd had all my books and home videos copiously examined by airport security. I'd been pulled over dozens of times and let off with a warning while never actually told why I was pulled over in the first place. I'd dealt with the stares and the uneasy fellow travelers. I'd been randomly selected for a search so many times that the customs agents at O'Hare Airport actually recognized me, and I them. Now, back in Pakistan in 2006, the land of my birth, the land of my ancestors, as I came to reconnect with my roots, I had to deal with...the exact same damn thing? What the hell was this world coming to? I was furious inside. Unfortunately for me, the cop didn't care. Read more at: |
10 Dangerous Cities In The World Posted: 19 Jun 2013 11:49 AM PDT
There are cities out there which can scare even the most spectacular team of super heroes and if you think the Expendables can take a quiet walk in the park in some of these towns, think again! Today we will see (from the distance, as nobody dares to travel in those virtually war zones) the top ten most dangerous cities in the world. Top 10 Awesome Lists Making a top of the most dangerous cities in the world is not an easy task, the lists change year after year. Some time ago, Chicago was, and still is considered the world's crime capital. But let's face it, just because Chicago has an interesting crime history and something that looks like a proneness to violence, there are other cities in this world that are basically imbued in constant acts of crime. There are cities out there which can scare even the most spectacular team of super heroes and if you think the Expendables can take a quiet walk in the park in some of these towns, think again! Today we will see (from the distance, as nobody dares to travel in those virtually war zones) the top ten most dangerous cities in the world. 1. San Pedro Sula – Honduras It takes first place as the crime rate was established at 169 deaths at 100.000 inhabitants. Despite the touristic attractions, Honduras is a dangerous country and San Pedro Sula is not something we'd visit without the Terminator (Arnie's version to be exact) to tag along.
2. Ciudad Huarez – Mexico It is not a myth in Hollywood movies that Mexico is that type of country you should visit only if you have a weapons' permit and some shooting skills. Full of cultural attractions, with a history and surrounding legends that appeal to everybody, Mexico loses a lot of attention and potential touristic development due to the violence it is characterized by. Ciudad Huarez isn't the first time when makes the top ten list of the most dangerous cities in the world, as drug traffic and gang wars are current news.
3. Maceio, Brazil Many years, Rio de Janeiro bared the stigmata of danger, crime and unthinkable violence, together with Buenos Aires even. Did you happen to see the famous and most disturbing movie Citade de Deus? Did you hear about the Brazilian favelas? Well, Maceio seems to be the peak of them all, as it hit the list with proven facts that people actually contract paid killers to solve some of their business.
4. Acapulco, Mexico Don't get us wrong, the beaches in Acapulco still make the top touristic destinations in the world. The paradox is that despite the beauty, the fame and the world-renown publicity Acapulco benefits of, it is still one of the most dangerous cities in the world, statistics showing an incredible crime rate of 128 victims in 100.000 inhabitants.
5. Sharm el Sheikh You can find there not only ones of the most spectacular landscapes in the world, tourist luxury services that redefine the concept of luxury, vacation offers that attract millions of people, but also, and unfortunately this is the truth, armed attacks, broad daylight street robberies, assault and rape. It is indeed a shame, as this corner of Heaven is still considered one of the best outcomes of nature and man teamwork.
6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysia also takes pride in its spectacular landscapes, a culture that begs to be discovered and explored and… a history of violence that made way too many victims. Presently, the state's capital is said to be one of the most dangerous cities in the world, as the crime rate increased with 70% in the last three years. It wasn't a peace on Earth display before either, but now things seem to keep getting worse.
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Alies Anor Abdul, the Brutus in Najib’s camp Posted: 18 Jun 2013 06:37 PM PDT Hence winning the general election has never been a worry for Umno or the Prime Ministers since the time of Merdeka. It is the internal Umno party elections that give the Umno Presidents cum Prime Ministers sleepless nights. And Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (and now Najib) all felt this heat. (Tun Razak Hussein died 'early' before the heat could build up). THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
The Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters are harbouring the misconception that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is worried about the 'Blackout 505' demonstrations being organised all over the country. Actually, Najib is not too worried about all this because street demonstrations will not be able to bring down the government. If they could it would have already happened 15 years ago during the days of Reformasi. In fact, Umno is not even too worried about the general elections. They normally know at least a year or two before the general election how the ruling party is going to perform. Why do you think back in 2008 I dared announce publicly during the ceramahs that I spoke at that Pakatan Rakyat was going to win between 80-100 Parliament seats plus five states (I even named the states as well)? And in the run-up to the May 2013 general election I sent out SMS messages about the best-case/worst-case scenario (145-130 Parliament seats for Barisan Nasional and 77-92 for Pakatan Rakyat). It is because the 'intelligence' unit came up with these figures and the Prime Minister had been duly informed about it. And that is also why Najib aborted the plan to hold the 13th General Election in March 2012 and postponed it to May 2013 instead. He needed time to win back Malay and Indian support to offset the lack of Chinese support. The Chinese were expected to vote almost en bloc for Pakatan Rakyat. Hence winning the general election has never been a worry for Umno or the Prime Ministers since the time of Merdeka. It is the internal Umno party elections that give the Umno Presidents cum Prime Ministers sleepless nights. And Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (and now Najib) all felt this heat. (Tun Razak Hussein died 'early' before the heat could build up). External enemies have never been a problem for leaders since time immemorial. It is the internal enemies -- the 'sleepers', the 'Trojan horses', the 'enemies in the blanket', the 'Brutus', and so on -- who are the problem to most leaders. These are the people who can bring you down (like what happened to Melaka in 1511). And there is one such Brutus who is working behind the scene to bring Najib down and this man is called Alies Anor Abdul. Who is Alies Anor Abdul? Well, you can read more about this person below. ********************************************
Alies to Najib: If you don't help me I will help Muhyiddin Cat Out of Bag (23 August 2011) So it seems Datuk Rockybru has dismissed my earlier post about him leading a media onslaught against our Perdana Mentri Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Many in Tan Sri Muhyiddin and the great sepupu PM Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein's camp have also claimed that my posts are the work of the opposition. Really? Do you really think these Pakatan guys really have information that I have? Like the information on what Datuk Seri Dr Alies Anor Abdul is up to. Now maybe you will be scrambling to guess who I am. If Tun Daim has an oracle maybe our PM has one too? Please lah stop guessing lah. And stop insulting my intelligence by dismissing it as an opposition tactic to drive a wedge between Najib and Muhyiddin. For once, that Barking Magpie maybe on to something. The split is real. And the traitors are led by the sepupu, businessmen and those funding Datuk Rocky. So to those who still support Najib, watch it when you are in the presence of the sepupu and Rocky. And joining them soon is Datuk Seri Alies Anor Abdul. Who is he? Alies is the chairman of Putra World Trade Centre, the grand Umno HQ. But crucially he has been a long-time servant of Najib and is now one of his closest advisers. But he recently had a major fallout with his boss over the advice to crack down on the Bersih activists. He led the team of advisers who won the day after a late night session with the PM just before the rally. The advice that won the day was for PM to allow his sepupu to crack down on the rally, and to allow Muhyiddin to play the hardline champion. The result as PM realises now is that he has been forced to the right of centre and is no longer able to portray himself as a moderate leader for the country. And the result of Alies falling out with PM is this – he has threatened to work for Muhyiddin. This is also because PM is not supporting his bid for the airport cargo scanner project. Alies has been the man behind the rise of Najib, since the days of the Wawasan team when Najib was part of Anwar Ibrahim's gang poised to take over from Dr Mahathir. He was Najib's political secretary between 1999 and 2005, and so the fallout is a very serious matter indeed. But now because of money and power, he wants more and is willing to help Muhyiddin if Najib doesn't help him. Najib is now being threatened and basically blackmailed by his own adviser. Of course Alies is not the only one. One by one, the sepupu, Rockybru, Alies are all poised to jump ship to Muhyiddin's side. This may not happen immediately but they have given notice and are looking after their own futures. Remember, the big elections soon may not be the general election. It may well be the next Umno elections. ******************************************** Alies Anor Abdul: the man who has been tasked with bringing down the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Alies Anor bin Abdul and Teras Dara Konsortium Sdn Bhd EWT Transformer Sdn Bhd (formerly known as EPE Wilson Transformer Sdn Bhd) is a joint venture company whose principle shareholders are Malaysia's Bumiputra Company, Teras Dara Konsortium Sdn Bhd (TDK), and Australia's Wilson Transformer Company Pty Ltd (WTC). TDK is a Malaysian company specialising in plantation, property and urban services development and management services and has diversified its business by acquiring a majority shareholding in EWT. WTC is the largest Australian owned company specialising in transformer manufacturing of both Power and Distribution Transformers. EWT has now become one of the preferred suppliers of distribution transformers, compact substations and earthing transformers. With its proven track record, reliability of its products, and strong after sales services, EWT's business has grown substantially over the 16 years period since its establishment. Since its inception, EWT has secured a significant number of contracts from Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and other private sector customers. (Company statement: ******************************************** Sidek Baba and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad: The alliance of the assassins Bocor!! Minit mesyuarat Alies Anor bekas Setiausaha Politik Najib & Sidek Baba Minit Mesyuarat Kumpulan Tegar Siri 4/2012 Tarikh: 15 Disember 2012 Masa: 8.30 malam Tempat: Bilik Operasi Senarai Kehadiran: Datuk Seri Alies Anor Abdul – Pengerusi Datuk Dr Sidek Baba – Timbalan Pengerusi Abdul Rahman Karimun Raja Arif Kamaruddin Osman Abdul Majid Rahiman Salleh Majid Hj Daud Syed Abul Hussin Syed Kismas Abdul Rashid Buyung - Setiauasaha 1. Ucapan Pengerusi Mesyuarat dimulakan dengan bacaan AlFatihah. Pengerusi mengucapkan terima kasih diatas kehadiran semua. Minit Siri 3/2012 diteliti dan diluluslan tanpa pindaaan. Pengerusi mengingatkan bahawa pilihanraya sudah hampir dan tujuan mesyuarat malam ini bagi membincangkan projek yang belum selesai dan program yang akan dilaksanakan untuk tahun 2013. 2. Perkara-perkara berbangkit. Datuk Dr Sidek Baba Datuk Dr Sidek Baba memaklumkan program menghimpunkan 100 Pimpinan dan ahli ABIM dan para cendiakawan yang ada hubungan dengan ABIM telah berlangsung di UiTM Shah Alam. Jumlah yang hadir ialah 89 orang. Yang agak mengecewakan tidak ramai pimpinan ABIM yang hadir. Program berjalan lancar dan mencapai tujuan. Arahan jelas telah diberikan. Tiga tindakan segera sebelum pilihanraya akan dilaksanakan. Pertama, mereka akan menulis, mengutuk dan menghentam Anwar Ibrahim dalam blog-blog. Kedua, sidang-sidang media akan diadakan dengan kekerapan setiap hari bagi mendedahkan keburukan Anwar dan familinya sebaik sahaja Parlimen dibubarkan. Ketiga, bahan-bahan bercetak akan diedarkan menceritakan keburukan Anwar dan akan diedarkan di kawasan-kawasan Melayu sahaja. Semua penulis telah dikenalpasti. Percetakan edaran akan dibuat oleh Dewan Bahasa. Senarai yang hadir dalam perjumpaan dan senarai penulis-penulis seperti yang diedarkan. Datuk Dr Sidek juga memaklumkan beliau akan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan bekas-bekas pimpinan Keadilan yang meninggalkan Anwar bagi menyusun strategi dan gerakkerja untuk menyerang Anwar sebelum dan selepas pembubaran Parlimen. Mereka yang telah dihubungi dan bersetuju untuk sertai perbincangan ini ialah Senator Ezam Mohd Nor, Lokman Adam, Zahid Mohd Arip, Bekas Adun Perak Kapt. Osman Jailu, Jamaluddin Radzi dan Bekas Adun Kedah Mohd Radzi Salleh. Ada berapa nama lagi yang sedang diusahakan. Datuk Dr Sidek juga memaklumkan Majlis Penerangan bersiri: Siapa itu Anwar Ibrahim akan bermula dengan gugu-guru MRSM Melaka dalam sedikit masa lagi. YAB Ketua Menteri telah dimaklumkan. Beliau mahu hadir bersama nanti. Datuk Dr Sidek mencadangkan Urusetia berhubung dengan pejabat Tun Dr Mahathir agar satu pertemuan diadakan bagi menjelaskan gerakkerja yang kita lakukan. Juga bagi mendapat pandangan beliau apa lagi yang boleh dilakukan kerana Tun punyai banyak strategi menjatuhkan Anwar satu masa dulu. Mungkin pandangan Tun boleh dikongsi bersama. En Osman Abdul Majid En Osman memaklumkan kumpulan pelajar UUM yang diberi tugas untuk membina blog-blog telah bersedia untuk uploadkan berita Anwar. Empat dari mereka telah bertemu dengan bloger Papagomo di Pulau Pinang. Urusan pembayaran selesai. En Osman memperingatkan mesyuarat kumpulan Pemuda UMNO yang ditugaskan untuk ganggu ceramah-ceramah Anwar tidak bagitu berkesan. Kelihatannya mereka takut kerana ada kes dimana mereka dipukul oleh penyokong Anwar dari kaum India, polis tidak bertindak mempertahankan mereka. Adalah dicadangkan khidmat Perkasa digunakan. En Osman mohon Pengerusi ambil tindakan memaklumkan kepada Menteri Pertahanan akan terdapat kemasukkan Panglima Tentera secara ramai-ramai ke Pakatan Rakyat. Pegawai-pegawai tentera pangkat rendah sudah berani menghadiri ceramah-ceramah pembangkang. Dengan kemasukan Panglima mereka, ini akan memberi impak yang hebat. En Osman juga bimbang dengan moral pihak polis yang bertugas di negeri-negeri yang diperintah oleh pembangkang. Mereka nampak akur dengan arahan pimpinan negeri. Sesuatu harus dilakukan. Mohon Pengerusi bawa perkara ini kepada pengetahuan Menteri Dalam Negeri. Syed Abul Hussin Syed Kismas Tuan Syed Hussin bangkitkan isu garis panduan media perdana. Terdapat isu-isu yang kontrovesial yang tidak diuruskan dengan baik oleh media. Sebagai contoh isu Kalimah Allah. Masyarakat Islam agak keliru dengan jawapan yang diberikan oleh Kerajaan. Minta Urusetia aturkan satu pertemuan diantara Majlis Keselamatan Negara dengan semua pimpinan media agar kegiatan diselaraskan. Semasa Pengerusi menjadi Setiausaha Politik Perdana Menteri, Pengerusi mainkan peranan ini tapi kini tidak terurus. Tuan Syed Hussin ingatkan mesyuarat Anwar mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat dengan pemimpin Negara Islam dunia. Beliau bebas bergerak bertemu dengan mereka pada bila-bila masa. Pengerusi diminta menasihati Perdana Menteri supaya mesti ada program yang melibatkan Perdana Menteri dengan dunia Islam. Antara yang boleh diambil tindakan segera ialah: 1) Lawatan ke Palestin. 2) Pertemuan dengan Pimpinan Islam di Filipina Selatan. 3) Pertemuan dengan Pimpinan Islam di Selatan Thailand. 4) menunaikan Umrah. Kegiatan ini boleh menaikkan sokongan Melayu kepada Perdana Menteri. Raja Ariff Kamaruddin YM Raja Ariff bangkitkan bagaimana media nyamok seperti Suara Keadilan, Harakah dan beberapa media lain bagitu berani menyiarkan berita Anwar. Kritikan Anwar di media ini memberi kesan kepada orang Melayu. Sekatan mesti dikenakan ke atas mereka. YM Raja Ariff juga bangkitkan isu Anwar menang dalam perbicaraan saman Utusan Melayu dan beberapa saman yang lain. Adakah jalan yang boleh digunakan untuk mempengaruhi mahkamah untuk tidak umumkan keputusan sebelum pilihanraya. Jasa baik Menteri harus diguna untuk minta hakim-hakim tangguh pengumumkan. Kita tidak pengaruhi keputusan hakim tapi minta tangguh pengumuman sahaja. YM Raja Ariff menyebut media perdana banyak melaporkan kes kematian kaum India yang kononnya diakibatkan oleh Kerajaan. Anwar telah gunakan isu ini untuk mendapat sokongan dari kaum Bukan Melayu. Satu arahan tegas hendaklah dikeluarkan kepada media agar kes sebagini yang melibatkan Kerajaan dipadamkan dari pengetahuan umum. 3. Lain-lain hal Pengerusi maklumkan beberapa projek dan program besar akan diumum dan dilaksanakan pada tahun hadapan dan minta mesyuarat beri pandangan dan feedback dalam mesyauart yang akan datang. Parlimen besar kemungkinan akan dibubarkan pada awal bulan Mac 2013 Akan ada pergerakan Polis dan Tentera bersekala besar di Sabah pada bulan Januari dan Februari 2013. Satu team baru yang akan diketuai oleh Papagomo telah ditubuh untuk rekacipta video clip skandal sex Anwar Ibrahim, keluarganya dan Pimpinan Kanan Keadilan. Projek ini akan beroperasi diluar Negara. Pengerusi meminta Datuk Dr Sidek Baba ketuai sekumpulan pemikir bagaimana mahu pecahkan Pakatan Rakyat dan Anwar disisihkan oleh Pimpinan Pakatan yang lain. Dr Ramzan di Pejabat Tun akan membantu Dr Sidek. Tuan Majid Daud diminta bina satu team bukan dari kalangan Pemuda UMNO untuk halang dan ganggu pergerakan Anwar dengan Bas Keadilan. Gunakan apa cara untuk memperlahan gerakan beliau. Elak dari berlaku pertembungan dua kumpulan kita dan mereka kerana kumpulan penyokong Anwar terlalu besar. Ini mungin membahayakan kumpulan kita. Jika apa-apa berlaku tidak tidak akan bertanggung jawab dan kita tidak akan mengaku mereka dari kumpulan kita. Pengerusi memaklumkan semua ahli mesyuarat boleh mengambil tiket kapal terbang dari Zaleha, Setiausaha beliau dan mengucapkan selamat bercuti bersama famili. Mesyuarat akan datang ialah pada minggu pertama bulan Januari 2013 dan akan dimaklumkan tarikhnya. Mesyuarat ditangguhkan dengan membaca Wal'As.
Police warn Black 505 organisers not to hold rally Posted: 18 Jun 2013 05:18 PM PDT
Muzliza Mustafa, TMI The organisers of this Saturday's Black 505 rally will face prosecution as they have not received approval from City Hall to use Padang Merbok in Kuala Lumpur for the gathering. They will be investigated for contravening the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA) 2012 if they go ahead with it.
Pakatan Rakyat Boleh Jatuhkan Najib Menerusi Tengku Razaleigh Posted: 18 Jun 2013 04:40 PM PDT
Merah Tinta MSO Sama ada memang benar berlaku penyelewengan dan ketidak-adilan (melampau) dalam pilihan raya KE-13 lalu, hakikatnya parti UBN masih berkuasa dan Najib Razak masih menjadi perdana menteri. Dalam permainan politik yang berpaksikan kepada 4C (teori saya) sebagai rukunnya, penegakkan kebenaran dengan segala macam fakta 'akli' atau bayangan tidak merubahkan keadaan. Rakyat apa lagi rakyat berbangsa Melayu tidak mudah untuk digerakkan mengikut apa yang diagendakan. Bukan mereka cerdik atau pintar tetapi begitulah sifat dan ciri-ciri yang ada kepada mereka, Bangsa Melayu adalah bangsa separuh masak - kebaratan pun tidak ketimurtengahan juga pun tidak. Sebahagian besar orang Melayu masih berfikir secara ortodoks.
Bila berbalah tentang dasar parti, jangan serang peribadi individu Posted: 18 Jun 2013 03:55 PM PDT
Saya dituduh kecewa kerana tidak menjadi calon dalam PRU 13 yang lepas dan ini merupakan komen yang sangat peribadi. Jika pun saya dijadikan calon ia tetap tidak melambangkan 'multiracialism' seperti yang dilaungkannya itu kerana ia akan hanya menambah bilangan Melayu di dalam senarai itu hanya menjadi dua orang sahaja dari seorang yang ada sekarang. Aspan Alias Keputusan pilihanraya ke 13 sememangnya merupakan tanda aras dan memberikan banyak jawapan kepada isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh semua pihak sebelum pilihanraya itu diadakan. Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang memberikan semua rakyat hak untuk memilih akan memberikan semua jawapan yang di isukan dalam proses masing-masing mendapatkan sokongan dan kemenangan. Negara kita baru sahaja melepasi pilihanraya umum yang sangat panas semasa mengharung waktu berkempen beberapa bulan sebelum itu. Seperti biasa setiap pihak memberikan janji dan memaparkan manifesto masing-masing untuk menambat hati rakyat. Individu atau kumpulan yang menang bersukaria dan yang kalah berdukacita dan ada yang mengambil keputusan tidak menerima keputusan pilihanraya itu sambil memberikan tuduhan yang pilihanraya tidak diurus dengan baik dan 'transparent'. Keputusan ini juga memperlihatkan ada unsur-unsur kesombongan pada diri individu dan kepimpinan parti-parti kerana merasakan partinya atau dirinya sendiri sudah besar dan tidak akan tercabar lagi. Seperti biasa manusia mempunyai pemikiran sendiri dan memberikan pandangan secara baik dan jujur terhadap mana-mana parti yang terlibat dalam proses kemenangan dan kekalahan hasil pilihanraya itu. Banyak juga orang lupa jika kuat pada hari ini tidak semestinya kuat pada esok hari. Otot yang besar akan menjadi lembek dan mulut yang celupar itu akan membisu apabila sampai masanya. Ada manusia yang berfikir yang mereka akan hidup sihat sentiasa dan tidak akan menghadapi hari tuanya semata-mata kerana merasakan diri mereka sudah hebat. Kadangkala ada pemimpin kerana terlupa bahawa masa dan zaman sentiasa berubah sehinggakan lupa bila bercakap itu membezakan bercakap sebagai pemimpin parti atau sebagai individu. Ada yang tidak menyedari yang mereka itu sudah menjadi sombong semata-mata kerana merasakan yang mereka sudah berada di 'cloud nine', begitu glamor dan terlupa dari mana mereka datang dan kemana mereka akan pergi, sedangkan hidup masih panjang lagi perjalanannya. Saya sendiri baru mengalami secebis pengalaman apabila saya memberikan pandangan yang sebuah parti yang memperjuangkan 'multiracialism' itu sebenarnya tidak melaksanakan apa yang mereka laungkan dan perjuangkan. Komen saya dipetik oleh akhbar media perdana tempatan dan komen saya yang saya berikan secara jujur itu mendapat reaksi bernadakan peribadi yang tidak sepatutnya keluar dari seorang yang berkedudukan sebagai seorang pemimpin besar parti itu. Dia memberikan reaksi yang mengatakan saya ini bukannya orang penting (unimportant). Tidak pernah saya mengatakan saya seorang yang penting. Jika ada insiden-insiden yang saya mengakui diri saya sebagai penting tolong beritahu saya. Benar saya sememangnya tidak penting (unimportant) tetapi saya hanya memberikan komen sebagai 'ordinary citizen' atau seorang biasa yang melata dipinggiran politik ini. Saya bukannya seorang pemimpin pun. Oleh kerana saya tidak penting (unimportant) itulah persoalan timbul kenapa komen saya itu diberikan reaksi yang begitu ganas bunyinya? Jika komen yang tidak digemari itu datangnya dari seorang yang tidak penting (unimportant) maka tidak ada sebab pemimpin itu memberikan reaksi terhadap komen saya itu dengan nada yang agak angkuh dari seorang pemimpin yang bakal mengambil alih teraju parti itu? Saya dituduh kecewa kerana tidak menjadi calon dalam PRU 13 yang lepas dan ini merupakan komen yang sangat peribadi. Jika pun saya dijadikan calon ia tetap tidak melambangkan 'multiracialism' seperti yang dilaungkannya itu kerana ia akan hanya menambah bilangan Melayu di dalam senarai itu hanya menjadi dua orang sahaja dari seorang yang ada sekarang.
Najib lega selepas bertemu Dr Mahathir Posted: 18 Jun 2013 03:49 PM PDT
(TMI) - Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak (gambar kiri) berada dalam keadaan tidak menentu selepas mengetuai kemenangan Barisan Nasional (BN) pada pilihan raya umum 5 Mei tanpa mencapai sasaran yang beliau sendiri tetapkan: merampas kembali majoriti tradisi dua pertiga di Parlimen. Terdapat beberapa sesi untuk meredakan kemarahan ahli-ahli Parlimen tidak berpuas hati: berjanji kepada ahli-ahli politik Umno yang mahu dilantik sebagai ahli lembaga pengarah syarikat berkait kerajaan (GLC) dan memantau komen dari tokoh berpengaruh seperti Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (gambar kanan) dan laporan mengenai Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah – boleh menjadi pencabar berpotensi. Kesimpulannya, ini adalah waktu mencabar bagi Najib. Akan tetapi Isnin lalu merupakan hari baik bagi perdana menteri. Dr Mahathir bertemu Najib dan memberi jaminan beliau percaya tidak perlu ada pertandingan bagi dua jawatan tertinggi Umno dalam pemilihan parti itu akhir tahun ini. Jaminan itu hadir selepas bekas perdana menteri itu memberitahu sekumpulan pengurus dana dalam satu sesi tertutup di Kuala Lumpur Jumaat lalu mengenai perlunya pertandingan bagi jawatan tertinggi Umno. Tidak pernah ada pertandingan bagi dua jawatan tertinggi itu semenjak Umno asal diisytiharkan haram pada 1988 dan Dr Mahathir menubuhkan Umno baru.Sumber dalaman memberitahu The Malaysian Insider Dr Mahathir percaya komen beliau kepada pengurus-pengurus dana telah disalah anggap. Akan tetapi mereka yang hadir pada sesi di sebuah hotel di Kuala Lumpur mengatakan Dr Mahathir mengkritik pimpinan dan percaya pertandingan akan menonjolkan ciri-ciri demokratik Umno selain dari meningkatkan imej Najib di mata orang ramai. Masih belum jelas apa yang menyebabkan Dr Mahathir mengubah pendiriannya mengenai pertandingan jawatan presiden dan timbalan presiden parti itu.
New DAP man turns on his party after elections Posted: 18 Jun 2013 03:47 PM PDT
(The Star) - A former Umno man who joined DAP last year has now turned on the Opposition party, saying it had fielded too few non-Chinese members in the General Election. Aspan Alias was among those not picked to stand for the elections. Aspan, a former Negri Sembilan Umno veteran, said DAP also had too few non-Chinese in key party positions. "How can this be? If you say that you are fighting for multi-racialism, you must show it in terms of having Malays, Chinese and Indians well represented," he told The Star. Aspan joined DAP along with fellow Umno member Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz, who had won the Raub parliamentary seat in the May 5 elections. He said he signed up with DAP because he felt that Barisan had failed to develop national unity, but has since realised that DAP itself did not trust other races, especially the Malays. "DAP attacks Barisan Nasional as racist, but many forget that DAP is racist, entirely," he said. "Now, I don't care if the party wants to sack me, because to me, a party is just a vehicle and my objective is more important. "My objective is to achieve national unity," he added. Increasingly vocal in criticising both Pakatan Rakyat as well as Barisan Nasional in his recent blog entries (, Aspan said that he decided to speak up as he was worried about racial harmony in the country. "Many people do not understand what nationhood is because to them it is just about a political struggle in order to win positions, so we need a new approach in order to bring a fresh start to the nation," he said. Aspan said that a national dialogue should be organised among all groups in society to foster national unity and to find a new approach in order for the country to move forward. He suggested that Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah be invited to lead such a national dialogue as he was widely considered as a political figure who understands the issue intimately, as he had experience living through many tumultuous periods in Malaysia's history. Meanwhile, DAP national organising secretary and the Negri Sembilan party chief Anthony Loke said that Aspan was merely disappointed that he was not picked to contest in the elections. He also dismissed Aspan's claims, calling him "unimportant". "He is just an ordinary member. He can say what he wants. The party leadership will respond when necessary," he said. The party's disciplinary committee chief and national deputy chairman Tan Kok Wai also said that he will study Aspan's comments before deciding on any action.
Ku Li-Anwar, ideal pair to lead Malaysia Posted: 18 Jun 2013 03:29 PM PDT
FMT LETTER: From Natesan Visnu, via e-mail The current talk of Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li) for Prime Minister has created sensation among Malaysians. The possibility of Pakatan Rakyat forming the new government with 25 MPs from BN dissatisfied with Najib's leadership crossing over and requesting Ku Li to lead the pact for Putrajaya has reignited the interest in Malaysian politics after the General Election No. 13 disappointment. Ku Li as Prime Minister? With the recent developments, Najib or Anwar, now we have a seasoned 'new' player in Ku Li for Malaysia's top office. Najib is wrestling for dominance internally and externally. With weak component parties, domestic power struggle to retain his post as Umno's president, opposition's dominance on popular votes; it's hard to predict Najib's political future. Anwar has united Malaysians and weakened BN's dominance with his reformation agendas. Echoing on Mahathir's blog, the Malay chooses to support Umno despite their dissatisfaction within Umno leadership is due to Malay sentiments. On that note, for PR to really 'win' this election, they need to consider the idea of electing Ku Li as Prime Minister. In the past, PR has always backed Anwar to become the Prime Minister. But the political landscape has changed and Ku Li's influence within Umno and PAS could be capitalised to favour PR and the 'rakyat'. Ku Li is no stranger to Malaysian politics. He has an excellent track record serving government since 1960s. Due to his contribution and excellence leadership, he was made Minister of Finance (1976), Chairman of Asian Development Bank (1978), Chairman of Islamic Development Bank (1978) and Chairman of World Bank and IMF (1977). He was also responsible for setting up and developing PERNAS to uplift the poor Malays and reform Malaysian economy. He had a short fall back with Haw Par imbroglio in the 70s but managed to bring Sime Darby and London Mining Company back to Malaysian's control. He worked along with Mahathir and Khalid Ibrahim for the famous 'Dawn Raid' to wrench back Guthrie from the British. The 'Dawn Raid' marks the beginning for Mahathir's era where Malaysians taught Thatcher's led government a lesson by not being arrogant and the Brits were ashamed internationally with the tactical takeover. Apart from that, Ku Li was also responsible for the take over and formation of new business for various sectors; Mining (take over London Mining Company), banking (formation of Maybank), etc. His visit to China in 1971 resulted in an increase of trading with China from RM105.6 million (1971) to RM 1.6 billion (1980). In 1974, Tun Abdul Razak said ""From among the new blood, I intended to bring Tengku Razaleigh into the Cabinet. However, I have an important job for him, a job as important as that of a Cabinet Minister. I have decided to appoint him as Chairman and Chief Executive of Petronas, which is equivalent to being a Cabinet Minister". The rest they say is history. Today Petronas is a Fortune 500 company and the largest contributor for Malaysian revenue. Quoting from Mahathir's memoir, if Razaleigh had been patient, maybe he would be Malaysia's Prime Minister. In every crisis there will be an opportunity, PR has that opportunity now with Ku Li. Capitalising on Ku Li's influence, PR could pave their way to Putrajaya. Ku Li and Anwar could form the new government and spearhead the changes that every Malaysian aspires for. Ku Li as Prime Minister and Anwar as Deputy Prime Minister would be ideal for Malaysia's transformation and paradigm shift. Both leaders has advocated on many reform ideas and it's the time for both them to realise their ideologies. Critics on Ku Li The critics would argue on the basis that Ku Li has not demonstrated his loyalty in the past by rejoining Umno. In politics, the main concept is to serve for the people. Ku Li despite being with Umno now has questioned the government on issues related to Petronas royalty payment to Kelantan state government. He has been a neutral critic on government policies even after rejoining Umno. He has been sidelined from mainstream politics since his departure from Umno. The country has lost a credible leader that has been part of shaping the Malaysian politic and economy landscape since 1960s. Due to political reasons, he could not continue to serve for Malaysia and we have lost a great talent. This is the right time to use two great political leaders to reform Malaysia and prepare the younger leaders for future. On that note, Ku Li and Anwar would the perfect choice to lead the country and PR has an opportunity once again to deliver the Malaysian dream. The 'rakyat' waits in anticipation for the political direction of this country. The ball is in PR's court.
Coming soon: New info on Scorpene deal Posted: 18 Jun 2013 03:20 PM PDT
A lawyer will give fresh details on the scandal at a Suaram dinner next month. G Vinod, FMT Suaram will make a further expose next month of allegedly corrupt dealings in Malaysia's 2002 purchase of two Scorpene submarines. A spokesman for the human rights movement told a press conference today that a local lawyer would reveal new details of the scandal at a fund raising dinner scheduled for July 19 at the Petaling Jaya Civic Centre. The lawyer has been in touch with the French authorities investigating the case, according to Peter Chong, who heads Suaram's Ops Scorpene unit. "The French court asked our team for the contact numbers of two Malaysian lawyers who are in the know of what transpired," he said. "One of them will be at the dinner." The case, which the French are investigating at Suaram's request, threatens to tarnish Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who was Defence Minister at the time the submarines were purchased. The controversial murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibu has been tied to the case. Suaram chief Cynthia Gabriel told today's press conference that French investigators had traced the money trail to several companies located in Hong Kong and linked to "well-connected Malaysians". "The Hong Kong authorities are cooperating with the French team," she added. Responding to a reporter's question, she said the probe was taking a long time because of the nature of the French judicial system.
Matangkah cara kita berpolitik? Posted: 18 Jun 2013 02:39 PM PDT
Dalam tempoh 7 tahun lagi ke arah negara maju pada 2020, adakah corak berpolitik pakatan pembangkang ini boleh dinamakan politik matang? Mohd Hisham Abdul Rafar, Bernama Beberapa siri demonstrasi dan perhimpunan diadakan sejak 8 Mei, dengan ucapan berbaur fitnah, tohmahan, maki hamun dan hasutan semakin galak dilakukan oleh mereka yang berkepentingan, lantas memanipulasi sentimen dan emosi orang ramai seolah-olah inilah cara politik baharu di Malaysia. Persidangan Dewan Rakyat bagi penggal pertama selepas PRU13 sudahpun ditetapkan bermula 24 Jun ini seakan-akan 'tidak bermakna' bagi anggota pakatan DAP-PKR-PAS meskipun mereka kini mempunyai 89 kerusi daripada keseluruhan 222 kerusi Parlimen. Persoalannya, dalam tempoh tujuh tahun lagi ke arah negara maju pada 2020, adakah corak berpolitik pakatan pembangkang ini boleh dinamakan politik matang? Mengupas persoalan itu, Prof Madya Datuk Dr Samsul Adabi Mamat dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) berkata untuk Malaysia menjadi negara maju menuntut anjakan paradigma rakyat menjadi lebih matang dengan setiap pihak mengamalkan cara berpolitik berimbang dan penuh kesederhanaan. Beliau berkata perbuatan seperti perhimpunan serta demonstrasi jalanan sebagai satu proses bangkangan dalam negara, merupakan ekspresi politik yang mampu mempengaruhi rakyat dan pada masa sama mendatangkan kerugian kepada negara dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial dan pembangunan. "Politik yang matang adalah politik yang mengamalkan kesederhanaan dan berimbang berbanding politik ekstrem yang akan memusnahkan negara. Ini yang rakyat perlu faham," katanya. Pensyarah Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan itu berkata kestabilan politik sahaja tidak mencukupi seandainya tidak disertai kematangan berpolitik. Katanya ahli politik dan rakyat perlu faham bahawa negara bukan sahaja berdepan dengan cabaran dalam negara tetapi juga ancaman dari luar serta anasir asing yang bertujuan mewujudkan suasana tidak aman. Samsul Adabi berkata kematangan berpolitik juga boleh membawa maksud bahawa masyarakat berpengetahuan tinggi dan mengerti tindak-tanduk serta boleh membuat analisis mudah perbuatan mana-mana pihak sama ada ia bagus atau buruk untuk negara. Mengulas lanjut, beliau berkata Amerika Syarikat, Britain dan Jepun adalah contoh negara yang berjaya mengamalkan politik matang manakala Malaysia semakin bergerak ke hadapan menuju demokrasi yang progresif. Keputusan PRU13 yang menyaksikan pertambahan kerusi yang dimenangi pakatan DAP-PKR-PAS dengan bilangan pengundi yang keluar mengundi mencecah 84.8 peratus turut mencerminkan rakyat mengamalkan demokrasi untuk melakukan perubahan melalui undi. Namun mampukah pakatan pembangkang memainkan peranan mereka untuk mengawasi dan menegur kepada kerajaan atau hanya terus berpolitik dan memanipulasi sentimen dan emosi rakyat? "Bangkangan perlulah dilakukan secara berhemah. Sekiranya bangkangan yang dilakukan melampau… maka kerajaan perlulah bertindak tegas kerana ia akan memberi ancaman dalam soal keselamatan," katanya. Sejauh mana pula unsur kebencian, fitnah, demonstrasi, maki hamun dalam berpolitik masa kini mampu menjamin perpaduan di kalangan kaum terus utuh di masa hadapan? Mengamalkan elemen sedemikian, menurut Samsul Adabi hanya akan 'membunuh' rasa hormat sesama kaum di negara ini, bahkan akan mengheret negara ke arah kemunduran. Aktivis sosial Khairil Hafizd Khairuddin, 31, berpendapat politik yang diamalkan di negara ini adalah separuh matang memandangkan tindakan sesetengahpihak yang lebih mengikut emosi sehingga menjejaskan ketenteraman awam. Katanya kekurangan ilmu politik menjadi punca ada di kalangan rakyat mudah terpengaruh dan sanggup berdemonstrasi dan berhimpun tanpa memahami kesan perbuatan itu. "Adalah tidak matang untuk mana-mana pihak menyuarakan rasa tidak berpuas hati menerusi demonstrasi atau perhimpunan atau apa jua bentuk kerana apalah gunanya Parlimen dibentuk jika permasalahan rakyat gagal disuarakan di sana, dan kenapa perlu memilih jalan raya? "Pada saya ini semua bertujuan memburukkan imej kerajaan dan negara selain mahu menjayakan agenda pihak tertentu termasuk pihak asing," katanya.
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