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- Malaysia to Reform Election Body over Bias Concern
- Political overtones in Matang-Scope deal
- Mengambil Ikhtibar Daripada Pilihanraya Umum 13
- Islamic Freedom In ASEAN
- The real reason for the crackdown
- Is the online media lopsided?
- A Perak rerun?
- Uproar over FB posting
- PM: Govt has to do more to address negative perceptions
- Suspend Zahid Hamidi till assault case cleared, PM told
- WikiLeaks: three years on, trial of Bradley Manning finally set to begin
- Enam laporan polis terhadap wanita didakwa hina yang di-pertuan agong
- Malaysian elections credible, says Australia
- Pakatan has momentum but future may not be Anwar’s
- The Tan Sri story
- Let's not be 'kurang ajar' to the king
- Deputy IGP aims guns at cyber criminals
- Anwar: Opposition acknowledges bipartisan committee of MP’s to oversee EC
- Ambiga: Unconstitutional to have Election Commission report to another committee
- Let Pakatan lead PSC for EC, opposition figures tell Najib
- Najib puts EC under bipartisan scrutiny
- Jam session in Liverpool: 1st June 2013
- Another man dies while in custody
- Unruly supporters disrupt hockey friendly
- Utusan just doing job as government paper, the Straits Times says
- Credibility of Malaysia’s mainstream newspapers at stake
- How Umno has successfully duped the Malay rakyat
Malaysia to Reform Election Body over Bias Concern Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:59 PM PDT (Australia Network News) - A senior member of Malaysia's opposition has cautiously welcomed a new bi-partisan committee which will oversee the country's Election Commission. The commission currently answers to the prime minister's office and the opposition has accused it of being biased towards the ruling Barisan Nasional. Prime Minister Najib Razak has announced that an independent, bi-partisan parliamentary committee made up of government and opposition members would be formed to oversee the Election Commission. Lim Kit Siang, the opposition Democratic Action Party's parliamentary leader, has told Radio Australia's Connect Asia program they have not been consulted, and would like to see the full details before making a final judgement. "It seems to be a step in the right direction," he said.
"It's an acknowledgement that the biggest casualty in the last general elections is the credibility, the independence and the authority of the elections commission to conduct a clean, free and fair elections." "I think it's important that the electoral commission not been seen as subordinate and seen as an appendage of the ruling government of the day, which has always been the case in the last five decades." Listen to the podcasts of Lim Kit Siang and Khairy Jamaluddin at:
Political overtones in Matang-Scope deal Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:57 PM PDT
Sathish Govind, FMT The controversial deal to inject cash and assets of Matang Holdings Bhd into listed Scope Industries Bhd, which shareholders rejected last Friday, had political overtones and vested interest, political commentators and company insiders said. They told The Malaysian Reserve that the takeover at the very outset was not in the interest of all the shareholders of Matang and not just the minority shareholders as there is no "commercial sense" in the transaction. "We were just hoping that there will be a white knight that will come around to be our saviour, as the takeover was not in the interest of all the shareholders of Matang and not just the minority shareholders and this did happen," said a shareholder. Many of the MCA's old guard came forward to object to the deal saying that it will impact the Chinese community. There was keen interest to see how the MCA would deal with the matter. Former deputy president Tan Sri Lim Ah Lek said the reverse takeover deal was "lopsided" and that it was ridiculous for MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek to defend it. At last Friday's EGM to vote on the deal, MCA members rejected the Matang–Scope deal by show of hands after intense debate. While Dr Chua was keen to inject Matang into Scope, his deputy Datuk Seri Liow Teong Lai and seven other central committee members were against it. MCA-owned Huaren Holdings Sdn Bhd owns 10.72% share in Matang while Rohua Sdn Bhd, chaired by Dr Chua, holds 1.18%. Among the issues that stood in the way for the proposed reverse takeover is the valuation of the company (Matang), which is valued far below that of the independent valuers', said Matang's former CFO Wong Pang Nam. He said another issue was Matang's handing over its RM25 million cash reserves to Scope when that money could have been returned to Matang's shareholders. He added that it makes no sense to dispose Matang to Scope when the latter made RM500,000 last year compared to Matang's RM5 million for the same period.
Mengambil Ikhtibar Daripada Pilihanraya Umum 13 Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:48 PM PDT Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa kaum Cina yang paling kukuh kedudukannya di peringkat atasan dan pertengahan dalam hierarki ekonomi negara. Pengamalan budaya dan bahasa Cina yang disokong oleh sistem pendidikan Cina, berleluasa di negara ini ---- suatu fenomena yang tidak wujud di mana-mana negara lain di luar Republik Cina dan Taiwan. Jelas bahawa kaum Cina tidak dianaktirikan dan bukan warga kelas dua. Chandra Muzaffar Situasi selepas Pilihanraya Umum (PRU) 13 berbeza daripada dua belas pilihanraya sebelum ini atas satu sebab. Perhimpunan diadakan di beberapa tempat di Semenanjung untuk menentang keputusan PRU 13 kerana kononnya " penipuan besar-besaran dilakukan" oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) dan Barisan Nasional. Tuduhan Setakat ini pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang tertentu yang membuat tuduhan ini gagal mengemukakan sebarang bukti yang kukuh. Setiap tuduhan liar yang direka --- dari 40,000 rakyat Bangladesh yang diterbangkan ke Malaysia sebagai "pengundi hantu" ke peristiwa "blackout" di Bentong --- hanya mengesahkan bahawa kita berdepan dengan pembohong-pembohong bertaraf dunia. SPR serta beberapa pakar undang-undang telah berulang kali menekankan bahawa sekiranya pembangkang memiliki bukti tentang penipuan di mana-mana kawasan pililihanraya, di peringkat negeri mahupun di peringkat parlimen, petisyen boleh dikemukakan di mahkamah seperti yang diperuntukkan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia. Ini adalah saluran undang-undang yang digunapakai sejak pilihanraya umum pertama pada 1959. Sekiranya ada cara tertib berdasarkan Perlembagaan untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu pilihanraya, kenapa sebahagian daripada pembangkang terus memprotes? Jelas bahawa protes merupakan agenda ketua mereka, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, untuk mencapai cita-cita besar beliau iaitu, menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Beliau berharap bahawa siri perhimpunan akan menjejas kredibiliti kerajaan BN dan ini mungkin dapat memujuk beberapa ahli parlimen BN melompat masuk pakatan pembangkang. Kemerosotan kredibiliti BN juga mungkin mendorong lobi-lobi tertentu di negara-negara Barat seperti Amerika Syarikat (AS) memesatkan kempen mereka untuk menekan kerajaan Dato Sri Mohd Najib menyahut tuntutan-tuntutan Anwar tentang pilihanraya. Tetapi, Anwar tidak akan mencapai matlamatnya. Majoriti rakyat Malaysia tahu bahawa keputusan PRU 13 adalah adil dan mencerminkan realiti sentimen dan kecenderungan politik kini. Pembangkang sebagai contoh telah memperolehi 89 kerusi parlimen -- yang terbanyak dalam sejarah politik negara, selain daripada mengekalkan kuasa dalam tiga buah negeri dengan majoriti besar! Kerajaan-kerajaan Barat, termasuk kerajaan AS, menerima keputusan PRU 13 secara rasmi dan liputan dalam media Barat yang pro-Anwar pun sudah berkurangan. Pendekatan kerajaan BN juga membantu BN menguasai keadaan. Polis tidak cuba menyuraikan perhimpunan-perhimpunan dengan gas pemedih mata dan sebagainya. Cuma beberapa aktivis didakwa kerana melanggar undang-undang tertentu. Kerajaan BN yang dipilih secara demokratik harus terus memerintah secara normal. Kabinet peringkat pusat dan sepuluh buah negeri yang dikuasai BN harus melaksanakan dasar-dasar dan program-program mereka. Bertindak secara normal adalah respon yang paling sesuai terhadap mereka yang ghairah dengan perhimpunan dan demonstrasi. Cabaran Pada masa yang sama BN perlu memberi fokus kepada cabaran-cabaran yang masih belum diatasi. Kos hidup yang meningkat yang memberi dampak pada golongan yang kurang berada, terutamanya dikawasan bandar --- sebahagian daripada mereka menolak BN dalam PRU 13 ---- harus ditangani dengan langkah-langkah yang lebih berkesan. Pengawalan terhadap harga barangan; perumahan mampu milik oleh golongan kurang berada; penyediaan sistem pengangkutan awam yang cekap dan menyeluruh; dan struktur gaji yang adil, adalah antara perubahan-perubahan yang harus dilaksanakan melalui penyususan semula ekonomi. Pembenterasan rasuah, yang juga merupakan isu besar dalam PRU 13, memerlukan iltizam yang lebih kuat dari kepimpinan politik. Dalam hubungan ini, cadangan daripada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) yang pernah disyorkan oleh NGO-NGO sebelum ini, untuk melarang sanak-saudara ahli-ahli Kabinet, EXCO negeri atau pegawai-pegawai tinggi perkhidmatan awam daripada membidakan kontrak atau projek kerajaan semasa mereka memegang jawatan, harus dikuatkuasakan dengan serta-merta. Begitu juga, suatu mekanisma perlu dibentuk untuk mempertingkatkan akses masyarakat kepada aset dan liabiliti semua ahli Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan dan keluarga terdekat mereka, sepertimana terdapat dibeberapa negara yang lain. Tahap insiden jenayah yang membimbangkan adalah satu lagi cabaran yang menghadapi kepimpinan BN dewasa ini. Dalam PRU 13, isu ini diperalatkan oleh pembangkang untuk menunjukkan pengundi bahawa BN gagal melindungi keselamatan khalayak ramai. Pendekatan yang lebih berkesan adalah pra-syarat untuk memulihkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap pemerintah. Dalam suasana politik pasca PRU 13, BN juga memberi perhatian kepada struktur BN. Dalam keadaan dimana prestasi parti-parti Cina merosot sama sekali, kita faham kenapa pemimpin-pemimpin BN tertentu bertanya sama ada sudah tiba masanya untuk membubarkan semua parti komponen dan digantikan dengan satu parti tunggal. Ini adalah persoalan yang kompleks yang perlu dikaji secara mendalam. Yang lebih penting dan lebih mencabar, adalah sikap dan nilai-nilai kepimpinan dan keahlian parti-parti komponen BN. Oleh kerana UMNO dan BN sudah berkuasa selama beberapa dasawarsa dan hidup dalam zon selesa, apakah semangat perjuangan, semangat pengorbanan pemimpin dan ahli mereka sudah luntur? Apakah ini ikhtibar daripada PRU 12 dan 13? Apakah benar BN kini lebih mengutamakan wang, kuasa dan kedudukan jika dibandingkan dengan Perikatan pada peringkat awal perjuanganya? Apakah penyakit materialisme ini yang merupakan tragedi BN yang sukar diubati? Sentimen Bagaimana pula dengan parti-parti pembangkang yang menggelarkan diri sebagai "pakatan rakyat" yang masih belum mewujudkan suatu gabungan yang mantap yang mempunyai struktur kepimpinan, simbol dan misi perjuangan yang sama khususnya dalam soal agama dan kaum? Sebenarnya, jurang ideologi yang membezakan PAS dan DAP amat ketara: PAS dengan idea negara Islamnya yang ditakrifkan melalui hudud dan DAP dengan fahaman 'Malaysian Malaysianya' yang meminggirkan sejarah dan latarbelakang politik negara ini. Dapatkah pemimpin dua parti ini mengurangkan jurang ini dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang ini? Cabaran yang jauh lebih serius yang berhadapan dengan ketiga-tiga parti pembangkang adalah keihklasan mereka dalam menbendung sentimen-sentimen politik tertentu yang akan memudaratkan negara kita sekiranya tindakan tidak diambil dari sekarang. DAP, sejak ditubuhkan pada 1966, mengeksploitasi sentimen marah dan kecewa di kalangan sebahagian besar daripada kaum Cina dan sebahagian daripada kaum India yang berhubungkait dengan kedudukan istimewa bangsa Melayu dan Bumiputra Sabah dan Sarawak dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia dan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB). Gambaran yang diberikan kepada bukan Melayu dan bukan Bumiputra adalah bahawa kerajaan menganugerahkan segala-galanya kepada Melayu dan Bumiputra manakala bukan Melayu dan bukan Bumiputra di anaktirikan dan dilayani sebagai 'warga kelas dua.' Keadaan sebenar ekonomi, budaya dan politik masyarakat kita jauh berbeza daripada persepsi yang dibentuk oleh DAP. Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa kaum Cina yang paling kukuh kedudukannya di peringkat atasan dan pertengahan dalam hierarki ekonomi negara. Pengamalan budaya dan bahasa Cina yang disokong oleh sistem pendidikan Cina, berleluasa di negara ini ---- suatu fenomena yang tidak wujud di mana-mana negara lain di luar Republik Cina dan Taiwan. Begitu juga, penglibatan kaum Cina dalam politik negara, jika dilihat dari segi sejarah politik Malaysia yang berakar umbi dalam sistem politik Melayu, adalah luar biasa. Jelas bahawa kaum Cina tidak dianaktirikan dan bukan warga kelas dua --- walaupun dalam pelaksanaan kedudukan istimewa dan DEB, adakalanya bukan Melayu dan bukan Bumiputra yang layak gagal mendapat tempat di universiti atau biasiswa atau pun kontrak dan lisen perniagaan. Tetapi kes-kes khusus--- ketidakadilan sedemikian rupa --- tidak boleh dijadikan asas untuk membuat kesimpulan palsu bahawa kaum Cina pada keseluruhannya dianaiya! Kesimpulan palsu inilah yang mengghairahkan hampir keseluruhan kaum Cina untuk mengakhiri apa yang disifatkan mereka sebagai dominasi Melayu/UMNO dan mencapai "kesamaan" dalam PRU 13. Ini yang dimaksudkan dengan "Ubah" --- cogankata DAP dalam PRU 13. Oleh kerana DAP dan kaum Cina gagal ubah kerajaan, mereka harus merenungkan secara dalam tentang kedudukan mereka, sejarah dan konteks masyarakat berbilang kaum dinegara kita, dan masa depan hubungan kaum di Malaysia. Secara ikhlas, cuba memahami realiti ekonomi, budaya dan politik masyarakat kita dan bertindak dengan seimbang berdasarkan realiti ini. Ini adalah tanggungjawab besar pemimpin-pemimpin DAP, malah cendekiawan Cina amnya. Sekiranya renungan ini tidak berlaku dan majoriti kaum Cina terus dipengaruhi oleh persepsi yang bertentangan dengan realiti, sudah tentu masyarakat Melayu akan menjadi lebih renggang daripada kaum Cina. Polarisasi kaum akan bertambah buruk. Polarisasi kaum yang diiringi oleh ketegangan kaum mengundang pada ketidakstabilan politik yang akan menjejaskan persekitaran ekonomi. Sama seperti DAP, PAS juga harus membetulkan persepsi yang disebarluas di kalangan golongan muda Islam bahawa pendekatanya kepada Islam adalah Islam yang tulen yang merupakan mujarab kepada segala cabaran yang kita menghadapi di negara kita. Pendekatan PAS yang mempunyai ciri-ciri persamaan dengan beberapa negara-negara yang mengisytiharkan diri sebagai "negara Islam" serta pergerakan-pergerakan Islam di tempat-tempat lain, dipersoalkan oleh pemikir-pemikir Islam kerana lebih mementingkan kulit daripada isi agama. Itulah sebabnya negara-negara tersebut gagal memberi makna yang konkrit kepada keadilan sosial dan kemuliaan insan( termasuk kemuliaan wanita) yang menjadi cita-cita unggul Al-Quran al-Karim. Lagi pun, PAS perlu menyelami persoalan yang masih mencetuskan perbahasan tentang peranan sebuah parti Islam dalam masyarakat berbilang agama yang berfungsi dalam persekitaran politik abad 21. Ini membawa kita kepada PKR. Parti ini juga dibawa oleh arus sentimen yang dangkal yang berkisar pada ketaksuban terhadap seorang individu. Sudah tentu ketaksuban sedemikian rupa bertentangan sama sekali dengan suasana abad 21. Ahli-ahli PKR harus membebaskan diri mereka daripada belenggu jumud ini. Parti-parti pembangkang, sepertimana dengan BN, menghadapi banyak cabaran dalam landskap politik pasca PRU 13. Mereka harus ambil ikhtibar daripada cabaran-cabaran ini. Mereka yang belajar dan buat perubahan yang berkesan secara ikhlas akan berjaya --- Insya'Allah. Dr. Chandra Muzaffar adalah Pengerusi, Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan 1Malaysia.
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:44 PM PDT
In Malaysia Islam is mixed with politics which has brought out many skewed debates about Islam, such as the introduction of Hudud laws and who has the right to use the word Allah. This has inhibited informed national debate about important Islamic issues, and often projecting Islam in a narrow and intolerant light. Murray Hunter, Eurasia Review Almost half of the 629 million people living within the ASEAN region are Muslims. Within the ten countries of ASEAN, three countries Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, and Malaysia have Muslim majorities, and the remaining seven countries host Muslim minorities, ranging from 0.1% in Vietnam to nearly 16% in Singapore. Due to the lack of any recent census data in many ASEAN countries, obtaining accurate figures of the Muslim population is extremely difficult, where estimates vary widely. In the Muslim majority states of ASEAN, Islam provides a source of political legitimacy for government and its leaders. Within the Muslim minority states, there are increasing aspirations for an Islamic society which today is expressed through the demand for Shariah (Islamic law), Madrasas (Islamic schools), Halal practices (what is permitted under Islam), and most importantly religious and cultural recognition. Centuries ago Islam promoted both an enlightened intellectual and socially progressive culture which brought many societies to the forefront of art, medicine, scientific discovery, philosophy, and creative civilization. However today we see a large proportion of the Ummah (Muslim community) living in poverty and isolated from the rest of the world community. Islam once the basis of a progressive society is now seen by many as backward and irrelevant. Most Islamic societies of today are struggling to keep pace with the rest of the world, creating a dangerously wide gap between Muslims and non-Muslims. If we subscribe to Richard Florida's concepts of socially determined creativity, then religious freedom would have great influence upon the level of a society's innovation, and ability to solve the problems it faces as a community in a socially and spiritually wise manner. Within the Islamic world this would hinge upon;
Thus Islamic freedom is an important determinant of how a society will fare intellectually, socially, and creatively in the future to enable that society to take a rightful place within the global community. We must also assume here that the very nature of Islam itself encourages the Ummah to engage other societies as has been practiced through Islamic history by the prophets, including the Prophet Muhammad himself. Without engagement, Islam would have never come to the ASEAN region. However, the idea of "social creativity" and the invention of new ideas for social imagination vis-a-vis Islam is a problematic area as the political-theological and strict fundamentalist interpretation of Islam is adverse to "innovations" and consider too much creativity as dangerous and even to be rendered forbidden. We saw that resistance in Malaysia with the Sisters of Islam, advocacy of gay rights, reinterpretation of Islam from feminist writers. There is also much debate about the compatibility of Islam to concepts of democracy, usually defined in 'western ideological' terms. Islam is basically considered as a concept opposed to the principles of democracy when Islam is viewed from through the lens of 9/11 'Islamophobia'. Insurgency in Southern Thailand and Mindanao has added to the beliefs of many non-Muslims that Islam is an anti-democratic force. However these 'radical extremist' stereotypes held by many non-Muslims ignore the true motivations behind the reassertion of Islamic identity within the ASEAN region, where there is an exploration to merge Islamic philosophy with modern economic development, with the accompanying tensions and stresses this process produces for any developing society. Non-Muslims also ignore other non-religious factors such as history, ethnicity, poverty, and repression when stereotyping Muslims as a homogeneous group. Read more at:
The real reason for the crackdown Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:35 PM PDT
I believe it is not rallies Umno fears but a growing trend of historical revisionism. Should the spectre of May 13 be torn apart as an Umno-orchestrated plot, Barisan Nasional would lose its status as a bringer of "stability" and a preserver of "delicate race relations". The real fear of Umno is the revision of the "gospel truth" they have taught people as the history of the nation. Ong Kar Jin, FMT Adam Adli. Tian Chua. Haris Ibrahim. Tamrin Ghafar. Safwan Anang. And Hishammuddin Rais. One by one, these politicians and activists have been hauled up by the authorities in a crackdown reminiscent of 1988's Operation Lalang. The real question of course, is why. Now this may seem like an obvious answer to you, after all they all probably have played a part in calling on people to go to street rallies, or have had a hand or two in organising them. The simple logic now is that the authorities are simply clamping down to ensure no more rallies will take place. I must disagree. Let us take the rally reason at face value. Tamrin Ghafar, Hishammuddin Rais and Tian Chua have had very little to do with organising rallies. In terms of calling on people to rise and take to the streets to protest, they are only part of a growing chorus of NGO activists, politicians and ordinary citizens. In any case, rallies have gone on for a very long time now, from Bersih 2007 all the way to the recent Suara Rakyat 505 Amcorp Mall rally. Barisan Nasional has managed to largely ignore them with the administration going on as normal, and have learnt valuable lessons that any crackdowns can only result in a terrible political backlash. And if indeed there was to be a crackdown to prevent rallies, why the selective persecution? Why not hit out at the big players? Blogger Chegubard has made his stance and involvement in the Amcorp Mall rally very clear by his presence on the stage, yet has not been arrested. Yet a crackdown still happened. And is still happening. Why? Has BN simply not learned? Have they grown a sudden fear to rallies? I believe the situation needs a closer examination. Not all arrested so far called upon the rakyat to rise and take the fight to the streets. Not all were involved in organising rallies. Yet the Home Ministry went right ahead knowing full well there would be a huge political backlash in arresting the above names. Again, the crucial question is why? All those arrested thus far do however, have something in common: they all spoke out against racism at a May 13 forum at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall. Read more at: |
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:28 PM PDT (The Nut Graph) - YET again, the online media in Malaysia is under attack. One of the latest rebukes comes from Kelab Wartawan Muda Malaysia (KWMM) president Dzulkarnian Taib who wants the authorities to curb Malaysiakini, including shutting it down, because of its "lopsided" reporting. Dzulkarnian is not alone in his views. Senior Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians have also lambasted the online media. Newly-minted Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for example, recently accused Malaysiakini of "spin", "twisting statements" and "creating things which are not there". He ominously warned the news portal that he would be monitoring it very closely. But is the online media's reporting as biased and lopsided as the BN and its allies make it out to be? Online most balanced A recent media monitoring project over the general election period found that, in fact, online media was the most balanced in terms of coverage of both BN and Pakatan Rakyat (PR). The project, titled Watching the Watchdog, was conducted jointly by the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) and Nottingham University's Malaysian campus. Up to 70 coders collected data from all election news items, line by line, minute by minute, from 7 April until just after the 5 May 2013 elections. It reviewed television news and newspapers from both east and west Malaysia, online media Malaysiakini and The Malaysian Insider, and wire service Bernama. Read more at:
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:11 PM PDT
Mohsin Abdullah, THE Perak PAS youth wing has some advice for Barisan Nasional (BN) state assembly members "angry" with their menteri besar - push for a vote of no-confidence against the MB and table a motion in the state assembly to pave the way for fresh state elections. But the wing, through its deputy head Dr Raja Ahmad Iskandar Al Hiss, is double quick to stress, that is the option, if talk of the BN assembly members' "anger" towards the Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir is true. The key word being "if". Political talk (call it rumours if you want) in Perak have it that some BN state reps are planning to "jump ship, cross over to Pakatan Rakyat and topple the BN state government". If that happens it would be a repeat, albeit in reverse, of what happened in 2009 when the Pakatan government was toppled by the BN following the crossover of three of its assembly members. Read more at: |
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:09 PM PDT (NST) - Cops told to investigate slanderous remark against king BINTULU: POLICE have been ordered to investigate the offensive Facebook posting directed at Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah's call on Malaysians to accept the results of the 13th General Election. Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he had directed the police to bring those who were responsible to justice. "All Malaysians must respect the king. "To say such things in social media is very disrespectful and those responsible must face the music," said Zahid at Bintulu Airport, here, yesterday. In Kuala Lumpur, a group of non-governmental organisations (NGO) urged the authorities to take action against those who make slanderous remarks against the king and the country's constitutional monarchy system. "Such people can affect the country's harmony. We must not allow them to make disrespectful comments towards the king," said Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association executive secretary Datuk Nadzim Johan yesterday. He referred to an incident last year, where an American was punished for insulting the Thai king. Lawyer Noor Hajran Mohd Noor, the group's adviser, said it was time for the authorities to enforce the law on those who committed such acts. "We have all the tools. We just need enforcement. "This behaviour is not acceptable and this attitude seems to be catching up on social networking sites." Nadzim and the Young Malaysian Journalists Club president Dzulkarnain Taib were among 10 NGO representatives who went to the Dang Wangi police headquarters yesterday to lodge a report urging the police to investigate the individuals who made the slanderous remark on Facebook. Kuala Lumpur deputy police chief Datuk Amar Singh said six such reports had been received. In Senawang, Negri Sembilan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan called for stern action to be taken for the "kurang ajar" (disrespectful) act. He said this would not have happened if Malaysians were well-versed in the Federal Constitution, which recognises the constitutional monarchy in the country. In Kuantan, Pahang branch of Suara Anak Muda 1Malaysia information chief Mohd Faiz Hashim said those responsible should come forward and apologise to the king and all Malaysians. |
PM: Govt has to do more to address negative perceptions Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:07 PM PDT Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak with his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and ministers and deputy ministers in Prime Minister's Office (PMO) during the PMO's monthly gathering in Putrajaya today. (NST) - The government needs to improve on its ability to address negative perceptions , said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today. He said the government might not be efficient in battling the war of perception which was at its peak as the country faced the 13th generation.
Suspend Zahid Hamidi till assault case cleared, PM told Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:05 PM PDT
(TMI) - Datuk Seri Najib Razak was today challenged to temporarily remove from his Cabinet Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi – who has been sued for assault – to prove he is serious about government reform. Opposition lawmaker Gobind Singh Deo (picture) told the prime minister that it is "improper" to put a man who has been ordered to answer a civil suit for assault in charge of the powerful home ministry where his actions and conduct could invite conflict, which would reflect on his Barisan Nasional (BN) government. "[Leading] the Home Ministry now, which is responsible for the police would to my mind, put Zahid in a position of conflict. "The Home Ministry is one of the most powerful ministries, with significant influence over various bodies including the police and prisons," the Puchong MP said, adding in his statement that its minister must be seen as one who is "above and beyond these agencies as he needs to maintain independence". Gobind reminded Najib that the PM had promised to raise the quality of governance after winning reelection in the May 5 polls and must therefore show he is committed to carrying out his transformation. "Will the Prime Minister remove him pending the outcome of the trial or will he resort to the same old indifferent attitude and silence proving yet again that he is incapable of the change he promises?" the DAP man asked. Read more at: |
WikiLeaks: three years on, trial of Bradley Manning finally set to begin Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:03 PM PDT
(The Telegraph) - The trial of the US soldier accused of smuggling thousands of secret documents to WikiLeaks will open in a military court on Monday, where he faces charges of helping al-Qaeda in its struggle against America. More than three years after the anti-secrecy website began publishing a trove of classified US government documents, Private First Class Bradley Manning will appear for the start of his long-delayed court martial. The 25-year-old soldier faces life imprisonment if military prosecutors successfully argue that the largest intelligence leak in American history also aided al-Qaeda's efforts to wage jihad. Prosecutors are expected to call a US Navy Seal who took part in the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound as they try to prove that the terror leader made use of the leaked documents. The commando, referred to only as "John Doe", will testify from a secret location and will wear a disguise as he offers evidence about computers found at bin Laden's base in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Pfc Manning has previously admitted being responsible for the leak and already faces up to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to lesser charges against him. However, he denies that the leak aided al-Qaeda and instead offered an impassioned defence of his actions, which he said were intended to expose the "bloodlust" of the US military. "I wanted the American public to know that not everyone in Iraq and Afghanistan was a target that needed to be engaged and neutralised but people struggling to live in the pressure cooker of asymmetric warfare," he said during a February court appearance.
Enam laporan polis terhadap wanita didakwa hina yang di-pertuan agong Posted: 02 Jun 2013 12:46 AM PDT
(Bernama) - Polis Kuala Lumpur menerima enam laporan berkaitan tindakan seorang pemilik akaun Facebook yang didakwa menghina Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah. Timbalan Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur SAC Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh berkata semua laporan itu dibuat di Balai Polis Dang wangi oleh individu yang mewakili enam pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO).
Malaysian elections credible, says Australia Posted: 01 Jun 2013 06:04 PM PDT
(Bernama) - MELBOURNE: Foreign Minister Senator Bob Carr has described the May 5 general election as "credible". In reply to Greg Sheridan, foreign editor of The Australian newspaper on Sky TV on Sunday, on the credibility of the Malaysian Government, Carr said: "Well, they certainly are a credible government. I rang my friend, Foreign Minister (Datuk Seri) Anifah (Aman) on Friday to congratulate him and to say (that) I looked forward to working with him in Brunei at the East Asia Summit and in other forums." He reiterated the Australian Government's intention not to be involved in Malaysia's domestic politics.
Pakatan has momentum but future may not be Anwar’s Posted: 01 Jun 2013 05:42 PM PDT
"'The future is not theirs; it's ours'," the weekly cited the DAP's Lim Guan Eng as saying, of the pact's hopes, but added its own observation, "But it is not necessarily Mr Anwar's." Hornbill Unleashed/The Economist Time may not be by Anwar's side in his bid to lead the country. While the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) opposition has momentum from a good showing in Election 2013, the pact may not include a future with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as its leader, The Economist said in its latest issue today. Denied entry to Putrajaya this round, the prospects for the three-party alliance to win in the near future is bright as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is also facing bigger obstacles in pushing for "national reconciliation" in the wake of the divisive May 5 polls besides carrying out much-needed economic reforms and battling creeping corruption, the widely-read international news and current affairs weekly said in its June 1 edition available online now. "Pakatan has the momentum. Mr Anwar, however, is 65," The Economist said in its Banyan piece headlined "Time on whose side?" "'The future is not theirs; it's ours'," the weekly cited the DAP's Lim Guan Eng as saying, of the pact's hopes, but added its own observation, "But it is not necessarily Mr Anwar's." PR, which won 51 per cent of the popular vote, bagged 89 seats — seven more than it won in Election 2008 — in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat against the 13-party Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition's 133 seats. The Economist noted the Anwar appears to be in a hurry to reach the peak of Malaysian politics, which had eluded him for a decade-and-a-half starting from when he was deputy to Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad until his sacking from government in the late 1990s over sodomy — which was later overturned — and corruption charges to now. It noted further the opposition's campaign to challenge the results of the 13th general election the pact has claimed to be tainted by fraud and gerrymandering, both through formal petitions and by the series of nationwide rallies post-polls that Anwar has maintained must go on, but which The Economist said would likely come to naught. PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli said last Monday that PR parties plan to file election petitions in 41 out of 222 federal constituencies ― three by the DAP, 20 by PKR and 18 by PAS ― before the June 12 deadline, as he showed the press evidence of phantom voters and blackouts during the May 5 general election. "For all that, it seems likely that the protests will eventually peter out and that Pakatan will have to knuckle down to another stint in opposition. "Whether the next election will be fairer is another matter," the weekly said. Instead, it noted that Malaysia's shifting political landscape was now driven by the young and city-dwellers — many who had backed PR and displayed a high-level of political consciousness and skill in using social media to share their beliefs. The weekly also observed that the opposition pact's three partners PKR, PAS and the DAP espouse strong views on certain matters that have created friction, adding that the BN may "may try to split Pakatan, by tempting the DAP or PAS, or both, into the government". "Mr Anwar says that, since the election, Barisan has already been trying to woo him," The Economist reported, alluding to a secret agreement between the PKR man and his political foe Najib, brokered by their mutual friend, Indonesia's Jusuf Kalla, that was recently exposed but which has since been reported to have fallen through. However, the weekly said reconciliation of any sort "seems distant", which it attributed to Najib's larger pile of problems compared to whatever the opposition pact may be facing. "Unusually for a victorious incumbent, he argues for a change in 'our attitude, strategy, programmes and approach'," The Economist said. READ MORE HERE
Posted: 01 Jun 2013 05:12 PM PDT
The ex-PAS Menteri Besar of Kedah, Azizan Abdul Razak, was also given the Tan Sri award on 1st June. I suppose now the Umno supporters are going to vilify and disparage him and call him a bitch, prostitute and whatnot. And if they do not then why the hell not? After all, Azizan is on the opposite side of the political fence and hence an enemy of Umno. So it is only right that they vilify and disparage Azizan and call him a bitch, prostitute and so on even though this would be seen as an insult to His Majesty the Agong. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin
Three overseas Malaysian-Chinese -- Michelle Yeoh, Jimmy Choo and Zang Toi -- were honoured by His Majesty the Agong on His Majesty's official birthday on 1st June 2013. Michelle Yeoh received a Tan Sri award while Jimmy Choo and Zang Toi received Datuk awards. Jimmy Choo's and Zang Toi's Datuk awards were received with great excitement all over the world. Michelle Yeoh's Tan Sri award, however, was not. Michelle Yeoh was vilified and disparaged and called a bitch, prostitute, and so on. Some even alleged that she had bribed the Agong and had bought that award. According to these critics, this is what most Chinese do. I am not sure whether that is true or not but if the Chinese say so then I suppose it could be true. After all, the Chinese should know better whether this were true or not. Karpal Singh, on the other hand, congratulated Michelle Yeoh. He did not vilify and disparage her and call her a bitch, prostitute, and so on. Maybe Karpal does not spend enough time on the Internet so he is not aware that the opposition supporters have the opposite view to his regarding Michelle Yeoh's Tan Sri award. One of the arguments against Michelle Yeoh is that she lives overseas and hence she should not qualify for any award. Jimmy Choo and Zang Toi live overseas as well. Maybe it is because Jimmy Choo and Zang Toi received only Datuk awards and not Tan Sri awards so it is okay if you live overseas for Datuk awards whereas it is not okay for those who receive Tan Sri awards. Another argument is that Michelle Yeoh is merely an actress so that is not good enough to warrant a Tan Sri award. The late P. Ramlee was also an actor and he too was given a Tan Sri award. The only thing is they waited until he died before giving him that award. Maybe they should have also waited until Michelle Yeoh dies before giving her a Tan Sri award. And maybe they should also wait until Jimmy Choo and Zang Toi die before giving them Tan Sri awards as well or else they may suffer the same fate as Michelle Teoh, which P. Ramlee was not subjected to since they gave it to him after he died. Why they would want to give a Tan Sri award to someone who has died is beyond me. If they want to give me a Tan Sri award I would prefer they do it while I am still alive. Once I am dead and buried in my grave what the hell am I going to do with a Tan Sri award? I would not even know I have been given that award since once you are dead you lose all connection with the world. I once knew someone called Tan Sri Jamil whose Tan Sri award was actually a hindrance when he travelled overseas. He was in Germany waiting for his flight and he noticed that the plane was terribly overdue. He then went to the counter to check on his flight and was told that the plane had already taken off some time ago. "Why did you not page me?" he asked. "I have been waiting here for hours." "But we did, Mr Tan," came the reply. "We paged you three times, Mr Tan, and when you did not respond the plane took off without you." Anyway, Michelle Yeoh should have stuck to her Datukship like Jimmy Choo and Zang Toi. Then she would have not been vilified and disparaged and called a bitch, prostitute, and so on. Or they should have waited until she died before giving her the Tan Sri award. Then she would also not have been vilified and disparaged and called a bitch, prostitute, and so on. That, I believe, is the real issue here. I doubt she is being vilified and disparaged and called a bitch, prostitute, and so on, because she supports Barisan Nasional. Pakatan Rakyat believes in freedom of choice and freedom of association and one reason we oppose Barisan Nasional is because the government does not respect our right of freedom of choice and freedom of association. The ex-PAS Menteri Besar of Kedah, Azizan Abdul Razak, was also given the Tan Sri award on 1st June. I suppose now the Umno supporters are going to vilify and disparage him and call him a bitch, prostitute and whatnot. And if they do not then why the hell not? After all, Azizan is on the opposite side of the political fence and hence an enemy of Umno. So it is only right that they vilify and disparage Azizan and call him a bitch, prostitute and so on even though this would be seen as an insult to His Majesty the Agong. ******************************************** Jimmy Choo: Datukship will make me work harder in promoting Malaysia (Bernama) - Jimmy Choo-designed shoes may have adorned the feet of royalty and celebrities, but the man behind those dazzling creations insists that being humble and showing respect towards others have led him to where he is now. And it appears that being bestowed with the Datukship honour by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah would not change the famed designer a bit. "This (the title) would make me work harder in promoting Malaysia to the world. My shoes are travelling to Milan, Paris, the United States, the United Kingdom and other places. "But the fact is that behind them is Jimmy Choo who hails from Malaysia," Datuk Jimmy Choo told Bernama with a sense of pride of his country after the investiture ceremony at the Istana Negara here. Elaborating on the attributes which had contributed to his success, Penang-born Choo said: "You must respect people regardless where they come from. As for me, I have a high respect for my mother and my teachers as they are the people who have brought me to where I'm now." Choo was one of the recipients of the Panglima Jasa Negara (PJN) award, which carries the title 'Datuk', bestowed in conjunction with Tuanku Abdul Halim's birthday. The designer said he was delighted to be given such a recognition from the country. ******************************************** Zang Toi fans "thrilled" over his datukship honour (Bernama) - As news of Zang Toi's Datukship spread in the Big Apple, the city's haute couture world reacted in a choreograph-like applause over the honour. Facebook and Twitter comments by friends and business associates of the celebrity fashion designer, who has been hitting the headlines not only in the United States but also in Europe, reflected his huge fan following. In an interview following the conferment of the title, Zang Toi told Bernama that he had been receiving non-stop congratulatory messages from friends and business contacts from all over the US, Malaysia and elsewhere. Zang Toi, who returns to New York on Sunday from the Kuala Lumpur awards ceremony, should expect a warm welcome from his New York friends. "It's indeed a rare achievement by a lad who started his work life on a humble note as a grocer's son and finally reached the epitome of success," said Peggy Cartwright, a local fashion critic who writes about the latest fashion designs and innovations. Zang Toi joins international film actress Datuk Seri Michelle Yeoh, conferred the Tan Sri, who are among the prominent personalities to receive honours awarded in conjunction with the birthday of Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah. Zang Toi appeared rather composed when he gave his post-award interview to this correspondent. "It's indeed a great honour for me and I'm completely humbled by the gesture, especially because it comes from our King (Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah)," he said. Describing the award as an "acknowledgement of my hard work", the Kelantan-born designer said he would like to share this "profound joy" with his parents and siblings who were all "extremely happy and thrilled" at the honour. The Datukship is another feather in the cap for Toi who had bagged several awards from professional associations for his innovative talent in the haute couture world. Recalling how the entire story on his latest award unfolded, Zang Toi said that a week ago, he was on one of his business tours in the US when his voice mail showed an "extremely urgent message" left by his mother. Fearing that something might have happened to his father, an octogenarian in frail health, he immediately called his mother. She recounted receiving a call from some "high-ranking officials" in Kuala Lumpur, informing her of the honour being conferred on him, and that a formal communication to that effect along with an invitation to the awards ceremony had to be personally delivered to her son. "In keeping with protocol norms, the formal letter had to be delivered to me and not to any one of my relatives. "As a result, I immediately flew to Kuala Lumpur where I was given the notification and today (Saturday), I became a proud recipient of the title from the hands of the King," he said. Noting that he was delighted to have received the honour while his parents were still around, he said: "You can imagine the great joy this has given to them and also to my brother and sister." "I'm at a unique phase of my life right now...I can never forget my humble beginnings and I would urge every young Malaysian to take inspiration from my story - that hard work and enterprise have no limits," he said. The designer said he was in "very good company" at the investiture ceremony because Malaysia-born actress Michelle Yeoh had been awarded the 'Tan Sri' title at the same event. "I know Michelle and it was a great reunion for us." Zang Toi, whose fashion products have adorned Hollywood celebrities such as Sharon Stone, Meg Ryan, Eva Longoria and others, is meanwhile planning to open his new showroom soon in New York.
Let's not be 'kurang ajar' to the king Posted: 01 Jun 2013 04:14 PM PDT
BAD MANNERS, POOR UPBRINGING: The response on social media to king's birthday speech nothing short of rude and provocative Some comments on Facebook concerning the king's televised birthday speech on Friday were rude, to say the least. Ahmad A Talib, NST THERE seems to be an increased show of disrespect lately. Some are shown publicly and some are shown in social media. Regardless of where they are displayed, they reflect the same thing -- that some of us are showing bad manners and poor upbringing. In the last couple of days, I was shown pages taken from someone's Facebook where the said person commented on the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's birthday speech that was shown on television. The comments were clearly rude, to say the least. If these comments were made by citizens of this country, then these people have clearly expressed their freedom of expression to the extreme. If they are made by non-citizens, then my conclusion is that these people have little respect for this country's sovereign structure. The original postings in Facebook have gone viral. Meaning, others have made a screenshot of the posting and sent them to others for them to see, comment and share. By now, the posting has turned into a national issue, stoking yet another round of accusations and counter-accusations. But there's one thing about Facebook postings. Some of the people who put up postings are not identified properly. Some carry fictitious names for whatever reasons. One can assume that anyone posting under a fictitious name probably has something to hide. It's quite irresponsible actually. If the postings are about trivia, then they wouldn't create so much of a stir. But for postings such as the one ridiculing our king, this can't be a small matter. Perhaps, I can share the posting, put up by someone named Melissa. She asked this question to her Facebook friends: "Anyone listening to the speech? Grrr!" She was referring to the king's speech made on the eve of His Majesty's official birthday. The speech was carried live on television. The posting prompted five comments from Melissa's friends. There were some exchanges among them, which clearly showed the online conversation was not complimentary to the king at all. One might say that such statements are harmless and in accordance with one's freedom of expression. Others do not see it that way. They see them as rude and provocative, besides being political in tone and intention. Among others, the king told citizens to get on with their lives and accept the outcome of the recent general election. Could this have triggered Melissa's comments? Many things are being said in social media. The political stuff seems to continue unabated. One may argue that he or she can say anything he or she likes because that's in his or her space. That's correct, of course, but such comments would invite reactions that may not necessary be kind or pleasant. Many of the things being said in social media are not aimed at national reconciliation. The result of the general election seemed to have divided the people even more. Many have not been able to go back to their pre-GE13 lives. Neighbours look differently at each other; some verbal exchanges are cold and less friendly. Facebook friends have begun to "unfriend" each other, preferring to confine their "friendship" to real-life friends and acquaintances. I have yet to comprehend this phenomenon. But one thing I do know -- fair comment is fair comment; and good manners are clearly defined, whether they are in real life or in cyberspace. No matter how deep and wide our differences are, we should all draw a line where respect for king and country are concerned. Ridiculing the king and turning our national flag upside down are not examples of good manners and upbringing. It's kurang ajar, actually. |
Deputy IGP aims guns at cyber criminals Posted: 01 Jun 2013 03:45 PM PDT
(The Star) - Police will not hesitate to take action against those who commit crimes in the cyberworld, said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin. He said police will investigate each case thoroughly and if there is evidence of wrongdoing, they will move in swiftly to nab the culprits. "Be it a cybertrooper (who post seditious content) or anyone who spreads lies online, we will get to the bottom of it ," added Mohd Bakri. He said this when asked about a report in a Malay daily which stated that police have identified several suspects allegedly involved in the cybertrooper group called the "Red Bean Army". The group had allegedly posted slander online as well as harassed or intimidated segments of the online community that did not support Pakatan Rakyat on some issues.
Anwar: Opposition acknowledges bipartisan committee of MP’s to oversee EC Posted: 01 Jun 2013 03:28 PM PDT
(The Star) - Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim says Pakatan acknowledges the Government's effort to set up a bipartisan committee of Members of Parliament (MPs) to oversee the Election Commission (EC) to strengthen its integrity and credibility, but insists that the EC start afresh completely. He said, EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof and deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar must first resign because of not only showing incompetence, but also complicity in alleged fraudulent incidences during the recent general election. "You cannot therefore just sidetrack by saying now they are under parliament. It doesn't mean anything," he said after opening the refurbished Sama Gagah market in Permatang Pauh here on Sunday. On Saturday Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced the setting up of a special committee, comprising Barisan Nasional and Opposition MPs, to oversee the Election Commission. With the move, Najib said he hoped that the impartiality of the EC would not be questioned and that the people's confidence in the commission would be strengthened. Najib said the Government would fully co-operate with the EC to further improve the credibility of general elections in the country although the last one went without a hitch. Bernama had quoted Najib as saying that the commission was not a government agency or department but a mechanism set up based on provisions under the Federal Constitution. On reports about the police closing in on a cyber-trooper group called, Red Bean Army, Anwar said he saw it as a form of diverting the people's attention away from the disputes and alleged fraud in the general election process. "These allegations about Red Bean Army against me and the DAP are without any proof, and they will subside after two weeks," he said. The group had allegedly posted slander online as well as harassed or intimidated segments of the online community that did not support Pakatan on some issues.
Ambiga: Unconstitutional to have Election Commission report to another committee Posted: 01 Jun 2013 03:11 PM PDT
(ABN News) - It is unconstitutional to have the Election Commission report to a Parliamentary Select Committee because the EC is supposed to be independent, Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan said. She was commenting on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's announcement this morning that to strengthen the EC's authority and credibility, the government would set up a special committee comprising Members of Parliament from the Barisan Nasional and the Opposition to oversee the commission. "With this move, it is hoped the EC's impartiality will not be questioned and the people's confidence towards the commission is strengthened," Najib said in his congratulatory speech to Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah on his birthday and investiture ceremony involving the presentation of awards and medals at Istana Negara today. "To make the EC report to another committee is unconstitutional, because if you look at the Federal Constitution, it is supposed to be an independent body," Ambiga told Malaysiakini. Ambiga said the EC members have equal standing to a federal court judge and putting the EC under a committee is akin to putting the judiciary under another authority. "The EC is not a government department even though it behaves like one. It has been behaving like a government department because it is being treated like one, so the sooner everyone realises the functions and powers of the EC, the better. "That is why Bersih holds such a high standard of accountability for the EC," said the lawyer, Malaysiakini reported. She added that it would be better to have the EC heads removed than to announce a special committee to oversee a commission that has already lost public confidence.
Let Pakatan lead PSC for EC, opposition figures tell Najib Posted: 01 Jun 2013 03:00 PM PDT
(Borneo Insider) - The parliamentary select committee (PSC) to oversee the Election Commission (EC) should be led by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to eliminate any conflict of interest, opposition leaders have said. In a bid to shore up public confidence in the institution's impartiality, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had announced yesterday that the EC would be reporting to the PSC from now on, where a panel comprising members from both sides of the political divide would help improve its credibility. "To assure PR that this exercise has genuine intention of restoring the public's confidence in EC, it should be led by led by PR," DAP's Election Strategist Dr Ong Kian Ming (photo) told The Malaysian Insider here. According to the director for election watchdog Malaysian Electoral Roll Analysis Project (MERAP), this is because the distrust against the EC is much more prevalent among PR leaders compared to BN leaders. The election regulator has been accused by opposition politicians of favouring the ruling BN and even helping the 13-party coalition keep its unbroken grip on power for years, but none more so than in the recently-concluded May 5 general election. "We've seen how for example the PSC on electoral reforms did not amount to any substantive action taken … One of the reason was because it was led by BN," he said, referring to the committee chaired by Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili from BN's Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS). PAS' central working committee member Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad compared the situation to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in many Commonwealth countries, where it is customary for a member of the opposition party to chair the committee. In countries that employ the committee, the PAC is usually responsible for monitoring government spending as a way to ensure accountability and transparency. "Someone who holds an interest in a case cannot judge it," said Dzulkefly, referring to the legal maxim "nemo iudex in causa sua", which literally means "nobody should judge his own case". According to the PAS man, such interest can be seen in the proposal to reform the "first past the post" system, which currently gives an advantage to the ruling party. However, PKR vice-president Fuziah Salleh stressed that in order for a PR-led PSC to work, electoral reforms must first be carried out so that the EC is free, fair and independent. The Kuantan MP also has her reservations that the move might be Najib's way to divert the public's attention from claims of electoral fraud and nullify any faults related to the EC that has been raised by PR. Since the results of Election 2013 were made official, PR has held "Black505" rallies to protest against alleged electoral fraud even as Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders and analysts criticised the decision. Its organiser, PKR's Datuk Johari Abdul, stressed today that the rallies will go on until all its demands are met, despite calls by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for Malaysians to accept the result. Ong suggested today that members of the PSC should not be ministers who already have their hands full, but should be left to backbenchers instead. Meanwhile, Dzulkefly even suggested the possibility of a non-partisan expert joining the committee, since the appointment must be made based on merit rather than by the virtue of someone being an MP. "I suggest not confining the membership to just MPs … It can also be from academics, researchers, ex-judges," he said. Earlier yesterday, Najib had said that he was transferring his office's responsibility of overseeing the election regulator to Parliament. The EC, formed in 1957 under the Federal Constitution, has always reported to the Prime Minister's Department. Najib was also reported to have highlighted yesterday that the regulator is not a government department or agency but a statutory body whose members receive the same protection as Federal Court judges. The opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has organised several rallies throughout the country after the contentious May 5 polls, accusing BN of "stealing" the election as the coalition had lost the popular vote for the first time since 1969, but still retained federal power. BN, which garnered just under 47 per cent of the popular vote against PR's 51 per cent, won 133 seats in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat while the opposition gained 89.
Najib puts EC under bipartisan scrutiny Posted: 01 Jun 2013 02:46 PM PDT
A special parliamentary committee will be formed to oversee the Election Commission, says the prime minister today. (FMT) - A special committee involving both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat parliamentarians will be tasked to oversee the Election Commission. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced this today as part of the government's reforms to the EC. In a speech to celebrate the King's official birthday, the Najib said a special bipartisan parliamentary committee will be given oversight over the EC. The parliamentary committee will be independent and composed of both government and opposition members, the prime minister said. The prime minister said he hoped the move will "strengthen public confidence in the Election Commission." The prime minister also announced a new, comprehensive integrity plan on good governance, to address issues of corruption and improve the quality of government services. "As prime minister, I have a duty to govern on behalf of all Malaysians, whether they voted for the ruling coalition or not. "It is so easy to take the path of blame and denial, but this will not solve any of our problems or unlock the challenges facing Malaysia. "I understand that sections of the public want to see our election processes strengthened. I am announcing these improvements to our electoral system in the spirit of unity and national reconciliation," said Najib. The EC has come under increased scrutiny expecially after the general election after the opposition complained that the election was marred by rampant fraud.
Jam session in Liverpool: 1st June 2013 Posted: 01 Jun 2013 02:05 PM PDT
Another man dies while in custody Posted: 01 Jun 2013 12:56 PM PDT
(NST) - Barely two weeks after a police detainee died in custody, a 43-year-old man died in a lock-up at the Tampin police station yesterday evening. It was learnt that P. Karuna Nithi was discovered unconscious by policemen on duty around 6.30pm. Police called for an ambulance from Tampin Hospital, but paramedics pronounced Karuna dead when they arrived at the scene. Karuna was arrested by police on Monday after he allegedly hit his wife on the head with a helmet in Taman Muhibbah, Gemenceh. He was charged at the Tampin magistrate's court on Friday under Section 324 of the Penal Code for causing hurt by dangerous means. He was supposed to be sent to the Sungai Udang prison in Malacca on remand the same day he was charged in court, but the order was delayed until Monday.
Unruly supporters disrupt hockey friendly Posted: 01 Jun 2013 12:48 PM PDT The Chinese players leaving the pitch five minutes before the end following taunts from the Ultras Malaya. (The Star) - Unruly football fans almost caused the Malaysia-Liaoning Club hockey friendly at the National Hockey Stadium in Bukit Jalil yesterday to be abandoned. The fans, believed to be members of the Ultras Malaya Supporters Club, were on the way to watch the FA Cup semi-final second-leg match between Pahang-Johor Darul Takzim at the adjacent stadium later in the night, heckled China's Liaoning Club coach Kim Yong-soo and his players. They also used flares and bombarded Yong-soo, who was umpiring the friendly, with foul language. The South Korean was so incensed that he confronted the fans and a fight almost broke up. The Chinese team were on the verge of walking out of the pitch with nine minutes of the game remaining. Play was stopped for a few minutes as the Malaysian officials, particularly national assistant coach S. Arul Selvaraj, intervened and persuaded the Liaoning side to continue the match. The police were also around to prevent an ugly incident. When the match resumed, Arul replaced Yong-soo as the umpire. Yong-soo said that he was annoyed as foul language was used against him and his players. "They call us names and I confronted them for using such words," added Yong-soo. Malaysia, parading all the key players, triumphed 5-0. With the win, the Malaysians were 3-1 victors in the four-match series. They won 2-1 and 4-2 in the opening two matches but lost 4-3 on Friday. In yesterday's match, Malaysia scored through Chua Boon Huat (fourth minute), Izwan Firdaus (30th), Faizal Saari (50th), Mohd Razie Abdul Rahim (58th) and Mohd Firhan Ashaari (60th). The Malaysians, who are preparing for the World League semi-finals in Johor Baru from June 29-July 7, will leave for South Africa today for a four-match Test.
Utusan just doing job as government paper, the Straits Times says Posted: 01 Jun 2013 12:45 PM PDT
(TMI) - The ST said Umno and Utusan are seen as so synonymous that criticism of Utusan is taken as criticism of Umno. Utusan's recent headlines, most notably "Apa lagi Cina mahu?" (What more do the Chinese want?), which appeared on May 7, and "Chinese tsunami", on May 8, reflected the apparent betrayal felt by many Umno members in the wake of Election 2013, Singapore's the Straits Times (ST) reported today. However, other prominent figures who spoke to the broadsheet said it demonstrated an unnecessary racialisation of what they felt was a voting pattern more accurately explained as an urban-rural divide. "I felt very disturbed when I saw the headline," Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, Umno's former Temerloh MP, was quoted as saying. "Why were we so angry?" "Umno did well in the 13th general election. Even though I lost, I felt thankful that Umno did better than in 2008. So why this headline?" Utusan was once staffed by political activists fighting for independence from British rule and has long been a champion of Malay rights. But now, critics say, it has gone overboard in its defence of Umno, to the point of fomenting racism and intolerance. Hata Wahari, an Utusan journalist for 16 years until he was fired in April 2011 for criticising the newspaper's editorial policies, told ST the daily was not so strident during prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's tenure. "Before 2008, you would not write off Utusan as a government propaganda machine," he was quoted as saying. "But now it doesn't question the government's policies any more, it only acts as a propaganda tool for Umno and to slam the opposition." The newspaper's defenders, however, counter that they see no difference between Utusan's defence of Umno, the country's biggest Malay party with 3.5 million members, and the sometimes incendiary commentaries in Chinese- and Tamil-language papers. "Utusan is just doing its job as the government newspaper," said Nazrul Azizi, a management consultant in Penang. "Malays must have a channel to express their sentiments." Read more at:
Credibility of Malaysia’s mainstream newspapers at stake Posted: 01 Jun 2013 12:41 PM PDT
(TMI) - In the rural areas, the Malays hate slander. My research showed that only 18 per cent of readers will believe what was written on Anwar. Most of Malaysia's mainstream newspapers appear to have taken a hit since the May 5 general election for perceived biased reporting, Singapore's the Straits Times (ST) said today. The broadsheet cited the examples of Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia and MCA-owned The Star newspaper. "Star is in a dilemma of trying to be independent and yet pressured to boost BN's image," Shaharuddin Badaruddin, a political analyst at Universiti Teknologi Mara, was quoted as saying to the ST. The Star is the largest English-language daily in Malaysia, averaging audited sales of 290,000 copies daily between January and June last year. Umno's network of media outlets is wide, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based Centre for Independent Journalism. Via proxies, Umno controls Media Prima, which publishes the New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro. It also owns the Utusan Group, which publishes Utusan Malaysia and Kosmo! The ST said Utusan Malaysia has been accused of biased reporting for years, and its circulation has fallen from 213,000 in 2006 to between 170,000 and 180,000 last year. It has been overtaken by Harian Metro, now the largest Malay daily — its circulation rose from 210,000 in 2006 to 394,000 last year. Analysts told the ST that younger readers are drawn to its culture and lifestyle-based content. Once the No. 1 English-language paper, the New Straits Times saw its circulation decline sharply from 1999 to the early 2000s, going from 180,000 to as low as 80,000. The ST said readers shunned the paper for what was perceived as lopsided reporting on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's sacking as deputy prime minister in 1998 and his subsequent corruption and sodomy trial. "In the rural areas, the Malays hate slander. My research showed that only 18 per cent of readers will believe what was written on Anwar," said Shaharuddin. Read more at:
How Umno has successfully duped the Malay rakyat Posted: 01 Jun 2013 12:21 PM PDT
Immediately after winning a slim majority to form a minority government, Najib claimed that the voters in the urban and semi-urban areas had been duped good and proper by the Opposition. Just imagine, the intelligent, the better-educated and better informed being duped wholesale! Tota, Aliran The rural people who lack information due to poor internet and social media penetration are victims of Umno's religious and political propaganda, observes Tota. Razak sent his son, Najib, to an English-language-medium school in Malaysia and then to college and university in the UK Immediately after winning a slim majority to form a minority government, Najib claimed that the voters in the urban and semi-urban areas had been duped good and proper by the Opposition. Just imagine, the intelligent, the better-educated and better informed being duped wholesale! On the other hand, the rural people who lack information owing to poor internet and social media penetration and who are victims of Umno's religious and political propaganda are the ones said to be choosing wisely by voting for the BN. Some have said that Umno has indeed become a "parti kampung". In 1999, when a large member of Malays deserted Umno, a deranged ex-PM said that the rural people voted with their heads while the urbanists voted with their hearts, meaning guided by their emotions. History has repeated itself. Below I provide concrete evidence of how Umno has successfully duped the poor Malay rakyat in the last 56 years from Dr M Bakri Musa's book "Liberating the Malay mind". Here are a few excerpts: Read more at:
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