Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- It’s payback time as PM dishes out goodies to Umno loyalists
- High Court judge VT Singham retires
- What was it like as a non-Malay student in a Mara Junior Science College?
- The role of the media
- Johor royal and two others jailed for assault on boxer
- Ex-assemblyman begins jail term after losing appeal
- (Another) Mutiny in Sabah PKR?
- 1Malaysia UK-style
- Terengganu hanging on tenterhooks
- Sultan: Kerjasama dengan Khalid
- GLC juggernaut crushing private enterprise, say analysts
- Water crisis imminent in Klang Valley
- In Kuala Besut, Terengganu Sultan may again hold the aces
- EC murky on future of ‘indelible’ ink
- No inkling of truth in Ku Nan’s words
- Hung assembly in Terengganu unlikely
It’s payback time as PM dishes out goodies to Umno loyalists Posted: 28 Jun 2013 12:14 PM PDT
(TMI) - Senior Umno politicians are in for a windfall, possibly as early as next week, when Prime Minister Najib Razak rewards their loyalty with appointments as chairman and board members of Government-linked companies (GLCs) and government agencies. Among the plum positions available are senior positions on the board of Tenaga Nasional, Telekom, Mara, Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad, Tabung Haji, PNB, government officials told The Malaysian Insider. Others, like Azeez of the Putera Umno wing were elected as Members of Parliament but could not be appointed to the Cabinet. And then there were a few who did not create a fuss when asked to make way for new talent and not contest the elections. In the past, prime ministers were wary of putting too many politicians on the board of GLCs, upset that their inclusion could result in a clash of cultures and priorities with the professional management and ultimately lead to poor performance of those companies. But Najib is having to embrace a new approach for two reasons – the long line of Umno politicians outside his office since the May 5th general election and his own party elections later this year. Read more at: |
High Court judge VT Singham retires Posted: 28 Jun 2013 12:13 PM PDT
(Bernama) - On Wednesday, Singham awarded more than RM800,000 in damages to a housewife whose son, A. Kugan, died in police custody in January 2009. High Court judge Datuk VT Singham, who is highly respected by his colleagues for his dedication and commitment in upholding impartiality of the judiciary system, retired on his 65th birthday yesterday.
News of his retirement caught many in the legal fraternity by surprise as even his staff admitted that they were in the dark when asked by journalists on Singham's decision to opt for optional retirement.
A senior staff, who declined to be named, described Singham as a private person who wanted a very low-key departure from his office.
Asked whether his judgment on Wednesday in the case of A. Kugan had any bearing on his decision to retire, the staff said: "Knowing him (Singham), I doubt that the case has got anything to do with his move."
On Wednesday, Singham awarded more than RM800,000 in damages to a housewife whose son, A. Kugan, died in police custody in January 2009.
In his judgment, Singham ruled that Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar (then Selangor police chief) was liable of misfeasance in public office. |
What was it like as a non-Malay student in a Mara Junior Science College? Posted: 28 Jun 2013 12:11 PM PDT Kosong Tun Dr Mahathir would like us to believe that all Chinese are racists, when in fact, we are just reacting to racist policies set by BN (as in Umno) leaders. The truth hurts, but still we need to know and understand what's like to be on the receiving end of unfair racial discrimination.As long as we still have leaders who suggested that if we are unhappy with our political system, we should migrate; and that the best way to beat competition in education is to have separate systems, then we are no where near solving our real problems. The following is an interview being forwarded in an email: JBU interviews Justin Tan, a Malaysian based in Singapore. JBU: What is your background (age, hometown, profession)? Justin: I am 35 year old, originates from Kampar, Perak, currently working as a medical doctor in Singapore. JBU: When did you emigrate from Malaysia? Justin: I emigrated from Malaysia in October 2008. JBU: Why did you emigrate from Malaysia? Justin: I have a story to tell about myself. This is what happened to me that I do not want to recur to any other Malaysians, ever again. I was born in Kampar, Perak. This is a small town that I had my early education. I had a lot of fun childhood memories in this town. I was among the top in my class since primary school and early secondary school. Due to my academic results, I was accepted in Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) in 1993. I remember there was about 13 MRSM nationwide in 1993. I was accepted to the college in Terengganu, one of the best MRSM in the country. To those who may not know what MRSM is. MRSM is a full boarding school, managed by MARA agency, especially built to nurture elite Bumiputra students. Good Malay Students are selected into this school. MRSM has full facilities, with the best teachers, in the college to teach the group of elite students. You cannot imagine how many hundred times of allocation to one MRSM a year, paid by government, compared to the normal national school. In 1993, I was among the few non-Bumiputras being selected into this school. During my intake, there were about 300 over Malay students, 3 Chinese and 3 Indians. I was one of the three Chinese being selected into this elite school. Read more at: |
Posted: 27 Jun 2013 07:54 PM PDT Actually, many things are happening in Malaysia (plus all over the world) that are not always in favour of the government, Umno, Barisan Nasional, the Royal Family, and whatnot. The only thing is a lot of this news goes unreported and sometimes are purposely 'blacked out' while unfavourable news about the opposition is widely reported. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin
This week, High Court judge Datuk V. T. Singham ruled in favour of A. Kugan, the detainee who was killed while under police detention. This week, Court of Appeal President Tan Sri Md Raus Shariff, struck off Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's application to set aside a civil suit brought against him by the person he beat up. This week, Tunku Nick Tazuddin Izwan Syah Tunku Qadir, a member of the Johor Royal Family, was sentenced to four years' jail for assaulting a national boxer in a brawl last year. This week, a former three-term MIC state assemblyman, M. Kuppusamy, was given a 10-year jail term after he lost his appeal to set aside his conviction and sentence for committing criminal breach of trust. This week, my old school friend, Mohd Yahya Mat Sahri was sentenced to two years jail plus given two strokes of the whip for cheating. On top of that, this week, two American anti-Islam activists were banned from entering Britain because they were planning to speak at an anti-Islam rally this weekend. Actually, many things are happening in Malaysia (plus all over the world) that are not always in favour of the government, Umno, Barisan Nasional, the Royal Family, and whatnot. The only thing is a lot of this news goes unreported and sometimes are purposely 'blacked out' while unfavourable news about the opposition is widely reported. This is the work of someone up on the 'fourth floor' or those within the Prime Minister's office. And this stupid move does more harm than good to the government. Maybe their intention is to not allow too much bad publicity regarding the government and to play up bad publicity regarding the opposition. Hence it appears like those in the corridors of power (royalty included) can get away with murder (sometimes literally) whereas even a small mistake by the opposition is pursued 'sampai ke lubang cacing'. Putrajaya, in particular the Prime Minister's office, needs to review its media 'policy'. They should allow any and all 'bad' reports regarding the government, especially when these perpetrators are brought to book. Then the public can see that although there may be a lot of transgressions and wrongdoings by those who walk in the corridors of power, there are also many who walk in the corridors of power who are made to pay for their crimes. No doubt, initially, it may appear like an epidemic of crime is sweeping the country. However, eventually, Malaysians will be able to see that many who commit these crimes eventually face the music and do not escape just because they walk in the corridors of power. Malaysia needs more good news. And this 'good news' would be the 'bad news' regarding the government. More bad news about the government means more good news for Malaysians. And this bad news would actually have the reverse affect that the government thinks it will have. Bad news about the government makes the people happy and is it not the intention of the government to make the people happy? Oh, and that report about the UK banning two Americans from entering the country. This just goes to show that 'hate' campaigns are not allowed in the UK even if the government needs to ban people from 'friendly' countries. In Malaysia, we hide behind freedom of opinion when we call Malays 'lembu' or Chinese 'babi' or Indians 'ular'. That is not freedom of opinion, as many of you try to justify. Those are racial slurs and are a crime in the UK. Even calling a Pakistani 'Paki' can get you into trouble. Anyway, if there is anyone out there who would like to step onto a stage to debate the subject of racism with me I shall be very happy to accommodate you. The only criteria is one of your parents must be Chinese and the other Malay while your spouse must be Indian (or however the 'mix' may be). If not then you do not qualify to debate racism with me. A Malaysian from a same-race marriage who also married someone from his/her same race can go to hell. I have no time to debate with you because I regard you as a racist.
Johor royal and two others jailed for assault on boxer Posted: 27 Jun 2013 06:38 PM PDT Tunku Nick Tazuddin Izwan Syah Tunku Qadir (left) and Alex Foo Hee Wee Rita Jong, TMI A member of the Johor royal family and two others were sentenced by the Johor Baru Sessions court to four years' jail for assaulting a national boxer last year in a brawl. Tunku Nick Tazuddin Izwan Syah Tunku Qadir, 27, Mohd Arif Husin, 35, and Alex Foo Hee Wee, 41, were sentenced by Judge Zamri Bakar after he found them guilty of injuring Muhamad Farkhan Haron. The jail sentence is to run from today.
Ex-assemblyman begins jail term after losing appeal Posted: 27 Jun 2013 06:16 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Former three-term state assemblyman M. Kuppusamy was sent to prison today to serve a 10-year jail term after he lost his appeal at the Court of Appeal to set aside his conviction and sentence for committing criminal breach of trust. A three-member panel chaired by Justice Datuk Abdul Malik Ishak unanimously dismissed his appeal and upheld the decision of a Sessions Court which found him guilty of misappropriating RM66,647.44 and sentenced him to 10 years' jail. On the panel presiding with Abdul Malik were Justices Datuk Azahar Mohamed and Datuk Hamid Sultan Abu Backer. Abdul Malik ordered Kuppusamy, who was DAP assemblyman for Rasah in 1978 and 1982, and Jimah in 1986, to begin his jail sentence today. Kuppusamy, 63, also a former lawyer, was found guilty and sentenced to jail by the Seremban Sessions Court on Jan 28, 2011, for misappropriating the money belonging to a client. He committed the offence at the CIMB Bank in Wisma Dewan Perniagaan Melayu, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan between Oct 29 and Dec 6, 2005. Kuppusamy being led away after he lost his appeal in the High Court According to the facts of the case, Kuppusamy was appointed by Zainal Abdul Majid, 64, to represent him in a claim against an insurance firm, Tahan Malaysia, following the death of his son in a road accident. Zainal and Kuppusamy were then told to collect a cheque of RM66,647.44 from the firm's office in Shah Alam, but since Zainal did not have a bank account, Kuppusamy then had the amount remitted into his firm's account and gradually withdrew the sum without giving it to Zainal. On Dec 23, 2011, the High Court in Seremban rejected Kuppusamy's appeal and upheld the decision of the sessions court. In February last year, the Court of Appeal allowed his application to stay his jail term pending disposal of his appeal at the Court of Appeal. He was also allowed to be freed on bail of RM5,000 with one surety pending his appeal. The Court of Appeal had issued a warrant of arrest against him on Tuesday (June 25) following his failure to attend court for his appeal for the fourth time. Earlier, deputy public prosecutor Mohamad Abazafree Mohd Abas informed the court that police arrested Kuppusamy at his house in Seremban at about 1.20am today. Kuppusamy, who was represented by lawyer G. Ganesan, was brought to the court in handcuffs.
(Another) Mutiny in Sabah PKR? Posted: 27 Jun 2013 05:59 PM PDT
Sabah's political grapevine is frothing with rumour of Lajim Ukin getting ready to take over the Sabah PKR leadership. (FMT) - First it was Tamparuli assemblyman Wilfred Bumburing who declined to play second fiddle to Sabah PKR and was reportedly mulling either forming or taking over an existing local party. Now word is that Lajim Ukin is set to slice-off the party's current state leadership and takeover the reigns. Sabah's political grapevine is frothing with rumour of Lajim and Bumburing's moves. Both are newcomers to PKR, having defected from Barisan Nasional last July and pledging support to Anwar Ibrahim. Both contested in the May 5 general elections under the PKR ticket. Former Tuaran MP, Bumburing lost his incumbency but won the Tamparuli state seat. Lajim, who was formerly Beaufort MP, also lost his incumbency but won the Klias state seat. Lajim is now contesting the election results for Beaufort. He lost the seat to Umno's Azizah Dun by a 673 votes. Post-GE13, Lajim had reportedly said he would set aside his NGO platform PPPS and join Sabah PKR, a decision which many here had anticipated. At the time of his defection, speculations were rife that Lajim had struck a 'deal' with with PKR central pending the outcome of GE. His entry into Sabah PKR last year was divisive and riddled with controversy. PKR won an unprecedented nine seats in the GE13. Its partner DAP took three. Ahmad Thamrin Jaini has been Sabah PKR chief for sometime. He contested and lost in the Gum-Gum state seat in last month's GE. The way it stands, the inner circles within a divided state PKR see him as politically impotent, more so after he failed to admit that he was fully aware of Tuaran PKR divison leader Ansari Abdullah's plan to pre-announce the GE13 candidates 'recommended and approved' by several divisions within Sabah.
Posted: 27 Jun 2013 05:38 PM PDT So you see, the bottom line of what I am trying to tell you, is that the success and failure of my enterprise rests with the Chinese. And I suspect most of the Malaysians who would be patronising the kopitiam are also going to be Malaysian Chinese who live here in the Northwest of England (because the Malays here are too poor to eat out, unlike the Chinese who are mostly working people and not students like the Malays).
NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin
Hopefully, by next week, the first Malaysian kopitiam in Northwest England (meaning Manchester) will be open for business. I will post the details/photos here in Malaysia Today once the place has been spruced up and is ready. Anyway, in the meantime, let me share a little secret with you. When we first took over the place from the original café operator, a Cypriot Muslim, we thought we would just sink in about RM50,000 or so into that business. But then the 1800s building was so run down that we decided to do a total refurbishing since we do have a 15-year tenancy on the premises. Hence we would need to look at RM150,000 rather than just RM50,000. I then spoke to an architect friend of mine, a Malaysian-Chinese from Liverpool, and discussed the concept that I had in mind. He, too, had some great ideas and I was really smitten with what he had in mind. However, how do I get a BMW for the price of a Proton Saga? That was the challenge ahead of us. I spoke to another Chinese friend from London who was operating a string of restaurants and he told me that for what I had in mind I would have to look at not less than RM2 million to RM2.5 million. He should know because he is an old hand at the restaurant business. RM2 million or more is certainly not viable because I just do not have that kind of money. The most I could raise from loans and whatnot would be about RM1 million or so. I do not have the capacity to raise more than RM1 million. Hence we needed to squeeze a RM2 million idea into a budget of less than RM1 million. We then took a gamble. In January, we signed the 15-year lease and then brought in the contractor and for a budget of about RM10,000 he ripped the place apart. We practically stripped the place clean except for the pillars, beams and roof. Even the front walls came down. We wanted to see what was underneath all this and what we would need to do to meet the plan we had in mind. And what was revealed was atrocious. A lot more work than we anticipated would need to be done plus we would have to suffer a delay of an additional three months or so. Nevertheless, we decided to proceed and this architect friend of mine came out with detail drawings. He then searched around for a Mat Salleh contractor who could complete what may cost at least RM1.5 million for half the price -- kitchen equipment and furniture/fittings included. The Mat Salleh contractor, who had been to Malaysia, Thailand, etc., many times, was so taken in by the project that he was prepared to do the job for the budget that we had in mind (he was even prepared to bring in investors if I needed more money). In short, I would get my BMW for the price of a Proton. He only wanted to see the project succeed because, in his own words, "Manchester needs a fucking good Malaysian restaurant." Hence he was not doing this for the profit. When I told my restaurant friend in London what I would need to spend, he responded with, "Fucking hell! That is fucking cheap! How the fuck did you manage that?" Yes, that four-letter word appears to be the English word for 'alamak' or 'aiyoh'. So we got cracking with the work and in the meantime my Chinese friend in London arranged for my sons to receive training in his restaurant. He also introduced me to all his suppliers -- all Chinese, of course, and some of them Malaysian Chinese. Now we are at the tail end and am about to throw our doors open. But what tickles me is that my architect/adviser, my trainer/introducer, my ten of so suppliers who are giving me 'special prices' on all my purchases plus credit as well, are all Chinese, many of them Malaysian Chinese. So you see, the bottom line of what I am trying to tell you, is that the success and failure of my enterprise rests with the Chinese. And I suspect most of the Malaysians who would be patronising the kopitiam are also going to be Malaysian Chinese who live here in the Northwest of England (because the Malays here are too poor to eat out, unlike the Chinese who are mostly working people and not students like the Malays). And what is my message in this article today? I suppose the message I am trying to deliver is that here in the UK we are not Malays, Chinese or Indians. Here in the UK we are just plain Malaysians. And we help each other where and when we can. And I admit that what I am doing and the way I am doing it would not have been possible without the help of all these Chinese. I have never done business in the UK. But all these Chinese who have been here for the last 20 years or so have, and they have all the right expertise, contacts and connections. And they have 'transferred' all this knowledge to me to help me achieve what I am trying to achieve. I do not have the advantage of a Bumiputera status or the New Economic Policy here in the UK. But what I do have are many Chinese who have bent over backwards to help me. Some of these Chinese are Pakatan Rakyat supporters. Some are Barisan Nasional supporters. Some do not care two hoots about what is happening back in Malaysia. But as far as they are concerned I am a fellow-Malaysian and all they want to do is to see a fellow-Malaysian succeed in his endeavour. I don't know about Malaysia but here in the UK we certainly have 1Malaysia. Oh, and another thing, some of the loans I raised are personal loans from these Chinese (plus an Indian) who have given me a one-year moratorium on the repayment with no interest charges whatsoever. Do you really think I hate the Chinese, as some of you think?
Terengganu hanging on tenterhooks Posted: 27 Jun 2013 04:25 PM PDT
The first post-general election test of strength between Umno and PAS is set to take place in the Kuala Besut by-election. In the recent general election, Umno made clean sweeps in Besut and Setiu, where the party's candidates won both parliamentary seats well as all the state seats in the two areas. Joceline Tan, The Star IT has been quite tough so far for Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Said, having to hold on to the state with a two-seat majority. But it got even tougher on Wednesday when he was informed that Kuala Besut assemblyman Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar had passed away. The urgent message came through while Ahmad was in Kuala Lumpur, accompanying the Sultan of Terengganu, at the Conference of Rulers at Istana Negara. Ahmad sought to be excused to attend the assemblyman's funeral in Kuala Besut. Death is part and parcel of life but this may shake up the delicate balance of power in Terengganu. Barisan Nasional's two-seat majority in the 32-seat state assembly is like hanging on to a rope from a tall building. But, with Dr Rahman's passing, Ahmad must feel like he is now hanging on by a thin thread. The media has been throbbing with speculation of a hung assembly in the making. This has never happened before and all sorts of scenarios are being tossed about on what will happen if the by-election goes the way of PAS. After all, Terengganu does have a reputation of being a swing state. Fresh state elections is likely should that happen. But as both sides know very well, Besut is an Umno stronghold. In the recent general election, Umno made clean sweeps in Besut and Setiu, where the party's candidates won both parliamentary seats well as all the state seats in the two areas. PAS made a clean sweep in Kuala Terengganu, winning the parliamentary and its four state seats. The strongman in Besut is none other than Education Minister II Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, who is known as the technocrat-politician. A lot rests on Idris to ensure that Kuala Besut stays with the Barisan and he should have the main say on the choice of candidate for the by-election. The death of Dr Rahman, barely two months after the general election, was somewhat of a talking point in Umno circles. Many are puzzled how Dr Rahman could have been let through to contest because he had undergone surgery for lung cancer two months before the polls. They said the sad affair has made a mockery of the winnable candidate criteria. "A winnable candidate must be able to go the distance and everyone could see he was not well. "The operation affected his voice. It was very soft and sounded like a woman's voice," said a Besut Umno politician. Rahman's illness was kept under wraps and he went on to win against PAS' Napisah Ismail with a credible majority of 2,434 votes and was reappointed to the state exco. He suffered a relapse on the final day of the state legislative assembly meeting last week and did not recover. There is also some sort of blame game going on. Insiders said Idris, who is Besut Umno division chief had wanted to put a new man in Kuala Besut but the Mentri Besar, who had a big say, insisted on Dr Rahman. "The next candidate must be someone from the area who understands the needs of the people and who is healthy. "Idris is an anchor figure in Besut, it will largely be his campaign. "The candidate needs his blessing and support," said Dr Azmi Omar who is from the Jerteh branch in Besut. Some in Umno credit Idris for rolling back the PAS influence after he took over as Mentri Besar in 2004 because Besut was the epicentre of PAS activism in Terengganu in the 1980s and the 1990s. At the height of the Amanat Haji Hadi controversy, during which Umno members were condemned as infidels, Besut was notorious for the practice of "two imams." PAS members refused to be led by the government imam and insisted on praying behind an imam from their party, hence leading to a situation of two imams in one mosque. PAS last won Kuala Besut in 1999, with its candidate Nik Zawawi Nik Salleh, who is now secretary of the party's Majlis Syura. The subsequent years saw internal power struggles between rival ulama groups in Besut that diluted its influence. The infighting was the reason why PAS had to settle for a woman candidate in last month's general election – she was seen as a neutral figure. The by-election will also be a test for the new PAS chief of Besut, Ustaz Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad who is known for his fiery oratory and jet black beard. PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali, who is from Terengganu, said the party has a good political machinery in Besut but admitted "it is not going to be easy". But no one is taking anything for granted despite Besut being "Idris territory" and Kuala Besut being an Umno seat. Besut is on the border of Kelantan and Umno can expect the Kelantan PAS arsenal to make its presence felt in the campaign. Kuala Besut is 99% Malay and it will be a Malay fight between two traditional rivals who are often at each others' throats but who also embrace each other as brothers in Islam.
Sultan: Kerjasama dengan Khalid Posted: 27 Jun 2013 04:17 PM PDT
Sultan Selangor ingin melihat kesemua wakil rakyat beri kerjasama penuh kepada Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. Jamilah Kamarudin, FMT Sultan: Kerjasama dengan Khalid
Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah meminta semua wakil rakyat, termasuk wakil Barisan Nasional (BN), memberi kerjasama penuh kepada kepimpinan Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. Menurut Baginda, berjaya atau tidak pentadbiran Selangor itu bergantung kepada wakil rakyat dan pemimpinnya mentadbir dan memajukan negeri berteraskan undang-undang sedia ada. "Beta menaruh harapan agar ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat dapat bekerjasama sebagai satu pasukan dalam memberi perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada rakyat dan negeri yang kita kasihi ini," titahnya dalam ucapan Majlis Perasmian Pembukaan Sidang Dewan Negeri Selangor di sini hari ini. Pada masa yang sama, baginda menasihatkan Abdul Khalid supaya bertugas dengan lebih tekun, gigih dan terus berusaha mempertahankan Selangor sebagai negeri termaju di Malaysia dan sentiasa dihadapan sepanjang masa. Baginda bertitah, wakil rakyat perlu menghormati kedaulatan undang-undang dan memastikan segala tindakan dan keputusan yang diambil tidak bercanggah dan selaras dengan peruntukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan serta Undang-Undang Tubuh Kerajaan Selangor. "Janganlah hendaknya ada pihak yang menyalah tafsir peruntukan undang-undang tersebut kearah kepentingan dan manfaat sesuatu golongan tertentu sahaja. "Kita perlu sentiasa mengangkat martabat Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Undang-Undang Tubuh Kerajaan Selangor dan Undang-Undang Negara ke tahap tertinggi mengatasi segala kepentingan peribadi dan politik masing-masing," titahnya.
GLC juggernaut crushing private enterprise, say analysts Posted: 27 Jun 2013 03:12 PM PDT Putrajaya estimates that firms linked to it employ around 5 per cent of the national workforce, and hold 36 per cent market capitalisation of Bursa Malaysia and 54 per cent of the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) respectively. Zurairi AR and Ida Lim, The Malay Mail
Rich and powerful government-linked companies (GLCs) are "scaring" off private firms and stifling competition, analysts have said, despite Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's pledge of a more open economy with less state intervention A steadily growing force since the Mahathir administration, GLCs such as Khazanah Nasional, Sime Darby and DRB-Hicom have amassed overflowing war chests and built networks that far surpass that which smaller firms and start-ups can muster. From energy and property to cars and candy, ravenously expanding GLCs today seemingly have their fingers in every pie. Putrajaya estimates that firms linked to it employ around 5 per cent of the national workforce, and hold 36 per cent market capitalisation of Bursa Malaysia and 54 per cent of the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) respectively. "The work that we have done shows that when the GLC share of sales in an industry exceeds 60 per cent, there is a strong negative impact on private investment in that industry," Jayant Menon, lead economist in trade and regional co-operation at Asian Development Bank (ADB), told The Malay Mail Online in an email interview here. In April, together with fellow ADB economist Thiam Hee Ng, Menon released a paper, "Are Government-Linked Corporations Crowding out Private Investment in Malaysia?", studying the growing influence of Malaysian GLCs. In it, they suggested that foreign and local investment in Malaysia has remained lacklustre since the Asian financial crisis, since GLCs' dominance have discouraged competition and entry of new private firms.
"The argument is that the GLCs (are) crowding out ... when GLC is present in the market, it will scare others especially the small ones to be involved in the activity," Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) executive director Dr Zakariah Abdul Rashid told The Malay Mail Online. According to Menon, GLCs are prevalent in almost every sector, with the most dominant sectors being utilities (93 per cent), and transportation and warehousing (80 per cent). GLCs also control over 50 per cent of sectors such as agriculture, banking, information communications, and retail trade. GLCs were established as part of the Barisan Nasional (BN) government's affirmative action policies for Bumiputera citizens under the New Economic Policy (NEP), but its effectiveness has been questioned even by those it is meant to help ― Bumiputera entrepreneurs. Last month, the Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (MCCM) and the Malay Economic Action Council (MTEM) ― a consolidation of Malay economic organisations ― accused GLCs of failing to protect Bumiputera interests and sidelining Bumiputera firms instead.
"We believe that the implementation of the government's policies has been weak, 1 Malaysia has not worked ... Persons appointed to implement, the government-linked companies (GLCs) in particular, are weak," MCCM president Datuk Syed Ali Al-Attas said in a media report. The ADB paper asserted that GLCs have greater access to government procurement, hence find it easier to increase investment in sectors where they are already dominant. On average, GLCs have total assets almost nine times greater than non-GLCs, and are more likely to invest a higher proportion of their earnings. Menon argued that Malaysia was also the only ASEAN country that is a net exporter of capital, claiming that total outflows have exceeded US$40 billion (RM124 billion) between 2006 and 2009, almost double that of inflows. "Although some of this outflow is associated with Malaysian firms seeking better investment returns overseas, part of the outflow is almost certainly being driven by the crowding out factor at home due to GLCs," said Menon. But Zakariah maintained that such outflows need not necessarily be solely caused by domineering GLCs. "That's one of the reasons because you can't really pinpoint that this is because of this. But that may be one of the things that contribute to that because the presence of GLCs will crowd out the activity of the private sector," said Zakariah, who refused to put the blame solely on GLCs. "GLCs are one of the many factors that cause the outflow but to blame the GLCs alone is not fair." Zakariah also said this was not yet a concern, believing that the government already has a plan to reduce the dominance of GLCs, especially with a competition policy. Malaysia's Competition Act 2010, which came into play last January and is enforced by the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC), seeks to discourage anti-competitive practices and monopolies in businesses. Putrajaya had in recent years sought to decrease the role of GLCs in a bid to open up the market for private investors and businesses. In July 2011, Pemandu chief executive officer Datuk Seri Idris Jala said the government will carry out a divestment exercise on 33 GLCs by selling 21 and listing seven of these companies, besides reducing its stakes in five of them. Malaysia needs to increase its private investment to 20 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP) by 2020 to reach a high-income nation status. Last year, Malaysia's private investment increased to 15.5 per cent of GDP, its highest since 1998.
Water crisis imminent in Klang Valley Posted: 27 Jun 2013 03:05 PM PDT
SHORTAGE: Six million to face problem Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) yesterday warned that with low water reserves in almost all of its 34 treatment plants -- they stand at less than one per cent rather than the required 10 per cent -- consumers from Kuala Lumpur, Petaling, Klang, Gombak and Hulu Langat can experience water shortage at any moment. Sukhbir Cheem, NST WITH water reserves at an all-time low, water disruption is imminent for nearly six million consumers in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) yesterday warned that with low water reserves in almost all of its 34 treatment plants -- they stand at less than one per cent rather than the required 10 per cent -- consumers from Kuala Lumpur, Petaling, Klang, Gombak and Hulu Langat can experience water shortage at any moment. "The current water reserves in the treatment plants are at their all-time low, leading to the possibility of huge-scale water disruptions. "If water disruptions take place, Syabas will only have enough water reserves to cater to 40,000 households," Syabas Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department assistant general manager Priscillia Alfred revealed to the New Straits Times yesterday. Priscillia cited the high rate loss of non-revenue water (NRW) and a 3.5 per cent increase in demand annually as chief reasons for a potential water crisis on an unprecedented scale. "As at June 20, the average demand for water had increased to 4,689 million litres per day (MLD) compared with water treatment plants' supply capacity of 4,661 MLD. "We need at least 10 per cent of water reserves as a guarantee that there will not be any water disruption." Priscillia said there were frequent breakdowns at almost all the water concessionaire's water treatment plants which had been operating at their maximum capacities of 180MLD. "Each treatment plant has about four to five pumps."
"However, due to the high rate loss of NRW, many pumps have been clocking more than 220MLD. This is absolutely worrying." Despite Syabas having implemented mitigation works that include upgrading water treatment plants, these had not alleviated the problem as obvious from the spate of water disruptions in the Klang Valley recently. "With the rise in demand and population in Selangor, we can't even possibly meet the target of having 10 per cent water reserve," she said, adding that the short-term mitigation projects would take place until 2016. The Statistics Department of Malaysia's decennial Population and Housing Census of Malaysia (Census 2010) showed that Selangor was the most populous state in the country with about 5.46 million people while Kuala Lumpur was seventh at 1.67 million. With an annual two per cent growth rate along with rapid development, Priscillia described the situation as "alarming" despite Syabas having emergency contingency plans. "We've spent RM10 million this year alone to upgrade 66 tankers, 750 static tanks and pump houses, but all these will not solve the problem in the long run." The lack of treated water supply had forced Syabas to put on hold several approvals for new housing development in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Putrajaya, a move supported by the National Water Services Commission (SPAN). "As of Dec 31, last year, about 450 projects which collectively needed 304.72MLD had been put on hold. We have had to also put on hold 656 approvals for requests to supply 526.11MLD as of June this year." Priscillia urged householders to use water wisely and suggested rain water harvesting for daily household use. She also encouraged consumers to report burst pipes and leakages. |
In Kuala Besut, Terengganu Sultan may again hold the aces Posted: 27 Jun 2013 03:00 PM PDT
(The Malay Mail) - The possibility of a PAS victory in the Kuala Besut by-election will pile pressure on Barisan Nasional (BN) to reach across the aisle for unity rule and avoid letting the matter fall into the hands of the state Ruler.
A PAS win will see both BN and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) each holding 16 state seats and neither the majority. In this case, Terengganu Sultan Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin will be obliged to choose the new mentri besar whom he believes commands the confidence of the majority of the assembly. "If there are equal seats between the two parties, BN might want a unity government ... There might be a reshuffle, the mentri besar might stay or he might not," said Prof Dr Shamsul Adabi Mamat, a political analyst with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). But if the state Ruler decides that none of the representatives has the confidence of the state assembly, he may opt for dissolution and trigger fresh polls. "It will be a hung assembly, I suppose there will be crisis ... Ultimately the Sultan will be responsible," Wan Saiful Wan Jan of think-tank Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) told The Malay Mail Online here. The state monarch is no stranger to making decisions on such matters. Following Election 2008, he appointed Kijal assemblyman Datuk Seri Ahmad Said as mentri besar over the incumbent, Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, who was recommended by Putrajaya. And if BN is unable to convince PAS to co-operate ― an uphill battle ― then it faces the very real possibility of the Sultan appointing a representative from the Islamist party as mentri besar. But PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat's previous declaration that there will never be a pact with Umno for as long as he is alive places a near-insurmountable rock in BN's path. Also of concern for the ruling coalition is PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's cordial relationship with the palace and support from Terengganu folk for the party, two factors that may tip the balance in its favour. "PAS has shown some recovery in the state compared to in 2004 and 2008 ... PAS seems to be on the rebound while BN is suffering somewhat for being in the state government since 2004," independent pollster Merdeka Centre's Ibrahim Suffian told The Malay Mail Online. "There have been some unmet expectations, causing BN to lose some seats in the recent elections," he added, referring to the seven state seats and two parliamentary seats lost by BN to PR. Shamsul Adabi was less optimistic, however, about PAS's chances, noting that the late BN Kuala Besut assemblyman Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar had won by a 2,434-vote majority in an area with only 17,679 voters. Dr Rahman died in Kuala Terengganu from lung cancer on Wednesday, triggering the by-election. His outlook was shared by Ibrahim, but the pollster also highlighted that the majority enjoyed by BN seems to be decreasing despite the seat being its stronghold. BN had won with a bigger majority of 2,631 votes in 2008. Wan Saiful pointed out that the imminent crisis might turn out to be good in helping to develop the maturity of Malaysia's democracy. "Crisis is good ... If there's an opportunity to learn, we have something that has never happened before," he said. "One of the biggest lessons so far if we were to have the redelineation next, is we shouldn't have even numbers of constituencies." Terengganu currently has 32 state and eight parliamentary seats. In Election 2013, BN retained control of the state by winning 17 seats to take a two-seat advantage over PR.
EC murky on future of ‘indelible’ ink Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:48 PM PDT
(The Malay Mail) - The Election Commission (EC) yesterday refused to confirm if the "indelible" ink introduced in the general election will be used in the upcoming poll for the Kuala Besut state seat. According to commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusoff, the decision may possibly be announced next week. "Should be next week, not certain yet," Aziz was quoted as saying by the Sinar Harian news portal yesterday. The EC has come under fire over the "indelible" ink it rolled out in Election 2013 to prevent repeat voting, after voters complained that it readily washed off using water and household cleaning compounds. When fending off criticism of the ink's apparent inefficacy, the commission had said this was due to the low content of silver nitrate — just 1 per cent — in order to make it suitable for Muslims. But even this was thrown into question after Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim told Parliament on Wednesday that the ink contained no chemicals and only food dye. The EC insisted, however, that the ink used contained silver nitrate to make it indelible. "There is indeed silver nitrate," EC deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar told The Malay Mail Online on Wednesday. Wan Ahmad said silver nitrate was likely classified as a metal, instead of a chemical, adding that food colouring was used to turn the indelible ink red for early voters and dark blue for ordinary voters. The EC yesterday acknowledged receiving the notification of Kuala Besut assemblyman Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar's death, and must now conduct a by-election to elect a replacement for the Terengganu state assembly within 60 days. Rahman died of lung cancer at the Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah in Kuala Terengganu on Wednesday.
No inkling of truth in Ku Nan’s words Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:37 PM PDT
The latest revelations about the indelible ink used in GE13 show that both the Election Commission (EC) and Umno-Baru are prepared to deceive the public. When caught red-handed, they backtracked and told more lies. Their deceit ranged from blaming Allah, to placing the fault with the Opposition coalition. Mariam Mokhtar, FMT When Umno-Baru politicians, like Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Mansor speak, you wonder why millions of Malaysians voted BN yet again. If you need enlightening, the answer is that at GE13 and in previous elections, BN cheated. The fuss over the indelible ink is damning to BN. If the ink was indelible and lasted a week, the army would not have been able to vote many times. The police would not have been able to vote many times. The illegals and foreigners would not have been able to vote many times. The Umno-Baru runners would not have been able to vote many times. Without the extra votes, Umno-Baru would have sunk quicker than a faulty submarine. Umno-Baru and BN cannot depend on the Chinese votes – a community which is cowed into submission, by the spectre of May 13. Umno-Baru cannot depend on the rural Malays either. During the Baling riots of 1974, rural Malays protested about rising prices, hunger and other social problems. As Umno-Baru couldn't depend on the support of either the Malays or the Chinese, they needed to import a new breed of working class people from overseas, the legal and illegal immigrants, to vote for BN. The latest revelations about the indelible ink used in GE13 show that both the Election Commission (EC) and Umno-Baru are prepared to deceive the public. When caught red-handed, they backtracked and told more lies. Their deceit ranged from blaming Allah, to placing the fault with the Opposition coalition. If the EC has been swindled by the ink supplier, why won't they reveal the name of the company? Why are they keeping the test methods that were used to test the ink's suitability a secret? Why has the cost of the ink risen drastically? Over three successive GEs, millions of ringgits of taxpayers' money have been squandered, on indelible ink. This is no coincidence. The debacle with the ink is a deliberate and coordinated ploy by the EC and Umno-Baru to manufacture a win for BN. As usual, the leader of the BN government, Najib Tun Razak remains silent about the repeated waste of public resources. He cannot denounce the EC because he assumed power through electoral fraud.Najib has also kept quiet about the haze enveloping Malaysia. He has not said a word about the deaths in police custody, nor has he voiced an opinion about the child conversions. God's will The EC chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof feigned sadness that the indelible ink used in GE13 was easily washed off. He told the Malay daily Sinar Harian that the indelible ink had been tested prior to use. He said, "If people ask me now, what is the saddest thing in my life, I would answer: 'Indelible ink'. "On the much-awaited day, the power of Allah is greater when the ink could disappear after being washed several times. Where is the mistake?" (sic.) Despite his sacrilegious comments, Abdul Aziz has not been investigated for sedition. Utusan Malaysia's weekend newspaper quoted the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan saying that BN was 'fated' to win GE13, because God had willed it. He said, "In short, fate and God's will determines everything." Abdul Rahman is not a prophet and has no right to make divine prophecies. Despite his blasphemous remarks, Abdul Rahman has not been censured. Senior Umno politicians are now back-pedalling and covering-up their lies over the ink fiasco. Days after GE-13, senators and ministers were already reneging on their promises. One senator said that he would need five years to solve the stateless Indians issue. A minister said that car prices could only come down in five years time. Coincidentally, GE-14 is in five years time. Tengku Adnan now says that Malaysia did not need to use indelible ink, because it is not a third world country. He said "…the opposition wanted it…" He should have said that the rakyat wanted it! Since when have Umno-Baru politicians acknowledged the needs and wants of the Opposition or rakyat? The rakyat wanted free and fair elections, but were repeatedly denied them. Tengku Adnan then expressed concern for the rakyat. He said that the chemicals contained in the ink could be harmful to health. Has he or his party showed any concern for the effects, on the rakyat, of the gold mining in Raub or in Sarawak? Does he care about the deleterious effects, of the Lynas rare earths plant, on citizens in the vicinity? Why has he not punished the companies which have close links to his party and which are believed to have created the haze in Sumatra? The community in Pusing, near Ipoh are still suffering from the radiation poisoning caused by the Mitsibushi Asian Rare Earth (ARE) company. Communities are neglected, but Tengku Adnan has the audacity to say that "the government cares."
Hung assembly in Terengganu unlikely Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:32 PM PDT
The casting vote by the speaker of the assembly, a post now held by Mohd Zubir Embong, would keep the BN in power in the state. (Bernama) - Will a hung state assembly emerge in Terengganu with an upcoming by-election that has the possibility of splitting the 32-seat legislature down the middle? Unlikely, according to feedback from politicians on both sides of the divide. The death of Kuala Besut assemblyman Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar of the Barisan Nasional (BN) has forced a by-election in Terengganu where the ruling BN now has 16 of the 17 seats it won in the May 5 general election and Pakatan Rakyat has 15 (PAS 14 and PKR, one). An opposition victory in the by-election, which has to be held before Aug 27, could split the seats 16-16. It is generally believed that this hung state assembly could result in a fresh election being called, but politicians interviewed said this should not necessarily be so. Terengganu MCA chief and former state executive councillor Toh Chin Yaw told Bernama the casting vote by the speaker of the assembly, a post now held by Mohd Zubir Embong, would keep the BN in power in the state. "The chair of any meeting has the casting vote. If voting is tied, under certain regulation, the chair (speaker) will exercise his casting vote," he said. If the number of seats are tied at 16-16, the BN government would get that one majority from the speaker's casting vote. PKR vice-president Tian Chua shared the opinion, saying that even if PAS managed to capture the Kuala Besut seat in the by-election and there was a tie at 16-16, a fresh election would not have to be called. "Whether the speaker is an assemblyman or not, the principle is that the chair has the casting vote when the situation is tied. The speaker will cast his vote and the BN will continue to rule," he told Bernama. He said a change of government could only happen only if there were defections of assemblymen from the ruling party.
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