Sabtu, 4 Mei 2013

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Victory Speech, May 6 2013

Posted: 03 May 2013 12:27 PM PDT 

Praise be to God, Lord of the Universe, Just God of Humanity, Universal God of Humankind that knows even what is whispered in our hearts. Praise be to Lord of the Day of Judgment; one that made possible the change and transformation we are seeing now and we will continue to see in future.

Allow me to talk about our victory, our vision of a "Constitutional State" and our vehicle of social, cultural, and economic progress beyond the NEP: of a new economic agenda.

I stand here by His Grace, with humility, thanking you Malaysians who have come to celebrate and to give us the strength, the resolve, and the will to continue to march towards victory.

This victory is already ours. We cannot underestimate our struggle – the struggle of Malaysians of regardless of race, class, gender, creed, religious background, and national origin. This victory will be a gift for our children. This will be the best gift we can leave the next generation with in a country in which "justice" is put in its proper place. This is the concept of Adil and is what we base out struggle on. This is the concept of bersih, cekap, amanah in the truest sense of the word. We are winning.

We live in an imperfect world. We live in maya, in the shadow of Plato's cave. We constantly need to make changes to our institutions, so that democracy will have its breathing space, will evolve, and will flourish in accordance to the laws of Nature. As the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau once said "Everything in good in the hands of the Author of things, everything degenerates in the Hands of Man…"

We have allowed totalitarianism, corruption, repression, and hedonism to take root in our democratic institutions.
In an imperfect world such as Malaysia, in which imperfection has gotten worse and making us slaves to the policies created out of our prejudices and arrogance, out of our greed and lust for power, and out of our ill-conceived idea of human liberation and economic development - this imperfect world needed more than just incremental changes and compromise.

It needed radical changes and no-compromises. We have shown that we through Fate conspiring, through the Will of God, we made that change, sudden yet peaceful and civil, on March 8 2008. It is our Velvet revolution, inspired by our own sense of non-violence, aided by technologies of cybernetics.

The "revolution" - our own Malaysian styled-revolution - that ought to now be studied alongside the nature and structure of revolutions worldwide is not without its causes.

Voices of change

Those hard long years of battling injustices, the sacrifices of those imprisoned without trial, of those humiliated beyond recognition stripped off their dignity, those brutally beaten beyond mercy, those hunted down on the streets of our major cities, those silenced and stupefied in our universities, those sprayed with chemicals, and the voice of the little girl – a child of the Hindraf revolution who brought roses to ask for pity for his father's release - all these violent images of oppression we do not deserve have taught us to be stronger.

We shall overcome
We shall overcome.
We shall overcome the tyranny of an arrogant, ineffective, incompetent, corrupt and lazy government that
does not have any more respect for the rule of law
does not have any shame in showing its greed and lust
does not have any mercy in using brutal force to silent the voices of change
does not have much respect for the principles of human rights
does not have much intelligence when it comes to parliamentary debates
does not have a clue of what good governance means
does not have any regard for the plight of the poor and their livelihood
does not have any respect for the intelligence of the faculty and students in our universities
does not have any shame in overstaying their welcome
does not have any interest in controlling crime
does not have any will to fight corruption
and does not have leaders that are wide awake,

and does not have any idea that spoiled brats and greedy ones are running the country and finally destroying not only the party but also the nation. 

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DAP bakal kuasai Malaysia?

Posted: 03 May 2013 12:12 PM PDT

Pada saat-saat akhir ini, MCA (BN) dilihat semakin terdesak dengan kempen anti PAS dan DAP dalam media-media arus perdana. 1 undi untuk DAP diumpamakan sebagai 1 undi untuk PAS dan sokongan kepada perlaksanaan hukum hudud di Malaysia. Masyarakat Cina ditakut-takutkan dengan isu perlaksanaan hukum hudud jika Pakatan Rakyat memenangi PRU13.

Di pihak lain pula, UMNO dan Perkasa menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu dengan mengatakan bahawa 1 undi untuk PAS adalah 1 undi untuk DAP yang akan menghapuskan keistimewaan Bumiputera dan Islam di Malaysia. 2 fakta yang jelas bertentangan antara UMNO dan MCA. Orang Melayu ditakut-takutkan dengan isu kehilangan hak-hak keistimewaan Melayu kerana DAP bakal berkuasa manakala masyarakat Cina pula ditakut-takutkan dengan isu PAS dan perlaksanaan hukum hududnya. Malangnya rakyat yg cetek akal terus percaya membuta-tuli tanpa menyidik lanjut.

Mampukah DAP menguasai Parlimen?

Masih ramai orang Melayu Islam yang takut untuk memangkah DAP. Ini termasuklah penyokong-penyokong tegar PKR dan PAS sendiri. Mereka termakan hasutan media arus perdana bahawa andai Pakatan Rakyat berkuasa, DAP akan menjadi tuan di Malaysia. Bagaimana DAP hendak menguasai Parlimen Malaysia jika mereka hanya bertanding di 51 daripada 222 kerusi Parlimen di seluruh negara? Sekiranya DAP menang kesemua 51 kerusi sekali pun, mereka hanya memiliki 23% daripada jumlah semua kerusi Parlimen Malaysia dan mereka masih tidak mempunyai suara majoriti dan tidak akan berupaya untuk menguasai Parlimen Malaysia. 

Di antara DAP, PAS dan PKR di dlm Pakatan Rakyat, PKR merupakan parti paling besar jumlah pencalonannya di kerusi Parlimen. PKR bertanding di 99 kerusi Parlimen, PAS 73 manakala DAP cuma 51 kerusi sahaja. Adakah benar DAP boleh menjadi kuasa dominan dalam Pakatan Rakyat dan seterusnya mengawal Parlimen Malaysia? Gunakanlah akal yang Allah kurniakan untuk menilai sendiri bukti-bukti yang disajikan dan bukan terus percaya segala hasutan politik kotor pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan politik peribadi. Statistik ini diperoleh di laman web rasmi PRU 13 milik Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (

Pesanan saya kepada para penyokong Pakatan Rakyat yang sudah berkira-kira untuk tidak memangkah DAP atas alasan Islam dan kepentingan Bumiputra, sedarlah bahawa kita telah diperdaya oleh media arus perdana melalui kenyataan pemimpin-pemimpin negara atas nama keterdesakan politik. Sedarkah anda kenyataan-kenyataan mereka ini jarang-jarang sekali disertakan dengan fakta dan statistik yang sah? Disebabkan mereka pemimpin nepgara dan ulasan mereka disiarkan di media arus perdana, maka kita terus percaya bahawa ianya sahih tanpa usul periksa. 

Read more at: 


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