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- Playing the Barisan Nasional Blame Game
- PR Didn't Want To Work With Us
- Najib: Opposition the greatest hypocrite
- ‘We actually won the election’
- GE13: Polls panel insists elections were clean
- Pengundi Cina silap percaturan sokong pakatan rakyat: Nazri
- Dr Chua to step down by year-end
- Koh to resign as Gerakan chief on May 16
- Anwar backs Azmin on Khalid’s MB job, says must have consensus
- 'I was offered post once'
- Democracy perverted
- Cracks seem to be emerging in Anwar's PKR
- Selangor Sultan has absolute right to appoint Menteri Besar
- In the aftermath of May 5th (part 7)
- DAP mulls filing election petition amid GE13 fraud claims
- Spewing a Poisonous Brew on the Chinese ‘Lack of Multiracial Spirit’
- Anwar’s allegations are lies to confuse people – EC
- Social media beat me, says Nong Chik
- Rival Pakatan factions fight it out in cyberspace
Playing the Barisan Nasional Blame Game Posted: 11 May 2013 12:54 PM PDT
The political parties are loath to change because they want to; most of them are forced to change, just like the LDP in Japan, the KMT in Taiwan and the Congress Party in India. Stephen Doss, Advisor to the Malaysian Social Media Chambers There is a tendency after every election for winners to amplify their wins and take sole credit for their performance, and for losers to find convenient scapegoats. It would be easy for anyone to look at the results of the 13th General Elections and classify the winners as Barisan Nasional and the losers as Pakatan Rakyat. Not so. In actual fact there is much more for Pakatan Rakyat to be happy about than the Barisan Nasional, for one they are riding an uptrend in terms of total number of votes received, not to mention an increase in the number of seats both at the parliamentary and the state. Barisan Nasional is expected to react the same way that they did after the 2008 General Elections, which is to look for a convenient scapegoat. For UMNO it was Pak Lah, for MCA it was Ong Tee Keat. Fast forward to 2013, already Najib Razak and Chua Soi Lek are now feeling the heat. Unfortunately the Barisan Nasional will again refuse to acknowledge that the rot had set in years back, not 10 years back, not 20. Just like all political parties which have governed for years without interruption, arrogance, corrupt practices, cronyism, and nepotism have become second nature and barely noticed among members. The political parties are loath to change because they want to; most of them are forced to change, just like the LDP in Japan, the KMT in Taiwan and the Congress Party in India. Dr Mahathir did a grave disservice to UMNO and BN when he pinned the blame for the 2008 results on Pak Lah, and the BN lost a golden opportunity to reform itself and hence, they are now suffering from having to form a government with the humiliation of having lost the popular vote. And those that think that by putting the blame solely on certain individuals are gonna change anything, are making the same mistake. Even if there is a change in leadership within the BN, but without recognition that brand BN has been damaged because of widespread corruption, concentration of wealth among the economic elite, arrogance of thought and action among the rank and file, a dearth of talent among its ranks, then the BN can expect to continue in its free fall, they should not be surprised if their share of the popular votes keep dwindling. There are some within the BN who see the 13th GE results as opportunities to climb the ladder, nothing more. They deliberately try to avoid looking at the real reasons why they are now in a downward spiral. If that is the case, Good Luck Barisan Nasional, you're gonna need it come GE14.
PR Didn't Want To Work With Us Posted: 11 May 2013 12:53 PM PDT
Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman STAR Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) said that it was the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) which didn't want to work with STAR to go for the one-to-one fights in the constituencies.
"It is not true that we didn't want to work with the PR. Nothing would be further from the truth," Jeffrey stressed. "On the contrary, it was PR who was not serious cooperating with STAR."
He said that STAR even delivered an official memorandum dated November 12, 2012 to all three components of PR seeking their cooperation for a one-to-one contest in Sabah but received no official response, although discussions were held on the side even to the extent of just almost agreeing on cooperating on 12 parliamentary seats on one-to-one basis against BN.
"STAR believes that the opposition wave that netted PR three parliamentary and 11 State seats was actually due to the efforts of UBF/STAR since December 2010 with the Borneo Tea Parties (BTPs)," Jeffrey said. "With the BTPs we managed to educate Sabahans on the actual history of Sabah in the formation of Malaysia and the dilution and removal of Sabah's rights and autonomy, and empowered them to re-claim Sabah's rights and autonomy.
"PR benefited from the sentiments and managed to ride on this wave started by us. PR plagiarized this political ideology and political struggle by adopting it as theirs. They even used our war cry, 'Ini kalilah!'"
"The real issue for Sabahans now is which party should be supported by them to lead Sabah out of its current quagmire of internal colonization by Umno/Malaya. These include attendant problems of poverty, loss of oil and other revenues, marginalization of local natives, security problems and the overwhelming by illegal immigrants aided by the Umno/BN government and lack of focus on the development of Sabah," Jeffrey said.
He said STAR remains committed in its fight for the restoration of Sabah's rights and autonomy as an equal partner in Malaysia, equal to Malaya and Sarawak and its sole Bingkor seat will be the starting platform to show to the people that STAR is the right party to lead Sabah.
"If PR, and for that matter BN, are serious about the autonomy and rights of Sabah (in which the PM Najib had stated that the 20-Points remain intact), they should take immediate remedial actions to demand for the return of Sabah's rights including the oil rights and revenue and not pay mere lip service and rhetoric in their election campaign to dupe Sabahans into voting for them in the just concluded elections," he opined. "Since both BN and PR are supposed to be on the same side on Sabah rights, a simple motion to amend the Federal Constitution will restore most of Sabah's rights and the amendment can be easily carried out since BN and PR control all 222 of the parliamentary seats.
"Furthermore, if the Sabah BN MPs are serious about Sabah's rights, there is never a better opportunity than now to demand for these rights and etch their names in the annals of history forever. There is no meaning for BN to have a DPM2 if the DPM will be toothless to fulfill the people's aspirations," Jeffrey added. "There is no meaning in additional ministerial posts when the rights for not less than 20% oil is not given, and the cabotage policy is not scrapped for good." He said if these Sabah MPs do not demand for these rights in return for supporting and ensuring the BN federal government remains in Putrajaya, then Sabahans should reject and vote out these irresponsible leaders when the opportunity next arises. "As for Tan Sri Sipaun, his intentions are admirable but he needs to respect the democratic freedom of choice," he said. "While it is ideal to have one-to-one contests, in a democracy, we can't easily avoid multi-cornered fights due to various reasons. Sometimes it is a matter of strategy and not just purely a matter of idealistic planning. "We can see that in many of the results one-to-one contests wouldn't make any difference to the BN's wins. Imagine, at one time we were offered only few seats by PR to contest, while the PR was to get the lion's share of seats. In such a situation it would have been better for PR just to colonize and takeover Sabah like what Umno/Malaya is doing and let Sabah remain as the 12th state of Malaya and Sabahans continue to be the poorest in Malaysia. "In fact, I would think that Tan Sri Simon should have supported our proposal that PR concentrate on parliamentary seats and local parties to take the state seats. This would minimized the splitting of the votes and the results would have been better."
Najib: Opposition the greatest hypocrite Posted: 11 May 2013 12:41 PM PDT
(TMI) - "If the electoral system was tainted, hit by fraud, why have the swearing-in in Penang and Kelantan, and engage in a tussle (as to who should be sworn-in as menteri besar) in Selangor? Why accept (the results) in Permatang Pauh, Gelang Patah? Datuk Seri Najib Razak has described the opposition leaders' refusal to accept the results of the 13th General Election (GE13) which were in favour of the Barisan Nasional (BN), as the greatest hypocrisy. The prime minister said on the other hand, the opposition could accept the results that benefited them despite claiming the polls were tainted by fraud. "If the electoral system was tainted, hit by fraud, why have the swearing-in in Penang and Kelantan, and engage in a tussle (as to who should be sworn-in as menteri besar) in Selangor? Why accept (the results) in Permatang Pauh, Gelang Patah? "The same system is used at the state and parliamentary levels. If the results benefited them, (they) accepted the results. If they were in BN's favour, they objected them. This is the greatest hypocrisy," he said at Umno's 67th anniversary celebration at the Putra World Trade Centre here last night. Najib said, as an advocator of democracy, the opposition should accept the people's decision based on the system adopted under the Constitution. Najib also chided the opposition leader for putting the people in difficult situations and tarnishing the country's image after failing to take over the reins of the government, since the last four general elections. Read more at: |
‘We actually won the election’ Posted: 11 May 2013 12:38 PM PDT
(FMT) - "You have cheated us before but we have forgiven you. But this time no. We demand an answer". But Pakatan was denied victory because of a mother of all frauds, says PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim at a massive rally. Anwar Ibrahim last night described the 13th general election as "mother of all frauds" and vowed not to rest until he got the right answers from relevant authorities. He claimed that Pakatan Rakyat had won but was denied its victory by the fraudulent electoral process overseen by the Election Commission. He said all Malaysians desired a free and fair election, thus demanded the EC to explain on the allegations of fraud raised by Pakatan. "You have cheated us before but we have forgiven you. But this time no. We demand an answer. "You better give us an answer now," he told a mammoth crowd during a post-election rally in Batu Kawan state stadium here last night. He claimed all pre-election analysts by local and foreign political pundits pointed to a victory for Pakatan.
He claimed the election results showed that all Malaysians backed Pakatan whilst Bangladeshis supported the triumphant Barisan Nasional. He claimed that he had photographic and visual evidence to prove that foreigners had voted under police escort in the just concluded election. Read more at: |
GE13: Polls panel insists elections were clean Posted: 11 May 2013 12:26 PM PDT
(The Star) - Election Commission (SPR) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof defends the election process and addresses allegations of electoral fraud. The Election Commission has been getting a lot of flak over purported electoral irregularities in the recently concluded general election such as claims of a power blackout at polling centres during the counting of votes, the switching and stuffing of ballot papers and boxes, phantom voters and indelible ink that could be washed off. Pakatan Rakyat's Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim alleges the elections were marred by fraud and claims victory has been stolen from them and that they would not recognise the Barisan Nasional federal government as legitimate. Bersih which organised a number of street rallies asking for electoral reforms and a clean and fair elections, says it has first-hand information on electoral fraud and video clips of it, so it is withholding recognition of the government until it convenes a Public Tribunal to collate evidence and call witnesses to investigate this. In an interview with The Star, Election Commission (SPR) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof defends the election process and addresses the allegations. He says if there was fraud, that people with the evidence should come forward and lodge reports because "SPR too would like to know." And he calls on Anwar to "be a gentleman" and accept the election results. > How do you think SPR did in the overall handling of the election? Generally, I am happy. All went well - except that before May 5, I had a press conference where I asked voters to come early because the weather forecast said it would be good weather in the morning and it would rain in the afternoon. So at almost all polling centres, too many people came in the morning and there were really long queues with people having to wait for one to three hours to vote. I was disappointed to see senior citizens waiting in the long lines. That is my regret. We were caught by our own advice. This was the bigger voter turnout in the history of our elections an 85% turnout. After 1pm though, only a few people came to vote because most followed our advice and came in the morning. Based on this experience, we will plan for big crowds in future elections and have two streams instead of one if the crowd is more than 500 people at one time. The same thing happened during the advanced voting (on April 30) where most came in the morning so there were long queues too. But these are soldiers and policemen and I told them because of their profession they are tough and should be able to take it. (There are 272,387 registered advance voters comprising army personnel, general operations force, their spouses and policemen) My other regret is about the indelible ink. > What happened with the indelible ink? There were a number of instances where people could wash off the ink on the polling day itself. I am so sad about it. It really hurt me. When we tested and tested it it was okay. But some fingers were oily. And some of our staff didn't shake the bottle properly, they didn't apply the ink properly and let the ink dry. We did train our people. We told them how to apply the ink and to ink the finger on both sides, top and bottom. But we have 233,200 SPR staff - some listened and some didn't. And some just inked the nail instead of the whole finger. Also, some people after voting purposely washed the ink off their finger with detergent. > Even if they did that, the ink shouldn't rub off because the purpose of indelible ink is to prevent people from voting twice. And those with such an intention would try to remove the ink off by any means. So was the ink substandard? And why did we pay RM10 mil for a low quality ink? Was there corruption? No! It wasn't RM10 mil. We paid about RM6mil and it wasn't low quality ink! The problem was that we couldn't put more than 1% of silver nitrate in the ink and the silver nitrate is what makes the ink last. We got a letter from the Health Ministry telling us that if we put more than 1% of silver nitrate in the ink, it could damage the kidney and cause cancer. We had originally planned to put 4% to 7% of silver nitrate in the ink - the 4% for ordinary voting and & 7% for advance voting. But because of the letter from the Health Ministry, we couldn't. If we put more and people get cancer, then SPR will be blamed, so I asked to replace the silver nitrate with something else but to make sure that it lasts. We couldn't add animal-fat ingredients or alcohol either because of the fatwa council regulations. Recently, I spoke to the deputy chairman of the Election Commission in Cambodia and she told me they are going to use 25% silver nitrate in their ink for their coming elections. I've now asked the SPR secretary to go and discuss with the Health Ministry for some compromise on the ink for future elections. Let me just say this. Even if the ink disappears and you try to vote again, your name and IC number on the electoral roll would have been checked and crossed out already at the polling centre by the political parties' when you came to vote earlier, so you wouldn't have been able to vote again. > So SPR is still going to use the ink? Yes, the law now says you must ink your finger. If you don't, then your vote is not valid. We can improve the system. That's why we are getting all the information from various states on the weaknesses and we'll try to improve it for the future. And we will discuss with the Health Ministry to see if we can use 3% to 5% silver nitrate. Some other countries use 8% some as high as 25%. People are asking what happened to the ink. It made me very very sad. > Did you expect such a big voter turn-out? Yes because of the excitement and the fierce fighting of both political parties (Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat) and people were really waiting for the general elections. There was even a big group waiting before we even opened the gate at the polling centres in the morning! I am very happy that the turnout was very good. > There were people doing a citizens' arrest and chasing out so-called foreigners from the polling centre. They said these people were foreigners because they couldn't speak Malay or sing Negaraku. Nobody - except the police or during election time SPR staff - can ask you for your IC. Some of our people look like Bangladeshis, Indians or Nepali or Vietnamese but don't judge people by their appearance and say they are foreigners. If they hold a blue IC, they are Malaysians. Not all our people can sing Negaraku. If you ask my nenek or datuk to sing Negaraku, they wouldn't know. Those planting vegetables too might not be able to speak much Malay or sing Negaraku but they are born here and they are Malaysians. Those who are working or in school or with the government, they know how to sing Negaraku of course, but you can't assume that every Malaysian does. And you can't go around arresting' people based on how they look. I felt sorry for a Chinese guy who looked exactly like an Indian. He was of mixed Chinese and Indian parentage and was born very dark but has a Chinese name and they went after him. I pity him. Until today, we have not received any information that a single foreigner took part in our elections. > There were claims of blackouts during the counting of votes where the Barisan candidate was trailing and when the power supply came back, the Barisan candidate was suddenly in the lead, implying that the ballot box or votes were switched? That's a total lie! How can somebody can switch the box in front of the political party agents? I checked with an officers and TNB and there was not even one incident of a blackout. In any case, all agents have mobile phones and if there was a blackout they can use the light on the mobile phones to see. If people are shining a light from their mobile phone, how can a ballot box be switched or ballot papers added in such a situation? Their intention is to portray SPR as a body without integrity and credibility, which is even capable of disrupting power supply in order to switch results in the dark! But it never happened. > For advance voting, you had said in the past that after the voting, the ballot box will be sealed and kept in a police lock up until election day and that parties' agents can keep watch 24 hours over the ballot box. But the police station refused to allow them to do that and the boxes were in the lock up unsupervised for 5 days so it could have been switched at any time? We agreed to allow them to watch over it on principle but it is subject to lock up rules and regulations. When I made the statement they could stay guard, it was based on my experience in a by-election but at that time the ballot box was kept in a district office not the police station. But I am confident of the integrity of the ballot box in the lock up. Because at the end of the process of advance voting, the polling agents would count the ballot papers inside and how many are left outside and seal the box and that seal is signed by both parties' agents. If people want to take out ballot papers from the box or put new ones in, they will have to break open the seal. And each ballot box is unique. It has a unique hologram as a security measure and that pattern belongs to only that ballot box. So how can you change to another box, because after the voting it is sealed and signed by both agents and it stated on the box which line, which stream and where the ballot box belongs to. No way it can be switched because the seal has to be signed by both sides. > Pakatan says normally with advance voting, about 20% of the votes would go for their party and the rest would be for Barisan but this time they suspect something fishy because they only got 10% of the votes. I don't know about the numbers but the ballot box was safe. I assure you nobody broke the seal to add or take ballot papers out. > How many complaints did SPR receive? We received many complaints most were about indelible ink, The police received 1069 police reports on the elections. And SPR received 1943 complaints through the election campaign enforcement team. And our elections operations room received 745 complaints from the date of dissolution until May 5. It was all sorts of complaints and we are looking into it. > Why did we have to wait until almost 1 am to get the results? It wasn't done on purpose. We have three categories of votes to tally - normal, advance votes and postal votes. And the counting process, the rejection and confirmation takes time because we have to show and count each ballot paper. Most times, it is clear who they vote for but sometimes it is not so clear so we have to put them in the not-sure' tray. Sometimes too, the number of voters is very big so it takes time for this to be counted. In some places, we had to wait for the postal votes to be brought in by the Returning Officers. This is quite a lengthy process. We can only start counting the postal votes after 5pm because we have to tear the envelope in front of the political party agent. That took up a lot of time because there was a lot of argument on whether a particular vote was valid or not. They questioned why there was no address or no date and some wrote the year as 2012 instead of 2013. Some questioned why there was no signature of a witness on the form. Both sides wanted to reject the postal votes. That caused delays. (For this election, there were a total of 146, 181 postal voters made up of SPR staff, media, soldiers and policemen on duty on election day and Malaysians overseas.) A lot also depends on the efficiency of the presiding officers and the clerks. There were some instances where the presiding officer put the Borang 14' on the table and left and there were mistakes in it, so the Returning Officer had to trace the presiding officer and political parties' agents and get them to come back. All these factors took time. We can only announce the results once the Returning Officer confirms and officially announces it at the tallying centre. And before he announces it, he must make sure everything is in orders - such as the forms, the counting, the tally because otherwise it can be subject to an election petition. The results for Subang and Kapar were the last to come in and were only known at 4.30am. But it is not as late as the last general election. > What's your comment on Pakatan Rakyat saying it has been robbed of the victory and that it doesn't recognise the results of the elections because there are instances of "electoral fraud"? We tried our best to organise this election to be as free and fair as possible. Both sides said before the elections that the other side must accept the results win or lose. If a candidate wins or loses, it is not because SPR helped or didn't help him or her. SPR only provides a platform and the space for candidates to participate in elections. Who decides? It is the voters. If voters likes a candidate or a party, the candidate and party will win and vice versa. The kingmakers are the voters. You win some, you lose some. For Barisan Nasional, they won at rural areas and the smaller towns where the number of voters are smaller for a seat. DAP, PAS and PKR won at the urban and city areas where the number of voters are bigger for the seat. Voter numbers might be big but the number of seats might be small. That is why they keep stressing about their popular vote. (Pakatan received 50.3% while Barisan got 46.8% of the popular vote). But ours is a first-past- the-post system so it is not by popular vote. If a candidates gets a one vote majority, he wins the seat. And I would like to ask them what electoral fraud ? They are always talking about phantom voters. If they have the list of names, send it to us or to the police to investigate. Just look at their majorities in Selangor. (Tan Sri) Khalid Ibrahim (PKR) and Dr Siti Mariah (PAS) won by huge majorities. And I don't think their big majorities are because of phantom voters. If someone lives somewhere else but his polling address is Selangor and he comes back to vote he is not a phantom voter. He is a legally registered voter. During election day, many people in Selangor head off to Kelantan, Sabah, Johor, Perak and other states to vote because their voting address is there. And there are also a lot of people coming back from these states to Selangor because their polling address here. A phantom voter is someone who uses someone else's IC to vote and we got no such report of any such cases. Where are these phantom voters? I too want to know. > So what is your advice to Anwar? In any election, there will be losers and winners. Be a gentleman. Be a leader. As a leader, you must be prepared defeat. This is the election of Malaysia. Nobody is happy except perhaps DAP. Others be it the MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PAS or even the PM they are not happy with the results but they accepted it in a good way. How is it that you accept when you win big majorities in Penang and Selangor and retain Kelantan, but can't accept defeat at parliament level? Election in Malaysia is every 5 years. Accept the results with an open heart and try again in the next elections. The voters have spoken. > IDEAS and the Centre of Public Policy Studies has said the elections were "partially free but not fair". Do you agree? I just got their report. I want to study their reasons first before commenting. > What do you think of the caretaker PM or ministers or the caretaker government using government machinery during the campaign period to announce projects? The caretaker government can use government machinery - the office, the car, the helicopter - if it's for an official or government function. But if it's part of campaign, they can't. They can't use government facilities, cars, helicopters, government bodies or government offices for campaigning. I asked the AG about this and he said if they want to use buildings or vehicles for their campaign, they have to pay rent. It's not free. So if the other side has evidence of any abuse, then lodge a police report. Let the police investigate. > People also question why there is one parliament seat for a small place like Lubok Antu which has a population of less than 20,000 while in a much larger place like Kapar where there are more than 100,000 people, it too is represented by just one seat in parliament? We divide areas into cities, towns, semi-urban and kampong. Don't compare the kampong or rural areas with a city. Cities have all sorts of facilites, good roads, the number of people, good facilities, good telecommunication services and good support from the local authorities. But it might take two to three days to go into a rural area, so the needs are different. We must compare city with city, semi urban with semi urban and kampong with kampong. I come from Sabak Bernam. There is no KFC and no McDonalds there and very few traffic lights. How can I compare it to a place like Kapar which is more developed. > Bersih says it is withholding recognition of the federal government because they have first hand information and video clips of electoral fraud and they are going to set up a People's Tribunal to look at the evidence before them? Who appointed them? Does the world and the people agree with them? They form an association and say that we don't want to recognise you' so okay we (SPR) don't recognise them either. If an observer appointed by us says something, then we will take it seriously. Bersih doesn't recognise us and even asked me to resign. > Are you going to resign? No. I am appointed by the King. Who is Bersih to ask me to resign? Unless the King asks me to go, I am staying. > There seems to be a lack of trust in SPR so how is SPR going to win back the people's trust? It's difficult to answer that. As far as I am concerned, I am really independent. I don't receive instructions from anybody - not the PM not the DPM. One proposal from the Parliamentary Select Committee (on Electoral Reform) is to make SPR more independent and for it to come under parliament.That's an option but there are other choices too. Right now, we get our budget from the Finance Ministry and if we need staff, we get them from the Public Services Department (JPA). But if we are independent, then the allocation for the budget will be made directly by parliament and we can recruit staff ourselves. In many other countries, the Election Commission comes directly under parliament. > Are you in favour of changing the election system to proportional representation instead of the first-past-the-post system to make it fairer? Yes, that is one of the proposals of the Parliamentary Select Committee. In fact we are preparing a paper to review our election system. We are in favour of a change. It could be a combination.
Pengundi Cina silap percaturan sokong pakatan rakyat: Nazri Posted: 11 May 2013 12:24 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz, berkata pengundi Cina silap percaturan apabila menyokong pakatan rakyat pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 kerana menganggap hak keistimewaan Melayu dan Bumiputera akan dihapuskan jika pakatan rakyat menubuhkan kerajaan. "Bagi kaum Cina mereka tertipu... mereka hanya kejar pelangi saja kerana perkara ini tidak akan berlaku, siapa juga jadi kerajaan, hak keistimewaan Bumiputera dan Melayu serta Islam sebagai agama rasmi tidak akan dipinda sesiapa termasuk kerajaan pakatan.
"Mereka (kaum Cina) mempunyai tafsiran bahawa 1Malaysia ini ialah sama rata, bila pakatan pembangkang menang mereka fikir hak Melayu boleh dihapuskan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas majlis kesyukuran kemenangan Barisan Nasional (BN) Parlimen Padang Rengas di Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanah Merah, Lubuk Merbau di sini, hari ini. Beliau tidak percaya Ahli Parlimen dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) yang berbangsa Melayu serta beragama Islam daripada PAS dan PKR boleh bertindak sedemikian. |
Dr Chua to step down by year-end Posted: 11 May 2013 12:23 PM PDT
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: I still have loose ends to tie up, says MCA president (NST) - KUALA LUMPUR: DATUK Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has brushed aside calls for him to relinquish his position as MCA president immediately following the party's dismal performance in the recent polls, saying he will only do so sometime between next month and December. Addressing a packed press conference at MCA's headquarters here yesterday, the beleaguered party supremo made it clear that he would only vacate his seat once "all internal party matters were addressed". Dr Chua, speaking on behalf of the MCA presidential council, said the party leadership would first focus on expediting party elections. "I want to make sure that the elections are conducted following the proper procedures. It has to be done democratically and transparently. "I will only step down when everything concerning the party is in order. There are a lot of loose ends to tie up. The council members are aware of this," a sombre Dr Chua said after chairing a three-hour presidential council meeting. "Elections might be held as early as June at the branch, division, state and national levels. This process might take five months as we want to make sure that everything is done transparently." He said MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha had been appointed to carry out the party elections. Dr Chua said he was aware that several party members, including former president Tan Koon Swan, had urged him to resign immediately following MCA's unsatisfactory showing in the recent polls. "I understand that these are people who love the party, but the majority of MCA members want me to stay. We've had discussions on this matter and I will make way at the appropriate time. "I will not leave simply because a few people ask me to, but I am to be held accountable for MCA's poor performance. Although I'm not the only one to blame, rest assured, I'll quit sometime between June and December." Dr Chua reiterated that he would not seek re-election in the party elections, saying he would bear the full brunt of the party's electoral fiasco. He said the party's presidential council had unanimously decided that it would stand firm on its decision not to accept any post at the federal and state levels. "MCA will abide by the resolutions made in the 2011 and 2012 annual general assemblies that it will decline all government posts if the party performs worse in the 13th General Election (than in the previous 2008 polls)." When asked about MCA's reaction should Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak persuade the party to rescind the resolution, Dr Chua said he would cross that bridge when he came to it. "I think the prime minister is aware of the resolution; we are declining all government posts out of respect for the voters' decision. I will only answer that question if the occasion arises." Scores of MCA members, including veterans and grassroots members, had recently demanded that Dr Chua take full responsibility for the party's disastrous performance that saw its candidates winning only seven out of the 37 parliamentary seats and 11 of the 90 state seats contested. MCA won 15 parliamentary and 32 state seats in 2008. On a related matter, Dr Chua announced that deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai would head a special task force to map out a new direction for the party. "Also, all complaints of internal sabotage during the general election will be referred to the party's disciplinary board for further deliberation. "However, the complainants must provide evidence to corroborate their claims." Meanwhile, the party's Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Seri Michael Chong said in the event Dr Chua resigned before party elections, the deputy president would take over. "Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai will helm the party until our election is over, according to the party's rules." He said people should stop forcing Dr Chua to step down immediately as the latter still had to complete his work. "Give him some time. Why force him? He has to ensure the smooth transition of power to his successor. Let him take his time. He has already said he will resign."
Koh to resign as Gerakan chief on May 16 Posted: 11 May 2013 12:21 PM PDT
Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon packing some of his things at his office after announcing his resignation yesterday. (NST) - Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon will step down as Gerakan president on May 16, following the party's dismal showing in the 13th General Election. Koh announced yesterday that he had tendered his resignation after consulting the party's central committee, claiming full responsibility for Gerakan's defeats in the recent polls. "I would like to thank Gerakan leaders and members at all levels for giving me the opportunity to serve and lead the party at its most difficult time, especially over the past five years. "I cherish every moment in our struggle for the party and the people. I also apologise to all for whatever shortcomings and mistakes (that were made) during my tenure in office," he said after a meeting with fellow Gerakan leaders at the party's headquarters yesterday. Gerakan had won just one parliamentary seat and three state seats out of the 11 and 31 seats it contested. Koh said in accordance with the party's constitution, his deputy, Datuk Chang Ko Youn, would take over as acting president until the end of party elections in October. The party election process will start at the branch, division and state levels at the end of next month before culminating in the Gerakan national delegates' conference on Oct 26. Koh said the party would not seek any cabinet posts, but would instead take up state leadership positions. In the absence of a voice in the cabinet, he said Gerakan would continue giving its views through public statements and meetings with leaders in the central government. "We will also communicate directly with Barisan Nasional leaders to have our say. There are many channels to get our message across." Koh said he had already informed Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak of his decision to step down and vowed to continue serving the party. "I shall continue to support and serve the party by giving advice and ideas if and when needed, and sharing whatever insight I have gained through my past successes and failures," he said, adding he would contribute to Gerakan's training programme for party members. Gerakan secretary-general and Penang BN chairman Teng Chang Yeow had also announced his decision to step down from all party posts after Gerakan's defeats in Penang. Teng, whose resignation came into effect yesterday, will be replaced as secretary-general by vice-president Datuk Mah Siew Keong. Gerakan Johor chairman Datuk Teo Kok Chee said Koh had made the right decision and paid tribute to his services and contributions to the party. "It's a shame... Koh is a very friendly and hardworking leader. But he doesn't have a choice. You cannot take back the election results." Koh was elected Gerakan president in 2008, following the resignation of long-serving president Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik.
Anwar backs Azmin on Khalid’s MB job, says must have consensus Posted: 11 May 2013 04:37 AM PDT Syed Jaymal Zahiid, TMI Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim appeared to have backed his confidant Azmin Ali in calling for a consultation process for the Selangor mentri besar post after the latter claimed Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's candidacy had bypassed the democratic process. The PKR advisor also appeared to have suggested that the party were considering removing Abdul Khalid when he told Sinar Harian that the consultation should include discussions on other possible candidates for the job. "I have no problem with Tan Sri Khalid. But the problem is... there is no problem but there should be consultation. Are there other names? New faces? Do we continue?" Sinar Harian quoted him as saying. Anwar, however, added that they will solve the debacle within these few days. The tussle over the mentri besar post has pushed PKR into a leadership crisis with its deputy president now openly accusing the party of "nepotism" when he alleged it had bypassed the consultation process in picking Abdul Khalid for the job. Azmin also appeared to question Abdul Khalid's leadership at a press conference yesterday, and said he was seeking a meeting with PKR's national leaders for a consensus decision to be made on who gets to be the new Selangor MB. The debacle has sparked talk that Azmin, who is also said to be vying for the position, would leave PKR following the party's supposed endorsement of Abdul Khalid's governance. Azmin dismissed the speculation at yesterday's press conference where he was flanked by some of the party's Selangor line-up in what appeared to be a sign of protest against Abdul Khalid's likely reappointment as the state's chief executive. Although the Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyman was evasive when bombarded by questions for his view on the candidacy for the post, the PKR deputy president made several insinuations that leaders from the party's Selangor chapter were against Abdul Khalid's reappointment.
Posted: 11 May 2013 12:30 AM PDT
SELANGOR MB'S JOB: Azmin blames Wan Azizah for arbitrarily sending list to sultan
THE gloves are off in the tussle for the Selangor menteri besar's post with PKR deputy president Azmin Ali yesterday revealing that party supremo Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had offered him the job after allegedly branding Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim as an "inefficient" menteri besar. At a packed press conference at the PKR headquarters, Azmin was stinging in his remarks when he alleged that Anwar's wife and PKR president, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, had acted arbitrarily by submitting a list of MB candidates to the Selangor sultan without consulting PKR members. The former aide of Anwar, who co-founded PKR, disclosed that Anwar had wanted to boot Khalid out as menteri besar in 2008. Azmin claimed that this was conveyed to him by Anwar after the Permatang Pauh by-election, which marked Anwar's return to Parliament five years ago. "Anwar told me to prepare myself to replace Khalid. He said the party was extremely dissatisfied with the performance of the menteri besar. "Civil servants and the business community had complained on the gross bureaucratic practices which did not reflect a reformist administration." However, Azmin, who was later promoted as Selangor PKR chief to take over from Khalid at the time, said he firmly declined Anwar's offer as he did not want to jeopardise the party's unity. Instead, Azmin claimed he, instead, pushed for Anwar to be appointed as the state economic adviser to mitigate complaints and problems which arose during Khalid's tenure. "When we talk about a reformed government, there has to be reforms. You want to talk about reformasi, but you might as well keep the old government if it takes two years for business owners to get approval. I would expect a reformist government to do away and dismantle this bureaucratic system. We want something that is transparent and above board." On Thursday, Azmin had said Selangor did not deserve a "lame duck" menteri besar since Pakatan had won the state with a sound majority. However, Azmin yesterday deflected questions on his view of Khalid's performance, stressing instead on the importance of seeking consultation and consensus among the state party leaders on the appointment of the menteri besar. He emphasised that he did not reject Khalid's nomination as menteri besar outright, saying that any decision made by consensus would be accepted and obeyed. "This is why consultation is important... we want leaders who have the humility to listen to the people. "If they can listen, they can change. But if they cover their ears, it is a different story." Without being specific, Azmin hinted that Anwar had also recently broached the subject of his possible appointment as menteri besar and on Khalid's performance. He said the opposition leader was willing to sit down for a discussion. "But I told him that we have been discussing the same issue for many years. Be fair to me... if I am ambitious, then I would have taken the post after Permatang Pauh. I did not do that because I wanted to strengthen the party." Azmin expressed his frustration after being informed that a letter containing a list of possible appointees had allegedly been submitted by Dr Wan Azizah to the Selangor sultan on Thursday. He claimed he did not know the contents of the letter as it did not receive the approval and consent of the party's state leadership, suggesting instead that the move could promote "nepotism" within the party. When asked if Dr Wan Azizah was acting unilaterally in sending the letter, Azmin replied: "In a way, yes." To offset the alleged transgression, Azmin said he later put up another list of candidates which he said was done with a consensus between Selangor PKR state assemblymen and parliamentarians. "Our list was submitted to Dr Wan Azizah on Thursday and it is up to her to take the next step." Ironically, Azmin denied that PKR was having problems in retaining Khalid as menteri besar, despite the fact that Pas and DAP had already endorsed Khalid's appointment |
Posted: 11 May 2013 12:23 AM PDT
Trickery is used to unseat an elected government by foul means Malaysians, who trooped in the tens of thousands to listen to the diatribes of sore losers, will rue the day when this country would have lost the progress made economically, socially and politically. This last is obvious from the way PKR and DAP are attempting to commandeer a mature democracy by deception. New Straits Times LEADERSHIP by example has no place in PKR. If it did then Malaysia would be in deep trouble for, in the actions of its de facto head, are manifest everything that parents would have taught their children not to do. Foremost would be the unending refrain in every home for every member of the household not to break the law. Yet, here is a man professing to be a leader, encouraging anyone who will listen to defy the authorities and rule of law. Of course, there are parties trained in law happily charging the police's interpretation of the Peaceful Assembly Act to be wrong and that there is nothing illegal about the protest rally held recently by both PKR and DAP at the Kelana Jaya Stadium. It is important here to note that Pas has already accepted the outcome of the recent general election. Malaysians, who trooped in the tens of thousands to listen to the diatribes of sore losers, will rue the day when this country would have lost the progress made economically, socially and politically. This last is obvious from the way PKR and DAP are attempting to commandeer a mature democracy by deception. Accusing the Election Commission (EC) of all manner of electoral irregularities and the police force for facilitating them, PKR, however, does not appear anxious to take its accusations to the courts of law. Instead, the country is witnessing a situation where one of its own key officials is forming the party's own tribunal and calling upon the public to come forward with evidence of electoral fraud. Strange that the accusers are only just looking for evidence. Something is surely amiss when allegations are made prior to the gathering of evidence. What is undeniable is that they are baseless in the first place. That it all began from well before the general election is further proof of PKR's intention to draw a veil of trickery, abusing social media towards accomplishing these ends. There, credulous parties are picking these fabrications up and spreading the purported video evidence of vote buying, phantom voters being bussed in and reports of blackouts at counting stations. If all these were unimpeachable proof why are they not being carted in as complaints to the EC? Instead, they are allowed to go viral on Facebook. Now why is that? Obviously, the aim is to trap the unthinking into the web of lies orchestrated by PKR's de facto head and his stooges. Is this not dishonesty belying a tyranny waiting to surface and, maybe, even worse? |
Cracks seem to be emerging in Anwar's PKR Posted: 11 May 2013 12:19 AM PDT
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali on Friday questioned the letter sent by PKR president to the Sultan of Selangor on the candidate for the state's chief minister. Melisa Goh, Channel News Asia Cracks appear to be emerging in opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). On Friday, PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali openly challenged the top leadership's decision to reappoint former Menteri Besar of Selangor, Khalid Ibrahim, for another term. At a packed news conference at the PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya, Mr Azmin Ali questioned the letter sent by PKR president Wan Azizah to the Sultan of Selangor on Khalid Ibrahim's candidacy for Selangor Menteri Besar. This was even though the choice was endorsed by PKR's two allies -- DAP and PAS - and that a formal letter of appointment had already been sent to the Sultan of Selangor. Mr Azmin Ali, flanked by his supporters, made no secret that he is gunning to helm Selangor -- Malaysia's richest and most industrialised state. He said: "Aspiring for political office is no crime, and indeed a good motivation for anyone entering politics, provided, and that is the most important proviso, that the reason for taking such office is to serve the people better, and more effectively, nothing more, nothing less." The 48-year-old was once seen as the blue-eyed boy of PKR de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim. Mr Azmin Ali claims he and all 14 newly elected PKR state assemblymen were not consulted on the choice of Selangor Menteri Besar. "I did not question the decision of PAS-DAP on the candidate for Menteri Besar but I am concerned about the letter sent to the palace without first consulting with other state assemblymen in PKR, which is one of the three components of Pakatan Rakyat," he said. Mr Azmin Ali claimed that he has the support of the grassroots. "It was unanimous support. I served him (Anwar Ibrahim) in the government for 13 years, and he was in jail for 8 years -- 21 years (in total). And he has been released for the last what, since 2004. I mean, I have been so loyal to him," he said. Visibly disappointed by the leadership's decision, Mr Azmin Ali also warned against nepotism taking root in the party -- a direct reference to Mr Anwar and his family. Political analysts keenly watching the development in PKR say a potentially damaging fallout is imminent if Mr Azmin Ali does not get his way. For now, Mr Azmin Ali is staying on as the party number two, and many are not ruling out him making a direct bid for party presidency at the upcoming party polls. Separately, Dr Farish Noor from the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore told Channel NewsAsia that the timing of the PKR cracks is unfortunate. "Obviously those who are watching the coalition and in particular, Anwar Ibrahim's party PKR, are worried that this is actually a sign of further schisms to come. There's a lot of speculation that some of the key leaders of the party may be abandoning Anwar Ibrahim very soon," said Dr Farish. Dr Farish also shared his thoughts on Anwar's reaction to the May 5 poll results. He said: "It has to be noted that in a sense the Pakatan Rakyat has gained. The number of seats that the opposition coalition has won has increased. They are also better represented in the state of Selangor where they have won more state assembly seats. So frankly, I'm not entirely certain as to why so many of the opposition supporters seem disappointed because it's actually been a net gain for them. "We look at Kelantan and Penang, and we can see that the PAS-dominated state government in Kelantan and the DAP-dominated state government of Penang have gone about their business in beginning to govern the two states but in Selangor, there are these rifts still emerging and I think that it's highly problematic that all the divisions seem to be coming from one party, namely the PKR."
Selangor Sultan has absolute right to appoint Menteri Besar Posted: 10 May 2013 05:32 PM PDT
Despite the storm brewing up among the leadership of the three parties, the political factor is not the determinant of who will be appointed as menteri besar because it is the absolute right of the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. (Bernama) - The polemic of who is going to be the Menteri Besar of Selangor appears to be hotly debated by Pakatan Rakyat component party leadership namely PKR, PAS and DAP as no final decision has been made to date. Despite the storm brewing up among the leadership of the three parties, the political factor is not the determinant of who will be appointed as menteri besar because it is the absolute right of the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. As recorded in history, the late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah was very firm on deciding who was the replacement for Tan Sri Muhammad Muhamad Taib who resigned as Selangor Menteri Besar on April 14, 1997 as the Sultan wanted a candidate that had been screened and reviewed to ensure the person was really clean.The late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz stressed that the candidate should be honest and sincere and the Sultan would reject a Menteri Besar who enriched himself. In a meeting between the Sultan and the then Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on April 21, 1997, the Sultan said the suitable candidate had not been selected and on May 2, he chose Tan Sri Abu Hassan Omar as Selangor Menteri Besar. Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) professor and legal advisor, Prof Datuk A. Halim Sidek said the impending appointment of the Menteri Besar of Selangor by Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is based on the 1959 Selangor State Constitution and two important articles. "Firstly, the Sultan has the right to appoint a member of the State Legislative Assembly who in his judgment enjoys the confidence of the majority of the assembly. Secondly, the person appointed must be a Malay and a Muslim," he said when contacted by Bernama. Prof A. Halim said this in reference to Article 51 (1) and based on Article 53 (2)(a); and Article 51 (2) subject to Article 53 (4) of the state constitution 1959. Also of interest is Article 51 (1A) which mentions the Sultan having the right to appoint a deputy Menteri Besar of Selangor. The outcome of the 13th general election (GE13) showed both PAS and DAP obtaining 15 seats in the assembly while PKR obtained 14 seats. "It is clear from the seat count, the three parties are equally eligible but with the power of the Sultan based on the articles above, DAP is not eligible as it does not have a Muslim Malay candidate in Selangor. "Whether the candidate is from PAS or PKR is not the question even though PKR has one seat less than PAS but they could come to an agreement to nominate one candidate. "But eventually, the power of consent for their candidate rests in the hands of the Sultan, which shows the Sultan has absolute power to choose the Menteri Besar of Selangor," said Prof A. Halim. Malay Consultative Council's Muslim Transformation Bureau chief, Datuk Dr Mohamed Ghazali Md Noor said the importance of the Selangor Menteri Besar being a Malay and a Muslim is to ensure the Sultan has a capable advisor on the issue of Malays and Islam. "The Sultan is an umbrella for the Malays and a pillar of Islam and therefore needs a Menteri Besar of Malay origin and a Muslim. If otherwise, how is one going to advise the Sultan?" he said. Dr Mohamed Ghazali said one more factor which should be considered is the historical factor that this country was built by the Malay Sultanate and the government formed by the Sultanate has survived till today as the government of Malaysia. The Malaysian Council of Former Elected Representatives (MUBARAK) president, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Rahman said the power to select the Menteri Besar of Selangor is clearly with the Sultan and the three parties should not make it a political game among themselves. He said they needed to stop being arrogant by saying they can choose who is to be Selangor Menteri Besar when the right to choose is in the hands of Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.
In the aftermath of May 5th (part 7) Posted: 10 May 2013 04:33 PM PDT The problem is not so much what to do with Najib. If Najib were to be ousted, just like Pak Lah was soon after the 2008 general election, then Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin would automatically take over as Prime Minister. The problem is: who would then become the new Deputy Prime Minister? By convention, once the Prime Minister retires/resigns/dies and the Deputy Prime Minister takes over, then one of the three Vice Presidents of Umno becomes the new Deputy Prime Minister. And who would this person be? THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Husam akan lawan jika kerajaan baru Kelantan 'kaut balak' (The Malaysian Insider) - Timbalan Pesuruhjaya II PAS Kelantan Datuk Husam Musa tidak terkilan kerana tidak dilantik sebagai Exco Kerajaan Negeri tetapi menegaskan akan memperbetulkan jika kerajaan negeri pimpinan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakcob lari dari landasan Islam dan melakukan aktiviti 'duniawi' seperti 'mengaut balak'. Husam baru-baru ini tidak dilantik semula sebagai Exco kerajaan negeri selepas bekas menteri besar, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat menyerahkan kepimpinan negeri kepada Ahmad yang sebelum ini merupakan timbalan menteri besar. "Tetapi kalau kerajaan ini bersifat duniawi yang nak mengaut balak, lombong, Nauzubillah… Ampunkan saya kalau saya berdiri di dalam dewan untuk memperbetulkan kerajaan," kata Naib Presiden PAS itu dipetik dari Sinar Harian Online. "Saya masuk dalam perjuangan ini bukan main-main. Saya masuk ini untuk melihatkan apa yang kita usrahkan Islam yang syumul, Islam yang komprehensif, yang menjaga khazanah negeri dan negara supaya miskin dan yatim piatu, mereka itu dibela dan Islam menjadi model. Ini cita-cita saya," tambah beliau lagi. Husam (gambar) yang naik dalam politik bermula dengan menjadi "orang belakang" Nik Aziz ditamatkan kariernya dalam kerajaan negeri Kelantan sebaik sahaja bekas menteri besar bersara dari memimpin negeri. Nik Aziz yang juga Mursyidul Am PAS itu sekali lagi berjaya memimpin parti Islam tersebut untuk menang dalam Pilihan Raya 2013 menyaksikan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) berjaya mendapat 32 daripada 45 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), sekaligus mempertahankan negeri yang diperintah semenjak 1990. Pada PRU13 PAS menguasai 32 kerusi DUN berbanding Barisan Nasional (BN) yang menang di 12 kerusi manakala PKR satu kerusi. Ahmad, yang juga Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS I Kelantan, menang kerusi DUN Pasir Pekan dengan mengalahkan calon BN Nik Noriza Nik Salleh dengan majoriti 5,644 undi. Husam tewas di kerusi Parlimen Putrajaya di tangan Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor akan tetapi berjaya mengekalkan kerusi DUN Salor. Selain Husam, pemimpin-pemimpin kanan PAS yang turut kalah dalam PRU13 adalah Timbalan Presiden Mohamad Sabu, Naib Presiden Salahuddin Ayub dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad. *********************************************** I first met the ex-Menteri Besar of Kelantan, Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, face-to-face 15 years ago in 1998. The meeting, which was arranged by Mustafa Ali, was actually for an interview. Harakah, the party organ of the Islamic party, PAS, then translated this interview into Bahasa Malaysia. One important point I made, and which I discussed with Tok Guru, was that PAS Kelantan is Nik Aziz and Nik Aziz is PAS Kelantan. Hence, without Tok Guru, the PAS Kelantan government would most likely cease to exist. PAS Kelantan is more or less synonymous with Tok Guru. I actually met a few kaki gedebeh (sort of street thugs) at the Kota Bharu taxi station and many of them expressed support for Tok Guru. Yes, I do have many friends amongst the kaki gedebeh who would escort me to Golok when I cross the border to visit the Buddhist temples in Thailand (why else would I go to Golok?). These kaki gedebeh are not good Muslims. They do not pray or fast. They go to Golok for R&R (for wine, women and other merriment). You can hire them to 'fix up' your enemy either with a bullet in the chest or a kapak kecik (small axe) on the forehead. They smuggle rice across the border and involve in gunrunning. And so on. Yet they support Tok Guru, not because of Islam or PAS, but because they have tremendous respect for him. Hence, if even 'bad' people support Tok Guru, how can PAS go wrong? But what would happen if Tok Guru were no longer the Menteri Besar? Would PAS still get their support? I doubt so! Tok Guru agreed and explained that this was why he was grooming lapisan kedua (second layer) to prepare them to take over from him. And he had about two or three candidates in mind who he was grooming as his successor, one of them, of course, Husam Musa. Tok Guru further said that on a few occasions he absented himself from functions he had been invited to so that these lapisan kedua could attend in his place. This, explained Tok Guru, was not only to 'train' them, but also to give them exposure so that that rakyat can familiarise themselves with these second-in-commands. Now, Tok Guru has retired. And all the lapisan kedua whom he groomed these last 23 years have been 'retired off' as well, Husam Musa one of them. And the reason they have been 'retired off' is because His Highness the Sultan of Kelantan wants them out. According to the 'palace talk', His Highness wanted a timber concession and Husam turned His Highness down and told the Sultan to follow the 'normal procedure' by submitting a tender. Hence the reason for the heading of that news item above: Husam akan lawan jika kerajaan baru Kelantan 'kaut balak'. No doubt Tok Guru retired for health reasons. In fact, he has not been in the best of health for some time now. But is this the one and only reason or is he bailing out quickly before the fireworks start: meaning the new state government is going to go on a timber session orgy? Anyway, Husam has warned he would lawan (oppose/fight) if that happens. But the fact he even needed to issue that warning does not bode well. Are we soon going to see another Kelantan palace crisis like in the late-1980s? The only thing is the Kelantan palace crisis in the late-1980s saw the downfall of Umno in Kelantan. This time around it may see the downfall of PAS in Kelantan. Talking about the palace, soon after the Sunday general election, His Highness the Sultan of Selangor wrote to DAP, PKR and PAS individually asking these three Pakatan Rakyat parties whom they want as the new Menteri Besar. All three parties replied to the Sultan's letter naming Khalid Ibrahim. This upset Azmin Ali because Pakatan Rakyat did not hold a meeting to come to this 'consensus'. In fact, PKR, too, did not hold any internal meeting to decide on who should be the Menteri Besar. The party President replied to the Sultan's letter without the party's 'approval'. DAP and PAS won 15 seats each in the Selangor State Assembly while PKR won 14. However, although PKR won one seat less than DAP and PKR, Azmin still considers that PKR won 15 seats and not 14 because PAS engaged PKR in a three-corner fight in Kota Damansara (the PSM candidate contested under the PKR banner). And if you combine the votes that both PAS and PKR got, then the opposition (PKR) would have won that seat instead of Barisan Nasional. Hence, unofficially, PKR won that seat and thus PKR also unofficially won 15 seats, just like DAP and PAS. The fact that PKR won 14 seats and not 15 is because PAS 'sabotaged' PKR. That is how Azmin looks at it -- that DAP, PAS and PKR are 'equal partners' with 15 seats each in the Selangor State Assembly. And if you were to read between the lines regarding what Azmin told the press conference yesterday, it is very clear he is challenging the party President's action in replying to the Sultan's letter naming Khalid as the Menteri Besar when the party had not made such a decision. So now it is in His Highness the Sultan's hand. And, according to the Sultan, it is His Highness's authority to decide who gets to become the Menteri Besar although the palace can first of all ask for the pandangan (view/opinion) from the parties that won the election. Finally, it is the Sultan that decides and no one else. The much-expected meeting between Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and the de facto Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has finally been held. In fact, it was Najib who requested the meeting. Najib is now under siege. His people predicted that Barisan Nasional would win 145 seats in Parliament -- three seats less to get a two-thirds majority in Parliament but five seats better than what Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi did in 2008 (which resulted in his ouster). Days before the general election it was already confirmed that Barisan Nasional would win more than 130 seats but most likely less than in 2008 -- and for sure without a two-thirds majority in Parliament (I distributed this '130-145/worse case-best case' message to many of my close friends last week). Tun Dr Mahathir had earlier publicly warned Najib that if he could not better Pak Lah's 2008 performance then he is in deep shit. After the general election, Dr Mahathir said it is up to Umno to decide what happens to Najib. So now Najib is in a state of panic because Umno will 'decide' whatever Dr Mahathir wants. The problem is not so much what to do with Najib. If Najib were to be ousted, just like Pak Lah was soon after the 2008 general election, then Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin would automatically take over as Prime Minister. The problem is: who would then become the new Deputy Prime Minister? By convention, once the Prime Minister retires/resigns/dies and the Deputy Prime Minister takes over, then one of the three Vice Presidents of Umno becomes the new Deputy Prime Minister. And who would this person be? The three Vice Presidents of Umno are Zahid Hamidi (who won by 1,592 votes), Hishammuddin Tun Hussein (who won by 1,515 votes), and Mohd Shafie Apdal (who won by 1,445 votes). This would mean, by convention, Zahid should be the new Deputy Prime Minister. And if Zahid declines the post, then Hishammuddin would be the new Deputy Prime Minister instead. Only if Hishammuddin also declines the post would the job go to Shafie from Sabah -- the first time in history that the second top job is going to an East Malaysian (which means he would most likely become the Prime Minister if anything were to happen to Muhyiddin). Interesting, is it not? Why would Sabah want to now support Anwar Ibrahim when there is a strong likelihood that a Sabahan is going to become the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia with a possibility that he would become the Prime Minister later on? The problem with this, though, is that Shafie is a Najib crony and a member of Najib's 'inner circle' -- as is Hishammuddin, Najib's cousin -- while Zahid, who was then the Umno Youth Leader, was the man who worked as Anwar's 'hatchet man' in trying to bring down Dr Mahathir in the pre-Reformasi days. So can Dr Mahathir afford to oust Najib and allow Muhyiddin to take over when Muhyiddin's second-in-command would be one of the people who Dr Mahathir does not like? That may yet be Najib's saving grace. It is not about Muhyiddin but about who will replace Muhyiddin.
DAP mulls filing election petition amid GE13 fraud claims Posted: 10 May 2013 02:29 PM PDT
Syed Jaymal Zahiid, TMI The DAP is mulling whether to challenge the Election 2013 results in the court by filing an election petition amid widespread allegations of fraud in a polls that saw the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition winning on minority support. Party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng (picture), however, said his party was still conducting legal research and in the process of compiling the necessary data for the case and is expected to make an announcement soon. "I think we should let our lawyer look into it first... we will make the necessary announcement soon," he told a press conference after delivering his opening speech at a meeting with DAP lawmakers here. Lim said its Puchong MP and lawyer Gobind Singh Deo will be spearheading the legal action.
Spewing a Poisonous Brew on the Chinese ‘Lack of Multiracial Spirit’ Posted: 10 May 2013 01:59 PM PDT
As any student of history or other social science enrolled in a second or third year course at the undergraduate level learns, historians need to explain their findings or assertions with reference to the methodology they have used to collect data and other information from their research. They should also explain how they have drawn inferences or general conclusions from their research work on the subject and synthesized their findings into their major conclusion. Dr. Lim Teck Ghee As part of its media onslaught on its Malay readership and aimed at provoking an extremist and emotional Malay response to the outcome of the recent elections, Utusan Malaysia has now found its academic champion. In comments which were front-paged by the newspaper, Prof. Khoo Kay Kim was quoted as saying that the Chinese do not understand the importance of unity as their racial sentiments still burn strongly since the community first came to Malaya (see The Malaysian Insider, According to Prof. Khoo, Chinese do not have the multiracial spirit that national leaders have always tried to push for. "Many among them do not think of Malaysia as their own country; instead they always feel like they are being colonized ….That's why their racial sentiments are still very strong." During another time and coming from another person, few people would have paid little attention to these comments which were provided without any evidence or substantiation. But the comments were not from any ordinary person. They came from an academic – a member of the Chinese community - who had reached the pinnacle of his profession in the country and who to the Malay readers of Utusan must be speaking the truth about the racism in the Chinese community and their lack of love for the country. The comments were made in the supercharged environment of the election aftermath. Given special prominence by Utusan, they are also likely to be widely disseminated in the Malay community. This is why the comments by Prof Khoo should not go un-refuted or unchallenged. This is why he should not be permitted to get away with either a convenient waffling or discreet follow up silence. While he may have found support from the Utusan staff which is intent on proving its case that the country's Chinese community are unworthy citizens, Prof. Khoo needs to explain his views further to the rest of the country and made to answer for their veracity, falseness or untruthfulness. Prof Khoo's Record of Research on Malaysia Chinese Thinking As any student of history or other social science enrolled in a second or third year course at the undergraduate level learns, historians need to explain their findings or assertions with reference to the methodology they have used to collect data and other information from their research. They should also explain how they have drawn inferences or general conclusions from their research work on the subject and synthesized their findings into their major conclusion. The following are some initial questions for Prof Khoo to respond to: 1. What research have you recently conducted on Malaysian Chinese to make the assertion that "many among them do not think of Malaysia as their own country; instead they always feel like they are being colonized". Please provide details of papers published arising from your research which explains the methodology (sampling; use of qualitative or quantitative methods, etc) and the findings. 2. What is your evidence that Malaysian Chinese do not understand the importance of unity and that their racial sentiments burn strongly? Are you citing findings from your own study or from other studies? Please clarify and provide references. 3. How do you explain the term "multiracial spirit" and what research have you conducted to uncover that spirit whether in the Chinese, Malay or other communities that can be used as comparison. Finally, a charitable view of Prof. Khoo's comments as printed by Utusan is that the paper may have edited his remarks or misquoted him. If so, he needs to come out with an explanation and clarification of what he said or meant at the interview and to get Utusan to publish the correct version. Otherwise, these foolish and ill-advised comments will only lead to the further demonization of all Chinese in the country.
Anwar’s allegations are lies to confuse people – EC Posted: 10 May 2013 01:53 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The Election Commission (EC) has deemed Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's allegation that it did not carry out any improvement in the 13th General Election (GE13) as a big, blatant lie aimed at confusing the people. EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said the commission had carried out various improvements for the just-concluded general election on Sunday, including providing the cleanest-ever electoral rolls. He said the electoral rolls used in GE13 had been gazetted through a thorough cleaning process and online review of citizen record and latest voters' address in the data base of the National Registration Department. "As the voter registration system uses the unique 12-digit of the identification card as registration identifier, therefore, it was impossible to obtain multiple registration in GE13 electoral rolls," he said in a statement here today. He explained that through the registration system, non-citizens – whether they were from Bangladesh, Indonesia, China or India – could not register as additional voters. Apart from that, Abdul Aziz said the electoral rolls used in GE13 had been verified, gazetted and finalised. "It is impossible to enter additional voter name after a certain electoral roll has been gazetted for the election. "As such, the allegation that 40,000 Bangladeshis were brought in to vote in GE13 was completely unfounded and slanderous after the electoral rolls were gazetted and finalised," he added. In the general election, the EC also conducted early voting on April 30 which involved 235,826 police and armed forces staff and their spouses to replace the balloting process through the post for the group. He said in line with the claims of opposition political parties and non-governmental organisations, the EC introduced the indelible ink in GE13 as an additional element to strengthen the balloting procedure to prevent any attempt by a party to vote twice. Abdul Aziz said the primary basis of reviewing voter identity and the method to ensuring a voter did not vote more than once, was that the name list in the electoral rolls was used in each stream or voting place on polling day. "If a person's name could not be found or has been deleted after voting, the voter could not vote more than once. This means multiple voters could not have happened in the balloting process of this country," he said. Improvement was also seen from the aspect of campaign duration which saw the official campaign being fixed for 15 days from April 20, to last Sunday.
Social media beat me, says Nong Chik Posted: 10 May 2013 01:44 PM PDT
(The Star) - Former Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin said he lost in the election due to allegations levelled against him and his family in cyberspace. "It was not a Chinese tsunami' but character assassination in the social media that caused my defeat to Nurul Izzah Anwar in Lembah Pantai," Raja Nong Chik told a press conference here yesterday. Looking rested and cheerful, Raja Nong Chik said he would never blame Chinese voters even though he lost heavily in a Chinese majority area. "It was a culmination of a series of articles in online news portals and the Internet which disparaged me and my family that caused me to lose. "They targeted my father, my daughter, and even accused me of bringing in phantom voters into Lembah Pantai," he said. Nurul Izzah received 31,008 votes, beating Raja Nong Chik with a majority of 1870 votes. Raja Nong Chik said Nurul Izzah had falsely accused him of bringing in phantom voters into the constituency. "At the end of the day, all these personal attacks probably influenced the fence sitters to vote against me," he said. He will probably initiate legal action against Nurul Izzah. Raja Nong Chik thanked the 29,000 people who voted for him.
Rival Pakatan factions fight it out in cyberspace Posted: 10 May 2013 01:39 PM PDT
(The Star) - The battle lines between rival factions in PKR appear to have been drawn after deputy president Azmin Ali's dramatic press conference, with the fight already started in cyberspace. As soon as Azmin sent puzzling tweets about the party's state of affairs and appeared to criticise Wednesday's mammoth rally to reject the general election results, vocal personalities took to Twitter to make their allegiance known. Although most top leaders kept their silence on the ongoing internal fight, PKR legal affairs bureau chief Latheefa Koya (picture) did not stop slamming those lobbying for Khalid to continue as mentri besar. "It's not surprising that most of those churning out anti-Azmin tweets are the same guys who supported Zaid (Ibrahim) during the PKR elections!" she tweeted, referring to the former PKR leader who eventually left the party. "Secretly. the TSKI suck-ups' are basically hoping Azmin leaves - hence the taunting," she added referring to Khalid's initials. PKR chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's aide Najwan Halimi, who is also the Angkatan Muda Keadilan deputy information chief, also rebuked Azmin's detractors, including state PAS deputy Youth chief Mohd Sany Hamzan. Sany said that PAS was upset over statements by PKR leaders that the MB's post was permanently theirs even though PKR holds the least seats. In response, Najwan tweeted that he was disappointed with Sany's "arrogant" and "selfish" attitude. "To the Selangor PAS deputy Youth chief, don't butt in. Who betrayed the Pakatan Rakyat candidate in the Kota Damansara state seat?" he asked. But those close to party president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who endorsed Khalid, rallied against Azmin. Newly-elected Kelana Jaya MP Wong Chen tweeted this Thursday night, after it was rumoured that Azmin would leave the party: "Rumours of defections are rife tonight. If it comes true tomorrow I have only two words to traitors: good riddance!" "I am with the younger generation of Pakatan leaders who are here for the long haul," he tweeted again yesterday.
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