Rabu, 17 April 2013

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Why we need change?

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 12:32 PM PDT


We're tired of being told to behave or your citizenships will be revoked while citizenships are given to illegal immigrants in exchange for votes. 

Djanko Lee 

We put in a 10-hour day and 55-hour week to make a reasonable living in a country which was once free of racial hatred and where individuals respected their different religious beliefs. Where children moved around freely, played together, and occasionally shared meals at each other households.

Given the state of the current economy and the rapidly rising national debt, retirement is now a bad dream.

We're tired of being treated like Pavlov's dogs with the ring of the GE bell. We are expected to obediently salivate when the goodies, free concerts, food are handed out. In between GEs, like the "untouchables", we are treated with disdain and contempt. 

We're tired of being reminded "to vote BN" to get more cash hand-outs but it is our cash that they are handing out.

We're tired of the games they play; hardball at the state level and softball at the federal level. The so-called "non-partisan" NGOs pour scorn on projects initiated by the opposition state government (constantly being sabotaged by the federal government) to address the chaotic local traffic congestions and label the initiatives as opportunistic, while they are oblivious to the scandals and pillages at the federal level.

We're tired of being told that out of tolerance we must submit to the threat of bible-burning of Perkasa, the abuse of the former PM and an orgy of greed and self-indulgence of the UMNO/BN.

We're tired that someone, like the former Transparency International president, whom the rakyat have the utmost respect, can become a turncoat overnight implicating a legitimate organisation fighting for clean and fair elections for being "an instrument of money laundering" and accusing it for attempting to create "chaos" on polling day.

We're tired of being told to behave or your citizenships will be revoked while citizenships are given to illegal immigrants in exchange for votes.

We're tired of being told the PM must be given another term when he was slumbering in his first term and oblivious to the scandals and enriching his cronies.

Yes, we're damn tired. But we're also very glad because we have the choice now to make the difference. To prove to them that we are indeed the master, and not Pavlov's dogs, that they want us to be. That the mega concert at Han Chiang School and the 5,500-table mega dinner in Klang will be met with cynicism. We will tell them enough is enough that the "rape and pillage" will have to stop and their actions will be brought into account.

We're glad we're not going to have to listen to their lies any longer.

We're glad we can stop looking at the mess they've created.

We're glad we can now save our country!




10 Stunning Facts About GE13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 12:20 PM PDT


Fred Smith 

1. Barisan Nasional is currently the LONGEST-RULING REGIME amongst ALL democratic countries in the ENTIRE WORLD! That's stability!

2. The current BN government, helmed by PM Najib Razak is serving the SECOND LONGEST administrative term in Malaysian history. Coincidentally, his late father Tun Abdul Razak helmed the government which served the LONGEST administrative term too.

DS Najib Razak is known as the LONGEST-SERVING Prime Minister who inherited his post from his predecessor.

3. BN requires the support of a mere 15.4% of the population to RULE THE NATION if it wins all the smallest 112 constituencies!

4. It is not practical or feasible to have all the seats made into equal size. In India the largest constituency has 2,500,000 voters, in the smallest constituency there are just 50,000.

5. The smallest constituency in Malaysia was 13.0% percent of the national average while the largest was 288.0% percent. See above for India.

6. The smallest constituency, BN-held Putrajaya only had 6,008 voters but Opposition-held Kapar had a staggering 112,224 voters, 17 times more than Putrajaya. Kapar could have produced 17 Indian Members of Parliament! Alamak!

7. There is no truth that 30.0% of the Sabah population are foreigners, or that 300,000 Malaysian-born Indians remain stateless and without ICs!


8. The Selangor Electoral Roll saw a phenomenal increase of 25.0% in just 4 years, a trend that can be explained by natural population growth and previously unregistered voters! Other states have also seen increases.

9. Many ex-Generals, ex-Army Chiefs, ex-Navy Chiefs have openly declared their support for politics. Some are in BN, others are in Pakatan Rakyat. Some will be standing in the Elections. Democracy in Malaysia is alive and well.

10. A vote swing towards Pakatan Rakyat to secure Putrajaya remains a pipe-dream.

Consequently, if every BN supporter goes out to vote, then Malaysia will continue on its path to GREATER STABILITY AND PROSPERITY!





Indians must help end Umno/BN in Malaya!

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 12:14 PM PDT


Umno/BN does not have to endorse the Hindraf Blueprint because it doesn't need Indian votes. It only wants to deny Indian votes to PR and for this they will be prepared to engage in all sorts of bullshit.

Joe Fernandez 

In 2008, 85 per cent of the Indians voted against BN. Yet BN formed the Federal Government. The BN does not need Indian votes to win. It only needs Malay votes in Malaya and Sabah, Sarawak. The PR needs Indian votes to deny BN two-thirds majority and have a chance of taking over the Federal Gov't.

An Umno/BN Gov't is not in the interest of Indians.

Indians suffered 56 years of internal colonisation under Umno/BN. Even now, Umno/BN is just bullshitting the Indians because the racist civil service doesn't release funds to Indians despite public pledges by the politicians.

It's more important to throw out Umno/BN than to quarrel with PR over the Hindraf Blueprint.

It's not in the Indian interest to destroy PR.

Anyway, the Indians have to decide. If they decide wrongly, they will have to live with the consequences for five years, maybe another 50 years.

Abstaining will deny PR Indian votes and help BN to win.

Umno/BN does not have to endorse the Hindraf Blueprint because it doesn't need Indian votes. It only wants to deny Indian votes to PR and for this they will be prepared to engage in all sorts of bullshit.

Indian votes and Sabah/Sarawak votes are only important in a two-party system to help the weaker party against the stronger party.

Already, Umno/BN has the support of Sabah, Sarawak. So, Indian votes must go to PR. We need a balance of terror like during the Cold War Years between Russia and America.

The enemy (PR) of my enemy (Umno/BN) is my friend.

No need to talk about free votes or the Hindraf Blueprint.

I am sure that a PR Government in Putrajaya will do something for the Indians unlike Umno/BN. I don't know what they will do but they can and will do something. It's the duty of the Indians in PR to make sure.

The focus should be on the BN record

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 12:10 PM PDT


Actually, PR does not need the Buku Jingga.

Joe Fernandez 

PR has said that the Buku Jingga and their Manifesto is based on needs, not race. Hindraf has said Felda is about race. It need not be about race. Felda can open up to all races.

If PR accepts the Hindraf Blueprint, it shows that Indians have not been included in the Buku Jingga and the Manifesto.

That's why PR will never endorse the Hindraf Blueprint. Instead, they will keep saying that everything in the Blueprint is already in Buku Jingga and the Manifesto.

Actually, PR does not need the Buku Jingga.

What it must say in its Manifesto is that it will conduct due diligence of the BN Government for the last 56 years to bring wrongdoers to justice.

On development, it must say that it will study the BN plans to: keep whatever is good; discard whatever needs to be discarded; amend what needs to be amended; and finally just say new plans will be announced by PR.

If PR had done this, it won't be quarreling today with Hindraf over the Blueprint.

BN will not accept the Blueprint for the same reasons as PR.

Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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