Don't underestimate Waytha. He's after just 20 per cent of the Indian votes, all from the underclass, to help make a difference.
Joe Fernandez
Had the Chinese, Dap in particular, stood with Waytha and Hindraf Makkal Sakthi, he wouldn't have signed the MOU with Najib. The Chinese care two hoots about human rights just as they care two hoots about the environment. The Chinese are only bothered about corrupting the Malays. It's the Chinese who put corrupt ideas in Malay heads to the extent that they sabotaged the New Economic Policy. China is a good example of environmental degradation and corruption. If the Malays don't allow the Indians to empower themselves, they better go back to Sulawesi, Java, Sumatra or wherever they came from and forget about Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku.
Don't underestimate Waytha. He's after just 20 per cent of the Indian votes, all from the underclass, to help make a difference. He assumes that Najib will be able to at least maintain the status quo as the last time. If not, it does not matter to him anyway and not because PR has pissed him off. He has his MOU, again an unprecedented feat in Malaysian political history. He can use it to whack any Government in Putrajaya.
This business of depending on the Gov't must stop. The world does not owe us anything but opportunities. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Subsidies and handouts create a dependency syndrome which politicians prey on.
Legislators are elected to pass laws to run the country, not to spoon feed the people. Get the concept of democracy, politics and Gov't right.
The people must help themselves so that we can cut down the size of the Gov't.
As it is, the Gov't is already venturing into business to help the people and the economy. By right, Gov't has no business to be in business.
If everybody is going to depend on the Gov't, it will be a big burden on the taxpayer.
The Gov't can only make an exception in the case of those living below the poverty line, single mothers, housewives, OKU, senior citizens, widows, orphans, toddlers, schoolchildren, university students, refugees, and those without an identity. Society should play a role as well.
The young in particular should be of special concern to the Gov't and Society.
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." John Kennedy.
Indians in Malaya decide in 67 parliamentary seats and the related state seats.
They should not put all their political eggs in one basket. That's not only risky but a foolish thing to do. Vote against all incumbents, whether PR or BN. If new faces, vote for them. If both sides field new faces in a seat, vote for the party which won the seat in 2008. We have a script to follow based on 2008. If Indians vote as above, they will be the most powerful community in politics in the country. Voting for PR only or voting for BN only will make us politically weak. If we vote for PR only and throw out BN, we will be at the mercy of PR when Umno frogs join PKR as Anwar expects. If Indians vote for BN only, PR will be too weak and PKR may return to Umno. Indians will then be back at square one.
The opposition is set to bag eight seats in Sarawak i.e. Baram, Mas Gading and six of the seats being contested by Supp. Anything more, and possible, would be a bonus. The real battle in Sarawak is between BN and PR. In Sabah, the real battle is between Star and the parti parti Malaya. The Opposition, including the Dap, can expect to bag seven parliamentary seats. PKR may win Beaufort. Total for the Opposition including Star from Sabah and Sarawak: 15 seats. Waytha is trying to help get nine seats for BN in Malaya so it can secure two-thirds majority. The Sabah and Sarawak seats will nullify Waytha's efforts. No Government in Putrajaya will get two-thirds. The status quo will remain in Malaya. BN will get less than the 140 seats -- probably maximum 134 seats -- it had the last time. The 3rd Force will emerge in Parliament.
BN is the wrong horse to back 100 per cent. They have been in power 56 years and are on the way out, sooner rather than later. The momentum for change has begun and will be unstoppable.
The people are counting on the Opposition to do the right thing.
The Opposition has vowed to conduct a due diligence of the BN Government and bring wrongdoers to justice; it will audit all development plans for corruption elements and weed out the corruption therein; it will review all BN development plans; it will keep the BN plans which are good, amend what should be amended and scrap what should be scrapped.
The Opposition has pledged to stamp out the BN's practice of awarding government contracts to themselves and running up the National Debt Burden to put their hands in the Public Treasury under the guise of bringing development to the people.
The Opposition has also worked out development components which it will add to the Plans for Malaysia.
In the event that the Opposition takeover of Putrajaya is further delayed, the party has pledged to be a strong loyal opposition in Parliament.
As the Opposition, it's duty will be to keep a watch on promises made by the winning party to ensure that they are fulfilled.
It will also keep a check on abuse of power and victimisation by the government, conflict of interest and corruption.
It will defend human rights and ensure that the people are not denied their NCR rights and it will ensure that NCR land is not seized by politicians for public purposes and sold to private companies.
So, it cannot be said that "the Opposition can talk only, cannot do anything for the people".
All this has a bearing on the numbers game.
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