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- PRU 13 dan Masa Depan Negara Malaysia
- Kematian Sugumar: Surat Terbuka Kepada Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia
- Talk is Cheap Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
PRU 13 dan Masa Depan Negara Malaysia Posted: 05 Apr 2013 11:10 AM PDT
Melalui nota ini, saya menyeru kepada semua, terutamanya saudara Islam supaya kita menarik nafas sedalam-dalamnya sejenak dan menempatkan satu ruangan kecil dalam hati anda untuk melakukan perkara berikut tanpa mengira faham politik anda. Mohamed Kamaruddin Alhamdulilah kerana Allah memperkenankan doa kita supaya Parlimen dibubarkan dengan segera untuk membolehkan PRU13 dilaksanakan. Kini, penantian rakyat Malaysia sejak lebih 1 tahun berlalu telah berakhir pada hari Rabu 3 April 2013. Syukur! Kalau diikutkan hati, tak mahu menoleh ke belakang. Senario Negara bergelumang dengan najis politik, umpat mengumpat, dedah mendedah, caci mencaci, dan semua yang sejenis dan sealiran dengannya mengecilkan semua usaha baik, murni, ikhlas, betul, benar – setiap hari. Sikap dan tabiat buruk yang ditunjukkan dan diiklankan oleh pihak dewasa warga politik menjadi satu matapelajaran baru bagi generasi anak-anak yang berusia bawah 17 tahun. Merekalah pemimpin Negara Malaysia pada masa yang akan datang. Sungguh cemerlang warga politik Malaysia melakar generasi politik masadepan Negara. Ya Allah, lindungilah Negara Malaysia kami dari kemurkaanMu. Satu ketika dahulu, tahap silaturahim dan kejiranan amat tinggi. Kita boleh duduk semeja diwarung meneguk teh dan kopi, kita masih boleh berjalan bersama menuju surau dan masjid untuk bersama menyembah dan sujud kepada Allah Yang Maha Esa. Kini ianya hanya dikenang sehinggakan rakan jemaah saf di kiri dan di kanan pun menjadi pilihan. Nafsu politik memperkaumkan ummah dan berjayalah mereka yang merasakan diri mereka adalah Juara Politik! Kini, pembubaran Parlimen telah berlaku sepertimana yang dicita-citakan. Kita kini akan menghadapi tiga situasi genting iaitu: 1. Hari untuk Penamaan Calun Hari Penamaan Calun adalah sama seperti hari pengenalan musuh politik sementara hari pengundian dan keputusan pilihanraya serta hari penubuhan kerajaan baru akan menentukan halatuju masa depan Negara. Melalui nota ini, saya menyeru kepada semua, terutamanya saudara Islam supaya kita menarik nafas sedalam-dalamnya sejenak dan menempatkan satu ruangan kecil dalam hati anda untuk melakukan perkara berikut tanpa mengira faham politik anda. Ruangan berkecuali ini adalah untuk meletakkan usaha murni dalam keindahan Islam bahawa kita semua adalah bersaudara. Gerakkanlah diri kita sendiri untuk melakukan perkara-perkara berikut, ajak dan pelawalah saudara yang lain untuk bersama melakukannya. Mudahan Allah akan melimpahkan Rahmat dan Kasih Sayang Nya kepada kita. Perkara yang akan kita lakukan adalah seperti berikut: 1. Selepas sesi Penamaan Calun, kita semua ke surau atau masjid untuk membaca Surah Al Yasiin diantara Maghrib dan Isya dan berdoa semoga Allah akan memilih calun politik yang terbaik untuk kita kerana Dialah Yang Maha Pemilih. Kita juga berdoa supaya Allah mengekang nafsu amarah semasa berkempen dan Allah merencanakan perancangan pengundian yang terbaik mengatasi semua perancangan pengundian kotor oleh mana-mana pihak. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Perancang. 2. Sehari sebelum sesi pengundian, kita semua kembali ke surau dan masjid untuk sekali lagi membaca Surah Al Yasiin diantara Maghrib dan Isya dan berdoa semoga proses pengundian akan berjalan lancar dengan baik, berdisiplin, selamat, beretika dan bertertib. Hari yang berikutnya iaitu selepas mengundi, kita beramai-ramai ke surau dan masjid untuk bersama-sama sekali lagi membaca Surah Al Yasiin diantara Maghrib dan Isya dan berdoa semoga Allah mempermudahkan proses pengiraan undi dan seterusnya pengumuman keputusan pilihanraya tanpa sebarang insiden yang tidak baik. 3. Keesokan pagi harinya, kita sudah tentu mendapat berita keputusan pilihanraya. Oleh itu kita sekali lagi menuju ke surau dan masjid untuk membaca surah Al Yasiin selepas solat subuh dan berdoa semoga proses penubuhan kerajaan baru selepas PRU13 akan dipermudahkan serta memohon kepada Allah supaya silaturahim semua rakyat Malaysia dipereratkan semula untuk membolehkan kita hidup aman sentosa. Bagi mereka yang bukan berugama Islam, mereka boleh melaksanakan apa sahaja yang bersesuaian dengan agama pegangan mereka. Keutamaannya ialah walaupun kita semua melalui waktu kekalutan, nilai baik dalam diri kita masih ada dan mengerti bahawa esok tak sama dengan hari ini dan kehidupan perlu diteruskan. Tempoh yang singkat dari sekarang sehinggalah penubuhan kerajaan perlu dihayati oleh semua rakyat. Oleh kerana kita sebagai manusia yang lemah tidak berupaya mengekang azab dan siksaan Allah, marilah kita bersama kembali kepada Allah untuk Allah memberikan apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Pangkahan kita hanyalah suatu usaha kerdil kita, pangkahan Allah lebih PASTI! Allahuakbar.
Kematian Sugumar: Surat Terbuka Kepada Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia Posted: 05 Apr 2013 11:05 AM PDT
Despite the long list of custodial deaths, very few policemen are criminally charged much less found guilty of any offence. Eric Paulsen, Co-founder & Adviser Lawyers for Liberty Kehadapan Perdana Menteri, Kami menulis kepada Perdana Menteri sebagai pertubuhan hak asasi manusia Malaysia, yang prihatin terhadap kematian Mendiang C. Sugumar pada 23 Januari 2013. Tidak syak lagi, Perdana Menteri pasti akan bersetuju bahawa keadaan kematian beliau cukup mengerikan dan sangat serius; Mendiang Sugumar telah dikejar oleh sekumpulan anggota polis berpakaian seragam; beliau dengan cepat dikuasai dan digari. Namun dalam proses tersebut, segerombolan samseng menyerang dan melucutkan pakaian beliau sehingga bertelanjang dan seorang anggota polis melumur muka beliau dengan serbuk kunyit. Meskipun beliau telah tertiarap mengadap ke bawah di atas tanah, dengan tangan bergari ke belakang, seorang anggota polis memijak leher beliau, sehinggalah beliau berhenti bergelut. Beliau meninggal dunia dan tiada usaha dibuat untuk memulihkan beliau atau tiada sebarang rawatan perubatan yang diberikan kepada Mendiang. Kini, PDRM telah membuat dakwaan luar biasa bahawa mereka tidak bertanggungjawab di atas kematian Mendiang serta mendakwa tiada anggota mereka yang terlibat dalam sebarang kesalahan jenayah. Ini kerana menurut PDRM, laporan bedah siasat menunjukkan Mendiang Sugumar meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung. Ianya tidaklah menghairankan disebabkan PDRM memiliki sejarah dahsyat melindungi dan menafikan pertanggungjawaban, lihatlah contohnya, kematian dalam tahanan Mendiang A. Kugan dan kematian tembakan polis Allahyarham Aminulrasyid, remaja berusia 15 tahun. Dalam mengharungi jalan panjang sejarah daripada kemerdekaan politik sehinggalah kepada Malaysia yang moden dan demokratik, kita seolah-olah kehilangan arah haluan dan telah membenarkan berlakunya keganasan institusi kerajaan dalam paparan awam, untuk pihak berkuasa bertindak sewenang-wenangnya dengan kekebalan undang-undang dan tanpa keadilan. Peristiwa tragis menyayat hati ini mencemarkan nama baik Malaysia dan merupakan peringatan sangat penting tentang seberapa jauh lagi hasrat Malaysia yang kita cita-citakan itu. Telah lebih dua bulan berlalu semenjak Mendiang Sugumar dibunuh pada siang hari, secara terang-terangan ketika di bawah penahanan polis. Mayat beliau masih tersimpan di rumah mayat Hospital Serdang, sementara menanti upacara pengkebumian yang belum selesai dan yang paling diperlukan bedah siasat kedua yang telah disekat oleh pihak berkuasa pada setiap peringkat pentadbiran. Kami berasa amat duka cita kerana terlalu sedikit simpati yang dihulurkan atau maklum balas daripada pihak berkuasa dan ahli-ahli politik yang membentuk kerajaan. Walaupun kematian Mendiang Sugumar diperjuangkan terutamanya dikalangan parti-parti pembangkang dan masyarakat sivil, perkara ini tidak perlu dipersoalkan. Malahan, pihak berkuasa sepatutnya menangani kematian beliau bukannya sekali lagi, dengan membuta-tuli menyokong pasukan polis. Beberapa kematian dalam tahanan polis telah berlaku pada tahun ini, antaranya, Chin Te, Mohd Ropi dan M. Ragu yang turut ikut menyertai senarai sangat panjang dan tragis menyayat hati, iaitu senarai mereka yang telah meninggal dunia dalam tahanan PDRM. Menurut Kementerian Dalam Negeri, dari tahun 2000 sehingga Februari 2011, seramai 156 orang telah ditemui mati dalam lokap atau tahanan. Tetapi terlalu sedikit pertanggungjawaban, ketelusan atau sebarang penyiasatan sebenar oleh pihak mahkamah, polis, Pejabat Peguam Negara dan hospital yang menyediakan bantuan perubatan dan melakukan bedah siasat. Daripada 156 kes ini, 85 (atau 54.5%) diklasifikasikan sebagai Tiada Tindakan Lanjut (No Further Action), apakah maksudnya hal ini? Sebarang kematian dalam jagaan atau tahanan polis sepatutnya perlu diperhatikan secara serius. Namun demikian, institusi-institusi negara yang penting ini dalam kebanyakan kes, jika tidakpun kesemua kes, memilih untuk meremehkan, menutup, mengabai atau bahkan membuat dakwaan keterlaluan terhadap kematian-kematian ini. Ianya menyebabkan institusi terbabit hilang wibawa dan keyakinan orang ramai. Walaupun senarai panjang kematian dalam tahanan ini, terlalu sedikit anggota polis yang didakwa atas kesalahan jenayah, apalagi lebih sedikit lagi yang didapati bersalah atas sebarang kesalahan. Oleh yang demikian, kami membuat rayuan ini dengan harapan bahawa sebagai bakal Perdana Menteri seterusnya, kamu akan membetulkan ketidakadilan yang berleluasa ini dan membenarkan keluarga Sugumar mendapat keadilan dan melakukan upacara penutup kematian beliau. Untuk hal ini berlaku, institusi-institusi negara mesti dibebaskan daripada campurtangan politik yang tidak wajar supaya institusi-institusi ini dapat berfungsi secara merdeka dan saksama seperti mana-mana negara demokratik moden lainnya. Akhirnya, kami berharap Perdana Menteri yang baru juga akan menyokong penubuhan Suruhanjaya Bebas Aduan dan Salah Laku Polis (IPCMC) yang pastinya akan berganjak lebih jauh lagi dalam mencegah kematian dalam tahanan dan meningkatkan keyakinan awam. Terima kasih Yang Benar, Eric Paulsen Pengasas Bersama dan Penasihat Lawyers for Liberty ----------------- Sugumar's Death: An Open Letter to the Next Prime Minister of Malaysia Dear Prime Minister, We are writing to you as a Malaysian human rights organisation concerned with the death of C. Sugumar on 23 January 2013. As you would no doubt agree, the circumstances surrounding his death were appalling and very serious: he was chased by a group of uniformed policemen; he was quickly overpowered and handcuffed but in the process, a mob assaulted and stripped him naked and a policeman also smeared his face with turmeric. While he was facing down on the ground with his hands cuffed to his back, a policeman stepped on his neck until he stopped struggling. He died and no attempt was made to resuscitate him nor was any medical attention given to him. The PDRM have now made the incredible claim that they are not responsible for his death nor have any of their personnel committed any criminal offence because the post-mortem showed Sugumar died from a heart attack. This is not surprising as PDRM do have a terrible history of cover up and denial of responsibility, see for example, the death in custody of A. Kugan and fatal police shooting of 15-year-old Aminulrasyid. In the long road from political independence to a modern democratic Malaysia, we seem to have lost our way and have allowed such a public display of state violence, to pass with impunity and without justice. This tragic incident is a serious blot and reminder on how far we are from the Malaysia we aspire. It has been more than two months since Sugumar was killed in broad daylight while under police custody. His body still lies at the Serdang Hospital morgue, suspended between pending funeral rites and a much required second post-mortem that has been blocked at every stage by the authorities. What further saddens us is that there has been so little sympathy or response from the authorities and the politicians that make up the government of the day. Even though Sugumar's death was mainly championed by the opposition and civil society – this should not have mattered – and the authorities should have addressed his death instead of blindly supporting the police once again. Several deaths in custody have already occurred this year, among them Chang Chin Te, Mohd Ropi and M. Ragu who have now joined a very long and tragic list of people who have died in PDRM custody. According to the Home Ministry, from 2000 to February 2011, 156 people were found dead in police lock-up or custody but yet there is little accountability, transparency or any real investigations by the courts, police, Attorney-General's Chambers and hospitals which provide medical assistance or conduct post-mortems. Out of these 156 cases, 85 (or 54.5%) were classified as "No Further Action" (whatever does this mean?). Despite the obvious seriousness of any death in custody, these important state institutions in most, if not all of these cases, chose to downplay, cover up, ignore or even make outrageous claims over these deaths – causing these institutions to lose credibility and public confidence. Despite the long list of custodial deaths, very few policemen are criminally charged much less found guilty of any offence. We therefore make this appeal with the hope that as the next Prime Minister, you will correct this grave injustice and let Sugumar's family have closure over his death. In order for this to happen, state institutions must be freed from improper political interference so that they are able to function independently and impartially like in any modern democratic state. Lastly, we hope that you will also support setting up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) which will certainly go a long way in preventing custodial deaths and enhancing public confidence. Thank you. Sincerely, Eric Paulsen Co-founder & Adviser Lawyers for Liberty
Talk is Cheap Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Posted: 05 Apr 2013 10:51 AM PDT
Defending one's life when threatened with death is not violence. These Rohingyas are at the receiving end, maybe it's time ASSK stops playing politics and start speaking as a true statesperson and an agent of change and reconciliation. Win Lwin I felt an urge to write an opinion piece about Aung San Suu Kyi as communal riots were occurring in the Rakhine State but I thought I should give 'The Lady' time to prove me wrong. The time has since passed and the optimistic wish that she would prove me wrong is nothing but a waste of time. With the communal violence in Rakhine still smoldering, we are now in the midst of another targeted violence against the muslim minority; the cloak of deception behind which Aung San Suu Kyi , the Burmese government and by large the majority of the Buddhist population is now lifted and their racist ways are in the full glare of her people and the world. The Rakhine massacre and displacement of tens of thousands of people began after the rape of a Buddhist girl by 3 muslim men allegedly. These men were arrested but a vigilante group comprising of Buddhists murdered a bus full of muslims who were no way connected to the alleged rapists besides professing to the same religion in retaliation for the rape. What followed next is common knowledge to all except to the Buddhist Burmese who have blood on their hands; rapes, targeted killings and systematic eviction of the Rohingyas from their homes and lands by mobs of Buddhist Arkanese while the government security elements looked away or tacitly agreed to what was being done to the Rohingya community. As the world gasped in horror; Aung San Suu Kyi was globetrotting and basking in the international limelight. Questions after questions were directed at her about the ongoing killings and displacement of these Rohingya Muslims back home but she side stepped the questions by talking about the rule of law. After a long silence she then says she had not spoken about violence because she wanted to promote reconciliation between the Buddhist and Muslim communities. The fact that she used the words Muslim and Buddhist communities prove that she is fully aware this is not an issue about alleged illegals from Bangladesh but a religious conflict that has been simmering for decades. She has blown the issue in broad daylight by acknowledging that this is an issue between Muslims and Buddhists and has got nothing to do with borders and implementation of the law. She has unwittingly shot herself in the foot by making such a statement. "But don't forget that violence has been committed by both sides. This is why I prefer not to take sides. And, also I want to work toward reconciliation between these two communities. I am not going to be able to do that if I take sides". Defending one's life when threatened with death is not violence. These Rohingyas are at the receiving end, maybe it's time ASSK stops playing politics and start speaking as a true statesperson and an agent of change and reconciliation. What she has failed to realize is that she already has taken sides when she speaks about how monks were insulted by Muslims allegedly without speaking about killings of innocent Rohingya children, women and men by Buddhist dominated mobs. A monk is not above the law; a monk is also a human with weaknesses and as it is quite clear, a vast majority of them in Burma are racists. A man in monk attire who commits a crime is nothing but a man who has committed a crime and a criminal at best. Unless ASSK makes such a statement, she is nothing but a person who preaches democracy, equality, freedom and other democratic ideals for her race and religion only and no one else. She preached idealistic things but failed to explain to the people that an idealistic way of thinking is quite far from the realities of life. She has hoodwinked herself and the people. She has failed to live up to her own ideals which she articulately propagated during her incarceration. Was it all rhetorical or a mask to hide the real ASSK? With the Buddhist population so blinded by their hatred for people and a religion they have little or no idea about, with aggressions perpetuated against Muslims in other parts of Burma increasing, ASSK feels it is prudent to maintain her silence. Is this silence out of desperation not to lose her political base or is this silence an insight to her own racist way? Her silence is irresponsible and the correct phrase to describe her silence is 'criminal'. This silence on her part has also made her a collaborator in the displacement and deaths of countless Muslims in Burma. She too has blood on her hands. This is a woman who was given the 'Noble Peace Prize' for standing up for democracy and freedom for Burma but from my recollection, the idea of nominating her as a candidate for this prestigious prize was not for her fight for such things but because her husband felt it prudent that bestowing such a prize on her will discourage the government from harming her. Of course, my comment is debatable to say the least. I personally feel, this prize was prematurely given to her even if did protect her from harm. After all, many have been tortured and killed for the fight for democracy and freedom; what makes her so special besides who her father was? Her political stand presently is nothing noble and certainly brings shame to the award conferred on her. I am sure many will think this to be rantings of a person who does not know ASSK; but who really knows what she is thinking and who she really is? Politics is perception and my perception of her is that of a racist who is out to canon herself politically for her own interest or that of her own race and religion at the cost of innocent Muslim men, women and children. "The kind of seed sown will produce that kind of fruit. Those who do good will reap good results. Those who do evil will reap evil results. If you carefully plant a good seed, you will joyfully gather food fruit", Dhammapada. In ASSK's case, she is enjoying the rock star status and the chants of people calling her Amma (mother) and Daw Suu ( Daw – used to addressed some with respect ); while people are dying all around her. How is she planting a good seed? She is not planting any seeds, she is just harvesting the fruits as the result of seeds of hatred that the government planted a long time ago towards the Muslims and other minorities in the minds of the Buddhist population. She saw an opportunity to nurture an evil seed to gain political mileage. I have no doubt, the Muslims of Burma will continue to be treated as outsiders and as a pariah community for at least 3 generations to come. The young boys and girls in Burma whose age is between 7 to 10 are already brainwashed to hate Muslims. That leaves the teenagers, young adults, middle aged adults and seniors who are already tainted by racist ways for many more years. Where is the hope for Muslims to enjoy democracy and freedom in Burma when the very person who is leading the fight herself is a racist and a bigot? I personally see a very uncertain future of the Muslims in Burma; what hope is there when the very person who speaks about the rule of law, democracy, freedom and equality is in fact propagating all these democratic values for her own race and religion but no one else. I say a prayer every night with the hope that ASSK will once again garner my respect and support but I remain a pessimist in light of her silence and indifference to the suffering of the Muslim community of Burma who have paid with their lives and blood to support her.
A Burmese in Diaspora, Win Lwin
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