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- Media should not play up Mahathir
- Are political parties like DAP, Umno a berhala?
- Idiot Guide to Malaysian Politics
- Hindraf Q & A
- Pahang Raub Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining Action Committee
- M’sian Chinese joins in with HINDRAF’s fasting
Media should not play up Mahathir Posted: 17 Mar 2013 12:49 PM PDT
How can we have two Prime Ministers, in fact three if we include Muhyiddin Yassin as well. The Constitution makes no provision for a Deputy Prime Minister. It's just an administrative device but the man (Muhyi) seems to be getting carried away by his post. Samy Vellu was right to tell then Deputy Prime Minister Musa Hitam to "go jump into the lake". Joe Fernandez The way former Prime Mahathir Mohamad has been carrying on since retiring, keeping himself very much in the public eye, it appears that he wants his old job back and this time perhaps until he dies and that could be at 97+. That could be the real reason why the 13th General Election has been unduly delayed. |
Are political parties like DAP, Umno a berhala? Posted: 17 Mar 2013 10:16 AM PDT
FMT LETTER: From Anas Zubedy, via e-mail Last week as I scrolled my twitter home page I chanced upon a tweet quoting the Quran by Khalid Samad the current MP and YDP of PAS Shah Alam and also a member of PAS Central Committee. The tweet conversation went like this. Khalid: Renung2kan "…tidak kami sembah mereka kecuali utk merapatkn diri kami kpd ALLAH.." Surah Az-Zumar 3. Alasan musyrikin menyembah berhala Anas: Political parties can also be those berhala bro. Salam, anas Khalid: Yup unless they specify that the Quran and Sunnah are their guiding principles. Those using other guides may be a berhala. Anas: Specification or practice? And r u saying d DAP is a berhala if u follow them coz they specify otherwise? The good YB did not follow-up with the tweet. Perhaps he is busy. Perhaps the road the tweet conversation was heading may bring him to a conflict between his religious belief and political expediency. Perhaps he himself is grappling with an answer. So, is a political party a berhala? When does it become one? On what grounds, based on what they say or what they do? But first let's look at Verse 39:3 in full. "Is it not to God alone that all sincere faith is due? And yet, they who take for their protectors aught beside Him [are wont to say], "We worship them for no other reason than that they bring us nearer to God." Behold, God will judge between them [on Resurrection Day] with regard to all wherein they differ [from the truth]: for, verily, God does not grace with His guidance anyone who is bent on lying [to himself and is] stubbornly ingrate! " The above verse relates to practices where followers hope that a third party will 'mediate' between God and himself. This is done with the faith that the third party can act as a protector and insurance provider providing a passageway towards God and Heaven – a stand categorically rejected by the Quran. The third party is symbolic and can take the forms of anything from material objects, humans (dead or alive), movements and fundamentally everything man made or God made – including political parties. The question is then, on what criteria? The good YB suggested that a political party is a 'berhala' unless they specify that the Quran and the Sunnah are their guiding principles. Those who use other guides may be a berhala. This is where the problem starts. Following this criteria, the good YB is to a large degree suggesting that only PAS is not while the others including fellow PR coalition partners DAP and PKR are likely berhalas. I have a problem with that.
Idiot Guide to Malaysian Politics Posted: 16 Mar 2013 12:26 PM PDT
Anas Zubedy 1. Cronyism is only wrong when it is practiced by the other side. 2. Corruption is only wrong when it is practiced by the other side. But if he or she join us, 'halal' everything is again. 3. If it was d BN Government who proposed an underground tunnel in Penang, PR will go against it – and, vice versa. 4. Factories are dangerous when the other side builds it – and vice versa. 5. When the other side talks about race, they are racist. When we talk about race, it's because we care. 6. Big projects are wasteful ONLY IF it is a project mooted by the other side. When we moot it, it's smart economics. 7. A Satan is a Satan as long as he is on the other side. Join us, immediately Satan becomes an Angel. 8. If you are not with us, you are against us - even if you are right. 9. My party and I speak on behalf of God. If you don't follow us, you will go to hell. 10. All my leaders are smart; all your leaders are idiots. 11. When my children move up the political ladder, they are smart. When your children do the same, its nepotism. 12. My research shows we got more support and will win in the next general elections. Your research that says otherwise sure wrongly done one. 13. My forensic expert is better than your forensic expert. 14. When our 2 leaders debate, my leader will always be better. No matter how stupid he or she sounded. 15. My ulamak is better than your ulamak even if my ulamak did not quote the Quran. 16. Our idiots are smarter than your experts. 17. When I disagree it is democracy, when you disagree you are rude, stupid, bought over, influenced, etc etc. 18. Green is blue when you say it. Blue is green when I say it. 19. When I give hand-outs it is because I care. When the other side does it, they are buying votes 20. Only jokes about the other side are funny. Note : Siapa makan cili dia terasa pedasnya.
Posted: 16 Mar 2013 12:18 PM PDT
How can Hindraf be an Indian right-wing pressure group demanding for special 'rights' for Indians while maintaining a Malaysian identity, support meritocracy and oppose the NEP-led affirmative actions? Isn't that hypocritical? N. Ganesan Soalan 1: Menang 2-3 hari di jalanan cuma mengundang solusi melepas batuk di tangga sahaja. Saudara mahu orang Melayu [misalnya saya seorang individu Melayu yang tak ada jawatan dalam parti politik mana sekali pun] melihat Hindraf ini sebagai apa? Ganesan: Thank you for this interesting question. I can understand that from the common Malay point of view, Hindraf's significance may be only the images of the fight they led on Nov 25th against Umno. Once the media lights moved on so did the memories of the common Malay person. However in the case of the Indians Nov 25th 2007 is viewed as a major historic day because of the huge psychological significance of unity and of defiance . Only the victims in any battle will understand loss. The Indian poor lost everything, their dignity included, over the many years of living lives so close to slavery, after being brought here by the whites. When Merdeka was won, the "Indian near slaves" only saw a change in their masters and a worsening of their living conditions as the big plantations began to break up. The new Masters and new government development priorities saw their conditions deteriorate. They were pushed out of the estates in large numbers. In a recent estimate, about 800,000 Indian plantation workers were forcibly pushed out of their rural communities into the urban areas – poorly equipped for life in a completely alien environment. Most Malays do not make the difference between the urban educated Indians who form about 25% of the Indians in the country with the poor Indians whom we speak of and whom Hindraf represents. Often you hear statistics about the number of Indian Doctors and Lawyers and of Tony Fernandez and Anandakrishnan. This confuses the problems of the Indian poor and totally wipes out the significance and antecedents of their poverty. The result of this has been a steady deterioration of the problems of the Indian poor. This is one of the major reasons for the significant increase in crime amongst the Indian youth. The Malay people need to view Hindraf as a Human Rights organization that came about because of the poverty of the Indians from the estates. They do not threaten the well being of any other community. Of course our enemies will present us as the ones demanding an end to Malay special privileges. But when the Malays themselves are now demanding an end to Malay special privileges among the rich and powerful Malays, Hindraf is just the forerunner of brining these more democratic and just values into the country. In an environment of justice, fairness, dignity and equality, everyone will prosper. Hindraf is a patriotic organization that seeks to contribute to building a nation on a solid foundation of social justice. Question 2: How can Hindraf be an Indian right-wing pressure group demanding for special 'rights' for Indians while maintaining a Malaysian identity, support meritocracy and oppose the NEP-led affirmative actions? Isn't that hypocritical? Ganesan: Thank you for the question. "How can Hindraf be an Indian right-wing pressure group"… We are an Indian rights group. We seek the re-institution of the rights guaranteed under international norms as well as guaranteed in the Malaysian Federal Constitution. That is different than saying we are a right wing group. Right wing usually denotes terror elements of moneyed and vested interests in society. This we clearly are not. We represent the poor and defenceless elements in our society. We have no sympathy for the moneyed groups whatsoever – whether Indians or otherwise. Let me state here for your knowledge the stated objectives of Hindraf: 1) To bring the Indian poor and marginalized into the mainstream of National Development 2) To eliminate state-sponsored racist and religious supremacist policies. We do not seek any special rights, just the rights that have been guaranteed us and the practice of equal rights for all citizen in the country. We do not seek special privileges or rights. This is clearly a misunderstanding. Our driving thoughts are these that compel us to both seek targeted solutions for the Indian poor (which makes us look like we are asking for special rights) and to do it without any sense of conflict in multiracial Malaysia: 1) Many of the problems of the Indian poor are unique – the alarming increase in the involvement in underworld activities of Indian youth is one, large numbers of stateless Indians is another, non-commensurate representation in low skill jobs, breakdown of the social system, destruction of places of worship — whatever the reasons given and highest suicide rate among the ethnic groups. The collapse of the primary education system for the Indian children is another glaring and unique problem confronting the Indian poor. These problems cannot be cured by general policies or by what we call trickle down approaches, they need a targeted approach. They need specific attention, allocation of funds and resources and appropriate approaches. These are specific problems that require specific solutions. Unless applied in this way the problems will not go away. All of this is consistent with the national objective of building a strong and resilient Malaysia. 2) RM1,115 billion have been spent in the last 10 Malaysian Development Plans. There has not been any significant allocation for the development of the Indian poor over the 48 years of the 10 plans. So, we are saying it is time for some funds to be allocated on a targeted basis for the upliftment of the Indian poor. If there are other similar communities, with similar problems, then they need to be addressed in similar ways. We are not asking for exclusive treatment (though our enemies will want to make it look like were doing just that). We are asking for comprehensive and permanent solutions to these problems. We do not believe we are being hypocritical in any way in any of our approaches. We are a young organization, we are a small, resource lean organization, we do social and poltical work in the area where we started and where there is a great need. Nobody else is taking up the case for the Indian poor – they say they care, but the truth of the matter is that all they are interested in is the votes of these poor people. We do what we do, not by taking away from others, but by restoring justice and fairness where it is rightfully due. However we let you decide if any of that is hypocritical. Soalan 3: Berapa ramaikah di kalangan [pemimpin] tertinggi Hindraf yang beragama Kristian? Adakah India Muslim boleh menjadi ahli Hindraf? Mengapakah tidak menyertai party politik yang sedia, yang juga menjaga kepentingan kaum masing-masing? Ganesan: At the Central Leadership there are no Christian members. This not by design. This is how it has worked itself out. Right from the very beginning when Hindraf was formed, the main objective was to prevent the demolition of Hindu Temples. Indian Christians were not affected by what was then happening and so we have it today that there are no Christian members at the Central Leadership level. We however do have several who are Christians at the next levels of leadership. We do not define membership by religion. If you subscribe to the objectives of Hindraf you are eligible to be a member. The objectives of Hindraf are: 1) To bring the Indian poor and marginalized into the mainstream of National Development 2) To eliminate state sponsored-racist and religious supremacist policies. If you subscribe to these objectives you can be a member. None of the existing political parties truly represent the interests and rights of the Indian poor. All they seem to be interested in is their votes. They manipulate the poor Indians, get their votes and then forget about improving their livelihoods. MIC represents the rich Indians. The other Indian parties on Barisan Nasional side only serve Barisan to get them the Indian votes. They do not serve the interest of the Indian poor. On the Pakatan side there is no effective Indian poor representation – yes there are Indian representatives, but they are representatives who happen to be Indian but who do not serve the interest of the Indian poor. In summary it would be right to say that there is no political party that serves the interest of the Indian poor in the country. Soalan 4: Apa masalah besar jika Hindraf mengambil pendekatan lembut dan moderate? Kenapa perlu sentiasa bersifat konfrontasi dan menuntut sesuatu dengan pendekatan bombastik? Ganesan: This question requires an understanding of how things really work in the world of politics. We operate in a democratic system where a simple majority is all that is required for you to get the power of decision and control on all Government policy matters. In this environment, you can see how the minority communities can be disadvantaged. If the minority community is disadvantaged in numbers but is economically strong, then it can buy a share of the power of decision. There are many ways by which this works. To give a simple example — providing a large financial contribution to a candidate who is standing in the elections and make him win as a result. Even though he/she may not belong to the minority community but he/she is now obliged to promote the interest of that community. This is common knowledge. Now imagine what happens if you are a very small minority and you are not economically strong. Your destiny is entirely at the hands of those who hold a simple majority and you have no choice on this anymore. This is exactly the case with the Indian poor. You ask, you request, you do this behind closed doors, you do this in various ways, moderate methods, you do this in the Cabinet, you do this in the party meetings, but no one really hears. You cannot do anything. Years pass. The end result is a community in distress. Couple this on the other hand with the policies designed by the community with a simple majority – all policies get slanted to their advantage, all benefits from the Government flows towards them. Opportunities to the minority communities are blocked, are denied, or are removed. You get a very unbalanced situation. Then one day when the unbalance gets to be so great you suddenly get an explosion of anger against the unfairness and the injustice in the system. That is what you see in recent years. What you have not seen over the previous years past is all the patience and all the behind-the-door discussion and all the moderate and soft approaches that have been used to little benefit. When all that has not produced even small results, the outcome unfortunately is this – the problem spills over on to the streets. As far as making extreme demands, I must say that extreme or not also depends on one's point of view. Take this example — when you have half the young Indian children go to schools that are in dilapidated conditions, in cowsheds and in transportation containers, and this is causing a collapse of the foundational education of half the future of the Indian community and there seems to be no sense of urgency to correct this matter on the part of the Government, what do you expect – more patience from us too, less demand than an immediate attention to the problem and adequate allocation of funds to correct the situation so not too many more generations of these children are affected. The net result, over the years, as you can see is the serious criminalization of Indian youth. Please understand that whatever you see as expressions from Hindraf, we are just reacting according to the seriousness of the situation. Of course the Government will not want you to see that they are doing this to the Indian children. They make us into extremists and our demands to be extreme. Question 5: How does Hindraf intend to be a functional social activist group or political party when they seem to have alienated both coalitions? Ganesan: Very good question. Thank you. Hindraf is not a political party nor does it intend to become one. However we will participate in the political process of the country as a people's movement. As a people's movement we will articulate the needs, interests and rights of people. In articulating for the people, when we see duplicity and deceit on the part of politicians, we will speak up. You must understand one basic truth about politicians – they are only interested in your votes. They are not necessarily interested in doing what is best for you. As a people's movement we are not interested in the votes, we are interested in getting for the people what is best for them. There clearly will be times when we do speak up impartially. Now, think about this, does that make us more or less functional as a social activist group? Not to alienate one or the other coalition is not our priority, to make sure that the politicians come up with policies in the interest of the people and then they follow through with implementation is our priority. That makes us play our roles more effectively. Question 6: Having being ignored first by BN and then rejected by PR, what is Hindraf's next move and what is its political advice or recommendation to its followers and the underclass that it struggles for? Ganesan: I will be brief on this question. We will remain ambivalent on this question till it becomes clear who among the two coalitions will support the 5-year Blueprint plans. The political parties are interested in the votes of our followers. We do not see ourselves recommending to our followers to give it to one or the other without there being a quid pro quo as far as their response to our 5-year Blueprint is concerned. It is still too early (now with the Lahad Datu incident) to say that they have rejected our Blueprint. When the jostling gets heavier, we will then be able to more clearly know. If the response seems too simplistic, take it that I do not want to be read too early on this question. One thing is for certain – our focus and priority is the "5-year Blueprint to bring the Indian poor into the national mainstream of development". N. Ganesan is the Hindraf national advisor. To read the questions at source, see 'Soalan-soalan anda (pembaca blog ini) bagi Hindraf '.
Pahang Raub Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining Action Committee Posted: 15 Mar 2013 04:21 PM PDT
DOE also stated that the HCN concentration is within the safe level as long as it does not breach the maximum permissible level (10ppm and 4.7ppm). What DOE has deliberately kept from the public is from where do they derive these numbers? Pahang Raub Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining Action Committee (BCAC) Referring to the Malay Mail news report('safe'-47495)dated 14 Feb 2013, Pahang Raub Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining Action Committee (BCAC) totally disagree with the explanation made by Department of Environment (DOE) that the concentration of the Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) detected in Bukit Koman, Raub is within a safe level. According to the DOE ambient air monitoring exercise conducted daily since XX January 2013, HCN as high as 1.15ppm has been detected in the ambient air in Bukit Koman. This is more than 38 times higher than the maximum permissible limit of New York, USA (Maximum limit is 0.03ppm), Czech Republic (0.007ppm) and Russia (0.009ppm). This has clearly showed that the residents of Bukit Koman are continuously exposed to hazardous HCN gas at a concentration far exceeding the safety level. Based on the occupational epidemiological studies conducted by OEHHA (note 1), the long term low level exposure to hydrogen cyanide (annual average levels exceed 0.008 ppm) can caused Center Nerve System, neurological, respiratory, cardiovascular effects , thyroid enlargement, and haematological disorders. We shall highlight another documented hard fact. In a letter dated 14 Feb 2013 replying ADUN Tras' earlier query, DOE wrote that their ambient air monitoring programme reported an average daily HCN concentration in the range of 0.32ppm to 0.85ppm. This inevitably inferred that the residents of Bukit Koman and indeed thousands who live nearby are exposed to poisonous Hydrogen Cyanide all the time and this will put their health and well being under extremely high risk. DOE also stated that the HCN concentration is within the safe level as long as it does not breach the maximum permissible level (10ppm and 4.7ppm). What DOE has deliberately kept from the public is from where do they derive these numbers? The so-called 4.7ppm 'standard' is based on the DOSH requirement while the maximum 10ppm permissible level is derived to Cyanide Management Guidelines of the Department of Mineral and Energy, Western Australia. Both of the standards are NOT to be used for ambient air in a residential setting. Therefore, these standards cited by the DOE in coming to a conclusion that HCN level detected in Bkt Koman are 'safe' are NOT the correct standards at all. We must be aware that HCN is not listed as a parameter in the Malaysia Ambient Air Quality Standard (MAAQS) precisely because it should NOT be detected in the ambient air at all. DOE should not use the above mentioned standards to mislead the public and create a false impression that the air we breathe in Bukit Koman is safe. It is not. In New York, the safe level for ambient air in residential environment is 0.03ppm. In Malaysia, the DOE simply pluck the 4.7ppm value from the Malaysia's Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, which is really meant for monitoring exposure for industry workers 8 hours a day in factories or mine. On the other hand, the people in Bukit Koman, children and the elderly included, breathe 24 hours a day to survive. DOE should conduct the ambient air monitoring in a more open and transparent manner. The complete records (including raw data) have to be displayed and made available to the public, including Sulfur Dioxide(SO2) reading which is a highly corrosive gas with high toxicity. Since Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd (RAGM) started operating its Carbon In Leach gold refinery plant four years ago, the people of Bukit Koman and Raub has been suffering from disabling skin, eye and respiratory diseases which can be attributed to the polluting fumes, including Hydrogen Cyanide and Sulfur Dioxide, emitting from the gold mine located at a mere 50 meters from the Bukit Koman Village. BCAC strongly believe these pollutants are the main factor behind the health problems as reported by the residents living in close proximity of the plant. Therefore, BCAC demand that:- 1. The responsible authorities must issue stop work order immediately pending a detail investigation on the extent of environmental contamination caused by the gold mining operation and how human health has been impacted. And also take appropriate measures to conduct remediation for the contaminated sites and to compensate for the loss and sufferings of the individuals affected by the gold mining operations. 2. DOE should disclose the complete records (all the 9 parameters, including SO2) detected by its portable FTIR gas analyzer (model Gasmet DX4040). 3. DOE shall extend its ambient air monitoring from current 15 hours to continuous 24 hours. Currently DOE only monitor the ambient air from 9am till 3am, and skip the early morning period where a lot of residents always complaint of detected strong chemical odour. As the wind direction will also affected the test accuracy, therefore, BCAC urge DOE to identify and allocate more air monitoring locations in order to obtain more comprehensive results. 4. DOE must review and revised the existing MAAQS and other related environmental regulations. New laws and regulations shall be legislated, and the existing laws and regulations tightened with regards to the use of cyanide in gold mining. To protect the environmental and human health, Cyanide must be prohibited in gold mining sector. According to the earlier statements made by Pahang State Exco member, YB Dato Hoh Khai Mun, he shall take action against RAGM once any HCN content was detected in the ambient air. Based on the current DOE ambient air monitoring report, we demand Hoh to act on his promise and hence take immediate action against RAGM. Note 1 : Refer to Press Statement issued by, Pahang Raub Ban Cyanide in Gold Mining Action Committee (BCAC)
日期:16-3-2013 劳勿空气污染证据确凿 反山埃委员会促政府施停工令 根据马来邮报2013年2月14日('safe'-47495)的报导,环境局宣称武吉公满空气中的山埃气体(HCN)的浓度是处于安全水平,彭亨劳勿反山埃委员会完全不能苟同此说法。 环境局所进行的空气探测数据显示,劳勿武吉公满山埃气体(HCN)浓度高达1.15ppm,远高于其他国家的环境空气素质标准~捷克 (0.00724ppm),苏联(0.00905ppm),以及纽约(0.03ppm)。这清楚说明彭亨州劳勿县武吉公满新村的空气已被污染以及这地区的 山埃气体浓度已经严重的超标,甚至已超过大城市纽约的标准38倍以上。 美国加州环境健康危害协会办公室研究(OEHHA)研究证实,长期暴露高于0.008ppm的山埃气体将会影响中枢神经系统,造成甲状腺肿大以及导致血液系统疾病(注1)。 在环境局于2月14日给都赖区州议员办公室的回函中,环境局也证实一月份在武吉公满进行每日15小时的空气探测结果显示,山埃气体(氢化氰)每日平 均浓度为0.32ppm - 0.85ppm。亦即证明武吉公满和周边地区居民每日长期暴露在山埃气体,居民的健康受到严重威胁。 环境局宣称,只要山埃气体指数不超过4.7ppm和10ppm就是安全的。4.7ppm是大马工业安全局(DOSH)的工业安全指标,而10ppm的限制则是参考西澳洲矿物与能源局的西澳洲山埃管理准则。 环境局荒谬地在住宅区设定比工业安全指标超2.1倍的标准!这是误导人民的反逻辑作法。我们坚决认为这两项标准并不适用于长时间24小时暴露于山埃气体的村民身上。虽然现有的马来西亚空气素质法令(MAAQS)没概括山埃气体,但不代表环境局可以误导性引用工业标准来取代环境空气标准和沿用错误的标准误导宣称武吉公满空气中的山埃气体浓度是处于安全水平。 再说,环境局并未透明化地全面公布空气中的其它污染物质的探测结果,包括对皮肤有刺激性和腐蚀性的有毒气体~二氧化硫。金矿已经运作了四年,因此我们有理由怀疑长年累月暴露于空气中的污染物质可能正是导致居民健康受损的原因之一。 反山埃委员会强烈要求:
彭亨州行政议员(地方政府、环境、卫生委员会主席)拿督何启文曾在2009年保证,"如果证实空气中拥有山埃成分,将采取行动对付该工厂"。现在环境局已证实空气中出现山埃气体并且严重超标!所以我们要求他兑现承诺,马上采取行动对付劳勿澳洲金矿公司。 注1:参考
M’sian Chinese joins in with HINDRAF’s fasting Posted: 15 Mar 2013 12:24 PM PDT
Apparently Nyam Kee Han, an activist of Johor-based human rights organization, Sahabat Rakyat, was convinced that Waythamoorthy's cause is justified and decided to join him. Wong Mun Chee
This Malaysian Chinese youngster may not be a household name, but he has the heart for a just cause. Some of his previous exploits for human rights can be viewed at the following: &
Many typical cyber troopers will castigate him in categorizing his goodwill but aren't these what they are good at with their normal modus operandi without recognizing the predicament that faces this segment of the community for what is politically expedient.
The age and the convoluted mind does not come into the equation when you can hear the scream of a young humane heart for a just cause like this Malaysian Chinese in joining Mr Waytha Moorthy in his fast.
The level of maturity shown by this young Malaysian Chinese needs to be applauded when it does not transgress the basic need and remedying the utter silence by the majority that allowed it all this while for the poor and marginalized Malaysian Indians to digress.
Although the Malaysian Indians are a minority they were able to throw in the spanner to bring the changes in GE12 because it moved on the basis of consciousness, without a political desire. The change of heart is not political but rather based on the conscious.
Today for the perpetual political desire, both BN /PR are unwilling to listen to them even if the cause has been consistent in pursuing what needs to be addressed.
It is heartwarming that a Malaysian Chinese like Nyam can see beyond ethnicity because wisdom is not dictated, but a reflection, imitation and experience without losing sight of the humanity for each other.
Thank you
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