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- Alamak! Another 24 Year Old Boy!!
- BN Dog Fight! – Tengah ‘Plotters’ Scrap For Candidates EXCLUSIVE
- Son and Father
- Who are the dogs of war in Sabah?
- Tan Sri Musa alat Mahathir untuk menekan Najib?
- The political assassination of Nurul Izzah
Alamak! Another 24 Year Old Boy!! Posted: 09 Mar 2013 12:19 PM PST This story has just started breaking since yesterday. The 24 year old boy's name is Mohamed Fareez Kamal Intidzam IC No. 890625-10-5273. Here are two pictures of the 24 year old boy with you know who. We need to do some complicated arithmetic soon. Do read on. The boy has made a Police report. He fears for his safety. Here is superblog AIDC about the boy's Police report:
You can also read : Malaysia Today has written a SPECIAL REPORTS piece on this titled "Is Azmin Ali making his move or is this S*d*my 3?" RPK has suggested an interesting conspiracy theory. RPK says : "Is Azmin Ali making his move to finish off Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and Nurul Izzah or is this S*d*my 3 looming on the horizon, engineered by Azmin and gang to finish off Anwar Ibrahim instead? Anyway, this letter appears to be an attempt to bring down the entire Anwar clan -- father, mother and daughter."
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BN Dog Fight! – Tengah ‘Plotters’ Scrap For Candidates EXCLUSIVE Posted: 09 Mar 2013 12:00 PM PST Taib loyalists are again confiding in Sarawak Report over details of alleged plans to seize control of politics in Sarawak, in order to topple the Chief Minister after the coming federal election. Their revelations prove that Sarawak BN is a coalition in crisis, turned in and fighting with itself, as its leaders struggle to gain the key position in control of the 'rich resources' of the State that Najib Razak recently referred to. That position is the one that has been occupied by Taib Mahmud for the past 30 years and which is now said to be coveted by his Second Minister for Planning, Awang Tengah. "To swap Taib Mahmud for Awang Tengah is like leaving the tiger for the crocodile" explained one key source, who says the reason that the whistleblowers have chosen to come to Sarawak Report is that no Sarawak newspaper would dare publish a story about disloyalty in BN. However, the in-fighting reflects a similar struggle at the party's federal level, where the PM's deputy, Muhyiddin bin Yassin, is widely reported as being at the head of a plot to seize control himself the moment the election is out of the way. The plan to control the federal BN candidates? Mustapa Han – Trusted diary keeper or the key traitor in Taib's office? Loyalists are claiming that Han is only allowing Tengah's people to get near Taib Mahmud. The loyalists to Taib say that disenchanted plot members have revealed full details of what is going on. They are fearful they have not a moment to lose to alert their leader, whom they say is being primed to appoint a BN candidate list for the federal election that is packed with secret Tengah supporters. Earlier revelations in this blog have already detailed the names of existing supporters of Tengah in the Dun Assembly, highlighting the Speaker Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar. Tengah is said to have promised Nassar the coveted job of Governor if he gets to be Chief Minister. In this second stage of the plot, Tengah and his inner circle are said to have been working covertly to win over key officials, who will be recommending nominations to Taib and Najib for the candidate list A number of Federal MPs are also said to have been won over to the movement already. These will be supported by the officials, but those who are regarded as Taib loyalists will be undermined by poor reports about their performance. Rivals who are pledged to Tengah will be written up as popular and effective members of their constituencies. Monster mansion – now completed Tengah's new house has apparently provided the central meeting point for the BN plotters. The inner circle who are running this alleged conspiracy are named as being Subuyau State Assemblyman, Julaihi Narawi; Taib's Political Secretary, Abdullah Saidol; Tengah's favoured candidate for Batang Lupar, Awang Jamuddin Awang Kon; the Executive Secretary of PBB, Awang Bujang Awang Antek; Tengah's preferred candidate for Sibuti, Pandi Suhaili and Radin Kadri, who has been rounding up a militant 'Youth Wing' of the party, financed by Tengah. This group meets regularly either at the Sarawak Golf Club or at Tengah's plush new mansion, which was financed by the rewards of his position as Second Planning Minister. An inside source from Tengah's camp has further informed that the Chief Political Secretary, Abdullah Saidol meets up with Taib's Senior Private Secretary, Mustapa Han everyday in the CM's office to liaise on the progress of the plan. Han has also been named as a key Taib insider, who has allegedly been won over to the plotters group.
The list! Moneybags – brother Awang Damit is allegedly distributing the cash behind the plot The whistleblowers have even supplied Sarawak Report with a full detailed list of Tengah loyalists and the BN constituencies in which they hope to be able to secure nominations as Federal candidates. The list (below) shows how most of BN's Dayak seats are now being fought over by these ferocious rival camps within the same party. The disgruntled PRS leader, the 'Land Snatch Minister' James Masing, is said to have firmly moved into the Tengah camp. The other BN coalition parties, SUPP and SPDP are also riven with rivalries. The financing of this campaign of disloyalty is allegedly being carried out through Tengah's own trusted brother, Awang Damit. Since no one does anything except for money in the corrupted culture of BN, Tengah appears to be operating on the basis of using the immense money and power that his position as Planning Minister has provided with him to undermine his once trusting boss the Chief Minister himself. Read more at:
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Posted: 08 Mar 2013 05:15 PM PST Today I decided that on gender equality, I have a post on 'Son and Father'. But I want to be t'ng kooi again, wakakaka, and so to motivate you to read it, I'll start off with wonderful SEX. The wonderfully s-exciting thing about Malaysian politics is that there's always X-rated sex in it, wakakaka. Dr Mahathir once wanted (no, not the topic word, wakakaka) Malaysia to have a population of 70 million, a publicly voiced but informal announcement which set many railing against his proposal, as they have railed against all of his proposals or assertions since he retired, wakakaka. Anway, regarding his 70 million population proposal, I imagined he must have looked around and saw almost every ASEAN nation has more or less that population size, eg: Myanmar - 63 million Thailand - 64 million Vietnam - 90 million Philippines - 96 million (hello, been Dahil Sa'yo*-ing too much? wakakaka) * meaning 'because of you', probably Philippines most popular song Then, he would have also seen those economic power houses such as France, Britain, Italy (each mid 60 million), Germany (82 million), Spain (47 million) and most remarkable South Korea (50+ million).
Thus he must have reckoned 70 million population would be comfy gnam gnam to make his Malaysia economically strong(er). Known as a rather impatient man who, despite being a medical doctor and should have known the time span required for human gestations and stuff like multiplication and arithmetic progression, or precisely because of that, some have suggested that he must have decided to kick start the process to achieve his 70 million dream with devolved IVF-ing, wakakaka, by having eggs fertilised in neighbouring countries and the results force-fed with tempeh and jamu pasak bumi, and also balut and bayag ng baka (wakakaka) into instant adulthood before receiving them warmly with open arms and a blue IC.
But that's only a temporary (kick start) measure, where he must have expected every Malaysian or rather Malay in the meantime to do his/her (beyond the call of) 'duty' wakakaka to achieve the target 70 million. Presumably in the name of Malay-Muslim unity, PAS did try to support the bangsa and negara call, more so when the means towards that has been certified halal by agama, by supporting an innovative proposal in 2006, the Islamic misyar marriage, for sexual gratification for divorced women who lacked the Islamic legal means to attain the gratification. Now, we must be clear that (in 2006) all these were directly driven NOT by Dr Mahathir, but by a PAS politician, Abdul Fatah Harun, the 'honourable' (wakakaka) PAS member for Rantau Panjang, who told the Dewan Rakyat in 2006 that "If we see women who don't have husbands and are divorced not because their husbands are dead, (it must be because) they are 'gatal sikit'". Wow, such a succinct analysis - naturally by a PAS pollie, wakakaka. And with Prof Mahmud Zuhdi Abdul Majid's brilliant proposal of misyar marriages as a solution to the equally brilliant analysis of divorcees who were 'gatal sikit', none other than Pak Haji Nik Aziz gave his personal stamp of approval for the sexual panacea. Oh, how sex drives us Malaysians even in our socio-politico-religious decisions. But then, spoilsports such as Prof Madya Harlina Halizah and Siraj and IKIM director Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas put a damper on misyar marriages, misconceived as a Islam-sanctioned path to recreational sex for what a former PAS politician deemed as women who were 'gatal sikit'.
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Who are the dogs of war in Sabah? Posted: 08 Mar 2013 11:18 AM PST War, like football, is politics taken to extremes. The bloodshed in eastern Sabah was caused by two factors: Umno's outdated racial politics and Filipino politics in the form of decades of Manila's neglect of the Muslim south. Therefore, a resolution can only be found politically, as a Malaysiakini writer has pointed out. The Tausug or Sulu claim to Sabah has fanned patriotic rage among unquestioning Malaysians and Filipinos. But the intention of the self-styled Royal Sulu Army, essentially a few boatloads of bandits, cannot conceivably be to claim Sabah by force. The invaders have manufactured a crisis to highlight their wish to be involved in the ongoing peace talks between Manila and the Moro Islamic Libertion Force (MILF), with Malaysian mediation. Negotiations between the Philippine and Malaysian governments have excluded the Sulu sultan, as well as the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), the armed group from which the MILF broke off in 1978. The Sulu sultan and his small, shabby force are jockeying frantically for position in a proposed autonomous regional authority in the southern Philippines. Such an authority would be endowed with substantial natural resources, and plenty of opportunities for patronage, if peace eventually breaks out, as news network Al-Jazeera has pointed out. Umno leaders have entangled themselves as mediators in our neighbours' civil wars, in Mindanao and Sulu, in southern Thailand, and formerly in Aceh. Despite reports of successive Umno administrations supplying arms to Muslim insurgents in these flashpoints, our government has remained blasé about its lack of objectivity and credibility, and has continued to wade into negotiations between warring parties. This Umno-led effort is clearly making a grand show of Muslim solidarity, in a desperate attempt to secure Malay-Muslim votes in the peninsula, as well as Muslim Filipino and Indonesian migrants' votes in Sabah. Umno's botched attempt at brokering a peace deal in the southern Philippines has cost us heavily: hundreds of Sabahan villagers along the east coast have been made refugees, eight (or more) policemen have lost their lives, and Sabah has been drawn ever deeper into the conflict in the southern Philippines. Umno's legacy of lawlessness in Sabah This Sulu Army incursion is only the latest in a series of armed raids. Sabah has been invaded repeatedly for 20 years by pirates, also described as "insurgents", from Mindanao and adjacent islands.
Last November, two men surnamed Tung, 33, and 25, the son and nephew of a plantation owner, were taken at gunpoint from Lahad Datu by Muslim rebels from the southern Philippines, a kidnapping that remains unsolved, and a crime that has caused fear and anger among Sabahan voters. There has been another, less dramatic, invasion, too. Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad effectively took down the already porous border between Sabah and the Philippines in the 1990s. Mahathir flooded Sabah with immigrants from the southern Philippines by issuing blue identity cards to Muslim migrants. Government officers have testified before the Sabah royal commission of inquiry into immigrants that these ICs were awarded in exchange for votes for BN. "Project IC" was a cynical – and successful – attempt to overthrow the elected state government of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS). PBS was BN's opponent in those years, a party led by non-Muslims. Meanwhile, non-Muslim Sarawakian and Sabahan natives have been, to this day, denied their MyKad and votes. Umno's ministers appear lost Prime Minster Najib Abdul Razak did not visit Sabah in the three weeks since the invasion of the "Royal Sulu Army" on Feb 9, until March 7. Najib has made his priorities clear. With an unpredicatable general election in the offing, he is campaigning to save his political life, and the life of luxury shared by his courtiers.
"We are unwavering in the matter of the word 'Allah'. The government of today will defend the use of the word," Najib said, asserting the BN's commitment to denying non-Muslims the use of the word "Allah", even though this laughable ban has been lifted by the High Court. The government's court appeal has been postponed: Najib is treading a fine line between drumming up religious fervour among rural Muslim Malays, his priceless vote bank, and inflaming three quarters of a million Christian voters in Sarawak and Sabah. On the same day as the warplanes' aerial display appeared to kill no combatants, the office of the secretariat of the coalition advocating clean elections, Bersih 2.0, was broken into, and cameras and mobile telephones taken. Both stories would have received far more attention on a usual news day, but the Sabah news helped them slip under the radar. Thanks to a near-blackout on official news, conspiracy theories are rife. Read more at:
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Tan Sri Musa alat Mahathir untuk menekan Najib? Posted: 08 Mar 2013 11:03 AM PST Tan Sri Musa Hassan telah turut mendedahkan bahawa Tan Sri Robert Phang telah bertindak mengugut Pegawai Polis iaitu sekiranya projek tersebut tidak diluluskan, Pegawai Polis tersebut akan ditukarkan 24 jam. Tindakan Tan Sri Robert Phang adalah merupakan satu tindakan jenayah yang tidak boleh dipandang ringan apabila seorang awam telah bertindak mengugut penjawat awam . Turut sama terlibat dalam kes tersebut ialah Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar telah melakukan rasuah salahguna kuasa mengarahkan Pegawai Polis tersebut untuk menandatangani komisyen bagi memenuhi arahan Tan Sri Robert Phang. Kerana Pegawai Polis tersebut terus gagal mengikut arahan Tan Sri Ismail Omar dan Tan Sri Robert Phang , akibatnya pegawai tersebut ditukar 24 jam dan diganti dengan pegawai baru yang menandatangani surat kelulusan tersebut sedangkan sepertimana pendedahan Tan Sri Musa Hassan projek komunikasi tersebut masih gagal siap sepenuhnya. Tindakan Tan Sri Robert Phang dan Tan Sri Ismail Omar adalah merupakan satu tindakan jenayah yang amat serius dan sebagai warganegara yang bertanggungjawab dan bekas Ketua Polis Negara , Tan Sri Musa Hassan lebih memahami dan menguasai undang-undang negara . Beliau yang mempunyai maklumat yang cukup lengkap untuk melakukan tindakan yang sewajarnya lebih-lebih lagi ianya melibatkan dana awam bernilai ratusan juta ringgit iaitu projek komunikasi Motorola dari sistem analog ke digital PDRM. Projek itu disubkontrakkan kepada syarikat bernama Asiasoft Malaysia. Dua pemegang saham dalam syarikat berkenaan ialah B System Sdn Bhd dan Asiasoft PLC. Asiasoft PLC didaftar di Singapura, dikuasai oleh Asiasoft Global PLC yang berpangkalan di Israel. Ramai tertanya - tanya mengapa tiba - tiba Musa Hassan muncul. Dia sendiri terpalit banyak dakwaan salah guna kuasa ketika bertugas. che'GuBard sendiri satu ketika pernah mengusung dan mendedahkan wujud akuan bersumpah oleh pegawai tinggi polis yang mengaitkan Musa Hassan dengan kegiatan kongsi gelap yang dilindungi, namun kes tersebut terus tutup dan tidak di siasat. sila klik sini untuk membaca salinan penuh akuan bersumpah tersebut.
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The political assassination of Nurul Izzah Posted: 06 Mar 2013 04:34 PM PST
In a previous post titled Puteri Gunung Ledang's 8th condition?, my take on Malay unity, I had written of PKR's internal strife which started long ago. For my extracts to follow, I'll only start off from the last PKR party polls when we witnessed questionable and still unanswered party election process (reformasi my bloody foot!), as follows: Since its last party elections, PKR in reality has been a house divided, very very much divided. Jonson Chong (admittedly not a Malay-Muslim) like Zaid Ibrahim left PKR in frustration over the alleged dodgy-ness in the party election process, and in parting, advised Dr Wan Azizah: "If the president still does not take some serious action to remedy this situation, then I'm afraid the party's days may be numbered with or without a new line-up. And let me unequivocally state that I am not addressing the de facto leader on this matter because I no longer recognize the validity of that position." That PKR internal rivalry hasn't ended where we currently hear of Team A (headed by Azmin Ali and 101% back by Anwar Ibrahim – the team comprises PKR's 'inner coterie') in acrimonious rivalry with Team W (headed by Wan Azizah – the team has Nurul, Khalid Ibrahim, Faekah Husin, etc). See also my post Talam - DAP & PAS rescue a PKR MB while PKR act dunno. It's rumoured that Khalid Ibrahim doesn't even know where he stands (literally) in the coming state election. And we read of Azmin Ali (not Wan Azizah herself) informing us that Wan Azizah won't be standing even as a candidate in GE-13, not even for a state seat - for more, read FMT's Wan Azizah tidak bertanding PRU13. Where's the party unity, let alone Malay unity? If you recall what happened before Zaid Ibrahim finally threw in the towel in exasperation, then you'd understand the vipers' nest that's PKR. If you can't, then feel free to read my posts: In the last post I wrote: In spite of my hero Karpal Singh condemning Zaid, I have written in support of the latter – see my previous post Zaid Ibrahim - suffers no fool gladly. When he was in PKR at the time leading to the party polls (before he tossed his hat into the election ring) Zaid Ibrahim was criticized for being erratic because one moment he said he would not challenge the deputy presidential post IF (initially) Nurul Izaah took up the challenge*, then IF (subsequently) Khalid Ibrahim did so, and the next (when both didn't he took up the challenge. * Azmin Ali went into a panicky tizzy when Nurul casually mentioned her interests, and 'advised' Nurul against it because people would talk. Bet you Anwar had a few private words with Nurul The standard anwaristas' cries against Zaid Ibrahim were his inconsistencies (in supporting Nurul, then Khalid, before standing as a candidate himself), and their accusations unimaginatively attacked Zaid for his lust for power. But I didn't see any inconsistency in Zaid's manoeuvrings. In fact there was a very consistent objective in his support for firstly, Nurul, and subsequently for Khalid Ibrahim, before he personally challenged Azmin Ali in the party election. That objective was to prevent Azmin Ali from coasting home on an Anwar-provided free ticket into the deputy president post. He wanted Azmin Ali stopped! Now, on to RPK's question as reported by FMT:
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