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- MCA’s empty threats
- BK Residents Are Exposed to Life Threatening Toxic Gas!
- Anwar Ibrahim and his promises!
- What would we have been, if not for UMNO/BN?
Posted: 07 Feb 2013 01:21 PM PST
Only businessmen who have secured corrupt business deals through their connections should be concerned with a change of government. An SME Businessman, The Malaysian Insider Many argue that the most important reason why Pakatan Rakyat must be elected the new federal government in the forthcoming general election is to bring an end to 55 years of Barisan Nasional government. While Umno's frequent threats that May 13-style riots will occur if the elections produce a new government have lost their effect, the MCA has now joined this "threat game". Seeking to claim its traditional role of the party of big business, its president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek was reported in the mainstream media over the weekend as saying that Bursa Malaysia will drop 500 points if Pakatan wins, which would "have a direct impact on the national economy". Chua went on to say "PAS has also mentioned that it will close Genting and the Bursa. All these will frighten investors, be they local of foreign". Clearly these are empty threats. For Pakatan to be elected the new federal government it must have a simple majority in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat, say, about 125 seats. Because of the gerrymandering of constituencies by numerous Barisan administrations, Pakatan must receive a popular vote exceeding 55 per cent in order to win that number of seats required to form a working government with a comfortable majority that can also withstand any party-hopping that may occur thereafter. In this scenario, surely the 55 per cent of Malaysians who voted for Pakatan will not wish to have their newly elected government destabilised at any level, including our economy. I for one would personally support the stock market if there is a panic sell by the weak-hearted or the cautious, as would many of my business colleagues. I have no doubt that millions of our fellow Malaysians would rally to support the stock market, as we did during the 1998 financial crisis. It is our public duty to support the new government which we hope to elect, and if that means buying shares on the Bursa, sufficient Malaysians will do that. In any event, if a major sell-down occurs in the Bursa as a result of a Pakatan victory, the nation's economic institutions like EPF, PNB, Khazanah and other GLCs would have to do their national duty by supporting the market, something they have done time and again under the Barisan government. Next, the PAS bogey. PAS has administered Kelantan for more than 20 years, and Kedah for five years. These two PAS state administrations have neither acquired nor appropriated property, assets or businesses belonging to non-Muslims. The rakyat should also consider the Selangor and Penang experience. The treasuries of both states have been prudently managed, deficits reduced and investments increased. Penang is, as a matter of fact, a grand success story. The four PR states of Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan have proven their ability by beating the other 10 BN states by attracting RM25 billion in investments comprising 53 per cent of Malaysia's total investments of RM47.2 billion in 2010. For the first time in history, Penang is the new champion of investments in Malaysia, coming out top in 2010 with RM12.2 billion. Even, the one-year administration of Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin in Perak was business friendly. The facts speak for themselves. Read more at:
BK Residents Are Exposed to Life Threatening Toxic Gas! Posted: 07 Feb 2013 01:12 PM PST
Ahli jawatankuasa Pahang Raub Anti Cyanide di Perlombongan Emas (BCAC) telah memeriksa rekod pemantauan 12 Januari dan 20 Januari 2013 dan mendapati gas HCN telah dikesan setiap minit. Rekod pemantauan menunjukkan tahap kepekatan gas cyanide mencecah 0.5-0.8ppm kebanyakkan masa. Tahap kepekatan yang tertinggi adalah 1.11ppm!
Bancyanide BK Hasil Pemantauan Udara Menunjuk Bukit Koman Dicemari Gas Cyanide Yang Toksik!
Hasil dari pemantauan udara yang dilakukan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS) di SJK (C) Yuh Wah menunjukkan tahap hydrogen cyanide (HCN) yang tinggi menyebabkan udara di Raub telah tercemar dengan gas TOKSIK!
Jabatan Alam Sekitar negara kita telah menetapkan had piawaian hydrogen cyanide untuk kawasan perumahan Bukit Koman sebanyak 10ppm, jauh lebih tinggi berbanding had piawaian keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan, iaitu di bawah tahap 4.7ppm!
Setakat ini tahap tertinggi gas cyanide yang pernah dikesan oleh pemantauan JAS mencecah tahap 1.11ppm. Lokasi pemantauan ini adalah lebih kurang 1km dari kilang perlombongan emas, oleh itu tahap kepekatan cynanide sudah tentu lebih tinggi didalam kampong Bukit Koman! Maka tidak ada sebab untuk membiarkan penghuni kawasan kediaman didedahkan kepada ancaman udara bertoksid selama 24 jam sehari!
Penduduk Bukit Koman Terdedah Kepada Gas Tosik Sepanjang Hari
JAS telah mula memasang alat pemantauan udara di SJK © Yuh Wah pada 3 Januari 2013 untuk menjalankan pemantauan selama 6 bulan. Papan tanda pula mula didirikan ditapak tersebut sejak 20 Januari. Hasil pematauan akan dikemaskini atas papan tanda tersebut setiap 5 jam. Menurut En Lokman, pengawai JAS yang bertugas di situ, JAS Negeri Pahang telah menghantar pengawai untuk menjalankan pemantauan tahap HCN dan pencemaran udara yang lain (10 parameter) sejak awal bulan Januari dan beliau menjalankan pemantauan selama 15 jam sehari. Ditanya mengapa tidak dapat menjalani pemantauan 24 jam, beliau jawab, "Saya dan mesin perlu berehat!".
Ahli jawatankuasa Pahang Raub Anti Cyanide di Perlombongan Emas (BCAC) telah memeriksa rekod pemantauan 12 Januari dan 20 Januari 2013 dan mendapati gas HCN telah dikesan setiap minit, tidak ada satu angka yang menunjukkan "sifar"! Kita juga dapati angka "sifar" jarang sekali muncul pada pemantauan hari –hari yang lain. Rekod pemantauan menunjukkan tahap kepekatan gas cyanide mencecah 0.5-0.8ppm kebanyakkan masa. Tahap kepekatan yang tertinggi adalah 1.11ppm!
Keadaan ini adalah sangat serius, kerana udara semula jadi tidak mengandungi gas cyanide. Hasil pemantauan JAS ini mengesahkan udara yang disedut oleh penduduk setempat telah dicemari gas cyanide dan pencemar toksik yang lain, malah tahap pencemarannya jauh lebih tinggi berbanding negara lain!
Sebenarnya piawaian udara HCN di kebanyakan negara adalah jauh lebih rendah dari 0.2ppm, dimana had piawaian New York adalah 0.03ppm, Soviet Union dan Republik Czech pula masing-masing ialah 0.009 / 0.007ppm. Hasil pemantanan di Bukit Koman menunjukkan pencemarannya jauh lebih tinggi dari piawaian udara negara-negara ini, malah adalah lebih 20 kali ganda dari piawaian New York yang dibenarkan.
Piawaian 10ppm Adalah Lebih Tinggi Daripada Piawaian Keselamatan Pekerjaan
Papan tanda yang didirikan JAS menunjukkan had piawaian yang ditetapkan oleh JAS adalah 10ppm. Setahu kita, Standard Kualiti Udara Persekitaran Malaysia (Malaysia Ambient Air Quality Standard) tidak merangkumi HCN, malah piawaian keselamatan perkerjaan (Occupational Safety and Health Act 1974) Malaysia adalah jauh lebih rendah, iaitu 4.7ppm! Kita nak tanya, bagaimana JAS boleh menetapi had piawaian di kawasan perumahan lebih tinggi dari piawian perindustrian / keselamatan perkerjaan?
BCAC pernah meminta JAS jelaskan had piawaian HCN berkali-kali, tetapi selama ini, JAS tidak pernah menjawab dalam laporan bertulis mereka. Pegawai JAS pernah menyatakan had piawaian yang digunakan adalah 10ppm, akan tetapi pihak JAS tidak dapat memaklumkan sumbernya. Kemudian dinyatakan pula, piawai yang dirujuk adalah digunapakai di Western Australia. Siasatan BCAC menunjuk tahap 10ppm sebenarnya adalah piawaian keselamatan pekerjaan untuk Western Australia, dimana piawai ini adalah tidak sesuai pakai di kawasan perumahan.
Piawaian keselamatan perkerjaan cuma sesuai digunakan untuk pekerja perindustrian, dengan had masa bekerja yang tetap (biasanya 8 jam); Berbeza dengan pekerja dalam kilang, penduduk di Buki Koman terdedah kepada ancaman gas cyanide selama 24 jam; piawaian keselamatan perkerjaan memang tidak sesuai digunakan untuk kampung yang mempunyai penduduk seramai 3000 orang ini.
Mengesahkan Aduan Kesihatan Penduduk Sejak 2009
SJK (C) Yuh Hwa adalah berjarak lebih kurang 1km dari kilang perlombongan emas, malah gas cyanide masih boleh dikesan di situ. Oleh itu kita percayai bahawa pencemaran dalam kawasan kampung adalah jauh lebih tinggi!
Selepas Raub Australia Gold Mine (RAGM) mula beroperasi pada Februari 2009, 300 orang penduduk dari kampung-kampung berdekatan melaporkan masalah kesihatan seperti gatal kulit dan ruam kulit, mata merah dan berair, ketidakselesaan tekak, sesak nafas, insomnia, mual muntah, sakit kepala, pening dan lain-lain. Pemantauan JAS ini sekali menunjukkan aduan selama ini adalah benar!
Tidak ada orang patut beritahu kita bahawa "angka-angka ini menunjukkan gas cyanide tidak melebihi piawaian, oleh itu tidak ada masalah!", malah ada laporan sains yang menunjukkan pendedahan kepada gas cyanide tahap rendah dalam jangka masa panjang boleh menyebabkan masalah kesihatan saraf, saluran pernafasan, saluran darah, dan kelenjar tiroid.
Nyawa adalah tidak ternilai! Kita menyeru kerajaan mengambil tindakan dengan segera dan menutup kilang Raub Australian Gold Mining di Bukit Koman untuk mengelakkan penduduk setempat dari terus dianiaya.
根据一些工业发达国家/ 先进国家的标准,山埃气体的允许暴露限值(工业安全标准限制)皆在4.7ppm以下!且暴露时间不能够超过10分钟~可是我国环境局却将武吉公满民宅区的含山埃气体指数顶限设为10ppm,远远高于我国的工业安全标准限制,这是极度荒谬和令人不能接受的!因为没有任何理由让人民居住的地方24小时暴露在工业有毒废气的威胁中!
环境局在1月上旬开始派员到武吉公满新村每日探测HCN和其他污染指数,告示板则是在1月20日开始竖立。反山埃委员会第一时间到现场了解状况,在场驻守的环境局职员洛曼(Lokman)透露环境局于2013年1 月3 日开始在武吉公满育华华校架设空气探测器以进行空气探测,该空气探测器每日操作15小时,为期六个月,告示板的数据每五个小时更新一次。
环境局竖立的告示板显示,该局设定的山埃气体标准限制是10ppm,但是马来西亚的空气素质指数(Malaysia Ambient Air Quality Standard)并没有涵盖HCN,有的只是工业安全标准,而且我国工业安全标准限制是4.7ppm,环境局怎么可能认为住宅区的上限还高于工业标准?
其实很多国家的HCN空气素质标准大都低于0.2ppm,纽约的标准是0.03ppm,苏联和捷克则分别是0.009/0.007ppm,武吉公满探测到的指数已远 高于这些国家的空气素质标准,甚至已超过大城市纽约的标准20倍以上。
SJK(C) Yuk Hwa is more than 1 km from the RAGM CIL Plant can detected 1.1ppm! Can expected the Bukit Koman residents that nearer to the CIL Plant is expose to higher level of toxic gas
Anwar Ibrahim and his promises! Posted: 07 Feb 2013 01:01 PM PST
Anwar claimed that free education in Malaysia is achievable. But HOW? Till today, he and his party has yet to provide a logic explanation for such a policy to be implemented. Wong Saikim At the International Convention for Education 2013 at University Selangor (UNISEL) recently, Opposition supremo Anwar Ibrahim assured his audience that free education can be achieved even though taxes are low in Malaysia, that makes Malaysia to become the only country in the world to achieve such an accomplishment. Anwar claimed that free education in Malaysia is achievable. But HOW? Till today, he and his party has yet to provide a logic explanation for such a policy to be implemented. Anwar, who serves as Economic Advisor to the Selangor state government, should have actually advised the state Govt he advises to implement free education in Selangor so that it can be replicated in the federal level should they take over Putrajaya. Free education could have been given in UNISEL. But failing to do so clearly proves that his promises remains far-fetched promises which will never be fulfilled. The problem with being caught in the blame game is that other than making sweeping statements in the Buku Jingga, the Opposition has yet to provide suggestions or solutions to the grand abolishment and free goodies they have promised. Liquidity funds are an important component in building capacities for free education to be realized. The country would need to increase its inventory of qualified lecturers, infrastructure, and many others. As education minister, Anwar, other than introducing 'Bahasa Baku' that tainted our national language, has left us with nothing to be proud of other than the PTPTN that he institutionalized. A decade and a half later, even he himself does not believe some of the policies he engineered, calling for abolishment of PTPTN. How are Malaysians going to trust him with running a nation?
What would we have been, if not for UMNO/BN? Posted: 07 Feb 2013 12:53 PM PST
"What would we have been, if not for UMNO/BN, Mahathir, Pak Lah, and ...Najib" Celestine Ho To wade through today's murky political waters, it is important for voters to possess the appropriate tools to separate fact from fiction and make the correct conclusions. In the light of this need, it is necessary to revisit some of the postings on cyberspace that fly in the face of the truth. One such piece was written by lawyer and activist Haris Ibrahim headlined: "A glimpse of what might have been but for UMNO/BN,Mahathir, Pak Lah, and ... Najib". He implied that Malaysia could have become as 'successful' as Singapore but for... It is however more appropriate to ask the question: "What would we have been, if not for UMNO/BN, Mahathir, Pak Lah, and ...Najib" In his blog posted on 29 September 2012, Haris drew conclusions based largely on what former Singapore Premier Lee Kuan Yew had said in an interview with the New York Times in 2010. Haris asks what was it that Singapore had done right, and what was it that Malaysia had done wrong these past few decades. Haris illustrated his article by showing pictures that ostensibly showed Singapore's transformation from a riverine village to a modern metropolis, the implication being that Malaysia has remained in the backwaters since independence. Haris said LKY was quoted as having made the following statements (shown in italics): LKY: "I think if the Tunku ( Malaysia's first Prime Minister) had kept us together, what we did in Singapore, had Malaysia accepted a multiracial base for their society, much of what we've achieved in Singapore would be achieved in Malaysia." The fact however is that LKY cannot take all the credit for Singapore's economic success. Thanks to the colonial powers, Singapore was already a thriving entrepot trading post in the early 19th century--long before the PAP came into power. Malaysia, on the other hand, started almost from ground zero. At independence it was considered by foreigners as a basket case, with the same chance of success as the poorest of the global poor. Malaysia's economic success was therefore also spectacular. (See below) LKY: "We made quite sure whatever your race, language or religion, you are an equal citizen and we'll drum that into the people and I think our Chinese understand and today we have an integrated society. Our Malays are English-educated; they're no longer like the Malays in Malaysia and you can see there are some still wearing headscarves but very modern looking." Well, not quite true. Ask the Singaporean Malay and he will tell you • that there is discrimination in the award of scholarships. Last year (and for several years in succession) there was not a single Malay (or Indian) successful candidate among the list of local scholarship recipients. • that there is discrimination in the private sector. Advertisements for positions today simply state "Must be conversant in Mandarin" or "Must be effectively bilingual" as an essential requirement. This effectively cuts out Malays and Indians. • that the Chinese community has been the largest beneficiaries of all of the government's economic policies. • that there are elite Chinese only schools and co-ed Special Assistance Plans (SAP) schools where the Chinese outnumber the minority races by a massive ratio. Prestigious scholarships are virtually dished out to them annually by the private and public sectors. • that questions are being asked why many Malays are 'exempted' from serving national service. • that Chinese is the language that is spoken as the native tongue by the greatest number of Singaporeans. Malay was only chosen as the "national language" by the Singaporean government after independence from Britain in the 1960s to avoid friction with Singapore's neighbours. • Social integration is far from smooth on the ground. To some locals, newcomers —particularly Mainland Chinese — are commonly seen as uncouth and prone to objectionable behaviors. Similarly, South Asian construction workers and Filipino domestic workers have also been singled out as targets of public. A spate of online disputes in 2011 involving Mainland Chinese immigrants ridiculing Singaporeans as "ungracious," "disgusting and inferior" reveals the extent of social discord. In August 2011, an immigrant family from China went so far as to lodge a complaint against their Singaporean-Indian neighbors for the smell of curry emanating from their cooking. In response, a Facebook page urging Singaporeans to prepare curry on a designated Sunday drew over 57,600 supporters. • why is it that Singaporeans are not trusted to provide security services to LKY and the subsequent Prime Ministers at 38 Oxley Road? That job, for the last 50 years, had been outsourced to Nepali Gurkha soldiers. Another, more subtle, difference between Malaysia and Singapore is this: Singapore believes in a foreigners first, locals second policy. That is why Singapore is haven to the super rich of the world. Forty per cent of Singapore residents are foreigners. The local Singaporeans are beginning to resent their presence because they are partly the reason for the high cost of living. LKY: "Malaysia took the different line. Malay is the language of the schools although it does not get them into modern knowledge. So the Chinese build and find their own independent schools to teach Chinese, the Tamils create their own Tamil schools, which do not get them jobs. It's a most unhappy situation". That is a jaundiced view, not supported by the facts: A recent scholarly article by A. Abhayaratne of the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka said the following: "In the East and Southeast region, Malaysia stands out as one of the most outstanding economies in terms of the rate of economic growth and poverty reduction. During the last three decades, the annual growth of gross domestic product was higher than 6 percent except during the recession in 1985-86 and the financial crisis in 1997. This is a very impressive rate of growth by developing country standard. Consistent with the high growth rates during the period, per capita income increased from US$ 900 in 1970 to US$ 3400 in 2000 (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2000). Per capita income in Malaysia in 2000 was second highest in Southeast Asia and considerably higher than that of other countries of the region. "During the same period, the Malaysian economy experienced a dramatic reduction in the incidence of poverty. Poverty incidence in Malaysia fell from 52.4% in 1970 to 5.5% in 2000. There was also considerable progress in reducing hard-core poverty as well to only 0.5% by 2000. The reduction in poverty was accompanied by rising living standards with a relatively equal distribution of income. "It has been suggested by a number of studies that the large reductions in poverty incidence in Malaysia was the result of the high growth achieved by the economy. Some other studies suggest that this success in poverty reduction has not been a result of growth alone. They claim that this success was unlikely without the relentless efforts of the government in including poverty eradication as a major development objective and formulating specific policies and programs aiming at eradicating poverty." LKY: "We are non-corrupt. We lead modest lives". Sure. If other political leaders are also paid like Singapore politicians (the Prime Minister is paid US$1.7 million per year and the Cabinet Ministers also similarly high salaries), perhaps there will be little or no corruption. Haris then quoted a report by The Wall Street Journal that said Singapore was "the wealthiest nation in the world by GDP per capita, beating out Norway, the U.S., Hong Kong and Switzerland. But that doesn't say much about the quality of life of the Singaporeans. Every weekend, thousands of islanders cross the Causeway into Johor Bharu, and travel as far inland as Malacca for a taste of the good life. Consider these: • Four out of five Singaporeans live in cramped high-rise HDB flats. • More and more Singaporeans are packing up their bags and moving abroad. As of June 2011, an estimated 192,300 Singaporeans live abroad. An average of about 1,200 highly educated Singaporeans (including 300 naturalized citizens) give up their citizenship each year in favor of others. • In some social surveys among Singaporean youth, more than half of those surveyed would leave the country to build their careers if given the chance. • A recent report by the Economist Intelligence Unit said that Singapore was the sixth most expensive city in the world. By comparison, Kuala Lumpur ranked 62nd out of 79 surveyed. The cost of living in Singapore is 200% or 300% higher than in Malaysia. There are also other exorbitant costs in Singapore like the S$80,000 license to own a car. And consider these too: • KL is world's 10th top destination city What indeed would we have done without UMNO/BN, and Tun Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Abdullah Badawi and Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak.
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