Rabu, 9 Januari 2013

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Curse of No. 13 to usher the end of Sabah BN?

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 10:26 AM PST


Jason Matius
There is now serious talk spreading among the Sabah opposition parties concerning the effect of numbers in the political fortunes of political parties in Sabah. And to the opposition parties' delight, the numbers appear to point to the death knell of the Barisan Nasional in the next general election.
A series of text messages and excited conversations concerning the number thirteen, prophesying BN's supposed impending fall, have been making their rounds among mainly opposition supporters here. These messages remind Sabahans of the fact that USNO, Sabah's first government, was defeated by Berjaya in 1976 (7 + 6 = 13), Berjaya was defeated by PBS in 1985 (8 + 5= 13), and PBS was toppled from power by BN in 1994 (9 + 4 = 13). Also interesting is that each of these three governments ruled for exactly nine years!
Whether you are superstitious or not, you'd admit it's not easy to simply brush aside these uncanny series of 9s and 13s which marked the length of life and sensational deaths of three past governments. Many even believe this is Sabah's equivalent to Malaysia's strange RAHMAN prophecy, the arrangement of initials of the names of all the past prime ministers from the beginning to the present one. Many of those who believe these are not mere coincidences, are also convinced the Sabah's series of 13s will continue at least to the next general election.
This belief is reinforced by the fact that for the forthcoming polls, the number 13 is not even hidden like in the past in which the last two digits of the year had to be added to come up with the jinxed number 13. In GE13 the number is wholly and clearly written, not once but TWICE, i.e. the last two digits of the year, and in the number of the times the general elections will be conducted! One clearly written 13 is bad enough, but twice?
In the past, many observers were expecting the Sabah BN to fall in 2003, i.e. nine years after 1994, but when it didn't happen, BN supporters had said BN had successfully broke the nine-year jinx. But now some can argue for the interesting fact that the nine-year series has not been broken, but simply doubled to 18 years, i.e. to 2012, plus a few month to reach 2013, the year which ends with 13.
Other than these numbers, it has been mentioned in the biography of the late Tun Fuad Stephens that when he won his state assembly seat in Kiulu in 1985, his majority was exactly 1,111. To the Chinese observers it was a bad omen because 1111 added to four and four in Chinese is pronounced the same way as the word for death. Shortly afterward Stephens along with many others died in a plane crash which is now called the Double Six Tragedy because it happened on the June 6. Many people, however, say it should have been called the Triple Six Tragedy, to include the year 1976, the year it happened; hence completing it to 666, which is the number of the devil.
Will the jinx of the number 13 really see the end of Sabah BN in the hands of the opposition? Many people can't wait to find out.


Perkasa Lawan Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat 112

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 10:17 AM PST


Himpunan Rakyat112, satu himpunan raksasa yang dikendalikan oleh pihak yang menuntut keadilan, rakyat boleh melepaskan kemarahan mereka terhadap parti pemerintah dengan aman tanpa rusuhan. Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat 112 juga dapat sokongan NGO.    



Timbalan Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu bersalaman dengan CP Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri bin Mohd Zinin, Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah PDRM, gambar di atas menceritakan Mat Sabu, Pakar perancang demo yang mewakili komiti NGO ini berjabat tangan dengan pegawai atasan PDRM.  


Sumber Fb Polis Di Raja Malaysia

"Pihak polis meminta kerjasama yang baik dari penganjur dan orang ramai dan mereka sendiri akan bersama-sama memastikan himpunan 12 Januari ini akan berlangsung dalam keadaan aman dan damai.

"Polis dan kami sama-sama berazam untuk menjadikan himpunan ini sebagai rekod himpunan paling aman sebelum PRU dan polis juga berkata inilah perubahan sejarah pentadbiran polis dibawah akta baru," katanya kepada media  


Walau bagaimanapun PERKASA, satu pertubuhan anti-demokrasi, anti-perpaduan rakyat dan NGO racist ini berkeras dan mahu menghalang kebangkitan rakyat. Mereka memainkan peranan seolah-olah bertentangan dengan perlembagaan yang diwartakan, hak dan kebebasan perhimpuan rakyat. 

Perkasa membuat laporan polis terhadap Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR) anjuran Pakatan Rakyat pada Sabtu ini. 

Timbalan Ketua Penerangan Perkasa Abdullah Mansor membuat laporan itu di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Dang Wangi di sini hari ini. 

Abdullah dalam laporan polisnya berkata, pihaknya bimbang pembangkang sengaja mengadakan himpunan itu sebagai cubaan untuk menghidupkan suasana seperti di Dataran Tahrir, Mesir kerana mendapat maklumat kumpulan itu akan berkumpul di Dataran Merdeka. 

Perkasa sebuah NGO yang pro UMNO. Amat takut dan risau periuk nasi mereka pecah akibat UMNO kalah dalam PRU13. Perkasa masih tidak sedar dalam Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat 112, ramai peserta yang menyertai HKR 112 adalah terdiri dari bangsa Melayu yang beragama Islam. Mereka ini juga perjuang dan pembela Melayu.   


Minimum wage

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 09:41 AM PST


YT Teh 
Top Gloves just announced its foreign workers' salary will increase from RM1200 to RM1800 (inclusive of overtime) due to implementation of RM900 minimum pay. RM600 represents a fifty percent increment for these workers. Just assuming two million foreign workers in Malaysia, the increment is going to cost Malaysian companies RM14.4 billion. Why are we increasing minimum pay which will mainly benefit foreign workers?
Instead of the RM900 minimum wage, can we ask companies like Top Glove to set aside a compulsory contribution of RM100 per foreign worker which would be distributed to its local work force earning below RM1500 as special subsistence assistance for poor Malaysians? Prices of goods are already going up rapidly. Low income Malaysian workers will suffer most.
Beware, the opposition's simple solution of RM 1200 minimum wage is even more disastrous. We need a solution that truly benefits and builds up the local work force.
Just my honest contribution of ideas.


"Saya tidak tahu bukti Kristianisasi yang macam mana lagi masyarakat mahukan"

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 10:12 AM PST


There are millions of Muslims in this country and she picked on a few cases as an example to show there is a movement by the Christians to convert the Muslims ... she calls herself an academic in Islamic Studies? ....... if the Malays want to leave Islam, it's precisely because of people like her!!

Or watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyOqBYu7qT4 

The problem with this country is, Malaysians underestimate the capability of the Malays to accept open discussion on what they term as 'sensitive'. They want this to remain 'sensitive' so as to remain in control and have a strong grip on the minds of the Malays ... this would ensure they will remain relevant.


YBAM Urges Ministry of Education to Offer Non-Islamic Classes

Posted: 07 Jan 2013 10:00 AM PST


The current Malaysian Education System which lacks non-Islamic religious education may have caused a barrier in the mutual understanding required and hence adversely affected unity among the people with different faiths in our society. The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 Preliminary Report which highlighted only a single religion has overlooked the contributions of the non-Islamic religions in the development of this country.


The Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM) 

The Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM) presented the Memorandum of the proposals on Religious Education to "The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 Preliminary Report" to the Minister of Education today. YBAM urges the minister to seriously consider the need of religious education to non-Muslim students and to offer non-Islamic classes and establish religious societies in schools.


The memorandum is signed by 74 organisations of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism, and was presented to the Minister of Education by the Deputy President of YBAM, Loh Yit Phing, and Deputy Secretary General, Dr. Koh Yit Yan. The memorandum was received by Dr. Raslan Haniff Abdul Rashid, who is the Special Officer to Minister of Education Malaysia.


Loh Yit Phing mentioned that since the Education Blueprint was introduced in September 2012 by the Prime Minister, YBAM, through various occasions, had voiced the worries among Buddhist community towards the Blueprint, including the memorandum presented to the Deputy Education Minister, Datuk Wee Ka Siong during the Workshop on National Education Blueprint organised by MCA on 6 October 2012.


"In order to ensure that the government look into this matter seriously, started in November 2012, YBAM started to collect the signatories from the religious, cultural and educational organisations, and at the same time, to make an appointment with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education for the presentation of Memorandum. The appointment was only confirmed a week ago but a representative, Dr. Raslan Haniff Abdul Rashid was appointed to receive the memorandum." YBAM presented the memorandum consists of five proposals and strategies so as to help children understand the religion better, leading to mutual understanding. 

The memorandum stressed that the Education Blueprint should recognise religious diversity and emphasizes the importance of religious education with the following five proposals:

•         To implement non-Islamic religious classes at all primary schools so as to shape children with good character and ethical and moral values

•         To establish non-Islamic religious societies in schools as part of their extra-curricular activities and for the students to be able to earn extra-curricular marks for participation in these societies

•         To strengthen the narrative on the development of all major religions in the History Textbook for secondary schools, and to provide proper explanations and clarification on the teachings of all major religions practiced in our country

•         To support and encourage secondary school students to volunteer at charitable organisations, religious organisations / institutions or other non-profitable organisations and for these students to be able to earn extra-curricular marks for such participations

•        A section in the History Textbook for use in primary schools (there are a few chapters in each section), which will be introduced in 2014, should be allocated to elaborate on the teachings of all major religions, importance of these religions to human civilization, as well as the contributions of the major religions to the development of our nation



Related document on the memorandum of the proposals on Religious Education is as follow:


Memorandum of The Proposals on Religious Education to "The Malaysia Education Blueprint  2013-2025 Preliminary Report"

The teaching of traditional religions plays a vital role in the development of a country as well as promotes harmony in a pluralistic society. Hence, religious education must be included in the Malaysian Education System and it must be in line with the National Education Philosophy. It is important to nurture respect and tolerance in our children by having them learn about and understand all major religions practiced in our country. The "Rohani" (Spiritual) aspect of the Malaysian Education Philosophy of the development of "Jasmani, Emosi, Rohani and Intelek" must be enhanced in our education of pupils of all religions in this country. 

The current Malaysian Education System which lacks non-Islamic religious education may have caused a barrier in the mutual understanding required and hence adversely affected unity among the people with different faiths in our society. The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 Preliminary Report which highlighted only a single religion has overlooked the contributions of the non-Islamic religions in the development of this country. The Malaysian Constitution safeguards the freedom of religion and the freedom of religious belief in our country. With this in mind, we urge the Government to seriously look into the needs of non-Muslim students with respect to their own religions. 

In light of the above, we now request for an Education Blueprint which recognises religious diversity and emphasizes the importance of religious education. Accordingly, we, 

1)       Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM),
2)       Fo Guang Shan Malaysia,
3)       Fo Guang Education Centre Bhd,
4)       Fo Guang Foundation,
5)       Malaysia Christian Youth Association,
6)       Buddha's Light International Association (Malaysia Chapter),
7)       Rantau Buddhist Association,
8)       Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia,
9)       Persatuan Penganut Berugama Buddha Air Kala,
10)     Persatuan Buddhis Selayang,
11)     United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia,
12)     Dharma Drum Mountain Malaysia Center,
13)     The Klang & Coast Buddhist  Association,
14)     Persatuan Penganut-penganut Agama Buddha Simpang Renggam,
15)     The Segamat Buddhist Society,
16)     Persatuan Pengajian  Agama Buddha Kulai,
17)     Raub Buddhist Association,
18)     Persatuan Buddhhist Kemaman,
19)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Paloh,
20)     Persatuan Buddhist Gurun,
21)     Gabungan Persatuan Alumni Universiti Taiwan, Malaysia,
22)     Persatuan Buddhist Kedah Tengah,
23)     Geha Bodhi Care Centre,
24)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Triang Hilir,
25)     Persatuan Penganut  Agama Buddha Dungun,
26)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Pertang,
27)     Persatuan Penganut Buddha Bodhi  Kuala Lumpur,
28)     Pusat Buddhisma Kemanusiaan Melaka,
29)     Perlis Buddhist Society,
30)     Mengkarak Buddhist Association,
31)     Tanah Merah Buddhist Society,
32)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Ju Shi Lin Kuala Krai,
33)     The Gua Musang Buddhist Association,
34)     Persatuan Penganut Buddha Kuala Krai,
35)     Kelantan Buddhist Association Youth Section,
36)     Persatuan Buddha Wakaf Bharu Kelantan,
37)     Shah Alam Buddhist Society,
38)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Kampung Baru Dangi,
39)     Erdi Buddhist Temple,
40)     Persatuan Buddhis Jong Shan,
41)     Persatuan Buddhist Pontian,
42)     Persatuan Penganut Buddha Ching Kang,
43)     Robson Heights Buddhist Society,
44)     Persatuan Penganut Buddhis Mentakab Pahang,
45)     Sasana Abhiwurdhi Wardhana Society Youth Section,
46)     Lundu Buddhist Society,
47)     Persatuan Agama Buddha Prajna Seremban,
48)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Sauk,
49)     Pertubuhan Penganut Agama Buddha Ulu Tiram,
50)     Research For Social Advancement,
51)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Yuan Jue Chan Malaysia,
52)     Kuching Tze Yin Buddhist Orthodox Association,
53)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Amitabha Kuala Kangsar,
54)     The United Chinese School Committees' Association of Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
55)     Persatuan Buddhist Paka,
56)     The Penang Buddhist Free School Ex-Pupils Association,
57)     Persatuan Triyana Dharma Cakra Vihara,
58)     Jitra Buddhist Association,
59)     Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia,
60)     Guan Yin Temple Buddhist Society,
61)     Sarikei Buddhist Orthodox  Association,
62)     Persatuan Buddhis Karak,
63)     Taiping Biddhist Society,
64)     Batu Niah Buddhhist Society,
65)     Pertubuhan Penganut-penganut Agama Buddha, Johor,
66)     Than Hsiang Buddhist Welfare Association,
67)     Persatuan Buddhist Sitiawan,
68)     Bukit Beruang Buddhist Society,
69)     Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddhis Mengkuang,
70)     Miri Buddhist Society (1993),
71)     Malaysia Hindhudharma Mamandram,
72)     The Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST),
73)     Terengganu Buddhist Association,
74)     Terengganu Buddhist Youth Circle

would like to officially propose five points and strategies to be included in the Education Blueprint:

First Proposal: To implement non-Islamic religious classes at all primary schools so as to shape children with good character and ethical and moral values.

Strategy: This can be implemented in stages, starting with the older children in primary schools. We propose that one period per week is allocated for religious class and that the subject is non-examination based. We, together with other national non-Islamic religious organisations, will work with the Curriculum Development Centre (Bahagian Pembangunan Kokurikulum – BPK) to provide the necessary syllabus and instructors' guide, as well as the relevant training to the teachers. 

Second Proposal: To establish non-Islamic religious societies in schools as part of their extra-curricular activities and for the students to be able to earn extra-curricular marks for participation in these societies.


Strategy:  To instruct officials in the Ministry of Education and headmasters of all schools to execute and implement the "Education Circular 2011" (SURAT PEKELILING IKHTISAS BILANGAN 2 TAHUN 2011), that is, to approve and assist the formation of the non-Islamic religious societies in schools when the requirements have been met. We, together with other national non-Islamic religious organisations, will assist in the establishment of these religious societies in all primary and secondary schools and provide necessary resources and training.


Third Proposal: To strengthen the narrative on the development of all major religions in the History Textbook for secondary schools, and to provide proper explanations and clarification on the teachings of all major religions practiced in our country.


Strategy: A section in the History Textbook for use in secondary schools (there are a few chapters in each section) should be allocated to elaborate on the teachings of all major religions, their formation and developments, the importance of these religions to human civilization, as well as the contributions of the major religions to the development of our nation.

Fourth Proposal: To support and encourage secondary school students to volunteer at charitable organisations, religious organisations / institutions or other non-profitable organisations and for these students to be able to earn extra-curricular marks for such participation. 

Strategy: This practice is very common in developed countries and has helped in reducing crime rate among youths, as well as in nurturing the youth in becoming more caring and sensitive to the less privileged. We, together with other national non-Islamic religious organisations, will assist in recommending a list of the participating religious organisations and institutions.


Fifth ProposalA section in the History Textbook for use in primary schools (there are a few chapters in each section), which will be introduced in 2014, should be allocated to elaborate on the teachings of all major religions, importance of these religions to human civilization, as well as the contributions of the major religions to the development of our nation. 


Strategy: The Ministry of Education should value the importance of all religious teachings, as well as their contributions to our nation building. We, together with other national non-Islamic religious organisations, will work together with the Curriculum Development Centre (Bahagian Pembangunan Kokurikulum – BPK) to devise a suitable content for that section in the History Textbook.


The Hole: An Unexpected Journey

Posted: 06 Jan 2013 11:22 AM PST

By "Eye of Rakyat"

In a hole lives a monster.
Not just any other monster.

This evil monster catches unsuspecting motorists, sending many to their doom almost everyday
And there are hundreds and thousands of these evil monsters in as many holes in as many roads in the tiny kingdom of Malaysia.

And with the dark, looming clouds and daily tunderstorms, these dark monsters have multiplied alarmingly.

The "Eye of Doom" lurks in the shadows, especially in the darkest nights, where the stars do not shine, causing many travellers to fall victim.

Does the common and helpless rakyat stand any chance?

I ask my fellow drivers and motorists, "Would you be interested in joining me for an adventure?"

They reply "Would you guarantee me making it home alive or in one piece?" 

I say "Maybe".

With "The One Ring that Rules Them All"

I hope that a band of heroes would be formed to find and vanquish these evil monsters.

However, we need a One Ring that rules them all.

The rakyat should be able to obtain this number and ring it if they spot any evil monsters lurking in these holes.

The band of heroes would be sent to defeat these monsters immediately and close their holes for eternity.
Only then, can lasting peace be found for the "Fellowship of the Travellers" 


Christians are hurting in the religious divide -- STAR

Posted: 05 Jan 2013 10:19 AM PST


Leaders involved in the debates on religion in Malaysia should stop behaving as if the Christians have no feelings and no rights as Malaysians, said State Reform Party (STAR) here.
Daniel John Jambun 
In a statement, STAR Deputy Chairman, Daniel John Jambun said it's high time Christians came forward and assert their rights as Malaysians in matters concerning their faith.
"It is ridiculous that many non-Christian leaders are talking about various religious issues as if the Christians are emotionally dead about matters affecting their religious rights," Jambun said. "There is longstanding assumption among politicians at the national level that no matter what you say about the Christians, they wouldn't dare respond to assert their rights. It's high time this is stopped."
He said it is a clear case of condescending, taking for granted and outright bullying for Muslim leaders to oppose the use of "Allah," to prohibit or control the distribution of the Indonesian Alkitab, to arrest non-Muslims in khlawat cases, and to proclaims fatwahs (decrees) affecting the non-Muslims.
"Now the situation is reaching a critical level with PAS insisting on the implementation of hudud in the whole of the country and to turnMalaysia into a theocracy," Jambun asserted. "The government should make a strong stance and treat these inflammatory religious proclamations as seditious and threat to public peace and national harmony.
"Initially, hudud was just for Kelantan and there was assurance it wouldn't affect non-Muslims. But we all know that the implementation of hudud will defitnitely affect all Malaysians because as a people, we interact and there will be circumstances in which non-Muslims will be entangled into the draconian syariah law.
"The Muslims and non-Muslims people of Sabah who have lived in harmony before PAS' came into the picture, are now being rattled by religious issues raised by PAS and Perkasa. The fact that the people of Sabah had been assured of religious freedom in Malaysia as documented by the Keningau Oath Stone, is now meaningless. The Christians in Sabah here now feel they are being harassed and denied their rights."
Jambun assured he has no intention to interfere in Islamic affairs, but just to express the feeling of numerous people who have called him to voice out their grievance over the "spiritual colonialization" by PAS and the bullying of Christians by some insensitive political leaders. He said he respects everyone's rights to their beliefs and religious practices but such respect and rights should also be accorded to Christians as well.


Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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