Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Is BN Replicating The Sabah Formula For The Coming GE?
- BTN masuk sekolah brainwash
- Mahathir Sepatutnya Ucap Terima Kasih Kepada Tunku
- Defiance is Gaining Momentum
- An Open Letter to the Prime Minister
- Mahasiswa Pasca ‘Listen, Listen, Listen’
- Perkasa threatens to pull support for MCA, MIC over ‘Allah’ Bible-burning row
- Mubarak: 70 kerusi 'kritikal' penentu majoriti 2/3 BN
- Age of Gemini?
- Malaysia’s top 10 richest people for 2013
- ‘Better for Sarawak to pull out too’
- A-G ‘not concerned’ by Perkasa’s call
- ‘Malay Bibles with Allah not real Bibles’
- PAS anggap permintaan Karpal isu kecil
- ‘Perkasa’s call enough reason for Sabah to pull out’
- Traitors will face action if PR takes Putrajaya
Is BN Replicating The Sabah Formula For The Coming GE? Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:51 AM PST
The 6P programme which ran from July 2011 to April 2012 had registered more than 1.3 million immigrants under the biometric system. Is BN replicating the Sabah formula for the coming GE? Paraman Subramaniam Chua Jui Meng had stated recently that the NRD has reportedly issued 2 million identity cards to foreigners to enable them to vote BN in the coming GE. He claims that the BN government will intimidate and abuse the government machinery to remain in power using the NRD and the Election Commission as its instruments. The figure 2 million does raise eyebrows in disbelief but recent revelations from witnesses testifying before the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into the alleged citizenship-for-votes scam in Sabah has brought new light into this matter. Kee Dzulkifly Kee Abdul Jalil who was part of a special unit dubbed G17, which operated out of the Sabah National Registration Department (NRD) headquarters in Kota Kinabalu was responsible for processing the application forms for some 100,000 blue identity cards for Muslim immigrants mainly from Indonesia, Philippines and Pakistan and the issuance of some 200,000 letters of approvals for birth certificates for the children of immigrants, all within a space of just a few years. Former Sabah NRD Director Ramli Kamaruddin said that he received instructions from the deputy home minister Megat Junid Megat Ayub to issue identity card receipts to immigrants using the details of people who were already in the electoral roll but had never voted before. Yakup Damsah, a former Tamparuli NRD chief, revealed that he and a group of others signed a total of 40,000 blue identity cards within a month, based on the filled up application forms that consisted mostly of Muslim immigrants from Indonesia and the Philippines. His group was also involved in another operation in which they issued temporary identity card receipts (NRD receipts) with an expiry date, purely for the purpose of elections. Another former Sabah NRD officer, Mohd Nasir, said that between the years 1992-1995, the former Sabah Elections Commission director Wan Ahmad, handed over a list of 16,000 names to be made into 'bumiputera Islam voters' so that it will provide unqualified immigrants with identity card numbers which could be used to vote in the elections and thereby altering Sabah's electoral demographics in the 1990's. This illegal operation was codenamed 'Ops Durian Buruk'. It is believed that all these alleged electoral tinkering had brought about the outcome of election results which overall favoured the BN government. What we can conclude from these witnesses is that way back almost 2 decades ago, it was possible to manually register foreign immigrants as voters as fast as 40,000 people within one month. Existing voters who are already in the electoral roll but have never voted before could be potential targets to be 'cloned' and used by foreign immigrants to cast votes on Election Day. The probability of a foreign immigrant being registered as a voter under the 'bumiputera Muslim' category is very high. This process can be executed with relative ease and in discreet, involving just a handful of people. The 6P programme which ran from July 2011 to April 2012 had registered more than 1.3 million immigrants under the biometric system. Is BN replicating the Sabah formula for the coming GE? If they are then PR chances of winning will be greatly reduced!
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Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:45 AM PST efX3Lo1Asy0 Dengan bertemakan 'Anwar Pengkhianat Negara' seorang penceramah dipercayai dari BTN menyampaikan ucapan di hadapan sekumpulan pelajar Sekolah Menengah. Amat mendukacitakan, budak sekolah yang tak layak mengundi pun dipujuk supaya balik rumah nanti beritahu ibu ayah mereka supaya menyokong umno BN - Politik badut semakin dijadikan bahan lucu untuk menghiburkan rakyat. Or watch at:
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Mahathir Sepatutnya Ucap Terima Kasih Kepada Tunku Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:40 AM PST
Mahathir Sepatutnya Ucap Terima Kasih Kepada Tunku. Kalau kewarganegaraan itu tidak diberi kepada bapanya, mungkin hari ini Mahathir berada di tanah air bapanya iaitu di Kerala. mamak juga Ayah Mahathir adalah pendatang dari Kerala, Selatan India etnik Malayalam. Iskandar Kutty berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu dan memeluk Islam serta berkahwin dengan orang Melayu dan menukar namanya kepada Mohamed.Mahathir patutlah mengenang budi kepada Tunku, tanpa Tunku mustahilnya Mahathir dapat menjadi pemimpim Melayu. Tanpa Tunku, Mahathir tiada lagi berperluang memperlaungkan `Hidup Melayu, Berjuang untuk Agama, Bangsa dan Negara'.
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Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:26 AM PST Kee Thuan Chye I love the new spirit of defiance among Malaysians. I think we have come of age in realizing that we must stand up for our rights. And that it's not wrong to do so. After all, as the American political activist Howard Zinn puts it, dissent is the highest form of patriotism. * Kee Thuan Chye is the author of the bestselling book No More Bullshit, Please, We're All Malaysians, and the latest volume, Ask for No Bullshit, Get Some More!
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An Open Letter to the Prime Minister Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:14 AM PST
Mr PM, do not keep quiet when the rakyat needs you most to speak and to provide leadership. Ibrahim Ali and Dr Mahathir will not be what they are today, frequently inciting racial and religious flame, had you spoken out and put them in place. You are the PM and not Dr Mahathir. Lembu Susu Dear Mr Prime Minister, Mr PM, in your speech, you have repeatedly presented yourself as the PM for all Malaysians and you have rightly said it so. But there has been many incidences that show what you said do not match what you do, and this, I am afraid will affect your honor and reputation. The recent outburst by Ibrahim Ali, calling the Muslims to burn the Alkitab created a wave of anger, frustration and tension for the peace-loving citizens of Malaysia. The rakyat also has not forgotten the call and the threat of the May 13 repeat during the Umno Assembly last year, and it was alarming; especially for those who have lived through that difficult period. But you were extremely quiet, when the rakyat needed you most. Malaysia cannot afford another May 13 repeat. There is too much at stake and no one wins if it ever happens. Everyone will lose, and I am afraid that the Malays will lose the most. You know that the NEP has created a group of Malays that are dependent on the Government's support to survive. They have very little self-resilience to take a shock proportion to a May 13 repeat. (The reality is that we need every race in Malaysia to make Malaysia, Malaysia. No one race is superior to another. Every race is important and needed in the development and building of Malaysia. The Malays cannot say that they do not need the Chinese, neither can the Chinese say that to Indian, or to the Ibans, or Kadazan Dusun, etc., that they do not need them. All are needed and all must have a place in Malaysia because they are born here.) May I appeal to you, Mr PM, to use all your power vested in your position, to stop any threat of a repeat of May 13. You must nip it at its bud. You have the Police, the Judiciary, the Parliament, the armed forces, and the whole rakyat with you to do everything possible to quench any 'May 13' fire that anyone may want to stoke. Malaysia is unique. We have existed in harmony for many years as a multi-racial and multi-religious country. Every race and religion has restrained themselves to preserve the peace and harmony that we cherish so much. Many people in the past, have given up their lives and blood to fight for the peace we now enjoy. But this peace and harmony is fragile. It cannot be allowed to be attacked by selfish politicians and leaders. It must be preserved at all cost. If I can say, you are appointed by Allah for such a time as this to preserve the peace, unity and harmony of this country. Because of this responsibility, you must not allow anyone to stir or stoke racial or religious sentiments for their own personal gain. Malaysia must wake up to the fact, that though Islam is the religion of the Federation, Malaysia is still a multi-racial and multi-religious country where freedom of religion is enshrined in the Constitution. No one should impose their beliefs onto another religion. There must be mutual respect for each other's faith. You must not allow the issue on the word "Allah" to get out of hand. Every religion will have their beliefs contrary to another religion. This is alright as the Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion. But no one should be allowed to tell another religion what word they can use and what word they cannot use. If this is allowed, there will be war. So, please, Mr PM, do not keep quiet when the rakyat needs you most to speak and to provide leadership. Ibrahim Ali and Dr Mahathir will not be what they are today, frequently inciting racial and religious flame, had you spoken out and put them in place. You are the PM and not Dr Mahathir. I hope being a PM you can see yourself above politics, race and religion. You act because you also love Malaysia and want to see Malaysia live in harmony, as you have constantly boasted to other countries of Malaysians, in spite of the different races and religious beliefs, Malaysians can exist in harmony and peace. | ||||
Mahasiswa Pasca ‘Listen, Listen, Listen’ Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:02 AM PST
Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya hanyalah gambaran kecil kepada masalah besar isu kebebasan akademik dan mahasiswa. Masyarakat lebih gemar menuntut permohonan maaf dari saudari Sharifah daripada melihat kepada 2300 mahasiswa lain yang berada di dalam dewan dan bertepuk tangan. Kita bersikap reaktif lebih pantas daripada kita muhasabah sikap dan masalah kita sendiri. Zul Fikri Zamir "Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. I think a lot of what people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity." - Aaron Swartz (1986-2013). Swartz, pengasas bersama, bertanggungjawab mencipta kod RSS ketika berumur 14 tahun. Dia kemudiannya memimpin Demand Progress, pertubuhan aktivis yang mencabar undang-undang anti cetak rompak SOPA/PIPA yang dirangka oleh US Congress. Pada 2008, beliau mencipta sebuah program yang membolehkan orang awam memuat turun sehingga 20 juta fail dari laman PACER dan sekitar 4.8 juta fail akademik dari laman Jstor secara percuma. Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya menulis sebuah surat terbuka kepada saudari Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin. Saya menulis kerana rasa sedih terhadap perkembangan dunia akademik serta hak mahasiswa yang telah dilanggar dengan begitu angkuh sekali. Dan perkara yang membuatkan saya paling kecewa ialah kerana ribuan mahasiswa Melayu-Islam bertepuk tangan ketika hak seorang mahasiswa India untuk bertanya dan memberikan pendapat dinafikan dengan cara yang paling naif sekali.
We Are All Sharifah Zohra Untuk mereka yang membaca lapis makna diantara surat tersebut, mereka akan dapat memahami tujuan saya menulis surat tersebut. Saya menulis bukan dengan niat untuk menanti balasan dari saudari Sharifah atau mahukan surat tersebut dibaca oleh beliau. Saya menulis dengan harapan mahasiswa akan bangkit dan sedar dari penjara indoktrinasi ideologi yang selama ini memenjarakan mereka. Insiden 'Listen, Listen, Listen' ini sebenarnya bukan isu baharu. Semenjak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad memperkenalkan AUKU pada 1971, sistem 'Listen, Listen, Listen' ini dipasangkan ke dalam minda kita tanpa sedar. Hasilnya setelah 40 tahun indoktrinasi, ciri-ciri seperti 'bongkak', 'tidak peduli' dan 'menurut arahan' memang telah menjadi sebahagian dari budaya dan DNA kita. Foucault di dalam makalahnya 'Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison' (1975) menyatakan tentang kesan utama 'Panoticism'ialah untuk memastikan banduan kekal dalam keadaan sedar tentang fungsi automatik kuasa ke atas mereka. Di dalam penjara berbentuk 'Panoptic' (mengambil konsep Jeremy Bentham), banduan sedar diri mereka diperhatikan melalui menara tanpa mengetahui siapa di dalam menara tersebut. Foucault menegaskan penjara sebagai mekanisme disiplin paling penting untuk meng-ilustrasikan disiplin sebagai alat kepada kuasa. Melalui operator menara yang dikenali sebagai 'anonymous power', mekanisme pemantauan kekal tidak dikenali seterusnya memastikan projek ini efisien. Realitinya di Malaysia, saya melihat menara sebagai Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) universiti, operator menara sebagai Menteri dari Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi serta model penjara 'panopticon' sebagai AUKU dan mahasiswa kekal berada di dalam sel-sel penjara. Tidak sukar untuk membuktikan perkara ini. Buka Facebook dan selongkar akaun rasmi persatuan mahasiswa universiti tempatan. Perbincangan mereka seringkali berkisar soal parking, asrama, harga makanan di cafetaria ataupun kursus kahwin. Untuk aktivis peringkat lebih tinggi, mereka berpolitik partisan pula. Saya tidak katakan perkara ini tidak bagus, tetapi mahasiswa harus sedar bahawa masyarakat lebih memerlukan mereka ketika mereka sibuk berpersatuan untuk mengadakan kursus kahwin. Ironi bukan? Tidak gemar orang lain menyuarakan pendapat, tidak gemar perbahasan berat, sukakan perkara remeh temeh seperti 'kucing ada masalah, anjing boleh menggonggong' serta tidak suka mendengar pendapat orang lain; kita semua sebenarnya sama seperti Kak Listen. We Are All Sharifah Zohra.
'Slacktivist' & Budaya pop Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya hanyalah gambaran kecil kepada masalah besar isu kebebasan akademik dan mahasiswa. Masyarakat lebih gemar menuntut permohonan maaf dari saudari Sharifah daripada melihat kepada 2300 mahasiswa lain yang berada di dalam dewan dan bertepuk tangan. Kita bersikap reaktif lebih pantas daripada kita muhasabah sikap dan masalah kita sendiri. Dalam situasi ini, apa gunanya jika saudari Sharifah membuat permohonan maaf sekalipun? Apakah selepas itu aktivis Twitter, pejuang Facebook dan semua 'slacktivist' ini akan kembali melayari laman, berkongsi fakta kucing melalui butang 'share' atau sibuk ketawa dengan dan kembali tidak peduli kepada masalah asas ketidakpedulian di kalangan mahasiswa? Anak muda hanya mengambil kesempatan terhadap isu-isu sebegini untuk mensensasikan keadaan tanpa mengambil pengajaran darinya. Bermula dari insiden Adam Adli, demonstrasi mansuhkan PTPTN sehingga isu Kak Listen, hampir tiada satu gerakan terancang dijalankan oleh mahasiswa untuk mengubah norma dan cara berfikir di kalangan mahasiswa. Sampai bila mahasiswa akan terus-terusan mabuk dilambung ombak budaya pop sebegini?
Projek Dialog vs Projek Pembodohan Penting sekali agar isu Kak Listen vs Bawani ini diperhalusi oleh setiap pemimpin mahasiswa di peringkat universiti serta gerakan-gerakan mahasiswa bersifat partisan atau non partisan dari segi ideologi dan 'substance' lebih dari bentuk material yang mereka lihat. Penghinaan fizikal yang dialami oleh Bawani sebenarnya menggambarkan betapa rancu dan rosaknya sistem hak asasi yang selama ini dipegang oleh pihak berkuasa dan diperlakukan sesuka hati oleh mereka. Mahasiswa harus melihat isu ini dari sudut 'the oppressed and the oppressor' [yang tertindas dan yang menindas]. Paling penting indoktrinasi yang melibatkan penderaan mental ini akan menyebabkan mahasiswa tidak boleh berfikir sendiri sehingga sanggup menepuk tangan beramai-ramai ketika pendapat rakannya diperlekehkan. Paling serius, idea pendidikan percuma Bawani diperlekeh hanya menggunakan analogi haiwan 1 Malaysia, di dalam institusi pengajian tinggi dengan tepukan dan sorakan dari rakan-rakannya – 'the so called intellectual'! Read more at: | ||||
Perkasa threatens to pull support for MCA, MIC over ‘Allah’ Bible-burning row Posted: 20 Jan 2013 04:55 PM PST
Md Izwan, The Malaysian Insider Malay rights group Perkasa today threatened to stop supporting Barisan Nasional (BN) parties MCA and MIC after it earned brickbats from party leaders for urging Muslims to burn bibles containing the word "Allah" and other religious Arabic words. In a statement here, the controversial group explained that its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali's statement on the matter had been misinterpreted as he had merely been referring to Malay-language bibles. "I confirm that the Perkasa president did mention the words 'burn the Bible' but he did not mean the original English-language books. "He meant the Malay-language bibles that use 'Allah' and Jawi writing," Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali said in the statement. According to recent media reports, Ibrahim had made the call on Saturday at a Perkasa convention in Permatang Pauh, Penang. He was quoted in one news portal as explaining his reason, claiming he was not instigating communal tension but offering a solution to stop non-Muslims from infringing on the sensitivities of the Muslims, the country's most dominant ethnic group. After Ibrahim's remarks, MIC leader S. Vell Paari urged the government to punish the right-wing Perkasa president or face the possibility of bleeding its non-Muslim votes. Irked, Syed Hassan replied today, saying: "Do not force us to change the oath we took during our national congress last December to stand united in our support for all BN candidates, including those from MCA and MIC."
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Mubarak: 70 kerusi 'kritikal' penentu majoriti 2/3 BN Posted: 20 Jan 2013 04:47 PM PST
Salmiah Druhamad Drahsin, Sinar Harian Barisan Nasional (BN) perlu memfokus ke atas 70 kerusi, yang menyaksikan perbezaan tipis pada Pilihan Raya Umum 2008, jika perikatan mahu mendapatkan kembali majoriti dua pertiga di Parlimen kali ini. Tujuh puluh kerusi itu adalah kawasan di mana BN menang tipis atau kalah tipis lima tahun yang lalu. Empat tahun lalu, BN memperoleh 140 kerusi, manakala pembangkang 84. Ia pencapaian terburuk dalam sejarah BN. Berdasarkan statistik semasa, BN memiliki 137 kerusi, manakala PKR (23), DAP (29), Pas (22) dan Parti Sosialis Malaysia (satu), Bebas (lapan) dan Parti Kesejahteraan Insan Tanah Air (satu). Satu kerusi kosong.
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Election Commission of Malaysia
a) Warganegara Malaysia b) Pemilih berdaftar c) Menetap di luar Negara kecuali di Singapura, wilayah Selatan Thailand, Brunei dan Kalimantan Indonesia d) Pernah berada di Malaysia atau kembali ke Malaysia tidak kurang daripada 30 hari dalam tempoh 5 tahun sebelum tarikh pembubaran Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri yang sedang berkuat kuasa. Anda perlu menghantar Borang 1B kepada Ibu Pejabat SPR melalui cara seperti yang berikut; a) melalui emel kepada ; atau b) melalui faks ke +603-8881 1201/ 1202 / 1187 / 1192 ;atau c) melalui pos ke alamat;
Anda perlu menentukan kepada SPR Pejabat Pewakilan Malaysia di luar negara untuk menerima Sampul Keutamaan yang mengandungi kertas undi. Permohonan untuk mengundi secara pos diterima oleh SPR dalam tempoh bermula pada 21 Januari 2013 hingga kepada tarikh pembubaran Parlimen atau Dewan Undangan Negeri yang sedang berkuat kuasa Sila lihat contoh untuk mengisi Borang 1B Sila lihat Panduan Untuk Mengisi Borang 1B Sila lihat Soalan lazim (Q&A) berhubung dengan pengundian pos dari luar negara
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Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:41 PM PST Hey man, to reiterate, Mr Deepak is the very epitome of credibility, integrity and reliability and various other '-bilities' where he now possesses a fresh sweet smelling persona like a newly washed, rinsed, starched, blued and expertly ironed gleaming white shirt. KTemoc Konsiders As GE-13 approaches, strange and stranger things have been and are occurring. For a start, I have been flabbergasted by the new G-Ds of 'truth' where shadowy figures, after being rinsed, baptised and sanctified, become personalities of absolute credibility, ... ... where for example, as per the case of the second SD accusing Najib Razak of being involved sexually with the murdered Mongolian, Altantuyaa Shariibuu, we have Mr Americk Singh Sidhu pronouncing that lawyer Arunapalam (who accompanied Perumal Balasubramaniam in releasing the 2nd SD) was not responsible for drafting that follow-up SD. Now, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu is one of society's most leading, if not the most leading, civic-conscious lawyers. He is a member of, he assured us, a 'noble' profession - the profession of lawyers, that is. And just on that score alone - correction, on those scores by themselves (his eminence as a civic-conscious citizen and as a member of a 'noble' profession), we can without further investigation accept his words as virtually gospel truth ... ... apart from the fact we would have also accepted Mr Arunalparam's words from the noble lawyer himself ... ... but as would have it, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu gob-smacked me with the reason for his assertion (of Arunalpalam not being the drafter of the 2nd SD), by stating: "We now know Arunalpalam didn't draft or prepare that second SD. Deepak has said so." "Deepak said so!" Amazing! And there you have it, in clear unambiguous emphatic terms. The new G-D had thus spoken, and thus must be believed. Indeed, as I had posted in B-D, the new G-D of 'Truth' ... Mr Deepak Jaikishan is now the very fount of truth, and if you don't disagree with me on this for whatever reasons, please have a bit of faith lah. Hey man, to reiterate, Mr Deepak is the very epitome of credibility, integrity and reliability and various other '-bilities' where he now possesses a fresh sweet smelling persona like a newly washed, rinsed, starched, blued and expertly ironed gleaming white shirt. Mr Deepak Jaikishan is one of the new G-D's of 'truth'. But even a G-D of 'truth' needs some form of immunity from a future Pakatan government for telling us his 'truth'. I hope PKR is and I heard PAS might well be looking into this. There have been all sorts of scurrilous rumours that Deepak and the ex IGP have been whistle blowing because (a) they want to twist arms for more whatever while the gravy train is still chugging along, (b) they are positioning themselves to look after their own skin in view of a new Pakatan government after GE-13, and (c) they might well be truly civic conscious citizens who want to bring down UMNO and help PKR. Surely we can't have these sort of scurrilous rumours corrupting our new G-D's of 'truth' other than the last, to wit, they are truly civic conscious citizens who want to bring down UMNO and help PKR. Incidentally, one man who might be able to help clarify or enlighten us on the 'truth' behind the Altantuyaa case has somehow slipped repetitively under the radar, mind you, through no fault of his but our negligence. He is none other than our dear Yang Berhormat Encik Sivarasa Rasiah (PKR).
Sivarasa has been one of the common denominators in both SD's, the second case only indirectly by virtue of him acting as Mr Deepak's lawyer (a most noble profession). By leaving dear YB Sivarasa out of our occasional querying-postings, we have been grossly remiss, missing golden opportunities to probe deeper and more substantially into the circumstances surrounding the SD's by not having him enlighten us, right from the case's very genesis in a Bangsar pub (was it The Backyard?). Anyway, moving on with strange and stranger stuff happening as we approach GE-13.
We now have a MIC man virtually prancing in front of us a la MGR wakakaka, a regular Puratchi Thalaivar sprouting criticisms against Mahathir and other questionable BN stuff, acting as if he was the reincarnation of a once-PKR Gobalakrishnan, wakakaka - see The Malaysia Insider's Dr M's racist rants 'destroying' BN's image, says MIC man and Free Malaysia Today's Stop Perkasa or lose votes, warns MIC I guess when your party has nothing left to lose, being already at rock bottom wakakaka, you can be braver than those mute MCA and Gerakan parties, wakakaka.
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Malaysia’s top 10 richest people for 2013 Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:23 PM PST (Nanyang Siang Pau) - Telecommunications billionaire T. Ananda Krishnan is now the richest man in Malaysia. With a fortune estimated to be around RM30.56 billion, he takes over the top spot previously held by 'Sugar King' Tan Sri Robert Kuok. A research conducted by Chinese daily Nanyang Siang Pau showed that Ananda received a boost in his wealth when Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd was listed on the Bursa Malaysia last year. 2. Robert Kuok (Kuok Group) - RM29.40 billion
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‘Better for Sarawak to pull out too’ Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:16 PM PST Following the steps of Sabah STAR, a Sarawak NGO also openly states that the state would be better off being independent. (FMT) - KUCHING: The Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS) said that the ongoing religious debate in Peninsular Malaysia which took on a dangerous turn of late has caused great concern among Sarawakians. "We, Sarawakians, want no part in this heated quarrel over the Allah issue. The people of Sabah and Sarawak have no religious or racial problems and we don't wish to be contaminated with 'religious poison' from bigots and 'dangerous' politicians like Ibrahim Ali from Malaya," MoCS leader Francis Paul Siah said in a statement here today. MoCS has always maintained that Sarawakians are a different breed and "our racial and religious harmony are genuine, unique and not hypocritical". "On these two fronts, the people of West Malaysia could take a cue from us. But would they?," Siah asked. He said that the government had allowed Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali to go 'scot free' for uttering offensive and inflammatory words against Christians was the last straw. Last Saturday, the Perkasa leader has called on Muslims to burn the Malay version of the Bible. "How can any Malaysian, let alone government leaders, with the right sense of mind continue to tolerate the likes of Ibrahim and his Perkasa group? "We are very disappointed with the prime minister for doing nothing about it. At times, we wonder whether Najib is the prime minister of the whole nation which includes Sarawak and Sabah or only of Malaya," Siah said. There are many other reasons why Sarawak would be better off by pulling out of Malaysia. "The list is too long to detail here but as it stands today, I cannot think of one good reason why Sarawak should remain in Malaysia," Siah said.
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A-G ‘not concerned’ by Perkasa’s call Posted: 20 Jan 2013 02:29 PM PST A-G's Chambers will only act on Perkasa chief's call to burn the Bibles if the deed is carried out. Lisa J. Ariffin, FMT The Attorney-General's (A-G) Chambers will only act on Perkasa president, Ibrahim Ali's controversial call to burn copies of the Malay Bibles if the books are actually burnt. Responding to Ibrahim's call on Saturday for Muslims to seize and burn copies of Bibles containing the term "Allah" or other Arabic religious words, Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail said: "I will look at it if the act is done…" Gani, who seemed unperturbed by the widespread reactions following Ibrahim's inciting call, told FMT that he was "not concerned" by the statement and would only probe the case if reports are lodged. "I am not concerned with such statements. I will look at it [the issue] if the act [of burning] is done and if there is an investigation, " he said. He added that in such a scenario, his "advice to the government will be a separate matter" and one which he would "take seriously". Meanwhile, several prominent lawyers today called for action to be taken against Ibrahim, who they agreed was "inciting intolerance" and "religious hatred" among Malaysians. Lawyer and human rights advocate Siti Kasim believes firm action should be taken against Ibrahim for disrespecting non-Muslims with his "insensitive remarks". "If no action is taken [against Ibrahim], it would seem like we are allowing such comments to be made against other people and other religions," she told FMT. "[Ibrahim] has crossed the line in making such comments. It is unacceptable and I am thinking about making a police report with my colleagues," she added, explaining that the authorities can only act upon the issue once a police report is made. She praised the Christians and non-Muslims for keeping calm over the "uncalled-for" speech, and described Ibrahim as "somebody who is just trying to grab the limelight".
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‘Malay Bibles with Allah not real Bibles’ Posted: 20 Jan 2013 02:24 PM PST Malay rights group, Perkasa, defends its chief's call for the burning of Malay Bibles with the word 'Allah', as they are only meant to confuse Muslims. Anisah Shukry, FMT Perkasa has defended its chief Ibrahim Ali's call for the burning of Malay Bibles which contained the word "Allah" by insisting they are not "real Bibles". "Perkasa feels that a Bible written in Malay is enough of an attempt to confuse Muslims, especially schoolchildren, what more a Bible that uses the word 'Allah' and is written in Jawi. "Thus Perkasa feels that a Bible like this is not a real Bible and is nothing more than an attempt to confuse Muslims into leaving Islam and converting to Christianity " Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hasan Syed Ali said in a press statement last night. He said this alleged attempt to convert Muslims to Christianity was the very reason why Perkasa was "extremely firm" in requesting that the government take action against the use of "Allah" in Malay Bibles. Syed Hasan was commenting on Ibrahim's call to Muslims to seize and burn copies of Bibles which contained the term "Allah" or other Arabic religious words. "Muslims must unite to protect their religion. They must seize those Bibles, including the Malay editions, which contain the term Allah and other Arabic religious terms, and burn them," Ibrahim, the Pasir Mas MP, told reporters on Saturday. Syed Hasan said that Perkasa's highest leadership fully supported Ibrahim's Malay Bible-burning stand, but urged the media to not "twist" his words. "I confirm that the Perkasa president said 'burn the Bible' but he did not mean the real Bible written in English. He meant Bibles in Malay which use the word Allah and are written in Jawi," claimed Syed Hasan. He also insisted that rather than urging Muslims to seize and burn the Malay Bibles, Ibrahim had only urged Muslims to burn the Bibles upon receiving them. "The Perkasa president said during the Jan 19 press conference that whoever received the Bible in Malay with the word Allah and Jawi writing from someone, should just burn it. "We of the highest leadership of Perkasa completely support our president's stand. Don't twist our president's words," said Syed Hasan. 'Allah bibles also contravene constitution' He also flayed civil liberties lawyer Syahredzan Johan for being "selective" over the issue when commenting on it. Yesterday, Syahredzan had told FMT that Ibrahim's "hate speech" may have contravened Sections 298 and 505 of the Penal Code. Section 298 states that it is an offence to utter words that deliberately wound religious feelings. If found guilty, an offender can be imprisoned for a year, or fined or both. Section 505 states that it is an offence to make statements that that are conducing public mischief. Those found guilty under this section can be imprisoned for a span of two years, fined or both. "Thank you to Syahredzan Johan who informed the public through FMT that the highest action can be taken against the Perkasa president for his statement over the Bible burning issue under Sections 298 and 505," said Syed Hasan. "[But] why did he not inform the public the section that prohibits spreading religions to Muslims in this country? Why keep quiet when it's obvious that there are attempts to spread other religions in this country? "Doesn't it already mention in the Federal Constitution that we are prohibited from spreading other religion to Muslims in this country? Why is Shahredzan selective over this issue?" said Syed Hasan. Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution states that federal law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among Muslims.
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PAS anggap permintaan Karpal isu kecil Posted: 20 Jan 2013 02:21 PM PST Parti itu juga tidak akan tunduk dengan tokoh DAP itu. Mohd Mohd Noor, FMT PAS menganggap permintaan Karpal Singh supaya Presiden Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang mengubah keputusan Majlis Syura sebagai perkara kecil dan tidak menjejaskan hubungan parti itu dengan DAP. "Tidak ada isu sebenarnya, ini kes kecil sahaja," kata Ketua Penerangan PAS, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man. Beliau mengulas permintaan tokoh DAP itu yang mahu Abdul Hadi mengubah keputusan Majlis Syura PAS yang tidak membenarkan orang bukan Islam menggunakan kalimah Allah dalam Bible bahasa Melayu. Bagaimanapun, Tuan Ibrahim menasihatkan Karpal supaya tidak bimbang dengan PAS kerana parti Islam itu tidak mencampuri urusan agama lain Beliau juga menegaskan, PAS tetap dengan keputusan Majlis Syura tidak membenarkan kalimah Allah digunakan dalam Bible bahasa Melayu. `Hadi tidak boleh ubah' "Keputusan itu tetap, malah Presiden Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi tidak boleh mengubahnya. "Dan kami tidak akan tunduk kepada desakan tokoh DAP itu," katanya ketika dihubungi hari ini. "Nama Allah tidak boleh diterjemah, sama juga dengan nama Karpal Singh tidak boleh diterjemah dengan nama-nama ian. "Tetapi kami (PAS) tIdak boleh sekat mereka nak guna nama Allah," tambah Tuan Ibrahim.
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‘Perkasa’s call enough reason for Sabah to pull out’ Posted: 20 Jan 2013 02:19 PM PST Why is Perkasa's Ibrahim Ali 'scot free' when he should have been arrested and charged a long time ago for uttering offensive and inflammatory words against Christians? Raymond Tombung, FMT KOTA KINABALU: Perkasa's call for Muslims to burn the Malay version of the Bible is the final straw for Christians in Sabah and could prove fatal for Barisan Nasional. And the government's implicit support for the firebrand, radical and racist NGO is opening up good reasons for Sabah and Sarawak to leave the federation, said State Reform Party (STAR) deputy chairman Daniel Jambun. Jambun, in a statement today, said he was appalled by the weakness of the prime minister who is not even willing to flex his muscle to arrest, charge and punish Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali for for fanning racial and religious hatred in the country. "The prime minister's silence is opening good reasons for Sabah to secede from the federation because past assurance for us have been reneged and violated, and that we have long felt that we are no longer defended by our own laws, by our own leaders, even by some of our kings?," he said. Jambun said it's not just the PM who needs to speak up against Perkasa but also several ministers who are responsible for national unity and harmony and national security, as well as the federal cabinet members from Sabah. "But they are surprisingly very quiet about the anti-national offences that Perkasa has been committing. "So what is the point of staying on in a federation that not only neglects you but also has an implicit policy to eliminate your rights?" Jambun asked. He also pointed out that what Ibrahim had said "very clearly" contravened the Penal Code and Sedition Act. "I agree with the lawyer Syahredzan Johan that Ibrahim needs to be stopped effectively with the laws immediately for possibly having committed several offences under sections 298 and 505 of the Penal Code. "The lawyer is right that Section 298 states that it is an offence to utter words that deliberately wound religious feelings. "If found guilty, an offender can be imprisoned for a year, or fined or both. Section 505 meanwhile states that it is an offence to make statements that are conducing public mischief. Those found guilty under this section can be imprisoned for a span of two years, fined or both." Umno leaders protected He said that Ibrahim should have been arrested and charged a long time ago for having uttered many other highly offensive and inflammatory words against Christians before this. "As such it makes us wonder why he is still scot-free. Why are the authorities giving him such special privileges of being a blatant violator of the laws and be subject to arrest?" he demanded.
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Traitors will face action if PR takes Putrajaya Posted: 20 Jan 2013 02:07 PM PST
The citizenship-for-votes scam, now coming to light through RCI testimonies, is treason of the highest order, says Tawau PKR chief Kong Hong Ming Azman Habu, FMT TAWAU: A PKR leader promised that Pakatan Rakyat will ensure those who masterminded, engineered and made foreigners their tools to stay in power will be dragged to court if it comes to power. PKR Tawau branch chairman, Kong Hong Ming, said the perpetrators of the fraud will face the full force of the law and it is for the voters to decide this at the general elections. He was responding to the startling revelations by former civil servants and immigrants themselves of how the authorities registered thousands of foreigners as citizens and registered them as voters in Sabah since the early 1990s. A Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) set up to probe the illegal immigrant problem in the state heard testimonies last week from several former senior civil servants how a clandestine project was set up to help Muslim immigrants in the state gain citizenship and voting rights. The operation, the former National Registration Department officers said, was run out of a senior Barisan Nasional leader's house in Kuala Lumpur. Immigrants, including those from Pakistan and India, told the RCI how they were singled out by government officers, asked to sign papers, had their photographers taken and then handed Malaysian identity cards despite not applying for them. Kong said genuine Malaysians, especially Sabahans, can be rest assured that if Pakatan becomes the next government after the general election the traitors will face action. He said they (government leaders and civil servants who have been implicated) have committed high treason against the sovereignty of the nation and had destroyed the democratic process of Malaysia. He also said Barisan Nasional government is an unconstitutional government based on what has been revealed by witness at the RCI.
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