Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Ibrahim Ali and the Christians – Pray for those who hurt you
- Human Rights Watch Report: Malaysia
- Ugly ferocious beast in Malaysia
- SEB committing a bigger sin, says DAP
- The ugly battle for Selangor
- Malaysian Election Deadlock Seen Possible
- Scrapping for every vote
- Chua: Government to present Chinese schools a fixed allocation from next year
- Sultan Selangor Ada Kuasa Tolak Nasihat MB Bubar DUN
- Vote only for Muslims, says PAS rep
- Johor in dissenting gales
- Najib’s fate up to Umno if BN does not improve in polls, says Dr M
- Mahathir blames Anwar for Project IC
- Anwar directly involved in Project IC, says Dr M
- Fact File: The Selangor water crisis
- Go ahead, make an offer, Chin tells S'gor MB
- LGBT can be cured - Puad Zarkashi
- Anggota dan pemimpin PKR ‘buat kecoh’ dI JPN P.Pinang
- Police quiz Ibrahim Ali over ‘Bible-burning’ threat
- NRD: ‘Send ICs to Sabah’ letter fake
Ibrahim Ali and the Christians – Pray for those who hurt you Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:55 AM PST
Ironically, a person like Ibrahim Ali provides a platform for Christians to become better Christians. Anas Zubedy Let me explain. Have you ever wondered why when Jesus wanted to liberate Israel from tyrannical Rome (the Government during his time) instead of asking Rome to change, he sought to persuade Israel to change? Jesus felt that without the change of hearts in Israel itself, liberation in any form is impossible. Jesus at great length explained that the resentment and bitterness that his fellow brethren carried in their hearts was nothing short of suicidal. In fact he suggested that they be smart and read the signs of the times (e.g. in Luke 12:54-56) and not to follow the Zealots. No… not just the Zealots, he told them not to even listen to their own leaders and priests, and he called them hypocrites (refer to Mark 12:13-17). He discerned the times and was wise in strategy on how he chose to act (refer to John 7:3-9). He suggested that the best way to liberate their enemies is to LOVE them. To do good to those who hate you and to pray for those who hurt you. Malaysian Christians must search deep within and ask, "Do I trust Jesus? Do I believe in his words? Am I willing to practice what he asks of me? "But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you." - Luke 6:27-28 According to the Bible, without love and compassion all religiosity is empty and of no use. "If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing." - 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Do you trust Jesus?
Human Rights Watch Report: Malaysia Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:50 AM PST
In a nationally televised speech on Malaysia Day in September 2011, Prime Minister Seri Najib Tun Razak called for a Malaysia "which practices functional and inclusive democracy, where peace and public order are safeguarded in line with the supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and respect for basic human rights and individual rights." However he added that there had to be "checks and balances … between national security and personal freedom," and ensuing reforms have favored security over internationally recognized human rights. Parliamentary elections must be held no later than April 2013, and political tensions were already high in November with both the opposition and the government alleging engagement by their political opponents in election-related intimidation and violence.
Preventive Detention In his September 2011 speech, Prime Minister Najib pledged to replace the notorious Internal Security Act (ISA), which permitted long-term detention without trial, and other rights-restricting legislation. The Banishment Act 1959 and the Restricted Residence Act 1933 were the first to be rescinded, followed by three emergency declarations and the emergency-related laws they made possible. One of the rescinded laws, the Emergency (Public Order and Crime Prevention) Ordinance 1969, had been regularly used to hold criminal suspects indefinitely without charge or trial. The Security Offences (Special Measures) 2012 Act (SOSMA) replaced the ISA on July 31, 2012. On a positive note, SOSMA reduced initial detention without charge from 60 to no more than 28 days, and required that a suspect be charged in court or released thereafter. However, other provisions reduce human rights protections, including an overly broad definition of a security offense, allowing police rather than courts to authorize interception of communications during investigations, and permitting prosecutors to conceal the source of evidence and to keep the identities of witnesses secret, thereby preventing cross-examination. Even if a suspect is acquitted under SOSMA, the law permits a series of appeals, with bail disallowed, that could result in a suspect's indefinite detention. Malaysian authorities, using transitional authority at the time SOSMA replaced the ISA, still hold 27 ISA detainees.
Freedom of Assembly and Association In 2012, the government continued to violate rights to free association and peaceful public assembly. While Prime Minister Najib agreed in September 2011 to review section 27 of the Police Act, which mandated police permits for public assemblies, the government hastily drafted and passed a replacement Peaceful Assembly Act on December 20, 2011. The new law rescinded the requirement for a permit but also introduced major new restrictions, including a broad ban on "moving assemblies" of any kind. Static protests are also prohibited closer than 50 meters from many prohibited sites, making it virtually impossible to hold an assembly in an urban setting. Other restrictions include empowering the police to set assembly conditions such as time, place, and date after taking into consideration other groups' objections or "any inherent environmental factor." Police were also given the power to use all "reasonable force" to break up a protest. City and federal officials sought to prevent an April 28 sit-in sponsored by Bersih 3.0, the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections. They barred Bersih from using Dataram Merdeka (Independence Square) in central Kuala Lumpur and barricaded the area. Nevertheless, marchers numbering in the tens of thousands walked peacefully toward the barricaded square and when the announcement came that the rally was over began a peaceful dispersal. However, a small group breached the barricades. The police reacted with excessive force in what became a four-hour onslaught of tear gas, water cannon, and indiscriminate beatings and arrests. On July 1, 2011, Home Affairs Minister Hishammuddin Hussein declared Bersih an illegal organization under the Societies Act. On July 24, 2012, the Kuala Lumpur High Court overturned that decision, ruling that the original decision was "tainted with irrationality."
Freedom of Expression Most major newspapers and television and radio stations remain controlled by media companies close to political parties in the government coalition. A recent amendment to the Evidence Act has raised fears that intermediary liability on the internet will further decrease freedom of expression. The provision creates a legal presumption that an owner, administrator, host, editor, or subscriber to a network service who has in their custody or control any computer from which any publication originates is presumed to have published or republished the content of the publication unless the contrary is proven. The Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA) retains its potency despite some reforms, such as ending the need to renew licenses annually and adding judicial oversight to what was the home minister's unchecked power to approve or reject license applications. New publications still require initial approval and licenses still may be arbitrarily revoked. Other means of control include calls from the ministry offering "advice" to editors and prison terms and fines for "maliciously" printing so-called false news. The home minister maintains absolute discretion over licensing of printing presses. In 2012, Malaysian courts partially advanced the right of free expression. Malaysiakini, the largest online newspaper in Malaysia, had repeatedly and unsuccessfully applied to publish a daily print version. On October 1, the Kuala Lumpur High Court ruled the home minister's refusal was "improper and irrational" and the application should be resubmitted. In a significant statement contradicting the prevailing government view, the judge said that a license to publish was "a right, not a privilege." The attorney general's chambers and the Home Ministry appealed the court's decision. Sisters in Islam, a local nongovernmental organization, also won a significant victory in July when the Court of Appeal dismissed a government appeal to overturn a 2010 High Court decision lifting the ban on Muslim Women and the Challenge of Islamic Extremism, a book of essays originally banned in 2008. A civil court's decision that the arrest of political cartoonist Zunar under the Sedition Act and the PPPA in September 2012 was lawful had a more negative impact, reinforcing the unwillingness of printing presses, publishers, and bookstores to be associated with controversial books.
Police Abuses and Impunity Human Rights Watch and local civil society groups have documented police abuses, including excessive use of force during arrests, suspicious deaths in custody, failure to adequately investigate such incidents and to hold accountable those responsible; and inadequate post-mortem inquiries and investigations. Victims of police violence reported few effective avenues for redress and decried an apparent culture of police impunity for mistreatment. Read more at:
Ugly ferocious beast in Malaysia Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:45 AM PST
More than half or a whopping 85 cases have been classified under 'No Further Action'. Twenty-nine cases are still under investigation. KTemoc Konsiders
The Malaysian Insider - Man says cops shot his wife after car chase, demands explanation Pua Bee Chun, a 22-year-old housewife, was killed by police in a similar scenario as suffered by Aminulrasyid Amzah. Her death by trigger happy police has been the latest in a string of unexplained or innocent deaths caused by police. 14-year old Aminulrasyid Amzah Just recently we read of the horrifying death of C Sumugaran who was reported beaten by several men allegedly including police members. His corpse was found handcuffed and with turmeric powder smeared on his face, a description consistent with the alleged brutalities prior to his demise. These have not been rare occurrences but rather the rule to the exception, with Indians bearing the brunt of alleged police brutalities or police crimes. reported that C Sugumaran's ... case is but the latest in a long line of deaths in custody highlighted in the media. In its written answer in parliament, the Home Ministry stated that there have been a total of 156 deaths in police custody from 2000 to February 2011. C Sugumaran More than half or a whopping 85 cases have been classified under 'No Further Action'. Twenty-nine cases are still under investigation. In 2007 I posted: Tan Sri Siti Norma Yaakob, the Chief Judge of Malaya, has expressed her deep concerns that 80 deaths in police custody occurred between January 2000 and December 2004 – that's an average of 20 people dying per annum while in police custody, or almost a frightening 2 per month for 4 continuous years - but only 6 inquests, less than 10% of the deaths, were even held. The Chief Judge has been troubled that in some instances, deaths occurred hours after detention. As an example, mechanic Alias Othman was detained at 10 pm on March 22 allegedly for causing a disturbance at a mosque in Bachok, Kelantan, but just a mere 5 hours later, he was very very dead. Siti Norma wants answers why so many people had died under such circumstances. She demanded to know why police had seen it fit to decide that inquests were unnecessary in 22 cases of such deaths. ... In fact, the Criminal Procedure Code specifically makes it mandatory to have inquests into deaths under police custody. Yet the IGP has not addressed this unacceptable omission, a violation of the Criminal Procedure Code. The IGP must be held responsible and accountable for his failure. And that's how we came to know of names like A Kugan, F Udayappan, etc. Their troubled souls still cry out for justice. But how to achieve justice when you have blokes like the former Home Minister Syed Hamid who didn't understand the fundamental principle of criminal laws that a person is innocent until proven guilty. The mafulat moronic minister alluded to A Kugan, a police detainee, as a criminal - see Syed Hamid: Don't see criminals as heroes, cops as demons. (Then) Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang was unsurprisingly incensed by the shameless mindless insensible police minister's stupid attempt to diminish the terrible circumstances leading to Kugan's death in police custody, which the normally recalcitrant AG had even been moved to officially classify as a murder. In Malaysiakini Something wrong about Syed Hamid Lim blasted the Minister: "Malaysians, like people all over the world, do not regard criminals as heroes and the police as demons." "But when a minister responsible for the police makes a shocking statement of this nature, it reflects that something has gone very wrong both with the police force and the home minister with regard to the most basic of government duties – to keep the people safe and to uphold law and order." Then Lim roared: "Even if Kugan was guilty of the crimes alleged, the police cannot take the law into its own hands and continue to pile up the shocking statistics of deaths in police custody." The current Home Minister is not any better. Each time a death occurred (other than that for Aminulrasyid Amzah) the investigation would closed with NFA (no further action). And even in Aminulrasyid's case, the policeman found guilty of his death was subsequently released on appeal. Read more at: |
SEB committing a bigger sin, says DAP Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:40 AM PST
(FMT) - "About RM100 million worth of electricity consumed is not accounted for and the SEB has gone on a rampage trying to catch these electricity thieves. On the other hand, it thinks nothing of giving discounts to the tune of RM1.3 billion to four companies" Giving discounts in the billions to favoured companies is worse than electricity theft committed by local factories and businesses. Sarawak Energy Bhd (SEB) in giving discounts in the billions to four companies is committing a worse sin than electricity theft by local factories and businesses, said DAP. "About RM100 million worth of electricity consumed is not accounted for and the SEB has gone on a rampage trying to catch these electricity thieves. "On the other hand, it thinks nothing of giving discounts to the tune of RM1.3 billion to four companies," said Chong Chieng Jen, the state DAP secretary. "I think SEB has got its priority wrong. We do not encourage stealing of electricity, but if we look at SEB projects, it has given mega discounts to cronies and individual companies. "The amount is more than 10 times the RM100 million it is attempting to recover. For example, the Murum dam which was initially valued at RM3.7 billion went up to RM4.52 billion." "This alone is RM550 million over the budget," said Chong. "The second project is the tender for the construction of the 500KV backbone transmission line from Samalaju, Bintulu to Tondong in Bau." "The project was to be awarded to a company allegedly owned by a son of Sarawak Chief Minister [Taib Mahmud] at RM1.15 billion, although the lowest tender was RM 1billion," he added. Chong said that the SEB had entered into an agreement with Press Metal Bhd (smelting plant in Mukah) to sell electricity up to 600MW at a price of 10.5 sen. "If you compare to what the local manufacturers, factory owners and businessmen are paying [at 10.5 sen per kw/hour rate], there is a discount of RM671 million per year to the company. "For Tokuyama, SEB is selling 140MW at a price of 11.5 sen. If you compare this rate with what is paid by the local companies, it gives this company a discount of RM145 million. "These figures add up to RM1.3 billion. This amount, given in the form of discounts, wastage or favourable rates payment to cronies is more than 10 times what the alleged theft has cost SEB. "If SEB wants to make profits and reduce expenses, it should look into those over-run projects, fishy deals and mega discounts to individual companies instead of persecuting the public," he said. Read more at: |
Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:37 AM PST
A simple majority in Parliament will give the Barisan Nasional government – but not Najib – another term to lead the country. But taking Selangor back from Pakatan Rakyat will allow Najib to become the prime minister. CT Ali, FMT Najib's political future lies in him successfully reclaiming Selangor in the next general election. Is not our Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak a man of principle? From the time he entered politics as the youngest MP ever to everything that he has done since, he has been guided by this one principle – his "political survival principle". Nothing demonstrates this more than what Najib is doing in the run-up to the 13th general election. A simple majority in Parliament will give the Barisan Nasional government – but not Najib – another term to lead the country. But taking Selangor back from Pakatan Rakyat will allow Najib to become the prime minister. And upon Selangor, Najib has staked his political future and the future of his FLOM. Najib as the Selangor Umno chief says that he will take Selangor back from Pakatan by winning at least 32 state seats out of 56. So he says. That means an increase of 12 seats from the present 20 held by Umno. How can Najib be sure that he can have these 12 additional seats? He should know because he has the "resources" and the political will to make it happen. Remember, BN controls the federal departments and the state agencies within that state, and these federal departments and state agencies have been sabotaging PKR efforts within Selangor in more ways than you can cook an egg. Not only have they made the work of government by Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim's administration difficult but, also more worrying, the effect at ground level is to make the electorate in Selangor question PKR's ability to deliver on good governance. With their "assistance", the taking of 12 additional seats is not impossible given the vast resources at Najib's disposal. And how vast are Najib's resources? For a start, we know about Umno's RM40 million election fund that has recently been brought to our attention. And that money, so Umno says, is for Sabah – a state not as important as Selangor is for Najib. For sure this is but just the tip of the iceberg but what does BN need the money for? BN does not need the money to buy airtime from any of the television or radio stations to get its messages out to the electorate because it "owns" these stations. BN does not pay to advertise in any of the mainstream media. It "owns" these media, too. Billboards? Nope. Maybe BN pays for the construction of the board and the artwork but not the rental of space. So no television or radio ads to buy, no media ads to buy too, so what does BN do with the cash in hand? Read more at: |
Malaysian Election Deadlock Seen Possible Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:34 AM PST
(Asia Sentinel) - One Malay businessman told Asia Sentinel recently that he plans to vote as early as possible on election day, which hasn't yet been announced, and then get on an airplane immediately to get out of the country until he sees which way the wind blows. Several of his friends have made the same decision, he said. Even before the election is called, the political scheming grows in volume Malaysia's national elections, tentatively to be held sometime in late March or early April, are shaping up as a free-for-all that could end with neither the government's Barisan Nasional nor the Pakatan Rakyat opposition winning enough votes to take power, resulting in what is called a hung parliament, political observers in Kuala Lumpur say.
Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:28 AM PST
(The Economist) - THE smell of fresh paint in Taman Sentosa, one of the poorer districts of Malaysia's capital, can mean only one thing: elections are at hand. And lest anyone forget to whom they owe their good fortune, prominent signs up outside every block remind them: the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government. THE smell of fresh paint in Taman Sentosa, one of the poorer districts of Malaysia's capital, can mean only one thing: elections are at hand. The walls of the numerous public-housing blocks in the area are gleaming, all painted within the past year. The redecoration of one block, 1A Pinang, was finished only on January 3rd, and the lucky residents got some shiny new guttering as well. The caretaker says it is the first time the place had received any attention since it was built 20 years ago. And lest anyone forget to whom they owe their good fortune, prominent signs up outside every block remind them: the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government. The paint-job is a federally funded project in an opposition MP's constituency. A general election must be called before the end of April, and it might be the tightest ever. The BN has never lost an election since Malaysia's independence from Britain in 1957. Last time round, however, in 2008, the party suffered its greatest rebuff at the polls, losing its two-thirds parliamentary majority as well as five out of 12 contested state governments. This time the opposition People's Justice Party (PKR) and its allies, led by the veteran Anwar Ibrahim, hope to go one better, so the BN is leaving nothing to chance. Taman Sentosa is in the Lembah Pantai constituency in central Kuala Lumpur, and what happens there will decide the fate of the election as a whole. It had always been a BN stronghold but was lost by a narrow margin in the electoral meltdown of 2008. The new MP was Nurul Izzah Anwar, the daughter of Mr Anwar, who won by just 2,895 votes. If the BN can wrest back this seat they will be safe; if the PKR win again they will know they have a chance of ending the BN's run in power. It has thus become a totemic race, and Nurul Izzah believes that the BN are not only deploying paint brushes to give them the edge. The constituency used to have 149 postal votes, but the total has now jumped to 2,180, she says—all policemen, traditionally BN supporters. As in other urban constituencies the overall number of voters has risen since 2008, by about 15,000. Many of these live elsewhere but have registered to vote in Lembah Pantai, and Nurul Izzah claims that hundreds of these are known BN voters, which could make a big difference in a tight race.
Chua: Government to present Chinese schools a fixed allocation from next year Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:26 AM PST
(The Star) - A fixed allocation will be given to Chinese schools from next year. MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said he was informed of this by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, also the Education Minister, on Wednesday. Dr Chua said Chinese primary schools had been allocated RM100mil last year and the same amount this year as development fund. He warned that with the general election approaching, the Opposition had been going all out to mislead the people on the status of Chinese schools in the country. Dr Chua said the DAP had to intensify such efforts this time around to counter the positive development for Chinese schools under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in the last two years. He added that the increasing demand for places in Chinese primary schools among the Chinese and other races also showed the people's confidence in the schools. "Over 92% of Chinese send their children to Chinese primary schools now. "Non-Chinese pupils comprise 15% of pupils in Chinese primary schools now, against 5% some 20 years ago," he said. The expansion for Chinese primary schools between 1999 and 2010 also saw the building of 17 new schools, relocation of 75 schools to areas with high demand for places and the rebuilding of more than 1,000 classrooms, said Dr Chua. "The people must be made aware of the development so that they will not fall prey to the opposition," he said after the ground-breaking ceremony for a new block of classrooms for SJK (C) Kopisan here yesterday. Dr Chua said 820 tertiary institutions in China and 71 universities in Malaysia had mutual recognition. Another 157 tertiary institutions in Taiwan and 121 in Malaysia also had similar recognition. This, he added, had opened more tertiary education opportunities for students from Chinese schools, especially Chinese independent school students who hold the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) which is equivalent to STPM. "The graduates are recognised in Malaysia," he pointed out, adding that this showed the Government had neither neglected Chinese education nor the students or belittled UEC. Pending recognition for UEC, Dr Chua said the MCA and Government had been making all efforts possible to make tertiary education accessible to the students. Every year, beginning last year, 50 top UEC scorers get a RM45,000 scholarship each without any bond, he said. Dr Chua also advised Malaysians to strive to be multi-lingual to enhance their competitiveness. Citing examples, he said many of the Chinese in China speak good English compared to 20 years ago. Later in Ipoh, Dr Chua advised grassroots leaders in all divisions not to organise any overseas group holidays from now until after the general election. "It is important to focus fully on our election preparations, especially in our services to the people and reaching out to them," he said after chairing the Perak MCA liaison committee meeting. |
Sultan Selangor Ada Kuasa Tolak Nasihat MB Bubar DUN Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:22 AM PST
(mStar) - Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah mempunyai kuasa menolak permohonan Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim untuk membubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) itu bagi membolehkan pilihan raya diadakan. Ketua Kluster Governans, Perundangan dan Pengurusan Awam Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN), Prof Dr Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmood berkata, Sultan Selangor mempunyai kuasa budi bicara untuk tidak memperkenankan permohonan Abdul Khalid sebagai Ketua Eksekutif di negeri itu bagi tujuan berkenaan. "Berdasarkan sistem Raja Berperlembagaan, Ketua Negara iaitu Yang di-Pertuan Agong atau Ketua Negeri iaitu raja atau sultan mempunyai kuasa budi bicara dalam soal pembubaran Parlimen atau DUN. "Agong atau sultan boleh untuk tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan Perdana Menteri atau Menteri Besar berdasarkan alasan dan pertimbangan tertentu mengikut budi bicara mereka," katanya kepada mStar Online di sini, Khamis. Bagaimanapun Nik Ahmad Kamal berkata secara amalannya, agong atau sultan akan memberi perkenan untuk membubarkan Parlimen atau DUN sekiranya wujud permohonan daripada Ketua Eksekutif. "Dalam kes Selangor, sekiranya Sultan Selangor enggan bersetuju sudah pasti ia akan menimbulkan satu konflik Perlembagaan dan menjadi 'precedent' kerana ia berlaku di luar amalan dan kebiasaan. "Tambahan pula berdasarkan situasi semasa apabila tempoh matang DUN Selangor hampir tamat pada April nanti. Jadi pastinya akan menimbulkan masalah sekiranya permohonan untuk dibubarkan DUN ditolak," katanya. Selain itu Nik Ahmad Kamal yang juga Penasihat Undang-Undang Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia berkata, jawatan Yang di-Pertuan Agong adalah berasaskan konsep Raja Berperlembagaan atau Constitutional Monarchy yakni raja yang sentiasa kena mematuhi nasihat Jemaah Menteri atau salah seorang yang mewakilinya (biasanya Perdana Menteri) seperti yang dikehendaki Perkara 40 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Bagaimanapun Yang di-Pertuan Agong boleh bertindak menurut budi bicaranya bagi melaksanakan tiga fungsi iaitu melantik seorang Perdana Menteri; tidak memperkenankan permintaan bagi pembubaran Parlimen dan meminta diadakan mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja yang semata-mata berkenaan dengan keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan dan kebesaran Duli-Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-Raja, dan apa-apa tindakan pada mesyuarat itu. Peruntukan yang sama dimasukkan dalam Perlembagaan Negeri menerusi Jadual Kelapan Perkara 71 sebagai peruntukan tetap yang menyentuh mengenai kuasa budi bicara seorang sultan. Beliau berkata demikian bagi mengulas mengenai kenyataan Abdul Khalid bahawa Kerajaan Selangor sedia membubar DUN pada akhir Februari ini iaitu selepas sambutan Chap Goh Mei, jika Kerajaan Pusat tidak membubarkan Parlimen pada waktu itu nanti. Sementara itu, peguam hak asasi manusia, Syahredzan Johan berpendapat Abdul Khalid tidak mempunyai saluran undang-undang sekiranya wujud situasi apabila Sultan Selangor menolak permohonannya untuk membubarkan DUN. "Saya tidak dapat lihat secara realistiknya cara lain untuk Menteri Besar Selangor membubarkan DUN sekiranya baginda tidak membenarkannya. "Perkara ini mungkin boleh dibawa ke mahkamah, tetapi saya tidak rasa ianya sesuatu yang Kerajaan Selangor ingin lakukan. Saya juga tidak yakin sama ada keputusan akan berpihak kepada mereka," katanya yang juga Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Perlembagaan Majlis Peguam Malaysia. |
Vote only for Muslims, says PAS rep Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:18 AM PST
(The Star) - "If the PKR candidate is a non-Muslim, it is best for voters to vote for the Umno candidate to safeguard the interests of Islam" A PAS assemblyman has urged Muslim voters to vote for a Muslim Umno candidate if a non-Muslim PKR candidate is fielded in a seat in the general election. PAS Gaal assemblyman Dr Nik Mazian Nik Mohamad was quoted by online portal as saying that it was better to vote for a fellow Muslim to ensure that Islamic principles are defended. "In choosing between a Muslim Umno candidate and a PKR candidate, a voter must evaluate which candidate is better. "If the PKR candidate is a non-Muslim, it is best for voters to vote for the Umno candidate to safeguard the interests of Islam," he said. He also noted that Malaysian Muslims have two choices of leadership, the Islamic and non-Islamic governance, and it is vital for them to choose the party that fights for Islam. However, Dr Nik Mazian stressed that between Umno and PAS candidates, it was wajib (compulsory) for Muslim voters to vote for PAS. "Muslims in this country have a better choice for a government that upholds the Islamic principles. "Only PAS has been upholding Islam in its struggle, unlike Umno and Barisan Nasional. It is a clear choice for Muslims," he said. Asked why PAS had chosen to work with DAP which does not share the same principle of upholding Islamic principles, he told The Mole online that: "In democracy and politics, it is only wise for PAS to accept help from other parties which can help us to topple the Barisan Nasional Government. "They can have their own opinion. We work together to ensure that the Barisan Government will be defeated." |
Posted: 31 Jan 2013 11:15 AM PST (My SinChew) - The opposition's landslide win in the by-election at Punggol East of Singapore might signify little to the central, northern and eastern Malaysians but was definitely an inspirational impact to the neighbouring Johoreans. "Will this gale-force dissenting wind in Singapore a paragon for Johor state?" is the question posed by my politically aware acquaintances these days. No definite answer is available though. Accurate prediction is wanting since the date for the general elections is not finalised and ballots are not cast. My rejoinder could go as such: There definitely will be impact but I am not sure how strong it will be. One thing I am very sure of is that the some hundred thousand Malaysian workers in Singapore could play a crucial role in the next election. Supposing the election is to be held after Chap Goh Meh as raised, then those working in Singapore will have to abandon their voting rights since they have to oblige office. But this is only a matter for conjecture notwithstanding reasonable basis. Yet another undeniable reality is that the voters nowadays are in general politically aware. Under this dissenting umbrella, one thing I am sure of is that those who work abroad or in Singapore might take leave to exercise their civil right back home. It could be a bit too far to travel back to east Malaysia but going back to west Malaysia for voting will not be that woeful in this transportation advanced age. I believe those who work in Singapore are predominantly Johoreans. To these Johoreans, faring home to cast their ballots is not a trouble. The question is whether you are politically aware, taking this as an obligation. The tricky question currently is, given that the mentioned permanent residents and workers of Singapore are politically aware, which party will they fancy, BN or Pakatan Rakyat? Pakatan Rakyat has since taken these expatriates as their immediate supporters. The truth seems to be so nonetheless the MCA would argue as the result is still fluid. What's more, polling is strictly confidential. The past election result in Skudai constituency probably can serve as a reference: in the 1999 general elections, Gerakan Rakyat's Khoo Kong Ek defeated DAP's Boo Cheng Hau with a majority of 11,245 votes. But in 2008, Boo was given the mandate contesting against Gerakan's Teo Kok Chee. In these eight straight years, Skudai turned from BN's strong bastion to an indifferent neighbourhood. The reason, to a great extent, has something to do with Boo Cheng Hau's personal charisma and endeavour. Another inextricable element is, there are many expatriates working in Singapore and they exerted their crucial role in the 2008 elections in response to DAP's calling. MCA president Chua Soi Lek stated last year that there wasn't any secured region in Johor for their party. The remark could be goading but under the 2008 dissenting wind blowing southward along with the forceful northward gale from neighbouring Singapore, MCA is set to confront a life-and-death fray, formidably. |
Najib’s fate up to Umno if BN does not improve in polls, says Dr M Posted: 30 Jan 2013 09:51 PM PST
Zurairi AR, The Malaysian Insider It is up to Umno members to decide if Datuk Seri Najib Razak should step aside if Barisan Nasional (BN) fails to get a stronger mandate in Election 2013, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today. But the former prime minister (picture), a staunch supporter of the administration, said Najib was unfortunately faced with the disadvantage of inheriting a weak government headed by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. "I think he's trying to do better than Tun Abdullah. And I think he can," Dr Mahathir added. Dr Mahathir said it was his personal opinion that Najib should give way to Deputy Umno president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin if BN only scores a slim majority in the elections. "If he fails, he should move of course," Dr Mahathir told reporters during the 15th Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference here. However, he said that the decision ultimately lies with party members to decide the fate of their president. The matter of Abdullah's weak cabinet cropped up several times during the event today, with Institute of Political and Economic Affairs (IKAPE) chairman Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad declaring that significant gain by PR in the last polls was a fluke, brought by a response against former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. "It was more of a protest against the inept Abdullah administration of broken promises, infantile behaviour and abuse of power," he said in a forum discussing the outlook of Election 2013.
Mahathir blames Anwar for Project IC Posted: 30 Jan 2013 09:13 PM PST The former premier says his then deputy was directly involved in granting citizenships to immigrants in Sabah, and accused the latter of acting on his own at times. (FMT) - Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad today claimed that his former deputy and current Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim was the main man behind citizenship-for-votes to immigrants in Sabah in the 1990s. Clearly disputing Anwar's previous claims of ignorance on the matter, Mahathir said the former was directly involved in the so-called "Project IC", adding that at times, he (Anwar) had acted without orders from him (Mahathir). "He normally takes the initiative and sometimes do more [than is required]," online news portal Malaysiakini quoted Mahathir as saying at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today. "What happens on the ground is often different from the directive [from above]," added Mahathir. He said that Anwar and other implementing officers in Sabah had at times failed to follow instructions from him, adding that the government had taken action against these errant officers. Mahathir was responding to questions if he had ordered Anwar to issue ICs to unqualified immigrants in Sabah so that they could be registered as voters who would support Barisan Nasional. Mahathir responded by saying that Anwar had a hand in possible illegal actions and abuses, adding that he knew of possible wrongdoings by Anwar. He also said that he will testify before the ongoing Royal Commission of Inquiry into illegals in Sabah if called Anwar claimed to be in the dark Last week, Anwar told reporters that he was ready to testify at the RCI but quickly added that he was also in the dark about the project. "I have no problem whatsoever. I knew for a long time the project was under the prime minister, that it did not involve a Cabinet process, so it is the full responsibility of the prime minister and finance minister. "When I was there, even I was not briefed on the issue [of providing citizenship to immigrants]," Anwar said. He also said that the RCI had not summoned him because "they know I have nothing to do with it". Anwar's response had come following a call from Sabah Umno liaison deputy chief Salleh Said Keruak who had challenged the PKR leader to tell the truth about the illegal immigrants to the RCI tasked with looking into the long-standing problem in the state. He said that Anwar was duty-bound to do so as he was deputy prime minister at that particular period, adding that "he was a powerful man and knew what was going on in Sabah". Jeffrey: Anwar was in charge Sabah's veteran politician Jeffrey Kitingan had also expressed hope that Anwar would "tell the truth" if he ends up testifying in the RCI. "However, I do hope he would tell the truth about his own role in the citizenship fiasco," Jeffrey told FMT last week. "From what I know, he was indeed in charge of Sabah [for Umno]. He was the director of operations and was involved actively in the citizenship project," he added.
Anwar directly involved in Project IC, says Dr M Posted: 30 Jan 2013 04:35 PM PST
Hazlan Zakaria, Malaysiakini Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was directly involved in the project to issue citizenship and identity cards to unqualiified immigrants Sabah in the 90s, though without orders from him, claims former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed. "He normally takes the initiative and sometimes does more (than is required)," Mahathir told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.
"I'll stick to the facts," assured Mahathir. |
Fact File: The Selangor water crisis Posted: 30 Jan 2013 04:06 PM PST
Tarani Palani and Stephanie Sta Maria, THE latest water disruption due to breakdown of the Wangsa Maju water pump in late December has sparked a fresh round of finger pointing between Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) and the Selangor state government over the state's long-standing water issue. The Selangor government once again questioned Syabas' capability to cater to the needs of over seven million people in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. Syabas on the other hand argued that the state has blocked essential funding to improve its piping and other important maintenance work, hence crippling its efforts to provide quality service. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has pledged to solve the water problem if BN wins back the state in the coming general election. Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim announced on Jan 29 that the state government will take over all four water concessionaires – Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd (PNSB), Syarikat Pengeluaran Air Sungai Selangor Holdings (Splash), Konsortium ABASS and Syabas – in 14 days. This will no doubt bring about another round of arguments on the matter. gives the low-down on the issue by retracing the stalemate and details of the relevant parties in the infrastrctural problem that has no resolve in sight yet. In the meantime, the people suffer while the bickering continues. |
Go ahead, make an offer, Chin tells S'gor MB Posted: 30 Jan 2013 04:01 PM PST
Stephanie Sta Maria, Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Peter Chin has given the Selangor government the green light to make yet another acquisition offer to the state's four water concessionaires. The four concessionaires are Syarikat Pengeluar Air Berhad (Splash), Konsortium Abbas, Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) and Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad (PNHB). "We have no objections," Chin said during a press conference at his ministry today. "Go ahead and I wish you luck. We have never prevented the Selangor government from making such an offer as long as it's on a "willing buyer-willing seller" principle and follows regulations." Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim yesterday said that he has written to Chin's ministry to inform them that the state government would take over the state water service industry if Chin didn't respond within two weeks. The letter was sent yesterday and the move would be effective from Feb 14. Khalid said that the move was based on a recent statement by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that the federal government had no objection to a takeover. Muhyiddin chairs the Special Cabinet Committee on the Selangor Water Issue which was set up in July 2012. Echoing Muhyiddin's statement, Chin said that previous letters from his ministry to Khalid had stated the same as he viewed it as an ordinary commercial offer that required the agreement of the relevant parties. As such, Chin added, Khalid only needed to summon representatives from all parties for a negotiation rather than publicly discuss his takeover intentions and issue "warnings" to Muhyiddin and him. "If there is an agreement, then report it to the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) and me," he said. "I hope Khalid will not blow up this issue anymore and make it seem like the Federal government is against Selangor's intention to make a takeover." Chin however said that he wasn't privy to the details of Khalid's latest offer as he hadn't received any information nor Khalid's letter. When asked whether he would respond to Khalid upon receiving the letter, he answered, "Yes! I will respond and I will say exactly what I am saying today. I would also love to see the letter he has written to the concessionaires if he has even written one yet." According to Chin, there had been many unofficial meetings between him and Khalid over the water issue in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Chin said he had always maintained that the Federal government had no power to force the water concessionaires to sell their equity to the Selangor state government. He also pointed out that the Federal government had previously carried out successful water restructuring plans in six states, including Penang, and questioned why Selangor wasn't using this proven method. Chin then criticised the Selangor government for being more interested in politicising the issue instead recommending solutions and said that the takeover offer would not resolve the real issue at hand. "The Selangor government's statements have created unease among many quarters and has spooked shareholders," he said. "Do I need to mention that Selangor has a stake in Konsortium Abass, Splash and Syabas?" Selangor - through Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor (KPS) and Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB) - owns a 30% stake in Syabas, a 30% stake in Splash and a 55% stake in Konsortium Abass. The state government has made three previous takeover offers to the four water concessionaires between 2009 and 2012. All three offers were rejected.
LGBT can be cured - Puad Zarkashi Posted: 30 Jan 2013 03:54 PM PST
(NST) - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) is akin to a social sickness that can be prevented and cured, said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi. Puad said several non-governmental organisations had pledged to stop people from all walks of life, especially students in the secondary schools from getting involved in LGBT.
Anggota dan pemimpin PKR ‘buat kecoh’ dI JPN P.Pinang Posted: 30 Jan 2013 03:45 PM PST Kumpulan itu sebelum itu berarak sejauh kira-kira 400 meter dari Jalan larut ke kompleks itu di Jalan Anson sebelum merempuh halangan polis atas alasan untuk berurusan secara beramai-ramai di JPN di kompleks itu. (Bernama) - GEORGE TOWN: Kira-kira 100 anggota Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) diketuai Naib Presiden PKR N.Surendran hari ini menimbulkan kekecohan di kompleks jabatan kerajaan pusat di Bangunan Persekutuan di sini apabila cuba menyerbu masuk untuk menganjurkan demontrasi "duduk dan bantah". Dalam kejadian kira-kira 10 pagi itu, kumpulan itu sebelum itu berarak sejauh kira-kira 400 meter dari Jalan larut ke kompleks itu di Jalan Anson sebelum merempuh halangan polis atas alasan untuk berurusan secara beramai-ramai di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) di kompleks itu. Turut serta dalam himpunan itu ialah Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Batu Uban S. Raveentharan, Adun Pantai Jerejak Sim Tze Tzin, Adun Kebun Bunga Jason Ong dan Adun Komtar Ng Wei Aik. Surendran berkata tujuan perhimpunan itu adalah sebagai membantah pemberian kad pengenalan merah yang didakwa terlalu lama kepada warga emas yang dilahirkan di negara ini sejak sebelum merdeka dan berharap mereka segera diberikan MyKad. Katanya, selain itu mereka juga membawa 15 orang kanak-kanak berusia enam hingga 14 tahun yang tidak memiliki sijil kelahiran. Kumpulan itu kemudiannya dibenarkan masuk ke pejabat JPN dan dilayan di kaunter khas. Penolong Pengarah JPN negeri Noorhazlina Ishak yang menguruskan permohonan kumpulan terbabit bagaimanapun enggan mengulas kepada wartawan.
Police quiz Ibrahim Ali over ‘Bible-burning’ threat Posted: 30 Jan 2013 03:00 PM PST
(Bernama) - Penang police have recorded statements from two Perkasa leaders — its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali and information chief Roslan Kassim — over the alleged "festival" to burn Malay and Jawi versions of the Bible containing the word "Allah". Penang police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi said rumours had been spread that the "Bible-burning" gathering would be held at Padang Bandaran, Bagan Luar in Butterworth on the mainland last Sunday. He said police recorded statements from the two Perkasa leaders yesterday and that the investigation report was ready. "Police recorded statements from both the leaders here yesterday and they were co-operative. We have prepared the investigation report and will be submitted to the Attorney-General's office," he told reporters at the Penang police headquarters here today. A pastor had lodged a police report in Penang last week over the distribution of anonymous pamphlets at a church, advertising a "festival" to burn Malay-language bibles at a field. Police gave an assurance that there would be no such gathering to burn bibles as alleged at Padang Bandaran, Bagan Luar because such rumours were being spread by some irresponsible people. Abdul Rahim said apart from the two Perkasa leaders, statements were also recorded from a number of individuals to assist investigations. Muslim and Christian leaders here have been at loggerheads over the use of the Arabic word "Allah", with the former claiming it referred exclusively to the Islamic God.
NRD: ‘Send ICs to Sabah’ letter fake Posted: 30 Jan 2013 02:51 PM PST No letter was issued on that day and the NRD has lodged a police report over the matter, says its officer. Anisah Shukry, FMT A letter purportedly from the National Registration Department (NRD) ordering that all uncollected identification cards (IC) be sent to Sabah is fake, an NRD official said today. "That letter is a fake. There has never been a procedure to send uncollected ICs anywhere except to the NRD headquarters in Putrajaya," said NRD's public relations officer Jainisah Mohd Noor. "We lodged a police report over the letter at the police station in Putrajaya yesterday," she told FMT. Yesterday, PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar told reporters that he had received a "suspicious" letter allegedly signed by NRD director (identification card) division Md Solehan Omar and addressed to NRD's state and district officers. The letter, which was dated Dec 14 2012, said the auditor, who was temporarily in Keningau, Sabah would update the cards' status in the NRD's system from Sabah before sending the cards back to the NRD headquarters by Dec 31, 2012. "If the contents of this letter is true, then it is possible that the ICs are sent to Sabah not for termination, but for manipulation," Mahfuz had said. "The ICs could be passed onto others, particularly immigrants," the Pokok Sena MP had further suggested. However, Jainisah said that division directors in NRD had no power to issue orders or sign letters to state and district officers. "I'm not sure myself who is truly behind this fake letter, because all orders by NRD are issued and signed by the chief director alone. "No division directors are given the power to issue such orders," she stressed. She also said that the records kept by NRD showed the last letter issued within the department last year was on Dec 10, not Dec 14. "This order on Dec 14 does not exist," she said. Asked what further action would NRD would take over the fake letter, Jainisah said they would wait for the police to investigate. Explain unclaimed ICs Meanwhile, FMT's attempts to get a response from Md Solehan was unsuccessful as officers said he would be in Sabah until Monday. But in a press conference this morning, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein confirmed Jainisah's assertion today that the letter was fake.
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