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- PAS - from Progressive to Pythonic
- Dr M must be stopped
- Mahathir says Najib is a weak leader
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- RCI proceedings: Facing up to the truth of where Malaysians come from
- Pakatan Rakyat Is Sending A Message That They Do Not Need The Indian Votes
Scriptures, neighbours, Terry Jones and Ibrahim Ali Posted: 25 Jan 2013 11:18 AM PST Some years ago I read Max Rodenbeck's Cairo: The City Victorious. Cairo gave me good insights about how people cope politically, socially and economically in a crowded city. Read more at: | ||||||||
Race in politics, politics in race Posted: 24 Jan 2013 07:47 PM PST But he said it's tough though not impossible, using the March 2008 results as indicative of Pakatan achieving the 'impossible'. But he cautioned that it will likely be a very close call, where in such a situation, every single vote will count, more than ever before in Malaya/Malaysia's 55 years' history as an independent nation. Malaysian politics is the story of politics of race or, if you like, race in politics. Unfortunately we can't escape racial discussions in politics because in truth we haven't yet possess adequate thrust (or trust) and thus the required escape velocity to overcome its powerful gravitational pull, which compels us into more mundane Earthly understanding of its issues. One insight Gunasegaram shared with us in his article has been that the Chinese vote bank is more or less already owned by Pakatan, and thus any further increase in Chinese support will likely not be as dramatically significant as it had been in 2008. Whatever moderate gains Pakatan will further obtain from the Chinese in GE-13 will probably be in some MCA-held seats in Johor. Also, rumours have it that Hishamuddin Hussein will be changing his seat for another as 40% of the registered voters in his current constituency of Sembrong are Chinese, so that could well be a pending Pakatan seat. Of course there may be gains in additional Chinese-majority seats in Sabah and Sarawak, but I'll leave this sector to better informed people to enlighten me. One glaring omission in Gunasegaram's article has been the Indian factor in Peninsula. Remember how Uthayakuamar and his supporters and sympathizers kept telling us it was the Hindraf-galvanized Indian mass that enabled Pakatan to achieve its 2008 election wins, ... ... and how he would withdraw that Hindraf-ized Indian support for Pakatan if the coalition doesn't listen to and accept his HRP's several demands, one of which had been the right to contest in 7 parliamentary seats and 16 state seats without Pakatan's participation, based on a Free Malaysia Today's report on 14 September 2011 titled HRP demands 23 seats from Pakatan. The seven parliamentary seats he wanted were: (1) Padang Serai (Kedah) currently held by Gobalakrishnan, formerly PKR, (2) Batu Kawan (Penang) currently held by Dr Ramasamy (DAP) (3) Ipoh Barat (Perak) currently held by Kulasegaran (DAP) (4) Kota Raja (Selangor) currently held by Siti Mariah Mahmud (PAS) (5) Teluk Kemang (Negri Sembilan) currently held by Kamarul Baharin Abbas (PKR) (6) Cameron Highlands (Pahang) currently held by Devamany Krishnasamy (MIC), and (7) Tebrau (Johor) currently held by Teng Book Soon (MCA). Now, hasn't Uthayakumar just been the brightest spark in the class in asking Pakatan to meekly surrender 5 of their federal seats for his HRP to contest in GE-13, with 3 of the 5 seats held by his fellow Indians? Surely this calls for a re-reading of my post Malaysian Racism & The 3 Baskets of Crabs at my other blog BolehTalk, wakakaka. The 16 state seats he wanted were Bukit Selambau and Lunas (Kedah), Prai and Bagan Dalam (Penang), Buntong and Hutan Melintang (Perak), Port Dickson and Jeram Padang (Negri Sembilan), Tanah Rata and Ketari (Pahang), Puteri Wangsa and Tiram (Johor) and Sri Andalas, Ijok, Seri Setia and Bukit Melawati (Selangor). You can work it out how many of those seats are currently held by Pakatan. Help you with a couple: Khalid Ibrahim holds Ijok, wakakaka, and Dr Ramasamy holds Prai, wakakaka again. What do you reckon Pakatan would have told him? Maybe something like this: You claimed to have gifted mandores In 2008 with a Hindraf blank cheque Now you want us to be like whores To give in and lie down on our back Perhaps mandores we may well be Though if you expect us to give in To demands so big-headedly crazy Tambi, we'd be committing a big sin Wakakaka, and I am not sure whether Uthayakumar is still insisting on these 23 seats. But anyway, back on track, I wish Gunasegaram had analysed the Indian factor in his article. On one hand people like Uthaykumar claimed that it had been Indian support that enabled Pakatan to win such a big victory in 2008, and should that be true, then given recent analyses that about 80% of Indians have returned to the BN fold, what does that spell for Pakatan other than big trouble. On the other, which I am inclined towards, yes the Indians did contribute to the Pakatan victory in 2008 but they weren't the most impactful force behind the tsunami sweeping our political landscape. In arguing against the theory of Hindraf being the principal winning factor, I drew comparison to an earlier tsunami in 1969 when Hindraf was not even in existence (and Anwar Ibrahim was a youngish 20 something) yet which saw BN's predecessor, Perikatan (Alliance) lost humongously.
I stated that the Pakatan victory in 2008, as the victory for the loose informal pact of Gerakan-DAP-PPP (including even informal associate PAS) in 1969, happened because many voters had had enough of BN and respectively Perikatan, and were prepared to change, and not because of any particular NGO. It calls into question the theory of Hindraf being the primary earth-shaking force in March 2008.
Assuming my belief is correct, and if the majority of Indian voters will be supporting BN in GE-13 as they traditionally have (yes, the Indians have been BN's 'fixed deposit'), there may be some adverse effect for Pakatan but certainly not to the extent Mr Gloom & Doom has been threatening the Pakatan 'mandores', wakakaka.
We also need to remember that Hindraf had not been an exclusive Uthayakumar's one-man effort but which saw front line participation by DAP members, one of whom, M Manoharan, is an ADUN who won Kota Alam Shah seat while he was behind ISA lockup as a Hindraf leader. So not all Hindraf supporters would necessarily boycott Pakatan. It's also significant to note that Manoharan won in a Chinese majority seat, defeating the BN Chinese candidate by a resounding majority of more than 7500 votes in a constituency of only 26000 voters. Thus it's likely the DAP brand rather than Hindraf label that had enabled Manoharan to become an ADUN in Selangor.
So I personally believe the Indians supporting BN, while certainly not favourable to Pakatan, will not have that drastic effect as threatened by a crab (in a basket, wakakaka). Leaving aside the Sabah and Sarawak factors, and let's not deny they will be very BIG factors, the fight in GE-13 which will produce big earth shaking results in Peninsula will be for the hearts of the Heartland. This is certainly the belief of RPK as enunciated in his post Why is Dr Mahathir such an idiot?, a title which belies the political shrewdness of the former PM.
RPK wrote (extracts only): The only thing that can save Umno would be the Malay votes -- that determine roughly two-thirds of the seats in West Malaysia. And that is why what they are doing/saying is not to win the hearts and mind of the Chinese and Indian voters. It is too late to win the hearts and minds of the Chinese and Indian voters. They need to win the hearts and minds of the Malay voters. And to do that they need to do and say what they are currently doing and saying. While this may upset the Chinese and Indians, who are not going to vote for Umno anyway, it pacifies the Malays. And it is the Malays they want to pacify, not the Chinese and Indians, who have made it very clear they are not going to vote Barisan Nasional or Umno come hell or high water.
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Breaking news! Another victory for Rosli Dahlan: Court of Appeal stays AG's bid to expunge Posted: 24 Jan 2013 04:45 PM PST Only last week, we saw The Star newspaper defeated and humbled by Rosli. Yet, The Star made no mention of it until they had to publish the Public Apology that the court ordered against them. That is the state of disinformation, misinformation and lies in our country perpetrated by the mainstream media. They are no longer newspapers reporting news but are just instruments of propaganda. On 28 November 2012, the AGC had asked the Court to prevent Rosli from testifying in open court and also toexpunge certain parts of his witness statement relating to theCopgate Affair and other matters. On 3rd January,MalaysiaKini reported that Justice Hue Siew Kheng had ruled in favour of the AGC that the allegations made in Rosli's statement were "riddled with hearsay" and were not relevant. The parts that the AGC wanted expunged described how AGGani Patail, former IGP Musa Hassan and the MACC had conspired to fix up Rosli. It narrated IGP Musa Hassan's connection with the underworld Along loan shark syndicate; why AG Gani Patail was upset with Rosli for foiling his plans not to charge MAS's former Chairman Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli for defrauding the national airlines; also of the MACC's attempt to extort Rosli to drop his RM50miliion law suit against them. In 2011, RPK's Malaysia Today revealed that AG Gani Patailhad a "special relationship" with Tajudin's proxy, ShahidanShafie, a former police inspector who was charged for corruption in the 1990s. Tabung Haji's documents showed that AG Gani Patail and family had enjoyed the Zamrud Hajj package that costs more than RM 260,000/- bringing into question if the trip was paid by Shahidan since they all shared rooms like one big happy family. Expunging these parts of Rosli's witness statements would have meant that none of these would be revealed in court. It means that Rosli would have to go to trial without thesematerial evidence being allowed to be tendered in Court.That's why the AGC was intent on blotting out theseevidence. But despite that setback, Rosli persevered and soldiered on alone. However, the irony in the AGC's application was that they had reproduced the whole expunged questions and answers. Similarly, all the expunged parts have also been reproduced in the written judgment of Justice Hue. This is a comedy of errors! While on one part, they wanted to hide these stories from the public, on the other hand, they have reproduced all these in a public document! Where is the logic?
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Posted: 23 Jan 2013 01:22 PM PST While some Muslims may find the symbols 'sensitive', others don't mind 'haram' advertising of beer. I MUST admit I've not heard of it before. Apparently, there's a group in Penang which is called Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang Pinang. In English that should be Penang Facebook Association. Anyway, as we know recent media reports quoted the association president – a gentleman by the name of Salleh Ismail – as saying "two men were seen circulating bibles to students including Muslim students outside a school in Jelutong, Penang". And we also know Deputy Education Minister Dr Puad Zarkashi has asked police to investigate as, said the deputy minister, "proselytisation of Muslims is against the law in the country". Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, Minister in the PM's Department meanwhile, has urged the police to "act fast as this is a very sensitive issue". That's the law of the land. Hence must be respected. Let the police probe. Without going into that particular "case", I find myself asking this question. If, for some reason, someone comes up to me and hands me a copy of the Bible, what would I do? Well I can: 1) Turn it down ie do not accept the "gift"; 2) Accept politely, say thank you, put it away somewhere and forget about it totally; 3) Read the Bible although I'm not sure if I can understand or comprehend; 4) Study it. After all, the late Ahmad Deedat, the Muslim missionary studied the Bible and the knowledge in his own words made him stronger in his belief of the Islamic faith. Some even called him the "Great Islamic Scholar of the Bible". Whether one agrees with that or for that matter Ahmad Deedate's "style" of teaching and propagating Islam is another matter. Point is he wasn't, for want of a better word, "afraid" of the Bible. Unlike many or some (definitely not all) Malay/Muslims in Malaysia. Read more at:
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Posted: 23 Jan 2013 11:57 AM PST They should be distributing the details of Government's 2013 budget to convince the people that the government's budget is the best but they did the opposite instead. Read the PR alternative budget HERE (
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PAS - from Progressive to Pythonic Posted: 23 Jan 2013 12:40 AM PST (a) boa constrictor (snake) which kills its prey by constriction (wakakaka), or (b) spirit or demon (louder wakakaka). I'm afraid those are what non-Muslims, especially Chinese Malaysians, currently view PAS as, a demon which if it comes into power, will 'kill' its prey (the non-Muslims, wakakaka) by constricting their non-Muslim social, cultural, religious and general freedom through PAS intrusive version (interpretation) of Islamic laws and policies. As such, I wasn't surprised by The Malaysian Insider's news item Pakatan fears PAS puritans putting non-Muslim vote at risk which tells us: There is concern among Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) rank-and-file that PAS risks losing the pact's non-Muslim vote in Election 2013 due to the Islamist party's puritanical restrictions for the word 'Allah' and its gender-segregation policies in Kedah and Kelantan. Yes and no to the causes of their concerns and the likely political impact. Firstly, most Chinese (I can't say for the Indians) aren't too concerned about the restriction in the use of the Allah word per se. Really, why should they when the prohibited use of the Allah word doesn't affect their Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian or folk religious practice. It's only the Christian Chinese and some civil liberty activists who are. I'm sad to say the civil liberty activists are unfortunately in the minority. And I am equally sad to say most Chinese aren't sympathetic to the Christian religious issue - incidentally I am also one, indeed one who actually opposes the use of the Allah word in the Malay language Bible (al Kitab) - sorry. However, they have been deeply concerned about PAS' version of Islamic rules which directly affect them, such as the recent gender segregation rules (unisex hair dressing salons; couple holding hands), PAS own interpreted moral values in taking action against 2 non-Muslim men in a car watching aeroplanes taking off at KB airport, and again PAS own interpreted Islamic values in its intrusive dress codes for Chinese New Year concerts ... ... which in turn evoke earlier ugly pictures of PAS being intrusively against non-Muslim entertainment events, and the harsh draconian edicts such as stoning to death that Pak Haji Aziz threatened against unmarried mothers abandoning their newly born babies, without understanding the social issues and environment driving those women into doing so, ... ... and miscellaneous provocative issues such as prohibiting the sale of beer at non-religious associated shops (7-11) or the caning of Muslims caught drinking (because of who could be next - the non-Muslims?), etc.
Secondly, regarding possibly losing PR's non-Muslim vote in GE-13, that's already well & truly lost in Kedah. In a previous post PAS 'blesses' MCA I wrote about ..... my discussions with quite a number of Kedahans here in Australia where I have been informed that their voting families and relatives have grumbled about being 'cheated' by PAS, a belief gained from their 'experience' under a PAS Kedah government, and that they won't ever vote for PAS again. Mind you, neither my Kedah mateys nor I can say that UMNO or MCA will be the direct beneficiaries of their disgust (not just disappointment) with PAS. Those Chinese voters may well end up playing non-halal mahjung or p'ar kau all day on GE-13 election day, wakakaka, which I suppose will indirectly benefit UMNO. I am of course not saying PAS won't be the next Kedah state government again, but they can take it from me they will have to achieve that minus the support of non-Muslim Chinese. Again I can't say about the voting preference of Indian Malaysians in Kedah - maybe my Indian visitors can help enlighten us on this. In November last year I posted The python hanging around the ceiling fan reflecting my concerns about a pythonic (wakakaka) PAS, and its increasing arrogance as it senses hitherto unpossessed federal power within its reach.
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Posted: 22 Jan 2013 02:19 PM PST According to them, bringing in more Muslims into Sabah in the 1990s and making them citizens was not a cynical move to help the ruling coalition win elections (although that was the immediate benefit), but to correct the mistakes of history. Simply put, the country needed to have more Muslims – even if they were foreigners from the Philippines, Pakistan or Indonesia – because Tunku Abdul Rahman "gave away" citizenship to the Chinese and Indians as part of the Merdeka agreement. Dr M somehow blames the Tunku for making citizenship "easier" for non-Malays, which he believes justifies his call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Tunku's decision 60 years ago. His ranting could be ignored if it weren't for the fact that it's dangerous. Dr M destroyed UMNO when it did his bidding and we must not allow him to destroy the country too. To advocate reviewing all past policies and disowning our former leaders' great sacrifices is highly irresponsible. The country's design and constitutional make-up is not like the latest Proton model for him to change at whim. Our heritage and history are ours, not his. He has lost all sense of proportion in trying to gain traction for his wayward political views to change the outcome of the General Election. Dr M was a member of the Alliance, which agreed to adopt the principle of "jus soli" in granting citizenship to non-Malays. It was a social contract that the Malay Rulers agreed to, and which the rakyat also supported, as evidenced by the Alliance's overwhelming victories in the 1955 and 1959 elections. Yet Dr M has no compunction ridiculing our pioneering leaders' great effort to forge a nation. He is bent on making race a divisive issue in this General Election and he will destroy this country if his views are not accepted.
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Mahathir says Najib is a weak leader Posted: 22 Jan 2013 11:46 AM PST There must be something terribly wrong with popular ratings made on Najib. The polls say he has a popular rating of 60-65%. If you ask people in the street, most of them could not give a rat's ass about Najib. If he is so popular and much loved, why was the number of Malaysian Indians celebrating his Ponggol event so dismal? Because the Malaysian Indians haven't recovered from the greatest insult Najib dished out to them when handlers were just throwing hampers and rice to the outstretched hands of Malaysian Indians. That was a pitiful site. This is not Zimbabwe or one of the African countries. It must be heart-warming to aristocratic and bourgeois Najib to see many of the wretched of the earth scrambling over one another affirming his own pedigreed background. All those 'I am one of the people' antics, face booking, twitterings, eating daun pisang, walking around in Petaling Street, busy-bodying in Pasar Khadijah Kota Bharu- everyone knows are all publicity BS. People can see through the hypocrisy. The majority of Malaysian Indians are so caught up in the beggar mentality that they forgot the insult and humiliation Najib treats them with. Will they still want to give Najib their nambikei? Don't! So how come he has a rating of 60%? The population sample has never read newspapers or what? Or is the population sample made up of the deejay I was listening to one day, who pronounced George Town as Jorjee Town? Which school did she go to? RTM employ mental retards or what? Now the man who can walk on water has said it again. Najib is a weak leader. Because Mahathir can and because Najib is. The usual Najib way of dealing with accusations is to keep silent hoping that silence and maintaining stoical disdain will make all these nasty things go away. His minders and all the UMNO paid bloggers including those who affectionately call the PM's missus- kak Rose will hail Najib's actions as that belonging to a great man or even, God forbid, statesman-like. To which we will say- but of course, Deepak also refers Rosmah as Kak Rose. These nasty issues will not go away. Deepakgate has made people become entrenched in their thinking that these two people have something to do with the Alantuya murder. They won't until you take an iron fist approach the legal way. A nobody like Deepak can besmirch the position of our PM and damage the reputation of Najib and the missus in their personal capacities and all they did, was to respond in a weakly and enfeebled manner. "Deepak cannot be trusted and I swear I do not own such a ring". The people are not all impressed and indeed are even more convinced that you have so many things to hide. The UMNO people know all this. But they are polite enough not to tell Najib in his face or will try to save him by laying all the blame with Rosmah. I have said it a long time ago- Najib is a political invertebrate. If he were a Lee Kuan Yew or Hsien Loong or Chok Tong, the people who make allegations will be hauled to court. But then the court is the last place Najib and Rosmah want to be. Because then everything will have to be said in the open unless the DPPs prosecuting are dumb asses or the judge one of the candidates I propose to have cashiered once PR comes to power. As an aside, I say this again- in order to restore our judiciary, all we need to do is to pension off most of the senior judges. Najib with all the skeletons in the carpet has compromised the office of the PM right from day one. Many UMNO member and leaders know Najib is one bloody hypocrite. In the past he has given advice to so many UMNO second liners to rein in their wives but when it comes to him, he is a hopeless case. He is an ow-ow PM just like his not so intelligent cousin. Why has Mahathir come out so many times to say Najib is a weak leader? Less in the open, but in private, I am told, so many times. Mahathir refers to Rosmah as that woman. Others catching on to what Mahathir say, that evil woman with the insatiable lust to swallow up any business deals. Deals that will make Imelda Marcos looked a dwarf standing beside her not so tall structure. Because Mahathir knows Najib has so many things to hide. All his indiscretions, business deals and so forth. Or maybe Mahathir knows, Najib has accumulated more money than Mahathir could ever did.
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Posted: 22 Jan 2013 10:54 AM PST Excesses and wastages:
Read more at:
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Posted: 21 Jan 2013 06:04 PM PST When PKR, PAS and DAP made headway in the 2008 general election, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim claimed it is peoples' uprising or kebangkitan rakyat. Having made regular trips to Sabah since the 1990s, more had been learnt and appreciated of Sabah and Sabahans. They are nice, friendly and embracing people. It is their politics and politicians that is problematic. Since the 90s, their politicians have been spewing views that does not serve our nation building objective with their insular-themed slogan Sabah for Sabahans; us-against-them attitude behind the complains and accusation of oppression against the federal government; infringement of the "mythical" 20 point agreements; and call for cessation out of Malaysia. It also does not reflect the aspiration or the attitude of the Sabahans. Our friend, whose married to a Sabahan from Keningau and wish to retire in Sabah, refused to believe Sabahans wants to opt out of Malaysia to be either an independent state or part of Indonesia or Phillipines or Brunei. At the people-to-people level, Sabahan are more open and accept the presence of Semenanjung people in Sabah than perhaps a Kelantanis to non-Kelantanis Semenanjung. Without Semenanjungs, Sabahan could not fill-up basic positions like teachers, soldiers, police, fireman, and nurses to enable such public services available to the people. Even the Universities and colleges need Semenanjungs to fill the positions of lecturers. Sabahan could only fill up only one third of University Malaysia Sabah's annual enrollments. Some private colleges in Sabah cannot get sufficient enrollment despite the more relaxed entry requirement for Sabahans. More than the politicians realised, there had been marked increase in interactions and integration between Sabah and Semenanjung. There are quite a high number of inter marriage and migration between Sabahan and Semenanjung. Notice the packed LCCT and filled up flights to and from Sabah on weekend. Some of the more national outlook Sabahan realised they can rely on the Semananjung better than their Sabah politicians. The business community viewed the politicians as having raped the state dry. They understand Sabah need to maintain good relation with the federal government as they rebuild their economy away from forestry into other sectors like agriculture or tourism. Political Defection The RCI on illegal immigrants can be traced to the era of Sabah political turmoil of the trio-Chief Ministers of Tun Mustapha-Harris Sallah-Pairin Kitingan. After serving USNO since 1963 and was in the late Tun Datu Mustapha's Sabah cabinet as Minister of Finance in 1967, now Tan Sri Harris Salleh was in a crisis with the dictatorial independence fighter Sabah Chief Minister. Harris formed UPKO and later turned it into multiracial BERJAYA. He was the party's first president in 1973. By collaborating with then Yang Dipertua Negeri Tun Fuad Stephen who resigned to join BERJAYA, they managed to wrest from USNO. Tun Fuad became Sabah's Chief Minister again as it's fifth Chief Minister. However he died in a place crash in June 1976 and Harris replaced him as Sabah's sixth Chief Minister. Few years before the 1984 state election, Harris faced challenge to his leadership. However, he managed to win the 1984 state election winning 44 out of the 48 seats. His actions against his challengers prior to the 1984 state election resulted in few Kadazan assemblymen and supporters led by Dato Joseph Pairin Kitingan to leave BERJAYA and form Parti bersatu Sabah (PBS). left with only 4 of the 48 seats, he dissolved the state assembly and called for a state election in 1985. BERJAYA lost power to PBS and Pairin became 7th Chief Minister of Sabah. Read more in Wikipedia here. Many believed the problem of Harris was his temperament and leading to a dictatorial habit, the same accusation he made of the man he opposed before, Tun Mustapha. The man who led his downfall, Pairin was a member of the Sabah Legislative Assembly for the Tambunan electorate. He won the seat in the 1976 state election under the BERJAYA party ticket and was subsequently appointed as Minister in Harris cabinet. The extract from Wikipedia here, below: Over time, Joseph Pairin became disillusioned with the party's leadership, and opposed some of the party's policies. He felt that the party had deviated from its original struggle. He however, remained firm with the party and subsequently, he was forced to leave the ruling party coalition in 1984. Leadership In December 1984, he challenged as an Independent candidate against the ruling party to defend his seat in the Tambunan by-election. His leadership in a state within a federation which had the official religion of Islam, was also questioned because of his religion. The ruling party, which was a component of the Barisan Nasional, Malaysia's ruling coalition, had no qualms in using the sensitive race card issues which is something that is generally shunned in a multi-racial country (state). Joseph Pairin easily won and defended his seat with significant majority. In March 1985, Joseph Pairin Kitingan formed Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) or United Sabah Party. Despite overwhelming odds, he succeeded in registering PBS as a political party in the eleventh hour; thus paving the way for the party to contest against the incumbent state government in the Sabah state election, 1985 in April. Berjaya and the United Sabah National Organization (USNO) joined forces to win the 1985 election, but after riots by BN followers, the newly formed coalition between Berjaya and USNO was dissolved giving PBS the majority government.[2] Pairin was sworn in as the seventh Chief Minister of the state of Sabah. He held the post of Sabah Chief Minister from April 1985 to March 1994, during which he spearheaded his party's triumphant outings in four successive state elections (1985, 1986, 1990 and 1994). In the 1994 state election, PBS won the election, however shortly after being announced the winner, almost all PBS assemblymen defected to Barisan Nasional. Pairin was not allowed to be sworn in as Chief Minister. Tun Sakaran Dandai of UMNO was then sworn to be the eighth Chief Minister of Sabah.[3]An important point from the Wikipedia on PBS, here as extracted below: PBS formed the state government after winning the 1985 state elections and governed Sabah from 1985 to 1994. Following the 1986 Sabah riots, PBS joined the Barisan Nasional coalition after winning the May 1986 state election.[1] However, on the eve of the July 1990 state election, PBS pulled out of the coalition[1] and won the state election for a third time. It also won the 1994 state elections by a narrow margin. However, numerous defections occurred as many PBS representatives switched allegiance to the then opposition Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition before PBS were even able to form a new state government; these politicians were nicknamed katak, which means frogs in Malay. PBS subsequently rejoined the BN coalition in 2002, ending any form of opposition as BN fully occupied the state legislature and returning Sabah to the rule of the BN coalition that holds the federal parliament.From the historical brief, PBS was never robbed of power through the ballot box. But through the Sabah styled political manouvre of Sabah UMNO. Thus, there is no real basis to accuse the naturalisation of illegal immigrants exercise as the cause for denying PBS the much due power. PBS lost power in Sabah not because of any alleged electoral manipulation of the 1994 state election but due to defection. The exercise had no impact to the election outcome. Interestingly, the post election defection by Pairin in 1984 became the same manouvre replicated by Sabah UMNO to deny PBS power in 1994.
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Mahasiswa Pasca ‘Listen, Listen, Listen’ Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:02 AM PST "Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. I think a lot of what people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity." - Aaron Swartz (1986-2013). Swartz, pengasas bersama, bertanggungjawab mencipta kod RSS ketika berumur 14 tahun. Dia kemudiannya memimpin Demand Progress, pertubuhan aktivis yang mencabar undang-undang anti cetak rompak SOPA/PIPA yang dirangka oleh US Congress. Pada 2008, beliau mencipta sebuah program yang membolehkan orang awam memuat turun sehingga 20 juta fail dari laman PACER dan sekitar 4.8 juta fail akademik dari laman Jstor secara percuma. Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya menulis sebuah surat terbuka kepada saudari Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin. Saya menulis kerana rasa sedih terhadap perkembangan dunia akademik serta hak mahasiswa yang telah dilanggar dengan begitu angkuh sekali. Dan perkara yang membuatkan saya paling kecewa ialah kerana ribuan mahasiswa Melayu-Islam bertepuk tangan ketika hak seorang mahasiswa India untuk bertanya dan memberikan pendapat dinafikan dengan cara yang paling naif sekali.
We Are All Sharifah Zohra Untuk mereka yang membaca lapis makna diantara surat tersebut, mereka akan dapat memahami tujuan saya menulis surat tersebut. Saya menulis bukan dengan niat untuk menanti balasan dari saudari Sharifah atau mahukan surat tersebut dibaca oleh beliau. Saya menulis dengan harapan mahasiswa akan bangkit dan sedar dari penjara indoktrinasi ideologi yang selama ini memenjarakan mereka. Insiden 'Listen, Listen, Listen' ini sebenarnya bukan isu baharu. Semenjak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad memperkenalkan AUKU pada 1971, sistem 'Listen, Listen, Listen' ini dipasangkan ke dalam minda kita tanpa sedar. Hasilnya setelah 40 tahun indoktrinasi, ciri-ciri seperti 'bongkak', 'tidak peduli' dan 'menurut arahan' memang telah menjadi sebahagian dari budaya dan DNA kita. Foucault di dalam makalahnya 'Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison' (1975) menyatakan tentang kesan utama 'Panoticism'ialah untuk memastikan banduan kekal dalam keadaan sedar tentang fungsi automatik kuasa ke atas mereka. Di dalam penjara berbentuk 'Panoptic' (mengambil konsep Jeremy Bentham), banduan sedar diri mereka diperhatikan melalui menara tanpa mengetahui siapa di dalam menara tersebut. Foucault menegaskan penjara sebagai mekanisme disiplin paling penting untuk meng-ilustrasikan disiplin sebagai alat kepada kuasa. Melalui operator menara yang dikenali sebagai 'anonymous power', mekanisme pemantauan kekal tidak dikenali seterusnya memastikan projek ini efisien. Realitinya di Malaysia, saya melihat menara sebagai Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP) universiti, operator menara sebagai Menteri dari Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi serta model penjara 'panopticon' sebagai AUKU dan mahasiswa kekal berada di dalam sel-sel penjara. Tidak sukar untuk membuktikan perkara ini. Buka Facebook dan selongkar akaun rasmi persatuan mahasiswa universiti tempatan. Perbincangan mereka seringkali berkisar soal parking, asrama, harga makanan di cafetaria ataupun kursus kahwin. Untuk aktivis peringkat lebih tinggi, mereka berpolitik partisan pula. Saya tidak katakan perkara ini tidak bagus, tetapi mahasiswa harus sedar bahawa masyarakat lebih memerlukan mereka ketika mereka sibuk berpersatuan untuk mengadakan kursus kahwin. Ironi bukan? Tidak gemar orang lain menyuarakan pendapat, tidak gemar perbahasan berat, sukakan perkara remeh temeh seperti 'kucing ada masalah, anjing boleh menggonggong' serta tidak suka mendengar pendapat orang lain; kita semua sebenarnya sama seperti Kak Listen. We Are All Sharifah Zohra.
'Slacktivist' & Budaya pop Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya hanyalah gambaran kecil kepada masalah besar isu kebebasan akademik dan mahasiswa. Masyarakat lebih gemar menuntut permohonan maaf dari saudari Sharifah daripada melihat kepada 2300 mahasiswa lain yang berada di dalam dewan dan bertepuk tangan. Kita bersikap reaktif lebih pantas daripada kita muhasabah sikap dan masalah kita sendiri. Dalam situasi ini, apa gunanya jika saudari Sharifah membuat permohonan maaf sekalipun? Apakah selepas itu aktivis Twitter, pejuang Facebook dan semua 'slacktivist' ini akan kembali melayari laman, berkongsi fakta kucing melalui butang 'share' atau sibuk ketawa dengan dan kembali tidak peduli kepada masalah asas ketidakpedulian di kalangan mahasiswa? Anak muda hanya mengambil kesempatan terhadap isu-isu sebegini untuk mensensasikan keadaan tanpa mengambil pengajaran darinya. Bermula dari insiden Adam Adli, demonstrasi mansuhkan PTPTN sehingga isu Kak Listen, hampir tiada satu gerakan terancang dijalankan oleh mahasiswa untuk mengubah norma dan cara berfikir di kalangan mahasiswa. Sampai bila mahasiswa akan terus-terusan mabuk dilambung ombak budaya pop sebegini?
Projek Dialog vs Projek Pembodohan Penting sekali agar isu Kak Listen vs Bawani ini diperhalusi oleh setiap pemimpin mahasiswa di peringkat universiti serta gerakan-gerakan mahasiswa bersifat partisan atau non partisan dari segi ideologi dan 'substance' lebih dari bentuk material yang mereka lihat. Penghinaan fizikal yang dialami oleh Bawani sebenarnya menggambarkan betapa rancu dan rosaknya sistem hak asasi yang selama ini dipegang oleh pihak berkuasa dan diperlakukan sesuka hati oleh mereka. Mahasiswa harus melihat isu ini dari sudut 'the oppressed and the oppressor' [yang tertindas dan yang menindas]. Paling penting indoktrinasi yang melibatkan penderaan mental ini akan menyebabkan mahasiswa tidak boleh berfikir sendiri sehingga sanggup menepuk tangan beramai-ramai ketika pendapat rakannya diperlekehkan. Paling serius, idea pendidikan percuma Bawani diperlekeh hanya menggunakan analogi haiwan 1 Malaysia, di dalam institusi pengajian tinggi dengan tepukan dan sorakan dari rakan-rakannya – 'the so called intellectual'! Read more at: | ||||||||
Posted: 20 Jan 2013 03:41 PM PST For a start, I have been flabbergasted by the new G-Ds of 'truth' where shadowy figures, after being rinsed, baptised and sanctified, become personalities of absolute credibility, ... ... where for example, as per the case of the second SD accusing Najib Razak of being involved sexually with the murdered Mongolian, Altantuyaa Shariibuu, we have Mr Americk Singh Sidhu pronouncing that lawyer Arunapalam (who accompanied Perumal Balasubramaniam in releasing the 2nd SD) was not responsible for drafting that follow-up SD. Now, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu is one of society's most leading, if not the most leading, civic-conscious lawyers. He is a member of, he assured us, a 'noble' profession - the profession of lawyers, that is. And just on that score alone - correction, on those scores by themselves (his eminence as a civic-conscious citizen and as a member of a 'noble' profession), we can without further investigation accept his words as virtually gospel truth ... ... apart from the fact we would have also accepted Mr Arunalparam's words from the noble lawyer himself ... ... but as would have it, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu gob-smacked me with the reason for his assertion (of Arunalpalam not being the drafter of the 2nd SD), by stating: "We now know Arunalpalam didn't draft or prepare that second SD. Deepak has said so." "Deepak said so!" Amazing! And there you have it, in clear unambiguous emphatic terms. The new G-D had thus spoken, and thus must be believed. Indeed, as I had posted in B-D, the new G-D of 'Truth' ... Mr Deepak Jaikishan is now the very fount of truth, and if you don't disagree with me on this for whatever reasons, please have a bit of faith lah. Hey man, to reiterate, Mr Deepak is the very epitome of credibility, integrity and reliability and various other '-bilities' where he now possesses a fresh sweet smelling persona like a newly washed, rinsed, starched, blued and expertly ironed gleaming white shirt. Mr Deepak Jaikishan is one of the new G-D's of 'truth'. But even a G-D of 'truth' needs some form of immunity from a future Pakatan government for telling us his 'truth'. I hope PKR is and I heard PAS might well be looking into this. There have been all sorts of scurrilous rumours that Deepak and the ex IGP have been whistle blowing because (a) they want to twist arms for more whatever while the gravy train is still chugging along, (b) they are positioning themselves to look after their own skin in view of a new Pakatan government after GE-13, and (c) they might well be truly civic conscious citizens who want to bring down UMNO and help PKR. Surely we can't have these sort of scurrilous rumours corrupting our new G-D's of 'truth' other than the last, to wit, they are truly civic conscious citizens who want to bring down UMNO and help PKR. Incidentally, one man who might be able to help clarify or enlighten us on the 'truth' behind the Altantuyaa case has somehow slipped repetitively under the radar, mind you, through no fault of his but our negligence. He is none other than our dear Yang Berhormat Encik Sivarasa Rasiah (PKR).
Sivarasa has been one of the common denominators in both SD's, the second case only indirectly by virtue of him acting as Mr Deepak's lawyer (a most noble profession). By leaving dear YB Sivarasa out of our occasional querying-postings, we have been grossly remiss, missing golden opportunities to probe deeper and more substantially into the circumstances surrounding the SD's by not having him enlighten us, right from the case's very genesis in a Bangsar pub (was it The Backyard?). Anyway, moving on with strange and stranger stuff happening as we approach GE-13.
We now have a MIC man virtually prancing in front of us a la MGR wakakaka, a regular Puratchi Thalaivar sprouting criticisms against Mahathir and other questionable BN stuff, acting as if he was the reincarnation of a once-PKR Gobalakrishnan, wakakaka - see The Malaysia Insider's Dr M's racist rants 'destroying' BN's image, says MIC man and Free Malaysia Today's Stop Perkasa or lose votes, warns MIC I guess when your party has nothing left to lose, being already at rock bottom wakakaka, you can be braver than those mute MCA and Gerakan parties, wakakaka.
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Wife of YB Wong Ho Leng blasts own party for failure to provide financial support for brain ... Posted: 20 Jan 2013 12:22 PM PST Irene is upset because she related that the family spent over AUD 40,000 (equivalent to RM124,000) in the initial treatment and diagnosis for Wong last month. The current treatment regime of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment in Singapore for the next six weeks is expected to cost at least SGD 60,000 (equivalent to RM150,000) and if brain surgery by way of the latest cyber knife surgery is performed to remove the brain tumour, then the cost per surgery session will be an additional SGD30,000 (equivalent to RM70,000). This does not include the costs of lodging, subsistence and transport for the family, especially Irene who will be with her husband throughout the entire treatment period in Singapore. The first phase of treatment is for a period of six weeks and thereafter after an intermission period of 3 weeks for review and evaluation, Wong may be required to undergo second phase treatment for another six weeks. The total cost of related to the medical treatment for Wong may easily hit SGD 200,000 (equivalent to RM500,000) over the next three months. "Wong is only 53 years old and we have 5 children – 4 of them are still in school and college and universities and hence our financial resources are already very strained. His legal practice suffered after he was elected as the MP for Sibu because he is unable to concentrate full-time on his legal practice which is our main source of income for the family. As a DAP MP, he is expected to contribute a portion of his allowance to the party and more of often than not, the allowance itself is not sufficient to pay for all the related expenses of serving the people as an MP. Every month we have to top up another RM10,000 as additional expenses for serving the people and maintaining our Service Centres," Irene said. She further said, "During the Sibu by-election and the Sarawak State election last year, we used up almost all of our personal savings of RM700,000 for campaign expenses as there was very little support from DAP HQ. Then we begged the Foo Chow clansmen and businessmen for donations and financial aid and we managed to raise over RM10 million from friends, relatives and well-wishers…I think we probably spent about RM4 million from that amount but the rest seemed to have been transferred from DAP Sarawak and disappeared into the party coffers in DAP HQ and we have no access to the funds…And now Wong is sick and we need money for his medical treatment and all that Guan Eng can say or do is that the party will support us morally and help service the constituency…Where is the humanitarian support to us in this time of difficulty? Not a single sen coming out from the party after all that we have done and achieved for the party. Shame on you Guan Eng."
Read more at:
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KL112 and a new Malaysian identity? Posted: 19 Jan 2013 03:49 PM PST Myths – stories, memories and symbols – provide the basis for the narratives that create, forge or reaffirm identities. These are especially crucial in periods of critical transformation and/or when societies are undergoing a crisis of identity. Jose Luis Borges noted that the past and the future inhibit the present. In the context of the KL112, PR is representing the present by connecting to a more glorious Malaysian past and the promise of a more glorious future. But why is PR now the purveyor of hope, a realm that was firmly in the hands of UMNO with visions of grandeur and Malaysians, Malays and Muslims being world beaters. The reasons are multifaceted and many are known with incompetence, mismanagement and corruption by the ruling regime being often touted as the main reasons. It could also be that Malaysia and Malaysians are undergoing an identity crisis. This crisis of identity came to surface with the twin economic and political crisis: the East Asian Financial Crisis (EAFC) of 1997/98 and the political and social fall-out as a consequence of the sacking and the subsequent brutal and humiliating treatment of then Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. While the May 13, 1969 pogrom scarred Malaysians in the way the different races – especially between the [older] Malays and Chinese – related to each other, many Malaysians, especially Malay-Muslims saw UMNO and the government in a different light after these twin crises. The popular Deputy Prime Minister who was to many Malay-Muslims, an icon of how Islam (and Muslims) can co-exist, even thrive in and with modernity felt terribly bitter in the manner he was treated. To the Malays, it was argued that a sacred feudalistic social contract had been breached. More importantly and pragmatically, the EAFC brought down to earth UMNO and Malay-Muslim pride that were then running on a can-do attitude captured through slogans such as 'Malaysia Boleh', 'Melayu Baru','Melayu Korporat' and rising bank balances (let alone the sole right to lead Malaysia). A cataclysmic crisis to an artificially created race that was always insecure and unsure of themselves. Difference between opposition public demonstrations and BN's and the creation of identities Several simple but important observations can be made of the public demonstrations by PR in contrast to the ruling regime. A united message – While the BN is in disarray with its 1Malaysia slogan that has lead to a series of debacles, ridicules and outright rejection at the highest levels of administration, PR through a series of broad based public demonstrations either in supportive or leading roles, have been instrumental in forging a new identity focusing on what is wrong in Malaysia. What this identity is precisely remains unclear and subject to different interpretations, but nevertheless it is bringing Malaysians genuinely together, united in opposing the regime. People and issue focused – Another important difference is that the mass gatherings manufactured by the BN are always about support of or for its leader/s and its leadership. The public demonstrations organised by PR and civil society are about issues that matter to Malaysians. Personalities do matter, but primary importance is to the issues. Malaysians are not spending their money, braving retribution from the government, risk limbs and jobs just to hear leaders of PR and/or civil society talk – they are there to make a point about issues that matter to them. And these issues are serious enough for Malaysians often characterised as docile and lackadaisical to come out of their comfort zones. A sense of purpose – this is possibly the most important point in the creation of identities. While BN organises events which do not have any meaningful sense of purpose for its participants, the public demonstrations are driven by a sense of purpose. This is critical in validating the myth. Broad sections of Malaysians – whole families, young and the old, workers and students, blue and white collar, Peninsular and East Malaysians, conservatives and progressives, leaders and followers – all have a sense of purpose. And when they're sprayed with chemically-treated water, tear-gassed or baton-charged, there is now a badge of courage, a shared myth, ridiculed by the mainstream media and elected leaders, a story is to be told. The story becomes a myth and a shared identity. It does not matter if they are a Keadilan, a PAS, a DAP, a PSM supporter or the various civil society and grass-roots movements, or the different races, or Malaysians making a stand on a myriad of issues. There is a story – a same story to be told. No BN member has anything that comes close. The last time was in 1946, when UMNO marched against the Malayan Union. A nation of equals – And remarkably, there is an air of egalitarianism. Among the speakers at the KL112 other than the political party leaders, were two women from minority races, representative from East Malaysia and grassroots leaders. The time given for each speaker were almost equally distributed. PR leadership did not have exclusive rights to the speeches but was shared with civil society and grassroots leaders. There was no emphasis on any particular party – PAS, DAP, PKR or PSM had almost equal time, with Anwar Ibrahim of PKR, designate Prime Minister, having the last word. BN's events in turn are always focused on the leaders and on one particular individual (and often on his wife). Whether it's a walk-about, or a teh-tarik session, or a mass rally – it is and always is – about the leader. Myths created, question and shattered Operasi Lalang catalysed civil societies in Malaysia but it was Reformasi that provided Malaysians opposed to the ruling regime with a shared myth that was different from the existing grand narrative. While many Malaysians lost their innocence (or belief) in UMNO, BN and their government, many Malaysians were also given the opportunity to work together to form a new 'identity' against the existing narrative. This grand narrative is two-fold: that Malaysians due to their racial and religious differences are incapable of managing themselves; and that only UMNO through BN can managed these differences. Since the time of Alliance, even the much loved Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's Father of Independence, had used this narrative. Many Malaysians believe in this myth, and to a large extent, the BN had delivered on this myth – not only managing competing racial and religious demands, but delivering growth, peace and stability.
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RCI proceedings: Facing up to the truth of where Malaysians come from Posted: 19 Jan 2013 03:44 PM PST The pro-Umno author and blogger Syed Akbar Ali, in a post critiquing the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah, has argued that it would not be out of place to have a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate why one million immigrants who were mostly Chinese and Indians were given citizenship in Malaya in the 1950s (see his post of 17 Jan 2013). According to him, "surely there must be at least five million Malays on the Peninsula today who may be wondering why or how that particular incident happened? Were they consulted? Was there a public referendum?" He also asserted that "Let's not argue about the fairness. Let's have a RCI first on the issue – how and why 1.0 million Chinese and Indians (including my mamak gang of course) were given citizenship." He may have made his proposal provocatively or tongue-in-cheek but a variant of it has appeared as one of the lines of defence used by the former prime minister in justifying the distribution of identity cards to foreigners and their registration as voters in Sabah. According to Dr Mahathir Mohamed , "One should also look back and remember that Tunku Abdul Rahman was worse than me, he gave one million to citizenships to people who are not qualified and not even tested". "Why is it when he does it, it is not wrong, and when I do it, it's wrong?" he asked. Dr Mahathir's response has drawn widespread derision since his remarks have appeared in the Internet media. His was not only a shallow attempt to divert attention away from his role in this unconstitutional operation by playing up to the chauvinistic feelings of the Malay audience. He also chose to malign a deceased prime minister in his attempt to get off the hook for masterminding the massive influx of illegal immigrants into Sabah. There is no comparison between the widely-publicized citizenship deal for non-Malay residents who became citizens of the country based on the principle of jus soli and the surreptitious citizenship-gifting racket that Mahathir and his gang ran. One was open, transparent and agreed to by all the major political stakeholders in the country, including the Rulers. The other was underhand, opaque, known to only a small group of conspirators and objectionable to the citizens of Sabah and the country as a whole. For anyone to suggest that this recent (and other similar) political gifting of citizenship is equivalent to that which was carefully negotiated to secure our independence is to scale new heights of political expediency, if not idiocy. It is necessary amidst the scorn poured on Dr Mahathir to note that he is correct in pointing out that the inflow of people from the southern Philippines into Sabah is not a recent phenomenon. The free movement of people in that region is indeed part of a long historical trend. But this free movement was ended by the establishment of the two new nation states –Malaysia and the Philippines. As a key figure in protecting our national interest – a responsibility which he swore to uphold when he accepted the position of prime minister – Mahathir should be the first to recognize the difference between the unrestricted movement of people during the pre-colonial and pre-Independence period and the illegal influx that he authorized. The RCI hearing may yet bring out new discouraging disclosures on the way the former prime minister abused his power to ensure a decisive electoral advantage for the Barisan Nasional and how he sought to prolong his rule over the country by unfair means. While we may not be able to do anything to revoke the illegal citizenship papers provided to non-Malaysians by the Mahathir regime, amidst all the gloom however, there is perhaps one positive development that we might console ourselves with. This is that we are indeed a nation of migrants with the latest large scale influx of Indonesians, Filipinos and other non-Malaysia migrants – illegal or otherwise – adding to the diversity of the country. Nearly 80 years ago, R. Emerson, in his classic work, Malaysia: A Study in Direct and Indirect Rule, noted the large size of alien communities as "an admirable index of the extent to which the Malayan way of life has been superseded by the new economy" (Pustaka Ilmu edition, University of Malaya Press, 1964, p.195)
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Pakatan Rakyat Is Sending A Message That They Do Not Need The Indian Votes Posted: 19 Jan 2013 12:02 PM PST
1. Pakatan Rakyat Banggi district council impose a ruling that after 6 pm the Hindu Temple in Banggi cannot ring the bell ! 2. Why must Pakatan Rakyat fail to understand the significance of ringing the bell in the Hindu Temple ?The Bell, known in Sanskrit as the Ghanta/Ghanti is used in all poojas for invoking the Gods. The ringing of the bell produces what is regarded as an auspicious sound. It produces the sound Om, the universal name of the Lord. There should be auspiciousness within and without, to gain the vision of the Lord who is all-auspiciousness.Another significance of ringing the bell is that they help drown any inauspicious or irrelevant noises and comments that might disturb or distract the worshippers in their devotional ardor (dedication), concentration and inner peace. 3. It is the Hindu culture and ritual that is practise all around the world. Why must Pakatan Rakyat be so rude and be disrespectful to the Indian community? 4. Just about some time ago Pakatan Rakyat in Kedah is trying to be funny with our Malaysian Chinese Chinese New Year Celebration and now in Selangor they are trying to do the same to the Indian/Hindu community? We must not forget that earlier Pakatan Rakyat in Sepang also had went into a private property and snatch people Hindu shrine and now with this latest rude and disrespectful ruling are they actually sending a message that they do not need our votes ? Read more at:
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