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- UndiMsia! “Aku Peduli Apa” videos go live!
- Where Did BN get my personal particulars from?
- Sandiwara of a python
- Batu Caves condo cancelled: Who suffers?
- Cybertrooper UMNO bergaduh kerana duit
- Islamik: Cara Betul Lupuskan Al-Quran
- Utusan Malaysia diberi percuma di UIAM, tapi orang tak mahu baca
- 75.9% Malaysian Households CANNOT afford HOUSES above RM$250,000!
- The Malaysian Indians and Hindraf
- Drinking poison and Nectar: The Malaysian Formula for Growth
- Don: Islamic state is not good even for Muslims
- Scriptures, neighbours, Terry Jones and Ibrahim Ali
- Race in politics, politics in race
- Breaking news! Another victory for Rosli Dahlan: Court of Appeal stays AG's bid to expunge
UndiMsia! “Aku Peduli Apa” videos go live! Posted: 28 Jan 2013 04:17 PM PST Watch them here: Aku peduli sistem pendidikan – Aku peduli isu perumahan – Help us tweet this at 11am, 3pm, and 9pm today (29 January 2013). - Use the hashtag #akupeduliapa - Mention @undimsia - Tweet about the stupid things politicians say or the issues you wish your politicians would care about - Include the following URL in your tweets: (education) (housing) Or if you are too lazy to come up with your own tweets, you can always RT the tweets with #akupeduliapa that appears in @undimsia @loyarburok or/and @pusatrakyatlb Read more at:
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Where Did BN get my personal particulars from? Posted: 28 Jan 2013 11:17 AM PST Today the 26th of January is the Indian Republican Day, it is also Australia day. It is the birthday of the famous actor Paul Newman too, and a host of other famous people if you google the 26th of January you'll find Anthropologists of world fame and many others, but 26th of January is also my birthday and you may be wondering why I am telling you all this.
Kim Poo Teh D.S.S.A.,P.J.K.,J.P.,DipM. MBA, MCIMFounder, Managing Director, Director and Chairman of Remuneration committee, Resintech Bhd CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS*Lot 3 & amp; 5 Jalan Waja 14Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor 42500 Malaysia Phone: 60 3 3122 2422 Fax: 60 3 3122 2411 Aha, now I had a phone number so I called the number and I asked for Dato Dr. Teh Kim Poo, the lady answering the call told me Dato was not available as he was overseas, so I asked her if she knew how he got my personal details she of course did not know. Well when I am angry you can tell it by the sound of my voice on the phone, many of you who know me know that for sure, and this girl who does not know me was no exception either, when I gave her the number on which I received the SMS, she told me that, that, was not his number and gave me his business number but warned me he was overseas. I replied, "I feel like making an overseas call right now." I called him and he answered. I asked if it was Dato Teh and he replied, "yes." I asked if he sent me a birthday greeting, and he, sounding rather happy and proud replied, (this is exactly what he said), "yes I did, in fact everyday I send out thousands of birthday greetings, New Year greetings, festival greetings to people in Klang, via SMS." I am from Klang and as long as I can remember no MCA man has even said hi, to me on the streets, so why would this Dato want to go to all that trouble to get my personal details and send me an unsolicited SMS, well I think the reasons are rather obvious. He has infringed on my privacy, from where did he get my personal particulars, does he not know that he has infringed my privacy, I wonder what are the other particulars he has about me. Well if he came to my house and said, "tolong undi BN" I may not have got so angry, the worst thing I would do under such circumstances is drive him put of my compound, the best is If and only if I liked what he said I may undi him but not the BN, but to go and get my personal particulars, which I have not given to UMNO, MIC or for that matter MCA or any other Barisan Nasional Party is too much and I need to know how he got it. Ya, he had my phone number, he knew my birthday, and he he was quite proud of this, this man who is the founder of Public Listed Company had all this, and I wanted to know who gave it to him, he shoudl ahve more sense not the Cow sense the BN has. So I asked politely, that is as politely as I could ask considering I was furious, more so furious with a BN man, and more so MCA man, and he did not reply. So furious that these people were strange bed fellows with one former Prime Minister who insulted our Citizenship recently, who illegally gave away citizenship to foreigners who now become Bumiputras whilst we remain second class citizens and this party had not stood up to this man, so why vote for such traitors? I was really annoyed, I told him he was a nobody, and that he was confounded idiot working for other idiots, and that getting access to the personal information of thousands of people in Klang is a serious matter and asked again how got it. All he said was, "okay, okay lah, sorry, okay lah" and he switched off his phone. The only people who have that kind of information are the government departments and the telecos. Now I need to know which government department or which telco gave him these details? I want to find out, who are the people in the government giving out personal details to members of political parties? This is something we all need to know, because I am told by my friends they received Thaipusam greetings, they received Birthday greetings, and they received even Ponggol greetings, Chinese New Year is around the corner and many of you are going to receive this unsolicited mail from these running dogs. This information could not have become available from an MCA register, I am not a Chinese the nearest I go is my wife is Chinese so how did he get my details? I was not born in a Chinese maternity home, I did not go to a Chinese School, so how did this MCA bloke get it? They can't even have got from the MIC, I am no MIC member, I fail to qualify because I do not speak Tamil so where did it come from? I am not Muslim, I am a staunch Christian - a Catholic, so I can't claim to be Melayu like Mahathir Mohammed Bin Iskandar Kutty, and become an UMNO member, so where did he get my personal details? This only goes to show how desperate the BN has become, and how they misuse the trust the people have placed on them that they can go the extent of infringing on our privacy without blinking an eye and no tfear the consequences.
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Posted: 28 Jan 2013 10:55 AM PST Perhaps their rejoicing has been premature. I'll give my take shortly after we recall why he has been removed from PAS Majlis Syura. Malaysiakini reported (extracts): Nasahrudin & Najib in Mecca Nasharudin was once a leading figure in PAS until news reports claimed that he was trying to convince party leaders to forge closer ties with arch-rivals Umno due to religious reasons, instead of secularist DAP and PKR. On several occasions, Nasharudin had attempted to drive a wedge between PAS and its Pakatan Rakyat allies, such as by claiming that DAP had prayed for the formation of a Christian state after the Sarawak state election in 2011. Irking party members further was Nasharudin's apparent cosy ties with Umno. He had accompanied Prime Minister and Umno president Najib Abdul Razak abroad a few times, most recently to Gaza. (left to right) Palestinian PM Haniyeh, Najib, Nasharudin Look, I opine if it had not been Nasharudin it could and would have been Hasan Ali, Zulkifli Nor, or a host of other PAS blokes who prefer to be pally buddy with their political foe, UMNO, rather than their mainly non-Malay political ally DAP (or PKR, but definitely the former), so there's no point in blasting Nasharudin because that would not help understand where he has been coming from. To understand the mentality of Nasharudin and people of his ilk, it may be helpful if we pull up the UMNO Ketuanan Melayu mantra of raja, bangsa, agama dan negara. Note that I have place negara last as it's my personal belief very few of the UMNO or PAS worry about it, unless they can argue that negara refers to an only UMNO-Malay country. Okay, maybe if pressed, they would probably rationalize that once the first three, namely, raja, bangsa dan agama have been duly defended and upheld, negara would automatically be taken care of. We could argue over this all day until Shahrizat's missing cows do the impossible and come home, and still won't agree. Anyway, I opine the so-called Ketuanan Melayu struggle is all about power and its control, and of course the associated and most important privileges and benefits that come along with it. Only in the most exceptional circumstances would UMNO's Ketuanan Melayu be really about bangsa. Examining raja, bangsa dan agama, this mantra can be further reduced or crystallized into just one word, either bangsa or agama because for a Malay-Muslim, these two factors are indivisible. What about raja then? In my opinion, raja and the sanctity of the institution would be an intrinsic component of Malay culture and Malay psyche, and again cannot be separated from bangsa. Thus UMNO can yell bangsa or if it likes, agama, though currently the latter has assumed far greater importance than the former because (a) it demonstrates to the Heartland that UMNO is (still) the intrepid defender of Islam, (b) it allows UMNO priests to issue fatwas to its political advantage, and (c) it drives a lovely wedge between PAS and DAP, or even PAS and Anwar because the latter's stand on the Allah word has deeply riled many PAS people. Incidentally, on this I must compliment Anwar for assuming a firm Pakatan approach than his usual tap dancing self. * in case some of you may question why I compliment Anwar on this when I have been consistently against the Christian Church using the Allah word. And that's because they are separate issues. My stand against the Church has been based on my belief (or suspicion) that the Church's arguments has been obdurately implausible and thus indefensible (and I provided all my reasons for my stand), whereas my compliment for Anwar on the same issue has been about his firm stand on an already agreed Pakatan policy even though I personally disagree with that policy. I suspect PAS' volte-face has been due to one of two reasons, or even both - it fears that as an Islamic party it's losing grounds as well as its Islamic credentials to UMNO on the Allah word controversy or it has been a coup d'état by its party's Majlis Syura (many of its members other than perhaps Pak Haji Nik Aziz have been uncomfortable working with a secular DAP), or both. Even PAS party president Mat Sabu has no choice but to toe the Majlis Syura line, whence he did a belakang pusing on the use of the Allah word by the Church, a 180-degrees departure from his earlier stand which indicates an ominous portent of things to come if Malaysia is ever ruled by PAS. I had warned in my post PAS - from Progressive to Pythonic that once Malaysia has been established as an Islamic State, we can forget about Westminster democracy, where any of its pseudo-democracy and associated institutions under Islamic rule will automatically come under the control of a supreme, non-questionable, non-challengeable (a la the fatwas of the Kedah MB), and totally dictatorial religious Majlis ... ... and as mentioned by RPK in his post Friday prayers are NOT compulsory, said the Mufti, the process in an Islamic environment is not democratic and not questionable even by logic, reason, precedent or rules. But the Malay nationalists in PAS (and that's who some of them really are), much as they believe in bangsa, can only scream agama because politically it has only the religious warrant, unlike UMNO which can switch flexibly (or unscrupulously) from bangsa to raja to agama to negara and even to 1Malaysia as its clarion call of the day without any qualms or embarrassment, wakakaka. Yes, more than a few PAS members possess a similar belief in UMNO's Ketuanan Melayu because the ethnocentric Devil is still ensconced in our political-social-cultural DNA. Read more at:
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Batu Caves condo cancelled: Who suffers? Posted: 27 Jan 2013 05:24 PM PST It is easy for politicians to promise a solution to a problem, especially as a condition for being voted into power, or to be seen as being sensitive to voters' complaints. But often, the issue is more complex and the promised "solution" causes even more problems. What are some of the ramifications of cancelling or stopping a project once development approval has been granted? Costing public money In all this talk of cancelling the project, politicians have left out an important group that would be severely affected – the buyers of the condominium units. These buyers would have paid a down payment, secured a bank loan, and signed a sales and purchase agreement. These would only have taken place with the necessary approvals from the local council for the project. Usually, local councils would be slow to cancel any approved development because the ramifications are immense. If the development approval was correctly granted, the council would potentially have to pay compensation to the developer and buyers for the cancellation. This means that keeping the promise to halt the project may result in a large sum of public money being spent to pay off aggrieved parties. Harming the public's purse would also not be popular politically. This, then, leads one to wonder what will happen after the general election, and whether such promises will then be dropped for the next politically expedient pledge. Under the Town and Country Planning Act, it is the state planning committee that is legally empowered to order a stop to the project. The order would be published in the government gazette, mentioning the state planning committee meeting that affirmed the order. As Khalid made no mention of the law being invoked in his announcement to cancel the project, it is still possible for the government to back out later and say he acted prematurely. Buyers beware There is, however, the option of arguing that the documentation and approvals are not in order due to fraud or corruption, and finding a way to absolve the council from paying any compensation. But even if there is a valid legal reason to stop the project, this still leaves buyers in a lurch. Take the case of the purchasers of the Taman Petaling Utama Block E low-cost flat, which started construction in April 2004. It was meant to house 276 villagers from several demolished squatter villages in PJS 1. Sales and purchase agreements were signed with bank loans approved for 262 buyers, as the remainder failed to qualify for the bank loans. The project was supposed to be completed in May 2006. On 2 June 2006, the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) received a solicitor's letter sent on behalf of the owner of a house located next to the project. The house owner objected to the project and had obtained a court injunction from the Shah Alam High Court dated 9 July 2004 that prohibited construction of the project pending the case hearing. Since then, the buyers have had a tough time trying to resolve their predicament. On 23 July 2007, they met with MBPJ officers to discuss the problems, assisted by the office of then Petaling Jaya Selatan member of Parliament Datuk Donald Lim. Promises were made, but no action was forthcoming. On 8 March 2008, the Selangor government changed hands to the Pakatan Rakyat. From 2008 to 2010, the buyers had several meetings with MBPJ and their new elected representatives, and more promises were made to resolve the problems. When still no solution was found, the buyers staged a protest at Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim's office on 15 Nov 2011. Khalid reportedly promised an answer within a week. He said: "We need to discuss with the developer and other agencies to resolve the matter. These things will take time." Several options were proposed, but it is now 2013 with no building in sight. Meanwhile, the buyers are still servicing bank loans with only a sales and purchase agreement to show for all the money they are paying. It will be five years soon, from the time the present PR government came into power, but it doesn't appear like the problems will be solved before the next general election.
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Cybertrooper UMNO bergaduh kerana duit Posted: 27 Jan 2013 01:01 PM PST Cybertrooper UMNO adalah kumpulan IT ahli UMNO dan penyokong UMNO yang dibiayai oleh UMNO untuk berkeliaran dalam Facebook dan Blog bertujuan untuk menyerang parti lain, menimbulkan kekeliruan dan …anda boleh baca lagi di sini Mereka dibayar oleh UMNO. Baca di sini Sila lihat nama-nama cybertrooper UMNO di pautan itu. Mereka diajar dan dididik oleh UMNO dengan duit. Ada duit kerja jalan. Tak ada duit, boleh jalan. Kalau bagi sikit, kerja sikit. Kalau bayar tinggi, kerja tanpa henti. Tetapi sampai bila UMO boleh bayar mereka? Sampai bila cybertrooper ini boleh terima upah yang sikit dan tidak berbaloi? Pastinya mereka akan bergaduh kerana dunia….bergaduh kerana duit…..baca lagi kisah mereka bergaduh baru-baru ini UMNO akan kehabisan wang untuk membayar cybertrooper sebelum PRU 13. Watch videos at:
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Islamik: Cara Betul Lupuskan Al-Quran Posted: 27 Jan 2013 12:50 PM PST HATI tiba-tiba berasa sayu tatkala melihat 33 bungkusan plastik hitam yang mengandungi abu al-Quran diikat rapi sebelum dipunggah ke atas sebuah kapal oleh sekumpulan petugas Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Terengganu (JHEAT). Seketika kemudian, jentera itu bergerak jauh ke tengah laut di perairan Kuala Terengganu dan berhenti sembilan batu nautika dari jeti Jabatan Laut Malaysia Wilayah Timur. NASKHAH al-Quran diasingkan sehelai demi sehelai sebelum diracik. Tepat pukul 10.37 pagi, Khamis lalu, plastik pertama dibuka. Seorang petugas yang bertinggung di tepi pelantar kapal membuang semua abu itu ke dalam laut. Abu itu memenuhi permukaan laut dan larut perlahan-lahan dalam air yang sejuk. Perasaan sayu sekali lagi menyelubungi diri, seolah-olah sedang menyaksikan perjalanan terakhir kitab suci itu ke tempat persemadiannya.
Ujar beliau, naskhah al-Quran lama yang dikumpul tidak boleh dibakar sesuka hati sebaliknya mesti diasing-asingkan sehelai demi sehelai. Tambahnya, proses itu penting bagi memastikan setiap lembaran yang mengandungi ayat al-Quran terbakar dan menjadi abu sebelum dilupuskan di tengah laut. Bercerita mengenai proses mengumpul al-Quran lama itu, ia ternyata menuntut ketabahan para petugasnya. Seorang petugas, Mohd. Radhwan Abu Bakar, 39, berkata, beliau bertanggungjawab mengumpul dan meleraikan al-Quran itu sebelum membakarnya. "Saat paling sedih adalah apabila melihat al-Quran yang ditemui sudah rosak seratus peratus. Ia berada dalam keadaan basah manakala tulisannya tidak kelihatan lagi. "Saya juga menjumpai senaskhah al-Quran yang pada asalnya bersaiz besar tetapi tinggal selebar tapak tangan sahaja akibat dimakan anai-anai. Ia begitu menyayat hati," tambahnya. Ujar Radhwan, detik paling sukar pula adalah semasa beliau memasukkan helaian demi helaian al-Quran itu ke dalam tong untuk dibakar. "Bayangkan bagaimana perasaan kami apabila melihat kitab suci itu dibiarkan terbakar. Tetapi itulah cara terbaik untuk menjaga kesuciannya daripada terus dibiar rosak dan dibuang di merata tempat," katanya. CEBISAN helaian al-Quran dibakar di dalam sebuah tong khas. Read more at:
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Utusan Malaysia diberi percuma di UIAM, tapi orang tak mahu baca Posted: 27 Jan 2013 12:38 PM PST SEBELUM ini pernah didedahkan di MiLo SuaM bagaimana Utusan Malaysia diedarkan secara percuma di Kedah dengan tajaan pihak tertentu memandangkan jualannya sudah merudum teruk rujuk sini ~ Utusan Malaysia percuma.
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75.9% Malaysian Households CANNOT afford HOUSES above RM$250,000! Posted: 27 Jan 2013 12:08 PM PST How do we ensure the price of properties is stabilized and more affordable houses is offered to the public?
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The Malaysian Indians and Hindraf Posted: 27 Jan 2013 12:04 PM PST Sometimes we have to ask ourselves - where do these so called analysts come from? Which planet? Arriving at some very preliminary and inconclusive summaries based on surveys made through telephone calls are risky. How do we authenticate the answers given? And there are so many other variables to consider - the character of the sample, sample size, the nature of the questions, the questioners. How do we know, the sample population asked is not the same one approached before and the one already existent in the data base? Political predictions is not the dig-here-fill-there kind. It's not tear-here-paste there kind. Unfortunately that seems to be the approach taken and journalists eagerly lap them up. Take the findings on Hindraf recently. Analysts say because Hindraf has lost steam, the Indians will come back into the embrace of BN. how do we arrive at the conclusion that Hindraf has lost steam? Because the government has lifted the ban on them? Therefore Hindraf must have capitulated. It was all hot chicken sheet that has cooled down? What was the extent of Indian support for Hindraf before? What was the nature of their support? Were they supportive of the physical presence of Hindraf or were they supportive of the idea that Hindraf represents? So now we can safely conclude since the grounds on which Hindraf stands are dug out, the same soil can be used to fill up elsewhere? Behind Najib's house? Palanivel's?
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Drinking poison and Nectar: The Malaysian Formula for Growth Posted: 26 Jan 2013 10:37 PM PST The issue whether or not Taib Mahmud is a clean politician was never the key. It was whether Taib Mahmud had delivered, and on that count he scored. Perhaps not in the most raring of percentages but but he was adequately high on a scale of one to ten. In the Malaysian context, irrespective of corruption, development scores. If a politician at the helm of affairs demonstrates his intent and will to deliver as well as takes positive steps in that direction, similar to that of the Taib Mahmud Sarawakian government, then the electorate reposes its faith in him. This more often than not overlooks the incumbency factor. Taib Mahmud was voted in as chief minister for eight terms: the last one going beyond anyone's expectations. The grapevine has it that Taib himself was not sure of winning but the people voted him in on three counts; the first being that only he can keep UMNO from coming into Sarawak, the second being that he had done for Sarawak what no other Chief Minister had and third being that development was high on the agenda. There were stories about several family members benefiting billions during his regime but those allegations waned in the face of the work he had done. A great deal still remains undone but his intention and will to work benefited the people who voted him in and this alone is enough reason for the electorate to back him and ensure his return to office which he held for eight terms. In the case of Dr Mahathir, the issue also worked in his favour was the perception that his heart beats for the Malays although he is half-Indian and that even while the party or his confidantes made money left, right and center, he had electoral support till of course he made the fatal mistake of sacking Anwar Ibrahim for corruption and sodomy charges. In Malaysia, race, religion or corruption comes into play when development takes a backseat. In situations like this, non-performing politicians have a field day in exploiting race and religion blocks to their advantage and they often succeed. Koh Tsu Koon was able to rule Penang and later managed to name chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan as his successor primarily because he helped UMNO and had the support of the Feds in the center, get electoral power and in turn had a role in decision making. But what dented Koh Tsu Koon's unassailable position were his non-performance and confining his tenure solely to UMNO politics. That worked initially but later Penangites wanted results of governance where of course he failed miserably. The consequence: a total rout from which recovery seems a near impossibility as the recent 2008 election-results have demonstrated. Read more at:
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Don: Islamic state is not good even for Muslims Posted: 26 Jan 2013 03:45 PM PST Well-known sociologist Syed Farid Alatas says that one of the greatest dangers facing Malaysian society is the rise of Muslim extremism - Wahabism and Salafism - or legalistic thinking that reduces citizens to rules and regulation. He said these are the notion and role of an Islamic state currently being promoted by BN/Umno and PAS but both ways are "problematic" as there is no real debate on the issues here. "The correct point I think is that we can't have an Islamic state because an Islamic state is not good even for Muslims. "When I say that, I don't mean that Islam is not good for Muslims," the head of Malay studies at the National University of Singapore was quick to add. "I mean the conception of an Islamic state which is a modernist idea is a chaotic idea". Syed Farid was speaking in a two-hour plenary lecture entitled "Contemporary Muslim Revival: The Case of Protestant Islam" at the Wawasan Open Univesity in Penang last night. Only 7% of Turks for Islamic state His lecture was in conjunction with the "Colloquium on Democracy and Social Justice" jointly organised by Penang Institute and the Islamic Renaissance Front. The Don - a Malaysian - has published extensively on the themes of Muslim revivalism, religious extremism, decolonisation of knowledge and democracy. In his lecture, Syed Farid went on to explain that the proponents of the idea of an Islamic state mostly talked about Hudud laws which centred around criminal laws. "Those Muslims never talked about an Islamic state. For them what was necessary was to live in the society that allows you to live according to the rules and laws of Islam," he added. He gave the example of a large scale survey conducted in Turkey two years ago, where the religious citizens (not the secularists) were asked whether they want to live in an Islamic state. Only seven percent said "yes", noted Syed Farid, as majority of Turks did not want the state to administer Islam or decide on religious matters, they wanted the freedom to administer it themselves. Malaysia needs more debate "So being against Islamic state is not to be secular or to be against Islam, Muslims really need to understand that," said Syed Farid, who read for his PhD at the John Hopkins University. They have to understand that the whole notion of the Islamic state is a modernist idea," he stressed. Syed Farid said the entire thinking of what constitutes a state in Islam and how the religion is brought into modern life needs to be debated and discussed but that is not being done because Islam is being politicised in Malaysia. Read more at:
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Scriptures, neighbours, Terry Jones and Ibrahim Ali Posted: 25 Jan 2013 11:18 AM PST Some years ago I read Max Rodenbeck's Cairo: The City Victorious. Cairo gave me good insights about how people cope politically, socially and economically in a crowded city. Read more at: | ||||||||
Race in politics, politics in race Posted: 24 Jan 2013 07:47 PM PST But he said it's tough though not impossible, using the March 2008 results as indicative of Pakatan achieving the 'impossible'. But he cautioned that it will likely be a very close call, where in such a situation, every single vote will count, more than ever before in Malaya/Malaysia's 55 years' history as an independent nation. Malaysian politics is the story of politics of race or, if you like, race in politics. Unfortunately we can't escape racial discussions in politics because in truth we haven't yet possess adequate thrust (or trust) and thus the required escape velocity to overcome its powerful gravitational pull, which compels us into more mundane Earthly understanding of its issues. One insight Gunasegaram shared with us in his article has been that the Chinese vote bank is more or less already owned by Pakatan, and thus any further increase in Chinese support will likely not be as dramatically significant as it had been in 2008. Whatever moderate gains Pakatan will further obtain from the Chinese in GE-13 will probably be in some MCA-held seats in Johor. Also, rumours have it that Hishamuddin Hussein will be changing his seat for another as 40% of the registered voters in his current constituency of Sembrong are Chinese, so that could well be a pending Pakatan seat. Of course there may be gains in additional Chinese-majority seats in Sabah and Sarawak, but I'll leave this sector to better informed people to enlighten me. One glaring omission in Gunasegaram's article has been the Indian factor in Peninsula. Remember how Uthayakuamar and his supporters and sympathizers kept telling us it was the Hindraf-galvanized Indian mass that enabled Pakatan to achieve its 2008 election wins, ... ... and how he would withdraw that Hindraf-ized Indian support for Pakatan if the coalition doesn't listen to and accept his HRP's several demands, one of which had been the right to contest in 7 parliamentary seats and 16 state seats without Pakatan's participation, based on a Free Malaysia Today's report on 14 September 2011 titled HRP demands 23 seats from Pakatan. The seven parliamentary seats he wanted were: (1) Padang Serai (Kedah) currently held by Gobalakrishnan, formerly PKR, (2) Batu Kawan (Penang) currently held by Dr Ramasamy (DAP) (3) Ipoh Barat (Perak) currently held by Kulasegaran (DAP) (4) Kota Raja (Selangor) currently held by Siti Mariah Mahmud (PAS) (5) Teluk Kemang (Negri Sembilan) currently held by Kamarul Baharin Abbas (PKR) (6) Cameron Highlands (Pahang) currently held by Devamany Krishnasamy (MIC), and (7) Tebrau (Johor) currently held by Teng Book Soon (MCA). Now, hasn't Uthayakumar just been the brightest spark in the class in asking Pakatan to meekly surrender 5 of their federal seats for his HRP to contest in GE-13, with 3 of the 5 seats held by his fellow Indians? Surely this calls for a re-reading of my post Malaysian Racism & The 3 Baskets of Crabs at my other blog BolehTalk, wakakaka. The 16 state seats he wanted were Bukit Selambau and Lunas (Kedah), Prai and Bagan Dalam (Penang), Buntong and Hutan Melintang (Perak), Port Dickson and Jeram Padang (Negri Sembilan), Tanah Rata and Ketari (Pahang), Puteri Wangsa and Tiram (Johor) and Sri Andalas, Ijok, Seri Setia and Bukit Melawati (Selangor). You can work it out how many of those seats are currently held by Pakatan. Help you with a couple: Khalid Ibrahim holds Ijok, wakakaka, and Dr Ramasamy holds Prai, wakakaka again. What do you reckon Pakatan would have told him? Maybe something like this: You claimed to have gifted mandores In 2008 with a Hindraf blank cheque Now you want us to be like whores To give in and lie down on our back Perhaps mandores we may well be Though if you expect us to give in To demands so big-headedly crazy Tambi, we'd be committing a big sin Wakakaka, and I am not sure whether Uthayakumar is still insisting on these 23 seats. But anyway, back on track, I wish Gunasegaram had analysed the Indian factor in his article. On one hand people like Uthaykumar claimed that it had been Indian support that enabled Pakatan to win such a big victory in 2008, and should that be true, then given recent analyses that about 80% of Indians have returned to the BN fold, what does that spell for Pakatan other than big trouble. On the other, which I am inclined towards, yes the Indians did contribute to the Pakatan victory in 2008 but they weren't the most impactful force behind the tsunami sweeping our political landscape. In arguing against the theory of Hindraf being the principal winning factor, I drew comparison to an earlier tsunami in 1969 when Hindraf was not even in existence (and Anwar Ibrahim was a youngish 20 something) yet which saw BN's predecessor, Perikatan (Alliance) lost humongously.
I stated that the Pakatan victory in 2008, as the victory for the loose informal pact of Gerakan-DAP-PPP (including even informal associate PAS) in 1969, happened because many voters had had enough of BN and respectively Perikatan, and were prepared to change, and not because of any particular NGO. It calls into question the theory of Hindraf being the primary earth-shaking force in March 2008.
Assuming my belief is correct, and if the majority of Indian voters will be supporting BN in GE-13 as they traditionally have (yes, the Indians have been BN's 'fixed deposit'), there may be some adverse effect for Pakatan but certainly not to the extent Mr Gloom & Doom has been threatening the Pakatan 'mandores', wakakaka.
We also need to remember that Hindraf had not been an exclusive Uthayakumar's one-man effort but which saw front line participation by DAP members, one of whom, M Manoharan, is an ADUN who won Kota Alam Shah seat while he was behind ISA lockup as a Hindraf leader. So not all Hindraf supporters would necessarily boycott Pakatan. It's also significant to note that Manoharan won in a Chinese majority seat, defeating the BN Chinese candidate by a resounding majority of more than 7500 votes in a constituency of only 26000 voters. Thus it's likely the DAP brand rather than Hindraf label that had enabled Manoharan to become an ADUN in Selangor.
So I personally believe the Indians supporting BN, while certainly not favourable to Pakatan, will not have that drastic effect as threatened by a crab (in a basket, wakakaka). Leaving aside the Sabah and Sarawak factors, and let's not deny they will be very BIG factors, the fight in GE-13 which will produce big earth shaking results in Peninsula will be for the hearts of the Heartland. This is certainly the belief of RPK as enunciated in his post Why is Dr Mahathir such an idiot?, a title which belies the political shrewdness of the former PM.
RPK wrote (extracts only): The only thing that can save Umno would be the Malay votes -- that determine roughly two-thirds of the seats in West Malaysia. And that is why what they are doing/saying is not to win the hearts and mind of the Chinese and Indian voters. It is too late to win the hearts and minds of the Chinese and Indian voters. They need to win the hearts and minds of the Malay voters. And to do that they need to do and say what they are currently doing and saying. While this may upset the Chinese and Indians, who are not going to vote for Umno anyway, it pacifies the Malays. And it is the Malays they want to pacify, not the Chinese and Indians, who have made it very clear they are not going to vote Barisan Nasional or Umno come hell or high water.
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Breaking news! Another victory for Rosli Dahlan: Court of Appeal stays AG's bid to expunge Posted: 24 Jan 2013 04:45 PM PST Only last week, we saw The Star newspaper defeated and humbled by Rosli. Yet, The Star made no mention of it until they had to publish the Public Apology that the court ordered against them. That is the state of disinformation, misinformation and lies in our country perpetrated by the mainstream media. They are no longer newspapers reporting news but are just instruments of propaganda. On 28 November 2012, the AGC had asked the Court to prevent Rosli from testifying in open court and also toexpunge certain parts of his witness statement relating to theCopgate Affair and other matters. On 3rd January,MalaysiaKini reported that Justice Hue Siew Kheng had ruled in favour of the AGC that the allegations made in Rosli's statement were "riddled with hearsay" and were not relevant. The parts that the AGC wanted expunged described how AGGani Patail, former IGP Musa Hassan and the MACC had conspired to fix up Rosli. It narrated IGP Musa Hassan's connection with the underworld Along loan shark syndicate; why AG Gani Patail was upset with Rosli for foiling his plans not to charge MAS's former Chairman Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli for defrauding the national airlines; also of the MACC's attempt to extort Rosli to drop his RM50miliion law suit against them. In 2011, RPK's Malaysia Today revealed that AG Gani Patailhad a "special relationship" with Tajudin's proxy, ShahidanShafie, a former police inspector who was charged for corruption in the 1990s. Tabung Haji's documents showed that AG Gani Patail and family had enjoyed the Zamrud Hajj package that costs more than RM 260,000/- bringing into question if the trip was paid by Shahidan since they all shared rooms like one big happy family. Expunging these parts of Rosli's witness statements would have meant that none of these would be revealed in court. It means that Rosli would have to go to trial without thesematerial evidence being allowed to be tendered in Court.That's why the AGC was intent on blotting out theseevidence. But despite that setback, Rosli persevered and soldiered on alone. However, the irony in the AGC's application was that they had reproduced the whole expunged questions and answers. Similarly, all the expunged parts have also been reproduced in the written judgment of Justice Hue. This is a comedy of errors! While on one part, they wanted to hide these stories from the public, on the other hand, they have reproduced all these in a public document! Where is the logic?
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