Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Why are we here today?

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 02:51 PM PST

Yet I have unhappy news ― by all accounts, GE 13 will be far from clean and fair. I will not go into the details, many of you know them. The recent fiasco with the overseas voters is yet another example. The suggested process is not clean, not transparent and the conditions that have been imposed on overseas voters are not, in my view, constitutional.

Ambiga Sreenevasan

My friends, why are we here today?

Why have we chosen to give up our Saturday to gather here? Together. Again.

The answer is, we love our country. We care about Malaysia. We care about Malaysians. Our children, our parents, their future, our future.

And more importantly we are here because we have hope. We think that a better Malaysia is within our grasp. We know it is. I know it is. And it is all because of you ― a rakyat that cares enough to do something about achieving a bright future for our country.

As far as Bersih 2.0 is concerned, we just want clean and fair elections. If there is to be change in the leadership, we want to do it through the ballot box. Our objectives are clear and clean and fair. Our message to all the political parties is: Respect our rights as citizens, honour our vote, and, give us clean and fair elections!

Yet I have unhappy news ― by all accounts, GE 13 will be far from clean and fair. I will not go into the details, many of you know them. The recent fiasco with the overseas voters is yet another example. The suggested process is not clean, not transparent and the conditions that have been imposed on overseas voters are not, in my view, constitutional.

So why am I so sure the election will not be clean and fair? Well, one of the easiest demands to fulfil is to give free and fair access to the media to all parties. It takes just a phone call. Yet we see no move towards that and the mainstream media continues with its skewed and often dishonest reports. It shows a complete lack of political will to even the playing field between the parties.

Does that mean, however, that we throw in the towel? That we walk away in despair? On the contrary, Bersih has two important projects that we have launched which we believe will make a difference in the next elections.

The first is our project called PEMANTAU, a citizens' observer mission. This is not a new concept as it has been carried out in numerous countries. Studies have found that citizen observer missions can reduce political violence and fraud.

We are excited about this project and we are looking out for approximately 10,000 volunteers to help us cover 30-40 per cent of the total number of constituencies.

The second project is to bring out the vote. (Keluar mengundi, lawan penipuan). Although our voter turnout is high, a higher turnout will help to mitigate fraud to some extent. Both these projects need your help and your input. Both are projects of the people, for the people and by the people.

So there is much work to be done. And we can all be involved to ensure as far as possible, that fraud and discrepancies can be minimised in the 13th GE. Knowing the rakyat I know you will rise to the occasion as the nation calls to you to take part in its future.

As that famous song goes, my fellow Malaysians, "This is it"!!

* Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan is the co-chair of Bersih, the movement for clean and fair elections.


Polis haramkan himpunan Sabah Bangkit

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 09:21 PM PST 

Ketua polis Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, Asisten Komisioner Jauteh Dikun mengeluarkan kenyataan berikutan perhimpunan Sabah Bangkit yang akan berlansung pada 12 Januari 2013 bertempat di Taman Chong Thien Vun pada jam 2.00 petang. Dalam kenyataan tersebut, beliau menyatakan perhimpunan ini tidak mendapat sebarang permit daripada polia atau mana-mana jabatan berkenaan yang seterusnya membawa kesalahan undang-undang mengikut akta perhimpunan aman 2012.

Gegar Anak Muda

Respon penganjur perhimpunan -

Penganjur perhimpunan Sabah Bangkit adalah Gabungan NGO menuntut hak rakyat Sabah (GEGAR) menyatakan kita tidak mahu bertuhankan Akta Perhimpunan Aman. Kita yakin dan percaya, rakyat berhak duduk dan berada di mana-mana sudut di negeri ini. Kita rasakan, akta ini yang dibentuk selepas adanya perlembagaan yang menjamin hak berhimpun adalah rangka menghakis sedikit sebanyak hak berhimpun.

Akta ini bukanlah cara untuk mendisiplinkan peserta. Sebaliknya, peserta itu sendiri yang menentukan suasana perhimpunan. Sekali lagi, saya yakin dan percaya, rakyat sudah matang dan sangat bersopan santun.

Himpunan ini akan berlangsung dengan aman dan tidak akan menjejaskan ketenteraman awam. Selaku penganjur, kita akan meneruskan perhimpunan ini kerana kita terus berpasak pada jaminan perlembagaan.


Berjalan Bersama AMK Demi Kebebasan, Keadilan dan Demokrasi

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 11:20 AM PST

8 rally points for #KL112 


Angkatan Muda Keadilan Malaysia (AMK) mengalu-alukan keputusan untuk membenarkan Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR) berlangsung di Stadium Merdeka pada 12 Januari 2013. Keputusan yang bersejarah tersebut merupakan kejayaan kuasa rakyat yang sentiasa berjuang untuk berhimpun serta hak untuk mengguna ruang awam untuk bersuara sejak zaman Reformasi lagi.


AMK menyokong sepenuhnya Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat serta 8 tuntutan rakyat yang melibatkan seluruh aspeks kepentingan rakyat tanpa mengira kaum, agama dan jantina. HKR akan menjadi satu detik bersejarah di mana seluruh rakyat Malaysia bangkit dan semangat kemerdekaan daripada penindasan, kezaliman serta kemiskinan.


Dengan itu, AMK akan mengadakan Berjalan Demi Kebebasan, Keadilan dan Demokrasi pada Sabtu ini sempena HKR. AMK yang diketuai oleh Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin akan berjalan dari Padang Timur, Petaling Jaya (PJ), depan Amcorp Mall ke Stadium Merdeka bersama-sama dengan anak-anak muda.


Berikut adalah perjalanan yang akan dilalui oleh AMK pada 12 Januari 2013 (Sabtu):-


8.00am – Berkumpul di Padang Timur, PJ (Depan Amcorp Mall)


9.00am – Berjalan menuju ke Masjid Ar-Rahman Universiti Malaya (UM)


11.00am – Bergabung dengan mahasiswa dan anak muda di UM di Masjid Ar-Rahman


12.30pm – Bergabung dengan peserta HKR di Stesyen Monorail Tun Sambahtan, Brickfield untuk berjalan ke Stadium Merdeka


1.30pm – Sampai di Stadium Merdeka untuk gegarkan #KL112


AMK mengajak orang ramai untuk menyertai Berjalan Demi Kebebasan, Keadilan dan Demokrasi pada Sabtu ini. Dengan berjalan kaki ke Stadium Merdeka, semangat perjuangan bersama rakyat serta tekad kebangkitan rakyat untuk menuntut 8 tuntutan rakyat dapat ditunjukkan.


Sementara itu, tiga Pasukan Pertolongan Kecemasan akan bersedia untuk membantu semua peserta di sepanjang perjalanan. Semua peserta diseru untuk mengikut arahan penganjur serta pasukan keselamatan. Jangan terperdaya dengan pelbagai maklumat dan propaganda hitam yang disebarkan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.


Keselamatan peserta serta perjalanan yang lancar adalah diutamakan untuk mencapai matlamat yang ditetapkan. Dengan sikap yang disiplin dan tertib, AMK yakin HKR akan berjaya dilangsungkan dengan semangat kebangkitan rakyat yang mengubah lanskap politik serta mencatat sejarah di Malaysia.


Who is Khalid Ibrahim batting for?

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 02:23 PM PST

Lucius Goon, The Malaysian Insider

Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has to figure out if he is a Pakatan Rakyat leader or is he the Selangor Sultan's spokesman.

He cannot have it both ways.

If I remember correctly, he was elected on a PKR ticket and PKR is part of Pakatan Rakyat and the Pakatan Rakyat leadership announced that non-Muslims had a right to use the word "Allah". So like any loyal Pakatan politician, you would expect Khalid to accept the coalition's position.

Instead, you have him regurgitating the rubbish story about how the religious enactment of the state prevents others from using Allah in an undignified manner. That by the way is the position of the Umno-friendly Majlis Agama Islam Selangor.

The point is the Selangor Sultan is the head of Islam in the state but he has no say over the matters pertaining to Christianity or Sikhism. Matters on religious freedom are enshrined in the Federal Constitution, and not to be decided in Selangor.

Incidentally, the High Court has interpreted the constitution and allowed the Catholic Church to use the word "Allah". The government has appealed the decision but until the appeal court overturns it, the decision of the High Court stands.

So Khalid, here is a reminder: you can't have it both ways. You can't ride on the coat tails of Pakatan Rakyat when it suits you and decide not to accept the consensus of the coalition when it doesn't.

If Malaysians wanted feeble politicians, they would have kept Umno in power.


Don’t politicise God

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 10:55 AM PST 

Why is it that this so-called affliction only affects Muslims in West Malaysia? What is the rational explanation? Are the Muslims in East Malaysia made of sterner stuff that they are not afflicted by this confusion? Could it be a case of Muslims in East Malaysia being better educated and instructed in Islam that nothing will shake them from their faith?

P. Ramakrishnan 

When God is politicised we are in big trouble. That is what is happening in Malaysia. And that's why we are in such a big mess.


Religious zealots have come out with edicts that defy logic and override the supreme law of the land, the Federal Constitution.

They have paid scant attention to the High Court ruling way back in 2009 that the word "Allah" can be used by the Christians.

The government has appealed against this decision. But nothing has happened for more than three years. Seemingly it is meant to be so! There is no urgency to solve this matter as soon as possible. Most people think that the delay is deliberate and politically motivated.

The claim by some members of certain organisations who had aggressively demonstrated on the premise that Muslims and Christians will be confused if "Allah" is used by non-Muslims is ridiculous and laughable. There is no merit in their claim. There is no justification for this view. What is the basis for this ridiculous claim?

Why is the word "Allah" confusing? And confusing to whom? What is so confusing about the word? It had been in use for thousands of years; yet we have not come across anyone in any part of the world who was ever confused because the word "Allah" was commonly used by Muslims and non-Muslims.

Have the ordinary, average Muslims, who are the majority in this country, ever complained that they are confused when Christians use the word "Allah"? Until this controversy, which has been recently created deliberately by the religious zealots, the word "Allah" has been used widely and commonly in Malaysia by the various communities without anyone getting confused or upset!

It would appear that the only ones who are confused must be the minority of narrow-minded religious zealots! Are they really confused – or are they, for political reasons, desperately trying to confuse the majority of people who are sane and sensible and comfortable with the use of the word "Allah"?

The word "Allah" has been used all along in Malaysia without causing any problem or creating any unrest – until some religious zealots came along and suddenly claimed exclusive right to the use of the word. For heaven's sake, this is an Arabic word used freely and universally without any problem or confusion in the rest of the world!

Muslims throughout the world have understood this word and what it refers to. Locally Muslims, Hindus, Chinese, Sikhs, the Peranakan community in Malacca and the Orang Asli have used the word comfortably and freely and they have understood what it stands for and represents.

We have never ever had confused zombies walking around like lost souls and going astray. Yet, it is argued that the use of "Allah" by non-Muslims can cause confusion. Why is it that this so-called affliction only affects Muslims in West Malaysia? What is the rational explanation?

Are the Muslims in East Malaysia made of sterner stuff that they are not afflicted by this confusion? Could it be a case of Muslims in East Malaysia being better educated and instructed in Islam that nothing will shake them from their faith?

What has gone wrong in West Malaysia for the religious zealots to claim that the Muslims here will be confused? Are the Muslims in West Malaysia that weak and gullible to the extent that they are not capable of thinking rationally and discerning what is right and wrong? Are they really confused? Or is it a case of causing confusion where there is no confusion? What is the political agenda for creating this controversy?

The word "Allah" has been used for centuries. It has been around even before Islam came into being. Where Islam originated, there has been tolerance and accommodation. Both Christians and Muslims have used the same word freely in their daily conversation and prayers without upsetting any religious sensitivity. No prohibition was imposed because they understood the core value of their respective faiths.

Islam was not founded on denial. It is a compassionate religion whose tenets exhort Muslim to be tolerant and caring, to stand up for justice, to protect the rights of others, and to be accommodating and to never deny what is rightfully others. These religious zealots seem incapable of living up to the demands of their faith. Their doctrine is one of denial.

Is the faith of the Muslims in West Malaysia that shallow and precarious that they can be so easily led astray? Isn't it an indictment that after all that has been done to protect and preserve Islam and to educate the Muslims into becoming better human beings with so much effort, it has been a total failure?

Shouldn't these religious zealots be directing their attention and anger to the more serious malaise plaguing the Muslim community and deserving their wholehearted attention?

It is a fact that teenage pregnancy, incest, baby dumping, drug abuse, HIV infection and many more ailments are rampant among the Malay community. Seriously, these are the areas that the zealots should be involved in.

There is wide-spread corruption, abuse of power, human rights violations, injustice, deaths in custody, racism, co-habitation, rape, murder, discrimination, wastage and many more wrongs which should be the concern of these religious zealots. But there are no earnest attempts to resolve these issues. But strangely, the uttering of the word "Allah" by non-Muslims consumes their entire attention.

The Penang Mufti, Hassan Ahmad, has reminded all parties not to challenge the National Fatwa Council's decision that "Allah" can only be used by the Muslims in the country.

The Kuala Lumpur High Court had ruled in a landmark decision in December 2009 that the Home Ministry's blanket ban on the use of the word "Allah" is illegal. Would he care to rage and rail against the Malaysian judiciary for that ruling? Would he now state that the judiciary has no right to adjudicate on this issue?

The Perak Mufti, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria has declared that if non-Muslims want to use the word "Allah" they must convert to Islam. There is no logic in this baffling statement. Would he dare to declare that the entire world is subject to his 'ruling'? The rest of the world wouldn't care two hoots for his views. He would become the laughing stock of the Muslim world.

Going by their logic, Islam must be insulted throughout the wide world on a daily basis because many adherents of different faiths utter this word in their prayers and conversations. What are these religious zealots going to do about this?

Now, what happens to the Holy Book of the Sikhs which has the word "Allah" in it? Are the religious zealots suggesting that it should be rewritten, dropping the word "Allah" to reflect their views?

Mizrahi Jews (descendants of the Jewish communities of the Babylonian era in the Middle East and the Caucasus) also use the term "Allah". Are the religious zealots declaring that from henceforth the Mizrahi Jews have no right to use this word? How ridiculous can one get.

In the view of many thinking Malaysians, it is these religious zealots who are confused – not the rest of the Muslim community. It is time we settle this issue once and for all.

Now is the real test for these religious zealots. We hope that they will be brave enough and honest enough to be consistent in their narrow-minded views. There are some state anthems that have the word "Allah" in the lyrics. Will they now declare that the non-Muslims in West Malaysia should not sing these state anthems? That should be the case, going by their warped reasoning!

Will they be consistent in their stand by declaring that the Rukun Negara, the national code of conduct for all Malaysians, should not be observed by Muslims because of the word "Tuhan"? Will they have the guts to say that we sideline the Rukun Negara because, in their lopsided view, it can confuse the Muslims in West Malaysia?

And likewise, will they also forbid the Muslims of West Malaysia from singing the national anthem, Negaraku, which has been sung spiritedly since our independence, because in the lyrics there is the word "Tuhan"? Will they say that we must abolish the national anthem in West Malaysia?

Now, it is really confusing to all of us. The religious zealots must be genuinely and thoroughly confused as well!


Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat 112

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 10:39 AM PST


Merdeka Heritage Trust dalam kenyataan berkata antara syarat bagi Stadium Merdeka ialah penganjur mesti memastikan jumlah pengunjung/peserta tidak melebihi 30,000 orang.
Jan 12hb suatu perhimpunan mega akan dijadikan satu perhimpuan yang bersejarah, aman tenteram sebelum pilihanraya umum. Perhimpunan bersejarah ini telah dibenarkan oleh pengurusan Stadium Merdeka. Selain itu pihak PDRM berhasrat untuk kerjasama, menurut sekatariat HKR menganggarkan sejumlah 1 juta pengunjung akan menghadiri perhimpunan bersejarah ini. 

- Merdeka Heritage Trust dalam kenyataan berkata antara syarat bagi Stadium Merdeka ialah penganjur mesti memastikan jumlah pengunjung/peserta tidak melebihi 30,000 orang.
- Kehadiran pengunjung ke Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat ini dipercayai melebihi demo BERSIH 3.0, anggaran kehadiran ini sudah pasti mana-mana stadium di Malaysia tidak berupaya memuatkan sejumlah bilangan yang sedemikian besar. 
- Walaubagaimanapun, HKR mengalu-alukan kehadiran rakyat menyertai himpunan ini. Suara rakyat adalah suara keramat dapat dilaung-laungkan supaya memberi signal dan mesej supaya parti pemerintah menunduk ke atas permintaan rakyat. Bila menjelang PRU13 nanti, rakyat lah jadi hakim untuk menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap parti pemerintah.   


Curse of No. 13 to usher the end of Sabah BN?

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 10:26 AM PST 

Jason Matius
There is now serious talk spreading among the Sabah opposition parties concerning the effect of numbers in the political fortunes of political parties in Sabah. And to the opposition parties' delight, the numbers appear to point to the death knell of the Barisan Nasional in the next general election.
A series of text messages and excited conversations concerning the number thirteen, prophesying BN's supposed impending fall, have been making their rounds among mainly opposition supporters here. These messages remind Sabahans of the fact that USNO, Sabah's first government, was defeated by Berjaya in 1976 (7 + 6 = 13), Berjaya was defeated by PBS in 1985 (8 + 5= 13), and PBS was toppled from power by BN in 1994 (9 + 4 = 13). Also interesting is that each of these three governments ruled for exactly nine years!
Whether you are superstitious or not, you'd admit it's not easy to simply brush aside these uncanny series of 9s and 13s which marked the length of life and sensational deaths of three past governments. Many even believe this is Sabah's equivalent to Malaysia's strange RAHMAN prophecy, the arrangement of initials of the names of all the past prime ministers from the beginning to the present one. Many of those who believe these are not mere coincidences, are also convinced the Sabah's series of 13s will continue at least to the next general election.
This belief is reinforced by the fact that for the forthcoming polls, the number 13 is not even hidden like in the past in which the last two digits of the year had to be added to come up with the jinxed number 13. In GE13 the number is wholly and clearly written, not once but TWICE, i.e. the last two digits of the year, and in the number of the times the general elections will be conducted! One clearly written 13 is bad enough, but twice?
In the past, many observers were expecting the Sabah BN to fall in 2003, i.e. nine years after 1994, but when it didn't happen, BN supporters had said BN had successfully broke the nine-year jinx. But now some can argue for the interesting fact that the nine-year series has not been broken, but simply doubled to 18 years, i.e. to 2012, plus a few month to reach 2013, the year which ends with 13.
Other than these numbers, it has been mentioned in the biography of the late Tun Fuad Stephens that when he won his state assembly seat in Kiulu in 1985, his majority was exactly 1,111. To the Chinese observers it was a bad omen because 1111 added to four and four in Chinese is pronounced the same way as the word for death. Shortly afterward Stephens along with many others died in a plane crash which is now called the Double Six Tragedy because it happened on the June 6. Many people, however, say it should have been called the Triple Six Tragedy, to include the year 1976, the year it happened; hence completing it to 666, which is the number of the devil.
Will the jinx of the number 13 really see the end of Sabah BN in the hands of the opposition? Many people can't wait to find out.


Perkasa Lawan Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat 112

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 10:17 AM PST 

Himpunan Rakyat112, satu himpunan raksasa yang dikendalikan oleh pihak yang menuntut keadilan, rakyat boleh melepaskan kemarahan mereka terhadap parti pemerintah dengan aman tanpa rusuhan. Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat 112 juga dapat sokongan NGO. 

Timbalan Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu bersalaman dengan CP Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri bin Mohd Zinin, Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah PDRM, gambar di atas menceritakan Mat Sabu, Pakar perancang demo yang mewakili komiti NGO ini berjabat tangan dengan pegawai atasan PDRM.  


Sumber Fb Polis Di Raja Malaysia

"Pihak polis meminta kerjasama yang baik dari penganjur dan orang ramai dan mereka sendiri akan bersama-sama memastikan himpunan 12 Januari ini akan berlangsung dalam keadaan aman dan damai.

"Polis dan kami sama-sama berazam untuk menjadikan himpunan ini sebagai rekod himpunan paling aman sebelum PRU dan polis juga berkata inilah perubahan sejarah pentadbiran polis dibawah akta baru," katanya kepada media 

Walau bagaimanapun PERKASA, satu pertubuhan anti-demokrasi, anti-perpaduan rakyat dan NGO racist ini berkeras dan mahu menghalang kebangkitan rakyat. Mereka memainkan peranan seolah-olah bertentangan dengan perlembagaan yang diwartakan, hak dan kebebasan perhimpuan rakyat. 

Perkasa membuat laporan polis terhadap Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR) anjuran Pakatan Rakyat pada Sabtu ini. 

Timbalan Ketua Penerangan Perkasa Abdullah Mansor membuat laporan itu di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Dang Wangi di sini hari ini. 

Abdullah dalam laporan polisnya berkata, pihaknya bimbang pembangkang sengaja mengadakan himpunan itu sebagai cubaan untuk menghidupkan suasana seperti di Dataran Tahrir, Mesir kerana mendapat maklumat kumpulan itu akan berkumpul di Dataran Merdeka. 

Perkasa sebuah NGO yang pro UMNO. Amat takut dan risau periuk nasi mereka pecah akibat UMNO kalah dalam PRU13. Perkasa masih tidak sedar dalam Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat 112, ramai peserta yang menyertai HKR 112 adalah terdiri dari bangsa Melayu yang beragama Islam. Mereka ini juga perjuang dan pembela Melayu.   


Minimum wage

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 09:41 AM PST 

YT Teh 
Top Gloves just announced its foreign workers' salary will increase from RM1200 to RM1800 (inclusive of overtime) due to implementation of RM900 minimum pay. RM600 represents a fifty percent increment for these workers. Just assuming two million foreign workers in Malaysia, the increment is going to cost Malaysian companies RM14.4 billion. Why are we increasing minimum pay which will mainly benefit foreign workers?
Instead of the RM900 minimum wage, can we ask companies like Top Glove to set aside a compulsory contribution of RM100 per foreign worker which would be distributed to its local work force earning below RM1500 as special subsistence assistance for poor Malaysians? Prices of goods are already going up rapidly. Low income Malaysian workers will suffer most.
Beware, the opposition's simple solution of RM 1200 minimum wage is even more disastrous. We need a solution that truly benefits and builds up the local work force.
Just my honest contribution of ideas.



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