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- Deepak Jaikishan : A Pattern of Lies and Deception
- Political WTF 2 - Musa Hassan
- A Present for the UMNO Delegates- A Dead MCA
- True, I am not you. I can’t know.
- Rosli Dahlan’s RM50 Million Trial: A Classic Case of Justice Denied
- Why ideals are a must in life
- BN government never stood by the rakyat in the Bukit Merah – Papan Controversy.
- Is Green Walk a death knell for MCA?
Deepak Jaikishan : A Pattern of Lies and Deception Posted: 29 Nov 2012 07:37 PM PST Lawyer M. Puravalen, who was Abdul Razak Baginda's first lawyer in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case two years ago, has refused to divulge to the police today the details of "privileged information" shared with him by his client.That was 3 years ago, 18 July 2008. Fast forward, 14 August 2012 a press statement by Sivarasa Rasiah, PKR Member of Parliament for Subang, RPK was invited to that meeting in Puravalen's house the day before the 3nd July press conference to be given a pre-view of Bala's 1st SD to put up on his blog and write about it which he did.I just cannot reconcile the above two quotes. For anyone who understands what Bala SD I was all about, it raises questions. For example, how could Mr Puravalen house a meeting related to a statutory declaration which had (at the time) significant references to his former client and not risk breaching "privileged information" of the lawyer-client relationship? Was it judicious for Mr Puravalen to be involved, in any way, with a statutory declaration that could, one way or another, be seen as damaging to his former client? Anyway back the Deepak fellow. Bear in mind, of course, we do not know to whom or what the Deepak fellow is referring to, as he is riddling us this and that. These are for those are frothing at the mouth and think whom and what the fellow is referring to. For starters. Then, Deepak Jaikishan, the carpet dealer mentioned numerous times by blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, said Rosmah "is a good person, if you know her personally".Now, "I had no business being there, I am a businessman. I regret helping a friend whom I thought was true... I am not supposed to be involved in this James Bond movie."Then, He also rubbished the website's claims that he had played a key role in silencing private eye P. Balasubramaniam in the 2006 sex-murder scandal of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu; and in Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's ongoing sodomy trial.(sic0Now, "It was damage control to stop the problem... I was tasked - don't ask who tasked me - with getting him to agree to sign another SD, not because of the (first) SD itself but because of the repercussions that will happen the next day if that (first) SD was not reversed," he said.I see a distinct stratagem here and the personalities involved in the PI Bala saga are interconnected. Support first and later, in the familiar words for Raja Petra Kamarudin, whack. And whack first and later, support. RPK prints all over. "I would have better use for the millions of ringgit that I would have needed to do that, which I don't have in the first place" - Sivarasa RasiahMull on that for now.
Posted: 29 Nov 2012 01:47 PM PST PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said that when someone 'important' decides to join the party, the application is given special attention.
A Present for the UMNO Delegates- A Dead MCA Posted: 28 Nov 2012 04:56 PM PST MCA on the other must do everything to keep the Chinese intact. It is facing an uphill battle. MCA has lost its credibility and relevance. It goes to town, saying if PR wins, then PAS will talibanise everything. You can't play mahjong, eat pork, bah kut teh, wash hair, yam seng and all that. MCA must say, PAS will restrict everything. UMNO and MCA are playing two sides of the same coin, but the subterfuge is not fooling everyone. How do we kill off MCA for good? There is a simple formula. if only 30% of the Malay voters vote Pakatan and 80% of non-Malay voters vote the same way, MCA is finished. This is all we need. MCA can lose all its 15 seats. The prospects of eliminating MCA are good. 80-85% of non-Malays are supporting Pakatan and 50% of the Malays will vote for Pakatan. We have many instances where voters in areas with Malay majority giving substantial support to Pakatan. A place like Jerantut in Pahang which is almost 90% Malay gave 46% support to PR. Therefore UMNO can't assume that just because an area has a majority Malay electorate, it can get big support. In 2008, UMNO candidates got only 2 million votes from the 5.7 million Malay voters. That's only 35% Malay support. But let us use 30% Malay support for Pakatan as a benchmark. Assume also that 80% of non-Malays support Pakatan. UMNO knows that it has to get big Malay support otherwise its doomed. That is why it using all the dirty tricks- racism, the specter of racial clash, the demise of Malay royalty, the assault on Islam. So that we won't have to see the fornicating face of Soi Lek, puke at seeing Wee Ka Siong and Ms Yen Yen, all we need is to ensure the 30:80 formula. Just get 30% of Malay support in the MCA areas and ensure we get 80% non-Malay support. Only 30% of Malay voters are what we need. If 30% of the Malay voters in the seats MCA won in 2008, now vote for PR- MCA is finished. If voting goes along the same line as it did in 2008, UMNO is already doomed. So we can treat UMNO's General Assembly now as a just a sideshow- its last before the party crumbles. Let's do as what UMNO shouts for and let us take on what UMNO says. If the Malays heed what UMNO wants, they should withdraw their support from these MCA seats. MCA is your enemy. Its president made fun of Islam -does not the Quran command the Muslims to not make friends with Muslims and non Muslims who make fun and belittle Islam? See Quran 5:57. MCA has 15 parliamentary seats most of them in Johor. Out of the 7 seats in Johor, only 2 have Malay majority. It's sinful for the Malays in Air Hitam and Alor Star to vote for MCA infidels. Do like the Quran instruct- do not take them as friends or protectors because they have soiled Islam.
True, I am not you. I can’t know. Posted: 28 Nov 2012 09:06 AM PST
She's only 28. And she's already borne nine children - the last one just six months ago. While I believe that children are gifts, I also believe that gifts come with responsibility. I feel that to leave the conception and bearing of children to chance or fate when you can intervene, to a degree of course, is inexcusable and this when they can ill afford to have another baby. As it is, they have to depend on charity.
I ask her if she's taken steps to stop further pregnancies and she says no. My feelings are mixed. I want to cry because she doesn't know better. I want to cry because she's so poor, legacy of an oppressive system and a vicious cycle of learned helplessness. At the same time, I am also angry because I feel she shouldknow better. From my position, I feel that every woman should know instinctively to give the best protection, education, care and love to their offspring, and that if they can't, they should seriously not consider bringing another kid into the world. Surely she can see what her many children are lacking. The filthy squalor they live in alone is reason enough not to have more children and I haven't even started on education which is every child's right.
Her toddlers lie on the cold, sticky and slimy floor of the bare flat - half naked, sharing a dirty bottle which contains what looks more like "kopi susu" than "susu". The older ones sit with dirty faces and hair staring vacantly, flashing their white teeth in wide grins when I smile at them. I feel pity for them. And her. But I also feel a little angry that she brought them into the world, to a life of abject poverty - without their permission. They did not ask to be born and to be subjected to such a life.
Because I've spoken to her before on a few occasions, I know that she is quite intelligent and so I find it even more unacceptable that she did not take the necessary birth- control measures. When I asked her to go and "ikat" and she replied with the "mahal lah" answer, I'm thinking "bullshit" because to my knowledge, it doesn't cost that much. Besides, based on my prior observation of her children, she had chosen to spend money on clothes, accessories and even gold-plated necklaces for them instead. When I asked her about the wisdom of these purchases, her smiling reply of "Hari besar mah. Bagi budak happy" infuriated me even more.
I'm aware of feeling exasperated by her misplaced priorities and careless spending. I find myself gesticulating wildly and reasoning with her in a lecturing tone, practically expounding on the possibilities where money and education is concerned. I asked her if she wants to see her children repeat the life she herself has lived and the kind of example she wants to set for them - especially her daughters. When I suggested helping her with regards to tubal ligation, she responded by saying that she can just take some "ubat cina – murah saja… banyak bagus punya". I questioned the efficacy and safety of it but she insisted that it's safe. I feel utterly frustrated that what is so obvious to me is not so to her.
At one point, she said that she "sudah takut….tak mau lagi …saya cakap dengan suami saya, jangan dekat ah…". She said that she told him if he wanted sex, she'll give him the RM5 to go pay a prostitute for it.
My shoulders are slumped. I feel quite exhausted. I must have been shouting because my throat feels tired too and my mouth feels dry. I think to myself, "Why do I even bother?" I give up. But for just a while only. And then, I'm back at her again.
I ask her how old she is. "28," she replies. I ask her, "You tak mau, kah?" in reference to sex. She coyly smiles and says, "Mau…". I said, "Habis, macam mana? Nanti dapat sakit macam mana? You muda lagi, subur lagi. Nanti, sekali saja dekat, bunting lagi, macam mana?"
She just smiles, shakes her head and says, "Ok punya lah." I'm aware of wanting to grab her and shake some sense into her. Instead, I place my hand lightly on her shoulder, laugh like a loser and say, "Saya ta-boleh cakap lagi lah." I feel so ineffective. I heave a heavy sigh. |
Rosli Dahlan’s RM50 Million Trial: A Classic Case of Justice Denied Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:21 PM PST With this in mind, I am posting my latest piece on his Rm50 million trial so that this saga will not escape our attention. As usual, the media has distorted his story.–Din Merican————————————————– November 16 2012 was a glorious day for Dato Ramli Yusuff as Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) gave him a full honour farewell complete with a General's salute by a mounted Guard of Honour and a retreat in a PDRM's ceremonial open top Land Rover in full regalia in the best traditions of the Police Force. The Government seems to have found peace with Dato Ramli. Thus, I was surprised when I found out that his lawyer and good friend, Rosli Dahlan, is still fighting the MACC and the Government. That can only mean that Rosli did not settle with the government. That can only mean that Rosli has been left out in the cold. I recalled that until now Dato Ramli has yet to file any law suit against the government, the A-G Gani Patail or even against Musa Hassan whom Ramli had repeatedly accused of conspiring to cause his downfall. In the meantime, I noted with amusement that Musa Hassan now appears to have joined the Opposition bandwagon by attacking PDRM and current IGP Ismail Omar for rigging the country's crime statistics. And today, Musa Hassan accused Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein of interfering with the Police Force. I don't know what Musa is up to but he is certainly living up to his name Musa the Musang, or Musa the cunning fox. So, I got a bit confused when I read reports from the mainstream newspapers that Rosli had lost his case when his claim was struck out like this report from The Star:
Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:53 PM PST This is quite a common accusation, one that has been thrown at me in the past, and added to the fact that I work in a university, that old chestnut of making my living quarters in an ivory tower often comes into play as well.
BN government never stood by the rakyat in the Bukit Merah – Papan Controversy. Posted: 27 Nov 2012 12:25 PM PST Apparently by not having the rakyat's welfare at heart, the Minister of the Science, Technology & Innovation Ministry (MOSTI), Maximus Ongkili has forsaken the "prime duty" of the regulatory authorities that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had proposed. The IAEA, which was invited by the government during the Bukit Merah and Papan controversy made many recommendations, and one of them was the "prime duty" which the regulatory authorities should "adhere":"there is one principle to which all should adhere: regulatory authorities (Government) should be effectively separated from implementing organization (ARE), since … the prime duty of regulatory authorities is to protect Man and the environment, ensuing the … radiation doses to Man do not contravene the recommendations of the ICRP regulation." Contrary to what the IAEA had recommended, the Federal and the State Government, in the case of the Papan and Bukit Merah controversy, chose to sideline the welfare of the rakyat and sided with the giant conglomerate – Mitsubishi Chemical, Japan. Likewise in Ongkili's case, by ignoring the rakyat's welfare, he had deviated from the "prime duty of (the) regulatory authorities… to protect Man and the environment". Unmistakably, the proof is in his unambiguous expressed statement which he said: "the onus is on them (anti-Lynas group), not on me, to say that decision of the board is not correct. So give me additional information to point to the fact that it was not a wise decision." (Ongkili's interview with Malaysian Insider, April 15, 2012) Read more at:
Is Green Walk a death knell for MCA? Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:52 AM PST
Number Facts 1 In the past when Barisan Nasional was at their peak , we also can see a large numbers of people attending all the DAP and pro opposition ceramah that can made up to easily 10 000 crowds in most area and DAP still lost in most of the previous General Election .
Number Facts 2 Most of MCA Mega Dinner is having a range of 5000 – 15 000 people in each division that the organized. Did MCA ever claim that this mega dinner with such a huge number of crowd is sign of MCA will be winning in General Election or in another way Pakatan Rakyat is currently losing their strength to win in the next General Election ? The total number of series of MCA Mega Dinner by now easily will reach 100 000 Malaysians and in this case MCA only claimed that they are recovering and way stronger than before. MCA will never take the numbers political game for granted to brag that it is a sign of their early victory.
Number Facts 3 In 1998 Reformasi there are easily way larger and bigger protest than all the current BERSIH and LYNAS rally added up all together but then again it never indicates the weakness of MCA performance in 1998 General Election .
Double Standard Political Benchmark If a strength and weakness of any particular political party is just based on the impact of a protest then Stanley Koh should also include the 1500 NGO Rally with Barisan Nasional PWTC will also be the strength of the latest Barisan Nasional political strength? Please do not forget that if we want to play numbers game , then 1500 NGO is a way bigger NGO compare to HIMPUNAN HIJAU as part of the only NGO in the entire country. If we are talking about number games then it will be 1 (PR) vs 1500 (BN). What about the recent 2000 single mother protest against Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government that had cheated and manipulated them with their empty promise after taking over the state? If the political bench mark as simple as protest is equals to death knell for any political party then can we consider a list of protest against Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government after Mac 2008 is a sign of a death knell for Pakatan Rakyat? Read more at:
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