Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Penang Malay Congress wants Guan Eng to withdraw statement over the word ‘Allah’
- The division of the Muslims
- For BN, a balancing act between voters and warlords
- Now, who are the Arab wannabes?
- Siapa politician terima RM8 juta dari Deepak?
- PKR smells a rat in carpet man’s deal
- SAPP tells Sabah DAP leader to grow up
- PKR to block Deepak’s land deal through S’gor govt
Penang Malay Congress wants Guan Eng to withdraw statement over the word ‘Allah’ Posted: 28 Dec 2012 07:10 PM PST
(Bernama) - The Penang Malay Congress (KMPP) today urged Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng to withdraw his call for the federal government to allow the use of the word "Allah" in the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Christian Bible, and to apologise to all Muslims in the country. Its president, Rahmad Isahak, said Lim's statement had caused anger among Muslims and discomfort among non-Muslims, who cherished religious harmony in the country. "Do not deride the word Allah with the aim of gaining sympathy in the political sense," he said in a statement. Rahmad said the statement by Lim, who is the DAP secretary-general, violated what was enshrined in the rules of the Penang Islamic Religious Council (MAINPP). "At the level of the state government, the public knows that the State Islamic Religious Council had concluded that 40 words, including Allah, cannot be used by other religions, when the Pakatan Rakyat came to power and it was agreed to by the chief minister himself. Why must he violate something that had been agreed to?" he said. Rahmad urged State Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairman Abdul Malik Abul Kassim and DAP vice-chairman Senator Dr Ariffin S.M. Omar to respond to Lim's statement.
Posted: 28 Dec 2012 05:36 PM PST
I do not know from where Syed Ali Alhabshee learned his history. Nevertheless, the Muslims split more than 1,200 years before PAS was formed. Hence how can PAS be accused of splitting the Muslims? Furthermore, PAS was effectively formed seven years before Umno was formed, as the timeline above shows. Hence should it not be Umno rather than PAS that split the Malays-Muslims? THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin Umno leader accuses PAS of disuniting Malays, Muslims (Bernama) - An Umno leader has accused PAS of having deviated from its original struggle and causing disunity among the Malays and Muslims in the country. Cheras Umno Division chief Datuk Wira Syed Ali Alhabshee said the role of the 'ulama' (scholars) in the party was being eroded because they were unable to withstand the pressure from the DAP. PAS, DAP and PKR make up the opposition pact called Pakatan Rakyat. "PAS is forced to drop its platform for the struggle of Islam because it has been realised that the party cannot survive without the support of the DAP and PKR," Syed Ali said in the latest entry in his blog, He also said that no PAS leader, including the party's spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, was bold enough to stand up to DAP chairman Karpal Singh who had objected to PAS proposals for an Islamic state and the implementation of 'hudud' (Islamic penal) law. Syed Ali said PAS leaders politicised religious sentiments to garner the support of Malay voters. He also said that Nik Aziz insisted on not withdrawing the 'Amanat Haji Hadi' (Haji Hadi's Message) delivered by PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang in 1981, which branded Umno members and supporters as infidels. "At a time when all quarters, including former PAS leaders, want the Amanat Haji Hadi to be withdrawn, Nik Aziz wants it to be retained, indicating that he has an implicit agenda," he said. Syed Ali said the Malays and Muslims should realise that PAS' struggle all along had been for the political interests of certain quarters and was not based on the struggle for Islam. ****************************************** The First Islamic Civil War, also called The First Fitna, was fought from 656 to 661 soon after the assassination of Usman, the Third Caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad. A few battles were fought during this civil war that included the Battle of the Camel, the Battle of Siffin, the Battle of Nahrwan, etc. The 'Mother of all Battles' was probably the Battle of Karbala on 10th October 680 that sealed the split between the Muslims for good when Hussein, Prophet Muhammad's grandson, (plus his entire family), was massacre. Until today the followers of Ali and the opponents of Ali have remained split and the tragedy of Karbala is celebrated every year in Iran with bloodletting on the streets. The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PMIP), today called Parti Islam SeMalaysia or PAS (Pah Alif Sim), was effectively formed on 4th April 1939. Umno was formed seven years later on 10th May 1946. In March 1947, the first Pan-Malayan Islamic conference was held at Madrasah Ma'ahad al-Ehya as-Sharif at Gunung Semanggul, Perak. As a result of this conference, the Majlis Agama Tertinggi (Supreme Religious Council) or MATA was formed. MATA began organising political events and meetings for Malay-Muslim activists to meet and discuss their plans for the future and the need to mobilise the masses. MATA also organised a conference from 13th-16th March 1948, which discussed local and international issues. The conference participants felt that Umno was not doing enough to address the important issues and that the conservative-nationalists in Umno were not doing enough to stand up for Malay-Muslim rights. Needless to say, the Umno representatives in MATA were not happy with the tone of the discussion set by the Islamists, which was too revolutionary and militant for their taste. The Parti Orang Muslimin Malaya (Hizbul Muslimin) was formed on 17th March 1948. Syeikh Abdullah Fahim, the grandfather of former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, played a major role in its formation. After the second conference it declared that MATA should be reorganised as an Islamic political party. With the formation of Hizbul Muslimin, all political activities were transferred to the organisation while MATA served as the party's religious affairs bureau. When the ulama' faction in Umno broke away from the party, they formed an association called Persatuan Islam Sa-Malaya (Pan-Malayan Islamic Association), abbreviated as PAS (Pah Alif Sim). At that time, the association charter allowed for dual membership in PAS and Umno and thus many PAS members thought of themselves as Umno members and vice-versa. Eventually, the dual-membership clause in the party charter was revoked and PAS began to emerge as a distinct entity. For the sake of contesting in the first municipal elections in 1955 (two years before Merdeka), the party was re-registered under the name Pan-Malayan Islamic Party or PMIP. The name was later changed to Parti Islam Se-Malaysia during the Asri Muda era in the 1970s. I do not know from where Syed Ali Alhabshee learned his history. Nevertheless, the Muslims split more than 1,200 years before PAS was formed. Hence how can PAS be accused of splitting the Muslims? Furthermore, PAS was effectively formed seven years before Umno was formed, as the timeline above shows. Hence should it not be Umno rather than PAS that split the Malays-Muslims? That is the trouble with Malaysians who make statements without knowing history. They need to study history before they make assumptions and come to conclusions. In fact, they should make it a rule that all candidates in the general election should first study history before they are selected to contest the elections. If not we will end up with political leaders making statements that are contradictory to historical facts. |
For BN, a balancing act between voters and warlords Posted: 28 Dec 2012 04:37 PM PST
Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider The Barisan Nasional's (BN) inability to nail down a final list of candidates and the need to strike a delicate balance between pleasing voters and not sidelining its political warlords has been cited as reasons for the delay in calling elections, Singapore's Straits Times newspaper reported today. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has continued to keep Malaysians guessing over the date of the polls even though several dates have been bandied about in the media over the past year. The Umno president and BN chairman has also refused to release BN's candidates list for the polls, despite several calls from grassroots leaders to do so, noting that keeping the list under wraps is a "strategic" decision. Quoting political analyst Oh Ei Sun today, Singapore's ST reported that although the federal opposition pact Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is in itself entangled in a tussle over seats, the problem of selecting the best contestants is worse for BN than for its political foes. Oh said that PKR and DAP lack a strong grassroots system that would allow a party leader to mobilise an efficient election machinery that would prevent sabotage of a candidate. "In Umno, however, the system of patronage means a lot of people owe their livelihoods to certain leaders and warlords. The potential and ability to sabotage candidates are much stronger," the analyst was quoted as saying. Sabotage has been highlighted as among one of Umno's greatest fears going into the 13th general election. During the party's last two general assemblies, this was the strongest message that Najib sent to the party's over three million members. He repeatedly reminded members to accept the candidates selected by the BN leadership, even if they are not chosen, and urged them to work with their respective parties to ensure the candidate wins the polls for BN.
Now, who are the Arab wannabes? Posted: 28 Dec 2012 03:45 PM PST KTemoc Konsiders God in Bahasa is ……..? By now, we would have been well and truly conversant with the legal, etymological or historical use of the 'Allah' word in the Catholic news letter, the Herald, and the Malay language Bible (al Kitab). And let's not forget the political element as well as the Allah word also serves those with an agenda, a political agenda. It had been the Catholic Herald's insistence on using Allah as the Bahasa (Malay language) equivalent of God in the al Kitab which had started the name-calling (wakakaka) brouhaha three years ago. Now, just a wee review of the various aspects of the name-calling (wakakaka) tussle: Legally, High Court Judge Lau Bee Lan had ruled as unconstitutional the Malaysian government's ban of the use of Allah as the Bahasa equivalent of the word God in the Catholic Herald. I believe the government (then with Syed Hamid as the Home Minister) had indicated it would appeal. I am not sure where that appeal currently stands? On the etymological front, a number of academicians including Muslims have traced its usage to pre Islamic era, and explained that both Arab Muslims and Christians refer to their respective gods as Allah. Of course we shouldn't challenge the finding of their highly qualified clarifications, but nonetheless I have something to comment on the etymological aspect of the Allah word shortly. Historically, it has been agreed that Dutch Christian missionaries sometime in the 16th Century translated the Bible into the Indonesian language by using the word Allah for God. Why those Dutch missionaries did so has not been questioned nor discussed much but that they had used Allah has been deemed by the Catholic Herald as a precedent which must continue to be accepted even today. I'll also come to this soon. Politically, of the two Malay-Muslim parties, UMNO said-says 'no', PAS said 'it's alright' but something new has just cropped up, where PAS has now changed its mind about the word Allah as the equivalent of God in the Malay language version of the Bible. Yes, PAS has just said 'no' as well (to add to UMNO's 'nay'), showing its lamentable character in the same way as had been indicated by its recently disintegrated 'promise' wakakaka that non-Muslims won't be affected by Islamic laws (and/or municipality rules based on Islamic moral values). PAS' lack of reliability in its belakang pusing (volte face) from its promise has been a classic case of the Malay idiom cakap ta'serupa bikin. No mate, you can't trust any politician, even and especially those from a religious party, be it Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucianist, Taoist, Bahāʾīs or Ayah Pin-ish, etc, wakakaka. But let's leave out this troubling though not unexpected side of PAS vis-à-vis non-Muslims in this post, where we can then discuss the topic in a future post. This post is about the use of the word Allah as the Bahasa (Malay language) equivalent of God in the Bible. And I'll be frank that I will undoubtedly hurt many of my Christian friends as I did 3 years ago when this topic first flared up. While I believe on principle there ought not to be a monopolistic use of any word or words, I can understand the Muslim community's worries about the Church's obdurate intention to use this word, especially more so when I know it's obligatory, nay, a sacred duty of the Church and Christians to be 'missionary' (evangelistic). Yes, I'm afraid on a personal basis, kaytee isn't all that supportive of the Church's insistence on using the Allah word to represent/indicate/describe their Christian God in the Malay language. Perhaps let me declare my religious affiliations so that you can be clear where I am coming from (or going to, wakakaka). I was born to very staunch Buddhist parents. My late dad and his mum were devoted Theravada Buddhists whilst my late mum was Mahayana Buddhist, not that they knew the difference between those schools of Buddhism. Once I attempted to explain to my mum (when she was alive) about the schools' doctrinal differences but I gave up when I saw the annoyed look on her face, wakakaka. Both my granddads were non-practising Taoists-Confucianists, which may explain why I'm an atheist, wakakaka. Anyway, I am neither Christian nor Muslim. Okay, let's consider the etymological angle of the Allah word first. Yes, I'm confident of the accuracy of those who have traced the Allah word and its usage to pre Islamic era, and who have also explained that both Arab Muslims and Christians refer to their respective gods as Allah. Yup, I, you, we have all heard the several arguments that Allah is an Arabic word meaning god and not necessarily that of the God of Islam only ... yadda yadda yadda ... and therefore Christians have every right to employ this Allah word because of the word's genericalness. Notwithstanding its etymological certification, let me tell you what I think of the pro arguments. First of all, my caustic remarks wakakaka do not apply to all, but only those who feel my sarcasm, wakakaka. I am not surprised by the hypocrisy of some of those who advocate this argument, that because Allah is a generic Arabic word for god (not necessarily that of Islam,) the Church and Christians in Malaysia have the right to use it as the Bahasa translation of God. They are/were hypocritical because: (a) these very 'some' people have been those who have been at laughing (as well as sneering) at the orthodox Malay Muslims (or if you like, Muslim Malays) for wanting to be Arabs or to be Arab-ized rather than just being Muslims, from and in the way they dress in Middle-Eastern desert garb instead of our Malaysian tropical baju or sarung kebaya, etc, or resort to Arabic words when Malay equivalents are available, etc etc. * Incidentally I'm also one who laughs at Arab wannabes, wakakaka. Now, aren't these Christians and their supporters, in arguing for the use of the generic Arabic word Allah as the Bahasa equivalent of God, themselves also Arab wannabes? (b) hey man, aren't we talking about a Bahasa word for God? Why then invoke an Arabic word? If they don't like the word Tuhan because the Church argued that in some instances, the word Tuhan (God) does not convey the required meaning in a biblical passage, why not a Hebrew word then, when after all, Judaism and Christianity share the same God, rather than the one Muslims believe in (yes, this is debatable too)? Just as an aside, I wonder what's the Bahasa word for Father in the Malay language al Kitab? Would it be 'Ab or Ayah? Please let me know! Look, there are so many names for the Hebrew-Christian God, such as YVWH (Yahweh or, Jehovah), Elohim, Adonai, as well as the following (with their English meanings): Adonai-Jehovah - The Lord our Sovereign El-Elyon -- The Lord Most High El-Olam - The Everlasting God El-Shaddai - The God Who is Sufficient for the Needs of His People Jehovah-Elohim - The Eternal Creator Jehovah-Jireh - The Lord our Provider Jehovah-Nissi - The Lord our Banner Jehovah-Ropheka - The Lord our Healer Jehovah-Shalom - The Lord our Peace Jehovah-Tsidkenu - The Lord our Righteousness Jehovah-Mekaddishkem - The Lord our Sanctifier Jehovah-Sabaoth - The Lord of Hosts Jehovah-Shammah - The Lord is Present Jehovah-Rohi - The Lord our Shepherd Jehovah-Hoseenu - The Lord our Maker Jehovah-Eloheenu - The Lord our God And many many more exists. Will this range of Godly names in Hebrew satisfy the Church's requirement that in some instances, the word Tuhan does not adequately convey the required meaning in a biblical passage? C'mon, tell me why the Church must use the Arabic word for God and not the Hebrew equivalent? [Just leave the historical angle aside for a while as I'll be coming to it soon]. Let's see what the Tanakh (Jewish bible) says in Genesis 1:1? "In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth ...". Now, tell me, doesn't that indicate to us, in fact indisputably, what is God's name? So why won't the Church use Elohim? Just as a double check, let's look at the English Bible [King James Version] of the same passage, where it confirms that "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth ... " Thus, on top of Tuhan for God, we have the Hebraic Elohim for God, that is, if the Church doesn't like the word Tuhan. And as I have shown above, there are many more alternatives for God or God's names. In Hebrew (not Aramaic), some have argued that the word Elohim is plural, but as per the Tanakh it is considered as a singular noun and indeed uses the verb for such. It is meant to signal the single God of Israel, but you know what, it is actually ideal for the Christian concept of God as a Trinity, Three yet One. Velly gnam gnam one lah! Let us now turn our attention on the man who started it all, Father Lawrence Andrew of the Catholic Church and the editor of the Catholic Herald. Given the experts' etymological and historical clarifications on the Allah word, I am in no doubt that Father Lawrence Andrew is on strong legal grounds to use it ... and indeed we know that the court has supported his stand. But I have always believed that religion is about faith and morality and not legality or for that matter, political approval. Thus I find it unfortunate that the Father Andrew and the Catholic Herald had taken the issue to the courts. Surely on a matter of religious faith and knowledge, there are numerous other names of God it could have use beside Allah. I view its arguments for the use of Allah as seemingly based on obduracy and legality rather than any plausible unavoidable reason.
Siapa politician terima RM8 juta dari Deepak? Posted: 28 Dec 2012 03:34 PM PST
Orang yang menjadi perhatian dunia politik hari ini dan dibimbangi oleh pihak UMNO khasnya, Deepak Jaikishan mendedahkan dia menyumbangkan RM8 juta untuk politik hasil dari penjualan saham dalam syarikatnya Astacanggih. Perkara didedahkan hari ini dalam satu kenyataan berhubung status syarikatnya itu yang dipaksa dijual kepada sebuah agensi Kementerian Pertahanan.
PKR smells a rat in carpet man’s deal Posted: 28 Dec 2012 03:23 PM PST PKR's Rafizi Ramli says it is no coincidence that a government investment firm has purchased Deepak Jaikishan's company. Teoh El Sen, FMT The buying of "carpet man" Deepak Jaikishan's firm Astacanggih Sdn Bhd which coincided with the withdrawal of his lawsuit against a Wanita Umno leader's company over a Defence Ministry land deal yesterday, points towards abuse of power by the government, said an opposition leader. PKR's strategy director Rafizi Ramli was commenting on the purchase by a unit of a government investment company Boustead Holdings Bhd, which acquired an 80% stake in Astacanggih for RM30 million. He claimed that it was "no coincidence" and that this pointed towards an "abuse of power" by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi, adding that he was "shocked at the audacity by Najib and Zahid" to make such a move in full view of the public. "This is clearly the worse investment decision ever taken up by Boustead, and we need some answers from Najib, who has a long history when he was defence minister with majority shareholders Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera [LTAT], which is something owned by the public, especially the servicemen and is something like EPF. We also want to hear from the current minister. To me, it is outright abuse of power," he told FMT. "This is the point that I think has turned the Deepak issue from sensationalised rumour mongering to clearly an issue of public accountability that needs to be pursued. PKR will start the ball rolling here, I think this is more serious that the NFC [National Feedlot Corporation] scandal, let's see if it snowballs into something bigger," said Rafizi, who would be holding a press conference tomorrow on the matter. Rafizi also said that his checks so far found that Astacanggih did not have any track record in terms of financial information or balance sheet being filed. "The whole deal is shielded in secrecy and we found out that the only thing the company has is a RM98 million loan owing to Kuwait Finance House. I can tell you that RM30 million is defintely above premium. "In normal investment circumstances, nobody would buy a company like this, one that is entangled with a land deal that did not go through," he said, referring to the court case involving Deepak's company and Selangor Wanita Umno chief Senator Raja Ropiaah Abdullah, who was a director in Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd. Rafizi said that the only asset in connection to Awam Megah, which was also purchased by Boustead, for RM130 million, was a land that was still under dispute and the land title was still uncertain. "I can only conclude that no sane financier or accountant or developer would enter into this unless it is for something else. This is where circumstances are too suspicious, plus it is on the very same day that Deepak actually dropped a legal suit against the federal government," he added. Rafizi said that PKR and Pakatan Rakyat planned to go to town with how Najib had sacrificed the servicemen's interest just to silence Deepak. Case withdrawn Yesterday, FMT reported that Deepak dropped the lawsuit against Awan Megah, a vehicle for Raja Ropiaah, without clear reasons given. On the same day, Bernama reported that a unit of Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera investment vehicle Boustead Holdings Bhd acquired an 80% stake in Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for RM30 million. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Boustead's wholly-owned unit, Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd, acquired the shares from Prestige Dimension Sdn Bhd and other minority shareholders of Astacanggih on Dec 20. Bakti Wira Development and Astacanggih also signed an agreement with Awan Megah yesterday to acquire 80.94ha of freehold land in Klang, Selangor, for RM130 million. Boustead said the share purchase and land acquisition would be funded via bank borrowings and internally-generated funds. Boustead explained the acquisition would present an opportunity for the group to expand its land bank. Previously, Deepak, through Astacanggih, had filed the legal suit with the Kuala Lumpur High Court naming the Malaysian government, Syarikat Tanah Harta Sdn Bhd, Awan Megah and Cebur Megah Development Sdn Bhd, in which he is also a director, as defendants for breach of agreement over the 233.33 acres of land. Awan Megah had filed a counter-claim in response.
SAPP tells Sabah DAP leader to grow up Posted: 28 Dec 2012 03:19 PM PST SAPP has accused DAP of trying to sabotage its bid to work with the Pakatan Rakyat coalition. Queville To, FMT KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has accused DAP of trying to sabotage its bid to work with the Pakatan Rakyat coalition to ensure the opposition succeeds in toppling the Barisan Nasional government. A day after DAP Youth leader and the party's central committee member Junz Wong launched a scathing attack on the local opposition party and accused it of splitting the opposition vote, SAPP's information chief Chong Pit Fah declared that they would not be side-tracked by those bent on playing coalition politics. Chong stressed that negotiations with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim would continue despite DAP attempting to undermine the negotiations to let local parties contest a majority of the state seats "while we will render our full cooperation and support to ensure that Pakatan goes to Putrajaya". "For the sake of the political future of Sabah, we are willing to work on a formula to ensure a one-to-one contest to enhance every opposition candidate's chances of victory over BN candidates," he added. Wong's statement that was carried on the front page under the title "DAP-SAPP spat over seats rages" by the mainstream media which usually buries opposition stories in their inner pages or does not carry it at all caught many by surprise. SAPP leaders were curious if the DAP Youth leader's statement that SAPP had "evil intentions" and was out to split the opposition vote represented the coalition's feelings, and that of DAP or merely his own opinion. Wong justified his attack by claiming that Sabah DAP had been under constant attack by SAPP ever since his party had announced that it would be contesting the Sandakan parliamentary seat and the Elopura, Tanjung Papat and Karamunting state seats in the coming general election. Confusing opposition supporters Chong described Wong's statement as politically immature as well as "arrogant and presumptuous" and had confused opposition supporters especially as negotiations were on-going. SAPP's intention to contest the Sandakan constituencies such as Tanjung Papat and Elopura which was lost to Gerakan after a series of defections has been well known and Chong said the DAP leader was being disingenuous by bringing it up to drive a wedge between SAPP and the coalition. Wong's outburst also cast doubt on whether its local leaders would toe the line if Pakatan leaders particularly Anwar and senior DAP leaders came to an agreement with SAPP on seat sharing. The DAP leader categorically stated that whatever Anwar, who is also Pakatan component PKR leader, and SAPP agreed to was strictly between them and had nothing to do with the other coalition members. "SAPP is not part of Pakatan. SAPP has clarified that they will work with Anwar for possible seat negotiation, which means they will negotiate for seats agreed upon for PKR only, not PAS and certainly not DAP," Wong said in his statement. "If SAPP thinks (party president) Yong Teck Lee can deal with Pakatan the way SAPP used to deal with BN, then Yong is so wrong! Pakatan is not BN!" he said.
PKR to block Deepak’s land deal through S’gor govt Posted: 28 Dec 2012 03:17 PM PST PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli says as long as Pakatan Rakyat is holding Selangor, it will not allow the RM130 million land deal to go through. Leven Woon, FMT PKR, through the Selangor government, will block the RM130 million land deal between Lembaga Angakatan Tentera (LTAT)-linked company Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd and a Wanita Umno leader's company PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli said the deal that involved some 200 acres of land in Bukit Raja, Selangor, came under final purview of state government as it required transferring of titles. In a filing to Bursa Malaysia two days ago, Bakti Wira, a wholly-owned unit of Boustead Holdings Berhad, signed an agreement with Awan Megah, a vehicle company of Selangor Wanita Umno chief Raja Roppiaah Abdullah to acquire the freehold land at the said price. This followed after carpet businessman Deepak Jaikishan's company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd dropped a lawsuit against Awan Megah without clear reasons given. Boustead subsequently agreed to purchase 80% stake in Astacanggih for RM30 million from the businessman who recently made a series of exposes on Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's family.
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