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- BN government never stood by the rakyat in the Bukit Merah – Papan Controversy.
- French Lawyers Seek Malaysian PM Najib to Testify in Sub Scandal
- Surat ICAC Tidak Membersihkan Nama Dato' Seri Musa Aman, Perlu Isytihar Penyumbang RM40 Juta
- Is Green Walk a death knell for MCA?
- Nik Aziz admits ‘oversight’ in gender policy on hair-cutting
- 'Carpetman' linked to Altantuya trial tells all to Harakahdaily
- The journey in life is never a straight line (PART 2)
- Scorpene briefing: Elements of Altantuya case important
- The deuce position
- PAS to protest against Elton
- Carpet dealer says Wanita Umno leader cheated him in land deal
- The journey in life is never a straight line (PART 1)
- Mother gets custody of children in Muslim convert case
- ‘Don’t touch Upko seats’
- Scorpene inquiry stumbles upon money maze
- Sultan: Learn from 1988 judicial crisis
- Making one’s hair stand
- Deepak: I regretted getting involved in Bala's SD
- Election sloganeering to win Indian votes
- It was an unpleasant weekend for Najib
- MCA’s use of hudud may backfire
- Water crisis: Learn from Mahathir’s blunder
- Selangor’s Talam White Paper a ‘grey paper’
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- Can MCA deliver for Najib?
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- Karpal leaves political fate to party delegates
- Importance of local government elections
- PAS bantah konsert Elton John
- Stepping up the pressure on PAS
- BN: We can win Kelantan
- Democracy could breed violence, says Dr M
- Dr M: Demonstrations galore if PR loses GE13
- PAS Youth needs to search its soul
- Ambiga to Najib: Debate with Anwar
- Pakatan won’t let go of Sabah
- Nurul’s statement and the Kaum Tua mentality
- Himpunan Hijau @ Dataran Merdeka
- Pluralism: The new bogey
- Mustapa: Kelantan Umno to field ulama as candidates in election
BN government never stood by the rakyat in the Bukit Merah – Papan Controversy. Posted: 27 Nov 2012 12:25 PM PST
Choo Sing Chye Apparently by not having the rakyat's welfare at heart, the Minister of the Science, Technology & Innovation Ministry (MOSTI), Maximus Ongkili has forsaken the "prime duty" of the regulatory authorities that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had proposed. The IAEA, which was invited by the government during the Bukit Merah and Papan controversy made many recommendations, and one of them was the "prime duty" which the regulatory authorities should "adhere": "there is one principle to which all should adhere: regulatory authorities (Government) should be effectively separated from implementing organization (ARE), since … the prime duty of regulatory authorities is to protect Man and the environment, ensuing the … radiation doses to Man do not contravene the recommendations of the ICRP regulation." Contrary to what the IAEA had recommended, the Federal and the State Government, in the case of the Papan and Bukit Merah controversy, chose to sideline the welfare of the rakyat and sided with the giant conglomerate – Mitsubishi Chemical, Japan. Likewise in Ongkili's case, by ignoring the rakyat's welfare, he had deviated from the "prime duty of (the) regulatory authorities… to protect Man and the environment". Unmistakably, the proof is in his unambiguous expressed statement which he said: "the onus is on them (anti-Lynas group), not on me, to say that decision of the board is not correct. So give me additional information to point to the fact that it was not a wise decision." (Ongkili's interview with Malaysian Insider, April 15, 2012)
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French Lawyers Seek Malaysian PM Najib to Testify in Sub Scandal Posted: 27 Nov 2012 12:16 PM PST
(Asia Sentinel) - Highly doubtful that is going to happen, though Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his onetime close friend Abdul Razak Baginda are the "priority witnesses" in an investigation into bribes and kickbacks amounting to about €150 million in the sale of Scorpene submarines to the Malaysian Ministry of Defense, French lawyer Apoline Cagnat told a press conference in Singapore today. Cagnat is a member of the Paris-based firm headed by William Bourdon, which has been retained by the Malaysian human rights NGO Suaram in a probe by the French judiciary. Cagnat told a briefing for Malaysian parliamentarians in Singapore that, of the seven witnesses submitted by Suaram and accepted by the French judiciary, Najib and Razak are the most important. It is highly unlikely, however, that the French authorities probing the scandal would be able to persuade the head of a sovereign state, especially one who is suspected of helping to facilitate the transfer of kickbacks to the United Malays National Organization, the biggest party in the ruling national coalition, to testify. It is also difficult to imagine what they would be willing to add to the dialogue about the case if indeed they were called to testify. And, although threats of subpoenas have been made in the past, there was no indication in Cagnat's comments that they are being issued. Nonetheless, "I hope the judges manage to interrogate them," Cagnat told reporters. Cagnat gave her press conference in Singapore after Suaram said it was unable to obtain an assurance from the government that it would guarantee the security of the French lawyers, who had been asked by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim to brief parliament on the case. The speaker of the parliament, Amin Mulia, said he wouldn't allow the briefing to take place in Parliament's compound. The other five witnesses are the current Defense Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi , Setev Shaariibuu, the father of murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu, private investigator P Balasubramaniam, Boustead Holdings Bhd group managing director and deputy chairperson Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, and Jasbir Singh Chahl, said to be Razak's right-hand man but who fell out with the onetime security consultant and threatened suit because he reportedly didn't get a big enough share of the commission paid on the submarines. Bourdon himself was bundled out of Malaysia by immigration authorities in July of 2011 after giving details of the alleged scandal in a speech in Penang to hundreds of people at a fundraiser to continue his investigation. Scheduled to give two more speeches in Malaysia, Bourdon was taken off a flight at Kuala Lumpur International Airport and was put on another plane out of the country over his protests. Bourdon and Suaram have been battered by both the mainstream press, which is largely government-owned, and an army of bloggers who say the scandal has been overblown and that no trial had been ordered by French authorities. Neither Bourdon, Suaram nor Asia Sentinel, which has reported extensively on the case, have ever said a trial was imminent. But the investigation is continuing and investigating magistrates have been appointed by the French courts. Two investigating judges, Serge Tournaire and Roger Le Loire, were appointed in March to investigate the case. They have broad powers to investigate independently and can call witnesses and conduct international surveys. French police acting on a request from Bourdon's legal team raided the headquarters of the state-owned defense giant DCN and its subsidiaries and came up with a wealth of detail that enmeshed former French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, current Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and a host of others in the scandal, as well as top officials with DCN.
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Surat ICAC Tidak Membersihkan Nama Dato' Seri Musa Aman, Perlu Isytihar Penyumbang RM40 Juta Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:55 AM PST
Saya menegaskan pendirian saya bahawa surat yang disebut oleh Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan itu tidak membersihkan nama Dato' Seri Musa Aman, sebaliknya menguatkan pandangan bahawa ICAC terpaksa menghentikan siasatan kerana tidak mendapat kerjasama pihak berkuasa Malaysia. Rafizi Ramli, Pengarah Strategi Keadilan Saya merujuk kepada laporan oleh Clara Chooi yang disiarkan pada 27 November 2012 oleh The Malaysian Insider bertajuk "ICAC Letter Shows Musa Aman Cleared of Graft Last December". Laporan itu memetik kenyataan Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud bagi pihak Dato' Seri Musa Aman bahawa kes telah ditutup oleh ICAC Hong Kong berdasarkan satu surat yang dihantar secara peribadi kepada Dato' Seri Musa Aman. Berdasarkan laporan tersebut, saya ingin menegaskan beberapa fakta berikut: 1. Surat yang diutuskan oleh ICAC itu sekali-kali tidak menyatakan bahawa Dato' Seri Musa Aman dibersihkan dari tuduhan rasuah, atau membayangkan bahawa ICAC yakin Dato' Seri Musa Aman bersih dari rasuah seperti yang cuba diwar-warkan oleh Umno/Barisan Nasional. 2. Surat itu hanya memaklumkan bahawa berdasarkan maklumat-maklumat yang ICAC perolehi setakat itu, ICAC mengambil keputusan untuk tidak meneruskan siasatan terhadap Dato' Seri Musa Aman. Jika Dato' Seri Musa Aman tidak bersetuju dengan fakta-fakta ini, maka wajarlah beliau mendedahkan kandungan keseluruhan surat tersebut, bukannya menggunakan Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan untuk menyampaikan secara lisan sahaja kepada wartawan. Keputusan ICAC untuk tidak meneruskan siasatan berdasarkan maklumat-maklumat yang mereka perolehi setakat itu menimbulkan lebih banyak persoalan. Ia juga menguatkan pandangan beberapa pihak bahawa ICAC tidak mendapat kerjasama sepenuhnya dari pihak berkuasa Malaysia untuk meneruskan siasatan kerana mereka tidak mempunyai kuasa menyiasat dan mengumpulkan bukti. Oleh yang demikian, mereka bergantung sepenuhnya kepada Peguam Negara dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) untuk mendapatkan bukti. Kenyataan Ketua Pendakwaraya Hong Kong, Kevin Zevros baru-baru ini bahawa pihak berkuasa Hong Kong mengambil keputusan untuk menghentikan siasatan berdasarkan maklumat pihak berkuasa Malaysia mengesahkan bahawa tangan ICAC terikat dari meneruskan siasatan. Oleh yang demikian, saya menegaskan pendirian saya bahawa surat yang disebut oleh Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan itu tidak membersihkan nama Dato' Seri Musa Aman, sebaliknya menguatkan pandangan bahawa ICAC terpaksa menghentikan siasatan kerana tidak mendapat kerjasama pihak berkuasa Malaysia. Saya dan pasukan dari KEADILAN (YB William Leong, YB Hee Loy Sian dan YB Chang Lih Kang) sedang giat mengumpulkan bukti termasuk penyata-penyata kewangan dan urusniaga di Hong Kong untuk dilaporkan kepada ICAC agar siasatan baru dibuka, seperti persetujuan dengan ICAC baru-baru ini. Rombongan kami akan menemui ICAC pada 11 Disember 2012 dalam kunjungan yang kedua. Saya juga menggesa Dato' Seri Musa Aman supaya tidak terus mengheret Umno ke dalam permasalahan peribadi beliau. Cara terbaik untuk membersihkan nama beliau adalah dengan mengisytiharkan secara terperinci maklumat sumbangan RM40 juta yang diterima beliau, termasuklah: § Siapa yang menderma/memberi sumbangan? § Apa hubungan penderma/penyumbang ini dengan beliau dan Umno? § Apa kontrak-kontrak atau konsesi yang pernah diberikan kepada penderma/penyumbang ini? § Di mana wang itu disimpan dan atas nama siapa? Saya percaya maklumat-maklumat di atas bukan sahaja dituntut oleh rakyat Malaysia, malah turut ditanya oleh pimpinan Umno sendiri. Apabila Umno/Barisan Nasional menyerang pimpinan KEADILAN bersabit sumbangan (termasuklah isu bas jelajah Merdeka Rakyat dan penggunaan jet peribadi), pimpinan KEADILAN yang terbabit dengan segera mengisytiharkan butiran penyumbang, supaya rakyat dapat menilai sendiri sama ada berlaku unsur salah guna kuasa. Sikap yang sama perlulah juga ditunjukkan oleh Dato' Seri Musa Aman, jika beliau benar-benar yakin tidak ada unsur rasuah dan salah guna kuasa di dalam kes sumbangan RM40 juta kepada beliau/Umno seperti yang didakwanya. Kegagalan beliau berterus terang akan terus memanjangkan kes ini dan saya akan terus menumpukan perhatian untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan bukti baru untuk dibentangkan kepada rakyat. Sebab itu, saya tidak sedikit pun merasa tergugat dengan ancaman tindakan undang-undang seperti yang disebut oleh Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan. Saya yakin saya hanya menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang rakyat dan bersedia untuk mempertahankan kes yang saya bawa di mahkamah pada bila-bila masa. Persoalannya: Apakah Dato' Seri Musa Aman bersedia untuk bertemu di mahkamah dan mendedahkan butiran penderma-penderma beliau di mahkamah seperti mana bersedianya saya?
Is Green Walk a death knell for MCA? Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:52 AM PST Shen Yee Aun The Wrong Political Benchmark of Strength The numbers in any political event is not the right and accurate benchmark to indicates any political party weakness and strength. I wonder how can the former MCA Research Head , Stanley Koh is his article claimed that the current Himpunan Hijau Protest is a sign of a death knell for MCA ?
Number Facts 1 In the past when Barisan Nasional was at their peak , we also can see a large numbers of people attending all the DAP and pro opposition ceramah that can made up to easily 10 000 crowds in most area and DAP still lost in most of the previous General Election .
Number Facts 2 Most of MCA Mega Dinner is having a range of 5000 – 15 000 people in each division that the organized. Did MCA ever claim that this mega dinner with such a huge number of crowd is sign of MCA will be winning in General Election or in another way Pakatan Rakyat is currently losing their strength to win in the next General Election ? The total number of series of MCA Mega Dinner by now easily will reach 100 000 Malaysians and in this case MCA only claimed that they are recovering and way stronger than before. MCA will never take the numbers political game for granted to brag that it is a sign of their early victory.
Number Facts 3 In 1998 Reformasi there are easily way larger and bigger protest than all the current BERSIH and LYNAS rally added up all together but then again it never indicates the weakness of MCA performance in 1998 General Election .
Double Standard Political Benchmark If a strength and weakness of any particular political party is just based on the impact of a protest then Stanley Koh should also include the 1500 NGO Rally with Barisan Nasional PWTC will also be the strength of the latest Barisan Nasional political strength? Please do not forget that if we want to play numbers game , then 1500 NGO is a way bigger NGO compare to HIMPUNAN HIJAU as part of the only NGO in the entire country. If we are talking about number games then it will be 1 (PR) vs 1500 (BN). What about the recent 2000 single mother protest against Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government that had cheated and manipulated them with their empty promise after taking over the state? If the political bench mark as simple as protest is equals to death knell for any political party then can we consider a list of protest against Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government after Mac 2008 is a sign of a death knell for Pakatan Rakyat? Read more at: |
Nik Aziz admits ‘oversight’ in gender policy on hair-cutting Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:51 AM PST
(The Star) - After several days of public outcry over the Kota Baru Municipal Council's gender policy on hair-cutting, the Kelantan Government appears to have softened its stand on the issue. However, it has yet to decide whether to revoke the municipal by-law that prohibits women and men hairstylists from attending to customers who are of the opposite gender, regardless of whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. "I will bring it up at the state exco meeting to be confirmed before making any official stand on the issue," Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat said yesterday. "First and foremost, we must up-hold the Syariah-based laws. Insya Allah(God willing)," he said, responding to questions on whether he would consider the appeals by hair salons to either scrap or review such by-laws. "It is possible because they (those who object) are non-Muslims. "Islam allows them to practise their culture, as long as it is not in violation of the (Islamic) religion." Nik Aziz, who is PAS spiritual adviser, was speaking to reporters ahead of a meeting with five officials from the PAS Supporters Congress to discuss the controversy at the Mentri Besar's official residence here. Also present was state PAS Dewan Ulama chief Datuk Mohamad Daud, also known as Mat Iraqi. "We have to hold on to Islamic principles because Islam makes it simple for humans, not the other way around. "That is why I invited Mat Iraqi to the meeting for a discussion with the congress," said Nik Aziz, admitting that there was an "oversight" by the authorities in not considering the consequences of Syariah-based by-laws on non-Muslims. "Maybe it is because no other government (in Malaysia) has yet to implement this system," he said. Salon operators had reportedly been slapped with compound fines ranging from RM250 to RM300 since the Kota Baru Municipal Council enforced its hair by-law. Congress adviser Jeff Lee Weng Chun said they wanted Nik Aziz to exclude non-Muslims from the by-law. "We, on behalf of the non-Muslims, want to appeal to Tok Guru (Nik Aziz) to review the laws as hair salons now are not like what they were 20 years ago," he said. In KUALA LUMPUR, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said the Kelantan Government did not intend to implement any Islamic "moral" laws on non-Muslims. This was proven with the introduction of the Syariah Criminal Code (11) Enactment, which did not apply to non-Muslims, he said. "PAS views seriously the fears of non-Muslims over the unisex hair salon issue in Kelantan," he said in a statement read out by PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub. "The party central committee has been informed by the Kelantan Government that it is ready to consider suggestions from non-Muslim groups on the best ways of solving this problem based on the concept of freedom of religion for non-Muslims," Abdul Hadi said. He said the Kelantan Government had to carry out its responsibility based on the mandate given by the people to ensure the moral purity of Muslims was preserved. "PAS is committed to solving any problems through discussions," he said. |
'Carpetman' linked to Altantuya trial tells all to Harakahdaily Posted: 26 Nov 2012 10:54 PM PST "I do know Datuk Seri [Najib] and Puan Seri [Rosmah]. I am a carpet supplier and involved in business. Where there is business opportunity, we ask for their support," he told Harakahdaily during an interview at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur. (Harakah) - A controversial figure in the saga of P Balasubramaniam, the private investigator who issued a damning statutory declaration implicating prime minister Najib Razak of an affair with murdered Mongolian citizen Altantuya Shaariibuu only to retract it the next day, has decided to come clean on his much talked relationship with Najib's family. Deepak Jaikishan (pic) contacted Harakahdaily to tell his story, by first confirming speculation of his ties with Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor."I do know Datuk Seri [Najib] and Puan Seri [Rosmah]. I am a carpet supplier and involved in business. Where there is business opportunity, we ask for their support," he told Harakahdaily during an interview at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur. 'My mistake' Deepak said he did not know Bala personally and was introduced to him by a police friend.
The journey in life is never a straight line (PART 2) Posted: 26 Nov 2012 10:02 PM PST
I was in dire straights with RM20 million in debts. In today's money value, that would probably be about RM100 million. RM20 million is a lot of money to pay back. However, when my shares were worth RM10.40 and I was sitting on a couple of million shares that was not an issue. Now my shares were trading at only RM0.42. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin My initial response to Anwar Ibrahim's betrayal to the cause was that of hostility. None of us could accept his reason for deserting ABIM to join the very party he had condemned and which we called a party of infidels (parti kafir). We considered Umno a parti kafir not only because they opposed Hudud and the Islamic State but also because they collaborated with non-Muslim parties like MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, etc. There was no compromise on this issue. Malaysia has to follow the example of Iran. There were no two ways about it. During the Iran-Iraq War, some of the ABIM members made a trip to Iran and visited the battlefront (their bus was riddled with bullets and they all had to 'hit the floor' to avoid getting shot). When the Iranians visited Malaysia they gave a talk. And I have to admit that their talk inspired me. "Malaysia, today, is like what Iran was 30 years ago. In 30 years time, Malaysia will become just like what Iran is today. We are here to export the Iranian Revolution to Malaysia." I had goose pimples and my hair stood on end. I wished I were at the frontline with gun in hand fighting for the Iranians against the American lackey, Iraq. Yes, we need a Malaysian Islamic Revolution. And I would have to support PAS to be able to see that happen. But why is PAS involved in the general election? Imam Khomeini did not participate in general elections. He brought down the Shah through an armed revolution, through violence. After all, general elections are a kafir creation so why are we bothering with that? We had no choice. We did not have guns or military strength. So we had to participate in general elections as the route to power. Once we are in power we can then abolish general elections and get rid of all the vestiges of British colonialism. I hated Anwar. He used to dress in Arab gear and would condemn those dressed in coat and tie. Those who dress like kafir become kafir, was what we were told. Now, Anwar is dressed in Savile Row suits. He not only sold out to the kafir. He was aping the kafir. He had become just like the kafir. Once the Malaysian Islamic Revolution starts Anwar must be the first we execute. Then, one day, Utsaz Fadzil Mohd Noor bumped into Anwar at the airport and he went up to Anwar and hugged him. They then spent half an hour chatting. The PAS diehards, however, stood at one end of the airport and the Umno diehards at the opposite end. We were puzzled. Did not the Ustaz say that Anwar's excuse for joining Umno was to change Umno from the inside and that Anwar will not only fail to change Umno but instead Umno will change him? And has not Umno changed him into the very animal that we all despise and oppose, at one time Anwar included? Of course Ustaz Fadzil was hurt and disappointed when Anwar left ABIM to join Umno. But he did not hate Anwar. He still loved Anwar. And he still had hope that Anwar may one day return to the opposition or at least succeed in changing Umno from the inside. Most of us, however, were not that bullish. When Anwar decided to contest the Umno Youth leadership he called upon his old comrades in ABIM to help him. The ABIM boys in Terengganu spoke to me and asked me to join the team. We are not helping Umno, they said, we are helping Anwar. We still oppose Umno and pray for its destruction. But that should not stop us from supporting Anwar and help him in his climb up the Umno ladder. I took leave from my business and toured the country to campaign for Anwar. We also sank in quite a bit of money to hold feasts and functions for Anwar to speak at. Invariably, he won. And he won the next two rounds as well. So the effort bore results. But that began to open up a whole new lot of problems for many of us. We were now hated by both sides of the political divide. Those in the opposition hated us for working for Umno. And those in Umno who saw us as enemies of Umno and the 'private army' of Anwar also hated us. One of Anwar's diehards, a senior man in the Terengganu Education Department, was 'promoted' as the new Political Secretary to the Terengganu Menteri Besar. Every one knew that the MB hated Anwar like hell. We were not sure whether this 'promotion' was actually a 'buy-over' or a coincidence. Eventually it was proven that he had sold us out. This was a man who was part of our conspiracy to promote Anwar using the Education Department as the vehicle. He knew all our most confidential plans. Worst of all, he knew all our strengths and weaknesses. So they began attacking us where it hurt most, our business activities. If they can hurt us financially then they can cripple us. And they succeeded in hurting us financially. It was then that I realised you cannot be a businessman and oppose those who walk in the corridors of power at the same time. It must be one or the other. And I paid that heavy price when I became one of the targets that must be destroyed. In 1985, the economy took a beating and in 1987 the stock market collapsed. I lost everything and now had to start all over again. I was in dire straights with RM20 million in debts. In today's money value, that would probably be about RM100 million. RM20 million is a lot of money to pay back. However, when my shares were worth RM10.40 and I was sitting on a couple of million shares that was not an issue. Now my shares were trading at only RM0.42. I went to see Anwar to ask for help. "Inilah Melayu. Nawaitu kontrek. Why can't you be like the Chinese and stand on your own two feet? The Chinese do not ask for government help when they get into financial trouble." I walked off and never looked back. I refused to beg. I got out of politics and focused on rebuilding my business. But I first had RM20 million in debts to pay off. TO BE CONTINUED |
Scorpene briefing: Elements of Altantuya case important Posted: 26 Nov 2012 07:51 PM PST French lawyer Apoline Cagnat says that the French judge involved in the Scorpene probe will also look into the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu. Anisah Shukry, FMT Elements of the murder case of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu are important in the ongoing French probe into the multi-billion purchase of Scorpene submarines. Lawyer Apoline Cagnat, who represents human rights organisation Suaram, told this to reporters via Skype after conducting a briefing on the Scorpene probe in Singapore today. "The judge is not investigating the murder of Altantuya, but rather the purchase of the two Scorpene submarines," she said. "However, elements of the murder case will be important to them and they will look into it." According to a tweet by Batu MP Tian Chua, who was present at the briefing, Cagnat told the parliamentarians that the French judge has requested to obtain the Altantuya trial record as part of the investigation. Suaram has previously claimed that French defence company DCNS paid bribery amounting to 114 million euros to Abdul Razak Baginda's company, Perimekar, in the purchase of the submarines. Altantuya, who was Abdul Razak's one-time lover, was said to have helped him and was later killed and blown up with C4 explosives in 2006, allegedly for asking a part of the bribe. Abdul Razak was charged in abetting in her murder, but was acquitted by the High Court in 2008 on the basis that there was no prima facie case against him. The purchase was made while Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak headed the defence ministry, and he has since been linked to her murder despite his vehement denials. When asked today what part the prime minister played in Altantuya's death, Cagnat refused to comment, citing confidentiality. "But we believe that the prime minister and Razak Baginda at some point will be served subpoenas. But the judges need to gather a lot of proof so it is not something that will happen in a few weeks," she said. 'Arrest warrant would be issued' She said that in the next few months to come, the judge would be subpoenaing all seven witnesses listed by Suaram to come and testify in France. Lawyer Fadiah Nadwa Fikri, who was also present at the briefing, tweeted Cagnat had told parliamentarians if the witnesses did not comply, an arrest warrant would be issued.
Posted: 26 Nov 2012 07:41 PM PST As the general election approaches, the great challenge comes from East Malaysia. Ooi Kee Beng, THE coming into being of a steady two-party system in Malaysia is often thought of as a necessary step in democratic development. But we have to remind ourselves that the process itself, the detailed dynamics of that transformation, is not a given matter. There are many ways to skin a cat, and there are many ways for Malaysia to become a country where open political competition is a norm … even now when the polarity has become so obvious, and so obviously contentious and deep. To be sure, we are talking about coalitions, and in both cases — the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat — the marriages are largely of convenience. In many ways, therefore, there is a stand-off in Malaysian politics where both sides, despite their best efforts at putting on a united front, do not seem able to make serious inroads into the position of the other side. In such a deuce situation, the advantage of incumbency becomes a major factor to consider. The national budgets for 2012 and 2013 have both been geared towards electoral concerns, and notwithstanding social media and Internet news sites, the government still controls the print media and television networks. This is alongside the enormous resources that are available to the federal government, which have often been used as much for policy purposes as for partisan campaign reasons. And yet, this 50-50 situation is not a stable one. Today, as the 13th general election approaches, the great challenge to this largely peninsula-based division comes from East Malaysia. The neat divisive dimensions that we are so used to when studying Peninsular Malaysia are not only undermined by the Sabahans and the Sarawakians; they are actually becoming outmoded. And it is, therefore, the challenges to basic dimensions of socio-political life and thought in the country that we should be paying greater attention to. We are dealing with a deep paradigmatic shift, not just a simple challenge to the race-based party coalition by another that is less race based. As in 1969, it was the failure in 2008 of Chinese-based parties within the ruling coalition to harness votes for the BN that led to serious reversals in popular support. But unlike 1969, the general election of 2008 saw a broad maturing of Malay opposition to Umno — and by extension, to BN itself — and it was under the leadership of that enhanced Malay interest in nation-building options that the other communities also revealed their wish for a change away from the system of government that the BN had settled upon. Paradoxically, it is the gradual rise of a strong Malay opposition which lies behind the shift away from racial politics. The other ethnic groups would not have moved to any significant extent — be this through Bersih or Hindraf — without the sustained public display of dissent by members of the Malay community over the last 15 years. More immediately, the disappointment with former premier Tun Abdullah Badawi's reforms was a major element in the electorate decline of the BN. That disenchantment was deepened by the conceit and arrogance, not to mention the lack of political sense, displayed by establishment figures and ministers following the amazing victory won by Abdullah in 2004. Although the popular support was just over 60%, the BN gained control of over 90% of parliamentary seats. We should also remind ourselves that the BN won all — I repeat ALL — by-elections during the 2004-2008 mandate period. The Reformasi of 1998 seemed forgotten, and the relative success of the opposition in the 1999 elections (excepting the DAP), seemed a thing of the past. What is the situation today?
Posted: 26 Nov 2012 07:30 PM PST
(The Star) - PAS leaders will go ahead to protest against Elton John's concert at Genting Highlands on Saturday night after their calls for the show to be cancelled went unheeded by the organisers. PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi said they would submit a protest note to the Government against the organisers if the show, scheduled to be held at the Arena of Stars, is not stopped. "We will use the approach of submitting a memorandum to protest against the concert. "This is one of the measures we intend to take to check social ills in the country," The Malaysian Times quoted him as saying in an interview with the news portal yesterday. "Whatever it takes, we will not let up on our dakwah work and will continually remind all Muslims, particularly youths, not to get involved in matters that can drag them into vice," Nasruddin said. This will be the second concert in Malaysia for Elton, following his sell-out show at the same venue last year, also in November. PAS had also raised its objections to the concert on grounds that it promoted "hedonism" and because of the singer's gay marriage, which the party felt had a negative effect on young Malaysians. Elton, who has sold more than 250 million records with hits like Rocket Man and Your Song, married David Furnish in 2005 when same-sex marriages were legalised in Britain.
Carpet dealer says Wanita Umno leader cheated him in land deal Posted: 26 Nov 2012 07:21 PM PST
"As far as we are concerned, she's a thief and we are suing her for stealing our land," said Deepak as reported by Wong Choon Mei of Malaysia Chronicle. "I have had enough of all this. I am a businessman and this is taking to long. I have written letters to Najib but he is not doing a thing. He is just sitting on it." (The Malaysian Insider) - Controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan has dropped a bombshell on the eve of the annual Umno general assembly alleging that a senior Wanita Umno politician had cheated him out of millions in a land deal. Deepak, who deals in carpets, said he had agreed to buy three parcels of land in 2007 for RM13 million with a RM72 million bank guarantee for a land bond from the Wanita Umno leader, who was awarded a RM100 million privatisation deal for the development of the defence research centre called Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional (PUSPAHANAS). But she had sold one parcel for RM2 million in cash and a RM16 million overdraft facility in a "joint-venture" with another company specialising in plasticware, prompting the carpet dealer to put a caveat on the land in Bukit Raja and lodge a police report last July. "This is my land... I want to develop it," Deepak told The Malaysian Insider, hours after he spoke to several other news portals about the matter. The Malaysian Insider contacted the Wanita Umno leader but she did not respond to the calls. The 40-year-old businessman (picture) said he has written to government leaders and officials about the matter but has yet to receive a response. The police have also been dragging their feet, he added. "We want her to sign over the power of attorney for the land... but she hasn't," Deepak said. In his police report dated July 9, 2012 at the Pudu police station, Deepak said the Wanita Umno leader and her company had committed a criminal breach of trust by not handing over the land titles to him and also selling his land to another party. He said his company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd had signed a deal on May 16, 2007 to buy the three parcels of land measuring 89.281 acres, 88.629 acres and 45.420 acres from Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd, which was given the privatisation deal on June 8, 2005. But Deepak said he never got the land or the title deeds, and had filed a lawsuit in December 2011 against the Wanita Umno leader, Awan Megah, the Selangor Land and Mines Office and the Ministry of Defence to get what was due to him. He also found out last July that Awan Megah has signed a "joint-venture agreement" with Guppyunip Sdn Bhd on July 9, 2010 to develop one of the parcels he had bought. "I am unsure if she has sold the same piece of land to others too," he said, adding he hoped the police would get to the bottom of the case.
The journey in life is never a straight line (PART 1) Posted: 26 Nov 2012 06:50 PM PST
I delved deeply into religion and two years later, in 1982, I went to Mekah to perform my Haj (pilgrimage). There I met up with the late Haji Fadzil Mohd Noor (the PAS President who died in office in June 2002). I also linked up with Tok Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang, Mustafa Ali and a couple of other top PAS leaders from Terengganu. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin When I was in my teens I never suspected that life is actually quite complicated. Then, I would live day-to-day. I lived by the motto 'tomorrow never comes', which is quite true because once tomorrow comes it would be today, if you get what I mean. Life was all about enjoying yourself -- eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die. And, if you can't avoid dying, then go with a smile on your face because once you die you die, that would be the end of everything. Hence have fun while you still breath. Then my world, as I knew it, came to an end. My father -- the only breadwinner in the family -- died. And we were all still in school -- all four siblings. That was probably the first greatest shock of my life -- other than the 13 motorcycle accidents that I had prior to my father's death. My father was only 46. Surely that was too young an age to die, especially when my mother was only 38 and the four of us kids were still at school. That could be considered as the first 'injury' in my life. And, to add insult to this injury, the hundreds of friends and family members that my father had suddenly 'disappeared'. You see; my father was a 'big man'. That was why I could afford the devil-may-care lifestyle. However, once the 'big man' had gone, no one wanted to know us any more. I remember the first Hari Raya after my father died. When my father was still alive, the road outside our house would be jam-packed with cars. The place would be almost like the venue of an opposition ceramah -- crowded with people. That first Hari Raya after my father's death, however, not a single person came to our house. My mother stood looking out the window and cried. I did not know what to do so I phone my father's 'best friend' -- a man I call Uncle Cedric and who now lives in Australia. Uncle Cedric came over to console my mother. Thereafter our days of the Hari Raya 'open house' ended. We realised that now our father had died we no longer have any friends or family members. It hit me then that we would have to pick up what was left of our lives and get on with it. I got a job that paid RM250 a month and got married soon after that. I was forced to 'restart' my life (or 'reboot' in today's terminology) from the bottom. And it was a long and hard battle to get back to the top, the position I had always known until my father died. Then the second blow of my life hit me nine years later. My mother, who was only 47, died. She had earlier left Malaysia and had gone back to England. She could no longer live in Malaysia, which was giving her so much 'pain'. That was in 1980 when I was 30. My father had died age 46 and my mother at age 47. I was 30. How much longer would I live before I too would die? What was the purpose of life if all it means is you are going to leave this world and cause your family so much pain by your death? I needed to console myself with the fact that life was not a total waste and that we are all here for a purpose. And to find that answer I turned to Islam. No doubt I was born a Muslim but I was never really a Muslim. I 'became' a Muslim much later in life. I delved deeply into religion and two years later, in 1982, I went to Mekah to perform my Haj (pilgrimage). There I met up with the late Haji Fadzil Mohd Noor (the PAS President who died in office in June 2002). I also linked up with Tok Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang, Mustafa Ali and a couple of other top PAS leaders from Terengganu. I spent almost a month in Mekah and Medina where I also mingled with the Iranians (who had just had their Islamic Revolution three years before that in 1979). I even joined the Iranians in their anti-Saudi/anti-US demonstration in Mekah that attracted about 100,000 protestors. A year before that, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had taken over as the Prime Minister of Malaysia and that same year I did my Haj (1982), Anwar Ibrahim had joined Umno. So this was the 'hot' discussion in Mekah and Medina. Part of the reason I became a 'radical' Muslim was because of Anwar Ibrahim. Before he joined Umno in 1982 he was the President of ABIM and I attended a few of his ceramah, all organised by PAS, of course. It was in a way Anwar who made me 'see the light' that the future lay with Islam. Umno was evil. Umno was unIslamic. Umno was a creation of the 'kafir' British. We must oppose Umno and 'turn' to Islam. And turn to Islam I did, in a very big way, even believing that the future was in an Islamic Revolution in Malaysia a la Iran. Killing and dying in the name of Islam was an acceptable option. This was what I learned during my Haj trip and in my association with the Iranians. This was also what the President of ABIM, Anwar Ibrahim, had been telling us. But now Anwar had abandoned the Islamic cause to join Umno -- the very organisation he had condemned and had told us to oppose to the death. Anwar was now with the 'infidels' in Umno. Is it, therefore, also halal (kosher) to kill Anwar? TO BE CONTINUED |
Mother gets custody of children in Muslim convert case Posted: 26 Nov 2012 05:26 PM PST
(Bernama) - A kindergarten teacher will have custody over her three children who were converted to Islam by her Muslim-convert former husband. This is because Muhammad Ridzuan Abdullah, or K. Patmanathan as he was known before conversion, has lost his chance to appeal to the Federal Court the decision of an Ipoh High Court which granted custody of the children to M. Indira Gandhi. A five-member panel led by Chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria dismissed Muhammad Ridzuan's application for leave to appeal. Ridzuan, 43, had sought leave to appeal to the Federal Court as his appeal to set aside the High Court's decision was thrown out by the Court of Appeal on April 17 this year following failure by his previous lawyer to file the records of appeal on time. The Court of Appeal had struck out his (Muhammad Ridzuan's) appeal against the decision of the High Court granting custody to Indira, after it (the Court of Appeal) refused to grant him extension of time to file in the records of appeal. Muhammad Ridzuan filed his notice of appeal on March 11, 2010 and was required to file in the records of appeal within eight weeks from the filing of the notice of appeal but his previous lawyer did not do so. The records of appeal were filed a year later. Justice Arifin also ordered Muhammad Ridzuan to pay RM10,000 in legal costs. The other judges on the panel were Federal Court judges Datuk Hashim Yusoff, Datuk Ahmad Maarop, Datuk Hasan Lah and Datuk Jeffrey Tan Kok Wha. On March 11, 2010, the Ipoh High Court granted Indira the custody of Tevi Darsiny (Ummu Salamah), 15, Karan Dinish (Abu Bakar), 14 and Prasana Diksa (Ummu Habibah), four, but allowed Ridzuan to visit his children once a week. The court ordered that Prasana Diksa, who was with Ridzuan, be returned to Indira while the other two children, who were with Indira, remain in the 37-year old mother's (Indira) custody. Ridzuan embraced Islam in April 2009 and subsequently converted his children to Islam without Indira's consent. On April 24, the same year, Indira obtained an interim custody order from the Ipoh High Court for temporary custody of her children. On October 29 the same year, Ridzuan, who was represented by lawyer Anas Fauzi, obtained a court order from the Syariah Court giving him custody of the children. Lawyer K.Shanmuga, one of the lawyers in Indira's legal team, told reporters that the Ipoh High Court would mention tomorrow Indira's judicial review application to quash the conversion certificate. He added that contempt proceedings against Ridzuan would be initiated for not adhering the High Court order to return Prasana Diksa to the mother.
Posted: 26 Nov 2012 05:21 PM PST Upko warned its political brothers in Parti Bersatu Sabah to stop asking for its seats. (FMT) - KOTA KINABALU: A Sabah Barisan Nasional component party's view that a 'convincing' BN victory can only occur if the state and parliamentary seats are aligned to a single party has come under heavy criticism by United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko). In not so many words, Upko secretary-general Wilfred Tangau told his political brothers in Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) to zip it. "Tuaran and Bingkor seats are not up for grabs. PBS should just focus its energy and resources on working closely with other BN component parties. "Stop talking about claiming seats that have been traditionally allocated to other component parties," he said alluding to recent calls from PBS for certain seats to be given to them. Upko, led by Bernard Dompok is a spin-off from PBS. During PBS' 27th annual congress recently, its Tuaran and Bingkor divisions had suggested that the seats be given to PBS because "it was easier to administer the parliamentary constituency" if the state seats were allocated to the same party. There are some 40,761 voters in Tuaran parliamentary constituency. Tuaran has three state seats – Tamparuli (14,291), Sulaman (16,076) and Kiulu (9,773). Tuaran parliamentary seat is currently held by former Upko deputy chairman Wilfred Bumburing. Bumburing defected in July to form his own platform Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) which had aligned itself to Pakatan Rakyat. PBS is now staking a claim on the seat. PBS already holds Tamparuli and Kiuli state seats under Tuaran parliamentary constituency. The third state seat is Sulaman held by Umno's Hajiji Noor. In the last election, PBS' Jahid @ Nordin Jahim polled 6,775 votes to win the Tamparuli seat with a 5,758 majority, while Hajiji (Umno) garnered 7,065 votes to take the Sulaman seat with a 3,482 majority and Lovuis Rampas (PBS) won the Kiulu seat with a majority of 2,279. Meanwhile Bingkor, which is under Keningau parliamentary constituency is currently held by Upko's Justin Guka. Keningau MP is PBS president Joseph Pairin Kitingan. Pairin is also Tambunan assemblyman.The other two seats are Liawan (Umno) and Bingkor.
Scorpene inquiry stumbles upon money maze Posted: 26 Nov 2012 05:15 PM PST
( - The French judicial inquiry into alleged corruption in Malaysia's purchase of two Scorpene class submarines have stumbled upon a complex money trail due to the slew of companies involved in the procurement transaction. French lawyer Apoline Cagnat, who is acting on behalf of human rights group Suaram, said during a briefing in Singapore that the financial documentation in cases of suspected corruption is usually very complicated to navigate particularly of it involves multiple jurisdictions. "It is complicated to trace the companies and will take time because it (corrupt practices) is supposed to be hidden," Cagnat reiterated to Malaysian reporters via Skype after she conducted a briefing on the Scorpene inquiry in Singapore today. The live webcast of Cagnat's briefing to Singapore press and several Malaysian opposition politicians was held in Kuala Lumpur by Solidariti Anak Melayu Malaysia (SAMM), a PKR-linked organisation. Cagnat's briefing was initially scheduled to be held in Kuala Lumpur but the event was moved to Singapore at the eleventh hour when she did not receive a response from Malaysia's Ministry of Home Affairs to guarantee her safe passage into Malaysia. Cagnat is among the lawyers acting for Suaram, the organisation that filed the complaint in France which kicked off the judicial investigation over allegations of corruption in Malaysia's purchase of the Scorpene submarines from French defence contractor Direction des Construction Navales Services (DCNS). French prosecutors have raided DCNS's offices and seized various documents include some which purportedly detail payments made to two companies set up by former political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, who is said to be a close associate of prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Perimekar Sdn Bhd, a company controlled by Abdul Razak, stands accused of receiving RM540 million or 114 million euros for its "support services" which Suaram and the opposition claims are kickbacks for the submarine deal.
Sultan: Learn from 1988 judicial crisis Posted: 26 Nov 2012 05:11 PM PST
( - The Deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong has reminded the legal profession and the judiciary "to never ever go back to the few years of darkness in our country's history" following the 1988 judicial crisis. "We must continually learn from our mistakes and build on our success in honour of the men and women of Malaysia who stood their ground for the good of their country during that difficult period," said Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan. He said this in his keynote address at the 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Forum Conference, organised by the International Bar Association, here yesterday. Those present included Chief Justice of Malaysia Tun Arifin Zakaria, Chief Judge of the High Court of Malaya Tan Sri Zulkefli Makinuddin, International Bar Association president Akira Kawamura and Malaysian Bar president Lim Chee Wee. Sultan Muhammad V said that his father, the then Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Ismail Petra, stood up for the rule of law. "As his young Tengku Mahkota or Crown Prince, I proudly watched as my father stood his ground during the 1988 judicial crisis," he said, without elaborating. "We shall not dwell on the past here today but we must learn from it so that the same mistakes will never be repeated," he said. He added that without a strong, stable and fair government, a fair and independent judiciary, and a legal profession committed to the rule of law and not politically motivated, "all the progress and growth we have achieved and hope to continue to achieve will mean nothing." The deputy king praised recent legal reforms such as the repeal of the Internal Security Act, the introduction of legislation allowing for the right for peaceful assembly, and amendments to the Printing Presses and Publications Act. "All these reforms by the present government with the assistance of the relevant stakeholders in society are a move in the right direction but more can be done. "Some of the legislations we have amended and repealed may need to be re-looked at as the initial amendments may not have achieved all that was initially intended," he said.
Posted: 26 Nov 2012 04:54 PM PST
Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan's recent remarks about salons make us wonder if he has anything 'between the ears'. How then can he not know that PAS is messing things up in a respectable industry. Wong Chun Wai, The Star DATUK Takiyuddin Hassan should be invited by hair stylists for a visit to their shops – the Kelantan state executive councillor has no idea what he is talking about. To put it bluntly, he is talking rubbish. He doesn't need to have a hair cut or a hair wash but simply observe the operations at a hair salon. And sir, it is hair salon and not hair saloon. There is no drinking or entertainment of any kind. A hair salon is different from a girlie barber shop, that's another point you should be aware of. On Sunday, the PAS assistant secretary-general defended the PAS state government's decision to enforce gender-segregation rules on unisex salons, prohibiting women from cutting the hair of men, and vice-versa. He said: "It is a well-known fact that hair salons and unisex establishments are the most convenient places for immoral activities. "They provide a cover for men and women to engage in illicit activities. If I were a Chinese, I will never allow my wife to patronise such salons or even consider allowing my children to work in such places because of their reputation as a hotbed for immoral activities. "And even a Chinese wife will feel uneasy to allow her husband to go to such places. Frequently such places will always lead to scandals." Like many Malaysians who read these remarks yesterday, I really didn't know whether to cry or to burst out laughing. Many of us go to hair salons for hair cuts simply because, unlike barbers, these hair stylists are properly trained. Many invested in diploma courses in famous training schools in London, Paris, Hong Kong and Bangkok. We don't expect Takiyuddin to know what "a layer cut" is. Huge sums of capital have been invested into their hair salons and many well-known hair stylists have turned entrepreneurs by setting up chains of hair salons nationwide. These hair stylists work hard on their reputation, of which PAS may not be aware of, but clients are selective in their choice of hair salons. Takiyuddin has no idea what he is talking about. We wouldn't blink an eye if our family members have their hair cut at hair salons — by a male or a female stylist. And most of us have family members or friends who work at hair salons and we are proud of their skills and creativity. They make many Malaysians look good with their professionalism and abilities. It is even more humorous when Takiyuddin said that "when a woman worker gives upper body massages to a male customer, one thing will eventually lead to another, ending with illicit activities". Hello, the nearest massage one gets at a hair salon is a neck-and-shoulder massage. And from where Takiyuddin is coming from, he and his party leaders will surely shut down spas when they come to power. Since male stylists cannot cut the hair of females and vice-versa, will we see PAS banning women doctors from treating male patients? So if Takiyuddin suffers a heart attack while he is giving a press conference, will he wait for a male doctor to come, even if there is a female doctor nearby? Next, women flight attendants won't be serving Takiyudidin when he is flying because it can lead to many things, what with their smiles and the uniforms they wear. The hair on my hands are already standing on end just reading what Takiyuddin has reportedly said.
Deepak: I regretted getting involved in Bala's SD Posted: 26 Nov 2012 04:27 PM PST
Nigel Aw, Malaysiakini Businessperson Deepak Jaikishan regretted his involvement in getting private investigator P Balasubramaniam to make a second statutory declaration (SD) which reversed an earlier one linking Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. In an interview with Malaysiakini last night, Deepak said he had only become involved at the request of a female friend associated with the parties who would be affected by the fallout of the first statutory declaration. THIS NEWS ITEM WAS LIFTED FROM MALAYSIAKINI WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION.
Election sloganeering to win Indian votes Posted: 26 Nov 2012 04:16 PM PST Wouldn't it be plain daydreaming to expect Najib to suddenly transform himself to be the poor man's champion? By M Manoharan, FMT Apart from a brief stint at Petronas, Najib has always enjoyed privileged positions as the PM's eldest son, Menteri Besar, Deputy Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and currently, Prime Minister. His has been an aristocratic role within an Umno regime whose rule has reduced Indians to an impoverished and marginalised community. Wouldn't it be plain daydreaming to expect him to suddenly transform himself to be the poor man's champion? Najib and other Umno leaders' speeches are tailor-made according to the audience. Ketuanan Melayu and the Malay chauvinistic agenda is a favourite subject of Najib to Malay audiences. However, when he faces an Indian crowd, he transforms himself into the Messiah for the marginalised Indian. However, Najib is known for encouraging the proliferation of Indian-based parties. Recently, at a meeting with KIMMA, he said that the appointment of the new Chief Secretary takes care of the welfare of Muslim Indians and that they should not clamour for KIMMA's membership in BN. In an indirect manner, he was relaying the message that Muslim Indians who consider themselves Malays cannot afford to be disunited but Indians can. Najib is also consistently big on pronouncements but short on delivery. Examples include his announcement of a 1,000 matriculation/ pre-university places for high achieving SPM students, but it required sustained pressure from NGOs, politicians and community leaders before the places were ready and even then doubts persist as to whether the number ever reached the promised 1,000. Another announcement was the RM180 million fund offered ostensibly solely for Indian SMEs. Again this turned out to be a ruse because it was just a small portion of a pre-existing loans portfolio in the banking network. Moreover, applicants had to meet standard stringent documentation and other criteria. Similarly, grandiose figures were dished out on the allocation of funds to Tamil schools post-April 2009. Recently, a colossal figure of RM500 million was bandied about but experts agree that the real disbursement is likely to be a tiny fraction of the publicised amount. 'The Cabinet Committee on Indian Issues' and the 'Task Force on Indians in the PM's Department' are two very high profile teams to be established under the Najib administration, designed to tackle the broad spectrum of problems affecting the Indians. Both teams have proven to be a public relations exercise, more than anything else, with hundreds of thousands of ringgit poured into print, radio and television advertisements with otherwise very little to show for it. Najib comes out tops in sloganeering with terms like 'Nambikei' but there were just mere slogans! There are close to 300 000 'stateless' Indians in the country. 'Stateless' because of the absence of birth registration and MyKad documents. Sadly, Najib chooses to trumpet the miniscule 4,000 odd numbers who have gained citizenship recently, many in their advance years, where a Malaysian citizenship arrives too late and is of little use to them. Again, he chooses publicity over actual delivery/achievement. Mahathir link Perhaps the biggest indication that a future Najib premiership would see Indians falling further behind is his close ties to former PM Mahathir Mohamad. Mahathir's policies shamelessly neglected and discriminated against the Indian community. For instance, at the start of the Mahathir premiership, about 29% of the civil service consisted of non Malays (Indians are part of this figure) but by the end of his tenure, the number had been whittled down to a measly 8%. Many retiring senior Indian civil service members were replaced by Malays at the higher echelons. It is sad to note that the majority of the high ranking Indian civil servants are in the obituary columns of the newspapers.
It was an unpleasant weekend for Najib Posted: 26 Nov 2012 04:08 PM PST The rakyat are now vocally airing their demands, their rights and their aspirations. And interestingly they didn't just demonstrate against core issues but also against Umno and Barisan Nasional rule. It was a strong resistance against a corrupt and morally bankrupt government which has continuously ignored the rights of the people for profits. By Charles Santiago, FMT Perhaps those were his chosen moments. The moment when tens of thousands of people turned Dataran Merdeka green. The moment when hundreds of Indians called for the rights of the minority community to be protected. The moment when scores more turned up at the field in Petaling Jaya to demonstrate against the National Education Blueprint. It was a weekend of protest in Malaysia. And interestingly they didn't just demonstrate against core issues but also against Umno and Barisan Nasional rule. It was a strong resistance against a corrupt and morally bankrupt government which has continuously ignored the rights of the people for profits. The people of Malaysia have changed after the 2008 general election which was a slap to the ruling parties, that have governed with impunity over decades. The rakyat are now vocally airing their demands, their rights and their aspirations. This politically maturing society should sit well with the reform agenda of prime minister Najib Tun Razak, who parrots his People First, Performance Now slogan. But that's not the case. Protesters are met with bully-boy policemen who do not hesitate to employ violence against unarmed people. And their demands have gone largely unheeded. And these demands include a clean-up of the electoral system which is ridden with irregularities, a revamp of the education system, a clean and transparent government, independent monitoring of the police force, equal distribution of wealth, the doing-away of race-based policies, a judiciary with integrity… and the list goes on. The Umno-led coalition government has largely turned a blind eye to these demands, gone after the dissidents with a vengeance, accused the opposition of engineering peoples movements or used force to threaten and intimidate the people. Najib, his cabinet ministers and the police, who go to the mat one too many times for the government, have repeatedly failed to realise they are insulting the people by believing opposition politicians are doing the thinking for them. And they have underestimated the power of the people. Dataran Merdeka was cordoned off to the green marchers and the notice by KL mayor Ahmad Phesal Talib screamed "this place is closed for activities". And apparently due to renovation works. The cordon was not breached but the message was sent loud and clear – that the operations of Australian miner, Lynas, must stop immediately. The government and AELB do not seem to learn from tragedies. Severe birth defects, eight cases of leukaemia in five years in a community of 11,000 people are the consequences of allowing the operations of the Asian Rare Earth factory in northern Perak. The clean-up cost of the factory and dump site is estimated to be US$100 million, the largest in the rare earth industry. But 30 years later, the government is once again game to play with the lives of people. The radioactive waste which will be produced by Lynas will be dangerous because it is removed from the ground and concentrated by mechanical and chemical processes. And Australia has said Lynas cannot ship back the waste material. AELB, which initially said it is giving Lynas a temporary operating licence with the view that the waste would be shipped back to Australia has kept mum.
MCA’s use of hudud may backfire Posted: 26 Nov 2012 04:02 PM PST PAS state deputy chief Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin says MCA's attempt to frighten non-Malay voters may become a liability to BN. Humayun Kabir, FMT PAS is claiming that MCA is using the hudud issue to drive away the Chinese from voting for the opposition. But the Islamist party adds that MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek's constant questioning of hudud will be a liability for Barisan Nasional. PAS state deputy chief Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said, "He [Chua] is a liability to BN and the more he criticises hudud, the more plus points for Pakatan Rakyat in winning the coming general election." "Chua's statement on the hudud issue has angered the Muslim community as religion is a very sensitive issue to Muslims,'' he said. This will drive Malays who are equally divided in loyalty to both BN and Pakatan, to make a U-turn and give more support to Pakatan in the coming polls, he claimed. He told this to FMT after attending a function in Changat Jering on Sunday. Nizar said that support for MCA from the Chinese community is eroding fast as seen in the recent two protest marches. He was referring to the United Chinese Schools Committees Association of Malaysia or Dong Zong mammoth gathering in Petaling Jaya to protest against the National Education Blueprint The other gathering was the 300km march from Kuantan by the Himpunan Hijau group protesting against the Lynas Advanced Material Plant in Gebeng (Kuantan) . Nizar said that MCA which had depended on the Malay votes for winning its seats will receive a double blow from both the Chinese and Malay voters in the coming polls. "MCA is using an old school of thought on hudud to frighten the Chinese community into voting against PAS and Pakatan, which is not working as they have recognised us as a party for all," said Nizar, a former menteri besar. He pointed out that even the Minister for Islamic Affairs, Jamil Khir Baharom, had stated recently that hudud will not have an impact on non-Muslims in Malaysia. Jamil had been reported as saying that the punishments under the Islamic penal code comes under the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court which applies only to Muslims.
Water crisis: Learn from Mahathir’s blunder Posted: 26 Nov 2012 03:54 PM PST The fake water crisis in Selangor, manufactured by BN, features the same blunder that Mahathir made, forcing Singapore to look to technology for water self-efficiency. By Chua Jui Meng, FMT Singapore's $9 billion per annum water industry exposes Barisan Nasional government as incompetent, unable to think out of the box. The island republic is now thanking Malaysia's former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad for its current $9 billion per annum water industry. If not for Mahathir's devious intentions and actions to use the raw water supply to hold Singapore to ransom, the island republic today would not have such a thriving industry. So, Mahathir is, after all, not all that Machiavellian? Only a man without conscience will threaten to deny human beings their right and thirst for water. Let's now look at Selangor's water issues for a parallel comparison. The ongoing Langat 2 dispute between the Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor government and the BN federal government is another inhumane attempt to try and hold the people of Selangor to ransom. The BN's intention to bulldoze the construction of the RM8.6 billion Langat 2 water treatment plant is to realise its share of the gravy train for its cronies which is also linked to the RM60 million annual royalty for raw water supply from Pahang. When completed, the people of Selangor will be burdened with a 100% hike in water rates. The fake water crisis, perpetuated by BN, features the same blunder that Mahathir made, forcing Singapore to look to technology for water self-efficiency. Mahathir's not so Machiavellian move is now a blessing in disguise for Singapore. As it is, all seven dams in Selangor are operating and supplying sufficient raw water. All 34 water treatment plants in the state are also running smoothly to ensure adequate supply of treated water in the state. Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had also tried to cow Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim by saying construction of Langat 2 would proceed with or without the approval of the state. That only reflects Muhyiddin's "bully boy" mentality and his utter contempt of law. I reiterate the Selangor government's stand that there is no necessity for Langat 2.
Selangor’s Talam White Paper a ‘grey paper’ Posted: 26 Nov 2012 03:47 PM PST MCA's Chua Tee Yong claims that the White Paper tabled by the Selangor state government on Talam Corporation's debt restructuring exercise left many questions unanswered. G Vinod, FMT The White Paper tabled by the Selangor state government on Talam Corporation's debt restructuring exercise is a "grey paper" as it left out many pertinent issues. Speaking at a press conference here, MCA's Young Professional Bureau chief Chua Tee Yong said among others, the state government did not explain why it engaged a private valuer to assess Talam's assets instead of the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH). "The state government also did not give details on how much was paid to the private valuer for its work. Surely they did not do it for free," added the deputy minister. Last week, the Selangor state government tabled the White Paper on how state authorities went about restructuring Talam's multi-million ringgit debt. Among the issues mentioned was on the state's decision to go ahead with valuation made by Suleiman & Co of RM375 million for land belonging to Talam instead of JPPH's valuation of RM113 million. The reason given was Suleiman & Co's valuation was more comprehensive as it took into consideration of the land's pending conversion into a mixed development status while JPPH valued them on its status as agriculture land. Chua said that the state government went against its own regulation by referring the matter to a private valuer instead of JPPH. "If the land was supposed to be valued as a mixed development property, why didn't the state government advise JPPH to value it as such? All these are not explained," he added. Chua also pointed out that another valuer engaged by the state government gave two differing numbers, in the span of one year, but the authorities went ahead with the valuation.
180 NGO tempatan, pemerhati Asean pantau PRU13 Posted: 26 Nov 2012 03:45 PM PST NGO yang dikenal pasti itu merupakan pertubuhan bebas yang tidak memihak kepada mana-mana parti politik. (FMT) - Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) telah mengenal pasti 18 pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) tempatan untuk menjadi Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar berkata, pihak SPR telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan NGO tempatan berkenaan dari seluruh negara bagi membincangkan syarat-syarat pelantikan dan rangka kerja pemantauan. Katanya, NGO yang dikenal pasti itu merupakan pertubuhan bebas yang tidak memihak kepada mana-mana parti politik. "SPR telah mengenal pasti enam NGO di Semenanjung, sembilan di Sarawak dan tiga di Sabah. Pelantikan dan pemilihan NGO akan dimuktamadkan minggu depan Kesemua NGO ini perlu mematuhi syarat yang ditentukan serta dikehendaki menandatangani Aku Janji Kerja. "Namun, ia terpulang untuk NGO sama ada menerima syarat pelantikan SPR atau menolak lantikan itu," katanya ketika ditemu bual dalam rancangan Hello Malaysia yang disiarkan secara langsung menerusi saluran televisyen BernamaTV di sini, semalam. Wan Ahmad berkata SPR akan memberi taklimat kepada semua petugas NGO itu mengenai bertanggungjawab mereka dan proses perundangan dan perjalanan pilihan raya demi kepentingan masa depan negara. Katanya, SPR memberi kelonggaran kepada NGO tempatan berkenaan untuk membuat pemantauan dari tempoh pembubaran Parlimen hingga keputusan pilihan raya serta membuat laporan berasas kepada fakta, dan bukannya sekadar andaian, persepsi atau dengar cakap. "Jika kita mendapati mana-mana pihak yang melanggar peraturan-peraturan syarat-syarat Aku Janji, atau berkempen untuk mana-mana pihak atau menemuramah pengundi, maka SPR akan menamatkan pelantikan itu," jelas beliau. Langkah timbal balik Bagi pemerhati negara Asean pula, Wan Ahmad berkata langkah SPR untuk mengundang negara jiran sebagai pemerhati antarabangsa merupakan satu langkah timbal balik dan menghormati langkah negara jiran yang menjemput Malaysia untuk memerhati serta memantau pilihan raya di negara masing-masing. Katanya, negara jiran seperti Thailand, Indonesia, Kemboja, Myanmar dan Filipina akan dijemput sebagai pemantau dan akan menjalankan tugas itu secara profesional, memahami proses pilihan raya dan menghormati undang-undang negara ini. Katanya, SPR sebelum ini turut menghantar seorang pegawai untuk menyertai delegasi pemerhati Malaysia semasa Pilihan Raya Myanmar tahun lalu. Ahad lalu, akhbar tempatan memetik Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata Malaysia bersedia membawa beberapa pemerhati Asean untuk pantau pilihan raya umum ke-13 supaya mereka akan lihat ia berjalan ikut Perlembagaan, undang-undang negara dan kesahihan keputusan rakyat tak boleh dipertikaikan. Wan Ahmad berkata: "Pemerhati dalam negara tetap menjadi pilihan utama kerana rakyat negara kita yang berhak memerhati, memantau, membuat laporan serta mengadakan sidang media untuk memberitahu kepada rakyat, apa yang diperhatikan semasa pilihan raya umum ke-13 kelak". Beliau berkata langkah menjemput pemerhati dari negara Asean untuk memantau pilihan raya umum di Malaysia bukan bermakna "apabila kita mengundang kerajaan lain untuk pantau proses pilihan raya yang ditentukan oleh rakyat, ia seolah-olah membenarkan orang luar ceroboh kedaulatan negara kita". Mengenai pendirian SPR terhadap permintaan Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mengundang kerajaan Australia untuk memastikan pilihan raya di negara ini bebas dan bersih, beliau berkata: "Pendirian SPR sebenarnya jelas. Memang tidak wajar sama sekali kita menjemput kerajaan asing datang campur tangan dalam urusan menentukan proses pemilihan kerajaan di negara kita. Ini adalah kerana Malaysia bukan pertama kali menjalankan pilihan raya dan bukan sebuah negara yang baru mendapat kemerdekaan."
LIVE dari Singapura 'Siaran Langsung Taklimat Scorpene Oleh Peguam Perancis' Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:28 PM PST
Tarikh: 27 November 2012 (Selasa) Telah yang dijangkakan, peguam dari Perancis akhirnya tidak diberi laluan untuk membuat taklimat mengenai isu Scorpene di Malaysia dan terpaksa memilih Hotel Changi Village, Singapura sebagai lokasi alternatif menyampaikan taklimat. Seperti yang dijanjikan, SAMM menyediakan ruangan awam untuk siaran secara LIVE dari Singapura untuk sepanjang sesi taklimat peguam Perancis. Jadilah antara rakyat Malaysia terawal yang mengikuti taklimat ini dengan hadir ke KLSCAH jam 12tghari (27nov). Satu sidang media juga akan diadakan setelah tamat sesi taklimat. ORANG RAMAI DAN SEMUA PENGAMAL MEDIA ADALAH DIJEMPUT HADIR Mengapa Kerajaan Malaysia Takut Peguam Ini? Apakah perkara/maklumat terbaru yang bakal disampaikan dalam taklimat peguam Perancis ini?? yang penting untuk diketahui: 1- siapa lelaki ke tiga 2 - apa peranan Altantuya 3 - siapa dia Aminah Abdullah? 4 - siapa dapat passport Malaysia? BAGAIMANA DUIT DIBAYAR - syarikat siapa? - alamat di mana? - siapa tuan yang ambil duit? APA PERANAN NAJIB - di mana mereka berjumpa? - kenapa Altantuya dibunuh? SEMUA INI DALAM TANGAN PEGUAM PERANCIS - termasuk gambar Najib dan Altantuya - termasuk bil makan dalam restoran - termasuk bil hotel Kenyataan awal SAMM adalah seperti di bawah; Kenyataan Media SAMM Cabar Kerajaan Bagi Laluan Peguam 'Scorpene' Perancis Masuk Malaysia Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) mengalu-alukan dan sedia menyambut kedatangan peguam Perancis ke Malaysia untuk merungkai isu pembelian kapal selam Scorpene dalam sebuah sesi taklimat khusus kepada ahli parlimen di Parlimen Malaysia. Ahli parlimen juga tanpa mengira warna kepartian harus bersama mendengar taklimat yang akan disampaikan kerana perkembangan isu Scorpene sangat penting. Namun sehingga hari ini masih belum ada sebarang kata putus dari pihak Kerajaan Malaysia membenarkan atau tidak kemasukkan peguam Perancis untuk memberi taklimat mengenai skandal Scorpene. Sikap kerajaan yang membisu ini bukan sahaja menimbulkan lebih banyak persoalan malah menyebabkan persediaan untuk sesi taklimat yang telah diatur terganggu sehingga terpaksa ditangguh minggu depan. SAMM sekali lagi ingin menegaskan sekiranya tiada berlaku rasuah atau apa jua kesalahan serius maka tiada sebab untuk peguam dari Perancis, William Bourdon dan Joseph Breham dihalang untuk masuk ke negara ini. Apakah faktor yang menyebabkan kerajaan takut sehingga peguam yang sama pernah diheret keluar dari negara ini pada 22 Julai tahun lalu? SAMM dengan ini mencabar kerajaan Malaysia supaya berani atas nama kebenaran untuk memberi laluan kepada peguam Perancis ini masuk ke Malaysia. Kerajaan juga digesa untuk memberi jawapan kebenaran lebih awal, boleh atau tidak boleh? Kerajaan perlu berani dan jangan jadi penakut walaupun untuk katakan 'tidak boleh'. Untuk memastikan orang ramai mendapat first hand information SAMM akan menyediakan satu ruang awam untuk rakyat ikuti taklimat peguam Perancis di parlimen secara siaran langsung, akan dimaklum dalam sedikit masa. Selain itu, SAMM juga bercadang untuk membawa William Bourdon ke Jelajah Scorpene SAMM-Suaram siri ke-5 di Kuala Terengganu pada 30 November ini. Kehangatan isu Scorpene berada di kemuncaknya apabila SAMM kini sedang dalam jelajah ke seluruh negara juga dikenali sebagai LeTourDeScorpene dan disambut hebat dalam 4 siri sebelumnya di empat buah negeri, menjadi bukti isu Scorpene adalah isu yang dekat dengan rakyat. Bersekutu dengan Suaram, Jelajah Scorpene kini menuju siri ke-lima di Kuala Terengganu sebelum beberapa siri lagi akan menyusul di Selangor dan Perak.Sekian
Don: Economy shows signs of kleptocracy Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:24 PM PST Associate Professor Syed Farid Alatas of the Department of Sociology, National University of S'pore ( - Farid emphasised that corruption is not one of the many problems that Malaysia faces but the major problem that spawns other problems in other areas such as crime, the environment and education. An academician said the Malaysian political system shows signs of "kleptocracy", which he saw as a systemic practice of corruption embedded into the state and politics. "There is corruption in all countries," said Associate Professor Syed Farid Alatas of the Department of Sociology at the National University of Singapore. "The question is whether we are a country where corruption is the dominant means of doing business. In other words, is Malaysia what I call a kleptocracy?" Farid was speaking at a forum entitled "Eradicating Corruption: How Successful Have We Been?" held in conjunction with the launch of an interim research report on anti-corruption initiatives in Malaysia. He defined kleptocracy as a state dominated by kleptocrats who engage in corruption as a major, if not principal, means of capital accumulation. He also noted that corruption in a country like Malaysia isn't a random or occasional phenomenon and could well be the fifth factor of production. "Key kleptocrats are not mid or low level civil servants who extort or accept bribes to make a living but high-level politicians and bureaucrats who engage in corrupt activities as a means of accumulating capital," Farid added. He then sought to move away from the usual indicators of Malaysia's level of corruption - like the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) and the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – opting instead to base his views on objective rather than perceptive criteria. The CPI score is predominantly based on the opinion of experts or business executives and not of the common citizens, and has been criticised for being skewed by the experiences of these groups. Farid pointed out that there are many other issues that reflect the realities in Malaysia that suggest flaws in the way laws have been implemented or with the laws themselves. "There are many aspects of a country's development that point to a constant or even increasing rate of corruption," he said. "For example, Malaysia doesn't seem to be able to build decent roads. Many believe that the reason for our poor roads is because substandard materials are being used and that somewhere along the expenditure and procurement chain officials and contractors are making money from government contracts." Farid then questioned why taxis that ferry passengers to the airport are not allowed to bring passengers home as is the practice in every developed and even underdeveloped country. He further said that corruption is experienced by the ordinary Malaysian in rising crime rates, fragmentation of natural forest cover, the "sorry state" of the education system and the unemployability of fresh graduates. "Corruption is not a crime like other crimes," Farid stated. "In other crimes the impact of the criminal act is restricted to the victim whereas corruption has far-reaching consequences. In a sense, corruption is a weapon of mass destruction." Read more at:
Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:19 PM PST
Is Najib lashing out at DAP because he's frustrated with MCA's inability to sustain Chinese support? The prospect of DAP supplanting and eliminating MCA altogether is the main reason why Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is attempting meek scare-mongering tactic. Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz (Free Malaysia Today)Why should any self-respecting Malay support Umno which stands idly by and endorses a party like the MCA? MCA can no longer sustain Chinese support and Umno is absolutely disabled to help. So it has come to this because all this while Umno has turned MCA into a party of honorary Malays. Now Umno reaps what it has sown. The prospect of DAP supplanting and eliminating MCA altogether is the main reason why Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is attempting meek scare-mongering tactic. But people are not buying whatever you say now, Mr PM. Najib says Malays are fed up with DAP. Well, let me tell you this. Those who know Najib well, knows he is playing to the gallery. He is acutely aware that he is speaking among political rejects. MCA's influence over its ethnic group is fast diminishing. Its claim that it's regaining legitimacy among the Chinese sounds so phony and laughable. MCA knows it can only deliver at best three parliamentary seats in the coming general election. The party has been reduced to the status of a neutered Chihuahua. Doing the unthinkable We will humour both Najib and his sleeping partner, MCA. Now why should the Malays be fed up? DAP, after all, has always contested in areas where MCA candidates stand. In which case DAP poses no threat to Umno. So, could it be that Najib is really and actually fed up with MCA for being completely impotent at winning over the Chinese? MCA bends over and does the unthinkable – it articulates issues that alienate them further from Malay votes while at the same time, places Malaysian Chinese as seemingly natural enemies to Malays. Read more at:
Should Anwar become PM or not? Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:13 PM PST
Even if he becomes the next PM of Malaysia, he may be on the seat for only one term to set the course straight for the new generation of Malaysian leaders who are beginning to see that the only way forward for Malaysia is for her to treat all her citizens equally no matter what race or what religion one belongs to or believes in. P Dev Anand Pillai, FMT Letter There seems to be some confusion on who may be the next Prime Minister should PR take federal power in the coming general elections. As usual there were many spins in the pro Umno blogs that there could have been a deal made by the leader of the current administration and the leader of the opposition that he will be freed from being convicted of the Sodomy II episode if the leader of PAS is allowed to become the next PM should PR win the elections. This is a classic spin tale which we have seen so much of since the time of former PM Dr Mahathir. We still succumb to such tales because we have let ourselves be led by spin masters who ply their skill through the media to control the minds of the people. This is one reason why the freedom of speech, association and assembly is so important. Through the freedom of speech the freedom to opine becomes necessary. What we seem to see is the spin masters trying to create a riff between the parties in the opposition so that they will be distracted by it whilst the BN goes on as usual to win another term in office though not winning the popular vote of the people. By telling the people that freedom of speech and the right to protest will lead to rightful governments being toppled, the leader of a former administration seems to indirectly say that Umno knows what is best for the people and that is how it should be and no one no matter how high that person may be is forbidden to question it. Further we even have people reminding us that we ought to respect the so called social contract where the non Malays accepted by being lesser of an equal to the Malays in exchange for being allowed to live here, this is all nothing but the staple mantra that will be said at the nearing of every general election when there is a strong wind of public support blowing towards the opposition. All this has been said and said many times before and whenever the people being as gullible as they may be due to the education system that never encourages thinking and questioning, vote in the BN, everything then goes back to normal mode where corruption continues as a way of life whilst the cost of all the follies of large scale and massive corruption is then passed down to the gullible and dumb people of Malaysia again. Now by pitting PAS and PKR on whom should be the PM should they capture federal power, is actually a jibe at the Malay mind set and the maturity of the Malay intellect, the question that the people should respond with is, Can't any other Malay besides that from Umno be the Prime Minister of Malaysia? Aren't there any other candidates besides those from blue political blood linage of Umno qualified enough to lead Malaysia? The question of whether Anwar should be the Prime Minister or not is now not the issue at all, even if there is another cooked up allegation which may then start episode III of the Sodomy trials that we all have become so used to, reform and a quest for a change of government has already taken root deep in this country now for it to just fade away should Anwar be jailed again on some trumped up charges. Even if he becomes the next PM of Malaysia, he may be on the seat for only one term to set the course straight for the new generation of Malaysian leaders who are beginning to see that the only way forward for Malaysia is for her to treat all her citizens equally no matter what race or what religion one belongs to or believes in. Read more at:
Puteri must wake up from deep slumber Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:10 PM PST (Free Malaysia Today) - The movement just did not have the leadership capability to reach out to the youngsters using the new media as the platform. Its failure has somewhat driven the youngsters to the other side where its use of the new media has been effective in influencing the young blood. The Umno general assembly is a chance for Umno young women's wing to make itself visible and relevant again. Puteri Umno is not making much of an impact these days. It seems to be hibernating, oblivious to the political storms buffeting Umno and its leaders. The movement was set up in 2001 to primarily engage with youngsters, particularly women aged 35 and below and who are either in college or working. Initially it was full of enthusiasm and drive under the leadership of Azalina Othman Said who helmed the movement from 2002 to 2004. It even "stole" the limelight from Wanita Umno. But over the years the movement has lost its energy and, under the current leadership of Rosnah Shirlin Rashid, it seems to be out of touch with reality. It has gone into deep slumber. It is not connecting with today's youngsters who number about three million and who are first time-voters in the coming general election. It is hardly heard of in the country's vigorous political scene as its activities are not mentioned much in the public domain. The movement's failure in engaging with the youngsters probably prompted Umno president Najib Tun Razak to reach out to the youngsters himself through the alternative media such as Facebook, Twitter and so on. In recent times, when Najib came under heavy fire from the opposition, the Puteri Umno brigade is nowhere to be seen to defend the big boss. Political observers believe this silence is not good for Umno's image and credibility. At a time when Najib sorely needs the support of its members to help him move forward in his transformation programmes against the opposition onslaught, the Puteri movement is just not there to repulse the attacks. The movement also does not seem to be moving with the times. It is not seen using the new media such as blogs or online news portals to reach out to the female youngsters and connect intellectually with them to woo them over to Umno and Barisan Nasional. Read more at: |
Rosmah Mansor defends controversial 'public morality' clause Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:09 PM PST
(Phnom Penh Post) - In the wake of the controversial endorsement this week of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, the wife of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak defended her country's insistence on preserving the document's "public morality" clause, which rights groups have condemned as subjective and discriminatory against women and sexual minorities. Datin Seri Paduka Rosmah Mansor told the Post in an exclusive interview the clause was something Malaysia "wouldn't, or shouldn't, compromise... on high morality." "To me... human rights [are] the rights of an individual based on what you believe in, based on your culture and your religion. Fine, you want to recognise [LGBT rights], you think that's right, you don't want to follow what is in your bible, fine, I'm not condemning that... But this is the way we want to run our country. Based on... high morality. "You know why HIV and AIDS occur... how it is being spread. Now the number of people suffering from HIV is alarming. What is it you want? Do you want to allow this... or do you want to contain it – then this is the way we all should live." In September, the Sin Chew Daily and foreign media outlets such as The Huffington Postreported that the Malaysian Education Ministry had supported a "guideline" for parents in how to identify gay and lesbian children — claims the Malaysian government denied. But Rosmah maintained: "You have to nip [homosexuality] in the bud. "If you don't, when the time comes and you have to stop [homosexuality], you will find it's too late." Rosmah's claims have drawn the ire of human-rights groups around Southeast Asia. Dr Yuval Ginbar, a legal adviser and ASEAN expert with Amnesty International, told the Post three of the declaration's general principles, one of which was the "public morality" clause, severely hampered human-rights protection. The Southeast Asia Women's Caucus on ASEAN declared in September that public morality had not been defined in international human-rights standards and its interpretation in daily life had been largely based on dominant political, cultural and religious regimes. Ivy Josiah, executive director of the Malaysian NGO Women's Aid Organisation, said it was "disappointing to hear teachers will be encouraged to conduct witch-hunts in schools looking for signs as to who is gay. This, in effect, is an endorsement of promoting hatred." Cambodian Center for Human Rights president Ou Virak labelled Rosmah's comments "outrageous". "Come on, it's 2012 – these are bogus and extremely homophobic claims that HIV is a result of homosexuality – the world knows this is not true," he said. "This confirms our fears about the declaration – that these clauses were included to give governments excuses to not uphold universal principles of human rights." Thilaga Sulathireh, from the ASEAN LGBT Caucus, said Malaysia's views on public morality and homosexuality were archaic and economically and politically motivated. Contacted for comment yesterday, the Malaysian embassy forwarded the request to the prime minister's office, which did not reply by press time.
Posted: 26 Nov 2012 04:48 AM PST
(Utusan Malaysia) - Seorang Exco kerajaan Negeri Kedah hari ini melontarkan persoalan kepada Karpal Singh apakah bekalan air yang disalurkan kepada rakyat di Pulau Pinang percuma berikutan permintaan Pengerusi DAP itu agar negeri tersebut tidak memperdagangkan sumber semula jadi kerana air satu anugerah tuhan. @font-face p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal div.Section1 Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Bekalan Air, Sumber Air Dan Tenaga negeri, Datuk Phahrolrazi Zawawi berkata, meskipun air itu anugerah tuhan, penjagaan sumber alam itu termasuk untuk mengekalkan kawasan tadahannya melibatkan perbelanjaan. "Yang syarikat air caj bekalan air itu macam mana? Ini bukan soal dagang, soal sekarang kena bayar, (atau) tidak kena bayar. "Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang bagi percuma ke? Itu untuk air yang dirawat. Yang ini air mentah tetapi hutan kena jaga, penguatkuasaan kena buat dan melibatkan kos," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Artikel Penuh: © Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd Seorang Exco kerajaan Negeri Kedah hari ini melontarkan persoalan kepada Karpal Singh apakah bekalan air yang disalurkan kepada rakyat di Pulau Pinang percuma berikutan permintaan Pengerusi DAP itu agar negeri tersebut tidak memperdagangkan sumber semula jadi kerana air satu anugerah tuhan. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Bekalan Air, Sumber Air Dan Tenaga negeri, Datuk Phahrolrazi Zawawi berkata, meskipun air itu anugerah tuhan, penjagaan sumber alam itu termasuk untuk mengekalkan kawasan tadahannya melibatkan perbelanjaan. "Yang syarikat air caj bekalan air itu macam mana? Ini bukan soal dagang, soal sekarang kena bayar, (atau) tidak kena bayar. "Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang bagi percuma ke? Itu untuk air yang dirawat. Yang ini air mentah tetapi hutan kena jaga, penguatkuasaan kena buat dan melibatkan kos," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini. Artikel Penuh: © Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd Seorang Exco kerajaan Negeri Kedah hari ini melontarkan persoalan kepada Karpal Singh apakah bekalan air yang disalurkan kepada rakyat di Pulau Pinang percuma berikutan permintaan Pengerusi DAP itu agar negeri tersebut tidak memperdagangkan sumber semula jadi kerana air satu anugerah tuhan. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Bekalan Air, Sumber Air Dan Tenaga negeri, Datuk Phahrolrazi Zawawi berkata, meskipun air itu anugerah tuhan, penjagaan sumber alam itu termasuk untuk mengekalkan kawasan tadahannya melibatkan perbelanjaan. "Yang syarikat air caj bekalan air itu macam mana? Ini bukan soal dagang, soal sekarang kena bayar, (atau) tidak kena bayar. "Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang bagi percuma ke? Itu untuk air yang dirawat. Yang ini air mentah tetapi hutan kena jaga, penguatkuasaan kena buat dan melibatkan kos," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini. Artikel Penuh: © Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd
‘Political links behind inaction on 6P mess’ Posted: 25 Nov 2012 07:53 PM PST Tenaganita's Irene Fernandez says that political links is one of the reasons why the government is being silent on exploitation of foreign workers under the 6P programme Teoh El Sen, FMT The Malaysian government's inaction in solving the 6P amnesty programme "fiasco" is due to strong political links between errant agents and the BN, Tenaganita's Irene Fernandez alleged today. The migrant rights NGO's executive director was commenting on the revelation that former Home Minister Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad, is a director of a government-appointed agent which is being investigated by the police for several human trafficking related offences. "The presence of a former minister in a company that has been found to have committed so many alleged crimes speaks volumes. This is yet another reminder of how urgent and imperative it is that investigations into allegations of corruption and state complicity in fraud involving the 6P programme be carried out independently, and openly," said Fernandez. "This tells you why there has been inaction. It is because of the strong political links to the regime and the government of the day. This is blatant fraud, but nothing is done," she said. Fernandez also called upon Mohd Radzi, currently MP of Kangar, to declare his assets and how much money he has made from the company, SNT Universal Corporation Sdn Bhd. "I find it strange that a lawmaker does not know what his responsibility is in a company," she said. She alleged that Radzi, during his tenure as minister, was himself responsible for the victimisation of thousands of Bangladeshi workers. In 2006, the government lifted a 10-year freeze on the recruitment of Bangladeshi workers. Thousands were then recruited and cheated through an outsourcing process, said Irene. She said that the same "fraudulent" outsourcing companies were now given the opportunity to cheat again when they were appointed to act as agents under the 6P amnesty programme. "More than one year after the 6P was announced, thousands who have paid between RM3,000 to RM4,000 to these companies to be legalised remain undocumented. They are open to arrest, detention and whipping under the Immigration Act," she said. Bogus employers Fernandez said that many migrants continue to be threatened and abused by these agents, who insist on obtaining fradulent work permits through "bogus employers". Police and official reports have been lodged but nothing has come out of it. On Nov 23, FMT reported about Mohd Radzi's directorship in SNT Universal Corporation, which is being investigated for exploiting about 200 foreign workers, mainly Bangladeshis. SNT had allegedly falsely claimed that it is able to register foreigners under the 6P programme and getting work permits for them, setting up dozens of bogus employment agencies, and assaulting job-seeking foreigners. The last allegation is based on CCTV recordings. According to the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM), Radzi became a director of SNT on May 17, 2011. However, Radzi's response was that "some friends" roped him into being an SNT director and denied knowledge of its activities. "I'm not involved in human trafficking," he said. "People ask me to become a director in all sorts of things. I have no connection with the company." Under the 6P programme, illegal foreign workers will either be legalised or deported without punishment. The six Ps represent the Malay words for registration, legalisation, amnesty, monitoring, enforcement and deportation. The government has appointed more than 300 companies to handle registration.
The Dome of the Rock: an academic study Posted: 25 Nov 2012 07:22 PM PST
This is certainly a very interesting hypothesis and quite difficult to dismiss without further examination. The fact that the inscription talks about Jesus and the "Muhammad" in the inscription, if translated to "the praised one", can also be talking about Jesus gives credence to this hypothesis. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin The Dome of the Rock is a shrine or memorial located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. It was built by the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik and was completed in AD 691. The Temple Mount, known in Hebrew (and in Judaism) as Har haBáyith and in Arabic (and in Islam) as the Haram Ash-Sharif (al-haram al-qudsÄ« ash-sharÄ«f means Noble Sanctuary), is one of the most important religious sites in the Old City of Jerusalem. It has been used as a religious site for thousands of years. At least four religions are known to have used the Temple Mount as their holy site: Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and Roman paganism. The inscriptions on the Dome of the Rock can be seen below. The two 'key words' in those inscriptions would be "Islam" and "Muhammad". Hence, going by these two key words, the Dome of the Rock is believed to have been built by a Muslim -- the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik -- and it is further believed to have been built as a shrine or memorial to the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. In Arabic, the word "Islam" means "submission" or "surrender", which is derived from the root word "salam". From this root word, you can also derive the words "peace" and "safety". Many people feel that Islam implies some sort of "enslavement to Allah", but others find it more viable to define the word "Islam" as "surrender". The word "Muhammad" is derived from the Arabic root word "hamd" or "praise". It is the emphatic passive participle of that root and can be translated as "the Oft-Praised One". As for "Ahmad", it is the superlative form of the same root word "hamd", which means "the Highly Praised One". If you were to interpret the word "Islam" as "submission" or "surrender" and the word "Muhammad" as "the praised one", then the inscriptions will take on an entirely different meaning. Western scholars are beginning to question whether the Dome of the Rock is a memorial to the Prophet Muhammad or a memorial to Jesus Christ. For example, "Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the blessing of God be on him" can also be interpreted to mean: "The praised one is the Messenger of God, the blessing of God be on him". "Muhammad is the servant of God and His Messenger" can also be interpreted to mean: "The praised one is the servant of God and His Messenger". Now, assuming that the "Muhammad" in the inscription does not refer to Muhammad the person (the proper noun) but refers to "the praised one" (an adjective), whom, therefore, are they referring to? If you were to look at the other parts of the inscription, it talks about "The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God". Then it goes on to say: "It befitteth not God that He should take unto Himself a son" and "There is no god but God". Scholars believe that this is evidence that the inscription is not talking about Prophet Muhammad but about Jesus Christ and that this 'doctrine of faith' is meant to counter or dispute the Christian dogma that Jesus is the Son of God and the Lord (Jesus) -- and that Jesus was merely a messenger or prophet of God. If these scholars are correct in their assumptions, this throws a whole new light on the more than 1,000-year-old conflict as to who owns this holy site. Was this structure built as a memorial to Prophet Muhammad or to Jesus Christ? And if it is a memorial to Jesus Christ, was it built to counter the Christian dogma of the Holy Trinity and present Jesus as a mere mortal and messenger/prophet of God rather than the Lord and Son of God? This is certainly a very interesting hypothesis and quite difficult to dismiss without further examination. The fact that the inscription talks about Jesus and the "Muhammad" in the inscription, if translated to "the praised one", can also be referring to Jesus gives credence to this hypothesis. Nevertheless, it will be very difficult for most people to accept this hypothesis as a possibility considering that for more than 1,000 years people have held on to a certain belief and now you are asking them to rethink this whole thing. You are also telling them that for more than 1,000 years what they believed may not have been correct after all. One more 'troubling' thing about this hypothesis is that Caliph Abd al-Malik was supposed to be a Muslim. Therefore, if he had built this as a shrine for Jesus Christ rather than Prophet Muhammad, does this mean the Caliph was not a Muslim but a Christian? This would be the most difficult question facing Muslims who may choose to consider this hypothesis as a possibility. I suppose this is why the Muslim ulama' say you must not think too much because too much thinking may confuse you and lead you astray. Hmm…maybe I should stop thinking about this then. *************************************************** INSCIPTIONS ON THE DOME OF THE ROCK INSCRIPTIONS ON THE INSIDE OF THE OCTAGONAL ARCADE S: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Unto Him belongeth sovereignity and unto Him belongeth praise. He quickeneth and He giveth death; and He has Power over all things. Muhammad is the servant of God and His Messenger. SE: Lo! God and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! Ask blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. The blessing of God be on him and peace be on him, and may God have mercy. O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your religion E: nor utter aught concerning God save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a Messenger of God, and His Word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and say not 'Three' – Cease! NE: better for you! – God is only One God. Far be it removed from His transcendent majesty that He should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And God is sufficient as Defender. The Messiah will never scorn to be a N: servant unto God, nor will the favoured angels. Whoso scorneth His service and is proud, all such will He assemble unto Him. Oh God, bless Your Messenger and Your servant Jesus NW: son of Mary. Peace be on him the day he was born, and the day he dies, and the day he shall be raised alive! Such was Jesus, son of Mary, a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt. It befitteth not God that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! W: When He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: Be! and it is. Lo! God is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path. God is witness that there is no God save Him. And the angels and the men of learning. Maintaining His creation in justice, there is no God save Him, SW: the Almighty, the Wise. Lo! religion with God Islam. Those who received the Book differed only after knowledge came unto them, through transgression among themselves. Whoso disbelieveth the revelations of God lo! God is swift at reckoning! INSCRIPTIONS ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE OCTAGONAL ARCADE S: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Say: He is God, the One! God, the eternally Besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him. Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the blessing of God be on him. SW: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Lo! God and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. W: O ye who believe! Ask blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. Praise be to NW: God, Who hath not taken unto Himself a son, and Who hath no partner in the Sovereignty, nor hath He any protecting friend through dependence. And magnify Him with all magnificence. Muhammad is the Messenger of N: God, the blessing of God be on him and the angels and His prophets, and peace be on him, and may God have mercy. In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. NE: Unto Him belongeth sovereignty and unto Him belongeth praise. He quickeneth. And He giveth death; and He has Power over all things. Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the blessing of God be on him. May He accept his intercession on the Day of Judgment on behalf of his people. E: In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate. There is no god but God. He is One. He has no associate. Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the blessing of God be on him. The dome was built by servant of God 'Abd SE: of the Faithful, in the year two and seventy. May God accept from him and be content with him. Amen, Lord of the worlds, praise be to God. |
Assemblyman claims S'gor govt prevented Syabas from reducing non-revenue water Posted: 25 Nov 2012 05:51 PM PST
(Bernama) - A Selangor Barisan Nasional (BN) state assemblyman today claimed that the state government had prevented water supply company Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) from slashing the rate of non-revenue water (NRW) in the state since 2009. Sulaiman Abdul Razak, the assemblyman for Permatang, alleged that the state government had frozen Syabas' capital expenditure (capex), rendering it unable to implement maintenance work to reduce NRW. "As such, the state government cannot blame Syabas for the failure to reduce NRW; it should assume the blame itself," he told a news conference at the lobby of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly, here. In the house earlier, when replying to a question from Datuk Dr Karim Mansor (BN-Tanjung Sepat), Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that an agreement among Syabas, the state government and the federal government required the water concessionaire to reduce the rate of NRW to 27 per cent in 2009, 19 per cent in 2012 and 15 per cent in 2015. "The rate of NRW in 2012 is 32.6 per cent. It is clear that Syabas did not focus on water resources management," Abdul Khalid said. There was a tense moment in the assembly when Abdul Khalid accused Sulaiman of being a Syabas agent when the latter sought an explanation on the NRW issue in Selangor.
Templer Park not under threat, says Selangor Exco Wong Posted: 25 Nov 2012 05:41 PM PST
(The Star) - The Selangor government has denied reports that the Templer Park Forest Reserve is under threat due to the construction of an elevated highway and luxury bungalows. State executive councillor Elizabeth Wong said the 800ha reserve had been untouched since 2008.
Genneva freeze not fair to investors, says Dr M Posted: 25 Nov 2012 04:02 PM PST
Zurairi AR, The Malaysian Insider Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad appeared today to defend gold trading firm Genneva Malaysia, and asked Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to lift the suspension of its assets. He made his remarks today despite a recent explanation by Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Awang Adek Hussin in Parliament that Genneva's liabilities exceeded its assets and that showed the company was unable to pay returns to its investors. File photo of gold bars sold by Genneva. "Investigate first because if you stop the transaction, people's money will be locked out and they cannot use, they cannot even get the gold ... They deserve fair treatment." He also urged the authorities to regulate gold trading as he extolled the advantages of keeping and buying gold. Genneva's gold, which was advertised as syariah-compliant gold, was launched in December 2010 by Dr Mahathir, and a number of its traders were spurred on by the former PM's recommendation. Dr Mahathir, who was prime minister for 22 years before retiring in 2003, is an advocate of the gold standard and has urged for its adoption in global trade following the decline of the US dollar. In January at the International Conference on Global Movement of Moderates dinner, Dr Mahathir had urged struggling economies to value their currency to gold instead of the US dollar. "You don't really have to exchange gold but to value your currency against it. "Then you can have a business based not on speculation or manipulation, but on real value," he said, while predicting a return to a Bretton Woods-style fixed currency exchange in coming years. The Bretton Woods Agreement is an international trade agreement signed after World War II, which benchmarked the currencies of its signatory countries against gold and the US dollar. Genneva's bank accounts and other assets have been frozen by BNM since October 1, following suspicion that the company allegedly breached several banking and financial laws such as illegal deposit-taking, money laundering, tax evasion and appointing agents without licence, after several people lodged complaints with the police. Genneva has some 60,000 customers and a monthly turnover of RM2 billion, according to its traders interviewed by The Malaysian Insider last month, but the company's website states 50,000 customers and a turnover of RM3 billion. Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz has also said the central bank was fast-tracking investigations into the controversial gold trading company so that its customers would not be kept waiting for too long. Genneva, Pageantry Gold Bhd, Caesar Gold Sdn Bhd, Worldwide Far East Bhd and Bestino Group Bhd are among 25 individuals and companies offering unlicensed activities that were placed on an investor alert list by the central bank last year, double the number from 2010 and the highest on record since 2003.
Karpal leaves political fate to party delegates Posted: 25 Nov 2012 03:57 PM PST
(The Star) - DAP chairman Karpal Singh, who is contesting for a seat in the central executive committee, is leaving his political fate to the delegates. "I have offered myself but it is up to the delegates to elect the best at the CEC election. "My fate is in the hands of the delegates everyone has a right to speak (but) I cannot please everyone," he said here yesterday. The Bukit Gelugor MP was commenting on a report claiming that a "grand design" by the "Lim Dynasty" faction aligned to party adviser and Ipoh Timur MP Lim Kit Siang and son, secretary-general Guan Eng, to oust him from the committee in the party's national elections next month. The report quoted former DAP grassroots leader Tan Tuan Tat as saying that the plan was hatched to protect the interest of a few as "the warlords don't want the Singh to be their king". He had said that they were extremely upset with Karpal's insistence on a "one man, one seat" electoral formula to face the next general election. Karpal said each time a party election came up, groups would be out to create stories.
Importance of local government elections Posted: 25 Nov 2012 03:51 PM PST
Azmi Sharom THE Batu Caves condominium project has raised some interesting talking points. The most obvious of these, the one taken up by the many comments I have read on the internet, is the sheer bald faced cheek of the BN government. For the Prime Minister to promise the ending of an unpopular project if his party is elected into power beggars belief when it is the local authority which was appointed by his very own party which gave the approval in the first place. Then for the MCA to chip in by saying that the Pakatan state government was at fault for not stopping the project themselves is akin to a thief saying the theft is the fault of the victim because he did nothing to stop it happening. But then, this level of ridiculousness is to be expected. Let's look at something a bit more constructive than the shamelessness of some politicos. For me, this whole fiasco serves as greater proof that there has to be a complete overhaul of our local governments. Firstly we need to bring back local government elections. The current system of appointment of councillors by the state government is simply not democratic. There is also the danger of councillors being beholden to the ones who appointed them. Instead they really should be beholden to the people who live in the area. Furthermore, although I know there are many local authorities and councillors who work very hard and make themselves accessible to their "constituents", what is truly needed is the institutionalising of a system where they are structurally answerable to the people. There are far too many cases of local authorities acting in a high handed manner simply because they know that ultimately there is very little that the ordinary folk can do. The argument that you indirectly select your local government by the state government you vote for does not hold water. This is because the job of the state government is very different from the job of the local government. There are broader political and policy issues that come into play when choosing your state representative. A local representative need not even be affiliated with any party. What people want are councillors who are dedicated and work hard on local issues. State-wide, let alone national issues, does not come into the equation of tree trimming, drain clearing and garbage collection.
Posted: 25 Nov 2012 03:35 PM PST
(The Malaysian Times) - Ketua Pemuda PAS Pusat, Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi menyifatkan kerajaan sebagai tidak sensitif terhadap masalah sosial yang melibatkan remaja Islam di negara ini ekoran penganjuran konsert penyanyi gay, Elton John di Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands pada 29 November ini. Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi Katanya, kerajaan haruslah melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan lebih peka dan menghalang segala faktor yang menyebabkan peningkatan berlakunya gejala sosial di negara ini. "Kerajaan nampaknya tidak sedar terhadap gejala sosial yang melanda negara sedangkan konsert sebeginilah yang menjadi punca kepada kerosakan remaja seperti pergaulan bebas, gejala arak, dan ditambah lagi dengan kemunculan pengamal seks sejenis. "Konsert sebegini boleh membawa kemudaratan dan saya sendiri tidak dapat bayangkan bagaimana masalah sosial remaja di negara ini dapat dikurangkan sekiranya pihak berkuasa tidak menyekatnya dari awal," katanya ketika dihubungi The Malaysian Times (TMT) di sini hari ini. Nasrudin berkata, pihaknya akan menyerahkan bantahan terhadap penganjuran konsert tersebut kepada kerajaan meskipun pihak penganjur berkeras untuk meneruskannya. "Kami akan menggunakan pendekatan menyerahkan memorandum bantahan terhadap konsert tersebut kepada pihak kerajaan. Ini adalah salah satu langkah yang kami ambil untuk menghalang peningkatan gejala sosial di negara ini daripada terus meningkat. "Apa pu, kami akan teruskan dengan kerja-kerja dakwah kami dan sentiasa memberi peringatan kepada semua umat Islam terutama golongan remaja agar tidak melibatkan diri dengan gejala-gejala yang mengheret diri ke lembah maksiat," jelasnya. Penganjuran konsert itu turut dibantah Ahli Parlimen (PAS) Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad yang berpendapat bahawa konsert itu tidak sewajarnya dianjurkan kerana ia bakal menyebabkan berlakunya masalah pergaulan bebas. Khalid Samad Katanya, PAS sememangnya tidak membantah masyarakat untuk berhibur namun kami semenangnya tidak menyokong aktiviti golongan lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT). "Konsert sebegini sememangnya tidak wajar diadakan agar golongan muda tidak terpengaruh dengan budaya yang ditonjolkan. Walaubagaimanapun, konsert ini bukan anjuran PAS, dan kami akan mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya supaya masalah sosial di negara ini terus meningkat," ujarnya. Tahun lalu, Pemuda PAS turut menghalang konsert rock Elton yang diadakan di tempat yang sama atas alasan penyanyi itu adalah gay namun konsert itu tetap diteruskan dan mendapat sambutan hangat dari semua golongan masyarakat. Untuk rekod, Elton terkenal dengan lagu hits seperti Candle In The Wind, Rocket Man, Levon dan Your Son" telah mendirikan rumah tangga dengan rakan homeseksualnya David Furnish pada 21 Disember 2005, selepas kerajaan Britain membenarkan perkahwinan sejenis.
Stepping up the pressure on PAS Posted: 25 Nov 2012 03:20 PM PST
(The Star) - BARISAN Nasional's confidence in giving PAS a good fight in Kelantan or even wresting the state is not just big talk and hot air, but is based on a real development that is currently shaping there. The state may be a PAS fortress but the party is increasingly on the back foot over the past year after a series of missteps compounded by Umno's increasing traction among voters. PAS' infamous prayer calling for Umno's destruction as well as its unwillingness to censure DAP's objection to hudud and PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar's comments on religious freedom have upset many Kelantanese. Add Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's popularity and a state Umno that remains united, many observers feel that Barisan and PAS are now almost evenly matched. "Defeating PAS is doable, but I don't want to appear overly confident," said state Umno chief Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, adding that Barisan is confident of winning at least 23 of the 45 seats in the state assembly. PAS may be entrenched in Kelantan, having been in power for 22 years, but it is not invincible. In the 2004 general election it was just one seat short of losing the state after it secured 23 state seats compared to Barisan's 22. In the 2009 Manik Urai state by-election, PAS retained the seat by a mere 65 votes while Umno managed to wrest the Galas state seat in a by-election the following year with a 1,190-vote difference. PAS' ceramah have always drawn large audiences but the numbers have dropped of late and the crowds at Najib's events in the state have been unexpectedly large. "PAS is beginning to feel the pressure and is now trying to revive flagging morale," said Mustapa. With the race to the finish line now in the final stretch, Mustapa noted a worrying trend. As seen during the recent PAS muktamar, which saw the party organising a prayer that among others called for Umno's destruction, PAS is increasingly resorting to attacking the religious faith of its foes to bolster its flagging image as a defender of Islam. This, said Mustapa, could raise tensions among the Malays, especially prevalent in the 1980s and the 1990s, which saw PAS supporters ostracising fellow Muslims due to opposing political beliefs. Mustapa's own popularity among many voters who see the straight-arrow politician as a potential Mentri Besar is also a factor for Barisan's rising momentum. Some believe Barisan should only field him in a safe seat instead of hedging its chances by having him contest both a state and parliament seat. It could help to convince many people who believe in him to vote for change. "That's a view I respect, but it is not the only view. I'm guided by my boss and wherever I am placed I will still have to work very hard for the people," said Mustapa.
Posted: 25 Nov 2012 03:18 PM PST
(The Star) - Barisan Nasional is confident of taking Kelantan in the next general election following good response from the people during visits by party leaders to the state. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said if there were to be a political tsunami there, it was not impossible for Barisan to get back Kelantan. He said this at a dialogue session at the National Undergraduate Leadership Convention here yesterday. A student asked if Barisan would be able to gain back the four states that were won by Opposition parties in the last general election. "That is our prayer and effort. We have worked hard and we have seen significant changes in many states, including Kelantan," he said. Muhyiddin, who is also Barisan deputy chairman, said that during his recent visits to the state, he witnessed an "extraordinary response" from the people towards Umno. He said the Kelantanese know how PAS would not be able to run the country, as was evident by the party's failure to resolve problems such as poverty, lack of infrastructure and poor welfare efforts. The gathering involved about 3,500 students representing 20 public institutions of higher learning, seven private colleges and 67 representatives of overseas Umno Clubs. In PASIR PUTEH, Kelantan Umno chief Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said Barisan would field several ulama as its candidates in both state and parliamentary seats in the coming general election, reported Bernama. He said they comprised those who had contributed to the party and the country. "We have identified their names," he said, adding that names of the candidates would be announced early to allow the people to evaluate their capabilities.
Democracy could breed violence, says Dr M Posted: 25 Nov 2012 03:11 PM PST
Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider Democracy does not guarantee security, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today, warning instead that it could lead to violence when minority groups rise to demand their rights. The country's longest serving prime minister pointed out that during elections, losing parties often do not accept their failures and would do their best to bring down the elected government. Dr Mahathir said that although it was through a democratic process that these parties had lost, they would turn around to use the same democratic system to negate the results of the polls by claiming that it had been tampered with. "Sometimes this leads to violence and killings, burning of houses and buildings... they would do anything to bring down the majority government," he told a luncheon talk for the International Forum 2012 held in conjunction with Umno's general assembly this week. "This is because in newly democratic countries, we do not fully appreciate the system... while we say we like democracy, we only like it when we win, not when we lose," he added. Dr Mahathir added that as democracy promotes equality of its people, this would lead to conflicts as many do not share the same ideals. These conflicts, if not settled properly, would lead to unending violence and loss of lives, he said. "So even democracy does not guarantee the security of the people," he said.
Dr M: Demonstrations galore if PR loses GE13 Posted: 25 Nov 2012 03:06 PM PST
Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad continued today to warn Malaysians of chaos on the streets if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) loses the coming polls, heaping all the blame on his long-time arch nemesis Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for allegedly using demonstrations to get his way. He said the opposition has already begun setting the stage for chaos, pointing to how Malaysians have been rallied by pro-PR groups to rise and reject the results of the election should Barisan Nasional (BN) retain Putrajaya. The former prime minister said, however, that he still believes BN may recapture its much-needed two-thirds parliamentary majority "at the moment", but, in the same breath, warned of Anwar's tactics should this prediction prove true. "Anwar's preparation (for the polls) is (by holding) public demonstrations. "Without Anwar, there are no demonstrations. "Ever since Anwar came out (of jail), there are demonstrations," Dr Mahathir told a press conference after attending a forum on war and conflict at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here. He pointed out that when Anwar, his former deputy, was still in government, the former Umno number two had been against public protests. "But once he is out... this (demonstrations) is the instrument to put him in Putrajaya," Dr Mahathir said.
PAS Youth needs to search its soul Posted: 25 Nov 2012 03:00 PM PST It is the weakest of youth wings in Pakatan Rakyat Free Malaysia Today At the recent PAS muktamar in Kota Bahru, the youth wing was taken to task by its own members for its ineffectiveness as a political movement, especially in comparison with its counterparts in PKR and DAP. However, much of the self criticism was drowned out by the shrillness of attacks against the party organ, Harakah. This is a pity because what PAS Youth needs most of all is a little soul searching. For example, a delegate from Sarawak raised the valid issue of the wing's failure to highlight problems faced by people in his state. He acknowledged that youth chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi did mention Sabah and Sarawak in his opening speech, but only in a general way. "There was no real focus on the issue of the Sarawak people's victimisation by Barisan Nasional," he said. "The poverty rate in Sarawak is 5.3% and there is no water and electricity supply for the interior regions although the state's natural resources contribute enormously to the coffers of the Federal government." Perak delegate Nazri Din challenged the wing's central leadership to come up with a manifesto that suits the needs of youths. Need for a vision "Today we have half million voters in the Felda schemes and 20% of them are youths. The wing must explain to this new Felda generation what it can offer them." Negeri Sembilan delegate Mohd Zulkarnain Mohd Zaki questioned why there had been no update on the activities of the Youth Leadership Academy. "What is the current status of Akademi Kepimpinan Pemuda?" he asked. "We don't know whether it is fully utilised or not." He urged the central leadership to emulate its counterparts in the PKR and DAP youth wings and come up with a "PAS Youth leadership policy". Kelantan delegate Ahmad Marzuk Shaary urged the wing to identify youth figures that would be as prominent as those found in PKR and DAP. "We need to take this matter seriously so that PAS Youth can be a platform for youth leaders," he said. Charisma and creativity Some pro-PAS bloggers agree that PAS Youth is the weakest of Pakatan Rakyat youth wings. Indeed, the Islamic party's youth leaders are noticeably lacking in charisma and political creativity. Nasrudin himself, as well as his deputy, Nik Abduh Abdul Aziz, may be competent as Islamic scholars, but neither of them is notable for ideas that suit Malaysia's political culture. Many observers believe that PAS Youth will not progress in local politics as long as its leadership is dominated by the ulama group. In several states, the focus of activities is more religious than political. Thus we have PAS Youth leaders who seem to spend more time preaching and delivering lectures in the mosques than organising and carrying out political activities. This is a far cry from the days when the wing was led by such figures as Mohamad Sabu, Salahuddin Ayub and Mahfuz Omar. Thus there is no need to explain why Nasrudin, Nik Abduh and other youth leaders from PAS do not get much coverage either in Harakah or any other news publication. If PAS Youth wants more press coverage for its leaders, then it must encourage them to emulate, for instance, PKR's Rafizi Ramli, and take more interest in exposing political scandals and abuses by the ruling regime. An exception A senior PAS leader who spoke to FMT on condition of anonymity said there were plenty of newsy issues in his state but the youth chief there, an ulama, had failed to capitalise on them for political mileage. "I have to feed him with the information and push him to have press conferences to highlight the issues," he said. "I even have to ask my secretary to arrange for the press conferences. The coordination factor is so weak." Nevertheless, critics and even detractors would have to congratulate PAS Youth for its Unit Amal, the most well organised and the most effective security unit in Pakatan Rakyat.
Ambiga to Najib: Debate with Anwar Posted: 25 Nov 2012 02:55 PM PST The Bersih co-chairperson wants the prime minister to accept the opposition leader's challenge to a debate, saying it will allow Malaysians to judge who is best qualified to lead the nation. RK Anand, FMT With the next general election being described as the most poignant in the nation's history, Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga feels that a debate between Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is imperative. Now that Najib had indicated that the polls could be called even next month, she said the debate must be held as soon as possible. "It is absolutely necessary that a debate takes place. It will give Malaysians the opportunity to gauge which political coalition is best qualified to govern the nation," she told FMT. Noting that Najib was fond of talking about United States president Barack Obama, Ambiga urged the former to emulate the latter with regard to the practice of presidential debates in the US. "As far as Bersih is concerned, Najib ought to take a leaf out of his [Obama's] book and agree to the debate with Anwar," she said. She added that the debate could prove beneficial to both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat as it would provide a platform to put their respective policies and manifestos to the test. Anwar had repeatedly challenged Najib to a public debate but the latter had refused, citing among others that political debates was not part of the Malaysian culture. Sharing her views on this, Ambiga said the prime minister's refusal to engage in a verbal jousting match with the opposition leader spoke for itself. "When a leader refuses to debate, it means that he is not confident about his policies and manifesto, perhaps he can't defend [BN's policies], only he can answer [why he refuses to debate]," she added. Ambiga said that Bersih would consider initiating a public petition to determine if Malaysians wished to see the two leaders debate on issues of national importance. It is understood that the BN camp was also concerned about Anwar's renowned oratory skills and therefore pitting Najib against him in a televised debate would be political suicide. Meanwhile, Ambiga also took Najib to task for stating that the general election could be held next month during his address at the launch of the Himpunan Barisan 1Malaysia on Saturday. The Bersih leader was aghast that the prime minister continued to tease the nation with regard to the election date. "I find it very disconcerting and irresponsible. The prime minister should not toy with the citizens," she said, adding that Najib had placed the nation on election mode for years now.
Why fear international observers? Najib had asked why the opposition leader had remained silent when Pakatan captured five states in the 2008 general election and dismissed the latter's plea to Australia as shameless. "I am astounded that the prime minister thinks it is embarrassing," said Ambiga. "It is only embarrassing if there is something wrong with the electoral system," she stressed. Furthermore, she said that if the election was clean and fair, Putrajaya should not be concerned about the presence of foreign observers. Pointing out that Malaysia had participated as an observer in other elections, she asked: "Why do we participate in something which we do not believe in?"
Posted: 25 Nov 2012 02:51 PM PST We're here to stay and fight for a better tomorrow for Sabahans, says Lim Kit Siang in response to calls for the opposition coalition not to contest in the general election. Queville To, FMT Sabah's go-it-alone opposition leaders Yong Teck Lee and Jeffrey Kitingan will not get a free ride from Pakatan Rakyat in the general election. Pakatan-friendly groupings in Sabah, Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) and Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPS) led by independent MPs Wilfred Bumburing and Lajim Ukin, are keen to take on the Barisan Nasional in Sabah in the 13th general election. "I can assure you Pakatan is here to fight for a better tomorrow for Sabah," said DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang during a fundraising dinner at Star City Convention centre on Saturday. He was responding to calls by the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) and STAR Sabah leaders for Pakatan not to contest in Sabah and allow the former to take on the BN here. Lim's blunt rejection of the call also short-circuits attempts by a local independent NGO, Demokrasi Sabah (Desah), to broker a deal for opposition parties to have a "one-on-one" fight with the BN and avoid a split in the votes that could give BN seats they would otherwise lose. Lim's speech before several of Pakatan's top leaders including PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, his deputy Azmin Ali, PAS deputy president Mat Sabu, DAP Sabah chief Jimmy Wong, Kota Kinabalu MP Hiew King Cheu, PAS Sabah Commissioner Aminuddin Aling and PKR Sabah chief Thamrin Jaini indicates no change in Pakatan's election startegy. Lim also used the opportunity to challenge Prime Minister and BN chairman Najib Tun Razak, who is also Umno president, to declare "zero-tolerance" for corruption by using the Automated Enforcement System (AES) during the coming Umno general assembly this week. "I challenge him to declare corruption as Umno's number one enemy," said Lim, adding that if the AES for corruption was introduced, those with unusual amounts of wealth must be charged and brought to court. Najib must prove 'best democracy' claim The veteran DAP leader said if any person fails to prove in court that the wealth was not obtained by lawful means, he or she should then be arrested and their properties seized. Noting that Malaysia's ranking in terms of global transparency had plummeted, he said that if there was no improvement, China would soon overtake Malaysia in this aspect. Lim challenged Najib to prove that he really believed in 1Malaysia by fighting for Ketuanan Rakyat (people supremacy) rather than the Ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy). He said Najib must also prove that Malaysia really is the best democracy in the world by assuring a peaceful transition of power in the event the BN is defeated in the election. "He must declare that if BN and Umno lose the election, they must in a gentlemanly manner move out from Putrajaya," Lim said in response to Najib's defiant statement that since the government was not "broken" therefore there was no need to change it. Lim, the MP for Ipoh Timur, reiterated Mat Sabu's warning earlier that the BN was doing its best to break up the opposition and diminish its growing grassroots support across the nation. "But we will not fall into their trap and we are more united and stronger than ever," said Lim. Mat Sabu concurred with the widely-held notion that the opposition should work towards a one-on-one fight with the BN to stand any chance of winning more seats. He said PAS' struggle was not merely to become the government as trumpeted by the mainstream media. He said if this was true "it is better for PAS to join the BN and I will definitely become a minister".
Nurul’s statement and the Kaum Tua mentality Posted: 25 Nov 2012 02:41 PM PST Nurul Izzah, who adopts the modernist Kaum Muda mindset, recently found herself the target of the Kaum Tua ire over her 'freedom of religion' comment made at a recent public forum. By AB Sulaiman The case of Nurul Izzah Anwar, the PKR vice president, making the statement that there is no compulsion in religion and that this should apply not only to non-Malays but to Malays as well is now commanding the public domain. Thanks to Utusan Malaysia and the Internet, the speed at which Nurul's statement spread was staggering. The very next day, it appeared as a front-page headline in the Malay daily but with a twist: it was reported that she had been 'suggesting' Malays could commit apostasy; or showing the way to do so. (Apostasy is considered the greatest sin in Malay reckoning.) To the Malay-Muslim, she has committed a grave offence for which she must be taken to task. I will try to identify what really is at issue by way of asking some pertinent and relevant questions. First question: Nurul quoted the Quranic edict that "there is no compulsion in religion". Is she right? The answer is yes, she is, as in Surah 2.256. Following question: Did she state that this edict should apply to Malays as well? Her words spoken at the Nov 3 forum held at the Full Gospel Tabernacle church in Subang Jaya, according to the transcript provided by Malaysiakini, were: "How can anyone really say, 'sorry, this only applies to non-Malays.' It has to apply equally." Her statement can be understood as meaning that the Article 11 constitutional provision on the freedom of religion must apply for Malays as well. Since nowhere in the Quran does it mention the Malay ethnicity, we should logically infer that Nurul's remark was a comment on Malaysian law rather than on Islamic jurisprudence. Next: why then did former PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa reportedly say that the Surah was not applicable to Malays? I do not wish to answer for him, but according to the reports it is because as a religious scholar he feels qualified to comment on such things while others are not. Sri Gading Member of Parliament Mohamad Aziz raised the Nurul issue in the House on Nov 7 saying" "Apa hukum dari segi syariat Islam atas kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai yang menyatakan orang Melayu Islam bebas memilih agama yang diminati? Dalam erti kata lain, boleh keluar daripada agama Islam yakni murtad. Kenyataan ini seolah-olah meraikan orang Islam menjadi murtad." Translated into English, the MP had described Nurul's remark as more or less as a statement to celebrate Malay conversion because apostasy will now be permitted among Muslims. You might ask: Did she actually encourage apostasy for Muslims? The answer is no. Syariah augmented by civil laws In her reply to Mohamad Aziz, Mashitah Ibrahim – the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of Islamic affairs – said that under the law, anyone found guilty of mocking or maligning Islam could be sentenced to prison not exceeding two years, fined RM3,000 or both. If wielded, this piece of prohibitive legislation portends a conflict and tussle pitting a reformist and progressive Malay-Muslim mind such as Nurul Izzah's on the one hand, and the orthodox and conservative mind represented by Mashitah, Nasharudin, Mohamad Aziz and the rest of them on the other. This conflict is common enough in any religion and Islam is not spared. In Islam, this conflict stemmed from the tussle between Revelation and Reason, which I shall delve into immediately. For this discourse, I will refer to a scholarly work Crisis in the Muslim Mind by Dr Abdul Hamid Ahmad AbuSulayman who was a Rector of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). In his 1993 book, the author explained the relationship between Revelation and Reason. Revelation in Islam decrees that all knowledge comes from God via His Revelations found in the Quran which is 'God's word'. Reason is Man's ability to rationalise by using his God-given intelligence and memory. Reason is God's way of making mankind understand Revelation. As Revelation is 'stored' in the Quran, mankind must use his reasoning ability to adhere to all of the edicts, rules and regulations inherent in this holy book. It is at this point that there appears a split in understanding between the orthodox and the progressive. To the orthodox, as the Quran is God's Words, its entire contents are to be the ultimate Truth. The Quran has to be adhered to without any hesitation, doubt, scepticism. To progressives the Quran might indeed be God's Words but mankind has been given intelligence by God. The Muslim can and should employ thought and rationality to everything, even to the Quran. Bow and obey An illustration taken from Islamic history might help you to understand the point. For this I will refer to the writing of Pervez Hoodbhoy's work, Islam and Science (1992) from where I take the case of Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi or better known as al-Kindi (801-873 CE) – a philosopher, mathematician, and musician during the Caliphate of Al-Mutawwakil in Baghdad. Al-Kindi pointed out that Surah 55.5 of the Quran states that the sun, moon, stars, mountains, trees and beasts 'bow themselves' before God. For the unsophisticated, this invokes an idea wherein all creation literally bends in prayer – a bowing tree, a bowing mountain (for example) bending in prayer. He had some doubt over this term in its literal sense. After a long mental search, al-Kindi interpreted that 'bow' could mean 'obey' – the mountains and trees and all other creations obeyed God's Words but did not bow in doing so. A point to note is that al-Kindi lived during the period when human civilisation was rudimentary and the literacy rate was low. The aristocratic class was all-powerful and feudalism was the norm. There was also an emergent clergy or ulama class of citizens, usually aligned with the aristocracy. In the event, al-Kindi's radical views had to be acceptable to the rulers and the ulama class. Apparently in this specific 'bowing' case, they did not agree and deemed his opinion a heresy. The reaction was swift to his heretic and dangerous beliefs. The Caliph had al-Kindi flogged in public and confiscated his library the 'Al-Kindiyah'. The old philosopher fell into depression and silence, and died a broken man. Revelation had won over Reason. God's Words (and by extension the Syariah) are an immutable set of rules which cannot be modified according to the times. Sure enough when the four Imams – Maliki (d.795 CE), Hanafi (d.767 CE), Shafii (d.820 CE), and Hanbali (d. 855 CE) – codified the Islamic jurisprudence that is applied right up to today, they were all under the influence of Revelation over Reason. "There were slight differences in weight they attached to various Quranic verses and degree of validity they assigned to various Prophetic traditions", says Hoodbhoy. Nonetheless their philosophies were otherwise uniform: Revelation over Reason. The orthodoxy and conservatism of Islam was later strengthened by the immensely influential Al-Ghazzali (d.1111 CE). Islamic commentators claim that by the end of the 11th century, all major problems of Islamic jurisprudence had been resolved between these Islamic schools. After that, all the doors for discourse or Ijtihad were slammed shut. Bolting the Gates of Ijtihad Let's pause a little over the points made in the last paragraph. Before the closing of Ijtihad, the flame of learning had burnt bright in Islamic civilisation. Scholars like al-Kindi, Ibn Sina, Omar Khayyam and many others were leading the known world in intellectual development and study. Modern day scholars and adherents of Islam will not miss the opportunity to remind the non-Muslim world of Muslim contributions to human knowledge and science. But after this glorious era, there was the ascendency of an ossified religiosity making it harder for secular pursuits to exist. It appeared that the closing of Ijtihad had also closed the minds of the Islamic civilisation. Partly because of this closed mind, the Muslim civilisation missed out in the subsequent human intellectual developments: the thoughts of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton and a long list of illustrious names that had led to the explosion of science and scientific thinking; the growth of democracy, capitalism, the Industrial Revolution. It missed out from the burgeoning economic, social, political, intellectual and technological opportunities and advancements faced and undertaken by the universal human civilisation. When Islam was brought into this country (circa 1403 CE), it was this orthodox and conservative version that arrived. I have not come across of any record of any meaningful intellectual development from the Malay civilisation from this date. Malay intellectual discourse began in the early 20th century, as shown by recent Malay social history. During this time there appeared the tussle between the Kaum Tua and Kaum Muda. Farish Noor has written a concise and fairly authoritative account of these factions under an article titled Pre-Net Reformists in Malaysiakini (22 March 2001). According to Farish who is presently a senior fellow at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, the Kaum Tua comprised mainly the traditional ruling elite led by the royals and aristocrats of the Malay sultanates on the peninsula while the Kaum Muda were the modernist reformist Malay and Peranakan intelligentsia based in the more cosmopolitan centres on the West coast. Both groups were worried about the future development of the country and their collective fate under British rule. The royal families and aristocrats, Farish writes further, launched a number of initiatives that were aimed at protecting the interests of the local communities against the onslaught of British political and economic hegemony. One such effort was the Majlis Agama Kelantan (Kelantan Religious Council) that was formed in 1915. But the Majlis and many other bodies like it soon came under the leadership and patronage of Malay rulers who were more interested in protecting the interests of the traditional ruling elite than the Malay masses. Another source quoted the conflict between Kaum Muda and Kaum Tua as centring on the validity of Reason to verify religious matters (or Ijtihad) versus those who blindly followed the teachings of early scholars (or Taqlid), see Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 7 (special issue of 'Diversity of Knowledge on Middle East': 07-13, 2011 © IDOSI Publications, 2011). The advocators of taqlid, Kaum Tua, rejected the use of reason in religion as they claimed that the practice conflicted with the Quran. The task of genuine social reform and political organisation therefore devolved instead to the new generation of Malay reformers and modernists who came to be known as Kaum Muda, writes Farish Noor. Kaum Muda had this modernist opposition towards blind imitation (taqlid) and their emphasis was on the dire need to use Reason. To them, instead of simply accepting the words and opinions of the religious scholars, Man is required to make use of Reason to distinguish between the valid and invalid opinions, or to reinterpret them. Those arguments are strikingly familiar and from this I can safely deduce that they refer to the tussle of Revelation over Reason in the Malay social context. In that pre-Internet era, the Kaum Muda was trying to disseminate the new mental order via newspapers, journals and magazines. One prominent personality, Syed Sheikh al-Hadi who hailed from Penang went over to Singapore and Malacca to open madrasahs or religious schools hoping to spread progressive Islam.
Himpunan Hijau @ Dataran Merdeka Posted: 25 Nov 2012 11:30 AM PST
(The Malaysian OBserver) - Some 10,000 protesters gathered today in front of Dataran Merdeka to pressure the government to stop the controversial Lynas rare earth plant in Gabeng, Kuantan. Apart from that, this evening's gathering also marked the end of the 13-day walk of 300KM from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur led by Himpunan Hijau chairman Wong Tat. Watch video at: Ini lah semangat patriotik yang mencintai tanahair kita. Semangat menentang perosak alam LYNAS telah menyatukan berbagai bangsa tanpa mengira warna kulit, agama dan keturunan. Perjuangan yang mulia ini menyuarakan pencerobohan alam sekitar. Semangat patriotik bukan lah seperti mana berbunyi berjuang untuk Melayu, Agama dan bangsa, tetapi semangat patriotik adalah semangat berjuang untuk kesemua hak rakyat sehingga ke anak cucu cicit kita. |
Posted: 25 Nov 2012 11:26 AM PST Najib: Pluralism is against Islam What the opponents of pluralism are saying is, it's offensive and wrong to make all religions equal because Islam, and by extension Muslims, are superior to all others. Jacqueline Ann Surin, The Nut Graph THERE is a new threat against Muslims in Malaysia and its name is pluralism. No less than Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak himself has flagged pluralism as an "enemy of Islam" and grouped it together with the other bad words, "LGBT" and "liberalism". My Name is Khan promotional poster (source: Wiki Commons) Not to be outdone, some Muslims, who have been described as scholars, recently declared the spread of pluralism in Malaysia as "worrying", as if it were some kind of pandemic that needed to be controlled. Even popular Bollywood star, Datuk Shah Rukh Khan, has been accused of promoting pluralism through his rather inspiring and endearing movie, My Name is Khan. But just what kind of threat does pluralism pose to Malaysian Muslims? And if it's such a clear and present danger to the majority of the population, what are other nations, which also experience cultural and religious diversity, doing about pluralism that we may learn from them? Pluralism 101 Just what is pluralism anyway? According to Harvard University's Pluralism Project, there are four components to pluralism. Diana L Eck writes that diversity alone is not pluralism. There needs to be an "energetic engagement with diversity" for pluralism to exist. "Today, religious diversity is a given, but pluralism is not a given; it is an achievement," she writes, adding: "Mere diversity without real encounter and relationship will yield increasing tensions in our societies." Second, it's not about tolerance, which is tenuous, but "the active seeking of understanding across lines of difference". Eck argues that tolerance "does nothing to remove our ignorance of one another" and warns that in today's world, "our ignorance of one another will be increasingly costly". Thirdly, pluralism is not relativism. Rather it is the "encounter of commitments". What does this mean? It means that proponents of pluralism don't need to leave their identities and commitments behind. It's about "holding our deepest differences, even our religious differences, not in isolation, but in relationship to one another." And finally, pluralism's foundation is dialogue. That means both speaking and listening in a way that involves "give and take, criticism and self-criticism" so that the process can reveal both "common understandings and real differences". More sheep than Muslims Seen in this light, it's no wonder that institutions such as Harvard University in the US have embarked on initiatives to promote, rather than reject, pluralism. Indeed, the motivation for undertakings such as the university's Pluralism Project has been the radically changing religious and cultural landscapes that have emerged in the US because of immigration. The project's mission statement is "to help Americans engage with the realities of religious diversity". Helen Clark (source: Wiki Commons) The US isn't the only place in the world where a predominantly white, Christian population views diversity as a gift that can be channelled for greater good by promoting pluralism. In a country where there are likely more sheep than Muslims, Helen Clark's administration lent support to a project by the New Zealand Diversity Action Programme that resulted in the Statement on Religious Diversity. Among others, the statement "encourages education about diverse religious and spiritual traditions, respectful dialogue, and positive relationships between government and faith communities". And just like in the US, New Zealand was spurred by the increasing religious and cultural diversity arising from migration from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. More Muslims than sheep In Malaysia meanwhile, there are clearly more Muslims than sheep. In fact, the Malay Muslim population in Malaysia is what the white Christian population is in countries like the US and New Zealand. More importantly, unlike the US and New Zealand, we've always lived with religious and cultural diversity. Our society didn't suddenly see a dramatic shift in demographics that led to citizens feeling befuddled about the appearance of mosques, temples, gurdwaras and churches. And yet, what do we do about our plurality? From prime minister to so-called religious scholars to Muslim youth groups, we hear a clear and resounding rejection of pluralism. Here's what they're saying when they cast pluralism as the new bogey in town: "No" to engagement. "No" to dialogue. "No" to active understanding. "No" to equal and respectful relationships with others. In other words, "No" to what we've been historically and culturally since, at the very least, Malacca became a trading port in the 15th century. And "No" also to what we have already achieved which developed countries are only now trying to acquire. In fact, let's just demolish one of the bedrock of Malaysian life. Seen in this light, we shouldn't be at all surprised that there were attempts to denigrate Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim through the distribution of leaflets in Slim River this month that condemned the Opposition Leader as a believer of religious pluralism. He's not the only one. Two years ago, PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat was attacked at an Islamic seminar for attending a function at a Buddhist temple. Read more at:
Mustapa: Kelantan Umno to field ulama as candidates in election Posted: 25 Nov 2012 11:17 AM PST
(Bernama) - The Kelantan Umno will also be fielding ulama as its candidates to contest for state and parliamentary seats in the coming 13th general election. State Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said they comprised those who had contributed to the party and the country. "We have identified their names," he told reporters after closing the 1Cooperative 1Community programme here today. The International Trade and Industry Minister said the names of the candidates would be announced earlier to allow the people to evaluate their capabilities. Normally, the names of the candidates would be announced two days before nomination day, but this time the announcement would be made earlier, he added. |
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