Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Sabah Umno has the most number of members
- 'Bala's U-turn foiled Anwar-Umno's Altantuya expose'
- PAS, still the same old iron mould?
- Khairy: We’ll smash Opposition’s arguments
- 20 ‘gates’ to shut out Pakatan from Selangor
- Najib: Malaysia akan hilang kedaulatan tiga tahun selepas Pakatan perintah
- Who is the key behind Deepak’s exposé?
- Deepak to reveal more dirt from under the carpet
- True, I am not you. I can’t know.
- Delusional talks on anarchism and May 13: a friendly reminder
- Rosli Dahlan’s RM50 Million Trial: A Classic Case of Justice Denied
- Shahrizat slams news portals, says God is with Utusan
- No, it is not over yet
- The journey in life is never a straight line (PART 3)
- Deepak says he paid Najib's family for land deal
- Cerita sebenar Deepak Jaikishan kawan Rosmah
- Why ideals are a must in life
- I am a winnable candidate in PRU 13 : Shahrizat
- Ex-IGP says ministers meddle with investigations
- Shahrizat: May 13 could repeat if Umno weak
- Ambiga, this is Malaysia, not the United States
- Anwar’s lawyer offers to help hair salon
- DAPSY strongly disagrees with the stance of PAS Youth to seek a ban on the Elton John concert ...
- Debate with Anwar ‘a waste of time’
- Is ex-IGP Musa going Pakatan’s way?
- Shahrizat still harbours hope of contesting
- Malaysia ‘dog’ chant riles Singapore fans
- BN government never stood by the rakyat in the Bukit Merah – Papan Controversy.
Sabah Umno has the most number of members Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:25 PM PST
(The Star) - Sabah Umno holds the record as having the highest membership in the country. Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said Sabah had 505, 852 members, and Kampung Kinosop in Libaran Sabah had 1,837 members, the highest at branch level. Nationwide, Umno has 3,386 274 members. Umno has also changed its membership application procedure to enable members to apply directly to the party headquarters. "Applications would be returned to the respective division to be forwarded to the respective branch. "If in two months there is no action, the new membership application would be automatically accepted,'' he said at the Umno assembly at Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday that was attended by 2,718 delegates. Umno also welcomed 57 foreign delegates representing 24 parties from 21 countries. The delegates from Palestine were greeted with standing ovation. Tengku Adnan said the assembly also saw a large media presence with 1,782 crew from 102 local and foreign media organisations. Also present were former prime ministers Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Others include MCA president Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek, Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, and MIC president Datuk G. Palanivel.
'Bala's U-turn foiled Anwar-Umno's Altantuya expose' Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:15 PM PST
Nigel Aw, Malaysiakini The second statutory declaration (SD) of private investigator (PI) P Balasubramaniam was hastily drafted as part of an effort to thwart a planned confession on the Altantuya murder organised by politicians from both sides of the divide. Bala made his second SD immediately after withdrawing his earlier accusation linking Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu, businessperson Deepak Jaikishan claims.
However, he added, the personalities named in the first SD had moved in to prevent that from happening. And those who pushed the second SD were those wanting to ensure Najib becomes prime minister? A fallout with Najib's family However, Deepak said he did not know who was responsible.
PAS, still the same old iron mould? Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:08 PM PST
Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily The rivalry in Malaysian politics will very often take the extreme course, banking on the sensitive racial and religious issues. The current Umno general assembly is not expected to be any different. Meanwhile, to appease the emotions of its supporters, PAS is poised to accentuate its religious hues. Coincidentally, in the PAS general assembly earlier this month, some delegates hit out at the party leadership for its softened and wavering stand on the hudud issue, overlooking the fact hat the hudud law forms the core principle of the party. MPKB enforcers slapped summonses to Chinese hair salon operators in Kota Bharu during the raids carried out last Tuesday and Friday. As what we understand, Friday is a gazetted holiday in the state of Kelantan. However, on a rare occasion, the MPKB officers went on plainclothes last Friday to raid the NICE and E-Life hair salons inside KB Mall, accusing the hair salons of operating without a valid permit and a female employee serving a male customer in breach of state regulations. The operation carried out irrespective of race on the eve of the Umno general assembly should help abate the firepower of Umno targeted at PAS. Although Islamic measures have been in force in Kelantan all these years, the state authorities hardly take on hair salon operators. The latest episode, therefore, appears a little eccentric. If the above speculations have been inaccurate, it is essential for the Kelantan state government or PAS to clarify..Unfortunately, state exco Takiyuddin Hassan was resolved to defend the action of the enforcers even after DAP National Chairman Karpal Singh had hit out at the incident. Meanwhile, menteri besar Nik Aziz said the state ulama council would talk about this issue and might bring the matter to the state legislative assembly if warranted. This raises the question whether the ulama council or the state government would have the final say on administrative matters. Similar to Umno, PAS needs to take care of its fundamental support base. PAS is concerned that Umno's racist card could possibly erode its support and would therefore resort to flashing its Islamic policies every now and then to consolidate its hold, especially in Kelantan which Umno is pouncing on and which Muhyiddin has anticipated a political tsunami. Enforcing Islamic decrees on non-Muslims is nevertheless contrary to the party's pledge not to impose such regulations on non-Muslims in the state while contradicting the party's direction of diluting its religious hues in a bid to win over non-Malay voters. Perhaps PAS feels Chinese voters would still lean on the opposition pact with the anti-Lynas, Chinese education, corruption and other issues now diverting their attention, providing an opportune timing for the party to manifest its Islamic laws while not adversely affecting the support of Chinese voters. The party has obviously overlooked the fact that MCA will never let go of this opportunity to hit out at PAS. If this matter is eventually brought to the court, it will sustain for some time and will very likely develop into a heated electoral issue that will have a negative bearing on the opposition pact. It cannot be denied that the Kelantan state government has been fair and unbiased in its governance but their thinking is nevertheless out-of-date. Take the movie theatres for example. How do you expect the audience to enjoy the movie if the lights inside the theatre have to be left on? How many would pay to see a movie that conforms completely to the teachings of Islam? Little wonder that no new cinemas have opened for business in the last ten years. There is an urgent need tor PAS to transform itself, or risk losing the opportunity to grab the helm in Putrajaya. PAS must make an unequivocal choice between clinging on to its fundamental support base and enlarging its political reach.
Khairy: We’ll smash Opposition’s arguments Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:05 PM PST
(The Star) - UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has issued the movement's battle cry, promising to counter each of the Opposition's attacks against Barisan Nasional and the Government. "We will debate them in Parliament, we will smash their arguments in coffee shops, and we will expose their lies in cyberspace. "We will defeat these traitors of the nation. We will fight, we will attack, we will lay this wretched Pakatan Rakyat coalition into the ground," he said in his policy speech, drawing roars of approval from the delegates. In the speech titled "Between Two Futures", Khairy cautioned the people against believing Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who had painted a rosy picture if Pakatan won, including its promises of reduced fuel prices, abolishment of tolls payment and cheaper cars. "The promises would cost more than RM200bil to fulfil in the first year alone," he said. "This is the crux of the matter. If they deliver on their populist promises, the nation will go bankrupt and drown in a sea of debt. Or it may well be their intention to fulfil the short-sighted wishes of their de facto leader to drive the country to the edge of ruin before being rescued by his band of friends at the IMF." Khairy said the track record of Pakatan in its four states was rife with unfulfilled promises. He cited the Selangor government's Child Heritage Fund which promised to issue fixed deposit certificates of RM100 for every Selangor-born child. Despite 61,000 applications, he claimed only 36% were approved. He noted how Universiti Selangor, which recorded RM5.97mil in profits in 2008, went into the red two years later. As for Kelantan, Khairy noted the failure of the state government's Ladang Rakyat project that was meant to assist the poor through dividends. He also trained his guns on Kedah, which he said made investments overseas without proper internal approval and which had seen cases of unqualified contractors appointed to undertake projects. "Such is the poor management of Pakatan, where lands are being confiscated, allocations are being sacrificed, the environment is disrespected and financial management severely compromised," he said.
20 ‘gates’ to shut out Pakatan from Selangor Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:03 PM PST
(The Star) - A WANITA Umno delegate detailed 20 dalil (reasons) why Pakatan Rakyat should be ejected from Selangor. Selangor Wanita information chief Datin Paduka Mesrah Selamat listed down the various "gates" which broke in the state since Pakatan took over in 2008, including the Talam issue. "There is the Talam-gate scandal with questionable deals involving RM1bil when the state could not even repair the lifts at a district office. Then there is the manifesto-gate where Pakatan failed to fulfill election manifesto. (Also) water-gate, sand-gate, Unisel-gate and a sex-gate. "I have listed down 20 reasons why they (Pakatan) should be rejected and I urge the one million women voters in the state to rally behind Barisan Nasional and Umno to determine a better future for themselves." Another delegate vented her frustration at the Penang government and its Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, saying how "sad and difficult" it was to live in the state. "It's true that he (Lim) is a tokong, because the rest are scared of him," she said. "Under Barisan Nasional's 50-year rule, we took care of the people from when they were in their mother's womb till they were sent to the grave. But in less than five years of Pakatan's rule, they've made things difficult for the people," she said.
Najib: Malaysia akan hilang kedaulatan tiga tahun selepas Pakatan perintah Posted: 28 Nov 2012 12:58 PM PST
Amin Iskandar, The Malaysian Insider Malaysia akan hilang kedaulatan dan musnah ekonomi tiga tahun selepas Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memerintah, Datuk Seri Najib Razak memberi amaran hari ini. Menurut presiden Umno itu, jika janji-janji PR dalam Buku Jingga dilaksanakan, ekonomi negara akan musnah seperti negara Greece. "Pada tahun pertama seandai (Buku Jingga) dilaksanakan, defisit bajet Kerajaan pusat akan melonjak kepada hampir 30 peratus. "Kedua, menjelang tahun 2015 kadar nisbah hutang negara kepada KDNK akan melambung kepada 140 peratus. "Dalam tahun ketiga, kita akan mencapai tahap keparahan dan hilang kedaulatan ekonomi seperti negara Greece," kata beliau semasa menyampaikan ucapan dasarnya presiden di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) hari ini. Menurut Najib senarai janji-janji PR tidak lojik untuk dilaksanakan dan bertujuan untuk memancing undi bagi memenangi pilihan raya. "Jika disenarai, mereka mendakwa kononnya mampu menjamin pendapatan purata bulanan setiap isi rumah Malaysia pada kadar RM 4000, menghapuskan tol dan hutang PTPTN, memberikan elaun khas kepada guru sebanyak RM 500 sebulan dan menaikkan royalti petroleum sehingga 20 peratus kepada negeri-negeri. "Mana mungkin semua itu diperbuat kerana natijahnya akan memusnahkan ekonomi negara," katanya. Najib turut menyelar ketua pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kerana mahu melibatkan Australia dalam pilihan raya umum ke 13 nanti. "Sebab itulah tanpa segan silu mereka mengadu kepada kuasa asing bagi mengantarabangsakan masalah dalaman, sedangkan mereka tahu tindakan berkenaan hanya mengaibkan negara dan menghina intelek rakyat Malaysia. "Tidak perlulah kita libatkan orang asing untuk menunjuk ajar bagaimana menguruskan negara. Janganlah menjadi Si Kitul moden sampai sanggup mengkhianat bangsa dan tanahair. "Dah lebih separuh abad pun kita merdeka ... tahulah kita selok belok negara sendiri. Persoalannya, selepas mereka menang di lima negeri pada pilihanraya lalu tiada pula rumah siap pahat berbunyi," tambah Najib lagi. Perhimpunan Agung Umno ke 66 berlangsung dari 27 November sehingga 1 Disember. 2,722 perwakilan parti tersebut dari seluruh negara berhimpun bagi mendengar amanat pimpinan tertinggi Umno menjelang pilihan raya paling sengit, bakal berlangsung tidak lama lagi.
Who is the key behind Deepak’s exposé? Posted: 28 Nov 2012 12:47 PM PST Who has managed to get Deepak to expose Najib and Rosmah? Who stands to gain the most in toppling the Umno president? By Chua Jui Meng, FMT Deepak Jaikishan's shocking and damning revelations of his ties with Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and wife Rosmah Mansor is serious and embarrassing to Malaysia. Deepak indirectly exposes Najib and Rosmah's link with the murder case of Mongolian interpreter Altantuya Shaariibuu via his involvement in private investigator P Balasubramaniam (PI Bala)'s statutory declarations. Deepak also said his mistake was to jump in to help friends – referring to Najib, who was then a defence minister, and his wife. The ongoing RM6.7 billion scandalous purchase of two second-hand French-made Scorpene submarines which is being investigated by a French court is also damaging Najib and Malaysia. Deepak's timing to spill the beans on Najib and Rosmah is also very suspicious – coming a day before Najib is scheduled to deliver his presidential address at the opening of an annual Umno General Assembly. The immediate question is: Who has managed to get Deepak to expose Najib and Rosmah? It can be answered with a question: Who stands to gain the most in toppling the Umno president? It will be amazing that Najib is able to face his Umno central delegates without any feeling of embarrassment. How can Najib's conscience not be pricked with all the ongoing scandals exposed is mind boggling. How can Umno members, the enforcers of law and Malaysians in general ignore such strong accusations against this man? The federal administration is certainly undergoing a crisis of sorts, and possibly a breakdown, when it cannot swiftly and confidently resolve wrong doings afflicting the country, especially when it concerns public accountability, corruption and crime. Public confidence is therefore eroded, and the socio-economic fabric of the nation is shaken.
Deepak to reveal more dirt from under the carpet Posted: 28 Nov 2012 12:36 PM PST Controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan, however, wants protection for himself as he would be talking about the 'prime minister and his family'. Teoh El Sen, FMT Businessman Deepak Jaikishan, who said he "can't get the ghost of Altantuya out of me", yesterday promised to reveal more details on the behind-the-scenes dealings surrounding the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. But said that he required protection for himself first as he would be talking about the "prime minister and his family". In a press conference he called yesterday, Deepak, a well-connected carpet dealer, said he is appearing now to clear his conscience as "the ghost of Altantuya continues to haunt" him. He said that he had suffered in his business and mentally after he got himself involved with arranging for the second Statutory Declaration (SD) for private investigator P Balasubramaniam on the behest of a "female friend". The second SD reversed an earlier one which had directly linked prime minister Najib Tun Razak to the Altantuya murder. "I can't get the ghost of Altantuya out of me. It is bothering me. I want to come clean, I want to apologise to her that I was trying to conceal the fact that I was involved in facilitating the second SD," he said. "I want justice for her. I want the people responsible to be incriminated, given appropriate sentences. Whoever actually killed her and instructed it, they must take the responsibility." When asked if he had direct knowledge of who instructed the killing, Deepak said he did not. However, he revealed more details surrounding the reason why he was roped in to help facilitate a second SD in such a hurry. "Everybody knew there was a second SD, but why was there this urgency for it to be done the next day, and not the next week?" "The SD was not just about the opposition. There was a concentrated effort of two factions here. You had Bala sitting down with Anwar and you had another faction who didn't want the people named in the first SD to come to power. They were determined, although they were from different sides, to work together to achieve this. Both had the power to do this," he said, adding that the other side came from Umno itself. He said that the side that wanted to push for the second SD and overturn the original SD was the one that protected or ensured that Najib became prime minister. "I got involved in the second SD to protect the interest of Najib. There is no other logical reason, is there?" he said. Deepak said that if the police were serious about solving the case, they would be able to. "They have all the evidence already, it's whether they want to or not." He said the faction supporting Najib was not so much worried about the contents of the first SD, but the subsequent repercussions. "[As a result of the first SD], there were people involved in the actual act… one of these persons was going to come out and admit that he was involved [in the Altantuya incident] and who had instructed him. They [faction supporting Najib] were worried of this repercussion, because they knew this was the next stage," he said. In July 2008, Balasubramaniam had gone public with the first SD but withdrew it at another press conference the following day. Balasubramaniam then produced a second SD, claiming that he had made the first one under duress and fled the country the next day. 'We have been intimidated' Balasubramaniam re-emerged on Nov 12, 2009, in the form of a five-part YouTube video interview – believed to be shot in India – retracting his second SD and claiming that he had only made it after being offered RM5 million by Deepak. Deepak, who only addressed the controversy on April 6, 2011 after whistleblower Raja Petra Kamarudin revived the matter, then described Balasubramaniam as his mere clubbing mate. In the press briefing yesterday, Deepak said that subsequent to his involvement in 2008, he has been pressured by the "powers that be" to be silent. "[During 2010 and 2011], I have been raided by various agencies sent by the government to silence me not once but many times. They have taken documents from us. We have been intimidated and kept silent all this while," he said. "This was the first time I saw the magnitude of the government machinery coming down on me. I had government officers everywhere – in my bedroom, my office, my factory, my secretary's office, my father's room, everywhere." Deepak said that he also lost a lot of business deals with the government. "Other things have happened. There has been a lot of withdrawal and cancellation of contracts and concessions given to us. We had a 20-year contract to build 16 1Malaysia Mara hostels overseas worth RM2 billion. It was suspended," he said. He said that he may now take legal action against the government, including the prime minister himself, for terminating the various contracts.
True, I am not you. I can’t know. Posted: 28 Nov 2012 09:06 AM PST
It's so easy for me to look at her from the outside and judge her motives, her attitude, her actions. From my higher ground of better education, relative wealth and resolve, how can I possibly understand her circumstances and emotions fully, no matter how much I care?
She's only 28. And she's already borne nine children - the last one just six months ago. While I believe that children are gifts, I also believe that gifts come with responsibility. I feel that to leave the conception and bearing of children to chance or fate when you can intervene, to a degree of course, is inexcusable and this when they can ill afford to have another baby. As it is, they have to depend on charity.
I ask her if she's taken steps to stop further pregnancies and she says no. My feelings are mixed. I want to cry because she doesn't know better. I want to cry because she's so poor, legacy of an oppressive system and a vicious cycle of learned helplessness. At the same time, I am also angry because I feel she shouldknow better. From my position, I feel that every woman should know instinctively to give the best protection, education, care and love to their offspring, and that if they can't, they should seriously not consider bringing another kid into the world. Surely she can see what her many children are lacking. The filthy squalor they live in alone is reason enough not to have more children and I haven't even started on education which is every child's right.
Her toddlers lie on the cold, sticky and slimy floor of the bare flat - half naked, sharing a dirty bottle which contains what looks more like "kopi susu" than "susu". The older ones sit with dirty faces and hair staring vacantly, flashing their white teeth in wide grins when I smile at them. I feel pity for them. And her. But I also feel a little angry that she brought them into the world, to a life of abject poverty - without their permission. They did not ask to be born and to be subjected to such a life.
Because I've spoken to her before on a few occasions, I know that she is quite intelligent and so I find it even more unacceptable that she did not take the necessary birth- control measures. When I asked her to go and "ikat" and she replied with the "mahal lah" answer, I'm thinking "bullshit" because to my knowledge, it doesn't cost that much. Besides, based on my prior observation of her children, she had chosen to spend money on clothes, accessories and even gold-plated necklaces for them instead. When I asked her about the wisdom of these purchases, her smiling reply of "Hari besar mah. Bagi budak happy" infuriated me even more.
I'm aware of feeling exasperated by her misplaced priorities and careless spending. I find myself gesticulating wildly and reasoning with her in a lecturing tone, practically expounding on the possibilities where money and education is concerned. I asked her if she wants to see her children repeat the life she herself has lived and the kind of example she wants to set for them - especially her daughters. When I suggested helping her with regards to tubal ligation, she responded by saying that she can just take some "ubat cina – murah saja… banyak bagus punya". I questioned the efficacy and safety of it but she insisted that it's safe. I feel utterly frustrated that what is so obvious to me is not so to her.
At one point, she said that she "sudah takut….tak mau lagi …saya cakap dengan suami saya, jangan dekat ah…". She said that she told him if he wanted sex, she'll give him the RM5 to go pay a prostitute for it.
My shoulders are slumped. I feel quite exhausted. I must have been shouting because my throat feels tired too and my mouth feels dry. I think to myself, "Why do I even bother?" I give up. But for just a while only. And then, I'm back at her again.
I ask her how old she is. "28," she replies. I ask her, "You tak mau, kah?" in reference to sex. She coyly smiles and says, "Mau…". I said, "Habis, macam mana? Nanti dapat sakit macam mana? You muda lagi, subur lagi. Nanti, sekali saja dekat, bunting lagi, macam mana?"
She just smiles, shakes her head and says, "Ok punya lah." I'm aware of wanting to grab her and shake some sense into her. Instead, I place my hand lightly on her shoulder, laugh like a loser and say, "Saya ta-boleh cakap lagi lah." I feel so ineffective. I heave a heavy sigh. |
Delusional talks on anarchism and May 13: a friendly reminder Posted: 28 Nov 2012 04:05 AM PST The Malays now are more united than before -- the speak in unison with their brothers and sisters of other Malaysians -- in their fight against racism, degenerative monopoly capitalism, and all forms of state-sponsored militarism. The May 13 boogeyman is dead! A REPUBLIC OF VIRTUE Dr Azly Rahman Isn't the May 13, 1969 boogeyman long dead and gone and its bad spirit never again be invoked? ********************************** DR AZLY RAHMAN, who was born in Singapore and grew up in Johor Baru, holds a Columbia University (New York) doctorate in International Education Development and Master's degrees in the fields of Education, International Affairs, Peace Studies and Communication. He has taught more than 40 courses in six different departments and has written more than 300 analyses on Malaysia. His teaching experience spans Malaysia and the United States, over a wide range of subjects from elementary to graduate education. He currently resides in the United States.!/azly.rahman
Rosli Dahlan’s RM50 Million Trial: A Classic Case of Justice Denied Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:21 PM PST DIN MERICAN Preamble: Amidst the excitement and din of UMNO politics, which is receiving a lot of media attention, it is easy for us to forget the struggle of lawyer Rosli Dahlan (right) for honour, justice and truth. Since 2007, when he was first handcuffed in his office and charged on the eve of Aidil Fitri, my good friend Rosli has been taking on the establishment and its mainstream media to clear his name and restore reputation. With this in mind, I am posting my latest piece on his Rm50 million trial so that this saga will not escape our attention. As usual, the media has distorted his story.–Din Merican————————————————– November 16 2012 was a glorious day for Dato Ramli Yusuff as Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) gave him a full honour farewell complete with a General's salute by a mounted Guard of Honour and a retreat in a PDRM's ceremonial open top Land Rover in full regalia in the best traditions of the Police Force. The Government seems to have found peace with Dato Ramli. Thus, I was surprised when I found out that his lawyer and good friend, Rosli Dahlan, is still fighting the MACC and the Government. That can only mean that Rosli did not settle with the government. That can only mean that Rosli has been left out in the cold. I recalled that until now Dato Ramli has yet to file any law suit against the government, the A-G Gani Patail or even against Musa Hassan whom Ramli had repeatedly accused of conspiring to cause his downfall. In the meantime, I noted with amusement that Musa Hassan now appears to have joined the Opposition bandwagon by attacking PDRM and current IGP Ismail Omar for rigging the country's crime statistics. And today, Musa Hassan accused Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein of interfering with the Police Force. I don't know what Musa is up to but he is certainly living up to his name Musa the Musang, or Musa the cunning fox. So, I got a bit confused when I read reports from the mainstream newspapers that Rosli had lost his case when his claim was struck out like this report from The Star:
Shahrizat slams news portals, says God is with Utusan Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:00 PM PST The Wanita Umno chief goes on a tirade against 'unfair' news portals, but sings praises for Utusan over its sincerity. Anisah Shukry, FMT Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said today that Malaysian news portals give "unfair and irresponsible coverage" of Barisan Nasional, whereas God is with Malay daily Utusan due to its "sincerity". "There are pros and cons to social media, but the cons is that it has no limits. They speak without responsibility, especially news portals," said the Wanita Umno chief in her winding-up speech at the Umno general assembly today. "I don't need to elaborate on that. [The news portals] use the word 'Malaysian' in their name, am I right? What is this… if you use the word 'Malaysia', then you must write with pride, honour and dignity!" she cried. She was likely referring to news portals such as Free Malaysia Today, MalaysiaKini and The Malaysian Insider, which have often been accused of being "pro-opposition" due to their critical stance towards the ruling government. Shahrizat today claimed that a common "trick" used by news portals was to write provocative headlines that lead people into trouble. "How can it be like that? You want to fight for democracy, am I right? Come on… even in the media, pro-opposition news portals, you have to be fair to everyone. "If you have pride in your profession, do it." On the other hand, she said she "saluted" Umno-owned Utusan and its board member Abdul Aziz Ishak for its "sincerity in championing religion, the nation, the country and the people". "I notice that Utusan has always been targeted ceaselessly. Why does this happen? The opposition keep suing them, people do all sorts of things to Utusan… "But Utusan remains steady because it is sincere in championing religion, the nation, the country and the people. I salute Utusan," said Shahrizat, without a trace of irony in her voice. "Do not be afraid. Why? Because, ultimately, God is with Utusan." She reminded the people in the hall that while "the pen is mightier than the sword", there was a Malay saying that roughly translates to "a knife can eat its owner". "Remember that. Do not target Utusan so much. Because Utusan has its own soul," declared Shahrizat.
Posted: 27 Nov 2012 10:06 PM PST
AG Gani Patail has seen Rosli's witness statement and he is worried. It is explosive. It tells the real story behind why they brutally arrested and charged him one day before Hari Raya in 2007. Why else would AG Gani Patail ask the Judge, Hue Siew Kheng, to not allow Rosli to give his witness testimony if Gani was not afraid of Rosli's tell-all evidence? Gani is afraid. That is very clear. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin Why is the Attorney General so afraid of allowing lawyer Rosli Dahlan have his say in court? Well, maybe the previous reports on the issue can enlighten you as to why. Ahah! Did we not say so? According to Tajudin Ramli: "At all material times, I was acting as a nominee and agent of the Government and in the performance of a public duty and I was bound to act under the instructions and directions from the government." Malaysia Today, 12 August 2011 (READ MORE HERE) 10th episode: Now let's see how else MAS was plundered Since 15th August 2010, Malaysia Today published nine reports on how Tajudin Ramli plundered MAS and reduced this airline company from a surplus of more than RM600 million to a deficit in excess of RM8 billion. Malaysia Today also showed documents to not only prove this but also to prove that there was collusion between the AG Chambers, MACC and PRDM to sweep this entire episode under the carpet. But that is not the whole story. Today, we are going to show you how else MAS was plundered. Malaysia Today, 27 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) The police and AG Chambers colluded to cover up the fraud in MAS On 20th May 2009, Shahari Sulaiman, the Managing Director of MASKargo, lodged a report with the MACC alleging, amongst others, that when Tajuddin Ramli took over MAS it had more than RM600 million in cash reserves and when he left seven years later the national airline company had accumulated losses of more than RM8 billion. He also gives details of Tajuddin's various fraudulent dealings plus he raises allegations of collusion between the Malaysian police (PDRM) and the AG Chambers. Malaysia Today, 23 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) The web of deceit Datuk Ramli Yusuff, the head of the CCID, managed to untangle the web of deceit and presented to the prime minister the corporate and organisation chart of Tajuddin Ramli's holdings and cross-holdings plus that of his family, his cronies and his mistress, Wan Aishah Wan Hamid. The prime minister decided to do nothing. Was this because his own family would also be implicated if the shit were to hit the fan? Malaysia Today, 22 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) How the RM9 billion 'hole' was left to the taxpayers In seven years, Tajuddin Ramli turned a profitable airline company that had more than half a billion ringgit in cash reserves into a company that was RM8 billion in deficit. In March 2007, the head of the CCID, Ramli Yusuff, wrote to the Prime Minister, going into great detail about what happened. But it was Ramli and not Tajuddin who was dragged before the courts on various fabricated charges -- where he was acquitted without his defence being called. Malaysia Today, 21 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) Tajuddin Ramli enters into a contract with himself In May 2005, Dato' Ong Jyh Jong, the Senior General Manager Cargo of MAS, made a police report (12532/05) at the Dang Wangi Police Station alleging that Tajuddin Ramli entered into many fraudulent contracts. The police report was made on the instructions of MAS's Board of Directors. One such contract involves Advanced Cargo Logistics of Germany, which is a company owned by Tajuddin himself. Malaysia Today, 20 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) Eight years and still counting On 4th January 2002, Mohamadon Abdullah, the Senior General Manager Corporate Services of MAS made a police report (number 347/02) at the Dang Wangi Police Station about a crime committed in 2000. That was eight years ago and the crime was committed ten years ago -- but then who's counting? Even the MACC has stopped counting. Malaysia Today, 19 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) The MACC says thanks but no thanks On 6th July 2010, the lawyers for Malaysian Airlines (MAS) wrote to the MACC. A copy of that letter was also sent to the MACC Chief. On 22nd July 2010, the MACC replied that since two police reports about the same matter had already been made (back in 2002 and 2004), then the MACC will not get involved and will let the police investigate the matter instead. This means the MACC is 'washing its hands' over the matter. Malaysia Today, 18 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) The MACC Chief can't plead ignorance Thus far we have come out with two reports on the MAS scandal. Just in case the MACC Chief tries to plead ignorance, we are going to show you a copy of the letter that he received from the lawyers acting on behalf of MAS. This letter was smuggled out of the MACC office. You can see the 'pointing finger' stamp plus the acknowledged receipt chop and signature. Malaysia Today, 17 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) The MAS scandal: what the MACC swept under the carpet and marked NFA On 20th May 2009, Malaysian Airlines (MAS) wrote to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and lodged a report (no. 119/2009) with regards to an act of corruption by its previous Executive Chairman, Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli, which MAS asked the MACC to investigate. The MACC report also refers to two previous police reports made on 4th January 2002 and 4th May 2004. Malaysia Today, 16 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) Abu Kassim Mohamed, are you now going to resign? On Saturday, 31st July 2010, the MACC Chief, Abu Kassim Mohamed, pledged to resign if any graft reports were not investigated by his agency. Tomorrow, Malaysia Today is going to reveal reports, letters and documents of one such corruption case that has been swept under the carpet. Malaysia Today's question to Abu Kassim is: will you now resign? Malaysia Today, 15 August 2010 (READ MORE HERE) Long before Dato' Ramli Yusuff, the former Director of the CCID, and his lawyer, Rosli Dahlan, got into trouble with the authorities in 2007, Malaysia Today had already revealed the connection between the then IGP, Musa Hassan, and the loan shark (a.k.a. ahlong) syndicate of Goh Cheng Poh @ 'Tengku' Goh. Malaysia Today had warned Rosli to distance himself from Dato' Ramli and the then Home Minister, Johari Baharom. However, Rosli not only did not listen, he even volunteered to act for Dato' Ramli as the latter's lawyer when the IGP tried to fix him (Dato' Ramli) up on fabricated corruption, abuse of power, and failure to declare assets charges. Malaysia Today had known all along that IGP Musa Hassan is the underworld boss who was giving protection to the BK Tan/Tengku Goh crime syndicate. That was why AG Gani Patail refused to prepare the CCID's affidavits and subsequently released 'Tengku' Goh on what was rumoured for a payment of a few million Ringgit. (Later they tried to pin a RM5.5 million bribe charge on Johari Baharom on the allegation that he had released a few underworld bosses). Other than his 'crime' of acting as a lawyer for Dato' Ramli, the IGP's sworn enemy, Rosli was representing MAS in its suit against Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli, the airline's ex-Chairman who had plundered the company to the tune of billions. It was actually a national project to enrich certain people who walked in the corridors of power -- a sort of 'backdoor' Malay Affirmative Action Plan but only for the Umnoputeras. That was the reason why no action was taken against Tajudin and also why last year Nazri Aziz publicly announced that the Government will make an out-of-court settlement with Tajudin. And that, too, was was why AG Gani Patail plus his wife and son were 'hosted' for a Hajj trip with Tajudin's proxy, Shahidan Shafie, the former Officer-in-Charge of Secret Societies in Johor -- BK Tan's and 'Tengku' Goh's home state -- who was charged for corruption in 1990. Because of his recalcitrancy, on 11 October 2007, Rosli was brutally arrested in his office by the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) -- now called the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) -- in full view of his staff. He was then locked up overnight like an animal in the MACC underground cell and then, the following day, was paraded through the Jalan Duta Court corridors to face a trumped-up charge of 'not replying to ACA's letter' (although he did reply to that letter). However, Rosli was acquitted of this frivolous charge in 2011 and the AG, who had initially wanted to appeal the acquittal, made a last minute withdrawal of the appeal application. Rosli then launched a RM50 million law suit for criminal conspiracy, wrongful arrest, assault and defamation against the most powerful Umno-owned newspaper, Utusan Malaysia, the MACC, the Government and various MACC officers. The AG Chambers, however, is blocking Rosli from being allowed to take the witness stand and tell his side of the story (see the Malaysiakini report below). AG Gani Patail has seen Rosli's witness statement and he is worried. It is explosive. It tells the real story behind why they brutally arrested and charged him one day before Hari Raya in 2007. Why else would AG Gani Patail ask the Judge, Hue Siew Kheng, to not allow Rosli to give his witness testimony if Gani was not afraid of Rosli's tell-all evidence? Gani is afraid. That is very clear. So the predictable thing would happen. They will tire Rosli down, make him spend astronomical legal costs, drag the case, make technical objections to delay the case, as they are doing now, and, after all that, they will still not allow Rosli to take the witness stand and tell his story. And Malaysians will never know what Rosli was going to say in court. But no worries. If that happens on 28 December 2012, Malaysia Today will fill in the gaps for you. You see, the Malaysian Courts now has a new e-filing system. What most people do not realise is that this e-filing system is created by friends of Malaysia Today. As documents are filed in court using this e-filing system, they are routed to Malaysia Today's secret server. So, if what Malaysia Today says is going to happen and they do block Rosli from telling his story, we will post all the evidence regarding this case. Malaysians will then understand what a screwed-up country Malaysia is. Did I not say that Malaysia Today has eyes and ears in Bukit Aman, the AG's Chambers and the judiciary? If not, how we would know who is bonking whom in the AG's Chambers and how the boardroom has been turned into a bedroom? *****************************************
AG moves to silence Rosli on roles of Gani, Musa (Malaysiakini) - In a bid to silence lawyer Rosli Dahlan, the Attorney-General's Chambers today objected to him giving evidence on matters pertaining to the 'Copgate affair' involving attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail and former inspector-general of police Musa Hassan. Rosli applied to Kuala Lumpur High Court judge Hue Siew Kheng, in chambers, to allow him to read his witness statement in open court, which the judge allowed. However, Rosli's lawyer Chethan Jethwani said, senior federal counsel Azizan Md Arshad, representing the officers from the (then) Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) and the government, objected to certain portions of Rosli's testimony. Following this, Justice Hue fixed Dec 28 to hear submissions on the matter and ordered Azizan to file a formal application to expunge those portions before the application is heard on that day. The judge also fixed Jan 25 for to hear Rosli's testimony. Azizan argued that third parties were named in the statement of the witness, which was why the AG's Chambers was objecting. It is learnt that the objection arose because Rosli's testimony would touch on the role of Musa and Gani in Rosli's charge of not complying with the ACA's procedures to declare his assets, before the sessions court in 2007, on which he was acquitted without his defence called. Rosli, 51, had named several officers in the ACA, the precursor to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, including present chief commissioner Abu Kassim Mohamed and deputy head of prosecution Anthony Kevin Morais, as defendants in his RM50 million defamation suit. He had also named Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia and its senior editor Mohd Zaini Hassan. The lawyer, who had represented former Commercial Crime Investigations Department director Ramli Yusuff, in is seeking damages over defamatory statements made, the injury to his reputation, assault and false imprisonment. Ramli, who was later charged by the ACA, was also acquitted of the five charges against him and the decision was further upheld by the High Court and Court of Appeal. Yesterday, Justice Hue had called on the parties to try and settle the case and to take into account the decisions made by the other courts. 'Arrest of Goh an act of disloyalty' Rosli in his writ described the acrimonious relationship between Ramli and Musa and how the IGP had used the ACA and the AG's Chambers to implicate him and Ramli following the arrest of an underworld kingpin, Goh Cheng Poh or 'Tengku Goh'. Rosli said he acted for Ramli and the then deputy home minister Johari Baharom against Goh's habeas corpus application in 2007, after the AG's Chambers refused to draw up their affidavits. He said Musa saw the arrest of Goh as disloyalty on the part of Ramli, resulting in the IGP initiating further ACA investigations against Ramli. This resulted in a strained relationship between Musa and Ramli and Johari. Rosli further claimed that he earned the wrath of Musa and the attorney-general when he drew up the affidavits for Ramli and Johari, and this led to the ACA investigations against him and his subsequent arrest. He said an ACA officer kicked his leg, twisted his arms and handcuffed him tightly, resulting in lacerations and swelling of his wrists. He gave his statement at the ACA headquarters, but was held overnight and taken to court and charged on the eve of Hari Raya, on Oct 27, 2007. These were malicious actions out to tarnish his image, he added in his writ. |
The journey in life is never a straight line (PART 3) Posted: 27 Nov 2012 07:10 PM PST
Tan Sri Basir Ismail, the Chairman of BBMB, was very angry about what I said. He cancelled my facilities with the bank and gave me 14 days to make full settlement on my loans. According to the manager of BBMB Kuala Terengganu, the interest they earn on my loans covers the entire operating cost for the branch. In fact, we were the second biggest account after the Terengganu State Economic Development Corporation -- or the biggest non-government client. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin It took me a year or so to settle all my debts with the various financial institutions. BBMB (Bank Bumiputra) was the first bank I had to pay off because they gave me only 14 days to do so. That cost me around RM6 million. MBF was another RM3 million, followed by Amanah Chase, also another RM3 million. Kwong Yik, D&C, and Bank Islam totalled RM5 million. By the time I finished with this 'cleaning up' exercise, including those smaller loans here and there, about RM20 million had been settled and that got the banks off my back. To achieve this, I had to unload all my shares while at the same time not dump too much, too fast, lest that depress the share price. My wife, Marina, handled that part of the exercise, as she was the market 'wizard' in the family. However, we managed to raise only about RM12 million or so due to the selling frenzy at that time. To cover the shortage, I had to sell off the four shop lots that we owned plus two condos in Kuala Lumpur, one in Bangsar and the other in Subang Jaya. The part that hurt the most was when I had to sell of my 'flagship', my 30% interest in a Mercedes Benz dealership, which was actually quite profitable. Basically, I was forced to embark upon a 'fire sale' to clean up my debts and then try to restart from the bottom. The RM6 million that I had to pay off BBMB within 14 days is a story by itself. Around that time, the Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry organised a seminar, which was officiated by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and I was selected as one of the presenters. In my presentation, I whacked BBMB and said that it had deviated from the objectives of its creation, which was to assist Malays who needed help to get into business. I talked about the BMF scandal in Hong Kong, which resulted in the tragic murder of Jalil Ibrahim, as one example of how it had deviated from its 'charter'. Just to digress a bit, the man arrested and jailed for Jalil's murder was Dax Mark, a close friend of mine. I am still not sure whether he did murder Jalil but if the court says he did then it must be true. I suppose it is very difficult to accept the possibility that a close friend of yours could be involved in such a high profile murder. There were a few other deaths as well, although some were said to be suicides -- although you can never tell when someone is found drowned in his swimming pool whether it was a suicide or a murder. I always found Dax quite fascinating. He was married to a MAS stewardess while at the same time he was keeping a SIA stewardess as a mistress. His wife and mistress worked different shifts so both would not be in town at the same time. I asked Dax what would happen if suddenly their shifts were changed and they both landed in town at the same time. How was he going to handle that situation? He shuddered and told me not to tempt fate. Anyway, back to the issue of the seminar and BBMB. I went on to say that Malaysia is going through a serious economic crisis that is affecting everyone -- Malays, Chinese, Indians and all. The Chinese cooperatives are collapsing and need RM3 billion to bail them out. We are talking in terms of mid-1980s money value, mind you. The Chinese threatened to abandon MCA and vote DAP if the government does not bail them out. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad instructed the banks to form a consortium to bail out the Chinese cooperatives, which they did (after all, who can say 'no' to Dr Mahathir). The Malays, too, I said, need bailing out, just like the Chinese. If the government can bail out the Chinese cooperatives to the tune of RM3 billion (even though it was 'under duress' because of the Chinese threat to abandon MCA and vote DAP), why can't the government also bail out the Malays? Instead of bailing out the Malays, BBMB is taking legal action against defaulters and is filing bankruptcy against them, I explained. I then quipped that BBMB now stands for 'Basir buat Melayu bankrup'. What do we have to do to get the government's attention? Do we also need to make threats like the Chinese -- threaten to abandon Umno and vote opposition? Tan Sri Basir Ismail, the Chairman of BBMB, was very angry about what I said. He cancelled my facilities with the bank and gave me 14 days to make full settlement on my loans. According to the manager of BBMB Kuala Terengganu, the interest they earn on my loans covers the entire operating cost for the branch. In fact, we were the second biggest account after the Terengganu State Economic Development Corporation -- or the biggest non-government client. I related this story to an old friend of my father, Chai Fook Loong. Uncle Chai was surprised. "Basir knows your late father very well," he said. "Why would he do this to you?" I replied that I did not know why (and at that time I really did not know -- I did not realise it was related to what I had said about Basir). Uncle Chai phoned Basir and spoke to him. "Kam's son, Raja Petra, is sitting in front of me," Uncle Chai told Basir (my father's close friends used to call him Kam -- pronounced Kem and short for Kamarudin). Before Uncle Chai could say more, Basir replied, "I know who Raja Petra is. His file is on my table and I am looking at it now." I do not know what else Basir told Uncle Chai because he refused to tell me. He looked extremely perturbed when he put the phone down and just said, "What did you do to the old man? I know him very well and I have never seen him so angry. He is actually a very nice man but today I am seeing another side of him." I just told Uncle Chai, "Never mind. I think I know why." I did not want to say anything more about the matter. I knew I was in deep shit with Basir. The seminar was not a total waste, though. Dr Mahathir agreed to the setting up of the Tabung Pemulihan Usahawan (TPU). Bank Negara was to be put in charge of that fund but the Malay Chamber can form its own committee to recommend those businessmen who needed help. During the many meetings that we held to sieve through the deserving cases to assist, the Chairman told us that certain names on the list would have to be removed from the list. We were furious and demanded to know why. (My name was not one of those on the list, though, because I was not one of those who the banks were suing for bankruptcy). There was a lot of shouting and table banging and finally the Chairman revealed that the names that are to be removed from the list are those who have been 'blacklisted' by the government. We told the Chairman that Dr Mahathir had promised us that the TPU would be 'politically blind' and that help would be given to Malays in trouble based on their eligibility and not based on their political affiliations. We told the Chairman that we demand a meeting with Dr Mahathir to clear this matter up. Dr Mahathir had promised us RM500 million and that if RM500 million was not enough he was prepared to increase it to RM1 billion. But start with RM500 million first and see how far that goes, Dr Mahathir said. And Dr Mahathir had also promised that while Bank Negara would be the trustee of the fund, there would be no political interference from Umno. It was then that the Chairman told us that the instruction to remove certain names from the list did not come from Dr Mahathir but from Anwar Ibrahim. And one of the people who Anwar insisted should not get any assistance was Marina Yusoff. Imagine my surprise when around ten years or so later, when Dr Mahathir sacked Anwar, Marina Yusoff came out to support Anwar and even joined PKR (then called PKN) and became one of the Vice Presidents of the party. I later asked marina Yusoff whether she knew that Anwar had tied to 'kill' her back in the late 1980s and she confirmed that she did. In fact, she had to request an audience with Anwar to make peace with him and he agreed to help Marina but would give her only one-third of what she needed. One-third was far from sufficient to bail her out and eventually her business collapsed. Yet, in spite of that, she still stood by Anwar in his hour of need. And when she joined PKR and opposed Umno in 1999, the government finished her off for good and buried her. Many say she is stupid for sacrificing herself for Anwar, a man who tried to destroy her ten years earlier. I suppose that stupidity is in most of us. TO BE CONTINUED |
Deepak says he paid Najib's family for land deal Posted: 27 Nov 2012 05:41 PM PST
Deepak said the transfer was made possible after he "contributed heavily" to Najib's family. Nigel Aw, Malaysiakini Businessperson Deepak Jaikishan claimed that he paid the family of Najib Abdul Razak an undisclosed sum for the premier's intervention to allow him to come in as a party in a Defence Ministry project deal. According to Deepak, he stitched a deal with a Selangor Umno leader's company where he would participate as a third party in the proposed project. Najib expressed 'no opposition' Deepak noted that "a third-party scenario should not happen in normal circumstances", but was only made possible with Najib's help. The carpet trader had yesterday told Malaysiakini that he regretted helping a female friend in the case involving private eye P Balasubramaniam.
Cerita sebenar Deepak Jaikishan kawan Rosmah Posted: 27 Nov 2012 05:06 PM PST
(Harakah) - Hasil desakan perwakilan Muktamar agar wartawan bertanya Datuk Seri Najib siapa dia, Deepak Jaikishan (gambar) dengan sukarela menghubungi Harakahdaily untuk menceritakan siapakah dia sebenarnya. Deepak J Tekwani, pengarah kepada Carpet Corporation menghubungi Harakahdaily untuk memberikan cerita sebenar di sebalik hubungan beliau dengan keluarga Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:53 PM PST
Declarations look good at first glance, but read between the lines and one will find escape routes to shirk the very responsibilities spelt out for those in power. This is quite a common accusation, one that has been thrown at me in the past, and added to the fact that I work in a university, that old chestnut of making my living quarters in an ivory tower often comes into play as well.
I am a winnable candidate in PRU 13 : Shahrizat Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:39 PM PST
(The Kuala Lumpur Post) - Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who was forced to quit as a minister following the NFC scandal, is still harbouring hope of being fielded as a candidate in the next general election. Despite the prospects appearing bleak, she downplayed the uncertainty of her political future, saying that she was only focusing on delivering the votes for Umno, FMT reports. Observers believe that the RM250 million scandal had raised doubts if the former minister would be picked to run in the polls while her future as Wanita chief was also said to be under threat. Shahrizat, however, said it was ultimately up to Umno president and prime minister Najib Tun Razak to decide on her candidacy. "I don't see why I shouldn't offer myself as a candidate (but) what is important is that I am focusing on delivering the votes to Umno. "And only, maybe, by doing this the president will see my importance," she told reporters after opening the wing's annual general assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre here. In her speech earlier, Shahrizat said Wanita vowed to be the backbone of the party's election machinery as Umno was set to face a strong opposition in what would be its toughest election to date. But even Umno insiders claimed that support for her in Wanita was withering after some, including her influential predecessor Rafidah Aziz, described her as a liability to the wing. Divided Wanita Shahrizat was forced to step down as minister after her family members were accused of swindling taxpayers' money meant for a national cattle breeding project but she had so far maintained that she had no direct link to the issue. Najib was forced to intervene and contain the split when what was seen as a move to unseat her became stronger at the height of the scandal. The issue was subsequently declared "resolved" after a closed-door meeting was held between Najib and the wing with Shahrizat's critics coming out saying they would give their full support to their chief. In her speech today, Shahrizat, who was defeated by PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah for the Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat in 2008, again called for unity among the party grassroots. She also echoed this year's prevailing sentiment of unity as Umno would face a strong opposition in the upcoming polls. Najib had said that only a united Umno could prevail against its opponent in a signal that the division within the party was real and the prospect of sabotages, blamed for the party's dismal performance in the last polls, could ruin its chances again. Barisan Nasional lost five states and its customary parliamentary two-thirds majority in the 12th national polls.
Ex-IGP says ministers meddle with investigations Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:19 PM PST Musa suggested that his professed refusal to pander to politicians had cost him his job. Tan Sri Musa Hassan today accused Cabinet ministers and politicians of regularly trying to interfere with police investigations and arrests when he was serving as Inspector-General of Police ― a practice that continues even now. Musa, who retired as IGP in September 2010, did not name the politicians but suggested at a press conference today that his refusal to indulge them had resulted in the government's decision not to renew his contract. He also took aim at his successor, Tan Sri Ismail Omar, suggesting the latter was a yes-man who is bowing to politicians' influence. "There are certain misgivings from police officers who said that they received instructions not from (their police superiors) but from the Home Ministry. "Even the ministry can issue instructions now ... Who is in control now?" Musa asked at a press conference here. Musa then quoted Section 4(1) of the Police Act, which states that police orders must only come from the IGP, who will be liable for such instructions.
Shahrizat: May 13 could repeat if Umno weak Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:16 PM PST
Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider The spectre of May 13 was raised once again today at the opening of the Wanita Umno general assembly here, as the wing's leader Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil used the bloody racial clash to encourage delegates to work harder for Umno's victory. The politician warned told nearly 1,000 delegates at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here that a weak Umno would spread uneasiness among the Malay community and possibly invite the same racial conflict that caused the bloodshed during the 1969 tragedy. "Do we want to such a terrible situation repeated in our country? Of course we do not," she said according to the text copy of her opening address to those gathered at Dewan Merdeka here. Shahrizat said Umno must overcome five key challenges to strengthen itself ahead of the coming polls, including fighting off its foes in PAS, attracting more young voters and ensuring that the Malays continue to hold political power. "If we no longer have power, then the country's political stability will be affected. "I fear that this could lead to a racial tension that could invite the same tragedy of May 13, 1969," she said. Shahrizat's words today, although not verbally delivered to Wanita Umno delegates here, appear to contradict the message of moderation that the party leadership has been preaching prior to the assembly, Umno's final milestone before national polls are called. But despite this, the Wanita Umno chief, who is still embroiled in the year-long controversy over her alleged link to the multimillion ringgit National Feedlot Centre (NFC) scandal, dedicated many parts of her speech to warning Malaysians and party members against allowing the federal opposition to take Umno's seat in government. She likened the situation to a disease, saying that it could spread and become dangerous if left to fester. This will result in a "frightening" outcome where Umno becomes a party deemed as no longer relevant in the country. "These effects are very frightening, particularly if we are no longer strong. Therefore, we must suitable steps to overcome this," she said. Among others, Shahrizat said the Malay economy must be strengthened, reiterating Wanita Umno's request that the government ensure the community controls at least 50 per cent of equity. She added that the government has also made effort to ensure that it takes care of the people's livelihoods by people-centric initiatives such as the RM500 cash handouts under the Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) to lower income households. On Wanita Umno, Shahrizat offered the wing's commitment to ensure that the party's election machinery is in place across the country. She pointed out that the wing forms the backbone of the ruling party and plays a crucial role in ensuring that the party's messages reach its targets on the ground. Shahrizat later urged delegates to rise to their feet and pledge their allegiance to Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Ambiga, this is Malaysia, not the United States Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:10 PM PST
FMT LETTER: From Harbhacan Singh, via e-mail From calling for free and fair elections, Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenivasan has now gone one step further by calling PM Najib Tun Razak to debate with Anwar Ibrahim. Free and fair elections have always been her concern but one was doubtful about her real intentions, especially when her most recent Bersih rally was organised as if to give Anwar a platform to project him as a national democracy hero. Anwar and Ambiga both proved they could only bring chaos and disruption to public safety, and not free and fair elections. Ambiga's act of poking her nose into the 'extinct' issue of a debate between Najib and Anwar seems to give a completely opposite picture of her purpose. Is she politically motivated? It wasn't quite clear all the while but now it seems obvious that she is trying her luck. She has not admitted that she harboured political motives or that she wishes to be a candidate in the forthcoming elections. But poking her nose into such a debate, if it ever takes place, will be highly political. And therefore she has a political agenda! Of course as a citizen, she has every right to take part in politics and stand for elections but she must first come clean. She must make her intentions known from the beginning, not hide that face from the domestic and global public. That is the honest way. She must avoid using the back door to politics. She must boldly come through the front door. As the saying goes, she must come with clean hands. Having said that, what will a debate between Najib and Anwar achieve? It simply does not make sense because Malaysia is not the United States of America where two Presidential candidates debate each other and use that opportunity to expound their theories, beliefs and philosophies. This is done so that the people can compare the two and then make an informed decision as to whom to vote for. But in the case of Malaysia, this is not the practise or culture. Why then is Ambiga so fond to copy the Western culture? If she thinks the Western system is much better, then will she suggest we change to an election system similar to the US Presidential election, where surely Najib will sweep to victory given his vast popularity among Malaysians as compared to Anwar. Is Ambiga trying to tell Malaysians to pick the best debater as PM or the one who is the best in making and implementing promises and policies that will really benefit the rakyat? Anwar is no doubt a good debater, but he is a typical chameleon, one who claims to have changed! Yes, he changed from an ultra-Malay, ultra-Islam to what? A pretender? An actor? Even if Najib agrees to a debate, why should he debate Anwar? It is certainly a fact now that Anwar is not the sole PM candidate of Pakatan Rakyat. PAS members loyal to PAS (and not the 'Erdogans' who prefers to be loyal to one who's not their party leader) wanted their president Hadi Awang to be the PM should Pakatan Rakyat win GE13. We may not be surprised if tomorrow DAP comes with its own proposal that Lim Kit Siang should be the PM if Pakatan Rakyat wins. This is likely to happen because in reality Pakatan Rakyat parties never have an agreed set of policies apart from the shady Buku Jingga which has no mention on how each and every pledge will be implemented. They are still divided over many fundamental issues. PAS wants to implement hudud, DAP is opposed to this. So, should Najib really debate with all the PM wannabes or focus on his work and duties to the rakyat? Really, Ambiga should first ask herself what are her credentials for calling for such a debate? Who is she to choose who should debate who? Who is she to pick Anwar as Pakatan Rakyat's PM candidate for the debate? Is this debate part of her free and fair elections call? She obviously has succeeded only in exposing her political ambitions!
Anwar’s lawyer offers to help hair salon Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:06 PM PST Sankara Nair believes the by-law is unconstitutional and is willing to challenge it. Alyaa Azhar, FMT A lawyer who was involved in Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trials is now offering himself to challenge the Kota Baru Municipal Council's by-law, which prohibits a female to cut a man's hair and vice-versa. Sankara Nair said he was willing to take up the case as "I believe the by-law is clearly unconstitutional". Last week, E-Life Salon, a hair dressing salon based in Kota Baru, was issued a fine by the Kota Baru Municipal Council when one of its female hairdressers "was caught cutting" the hair of a male client. Actions of the municipal council have come under fire from several quarters including non-governmental organisations and the MCA. MCA has long argued that hudud imposed by the PAS-led Kelantan government would affect non-Muslims. "The Kota Baru Municipal Council's by-law is clearly unconstitutional because it takes away the freedom of non-Muslims. I am willing to pursue this case pro bono," he told FMT. "The issue is abominable and PAS should keep to its words; it should not impose such rulings on non-Muslims," he said. He hoped the owner of the hair salon involved would contact him as he is willing to work with the owner to challenge the by-law. Sankara shot to prominence by being one of the leading spokesmen during the two sodomy trials Anwar faced. The first was in 1999 while the second was early this year.
DAPSY strongly disagrees with the stance of PAS Youth to seek a ban on the Elton John concert ... Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:00 PM PST
DAPSY wishes to state our strong disagreement with PAS Youth for their attempt to pressure the authorities to ban the Elton John concert in Genting Highlands. While we respect their freedom of opinion, DAPSY feels that taking such a step will only provide fodder to Barisan Nasional and the mainstream media to continue to paint a negative picture of PAS Youth as a backward and regressive youth movement. This will surely not help Pakatan Rakyat to convince Malaysians that we are a progressive and moderate coalition of parties that are ready to replace BN as the federal government. PAS Youth's reason that allowing Elton John to perform in Malaysia will lead to the rise of homosexuality and other social ills due to his sexual orientation is both simplistic and unacceptable. Those who are attending the concert are there to watch him perform and enjoy his music, they are not there to show support nor be influenced by his sexual orientation. Banning a concert is not the solution to tackle Malaysia's social ills. PAS Youth should focus more on educational and awareness campaigns instead of imposing its views and values on young people. Therefore, DAPSY calls on PAS Youth to cancel its plan to protest against the concert and change its approach in addressing and tackling social problems. DAPSY fully support the staging of the concert as planned and sees no reasons why the authorities should withdraw the permit for the concert. -LOKE SIEW FOOK-
Debate with Anwar ‘a waste of time’ Posted: 27 Nov 2012 03:44 PM PST MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek and MIC secretary-general S Murugesan say there is no need for a debate between the prime minister and opposition leader. RK Anand, FMT Barisan Nasional leaders have dismissed the need for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to engage in a debate with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. Advising the premier not to waste time on this matter, MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek urged Najib to focus on the economic growth of the nation instead. "There is no need for the prime minister to debate with Anwar. His policies such as the Government Transformation Programme and Economic Transformation Programme are clear. "These initiatives have been implemented and are bearing fruits. It is Anwar who remains untested," he told FMT. Accusing the opposition of stirring and spinning an old issue, Chua said these debates do not result in constructive solutions. The MCA leader also dismissed the comparison drawn with the US presidential debates given that Najib was fond of talking about US President Barack Obama. "Ours is not a presidential election like in the US… it is a party election and the candidate stands on behalf of the party," he said. Chua also rubbished claims that Najib was afraid to debate with Anwar. "There is no question of fear. These debates are just unnecessary. I debated with [DAP secretary-general] Lim Guan Eng twice but what did we achieve? I just wasted my time," he said. On Monday, Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga had urged Najib to debate with Anwar in order to allow voters to determine which political coalition was best qualified to govern the nation. She said Bersih would initiate a public petition to pressure the prime minister, who had declined to debate with Anwar stating, among others, that it was not part of the Malaysian culture, to accept the According to Ambiga, a debate between the top two leaders was vital since the coming general election was being described as the most important in the nation's history. Contradictions in Pakatan Rakyat Yesterday, Guan Eng and Anwar's daughter, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah, criticised Najib for dodging the debate.
Is ex-IGP Musa going Pakatan’s way? Posted: 27 Nov 2012 03:41 PM PST The former police chief holds a press conference with two NGO leaders, who are closely linked to the opposition. Teoh El Sen, FMT As the general election draws closer, strange things are beginning to unfold. This afternoon, former inspector general of police Musa Hassan held a press conference here flanked by NGO leaders closely linked to the opposition. This has fuelled speculations that the ex-top cop would be joining the Pakatan Rakyat coalition soon. The press briefing was organised by a new NGO called the Malaysian Crime Watch Task or MyWatch, which is chaired by R Sri Sanjeevan. Also present was POWER NGO chief S Gobi Krishnan, who acts as adviser of MyWatch. Gobi Krishnan is also PKR's national strategy and political bureau secretary. Sri Sanjeevan has been known to be a harsh critic of the police and a KITA leader in Negeri Sembilan. The focus of the press conference was on the tackling of crime and Musa was announced as a patron of MyWatch today.
Shahrizat still harbours hope of contesting Posted: 27 Nov 2012 03:37 PM PST The Wanita Umno chief says the prime minister will decide on her candidacy and adds that her primary focus now is to deliver the votes for Umno. Syed Jaymal Zahiid, FMT Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who was forced to quit as a minister following the NFC scandal, is still harbouring hope of being fielded as a candidate in the next general election. Despite the prospects appearing bleak, she downplayed the uncertainty of her political future, saying that she was only focusing on delivering the votes for Umno. Observers believe that the RM250 million scandal had raised doubts if the former minister would be picked to run in the polls while her future as Wanita chief was also said to be under threat. Shahrizat, however, said it was ultimately up to Umno president and prime minister Najib Tun Razak to decide on her candidacy. "I don't see why I shouldn't offer myself as a candidate (but) what is important is that I am focusing on delivering the votes to Umno. "And only, maybe, by doing this the president will see my importance," she told reporters after opening the wing's annual general assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre here. In her speech earlier, Shahrizat said Wanita vowed to be the backbone of the party's election machinery as Umno was set to face a strong opposition in what would be its toughest election to date. But even Umno insiders claimed that support for her in Wanita was withering after some, including her influential predecessor Rafidah Aziz, described her as a liability to the wing. Divided Wanita Shahrizat was forced to step down as minister after her family members were accused of swindling taxpayers' money meant for a national cattle breeding project but she had so far maintained that she had no direct link to the issue.
Malaysia ‘dog’ chant riles Singapore fans Posted: 27 Nov 2012 03:33 PM PST (AFP) - SINGAPORE: Singapore fans have been left feeling angry and hurt after being labelled "dogs" by Malaysian spectators during their weekend AFF Suzuki Cup win, a report said on Wednesday. Video posted on YouTube shows thousands of Malaysian fans chanting "Singapore itu anjing" (Singapore are dogs) during Sunday's group game in Kuala Lumpur, when Singapore beat the defending Southeast Asian champions 3-0. Singapore's New Paper, describing the chant as "vile", said footage of the incident had been viewed nearly 200,000 times online. "Frankly, we are angry and hurt. But we were the minority… there were just about 1,000 of us there," one fan told the newspaper. Another said: "You had more than half the stadium calling us dogs. How else would we feel? "The chants started even before the Singapore team went onto the pitch to warm up." Tensions are often high at matches between the Asian neighbours, whose regional teams play each other in the Malaysian Cup. "They can't even beat 'dogs' in soccer, so what does that make them?" commented one Facebook user, according to the New Paper.
BN government never stood by the rakyat in the Bukit Merah – Papan Controversy. Posted: 27 Nov 2012 12:25 PM PST
Choo Sing Chye Apparently by not having the rakyat's welfare at heart, the Minister of the Science, Technology & Innovation Ministry (MOSTI), Maximus Ongkili has forsaken the "prime duty" of the regulatory authorities that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had proposed. The IAEA, which was invited by the government during the Bukit Merah and Papan controversy made many recommendations, and one of them was the "prime duty" which the regulatory authorities should "adhere":"there is one principle to which all should adhere: regulatory authorities (Government) should be effectively separated from implementing organization (ARE), since … the prime duty of regulatory authorities is to protect Man and the environment, ensuing the … radiation doses to Man do not contravene the recommendations of the ICRP regulation." Contrary to what the IAEA had recommended, the Federal and the State Government, in the case of the Papan and Bukit Merah controversy, chose to sideline the welfare of the rakyat and sided with the giant conglomerate – Mitsubishi Chemical, Japan. Likewise in Ongkili's case, by ignoring the rakyat's welfare, he had deviated from the "prime duty of (the) regulatory authorities… to protect Man and the environment". Unmistakably, the proof is in his unambiguous expressed statement which he said: "the onus is on them (anti-Lynas group), not on me, to say that decision of the board is not correct. So give me additional information to point to the fact that it was not a wise decision." (Ongkili's interview with Malaysian Insider, April 15, 2012) Read more at:
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