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- Do you have licence from God to lord over us, Nash?
- Once a Muslim, always a Muslim
- Remembering Istana Bukit Serene and Mr Douglas Gomez
- UMNO sudah kehilangan hidayah
- Musa, Anwar and other politico-corporate development
- Malaysia's commodified Islam
- How to Get Back Your Genneva Gold and Money – 10 Things To Do
- Transcript of Nurul Izzah's Q&A at forum
- Shafie Apdal’s green eyed monster out for Musa Aman
Do you have licence from God to lord over us, Nash? Posted: 10 Nov 2012 03:59 PM PST Literally, too, if you wished, and no one could fault you if you imagined Moses walking up to Pharaoh and saying, "I am your Lord. Do as I bid you do". I had wanted to stay away from this whole apostasy controversy sparked off by Nurul's statements at a recent forum as we have bigger and more important battles to fight, but Malaysiakini's report today really pissed me off. This UMNO wolf in PAS sheepskin contends that what Nurul said about there being ' "no compulsion in religion" was tantamount to giving religious freedom to Malay Muslims as the verse which she quoted can only be applied to non-Muslims'. The verse can only be applied to non-Muslims? Let's look at the verse again. "There shall be no compulsion in religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in idols and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And God is Hearing and Knowing" – Chapter 2 verse 256, Holy Qur'an. Now. like the verse in Exodus, you can read this in many ways, too, but if you're not going to do a literal read, Nash, and read into it something that's not there, you, oh scholarly one, ought to be mindful of this verse. "So woe to those who write with their own hands, then say, "This is from God ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn" – Chapter 2 verse 79, Holy Qur'an. Whilst we're on the scriptures, oh scholarly one, since you say Muslims have no choice, pray tell us, who was God addressing in the following verses, marked in red? "And whoever desires other than Islam as religion, never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. How shall God guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and had witnessed that the Messenger is true and clear signs had come to them? And God does not guide the wrongdoing people. For those, their recompense will be that upon them is the curse of God and the angels and the people, all together, abiding eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved. Except for those who repent after that and correct themselves. For indeed, God is Forgiving and Merciful. Indeed, those who reject the message after their belief and then increase in disbelief – never will their feigned repentance be accepted, and they are the ones astray" – Chapter 3, verses 85 to 90, Holy Qur'an. Who, oh scholarly one, is God addressing in the words marked in red? Seems to me that God was addressing those who had believed and bore witness to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and then were now professing unbelief. No?
Once a Muslim, always a Muslim Posted: 10 Nov 2012 02:21 PM PST The timing of Dr. Marzuki's assertions of course fits a larger strategy undertaken by the ruling party: to use religion as a wedge between Muslims and non-Muslims in general, but also between the parties in the opposition coalition, especially the Islamist PAS, and the social democrats, DAP. Islam is also of course used to ensure compliance, and to stifle dissent. Having next to nothing to rely on: suffering from massive deficits on the leadership and policy front, and with an increasingly debilitating track record in the economic, social and political front, this is indeed a sound strategy as there are sufficient number of Malaysians, and especially Malaysian Muslims to fall for this – that UMNO is the protector and the guarantor of the sanctity of Islam. To paraphrase and slightly modify Samuel Johnson, "religion is indeed the last refuge of a scoundrel." Another ANU alumnus, Dr. Kikue Hamayotsu, give credence to the argument that Islam is used simply as a means to ensure the continuation of this corrupt regime. In her article, she argues that:
Remembering Istana Bukit Serene and Mr Douglas Gomez Posted: 09 Nov 2012 11:46 PM PST When I took driving lessons, my instructor told me never to overtake any car owned by or driven by a royal. He said if I didn't take his advice, tragic things could happen to me and my family. He said that it wasn't just about royals acting directly; he said royals also acted through the police and government officials, who wouldn't dare disobey them. The former Sultan of Johor had a colourful background. In 1977, when he was Raja Muda, he was convicted of "culpable homicide not amounting to murder." He was fined RM6,000 and sentenced to jail for 6 months. (He was pardoned). In 1983, when he was Sultan and a candidate for Agung, he was alleged to have said that when he became Agung he would declare an emergency and rule directly, bypassing the government. The Sultan's threat wasn't unthinkable. At that stage in our history, Chief Ministers of 2 states had to quit because their state's rulers wouldn't accept them. The Chief Minister of Johor, Othman Saat, was one of them. The government's response to the Sultan's threat was to take away from the Agung the power to declare an emergency and grant that power to the Prime Minister (Dr Mahathir). In 1992, the Sultan physically abused Mr Douglas Gomez, hockey coach of Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar, at Istana Bukit Serene. Mr Gomez was alleged to have acted disrespectfully. This is what transpired before Mr Gomez was summoned to the Istana on 30 November:
There was a public outcry over the assault on Mr Gomez and over the buckling of the state education director under the pressure placed upon him by the palace. The government, under the leadership of Dr Mahathir, decided to curb the powers of the Rulers.
Posted: 09 Nov 2012 02:48 PM PST Masalah UMNO ialah masalah yang diwujudkan olehnya sendiri. Tengku Adnan Mansor berkata, sebenarnya UMNO itu tidak ada masalah, hanya parti itu menghadapi masalah persepsi sahaja. Kata-kata Setiausaha Agong UMNO ini menampakkan satu fenomena, iaitu parti itu benar-benar terasa masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh parti itu. Hishamudin, Menteri Dalam Negeri, juga pernah berkata persepsi buruk itu telah berjaya di tempelkan kepada UMNO dan semua sekutu nya dalam BN oleh pihak-pihak yang berkempentingan. Komen saya senang sahaja. Untuk satu-satunya persepsi itu melekat kepada UMNO itu mesti ada sebabnya. Persepsi-persepsi buruk terhadap UMNO itu bukannya wujud dengan sekelip mata dan ia tidak wujud dengan senang sahaja. Ia tentunya wujud di atas isu yang 'real' dan nyata. Jika isu terhadap UMNO ini tidak 'real' bagaimana persepsi buruk itu boleh melekat dan menjadi 'stigma' yang tidak dapat ditanggalkan lagi dengan parti yang telah memerintah sejak merdeka dahulu. Dalam politik, persepsi rakyat itulah yang menjadi penentu samada parti itu kekal kukuh atau dilontarkan jauh-jauh oleh rakyat. Sebenarnya UMNO sememangnya sudah patut diketepikan lama dahulu kerana isu besar yang telah menyakitkan rakyat begitu banyak di hadapan mata kita. Tetapi semasa itu rakyat belum lagi menyedari yang perubahan itu adalah elemen penting untuk berlaku di dalam sesebuah negara yang telah matang dan lama bebas memerintah sendiri. UMNO kini sedang dikaitkan oleh rakyat dengan senarai-senarai negatif yang terlalu banyak sehinggakan parti itu telah dipersepsikan sebagai sebuah parti yang bermasalah besar. UMNO telah membiarkan segala perkara buruk untuk berlaku di dalamnya kerana pimpinan parti itu sejak 30 tahun dahulu tidak menghiraukan isu mempertahankan imej yang baik dengan serius. Pucuk pimpinan negara dalam tiga dekad yang lalu lebih mementingkan kehendak peribadi mereka sahaja dan tidak mengangkat jari untuk membetulkannya. Tetapi apabila masalah sudah menjadi besar barulah pimpinan UMNO bergegas untuk memperbaikinya dan usaha ini sudah terlalu lambat kerana yang hendak menyelesaikan masalah-masalah ini adalah dikalangan mereka yang terbabit dengan isu-isu yang besar dalam negara sekarang ini. Persepsi buruk bukan datang dengan saja-saja. Misalnya bagaimana hendak menolak persepsi buruk terhadap kerajaan dalam isu NFC misalnya. Tidak payah kita melarutkan isu ini oleh kerana semua orang sudah memahami tentang isu ini. Bukankah isu pembinaan stesen LRT Ampang itu merupakan isu penyelewengan yang 'real'? bagaimana rakyat tidak terbentuk persepsi buruk terhadap pimpinan kita kerana jelas-jelasnya harganya yang ditambah terhadap kontrak pembinaan stesyen itu mencecah hampir RM1billion? Isu PKFZ yang melibatkan RM12 billion, kerugian perdagangan wang antarabangsa yang di lakukan oleh Nor Mohamad Yakcop atas arahan Dr Mahathir yang melibatkan kerugian RM30 billion dan banyak lagi isu yang sangat besar berlaku di hadapan mata kepala kita. Isu pembotakkan hutan yang dilakukan oleh penyangak hutan di Negeri Sembilan yang melibatkan keluasan 8616 ekar tanah hutan simpan yang ada di Negeri Sembilan. Isu perlakuan pemimpin-pemimpin BN yang bersikap seperti gangster seperti Nazri Aziz. Kalau dahulu Nazri di isukan dengan permit teksi yang beribu-ribu permit yang beliau ambil, sekarang timbul isu menggunakan kuasa melindungi Micheal Chiah dan Musa Aman tentang wang misteri sebanyak RM40 million itu. Nazri mempunyai seorang anak yang hidup seperti 'anak maharaja arab' dengan kereta besar yang begitu sombong dan anaknya ini telah dikaitkan dengan banyak isu-isu jenayah yang diketahui umum. Cakap-cakap takbur Nazri kita dengar selalu. Beliau seolah-olah seorang yang begitu besar dan kuat seperti dunia ini pun dia bolih alihkan. Sikap kesombongannya seolah-olah beliau mampu untuk menahan dunia ini dari menghadapi kiamat. Apabila umum mengetahui isu-isu ini dan mereka lihat dilakukan oleh pemimpin dan keluarga yang berkuasa pula, maka dengan sendirinya persepsi buruk terhadap UMNO itu terbentuk kerana tidak ada contoh-contoh peribadi yang baik dalam pimpinan BN pada hari ini. Sikap mengaut kekayaan dengan menggunakan pengaruh keluarga dan pimpinan UMNO sudah menjadi budaya pada hari ini. Anak-anak Dr Mahathir kaya raya dengan pengaruh Mahathir yang telah menjadi PM selama 22 tahun. Anak-anak Dr Mahathir berniaga dengan jalan mudah tanpa menggunakan kepakaran mereka kerana jika mengalami kerugian pun Mahathir telah menggunaka dana rakyat dalam jumlah yang berbillion untuk menyelamatkan perniagaan anak beliau (Mahathir). |
Musa, Anwar and other politico-corporate development Posted: 08 Nov 2012 05:07 PM PST Sime Darby's Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings yesterday went well. Resolutions tabled for the EGM approved. Mainstream paper reported of Dato Bakke Salleh expressed intention not to accept the scheme. And Tun Musa Hitam did the gentleman thing to not seek re-election as Sime Darby Chairman. However, it has got nothing to do with our previous posting calling for him not to seek re-election. [Read here.] He had planned for it and told shareholders at the AGM. "I had intended to serve Sime Darby for three years from 2007. However, due to a number of reasons, that decision was delayed until now. I hand over the reins of this great company to the next generation of leaders. I do so with an easy heart." Here onward, let the issue lay. While it is easy for Musa, it is not getting easier for Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The court of appeal has ruled that Anwar will be required to appear in court as witness in the lawsuit by Hong Leong bank against shareholders of Aras Murni Corporation Berhad (AMCB). [Read our past postings: Opening of Anwar's Pandora Box and Security Risk of Hood Osman.] Actually, there is supposed to be a bigger revelation from the past to come and haunt him. Not this one. First thing first. Why is PNB still keeping this dude, Hood Osman with a financial lawsuit up his neck? Isn't having a CEO with a lawsuit subjecting the company to risk? What's wrong with Tan Sri Hamad Kama Piah? Doesn't he read employment contracts that they must be free from bankruptcy? The least he could do is put Hood on gardening leave. Hamad better watch his steps. There are many unsavory rumours circulating with regard to the construction of the 100 floors Menara PNB. Rumours are saying the Menara PNB Project Office, if there is one yet, is beginning to be a de facto business arm of the Persatuan Anak Kelantan Malaysia. Does he think BN can win in Kelantan and it is time to dish out rewards? Hood together with few others are sued by an old crony of Anwar Ibrahim, Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan's Hong Leong Bank with regards to an old loan given AMCB to takeover Kewangan Usaha bersatu (KUB). Deal and loan gone sour and Quek wants his money back. Perhaps, the far sighted Quek do not see any prospect with Anwar Ibrahim. Freedy Kevin highlighted in his blog here that: The Court of Appeal here on Wednesday allowed an appeal brought by a businessman to amend his statement of defence to include the involvement of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the person behind the RM445mil deal to acquire Arus Murni Corporation Bhd (AMCB), which was owned Kewangan Bersatu Bhd (KBB).The businessman dare to take up the loan because Anwar was involved. "When asked by his lawyer, D. Paramalingam, how the companies and individuals were related, Low said: "From what I know, they are all cronies of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim."Is this the man Pakatan Rakyat wants to lead this nation in the fight against corruption? Imagine, the people falling for the allegations he made on corruption but he himself is corrupt. Oooo ... let's wait for this court case first. The financial scandal on Anwar will involved billions! As far as we know, Tun Musa never had a history of corruption. Our concern is that he is a political animal. He cannot shed his habit as politician, his behaviour as politician and his manouvring like a politician. In the time to come, we cannot afford to go on like this. Prime Minister has already started making Board of Directors of IMDB comprise of professionals and no politicians.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012 03:48 PM PST At the World Halal Week held annually in Kuala Lumpur, you can purchase halal bone china, an exemplar of luxury and piety rolled into one. Malaysia is the leader in halal certification and a major promoter of the global halal industry. With markets saturated with a mind-boggling array of sharia-compliant goods that cater to a more discerning Muslim middle class, Islam can be seen as having entered more deeply into the lives of Malaysian Muslims in more commodified ways than ever before. The line between the sacred and the consumable profane have blurred, and true to the dictum that Islam is 'a way of life', anything which supports the notion of good Muslim personhood can now be made halal. The explosion of consumer goods imbued with spiritual meaning is a new phenomenon spurred on by the broadening middle classes disenchanted with meaningless consumerism. Now consumer goods can have real intrinsic, spiritual meaning. But how did everything beyond consumables (and indeed items beyond meat) become halal. Commodification of culture started as a phenomenon that emerged from the early capitalist period of Fordist mass production which then intensified during late capitalism. Flexible and geographically mobile post-Fordist market approaches shifted from mass production to a more fragmented, niche market to suit every possible types of lifestyle. The 'religious' lifestyle or public piety characterised by halal crockery, toothpaste, make-up, and even beer can be regarded an outcome of post-Fordist modes of production. Marx's concept of 'commodity fetish' may be the most relevant point of entry into understanding the commodification of objects and practices that were previously not considered commercial. In Marx's analysis, commodity fetish requires the concealment of the origins and processes involved in the production of a consumer product from the consumer in order to maintain the 'religious fog' that justifies the mystery of its self-evident value. Religious symbols and meaning as commodity fetish may behave in the same manner, in that the deeper engagement of the purpose and context of a particular symbol are sidestepped and usurped by other distracting elements that vie for the attention of the consumer. The self-evident value of a religious commodity is intrinsically located within itself rather than the processes that lead to its points of 'origin'. The abstraction of all other factors involved in the production of a commodity has profound consequences on not just our relationship with literal consumer products but also with symbols, religious or otherwise. The post-Fordist condition demands the proliferation of diversity and thrives on the specialisation of products (and labour). Driven by the perpetuated need for 'new' and 'ever more novel-seeming goods', styles and signifiers are extracted from their previous associations and fused together to produce new products in what Jameson calls 'pastiche' for new consumers in new contexts. The ease with which such meaning and symbols are removed from their original contexts may point to their increasingly depthless, untethered, and frictionless qualities. Investigations into religious commodification have challenged theories of secularisation in modern society demonstrating that far from a wholesale decline in public belief in God and church membership, modern and rational societies, in particular those in Asia and the United States, continue to embrace religion and imbue public life with notions of religious essence. The rise of religious commodification has been argued to go hand in hand with the emergence of 'Islamic modernity', a political and cultural sensibility whereby modernity is embraced alongside a commitment to Islam as part of the project of modernity in its own terms as much as its approximations to western notions of modernity. The concept of 'Islamic modernity' have a Lyotardian suspicion against the grand narrative of western modernity in favour of a more hybrid and reflexive modernity inflected with faith-based sensibilities where non-western contexts experience the rise of advanced economies and public cultures. The Islamic modern can be located in the popular consumption of Islamic media and Islamic forms of consumerism that at times exist, not without friction, alongside orthodox Islamic beliefs and practices.
How to Get Back Your Genneva Gold and Money – 10 Things To Do Posted: 07 Nov 2012 06:38 PM PST Whether these gold investors (or rather traders as what Genneva diehard fans would like to be known) actually poured merely RM30,000 or as high as RM285,000 each into the scheme is immaterial. The fact is most of these investors emptied their life savings believing Genneva scheme was a revolutionary and innovative business model – a blue ocean business strategy that could easily put McDonald and Apple Inc. business model to shame. Naturally, these street-smart Gennevarians cried foul and ran amok when their golden goose was slaughtered – by the authorities. They are crying for blood and refuse to wake up from their slumberland. They are upset the Central Bank took away their cash cow. They are furious they cannot milk their golden cow anymore. They would curse and whack you till kingdom come for suggesting Genneva Gold scheme was actually a brilliant and sophisticated Ponzi scheme. They are crying because their children, parents, grandma, kitten, hamster, goldfish and whatnot are dying because they can't afford the medicine after the Central Bank robbed their gold and monthly Hibah gift money. They are suggesting jealousy and cooking up tons of conspiracy theories as being the motive because Genneva was so successful that the company's gold bullion could easily dwarf the Central Bank's reserves (*woohoo*). In short, it's everyone's fault but theirs. If the 14,000-plus Facebook Genneva Supporters Likes is any indicator, between 20% to 40% of Genneva gold traders (they don't like to be called investors *tongue-in-cheek*) were painfully affected by the raid. This numbers can also means the high rollers or kings (of MLM and get-rich-scheme regulars) have long gone leaving these desperate leftovers running like headless chicken. While many greedy yet arrogant traders actually pawn everything including their undergarments and even took loans from financial institutions, a certain sector of illiterate yet ignorant rural folks bet their life savings on the scheme – all because of 1.8% to 2.5% monthly gift money. You can also bet your money that a portion of these Facebook Genneva Supporters actually do not have the physical gold bullion in their possession – they left it with Genneva for safekeeping because renewal every 3-months required the gold bullion to be presented to Genneva – a successful trick by Genneva deliberately inconvenience the buyers. While the more fortunate buyers have at least their physical gold bullion as consolation prize, the "unfortunate" risk takers have only a piece of certificate of ownership as their trophy. Latest update from the authorities revealed (from seized records) many investors who had paid had yet to receive any delivery of gold. The statement also said the total amount of gold seized during the raids from all the companies (Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Pageantry Gold Bhd, Caesar Gold Sdn Bhd and Worldwide Far East Bhd?) is approximately 142.7 kilogram, and monies in bank accounts and cash amounts to RM101.92 million – a puzzling figure considering Genneva alone is said to have monthly turnover of RM2 billion. So what happened to all the glittering gold bars and billions of ringgit allegedly robbed by Malaysian Central Bank? At yesterday's gold price of US$55.51 (RM169.39) per-gram or US$55,513.41 (RM169,359) per-kilogram of gold (the gold price has been trending down, mind you), there should be 11,809 kilograms of gold in Genneva's vault, based on RM2 billion of turnover. Either there should be 11 tons of gold bars or RM2 billion in Genneva's bank accounts (and cash). Now, let's give the Gennevarians the benefits of doubt. Let's assume there were indeed tons of gold bars and billions of cash prior to Central Bank's raid. What can the Genneva buyers do to get back their hard-earned gold and money?
Transcript of Nurul Izzah's Q&A at forum Posted: 07 Nov 2012 06:18 PM PST At the forum, Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar had said that there was "no compulsion in religion" when responding to a question from a member of the audience on whether religious freedom also applied to Malays.
Shafie Apdal’s green eyed monster out for Musa Aman Posted: 07 Nov 2012 04:54 PM PST Shafie Apdal, the Minister of Rural Development is very much jealous of his counterpart in Sabah, Musa aman and is repeatedly attacking Musa and opposing his candidature for the continuation as Chief Minister. Shafie was responsible for undermining Musa Aman's leadership by instigating Lajim Okim to call for the removal of Musa as chief minister by appeasing Lajim with a RM150 million road project from his Rural Ministry. Shafie also helped form KDM Malaysia to divide the Kadazan Dusun Murut (KDM) community, politically weakening Pairin Kitingan and PBS, hence forming a wedge between Pairin and Musa. Now, Shafie Apdal is masterminding the return of Yong Teck Lee (SAPP) into the BN fold and claiming he has the tacit approval of Najib Tun Razak to negotiate the return, despite word of the Sabah BN components distrusting Yong. Yong Teck Lee, Shafie Apdal and Joseph Ambrose Lee were partners in crime, taking over the RM30-billion timber wealth of Yayasan Sabah through share-swap, in a time when Yong Teck Lee was Sabah chief Minister and Shafie Apdal was Directer of Yayasan Sabah. Like it or not, it was Musa Aman who was the then state finance minister who rejected this share-swap deal, saving Yayasan Sabah from a pending doom. Shafie Apdal's intention of bringing Yong Teck Lee back into BN will weaken Musa Aman's leadership among BN followers in Sabah due to Musa and Yong's bitter relationship. At this moment of time Musa Aman and all the other BN component parties have got a fantastic working relationship. SO the big question is: Why is Shafie so jealous of Musa Aman? Obviously Shafie dreams of being the top dog, for sure, but I firmly see it envy forming due to Musa's many achievements which has catapulted Sabah to the top position among the States in Malaysia. It is wrong to say that Sabah has registered improvement in one or two areas. In fact there is no area in which Sabah has not progressed. Education, law and order, good environmental practices, forest protection, clean water supply, electricity, agriculture, industrial progress, urban development, rural development, exports, solution to Sabah's illegal immigrant problem, increase for oil royalty – in whatever angle you look at, Sabah attracts deeper attention in every area, registering a surplus in many areas. But Sabah is not satisfied with this achievement. It is not resting on its laurels but is focusing on earning more surpluses. The reason for this attitude is that Sabah does not think only about itself. It thinks for the whole of Malaysia. Sabah is the locomotive engine of Malaysia and is keen to contribute more for Malaysia's growth. When Sabah attained independence in 1963, Malaysia was born. Right from independence in 1963 to 1985, Alliance- Barisan National ruled Sabah. After 1985, Datuk Harris Salleh was defeated, Pairin Kitingan from Party Bersatu Sabah became the Chief Minister. But even at that time Sabah was ruled by the Barisan National until 1986 when PBS pulled out from BN. In 1994, BN wrested control of the power from PBS when Lajim defected from Parti Bersatu Sabah which won the Sabah election, and his action opened a floodgate of defections from PBS and saw the collapse of Pairin's PBS government. Sakaran Dandai became the first Umno Chief Minister in Sabah in 1994. In 2003, Musa Aman was appointed chief minister. Musa Aman faced crisis after crisis immediately on assuming office. First the state treasury was nearly negative, Yayasan Sabah was on the verge of going bust, state agency were negative and the financial situation of the state was in shambles. Musa Aman had to prudently turn around the mess he inherited. In 2004, Musa Aman faced assembly elections and captured more seats than in 1999 and became the Chief Minister again. He won again in 2008 with a thumping victory winning 59 out of the 60 state seats. Musa Aman has earned the title as the longest serving Chief Minister of Sabah. Musa Aman is facing elections again expected within the next six months. Sabah registered remarkable progress in the last ten years of Musa Aman's rule. Nobody including his opponents can deny this. Read more at:
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