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- Ambiga, this is Malaysia, not the United States
- DAPSY strongly disagrees with the stance of PAS Youth to seek a ban on the Elton John concert ...
- Surat ICAC tidak membersihkan nama Dato' Seri Musa Aman, perlu isytihar penyumbang RM40 juta
- Should Anwar become PM or not?
Ambiga, this is Malaysia, not the United States Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:10 PM PST
FMT LETTER: From Harbhacan Singh, via e-mail From calling for free and fair elections, Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenivasan has now gone one step further by calling PM Najib Tun Razak to debate with Anwar Ibrahim. Free and fair elections have always been her concern but one was doubtful about her real intentions, especially when her most recent Bersih rally was organised as if to give Anwar a platform to project him as a national democracy hero. Anwar and Ambiga both proved they could only bring chaos and disruption to public safety, and not free and fair elections. Ambiga's act of poking her nose into the 'extinct' issue of a debate between Najib and Anwar seems to give a completely opposite picture of her purpose. Is she politically motivated? It wasn't quite clear all the while but now it seems obvious that she is trying her luck. She has not admitted that she harboured political motives or that she wishes to be a candidate in the forthcoming elections. But poking her nose into such a debate, if it ever takes place, will be highly political. And therefore she has a political agenda! Of course as a citizen, she has every right to take part in politics and stand for elections but she must first come clean. She must make her intentions known from the beginning, not hide that face from the domestic and global public. That is the honest way. She must avoid using the back door to politics. She must boldly come through the front door. As the saying goes, she must come with clean hands. Having said that, what will a debate between Najib and Anwar achieve? It simply does not make sense because Malaysia is not the United States of America where two Presidential candidates debate each other and use that opportunity to expound their theories, beliefs and philosophies. This is done so that the people can compare the two and then make an informed decision as to whom to vote for. But in the case of Malaysia, this is not the practise or culture. Why then is Ambiga so fond to copy the Western culture? If she thinks the Western system is much better, then will she suggest we change to an election system similar to the US Presidential election, where surely Najib will sweep to victory given his vast popularity among Malaysians as compared to Anwar. Is Ambiga trying to tell Malaysians to pick the best debater as PM or the one who is the best in making and implementing promises and policies that will really benefit the rakyat? Anwar is no doubt a good debater, but he is a typical chameleon, one who claims to have changed! Yes, he changed from an ultra-Malay, ultra-Islam to what? A pretender? An actor? Even if Najib agrees to a debate, why should he debate Anwar? It is certainly a fact now that Anwar is not the sole PM candidate of Pakatan Rakyat. PAS members loyal to PAS (and not the 'Erdogans' who prefers to be loyal to one who's not their party leader) wanted their president Hadi Awang to be the PM should Pakatan Rakyat win GE13. We may not be surprised if tomorrow DAP comes with its own proposal that Lim Kit Siang should be the PM if Pakatan Rakyat wins. This is likely to happen because in reality Pakatan Rakyat parties never have an agreed set of policies apart from the shady Buku Jingga which has no mention on how each and every pledge will be implemented. They are still divided over many fundamental issues. PAS wants to implement hudud, DAP is opposed to this. So, should Najib really debate with all the PM wannabes or focus on his work and duties to the rakyat? Really, Ambiga should first ask herself what are her credentials for calling for such a debate? Who is she to choose who should debate who? Who is she to pick Anwar as Pakatan Rakyat's PM candidate for the debate? Is this debate part of her free and fair elections call? She obviously has succeeded only in exposing her political ambitions!
DAPSY strongly disagrees with the stance of PAS Youth to seek a ban on the Elton John concert ... Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:00 PM PST
DAPSY wishes to state our strong disagreement with PAS Youth for their attempt to pressure the authorities to ban the Elton John concert in Genting Highlands. While we respect their freedom of opinion, DAPSY feels that taking such a step will only provide fodder to Barisan Nasional and the mainstream media to continue to paint a negative picture of PAS Youth as a backward and regressive youth movement. This will surely not help Pakatan Rakyat to convince Malaysians that we are a progressive and moderate coalition of parties that are ready to replace BN as the federal government. PAS Youth's reason that allowing Elton John to perform in Malaysia will lead to the rise of homosexuality and other social ills due to his sexual orientation is both simplistic and unacceptable. Those who are attending the concert are there to watch him perform and enjoy his music, they are not there to show support nor be influenced by his sexual orientation. Banning a concert is not the solution to tackle Malaysia's social ills. PAS Youth should focus more on educational and awareness campaigns instead of imposing its views and values on young people. Therefore, DAPSY calls on PAS Youth to cancel its plan to protest against the concert and change its approach in addressing and tackling social problems. DAPSY fully support the staging of the concert as planned and sees no reasons why the authorities should withdraw the permit for the concert. -LOKE SIEW FOOK-
Surat ICAC tidak membersihkan nama Dato' Seri Musa Aman, perlu isytihar penyumbang RM40 juta Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:55 AM PST
Saya menegaskan pendirian saya bahawa surat yang disebut oleh Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan itu tidak membersihkan nama Dato' Seri Musa Aman, sebaliknya menguatkan pandangan bahawa ICAC terpaksa menghentikan siasatan kerana tidak mendapat kerjasama pihak berkuasa Malaysia. Rafizi Ramli, Pengarah Strategi Keadilan Saya merujuk kepada laporan oleh Clara Chooi yang disiarkan pada 27 November 2012 oleh The Malaysian Insider bertajuk "ICAC Letter Shows Musa Aman Cleared of Graft Last December". Laporan itu memetik kenyataan Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud bagi pihak Dato' Seri Musa Aman bahawa kes telah ditutup oleh ICAC Hong Kong berdasarkan satu surat yang dihantar secara peribadi kepada Dato' Seri Musa Aman. Berdasarkan laporan tersebut, saya ingin menegaskan beberapa fakta berikut: 1. Surat yang diutuskan oleh ICAC itu sekali-kali tidak menyatakan bahawa Dato' Seri Musa Aman dibersihkan dari tuduhan rasuah, atau membayangkan bahawa ICAC yakin Dato' Seri Musa Aman bersih dari rasuah seperti yang cuba diwar-warkan oleh Umno/Barisan Nasional. 2. Surat itu hanya memaklumkan bahawa berdasarkan maklumat-maklumat yang ICAC perolehi setakat itu, ICAC mengambil keputusan untuk tidak meneruskan siasatan terhadap Dato' Seri Musa Aman. Jika Dato' Seri Musa Aman tidak bersetuju dengan fakta-fakta ini, maka wajarlah beliau mendedahkan kandungan keseluruhan surat tersebut, bukannya menggunakan Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan untuk menyampaikan secara lisan sahaja kepada wartawan. Keputusan ICAC untuk tidak meneruskan siasatan berdasarkan maklumat-maklumat yang mereka perolehi setakat itu menimbulkan lebih banyak persoalan. Ia juga menguatkan pandangan beberapa pihak bahawa ICAC tidak mendapat kerjasama sepenuhnya dari pihak berkuasa Malaysia untuk meneruskan siasatan kerana mereka tidak mempunyai kuasa menyiasat dan mengumpulkan bukti. Oleh yang demikian, mereka bergantung sepenuhnya kepada Peguam Negara dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) untuk mendapatkan bukti. Kenyataan Ketua Pendakwaraya Hong Kong, Kevin Zevros baru-baru ini bahawa pihak berkuasa Hong Kong mengambil keputusan untuk menghentikan siasatan berdasarkan maklumat pihak berkuasa Malaysia mengesahkan bahawa tangan ICAC terikat dari meneruskan siasatan. Oleh yang demikian, saya menegaskan pendirian saya bahawa surat yang disebut oleh Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan itu tidak membersihkan nama Dato' Seri Musa Aman, sebaliknya menguatkan pandangan bahawa ICAC terpaksa menghentikan siasatan kerana tidak mendapat kerjasama pihak berkuasa Malaysia. Saya dan pasukan dari KEADILAN (YB William Leong, YB Hee Loy Sian dan YB Chang Lih Kang) sedang giat mengumpulkan bukti termasuk penyata-penyata kewangan dan urusniaga di Hong Kong untuk dilaporkan kepada ICAC agar siasatan baru dibuka, seperti persetujuan dengan ICAC baru-baru ini. Rombongan kami akan menemui ICAC pada 11 Disember 2012 dalam kunjungan yang kedua. Saya juga menggesa Dato' Seri Musa Aman supaya tidak terus mengheret Umno ke dalam permasalahan peribadi beliau. Cara terbaik untuk membersihkan nama beliau adalah dengan mengisytiharkan secara terperinci maklumat sumbangan RM40 juta yang diterima beliau, termasuklah: § Siapa yang menderma/memberi sumbangan? § Apa hubungan penderma/penyumbang ini dengan beliau dan Umno? § Apa kontrak-kontrak atau konsesi yang pernah diberikan kepada penderma/penyumbang ini? § Di mana wang itu disimpan dan atas nama siapa? Saya percaya maklumat-maklumat di atas bukan sahaja dituntut oleh rakyat Malaysia, malah turut ditanya oleh pimpinan Umno sendiri. Apabila Umno/Barisan Nasional menyerang pimpinan KEADILAN bersabit sumbangan (termasuklah isu bas jelajah Merdeka Rakyat dan penggunaan jet peribadi), pimpinan KEADILAN yang terbabit dengan segera mengisytiharkan butiran penyumbang, supaya rakyat dapat menilai sendiri sama ada berlaku unsur salah guna kuasa. Sikap yang sama perlulah juga ditunjukkan oleh Dato' Seri Musa Aman, jika beliau benar-benar yakin tidak ada unsur rasuah dan salah guna kuasa di dalam kes sumbangan RM40 juta kepada beliau/Umno seperti yang didakwanya. Kegagalan beliau berterus terang akan terus memanjangkan kes ini dan saya akan terus menumpukan perhatian untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan bukti baru untuk dibentangkan kepada rakyat. Sebab itu, saya tidak sedikit pun merasa tergugat dengan ancaman tindakan undang-undang seperti yang disebut oleh Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan. Saya yakin saya hanya menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang rakyat dan bersedia untuk mempertahankan kes yang saya bawa di mahkamah pada bila-bila masa. Persoalannya: Apakah Dato' Seri Musa Aman bersedia untuk bertemu di mahkamah dan mendedahkan butiran penderma-penderma beliau di mahkamah seperti mana bersedianya saya?
Should Anwar become PM or not? Posted: 26 Nov 2012 12:13 PM PST
Even if he becomes the next PM of Malaysia, he may be on the seat for only one term to set the course straight for the new generation of Malaysian leaders who are beginning to see that the only way forward for Malaysia is for her to treat all her citizens equally no matter what race or what religion one belongs to or believes in. P Dev Anand Pillai, FMT Letter There seems to be some confusion on who may be the next Prime Minister should PR take federal power in the coming general elections. As usual there were many spins in the pro Umno blogs that there could have been a deal made by the leader of the current administration and the leader of the opposition that he will be freed from being convicted of the Sodomy II episode if the leader of PAS is allowed to become the next PM should PR win the elections. This is a classic spin tale which we have seen so much of since the time of former PM Dr Mahathir. We still succumb to such tales because we have let ourselves be led by spin masters who ply their skill through the media to control the minds of the people. This is one reason why the freedom of speech, association and assembly is so important. Through the freedom of speech the freedom to opine becomes necessary. What we seem to see is the spin masters trying to create a riff between the parties in the opposition so that they will be distracted by it whilst the BN goes on as usual to win another term in office though not winning the popular vote of the people. By telling the people that freedom of speech and the right to protest will lead to rightful governments being toppled, the leader of a former administration seems to indirectly say that Umno knows what is best for the people and that is how it should be and no one no matter how high that person may be is forbidden to question it. Further we even have people reminding us that we ought to respect the so called social contract where the non Malays accepted by being lesser of an equal to the Malays in exchange for being allowed to live here, this is all nothing but the staple mantra that will be said at the nearing of every general election when there is a strong wind of public support blowing towards the opposition. All this has been said and said many times before and whenever the people being as gullible as they may be due to the education system that never encourages thinking and questioning, vote in the BN, everything then goes back to normal mode where corruption continues as a way of life whilst the cost of all the follies of large scale and massive corruption is then passed down to the gullible and dumb people of Malaysia again. Now by pitting PAS and PKR on whom should be the PM should they capture federal power, is actually a jibe at the Malay mind set and the maturity of the Malay intellect, the question that the people should respond with is, Can't any other Malay besides that from Umno be the Prime Minister of Malaysia? Aren't there any other candidates besides those from blue political blood linage of Umno qualified enough to lead Malaysia? The question of whether Anwar should be the Prime Minister or not is now not the issue at all, even if there is another cooked up allegation which may then start episode III of the Sodomy trials that we all have become so used to, reform and a quest for a change of government has already taken root deep in this country now for it to just fade away should Anwar be jailed again on some trumped up charges. Even if he becomes the next PM of Malaysia, he may be on the seat for only one term to set the course straight for the new generation of Malaysian leaders who are beginning to see that the only way forward for Malaysia is for her to treat all her citizens equally no matter what race or what religion one belongs to or believes in. Read more at:
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