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- Jawapan Pakatan Rakyat kepada Chua Tee Yong
- Secret Malaysian resettlement plan for dam-affected natives exposed
- Malaysia tak perlu pergerakan hak wanita
- Worker of 1Malaysia
Jawapan Pakatan Rakyat kepada Chua Tee Yong Posted: 02 Oct 2012 03:44 PM PDT
Kami merujuk kepada kenyataan akhbar yang dibuat oleh Dato' Chua Tee Yong yang menuduh angka-angka di dalam Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat 2013 adalah tidak tepat berdasarkan perkiraan ringkas beliau seperti berikut: 1. Bentuk kenaikan gaji hasil dari dasar-dasar Pakatan Rakyat adalah kenaikan gaji guru sebanyak RM2.4 bilion (hasil dari pelaksanaan Elaun Khas Perguruan sebanyak RM500 setiap bulan bagi setiap orang guru), kenaikan gaji kakitangan awam sebanyak RM2 bilion (hasil dari pelaksanaan gaji minima RM1,100 di sektor awam dan pelarasan gaji kepada semua kakitangan) dan kenaikan gaji anggota polis sebanyak RM754 juta (hasil dari cadangan untuk membekukan pengambilan baru anggota polis sehingga tahun 2015). 2. Mengikut perkiraan beliau, jumlah kesemua kenaikan gaji ini sebanyak RM5.1 bilion tidak selari dengan angka di dalam Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat 2013 yang menunjukkan pertambahan gaji sebanyak hanya sebanyak RM4 bilion. Berdasarkan perkiraan mudah itu, beliau menuduh Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat mengandungi angka-angka yang menipu dan hasil dari penyelidikan yang kucar-kacir. Jawatankuasa Dasar dan Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyediakan dokumen-dokumen rasmi termasuklah Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat 2013 ada mengambil kira semua perkara ini dalam menentukan angka-angka yang digunapakai. Seharusnya Dato' Chua Tee Yong membaca sepenuhnya keseluruhan dokumen Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat 2013 yang menerangkan pendekatan Pakatan Rakyat untuk menggunakan jumlah anggota polis sedia ada bagi memenuhi tuntutan melindungi keselamatan awam tanpa perlu menambah tenaga kerja melalui pengambilan baru. Ini berbeza dengan pendekatan Barisan Nasional yang ingin meningkatkan pengambilan baru sehingga mencecah 30% menjelang 2015, yang sudah tentu akan meningkatkan tanggungan gaji. Cadangan Pakatan Rakyat adalah dengan memfokuskan anggota polis sedia ada kepada kerja-kerja membanteras jenayah dengan menukar anggota Cawangan Khas ke Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah. Penjimatan dari langkah ini (kerana tiada pengambilan baru menjelang 2015) bolehlah digunakan untuk menaikkan gaji anggota polis. Maka, ia satu proses yang akan berjalan dalam satu tempoh, bukannya kenaikan gaji serentak kerana proses penukaran anggota Cawangan Khas melibatkan latihan dan lain-lain. Sebab itu di mukasurat 8 Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat 2013 ada menyebut bahawa Pakatan Rakyat mengunjurkan kenaikan gaji 15% sekiranya proses ini berjalan. Oleh kerana ia melibatkan satu proses, maka ia juga melibatkan kenaikan berperingkat dalam satu tempoh masa kerana kenaikan gaji itu perlu dibiayai dari penjimatan kerana tiada pengambilan baru dalam tempoh 3 tahun. Kesan kewangan bagi tahun 2013 dianggarkan satu pertiga dari jumlah kenaikan gaji RM754 juta bagi kesemua kakitangan, iaitu sekitar RM250 juta. Jawatankuasa Dasar dan Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat memutuskan bahawa kenaikan ini boleh dibiayai dengan menyemak semula perbelanjaan untuk "Faedah-faedah Kewangan Yang Lain" (Kod Akaun: 15000) yang telah mencecah RM1.04 bilion dalam tahun 2013. Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat akan meneliti bentuk-bentuk faedah bukan gaji untuk mengelakkan pembaziran, dengan memastikan hanya faedah bukan gaji kepada kakitangan awam disediakan pada kos yang berpatutan. Ini penting bagi memastikan Kod Akaun 15000 ("Faedah-faedah Kewangan Yang Lain") tidak melibatkan peruntukan bagi perbelanjaan yang boros. Kami yakin penjimatan dari semakan terhadap perbelanjaan faedah bukan gaji boleh menampung kesan kewangan bagi tahun 2013 yang dianggarkan RM250 juta itu. Mengambil kira pertimbangan ini, kenaikan peruntukan gaji kakitangan kerajaan hanyalah RM4 bilion seperti yang terkandung di dalam Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat 2013. Kami mengucapkan tahniah kepada Dato' Chua Tee Yong kerana mengambil sedikit masa untuk meneliti angka-angka yang dibentangkan di dalam Belanjawan Pakatan Rakyat 2013. Namun, beliau lebih berhati-hati apabila ingin berhujah menggunakan angka kerana reputasi beliau sebelum ini pun terjejas teruk apabila angka-angka yang digunakan sering bertukar-tukar. Bagi pihak Jawatankuasa Dasar & Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat YB Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad
Rafizi Ramli
Dr Ong Kian Ming
Secret Malaysian resettlement plan for dam-affected natives exposed Posted: 02 Oct 2012 11:15 AM PDT
The affected communities have only received information about the conditions of their resettlement through the report leaked to the whistle-blower website Sarawak Report. The withholding of the Resettlement Report goes against all international standards on transparency. Bruno Manser Fonds Leaked Resettlement Action Plan for natives to be displaced by Murum dam reveals the Sarawak government's neglect of basic rights and fair compensation (MURUM, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA) A report by the Malaysian state government of Sarawak about the resettlement of over 1,500 natives has been leaked just a few months before the planned resettlement due to a mega-dam. The impoundment of the 944 MW Murum dam is meant to start in early 2013 and will flood almost 250km2 of forest and cause the displacement of six Penan and one Kenyah native communities. Violation of basic rightsIt verges on hypocrisy that the leaked Murum Resettlement Action Plan claims that "the main documents" concerning the construction of the dam and the resettlement are "to be made available to the public", although this has obviously not been done so far. The affected communities have only received information about the conditions of their resettlement through the report leaked to the whistle-blower website Sarawak Report. The withholding of the Resettlement Report goes against all international standards on transparency. The report reveals that the compensation offered to the affected communities is anything but fair and will impoverish them: the monthly allowance to be paid after resettlement falls below the poverty level and ends after four years. Their new farmland is already covered with oil palms owned by large companies, and there is hardly any forest left to sustain the people's traditional livelihood based on products from the wild. In addition, the affected Penan and Kenyah state that they have never been asked for their free, prior and informed consent as demanded by international standards, such as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. After receiving the Resettlement Plan, the seven affected communities immediately put up a blockade on the access road to the dam on Wednesday last week. Over 200 people have since been effectively blocking the supply of materials to the dam construction works. They are willing to keep up the blockade until the Norwegian CEO of Sarawak Energy, the agency in charge of the implementation of Murum dam, and the government authorities agree to their demands concerning involuntary resettlement and compensation. Norwegian Torstein Dale Sjøtveit, CEO of Sarawak Energy, has been asked to meet the affected communities at the blockade site to discuss their concerns, as he is one of the main persons responsible for the current twelve-dam complex in Sarawak – of which the Murum dam is only the first one to be built. Another foreign key supporter is Hydro Tasmania, which seconded staff to Sarawak Energy and completed various feasibility studies. Andrew Pattle, who was Project Manager for the Murum dam up until 2011 and is now Senior Project Manager for two other proposed dams, and Nick Wright, Vice President at Sarawak Energy, are just two of the Australian staff members seconded to the project. Without this knowledge transfer from Hydro Tasmania to Sarawak Energy, the realization of the planned dams would not be possible. Tutoring on rights for government officialsThe local SAVE Rivers Network, a group that is spearheading the struggle against the plans to build at least 12 dams in Sarawak's interior, has today offered tutoring lessons on indigenous rights to high-level government leaders. The obvious lack of compliance with international standards and national laws by the Sarawak government is prompting them to teach the government about indigenous rights as guaranteed in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and national law. Peter Kallang, chairman of SAVE Rivers, said today: "It is unfortunate that many high-level government leaders do not understand the international UN declaration that Malaysia has signed. We would therefore like an opportunity to explain to them the rights of indigenous peoples under the laws of this country." The Bruno Manser Fund wholeheartedly supports this highly necessary tutoring on indigenous rights for the government and, in addition, is demanding the immediate release of all studies conducted on any of the currently-planned dams. All the international actors involved in Sarawak's dam endeavour, including Torstein Dale Sjøtveit and Hydro Tasmania, should stop supporting the ongoing violation of international standards and cease their collaboration with Sarawak Energy. |
Malaysia tak perlu pergerakan hak wanita Posted: 02 Oct 2012 11:07 AM PDT ![]() Trend penurunan ini konsisten sejak 2010. Pada tahun 2010, Kementerian diberi peruntukan sebanyak RM2.4 bilion, kemudian pada tahun 2011, ia jatuh ke RM2 bilion, kemudian jatuh lagi pada tahun 2012 ke RM1.9 bilion dan sekarang untuk 2013 ia terus menurun ke RM1.8 bilion. Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia Segmentasi Wanita Muda (SAMM Wanita Muda) merasa kesal dan kecewa dengan kenyataan angkuh dan sombong Perdana Menteri Malaysia dalam Sambutan Hari Wanita 2012 hari ini di Sunway Pyramid. Dalam laporan satu media internet (klik sini untuk baca lanjut) menyebut Najib menyatakan Malaysia tidak memerlukan sama sekali pergerakan hak wanita dalam negara ini. Beliau selaku Menteri Wanita dalam Majlis anjuran Kementerianya telah menghina perjuangan aktivis - aktivis hak wanita dalam negara ini. Majlis Sambutan Hari Wanita anjuran Kementeriannya (Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat) ini seharusnya diadakan atas semangat menghargai perjuangan dan sumbangan wanita kepada negara, namun oleh kerana inilah kali pertama negara dan rasanya di dunia Menteri Wanita lelaki maka dengan jelas Menteri Wanita ini tidak menghormati sensitiviti dan melakukan penghinaan terhadap perjuangan wanita dalam majlis tersebut. Najib jelas tidak memahami peranan menteri wanita dan tidak langsung ada gender sensitiviti kerana bukan sahaja menghina perjuangan aktivis wanita sebagai tidak perlu tetapi dalam ucapanya menyatakan pula lelaki sebagai spesis terancam di negara ini kerana 'kecemerlangan' wanita. SAMM menuntut Najib berundur sahaja sebagai menteri di kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, keluarga dan masyarakat kerana jelas dia sendiri tidak faham peranannya sebaliknya hanya makan gaji buta selaku menteri di kementeri tersebut. Jika benar apa yang dikatakan Najib menjadi polisi kerajaan Bn yang tidak perlukan perjuangan pembelaan wanita maka seharusnya bubarkan sahaja terus kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat itu. Maka tidak hairanlah dalam belanjawan tahun ini walaupun pada keseluruhannya meningkat 8%, tetapi peruntukkan Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat mengalami penurunan sebanyak 6%, dengan pengurangan sebanyak RM115 juta. Trend penurunan ini konsisten sejak 2010. Pada tahun 2010, Kementerian diberi peruntukan sebanyak RM2.4 bilion, kemudian pada tahun 2011, ia jatuh ke RM2 bilion, kemudian jatuh lagi pada tahun 2012 ke RM1.9 bilion dan sekarang untuk 2013 ia terus menurun ke RM1.8 bilion. Dalam ucapan belanjawan 2013, PM Najib cuma menonjolkan kononya belanjawannya prihatin wanita dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM50 juta untuk latihan Wanita untuk menjadi pengarah syarikat, latihan usahawanan (entrepreneurial training), latihan "online marketing" dan ujian mamogram. Inilah hasilnya apabila menteri Wanita adalah seorang lelaki. Jelas sekali Najib tidak faham langsung apa sebenarnya keperluan dan aspirasi Wanita dan masih melihat isu wanita dengan cara seksis. Pemahaman beliau mengenai isu-isu Wanita seolah-olah terhad kepada "bagaimana untuk membuat Wanita lebih menjadi seorang ahli perniagaan" dan peperiksaan payudara. Dalam kesempatan ini juga SAMM Wanita Muda menyambut baik dan mengajak rakyat melihat tawaran belanjawan alternatif negara yang dibentangkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat yang mengandungi tawaran Caruman Wanita Nasional dan Skim Elaun Penjagaan. Caruman Wanita Nasional adalah satu skim jaringan keselamatan sosial bagi Wanita suri rumah. Ideanya adalah seperti berikut; sekiranya suami meninggal dunia, menjadi kurang upaya atau menceraikan isteri, suri rumah akan mempunyai simpanan wang untuk menangani sebarang kemunkginan yang boleh terjadi. Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat bercadang untuk memberikan caruman sebanyak RM600 setahun kepada setiap suri rumah, dan akan memastikan dan menggalakkan suami menyumbang sejumlah wang sebanyak RM120 ke RM1,200 setahun kepada caruman yang sama. Sasaran skim ini adalah untuk memastikan seorang suri rumah mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya simpanan sebanyak RM30, 000 ketika usia 50 tahun. Kami menjangkakan terdapat 5 juta suri rumah yang bakal menyertai skim ini dan ianya akan menelan belanja kira-kira RM3 bilion setahun. Walaupun skim ini adalah berdasarkan kepada prinsip kebajikan, sasaran ekonominya adalah untuk menggalakkan simpanan peribadi. Skim ini adalah merupakan salah satu program kita untuk meningkatkan pendapatan isi rumah (disposable income). Skim Elaun Penjagaan Anak diperkenalkan untuk menolong wanita miskin yang bekerja dimana pendapatan isi rumah yang kurang daripada RM1, 000 sebulan. Bagi setiap kanak-kanak di bawah umur 12 tahun, kita akan menyediakan dana jagaan kanak-kanak sokongan sebanyak RM1, 000 setahun. Sokongan ini berhasrat membantu ibu yang bekerja untuk membayar yuran pengasuh menjaga anaknya ketika ibu sedang berkerja.Skim ini dilihat usaha bersungguh untuk membebaskan serta memperkasa wanita untuk bekerja sendiri dan menyumbang secara serius kepada negara. |
Posted: 02 Oct 2012 10:52 AM PDT
So a call centre employee from Philipines is more in favour than say a brain surgeon from UK where they get to bypass all Malaysian immigration and labour regulations. Disgrunted Malaysian Employeee C/O CSC Open letter to S. Subramaniam, Human Resource Minister Dear Minister, I am a citizen of Malaysia who pays my taxes and to date still paying my PTPTN loan for my education that I received locally. I recently joined CSC (a MNC based in Malaysia) as a Level 1 Technical Helpdesk. I work the night shift mostly just to qualify for the RM500 which is the night shift allowance. Recently I was made to work on a 12 hour shift without even giving me the choice of accepting the 12 hour shift pattern. When I asked, I was told that the company had the right to place their employees in any shift they like as long as it does not cross the 48 hours work hours a week. Is this true? Don't the employees have a say in the number of work hours they choose to work for, as long as it is within the law? When I first started work I was told by my employers that for the first 3 months of my service, my leaves earned will be frozen as I am still in probation. During the recent Raya holidays in August, I was still in training but I was not allowed to enjoy that holiday. CSC had made it mandatory for all muslims or non-muslims to come in even though we are not part of the operations (taking calls) yet. I did not complain and endured it. But when I got my salary I was shocked. The job agency with whom I had signed the employment contract has their own method of calculating wages paid on Public Holidays. When I enquired, I was told employees earning more than RM 2000 is not entitled to OT claims. When signing of the contract I was told that my salary would be pro rated by the day and the OT will be calculated based on that, but instead a flat rate of RM 15 per hour is calculated for hours worked on a Public Holiday. Another job agency with whom my colleagues are attached to has another formula of calculation all together. RM 15 per hours from midnight to 6.00am and RM 13 per hour before midnight. So if someone is to work the night shift hours before midnight is multiplied by RM13, hours worked after midnight is multiplied by RM15. Having said that, I kept at building my career without kicking a fuss about my salary. Next, I was asked to work by forgoing the short breaks I am entitled to. At one point I even got my meal break after 6 hours of work non-stop taking calls from arrogant and rude Americans. But when I come in for work 2 minutes late I get a "coach-log" (three of it warrants a warning letter). But "minutes" taken up after my work hours because I get stuck on a long call with a customer is not counted. The management is allowed to bend and break the rules but as employees we are not even given any leeway. We are supposed to keep customers happy and keep the calls short and take more calls. Unrealistic demands are made on us employees and no encouragement or proper guidance is provided for us employees to get the job done efficiently.The 1st level management that is made up of operation managers, subject matter experts and team leads are not professional, unhelpful and arrogant. They don't give a rat's ass about the employees but the employees are supposed to care if there are many calls in the queue or SLAs are dropping. We only get our salary after our timesheet is approved by some foreigner who goes by the name Brad Neave, who has complete disregard for the laws of our country. If he does not approve the timesheet within a given time, we don't get paid. The agency that handles our payroll does not bother with getting the timesheet done. Apparently it is our responsibility to get the operations manager to approve our timesheets. So what is the job of the HR/payroll department then? During my training period, the trainer was very prejudicial. I was not allowed to ask any questions. If I did the trainer would ridicule me in front of my colleagues. The trainer's idea of training was to make sure no one asks any questions. If anyone is to ask a question it will be answered with another question eg. "What do you think?", "Don't you still get it?", "How can you still ask me this?" etc. Fed up with being treated this way, I approached the operations manager, Brad (foreigner) only to be made more like a fool. He tells me that it's not right for me to come to him and I should have sorted things out with the trainer (whom I am having a problem with in the first place). Last but not least, CSC is hiring foreigners by the droves for level 1 helpdesk positions when here in Malaysia we have so many unemployed Malaysians who are graduates. These foreigners who come here to work are no IT experts that can't be found here in Malaysia. These foreigners are call centre staff from abroad. These foreigners are brought over with a social visit pass (tourist visa). Apparently, it's "converted" to a valid Malaysian work permit after they get here. How is that possible? I have relatives from abroad from countries like Australia, UK and South Africa who are professionals like doctors, engineers and specialized consultants. Even they had to have a calling visa before they are even engaged in any employment. So a call centre employee from Philipines is more in favour than say a brain surgeon from UK where they get to bypass all Malaysian immigration and labour regulations. We even have a Philipino team lead in CSC here but not even one Malaysian woman as a team lead. So CSC is running some boy's club in CSC. Foreigners who come here enjoy the benefits of our country and hospitality whereas we Malaysians are treated worse than factory production operators, where like in school we have to even ask permission to take a piss. Ministers and higher officials in the loop, please excuse my language in my mail as I am very disgruntled and angry with what has come to the plight of Malaysians working with foreign companies that come here for cheap but quality labour. They preach democracy and equality in their land and other countries at war, but they have not changed from their colonial mentality. We locals are coloured dogs for them still, the only differences are the suits we wear these days and we no longer live on trees. I am not able to reveal my identity as I know I will be victimized by the management, after all I am only a level 1 helpdesk and a Malaysian citizen not some fancy foreigner who does not know their work. But it does not matter who I am, there are thousands of fellow Malaysians like me who are in the same boat and are suffering in silence, to protect our ricebowl.
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