Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- The Murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu
- Chua Jui Meng : You have Kisses the Hands of Umno Leaders For Crumbs For 35 Years Long
- 'Settlement' of Nazri's son's case is illegal & perverts the course of justice
- A challenge to civilization: the ‘private’ on ‘public’ domain of human thought and feelings
- When might is right
- Nazri Aziz: Opposition receives political donations too, not just Sabah Umno
- Show me the money!
- Penang PKR will not reveal findings
- Nazri tells Pakatan to ask HK about Sabah Umno’s RM40m
- MRT Corp to award remaining 38 contracts worth RM2b by year-end
- Keeping news free, fair and fun
- This is my country, I’ll not balik Tong San
- Nazri’s son cleared over assault, murder
- PKR must end Azmin-Khalid conflict
- Perkasa wants boycott of Jaclyn Victor
The Murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu Posted: 18 Oct 2012 01:10 PM PDT
Six years on, troubling questions remain about the Mongolian beauty's death, and who ordered it John Berthelsen, Asia Sentinel It will be six years tomorrow since bodyguards for now-Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak dragged the Mongolian translator and party girl Altantuya Shaariibuu out of a car in a patch of jungle near the Kuala Lumpur suburb of Shah Alam. As she begged for her life and apparently that of her unborn child, they knocked her unconscious, then shot her twice in the head. Read more at: |
Chua Jui Meng : You have Kisses the Hands of Umno Leaders For Crumbs For 35 Years Long Posted: 18 Oct 2012 01:03 PM PDT
Is a great accusations to claim that UMNO leaders ask Chinese to go back to China where in reality it was UMNO who are generous in giving Malaysian Chinese our Citizenship. PAS call the Chinese including you as KAFIR and you are still happily working with them? Shen Yee Aun We cannot rely on MCA anymore as it has proven to be only a "Yes Man" party to Umno. They only know how to continue to kiss the hands of Umno leaders for crumbs. – Chua Jui Meng 1.You have been in MCA for 35 years and if it is true that your allegations MCA kisses the Hands of UMNO Leaders For Crumbs then you had been kissing them for 35 years of your life. 2.You are also both BN/MCA Malaysian longest serving Health Minister ( your crumbs ) that you had kisses for the last 35 years of your life. Almost half of your life and more than half of our country administration under BN you had kisses their hands. 3. Please do not use the word this is Your Country where this country belongs to all and it OUR country. Sabah's RM40 million Musagate involving the state's timber revenue and Sarawak's multi-billionaire Taib Mahmud are two clear cases of super rich BN-Umno chief ministers who need not be accountable to their current wealth. – Chua Jui Meng 4. When you wanted to bring out about Sabah Musagate and Taib Mahmud issue then you should ask bring out your entire children is driving SLK ,Mercedez and list of luxury cars. Even being able to mingle around in 1 of the Malaysia most expensive night club regularly ( Bintang Palace ) that would easily cost at least a minimum of RM 20 000 per visit ( that is just the minimum ). Where did all their money come from if it is not from their father who had been the longest serving Health Minister in Malaysia ? BN-Umno leaders and their cronies can continue to tell us, the Chinese, to Balik Tong San (Go back to China), but I will not. – Chua Jui Meng 5. Is a great accusations to claim that UMNO leaders ask Chinese to go back to China where in reality it was UMNO who are generous in giving Malaysian Chinese our Citizenship. PAS call the Chinese including you as KAFIR and you are still happily working with them? 6. Why do Pakatan Rakyat have to play up all this racial sentiment? That is why our economy is in tatters with the value of the ringgit shrinking fast (now at RM2.50 to S$1), cost of essentials and living rising and the people living in misery having to struggle to make ends meet daily – Chua Jui Meng 7. When you claim that our cost of living is high then why Penang government under Lim Guan Eng had increases the price of house by 3 times more ? What is not acceptable is about why Lim Guan Eng State Government and also Penang Local Council under DAP administration must impose the increase Why for commercial projects in Penang, the infrastructure contribution is increased from RM7 to RM21 per sq ft for every unit ? Why do infrastructure contribution charge from RM5 per sq ft to RM15 each for housing projects exceeding 15 units per acre in Penang ? Why do the the re-zoning fee had been increased from 25% to 50% on the difference based on the current value ?he fee is not only imposed by the Penang Local council in Penang but even the state government also charges the developer 50% on conversion of state-owned land ? Malaysia is a blessed country with rich natural resources, including oil and gas, and the 26 million citizens should be reasonably comfortable financially. But they are not, especially the rural and urban poor. – Chua Jui Meng 8. Malaysia is among 1 of the lowest rate of poverty rate country in the world. So is not fair when you pointed out the facts where they are still poor people in Malaysian where every single party of the world including the United States , United Kingdom , China , Japan and whatever country you name it will be still having poor people around. I dont see how could Pakatan Rakyat could be so arrogant to claim that if power given to them then there will be automatically no longer having any more poor people around? Read more at: |
'Settlement' of Nazri's son's case is illegal & perverts the course of justice Posted: 18 Oct 2012 12:59 PM PDT ![]() If a crime is committed, the perpertrator must be brought to court and duly charged. Under our legal system, crimes cannot be 'amicably settled'. I refer to the Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein Onn's statement in the Dewan Rakyat on 18.10.12 that the assault case involving the son of Minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz had been 'amicably resolved'. This statement shows blatant disregard by Hishamuddin for the due process of law and the integrity of our criminal justice system. It is unprecedented for the Home Minister to personally approve of such 'amicable settlements', which are against public policy and the rule of law. If a crime is committed, the perpertrator must be brought to court and duly charged. Under our legal system, crimes cannot be 'amicably settled'. Such a 'settlement ' could amount to an offence under section 214 of the Penal Code. By approving of the 'settlement', Hishamuddin may have abetted and connived in an illegal act. Was the investigation compromised simply because the case involves the son of a senior Umno minister? Further, what are the terms of this illegal settlement and did the settlement involve the police, Nazri Aziz or Hishamuddin? The public is entitled to know if the course of justice was perverted in this case. Most importantly, what was the outcome of the investigation upon Mohamed Nedim Nazri under section 160 of the Penal Code? While admitting that the matter was investigated, Hishamuddin deliberately does not say whether Nedim was cleared of the offence. Every citizen, no matter how high or low their social position, is equal before the eyes of the law; the security guard in this case has a right to fair and impartial justice. We call upon the Home Minister to make a full and frank disclosure of the real facts of the case and to re-open the investigation into this assault case. |
A challenge to civilization: the ‘private’ on ‘public’ domain of human thought and feelings Posted: 18 Oct 2012 12:54 PM PDT
We have arrived on to a new space and time where what is private is challenged on the public sphere and what is public is accessed on a private space and time. It is an emerging experience of humanity's freedom and choice. Terracotta The on-going saga pertaining to the Alvin and Vivian sexually explicit debut on the social and new media is sending majority Malaysians scurrying to new heights and lows of arguments for and against the duo's act, respectively. This episode is of significant interest in the wake of the Malaysian political crossroads that the country has locked itself into currently. It is equally timely given the Prime Minister's recent indication that governments must control the society's thinking in order for achieving progress. Indeed, the Internet has become a defining medium insofar as civilization rates. Through the Internet and its many 'new age' features like Facebook, Twitter, etc. humanity is being challenged out in the open yet within the confines of our own private spaces – be it at home or at work or even at public places like cafes and WiFi outlets. The debates for and against Vivian and Alvin is raging. It will certainly not find a confluence. But we need to reflect seriously about how the networked society is emerging and will eventually set the parameters within which humanity will be operating. A defining benchmark we should not miss is the fact that this new age technology that forces our thoughts and feelings into the public domain called society still keeps our privacy intact as the access to these 'YouTube, Facebook, Twitter' mediums is strictly exercised out of absolute freedom and choice, sourced within our own private space and time and decision or choice. If people google, source and read or view such sites like what the Alvin and Vivian space offers, what gives you that morally virtuous profile to condemn? Likewise, when you have in your private space and time sourced, read and viewed such material, what gives you that morally high ground to promote such materials? There appears to be a paradox here and this is what many non-thinking people are missing. The Internet is here to define the new meanings to freedom, choice, democracy, accountability and engineer a new culture. It is here to take humanity to new experiences and understanding of all that encompasses life – thoughts, words and deeds. It is people like Alvin and Vivian who have become the 'new age' crusaders of thoughts and feelings, challenging our civilization's inventory of logic and emotions. Where it will eventually deposit society is as illusive as how the Internet is developing and how the networked society is emerging. But what is certain in this Alvin and Vivian saga is governments will be challenged; politicians will be tested; leaders will be tried in the public sphere; parents will be battered; religious leaders will be provoked and challenged – it is confrontation, a new conquest of humanity's thoughts and feelings. We are arriving on a new plateau where civilization will be pressured to re-visit and re-write its philosophies. In all likelihood, this will be a trajectory experience – humanity's abandoning of the Socrates, Aristotalian and Platonic philosophies that have long been the basis of many thoughts and actions. The use of draconian and antiquated laws to clip and clamp such ventures as those of the Alvin and Vivian saga will be run-over in time. We have arrived on to a new space and time where what is private is challenged on the public sphere and what is public is accessed on a private space and time. It is an emerging experience of humanity's freedom and choice. In fact this whole episode can be an immense learning opportunity for Malaysia's longest ruling political party too. So hopefully before any of our politicians attempt to open their mouth that often remains disengaged from thinking, better they think twice lah. This is timely advice given the fact that Malaysia is being overwhelmed with the political marshes entrenched around the LGBT prioprity, sex-and-video sagas, and not forgetting the Sodomy trials.
Posted: 17 Oct 2012 07:31 PM PDT Not only Malaysians but many in the west -- in particular the United States, Britain, Australia, etc. -- also oppose Malaysia's detention without trial law. They make their opposition very clear and are vey open and vocal about it. Western counties also offer funding to Malaysian NGOs and movements that oppose laws such as the ISA, OSA, Sedition Act, etc. -- draconian laws that violate your civil liberties and fundamental human rights, not to mention the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin How the CIA managed to kill long-wanted Al-Qaeda mastermind Al Awlaki through 'marriage plot' (ANI) - The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) managed to kill one of its most wanted terrorists in the world, Al-Qaeda leader Anwar al Awlaki in a drone strike attack in September 2011, through a fake marriage plot with a Croatian woman. Al Awlaki was linked with 2009's Fort Hood shooting and the foiled airplane underwear bomb that happened later in the same year. The devilish plot to kill al Awlaki revolved around a Danish CIA-Al Qaeda double agent, who was paid 250,000 dollars by the CIA in 2009 to find and deliver a European wife to the terrorist mastermind, the New York Post reports. According to the paper, Morten Storm, the double agent, said that in 2010 he found a Croatian woman named Aminah through a Facebook page setup for fans of al Awlaki, and used the money he got from the CIA to play matchmaker, and through a series of bizarre and chilling videos, text messages, and emails, he helped Aminah entice al Awlaki. Storm said that apparently Aminah's wooing worked because al Awlaki accepted the proposal in a video of his own, saying "If you can live in difficult conditions, don't mind loneliness, and can live with restrictions on your communications with others, that is great." Storm revealed that with the courtship done, al Awlaki invited Aminah to meet up with him in Yeman whereupon the CIA was planning to kill the couple in a drone strike. He was subsequently killed in a CIA drone strike in September 2011. ************************************ When I participated in the anti-ISA demonstration in front of the Kamunting Detention Centre in June 2003 (see pictures below), little did I know that five years later I was going to suffer my second detention without trial and spend time in the very place I was demonstrating against. Malaysians are outraged about Malaysia's detention without trial law that has been around since 1960 and saw an estimated 10,000 Malaysians picked up and locked away merely because they oppose the government and thus are seen as a 'threat to national security'. Yes, anyone who opposes the government is considered a threat to national security and thus loses his/her right to a fair trial. They are no longer innocent until proven guilty. They are considered guilty and once they are locked away they need to prove their innocence if they want to see freedom. Of course, it is harder for you to prove your innocence than for the government to prove your guilt. So the onus is on you to convince the government as to why you should not be locked up. The government need not prove why you deserve to be locked up. Not only Malaysians but many in the west -- in particular the United States, Britain, Australia, etc. -- also oppose Malaysia's detention without trial law. They make their opposition very clear and are vey open and vocal about it. Western counties also offer funding to Malaysian NGOs and movements that oppose laws such as the ISA, OSA, Sedition Act, etc. -- draconian laws that violate your civil liberties and fundamental human rights, not to mention the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). We must certainly commend the west for condemning the Malaysian government and for financing NGOs and movements that fight for civil liberties and fundamental human rights. No one should be punished for any perceived crime until first allowed a fair and just trial in an open court of law and is confirmed guilty beyond any shadow of doubt -- and even then only after the different levels of appeal and pardon have been exhausted. To punish someone otherwise is unjust. It needs western countries to knock some sense into countries like Malaysia. If not we will never see justice in developing countries. Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, etc., do not understand the meaning of justice, fair and just trial, civil liberties, fundamental human rights, and whatnot. This concept is foreign to them. Hence we need the west. By the way, since 2004, the United States government (the Central Intelligence Agency's Special Activities Division) has made hundreds of attacks on targets in Northwest Pakistan using drones (unmanned aerial vehicles). These attacks are part of the United States' War on Terrorism that seeks to defeat Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants in Pakistan. Most of these attacks are against targets in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the Afghan border in Northwest Pakistan. These strikes have increased substantially under the Presidency of Barack Obama. Of course, many non-combatants or 'innocent bystanders' also die in these attacks but these are what the US considers 'collateral damage'. Some innocent people unavoidably need to die in this War on Terrorism. Sometimes entire family members of the targets also die for this 'good cause'. It is good that Malaysian activists have friends like America to help them in their fight against the evil perpetrated by the Malaysian government. And that is why we cannot protest what the Americans are doing. Maybe it is not right to bomb other countries and kill many people just to assassinate one person. But that is war. Okay, maybe war has not been officially declared. But it is not quite like America sends soldiers into another country to kill non-Americans. No humans are involved here, only bombs with engines. Without America's help the ISA will never be abolished. But because of America's concern for fair trials and justice, the Malaysian government has no choice but to review all these draconian laws. And that can only help to make Malaysia a better place. I remember back in form one when my teacher in MCKK who smoked lectured us about the evil of smoking. We all gave him a cheeky grin and he said: do what I say, not do what I do. I suppose that best describes America. Might is, after all, right.
Nazri Aziz: Opposition receives political donations too, not just Sabah Umno Posted: 17 Oct 2012 06:42 PM PDT (Bernama) - The Opposition should not question Sabah Umno's RM40 million political donation from unknown sources because DAP had also received RM3.5 million from supporters to build a new building in Penang said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz. Nazri said it was not an offence for any party, including the Opposition, to receive donations for their political activities. "There is no problem. Any party can receive donations. We understand DAP had also received. But Umno received more because there are more Umno supporters. "Political donations are not an offence. But if it is to become an offence, we are ready to enact such laws," he told Tan Kok Wai (DAP-Cheras) during a question and answer session in Dewan Rakyat here today. The Attorney-General's Chambers had decided that there was no element of corruption in the case against Sabah Umno receiving donations. He clarified that the donation to Sabah Umno was investigated by Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and not the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC). "It was ICAC that investigated and later closed the case. The money was banked into the Sabah Umno account and not to any individual," he said. Nazri who was also asked how many leaders were being investigated by the MACC said a former Menteri Besar, two Members of Parliament, two exco members and two state assemblymen were being investigated. "We cannot reveal the identity of the individuals because it will jeopardise investigations," he said.
Posted: 17 Oct 2012 05:47 PM PDT The problem with Malaysia is that it has a Malay Finance Minister so the government cannot see all this. Maybe we should consider appointing a Chinese as the Finance Minister like in the past. We never had problems when Tun Tan Siew Sin was the Finance Minister. Chinese have the ability to look at everything in terms of money and profit while the close-minded Malays can only look at things from the point of view of heaven and hell. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Soi Lek: Hudud will cause 1.2 million to lose jobs (Malaysiakini) - MCA president Chua Soi Lek claimed that 1.2 million Malaysians would lose their jobs if PAS implements hudud in Malaysia, citing an anonymous SMS. Chua cited various industries that he said would contribute to this alleged massive loss of employment should hudud be implemented, including jobs at gambling resort Genting Highlands, betting outlets as well as massage parlours. He made this claim on his video blog and Facebook today based on a SMS he supposedly received this morning. However, he said he could not verify the sender as no one picked up his call. "This SMS said that MCA talks about hudud but never talks about the jobs that will be lost because of the strict enforcement of hudud in this country," Chua said. "So the figures he gave come to 1.2 million that will be affected if there is a strict interpretation and implementation of hudud in this country." ********************************* Now that makes more sense. It is of no use arguing about freedom of religion, justice, abuse of power, human rights, democratic principles, respect for the constitution, secularism, and whatnot. The normal man-on-the-street would not appreciate all this. At the end of the day it all boils down to what the Chinese would say cari makan. Money makes the world go around. Even war is about money, sometimes hidden behind the camouflage of ideals, honour, defence of the nation's sovereignty, religion, God, and all that nonsense. Ultimately it is about power and territory, and hence money. Arguing in defence of or on in opposition to hudud using theological arguments will get you nowhere. This is because humankind is divided on matters of theology. But everyone will be united by greed. So money will unite us more than politics, race, religion, ideology, dogma, doctrine and what have you. Even the 'fanatical' Wahhabis can work with the 'evil' Jews when it comes to money. They will place their petrodollars in the hands of the American Jews rather than in Malaysia's Bank Islam. That is how uniting greed and money can be. Now MCA is talking. I think MCA will not only retain its 15 parliament seats but it may even see its seats increase to 30 or so if it can talk common sense like what Chua Soi Lek said about hudud. Basically, hudud will result in 1.2 million Malaysians becoming unemployed. Now, that is a lot when you consider that Malaysia's working population is about 10 million. Malaysia will become as bad as Greece. Massage parlours, brothels, discos, nightclubs, bars, pubs, gambling dens, gaming outlets, casinos, etc., will all have to close down. And that would not be good for both the economy as well as for Malaysia's working population. Imagine the financial impact on the country when business takes a beating and 1.2 million Malaysians have to stay home with no income. So we need vice. Vice keeps people employed. It also gives the country revenue. The government can collect all sorts for taxes -- corporate tax, income tax, sales tax, entertainment tax, import tax, etc. In fact, if the government were to approve casino licences (plus licences for discos, nightclubs, pubs, bars, gaming outlets, massage parlours, etc.) for each and every town in Malaysia, can you imagine how much the country will earn and how many more people can get employment? And don't forget the 'underground' or black economy. Police and enforcement officers can be paid low salaries (at a huge saving to the country) because they can receive 'commission' from the vice businesses for 'closing one eye'. Officially, brothels are not allowed in Malaysia and many 'fuck shops' need to masquerade as 'health centres'. Many people go to these so-called health centres not to get healthy but to screw. And the police raid these places and arrest the prostitutes (at least those that do not pay 'commission' to the right people). If prostitution was legalised and brothels were licensed, this would be a great boost to the economy and it will create employment. In fact, we would have a shortage of workers so we would have zero unemployment. Prostitution can actually be a huge industry. The Arabs, Germans, etc., will fly to Kuala Lumpur instead of to Bangkok. Malaysia can overtake Thailand as the vice centre of South East Asia. The problem with Malaysia is that it has a Malay Finance Minister so the government cannot see all this. Maybe we should consider appointing a Chinese as the Finance Minister like in the past. We never had problems when Tun Tan Siew Sin was the Finance Minister. Chinese have the ability to look at everything in terms of money and profit while the close-minded Malays can only look at things from the point of view of heaven and hell. I suppose Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was right when he said that the Chinese are more pragmatic whereas the Malays are emotional and feudalistic. It is time Malaysians acknowledge this fact and learn how to agree with Dr Mahathir when he is right and not disagree with him just because you don't like him. Another interesting point is what Nazri Aziz said (read below). There is no evil in receiving donations. Why do we always question the motives behind these donations, whether it is to Suaram, Umno, or whoever? We always assume that when someone donates tens of millions or hundreds of millions there must always be a hidden agenda or ulterior motive. Hey, I donate to the cancer society. I also donate to the guide dogs for the blind association. I have no hidden agenda or ulterior motive. I do so because I want to help cancer research and to help blind people who need to get out of their homes from time to time. So Umno Sabah received RM40 million in donations. Do you remember about eight years ago Malaysia Today revealed that Umno Sabah received RM100 million to build their RM60 million headquarters in Kota Kinabalu? No one was upset about it then. So why get so upset now, eight years later? In fact, that RM40 million donation issue is not something new. Malaysia Today had already revealed this a couple of years ago. Everyone read this story and just shut up and said nothing. So why scream about it now? Is it because the general election is near? Is that why you all said nothing about it years ago, because there was no general election? Some people complain that Malaysia Today no longer reveals the wrongdoings of the government like back in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 or 2010. I agree that back in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 or 2010 Malaysia Today was actively exposing the wrongdoings of the government. But did anything good come out of it? It was like anjing menyalak bukit (dog barking at the hill). Only Malaysia Today screamed. No one else screamed. So why should I want to waste my time screaming like a mad fellow about this, that and the other when no one cares about it? Malaysia Today revealed more wrongdoings by the government than all the opposition parties combined. At the end of the day nothing happened. But now that the general election is around the corner everyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts screaming. Is all this rhetoric really about wanting to see the correct thing done or is it merely about winning the election? I wonder! There is no longer any honesty in Malaysian politics. ********************************* Nazri sees no evil in RM40mil donation (Malaysiakini) - There is no harm in Sabah Umno receiving the RM40 million 'political contribution' from an unidentified donor, said de facto law minister. "There is nothing wrong with (the) political contribution. "It is not an offence. If you want to make it an offence, you must enact the legislation," Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz told the Dewan Rakyat during Question Time today.
Penang PKR will not reveal findings Posted: 17 Oct 2012 04:19 PM PDT (NST) - Penang Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has decided not to make public the findings of its investigations into the leaked minutes of a meeting where its chief, Datuk Mansor Othman, was caught on tape calling Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng a "cocky, arrogant tokong (deity)". Asked if the party would ever make an announcement about the investigations or whether actions had been taken against the person who leaked the minutes, state deputy PKR vice-chairman Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain said: "There is an internal inquiry. We are not going to comment about this matter further. "Comments can be blown out of proportion," he said yesterday. Halim was quoted in news reports late last month that the outcome of the investigation had been passed to the head of the party's disciplinary board, Datuk Dr Tan Kee Kwong. It has been almost two months since Mansor made headlines for calling Lim names and alleging the party planned to rule Penang on its own after the next general election. Although PKR's disciplinary board had reportedly reached an outcome in its investigations, nothing had been revealed to the press. It was reported in late August that a blog called "Gelagat Anwar" had published the leaked minutes of a meeting chaired by Mansor. The meeting was to discuss seat allocations for PKR's Chinese candidates in Penang for the next general election. Mansor had denied calling Lim arrogant when the news came out, explaining that he meant well when labeling him a "tokong" but late last month, TV3 aired an audio clip of what Mansor had said during the meeting. He had then admitted to saying those words but claimed that he was responding to "leading" questions by those present at the meeting. |
Nazri tells Pakatan to ask HK about Sabah Umno’s RM40m Posted: 17 Oct 2012 03:59 PM PDT
Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider The Barisan Nasional (BN) government continued today to defend Sabah Umno's RM40 million political donation from an unknown source, with an Umno minister telling opposition lawmakers to refer to Hong Kong's anti-graft agency if they opposed the contribution. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz (picture), in deflecting criticisms against Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman in the Dewan Rakyat, told the House that it is not an offence for a political party to receive donations from any individual. "Political donations are not any offence. If we wanted to say it is an offence, we would have enacted laws against it," he said to uproar from the opposition bench. "If people want to contribute, let them contribute. What is the problem there? "In any case, whether you agree or not... you should ask Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)... they were the ones that investigated and closed this case," added the Padang Rengas MP. Parliament was told earlier this month that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had cleared Musa of graft and money-laundering allegations after finding that the over S$16 million (RM40 million) that timber trader Michael Chia was caught trying to smuggle into Malaysia from Hong Kong was not meant for the chief minister but for Sabah Umno. In a parliamentary reply, Nazri had said that the Attorney-General's Chambers had shelved the matter after finding no element of corruption in the case, which was first raised by whistleblower site Sarawak Report earlier this year. In April this year, Sarawak Report had revealed documents allegedly from Hong Kong's anti-graft agency, the ICAC, showing that a Sabah lawyer was holding some US$30 million (RM93 million) in a Swiss bank account for Musa. READ MORE HERE |
MRT Corp to award remaining 38 contracts worth RM2b by year-end Posted: 17 Oct 2012 03:45 PM PDT (Bernama)— Mass Rapid Transit Corp Sdn Bhd (MRT Corp) expects to award the remaining 38 contracts worth approximately RM2 billion by year-end. Its director of Strategic Communications and Public Relations, Amir Mahmood Razak said 47 of the 85 packages worth over RM20 billion had been awarded, with 47 per cent of the projects going to Bumiputera contractors. "The balance of the projects is so big, including some system packages," he told a media briefing on the V2 MRT Viaduct Works from Kota Damansara to Dataran Sunway today. Asked about the MRT Lines Two and Three, Amir said the group had yet to be informed of their progress by the government. "They are still undertaking the feasibility study. I think the plan is to announce the lines at least by the first half of next year. "If the new lines are to be announced by then, we will be able to award some of the new contracts by end-2013. That would be a fair estimate," he added.
Keeping news free, fair and fun Posted: 17 Oct 2012 03:30 PM PDT
( - The best life is one that is led with balance; where the heavyweights of politics and the economy stand on even ground with their lifestyle and entertainment counterparts. And that is the essence of Malaysia's newest online portal makes its official debut today with promises of a wide spectrum of offerings for both the younger and mature audience. takes a thoughtful and incisive approach to reporting on issues of national and international importance. Yet it will also take walks on the lighter side of life where food, entertainment, sports and features are concerned. But whichever end of the spectrum it traverses, is determined to uphold its mantra of fair and credible reporting. "Credibility makes for sustainability and on this score, our editorial team is guided by the principles of fair and balanced reporting," says editor-in-chief Yeap Boo Yam. "We want to present both sides of the story to readers and let them be the judge. We are in this business for the long haul."'s vibrancy also lies in its focus on telling stories through images via its photo gallery and video clippings, generated by the portal's own webcast team and strategic partners. From Oct 18-21, will hit the road with various launch activities that include free tickets to Jennifer Lopez's "Dance Again" World Tour concert.
This is my country, I’ll not balik Tong San Posted: 17 Oct 2012 03:21 PM PDT By right, Malaysia should today be a rich, progressive and prosperous nation. But why is it not so? By Chua Jui Meng, FMT After 55 years of greed, plundering and emptying the national coffer, the Barisan Nasional (BN)-Umno government is now living off borrowings. According to Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Mukhriz Mahathir, the federal debt is at about RM800 billion. That is why our economy is in tatters with the value of the ringgit shrinking fast (now at RM2.50 to S$1), cost of essentials and living rising and the people living in misery having to struggle to make ends meet daily. That is why the rakyat (people) is at a political crossroad and have no choice but to change the corrupt BN-Umno before economic disaster befalls us as a bankrupt country. Sabah's RM40 million Musagate involving the state's timber revenue and Sarawak's multi-billionaire Taib Mahmud are two clear cases of super rich BN-Umno chief ministers who need not be accountable to their current wealth. Malaysia is a blessed country with rich natural resources, including oil and gas, and the 26 million citizens should be reasonably comfortable financially. But they are not, especially the rural and urban poor. In 1992, when I was in China, there were no cars on the roads, only bicycles and motorcycles. Not even Proton cars, don't talk about Mercedes Benz. After two decades, China has overtaken Japan as the biggest economy in the world. BN-Umno leaders and their cronies can continue to tell us, the Chinese, to Balik Tong San (Go back to China), but I will not. I was born in Malaysia, I reside in Malaysia and Malaysia is my country. The Chinese in Johor must rise to give solid support to Pakatan Rakyat in the next general election for a more secure future. We cannot rely on MCA anymore as it has proven to be only a "Yes Man" party to Umno. They only know how to continue to kiss the hands of Umno leaders for crumbs. The Chinese must replace MCA with Pakatan parties whose New Development Policy will see restructures in both Small Medium Industries (SMIs) and Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs). Chua Jui Meng is a PKR vice-president and Johor PKR chief. He is also a former MCA vice-president and an ex-Cabinet member.
Nazri’s son cleared over assault, murder Posted: 17 Oct 2012 03:10 PM PDT The Home Ministry has confirmed that the son of de facto law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz was not involved in an assault case in March this year and a murder in 2004. Teoh El Sen, FMT The Home Ministry has cleared a minister's son over his alleged involvement in two criminal cases. This was stated in a parliamentary written reply to a question posed by Kelana Jaya MP Loh Gwo-Burne. The PKR MP had asked for the results of the investigations against Mohamed Nedim, the son of Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz, over the alleged assault of a security supervisor at a luxury condominium in March 2012. Loh had also asked about the murder of one Darren Kang at the Uncle Don restaurant in Sri Hartamas around 2004. On the first case, the Home Ministry said that the assault, classified under Section 160 of the Penal Code, was actually perpetuated by the former private bodyguard of Mohamed Nedim. "The case has been settled amicably by both parties," it added. On the case of Kang, the Home Ministry said investigations by the police had found that Mohamed Nedim was not involved. "In that case, five Thai nationals were found guilty after being charged and convicted for five years by the court," it said. On March 20, it was claimed that Mohamed Nedim assaulted a security supervisor at the condominium in Mont Kiara following a "minor altercation". It was alleged that Mohamed Nedim's actions, where he had choked the supervisor's neck before landing a punch on his head, were captured on CCTV cameras. However, the police later said that the footages showed that the minister's son was not involved.
PKR must end Azmin-Khalid conflict Posted: 17 Oct 2012 03:04 PM PDT Swift action by PKR to end the conflict between Azmin and Khalid will portray the party as a truly democratic one. Amir Ali, FMT The conflict between PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, seen as the culprit in a long-standing and shameful political squabbling, and Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim risks destroying the image of the party in the wake of the coming general election. In a democratic party, there will be such conflicts of interest that will arise from time to time but it is rare that such power struggle will spill over in the public arena via the media. The very reason for the usual "secrecy" behind these internal struggles is that political parties tend to act fast in order to nip in the bud any dissension. However, in the case of the Azmin-Khalid conflict which is now focused on the menteri besar's political secretary Faekah Husin, the conflict has been allowed to go on for far too long. In order to end such conflicts immediately, PKR should have created a committee to resolve these issues internally and swiftly. The committee must be composed of the grassroots and party leaders from other states who have the interest of the party at heart, not the interest of any of the personalities involved. It should not involve de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim since he is known to be close to Azmin who was his personal secretary in the past. Party president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail should also not be part of the committee as she is said to be close to Faekah. Independent observers, too, can be invited to such a committee to deliberate on the issues involved in order to represent the people's views in such conflicts. The purpose of such a committee will be to listen to the grouses by the leaders in the conflict and the reasons for the differences in their views. The culprit should be punished by the party leadership after the submission of the report by the committee. Murky political waters As part of the punishment, the culprit should be suspended or even fired from all party and state posts in order to send a strong message. It is only through such discipline that PKR will rise as a truly democratic party. This will encourage the masses to see the party in a new light, a democratic one.
Perkasa wants boycott of Jaclyn Victor Posted: 17 Oct 2012 02:48 PM PDT
Stephanie Sta Maria, Perkasa has called for a blanket boycott of local singer, Jaclyn Victor by Muslims nationwide over her song which it claims is an insult to Islam. The song Harapan Bangsa was uploaded on YouTube on Jan 3, 2012 and contains religious connotations pertaining to the Christian faith. It isn't clear however when the song was recorded. None of her five albums released since 2004 includes Harapan Bangsa and the song isn't listed as a single either. The YouTube video was created by a Kathryn Barry and features images of Christianity, Malaysia and its various races with Harapan Bangsa as background accompaniment. There were no images, however, of Jaclyn performing or recording the song in a studio. In an accompanying write-up, Barry said that she had created the video to "share this beautiful and meaningful song about Malaysia and Jesus". In a statement today, the right-wing Malay NGO said it condemned both Jaclyn and the songwriter for their "insensitivity and disrespect" to non-Christians in the country. Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali referred to a particular line in the song that reads: "Bapa, engkau lah harapan negara ini" (Father you are the hope of the nation) and said that it was a clear insult to Islam as the country's official religion. "There is also another line that says "Kau lah satu-satunya harapan di bumi Malaysia" (You are the only hope on Malaysian soil) and this is insulting to all non-Christians since she refers to Malaysian soil," he said. "Do all Malaysians believe in and place their hope in Jesus? The songwriter should have been more aware of the fact that Malaysia is made up of more than just Christians and has a Muslim majority." Syed pointed out that yet another line says "Yesus engkau lah harapan segala bangsa" (Jesus, you are the hope of all races) and questioned why the lyrics were written as such since Muslims have never worshipped Jesus.
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