Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Speeding up the game?
- Do the math, hudud is possible
- The Christian smokescreen
- Perkasa vs Suaram: Of demons and lies
- Anwar should control Azmin’s agenda
- Polls after Deepavali?
- Whistleblowing is an Islamic duty
Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:07 PM PDT Enemy plotters are stepping up attacks on PAS and DAP to drive a wedge between them in time for the general election. Thus the attacks on PAS and DAP are timed in such a way so that there will be an implosion in Pakatan by early November. If Parliament is to be dissolved by end of October or thereabouts, PAS would be in difficulty as it needs time to explain the situation to its grassroots, especially those in the rural areas who need a lot of convincing to get them to stay with PAS. Selena Tay, FMT Certainly the 13th general election cannot be too far away. Just when there seems to be a lull in the political goings-on besides the usual Talam and the so-called water crisis stuff, PAS has again been rudely jolted with attacks from within its ranks. PAS' collaboration with DAP has again been brought into question by Nasharuddin Mat Isa, the Bachok MP from PAS. Of late, this former PAS deputy president seems to be making statements not aligned with the party stand. He has questioned Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga's leadership of Bersih and currently he is questioning PAS' collaboration with DAP. The latter point is certainly made with the aim of driving a wedge between DAP and PAS. Has he become a Trojan Horse? Definitely he has plunged PAS into a dilemma. To sack him would be an extremely bad move as it would portray PAS as undemocratic and, worse still, of being a stooge of DAP. Thus the better move would be to just let him be. It is not unusual for the enemy plotters to step up attacks on PAS and DAP at this point in time as they want to make sure that Pakatan Rakyat is sufficiently weak before the 13th general election is called and time is running out if they intend to call for the polls this year. Besides Pakatan, the opposition parties in Sabah have yet to iron out a workable deal and are still very much in disarray. Thus the time is ripe to call for an election now with the budget's goodies being dangled as a carrot to woo the electorate. The economy is still not too bad and everything unpleasant is being kept beneath the surface. As the political situation is very fluid these days with events moving quickly, Barisan Nasional, which is in favour today due to the budget presentation last month, could be out of favour by March next year. Therefore it is best to capture the feel-good feeling fast. Moreover, the application for the BR1M 2.0 cash aid will be opened for registration on Nov 1. This will whet the rakyat's appetite in anticipation of the payout to be made in January and this means that the feel-good factor can be sustained till then. After the cash is distributed and used up, people will be in the doldrums again. This is not unusual as RM500 is easily used up if one stays in the urban areas and there are many urban poor in KL. After the cash aid has been utilised, BN has nothing more to dangle to the voters and the advantage will then switch to Pakatan. This shows that as long as the cash aid has yet to be disbursed, the advantage still belongs to BN. A big national Deepavali-do is anticipated to be held on Nov 10 or 11 and all the Haj pilgrims will be back by the third week of November. This means that polling can be held on the last weekend of November. Thus the attacks on PAS and DAP are timed in such a way so that there will be an implosion in Pakatan by early November. If Parliament is to be dissolved by end of October or thereabouts, PAS would be in difficulty as it needs time to explain the situation to its grassroots, especially those in the rural areas who need a lot of convincing to get them to stay with PAS. It is clear then that BN is planning for November polls. But if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak suddenly has cold feet, then the polls will be held next year.
Do the math, hudud is possible Posted: 12 Oct 2012 01:04 PM PDT If Pakatan Rakyat forms the federal government, then the threat of hudud being implemented is real both politically and economically. Moreover, DAP themselves have already pledged to introduce few potential Muslim/Malay candidates in the upcoming general election. So to have an extra 18 MPs from both PKR and DAP to reach 148 for hudud to be implemented is possible. By Shen Yee Aun, FMT I would like to help MCA publicity bureau chief Kow Cheong Wei on certain points that he had missed out during his debate against DAP's Hew Kuan Yew on Thursday night. Hew said there were less than two-third Muslim MPs in Parliament and it needed the consent of at least 148 MPs to push for an amendment to the Constitution to introduce hudud. "Out of the 222 MPs in Parliament, only 107 MPs from the Peninsular are Muslims. If we add the East Malaysian Muslim MPs, there will only be 130. "Besides, our constituency delineation is such that there are only 136 Muslim-majority seats, with more than 61% of the voters being Muslims," said Hew. Hew's calculation is based on the current political scenario where in total there are only 130 Muslim MPs in Parliament. He must not neglect the current political reality where his calculation is based on the the current government ruled by Barisan Nasional. The hudud calculation is only impossible in the BN political structure because mathematically the maximum number of Muslim MPs from BN even if they win all their seats will only be 117 MPs from Umno. It is almost impossible to have a Muslim/Malay MP from MCA, MIC, PPP and other BN component parties. So hudud is only mathematically impossible if BN rules. As for Pakatan Rakyat, the number of their Muslim MPs can be intangible and hard to predict because any Muslim candidate can represent both DAP and PKR in the general election. Moreover, DAP themselves have already pledged to introduce few potential Muslim/Malay candidates in the upcoming general election. So to have an extra 18 MPs from both PKR and DAP to reach 148 for hudud to be implemented is possible. Hew also claimed that our constituency delineation is such that there are only 136 Muslim-majority seats. But he forgot to include the number of Muslim candidates and MPs from mixed constituencies. Basically, Pakatan just needs an additional 12 seats from Muslim MPs contesting in mixed seats to reach 148 for hudud to be implemented. It's not all about mathematics Hew also forgot to include the factor of the potential strength of the upcoming prime minister. What if the majority of Muslims MPs in Pakatan decide to elect (PAS president Abdul) Hadi Awang as their prime minister. Having the influence of a prime minister will also increase support among the non MuslimPakatan MPs for Hadi for their own political survival in the coalition and government. Mathematically, the number of Muslim MPs from Pakatan will be more than the number of Muslim MPs from BN. Mathematically, Pakatan's strong performance in the last general election also led to Parliament witnessing a decrease of seven non Muslim MPs.
Posted: 11 Oct 2012 01:48 PM PDT Whenever Umno bashes the Christians, you can be sure they have got some dirt to hide. The answer is simple: Umno uses the Christians to quell dissatisfaction in the masses, principally the Malays. The non-Malays are also forced to go on the defensive and adopt a deferential role. Umno dislikes the building of bridges between different communities. Mariam Mokhtar, FMT Many people are aware that in Ancient Rome, Christians were thrown to the lions, in the Colosseum as entertainment for the Romans and the emperor. Today, when governments want to bury bad news, they will exploit a tragedy, or they will create a distraction for the public, to minimise the bad publicity they would otherwise have received. In Malaysia, the Christians are the smokescreen. What will Umno do next time one of their leaders is accused of corruption? How would Umno deal with opposition exposure of foreigners being given votes in exchange for the right to work and be registered as Malaysians? Who would Umno exploit if they have to return a verdict of death by misadventure, the next time an individual tries to exit from the window of a multi-storey building? Where else in the world is religion used to promote the interests of one party and one race? When will the Christians be of most use to Umno? Why would Umno want to embrace the Christians? The answer is simple: Umno uses the Christians to quell dissatisfaction in the masses, principally the Malays. The non-Malays are also forced to go on the defensive and adopt a deferential role. Umno dislikes the building of bridges between different communities. Last year, there was plenty of bad news about the Malaysian economy, corruption, the empty promises of reforms by the government and the Election Commision (EC), Lynas rare-earth plant and the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal. Most infamous was the handling of the accusations of police brutality during the Bersih 2.0 march for democracy by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. These reports were in the run-up to the announcements by rogue politicians that Malays are being proselytized, or that solar-powered talking bibles are being used to convert the Malays. In recent weeks, former minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil blamed two online newspapers for misrepresenting the Auditor-General's report on the NFC. She also claimed that as a working woman she was not aware of what her husband and children were up to, although they lived in the same house. We also learnt that the Ministry of Finance had awarded a RM164.8 million tender to an allegedly unsuitable supplier of padi seeds. Who would be blamed for the failure to germinate? The weather or the farmer? Malacca's Chief Minister Ali Rustam entered the book of Malaysian records for his "cheap" RM600,000 wedding of his son, when 130,000 members of the public were invited to the feast, "sponsored" by companies and agents of the state. Would members of the public be permitted preferential use of facilities, like tents and air-conditioning units? Around 1,000 students and activists from independent Islamic schools (SAR) held a protest outside Parliament and questioned Umno about the lack of funding for their schools in the 2013 Budget. After months of being praised for being the perfect ambassadors for Malaysia and "the eyes and ears of the government in eradicating corruption", KL taxi drivers saw through this charade and took to the streets to protest about working conditions. Unfortunately after being fleeced by the taxi-drivers, the public were not sympathetic to their cause. Incidentally, the Auditor-General's 2011 report has been delayed. Why? In recent weeks, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad accused George Soros, Umno's public enemy No.1, of financing various NGOs to force a regime change in the country. So what did the public make of the revelation yesterday, that Najib had entertained billionaire financier Soros in New York, in 2010? One PM says Soros is evil, another PM courts him. The RM40 mil question All these contradictory stories would make even the most reclusive and ignorant Malaysian ask questions of the government, but the bombshell that Umno dreads most is the RM40 million question. Sabah businessman Michael Chia was carrying RM40 million worth of Singapore dollars when he was caught at the Hong Kong airport, in 2008, before he could board his flight to Kuala Lumpur. For whom was the money destined? The Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) charged Chia with money laundering and trafficking, but yesterday, Minister in the PM's department, Nazri Abdul Aziz said that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had found no evidence of corruption and that the money was a political contribution for the state Umno and not meant for Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.
Perkasa vs Suaram: Of demons and lies Posted: 09 Oct 2012 05:49 PM PDT The statement by the French prosecutor, says an article published on the Perkasa website, can be considered as a full-stop for Suaram's 'web of deceit'. RK Anand, FMT An article published on the Perkasa website has condemned Suaram as a thick-skinned manufacturer of fabrications while at the same time launched a salvo against its so-called demonic funders, the Zionists and George Soros, and their nefarious agenda. Described as an opposition-infiltrated NGO, Suaram was also accused of orchestrating a mission towards regime change in this nation under the guise of championing human rights. The article was responding to French government prosecutor Yves Charpenel who told Bernama that there was no ongoing trial in France with regard to the controversial Scorpene submarine deal. He said that the matter was still being probed by two French judges. "I am aware about all the fuss kicked up by certain media [organisations] in Malaysia over this matter but what I can say is that this is nothing more than a trial by the media," he had added. In an immediate reaction, Suaram's lawyer William Bourdon said that there had never been a question of an ongoing trial as the investigating judges were still continuing their inquiry. "The Tribunal deGrande Instance has convened a criminal inquiry of which Suaram has been accepted as a civil party since March 2012. Upon completion of the inquiry, the investigating judges will make the decision of whether the case goes to full trial," he had explained. The Perkasa article however claimed that Charpenal's statement could be considered as the full-stop for Suaram's web of deceit. "Despite faltering numerous times, the thick-skinned Suaram will issue denials and is not ashamed to face the media, and the people of Malaysia, continuing with their lies and charades. "Perhaps because Suaram has received enormous [foreign] funds, it has no choice but to continue peddling lies with the hope that Malaysia's Islamic government will eventually collapse," it read. The article also noted that Charpenel had said that the investigating judges had no right to conduct cross-border probes or interrogations. Launching a regime change mission It pointed out that Suaram had however claimed in the past that a trial was underway and certain high-profile figures could be slapped with subpoenas as well as released documents in the French language purportedly as evidence to substantiate its accusations. "This proves how low are the characters of those who are behind Suaram, which calls itself a defender of human rights. "It is as if Suaram has made a fool of everyone and spat on their faces with its willingness to lie in order to fulfill the agenda of the 'syaitan' [demon] which brings destruction through war and murder with the help of another 'syaitan' which manipulates the world's currency market," it read.
Anwar should control Azmin’s agenda Posted: 09 Oct 2012 03:55 PM PDT A PKR in disarray is Anwar in disarray because we know they are one and the same. CT Ali, FMT Before Anwar Ibrahim can lead Pakatan Rakyat into battle with Barisan Nasional at the 13th general election, before he can ask for the people to cast their votes his way, before he can seriously think that he can be prime minister, before all this can happen, he must first put right what is wrong within PKR. A PKR in disarray is Anwar in disarray because we know they are one and the same. I have been told many times by those in PKR that the affairs in the party are not the concern of anyone except those in PKR. But in an election year even how Maggi Mee and Kachip Fatimah do the marketing of their products is of interest to everybody – what more the happenings in PKR. That is why when PKR deputy president Azmin Ali tells us that Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim will be given a Cabinet post should Pakatan win the government, we want to know whether this is Azmin talking, PKR/Anwar talking or Pakatan talking? And more to the point, if Khalid is given a Cabinet post, who will be menteri besar of Selangor? Surely not Azmin! The entire fracas has taken me back to January this year when we were awaiting the verdict on Anwar's Sodomy ll trial. What was uppermost in my mind was not whether Anwar would be found innocent or guilty of that charge. Either way, I know that the trial has already turned many of our people against Najib Tun Razak and Umno, and will hurt them where it matters most – at the ballot box. So any verdict would be a victory for Pakatan. Of more concern to many of us was what would happen in PKR if Anwar was incarcerated? Who would take over PKR? Surely not Azmin? Today the same question is being asked: who will take over Khalid's place as menteri besar of Selangor. And the reason is very simple. Khalid may have his faults but there is no questioning of his integrity and his commitment to good governance in Selangor. Consider these:
Azmin's misgivings Now what has Azmin done since he became deputy president of PKR? His battle cry during the 2010 party elections was reform: clean up and refocus on PKR. What has he cleaned up within PKR and what has he refocused PKR towards? Like Najib, everything that you want Azmin to do, he has promised to do or said he will do. Like Najib, all that we want him to be, he will be. Like Najib, we know that what he does within PKR is not for PKR but for the advancement of his political agenda. So are we going to endure Azmin any more? As they say, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. So how is that Anwar is unable to see the misgivings we have for Azmin's position as PKR deputy president?
Posted: 09 Oct 2012 03:51 PM PDT Is Pakatan facing a wipe-out in Selangor, given the innumerable number of 'new' names on the voter list. Selena Tay, FMT According to DAP's Teluk Intan MP, M Manogaran, sources are speculating that the 13th general election is targeted for November but before that a big national Deepavali celebration will be held by Barisan Nasional to woo the Indian voters. Well, we will just have to wait and see if this is true. If indeed the polls are to be held on the last weekend of November, Parliament will have to be dissolved latest by Nov 5 as the current Parliament sitting is scheduled to go on till Nov 27. This means that the budget will have to be re-tabled in the new parliament term. The terminology used in this matter is: "to re-do the budget". In the meantime, the focus is still on the controversial electoral rolls and Pakatan Rakyat. Several non-governmental organisations will be seeking to hold a rally in the Bukit Jalil Stadium on Nov 3 to protest the fact that the electoral rolls have yet to be cleaned up. Based on the current electoral rolls, there are 10 Pakatan MPs who are most likely to lose their parliamentary seats in the 13th general election. The 10 are: 1. Nurul Izzah Anwar (Lembah Pantai, PKR) 2. R Sivarasa (Subang, PKR) 3. William Leong (Selayang, PKR) 4. Zuraida Kamarudin (Ampang, PKR) 5. Titiwangsa (a PAS seat. A young PAS lawyer will be contesting this seat.) 6. Dr Siti Mariah (Kota Raja, PAS) 7. Dzulkefly Ahmad (Kuala Selangor, PAS) 8. Khalid Samad (Shah Alam, PAS) 9. Charles Santiago (Klang, DAP) 10.Teo Nie Ching (Serdang, DAP) Looking at the above list, one can see that eight out of the 10 seats are in Selangor. The two KL seats are Lembah Pantai and Titiwangsa which belonged to the late Dr Lo'lo' Ghazali of PAS. This simply shows that Selangor is under severe threat from the BN side. As for Nurul Izzah, in 2008 she won by a majority of 2,895 votes. Currently, there are over 10,000 new names in her constituency. Dzulkefly won by a slim margin of 862 votes in the previous general election. He too has over 10,000 new names in his constituency. Both will need a miracle to win this time around as all their efforts and hard work may not be sufficient. Wipe-out ahead? So is Pakatan going to face a massive wipe-out? The Election Commission's (EC) stubbornness in refusing to clean up the electoral roll certainly indicates that something is afoot. Is the EC really impartial and independent? The Pakatan MPs have written to the EC several times to initiate a meeting in regard to the electoral roll but all to no avail. The EC officers' reluctance to meet with the Pakatan MPs to discuss issues pertaining to the electoral roll does not reflect well on the former's professionalism. These officers must realise that they are public servants. The rakyat pay taxes and pay their salaries. Therefore the EC's duty is solely towards the rakyat. This shows that under the the Najib administration, things have become worse and the same goes for the Auditor-General's Report. As at time of writing, the Auditor-General's Report is still not out yet. Sad to say, the Najib administration has the worst performance in regard to the Auditor-General's Report. During Dr Mahathir Mohamad's tenure it was always on time, sometimes one, two or even seven days earlier. If not, then the Audit-General's Report was always on the table of all MPs on the same day that the budget is presented. During Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's tenure, it was late at times but not more than three days late. Najib Tun Razak's tenure is the worst. Last year, it was 17 days late. Looks like all the hype surrounding the Key Performance Index (KPI) is just for show only as even the crime rate seems to have worsened. Najib's lost control Even the influx of foreign workers has become worse. There are daily press reports of gangfights and killings among foreign workers and this gives a bad image to the country.
Whistleblowing is an Islamic duty Posted: 08 Oct 2012 01:47 PM PDT Maszlee Malik, The Malay Mail There were countless incidents during a lifetime of Prophet Muhammad where a use of whistleblowing was sanctioned. In another hadith, Zaid garbage bin Khalid reported which Prophet Muhammad said: "Shall you not tell you who is a most appropriate of witnesses? The a single who brings his sworn statement before being asked to do so, or tells his sworn statement when he is asked for it." (Narrated by Malik). It is evident from this convention which a soothsayer was enlivening hisummahto blow a alarm voluntarily, as a dignified requisite towards a maslahah, (public interest as great as benefits of a incomparable society). If you look during it from a point of view ofamru bil maaruf(enjoining goodness) as great as wal nahy an almunkar(forbidding wrongdoing) or from a perspective ofshahada(witness attestation), which is mandatory upon Muslims, then! alarm floating is a "duty" given a purpose of whistleblowing is a same as which of ! 'enjoini ng goodness as great as ominous wrongdoing'. The polite as great as domestic administration department department of Prophet Muhammad (who as personality of a city state of Medina, was a showcase of competency, burden as great as transparency. These were likewise practical to a administration department department of government income as great as expenditure in a provinces. The soothsayer reminded him by saying: "What is wrong with a male whom you allocated as a taxation collector as great as he said this is for you as great as which was given to me? If he stayed in his parent's house, would something be given to him?" (Narrated by al-Bukhari) On another occasion, a soothsayer was quoted as constantly reminding his companions by saying: "Whomsoever you designate over an affair, you shall give him provision. What he takes after which is crack of trust." (Narrated by Abu Daud) The 4 rightly-guided caliphs, a successors of Prophet Muhammad continued a benchmarks of competency, burden as great as clarity in their administration department department of a state. Abu Bak r, a initial caliph after a prophet, stressed a significance of burden as great as a poise of people with authority in a village in his really initial debate to a Muslim village after being elected as a caliph, saying: "Cooperate with me when you am right, though scold me when you commit error; obey me so prolonged as you follow a commandments of Allah as great as His Pro! phet; th ough spin away from me when you deviate." (Narrated by al-Hindi as great as Ibn Kathir). His alternative companions mostly held him to account for his decisions as great as administration department department of a state. It was reported which whilst Omar was once delivering a Friday sermon, an ordinary person rose as great as interrupted, saying: "O a personality of a believers, you won't attend to your oration until you insist how you came up with your prolonged skirt (the Arabian robe)." Apparently, there was a little distribution of fabric to a people as great as given a measure of distribution as great as a tallness of Omar; he could not have done a skirt out of his share. So, a observant voice of egalitarianism unhesitatingly challenged Omar, a personality of a immeasurable caliphate. Omar's son stood up as great as explained which he gave his share to his father, so which a skirt could be done to! fit Oma r. The observant voice then expressed his capitulation as great as sat down, as great as Omar resumed his oration (Ibn Qutaybah, 2002: 1/55). Accountability of open administrators Omar's policy upon burden was not singular to a obsolete style of written complaints as great as defamation from a public. As for a open offices, he determined a specific bureau to understanding with a burden of a open administrators. The bureau was designed for a investigation of complaints opposite officers of a state which reached a caliph. When it was initial established, Om! ar alloc ated Muhammad ibn Maslamah to take a responsibility of this ombudsman-like department. The caliph additionally discharged governors when a people complained opposite them. Among those discharged was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (Saad Ibnu Abi Waqqas. In a after proviso of Muslim history, a specially-designed bureau great known as Diwan al-Mazalim was determined to lift put this task, which currently can be deliberate a exemplary chronicle of a ? la mode ombudsman. O nce, whilst delivering a sermon, Omar said: "My rights over open supports (the Baitul Mal) have been similar to those of a guardians of an orphan. If great placed in life, you will not explain anything from it. In box of need, you shall draw usually as much as it is constitutionally allowed for providing food. He was available by historians to have released certificates, witnessed by a group of elders, to all duly allocated governors stipulating which a administrator should not float an costly h! orse, ea t white bread, wear any fine cloth or forestall a people's needs (from being satisfied). This is only a single example of Omar showcasing a practise of clarity where a ruler, as great as a state officers, should have zero to hide from a open as great as have been open to inspection of their use of open funds. Another example of burden as great as open airing of grievances practised during a period of a rightly-guided caliphs can be found in a important letter written by a fourth caliph, Ali ibn Abi Talib, to a administrator of Egypt, Malik al-Ashtar, as available in a gathering of Ali's letters as great as sermons, 'Nahjul Balaghah'. In his recommendation to a governor, Ali asserts: "Out of your hours of work, fix a time for a complainants as great as for those who want to proceed you with their grievances. During this time, you should do no alternative work though listen to them as great as pay attention to their complaints as great as grievances. 'Let them verbalise unreservedly' "For this purpose, you must prepare open audience for them; during this audience, for a sake of Allah, provide them with kindness, pleasantness as great as respect. Do not let your army as great as police be in a audience hall during such times so which those who have grievances opposite your regime might verbalise to you freely, unreservedly as great as without fear." All of these examples spell out a significance as great as critical purpose of whistleblowing as another facet of ensuring competency, burden as great as clarity in upholding justice as great as great governance. Whistleblowing has regularly been an integral member of a Islamic domestic culture, strongly rooted in a ontological recognition given a really beginning. Furthermore, Muslim scholars, both a past as great as present, have been really prolific in their writings upon topics related to burden as great as a use ofmazalimandhisbah(public inquiry). A mong a most important was 'al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyyah', a magnum musical composition of al-Mawardi (al-Mawardi, 1995), in which he dealt with both a topics ofmazalimandhisbahextensively. Another exemplary scholar, Ibn Taimiyah, additionally authored a book titled 'Hisbah', in which he discussed hisbah as a pertinent responsibility of each Muslim particular as great as additionally as an requisite upon Muslim rulers (Ibn Taimiyah, 1985). Al-Ghazali, in a same token, dealt with a emanate of burden of a woman monarch as great as his officers in his celebrated 'Nasehat al-Mulk', which was his recommendation to a son of a sultan during his time. However, it was a distinguished vizier as great as scholar, Nizamul Muluk, who smartly deliberated these topics in a really normative meaning in his shining treatise, 'Siyasat Nameh'. These deductive analogies, formed upon sound justification from authentic eremite texts, spell out a nobleness as great as righteousness of genuine acts of whistleblowing to inspire as great as promote competency, burden as great as clarity in a societies. Even though there is no direct anxiety to complicated day whistleblowing per se, a principles it embraces implies which whistleblowing is partial as great as parcel of a comprehensive scheme of great governance to grasp a top goal of Islamic nicely in order to safeguard justice with integrity as great as mercy wit! hin a parameters of maqasid al-syariah. Moreover, a use of whistleblowing is additionally deliberate an movement of worship. According to Yusuf Al-Qaradawy, "whenever a Muslim follows up great intentions with a slight action, his movement becomes an movement of worship." Ulama should back whistleblowers The augmenting acts of genuine whistleblowing, which you declare today, meant which all is not great with a state of trustworthiness as great as integrity of a domestic governance. The courageous acts of a few who have sto! od up op posite a establishment to display a wrongdoings of people in open bureau as great as a gross abuse of open supports have been exemplary acts of piety in a pursuit of great governance to attain a contentment of society. Regrettably, this eminent means is being led by a politician as great as non-scholars instead of an 'apolitical' or non-partisan entity or individuals. Civil society, free from a clutches of narrow-minded politics, should perfectly be leading this whistleblowing initiative. We would brave supplement which Islamic-based organisations as great as Muslim scholars, given of their ontological awareness, ought to be spearheading this citizen's watchdog beginning to guard as great as protect opposite rubbish as great as detriment of open supports as great as abuses of open office. However, disappointingly, most of a Islamic scholars (ulama), whom you had expected to be during a forefront of such righteous efforts in a area of polite as great as domestic governance, have been engrossed with 'red herring' issues which in most cases usually offer to polarise serve a multi-racial as great as multi-religious make-up of Malaysian society. The failure of a ulama to spearhead such an beginning would send a wrong signal to a lay Muslims, as great as remonstrate them which whistleblowing is alien to a corpus of Islamic belief. We goal which this distinguished as great as fair attempt will move a brand new chapter as great as in essence, a brand new goal in a endless episodes of a onslaught to defend democracy as great as great governance in a beloved country, Malaysia. As a consequence, you goal these efforts will evolve a some-more competent, accountable as great as pure domestic governance. Undoubt! edly, th ere have been whistleblowing actions taken by a great adults in a past. The stream bid takes a whistleblowing beginning to a higher turn of open engagement. The 'National Oversight as great as Whistleblowers Centre' is a really laudable bid t! o galvan ize as great as make established this endeavour, thus creation whistleblowing some-more structured, guided as great as professional. We sincerely as great as unreservedly urge all civic-minded adults of Malaysia, regardless of race, religion as great as domestic affiliations, to await this excellent whistleblowing initiative. Above all, you strongly inspire a Muslim community, eremite scholars (ulama) as great as Islamic organisations to welcome this polite multitude beginning in a common quest of attaining competency, accountability, transparency, great governance as great as adult well-being. We strongly believe which all these qualities have been indisputably syariah imperatives as great as main pillars of a Islamic domestic norms which all Muslims should aspire to achieve. MASZLEE MALIK is with International Islamic University Malaysia, whilst MUSA MOHD NORDIN is with a Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF). |
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