Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- SAMM rakam pujian buat kerajaan negeri yang tangguh/halang AES dan SAMM terus ajak rakyat desak ...
- Genneva: Cooking up allegations
- Revive NFC Export Quality Abattoir, Malaysia’s food security under seige
- Seat negotiations still on-going in Sabah
- NMC’s resolution a shameful admittance of Malay failure
- Jolie, Ashley & Gang for Adoption
- Stupid & Stupider
- Don’t be Duped by BN’s Bread and Circuses
SAMM rakam pujian buat kerajaan negeri yang tangguh/halang AES dan SAMM terus ajak rakyat desak ... Posted: 29 Oct 2012 05:13 PM PDT AES celaru, ramai bantah khususnya dilokasi mengarut seperti 30km/j Jika ada masalah tidak ada ruang rayuan terpaksa terus hadir ke mahkamah dan rayuan atau masalah diutarakan dalam mahkamah sahaja. Bertambah sibuklah mahkamah negara. Yaser Sheikh Abd Rahman, Penyelaras Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
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Genneva: Cooking up allegations Posted: 28 Oct 2012 12:59 PM PDT
Shereen Lim The Media, BNM, relevant authorities and some dignitaries do not have the decency to speak or publish the truth despite us having repeatedly highlighted to them many times. They are the prime examples of the kind of pious commentators incapable of reporting the truth. They see themselves as the champion for the government and authorities. We deserve to be respected. We do not deserve the media and others cooking up allegations. The public has the right to know the truth without it being misconstrued. We are totally disgusted with the Media, the BNM and relevant authorities as well as to those who continue to persecute and ridicule us. For nearly a month now, much of the coverage has been filled with contemptuous remarks about Genneva Malaysia and its customers. They seem to rally against Genneva Malaysia that is entirely focused on misconceived, inaccurate and incorrect reports. a) Genneva Malaysia does not offer an Investment Plan to its customers, b) It does not fall under purview of BNM & the statement of bailout is gravely misleading. c) Genneva Malaysia does not promise or guarantee a return d) Genneva Malaysia does not have agents e) Customers acquire direct ownership of physical gold (in other words, we received physical gold).
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Revive NFC Export Quality Abattoir, Malaysia’s food security under seige Posted: 28 Oct 2012 12:54 PM PDT
This NFCorp feedlot and abattoir is the closest in specification to the requirements of Australia's new export laws. However, its capacity is limited to 30 heads of cattle per shift per day. As such, the EQA remains imperative for the NFC project to be a complete success. Fabiani Azmi Bernama reports that a new Aussie ruling has affected cattle supply for Aidiladha. A stricter export policy under Australia's Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) has come into effect. Azizan Omar, 48, owner of a livestock farm PB Ramunia in Batu Pahat, Johor, said that only abattoirs that had been audited and approved by the Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) were allowed to slaughter such imported animals. He said the ruling had affected mosques, associations and individuals as they could not obtain the certificate or approval to carry out the slaughter. Blog journo Fabiani Azmi says the deferred NFC Export Quality Abattoir by the government is long overdue by several years. The NFC beef project suspension needs to be lifted. Malaysia must move forward in food security and not allow the opposition and their rhetorics to set it back by 10 years. The debate continues. Defence lawyers for National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp) recently issued a media statement welcoming the Attorney General's remarks, "The investigation did not reveal criminal breaches as far as the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry (MOA) is concerned." The lawyers pointed that the controversy was merely a commercial breach on the part of the ministry when it failed to perform its obligation to build an Export Quality Abattoir (EQA) in accordance with the Implementation Agreement. The EQA formed an integral and critical path for the successful implementation of the NFC beef project. It was pivotal for many of the project's stages including an Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP) to nurture 310 contract farmers and 186,000 heads of cattle by 2014. The media statement from the legal firm Shafee & Co underscored, "The EQA, vis-a-vis the project, is the fulcrum and the very lifeline to the entire scheme of the project in all its phases."
Why the need for an Export Quality Abattoir? Quality beef comes from a wholesome food chain from 'farm-to-fork'. The best breeds are reared with the best fodder in the best of grasslands, nurtured until they are ready for slaughter at Export Quality Abattoirs. Unlike slaughter houses which are very basic in nature, an EQA encompasses the complete chain of events from slaughter to beef production in world-class hygienic systems before it is delivered to the customer and consumer. This is a mandatory standard by the international hypermarkets and supermarkets operating in Malaysia before the beef can be retailed to local consumers. It is also the preferred standard for quality meats by hotels, restaurants and cafes. Notwithstanding, discerning housewives too demand the cleanest cuts for their dinner tables. In an update, Bernama reported that only abattoirs that had been audited and approved by the Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) were allowed to slaughter such imported animals. A stricter export policy under Australia's Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) had come into force. It quoted livestock farmer Azizan Omar having said, "I have been informed by livestock sellers that a new export policy of Australia prohibits export to buyers without proper abattoir facilities. Even though I could import the animals from neighbouring countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, they too have their own problems and they give priority to their local buyers." Gombak Agro Farm operator Noor Azzuddin Abdul Aziz said the prices of livestock had also soared by between 40 and 45 per cent due to the short supply. He said a cow previously sold at RM2,500 could cost RM5,000 while the prices of goats ranged from RM600 to RM5,000 according to the size of the animals. Ishak Hassan, manager of the Ishak Hassan Farm in Seremban, said he decided to skip doing the business this year due to the problems in the market. Signs are there in the horizon that our food security is under siege.
NFC Export Quality Abattoir needs to be revived Now that we have a clearer picture of things, will the government revive the EQA? To meet the targeted beef production schedule, the MOA in accordance with an Implementation Agreement, was obligated to build an EQA with a capacity of 350 heads of cattle per shift per day for the NFC beef project. A fully equipped EQA is estimated to cost RM60 million to build and furnish, and two years to complete. There is no EQA of this magnitude, capacity and class in Malaysia today. So it was important that the EQA be built by the MOA to fulfill the colossal production targets set by the government itself for the NFC project – 246,000 heads of cattle by 2015. Presently at the NFC in Gemas, there is only one interim mini abattoir built by NFCorp to meet NFCorp's needs. It is certified with a "Veterinary Health Mark" logo, a symbol of quality awarded to the livestock product processing plant under the Veterinary Inspection and Accreditation Programme, Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia. The abattoir is also certified Halal by JAKIM. This NFCorp feedlot and abattoir is the closest in specification to the requirements of Australia's new export laws. However, its capacity is limited to 30 heads of cattle per shift per day. As such, the EQA remains imperative for the NFC project to be a complete success. Most of the quality beef that we consume are imports and come at a price that only diners fork out at fine hotels, restaurants and cafes. The best cuts from butchers at high-end supermarkets are also several notches pricier. Quality beef does come with a price to match. It is no wonder that the beef import business in Malaysia is estimated at a mega RM2 billion annually and controlled by cartels determined to see their businesses undisturbed.
National Meat Policy (Ruminant Sector) 2006 As a result, the Government introduced the National Meat Policy (Ruminant Sector) 2006 to liberate the industry and to ensure Malaysians from all walks of life, can enjoy not only quality meat from the best livestock breeds but at affordable prices. By 2015, it is hoped that Malaysia can see self-sufficiency levels rise to 40 per cent, a 100 per cent increase from current levels. Therefore in 2006, the government mooted the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) as a high impact project. To kick start, 1,500 acres in Gemas, Negeri Sembilan, was leased as a local prairie and production centre to NFCorp for 30 years to grow the beef project business. The EQA completes the 'farm-to-fork' food chain.
Benefits from an export quality abattoir An EQA allows for the preparation, processing and delivery of the best cuts with food safety in accordance with world class standards. The location, design, layout and construction of EQAs and the choice of fixtures, fittings, equipment, and storage facilities are a science in itself. Once the EQA is in place, contract farmers under the Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP) would also have world-class facilities for their cattle to be prepared in accordance to top-notch standards. Under the EDP, entrepreneurs would comprise individual contract farmers nurturing the best of breeds. Imported at an average 300 kg in weight, the cattle are bred until they are twice their weight at 600 kg before slaughter. In the immediate term, NFCorp was looking at grooming 130 entrepreneurs and by 2015, it was hoped to groom 310 entrepreneurs to participate in this high-impact industry. Some 3,000 farm hands would also be gainfully employed in this scheme.
78,000 Metric Tonnes of Beef Products By 2015, EDP contract farmers are expected to breed and slaughter 186,000 heads of cattle while NFCorp has a target of 60,000 heads of cattle. Cumulatively, this is 246,000 heads of cattle or an equivalent of 78,000 metric tonnes of quality beef products for Malaysians. More importantly, this raises our food security by a further 20 per cent. The EQA is therefore a pivotal structure to ensure the success of the aspirations of the National Meat Policy (Ruminant Sector) 2006. To be leased to NFCorp, the government-built EQA would ensure that beef production numbers could be achieved according to targets set in the Implementation Agreement signed between NFCorp and the Government. It would also see the roll-out of the EDP that prepares 310 contract farmers to go large scale. However, the EQA remains deferred and the NFC project suspended. This would mean that Malaysia's food security is put in a vulnerable position. In the event of natural calamities or war or trade sanctions or stricter export rulings, imports could be disrupted and Malaysians would have no beef at the dinner table. Food security will indeed come under siege. Will Malaysians end up being vegetarians? It is high time that the NFC beef project is revived, the EQA is built, and a high impact industry is re ignited. Hungry stomachs will not vote.
About the Writer Fabiani Azmi is an avid reader of Malaysia Today, intelligent mainstream newspapers and Internet news portals. When not reading, he also enjoys the company of sapiosexuals. It's a highly stimulating discovery for him. Follow Fabiani @fabaz88. | ||||||||
Seat negotiations still on-going in Sabah Posted: 28 Oct 2012 09:26 AM PDT
FMT LETTER: From Dr Edwin Bosi, via e-mail I refer to the FMT article, 'DAP's gesture of goodwill to SAPP' published on Oct 27. I would like to point out that only the party chairman, cecretary and publicity secretary are allowed to speak to the press on matters concerning the party. Quoting anyone from the party without revealing their name and position is therefore inappropriate, unjust and unfair to DAP Sabah. We regret that FMT did not seek a clarification or validation on the anonymous news sources with DAP Sabah officially. For DAP Sabah, seat negotiations is still on-going within the Pakatan Rakyat framework. It is an open secret that Kota Kinabalu Parliamentary constituency and the state seat of Sri Tanjung will be contested by DAP. We have through our Pakatan Rakyat seat negotiations, been allocated two other MP seats and six state seats. Some of the state seats are in Kota Kinabalu. Our chairman Jimmy Wong has stated that DAP Sabah is still negotiating with our partners PKR and PAS so that we can contest in at least 10 MP and 20 state seats. I would like to reiterate here that DAP Sabah has never discussed with any party other than PKR and PAS on seats allocation. However, the door of cooperation with local parties is still open. DAP Sabah prefers that all local parties outside PR to emulate APS and PPPS so that the seat negotiations within the framework of Pakatan Rakyat can be resolved and realised the soonest. The writer is DAP Sabah secretary
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NMC’s resolution a shameful admittance of Malay failure Posted: 27 Oct 2012 03:19 PM PDT Daniel John Jambun The resolution by the National Malay Congress (NMC) held on November 24 in Kuala Lumpur that government projects below RM100 million be given to Malay contractors under direct negotiation and that GLCs adopt a a more aggressive Malay Agenda is a dark and shameful spot in the history of Malaysia. It is unbelievable that after the billions of ringgits wasted by the government to spoonfeed the Malays under the NEP and other affirmative programs, the former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir, admits the Malays had not had enough, and that Malays are supposed to be now beggars in their own land! It is no secret that Mahasthir was making another thinly-veiled swipe against ther Malaysian Chinese for being economically successful in Malaysia. But he seems to have forgotten that this Chinese success is actually the root of the Malaysia's econnomic success. The Chinese are not the culprits, but the hero of Malaysia economics. It is the so-called Malays businessmen, political cronies and leaders like Mahathir who are the culprits. They awarded projects to themselves, gave the Malays all sorts of privileges and the Malays still failed, or as Mahathir in his senility says, had become beggars in their own land. How is this possible? Let me quote one Bryant (of India) who wrote an open letter to Mahathir online: "As you are aware, the Malays control the rights to all the lands and natural resources in this country. They control all government institutions, GLC and state-owned companies. The Malays also dominate the lawmaking process in Malaysia including the decision-making processes in the formulation of the country's economy policies." The fact is the Chinese never did take anything away from the Malays; it is the Malays who have taken things away from the other racial groups. The Chinese is a race without any privilege or rights, and still they progressed! Some decades ago the government made it compulsory for students to pass the Bahasa Malaysia in order to pass the SPM, with the expectation that this would pose a major challenge to the Chinese students. But to the chagrin of the Malay educationists, the Chinese scored better in BM compared to their Malay schoolmates! Mahathir himself is fully aware of the weakness of the Malays as he had elaborated in The Malay Dilemma, so now he is proposing that this weakness be overcome by spoon-feeding the Malays even more. He is ignoring the fact that whatever monetary gifts and privileges he gives to the Malays actually comes from the sweat of the Chinese who keep the trade and commerce in Malaysia alive and vibrant. It is the Malays who are doing al the wastage with the spoon-feeding, and most of what they get goes down the economic drain. A good example is the fate of the Penang Malays who according to Ibrahim Ali had been sidelined by the Chinese in development. The reality is, according to an online writer quoted by Judith A. Nagata in "Heritage as History: Plural Narrative of the Penang Malays": the "…Malays have done little to help themselves. Since the implementation of Malay preferential quotas and opportunities in the original New Economic Policy… many Malay have… grown too accustomed to their privileges, and have consequently made less efforts to achieve what others have strived for. Quoting the Minister of Trade and Industry in Mahathir's cabinet in the 1980s, Rafidah Aziz, [who admitted] that'Malays can achieve but can't sustain it': ('Melayu mampu daya maju tetapi tak mampu dayan tahan'), the writer goes on to deplore how lands and preferential stocks and shares (amanah saham) designated for Malays in the stock exchange, have routinely been sold off for short-term cash… the Malays [should blame themselves], not outsiders, for their lack of competitive success today." Mahathir also need to remind himself that the national revenue mostly come from the Chinese who, according to the MCA, pay 83 percent of the nation's income tax. Take away the Chinese businesses and the nation will stumble overnight. The real cruelty and tyranny of the resolutions of the NMC is that, by seeking to give even higher preferential treatments for the Malays through a more concerted Malay Agenda, it is actually grossly unconstitutional, for the simple reason that Article 153 of the Federal Constitution grants the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King of Malaysia) responsibility for "safeguard[ing] the special position of the 'Malays' and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak…" It's deplorable that former leaders like Mahathir have the gall to talk only about Malay interests when the country doesn't belong to the Malays only. This is another proof that the ultra-Malay nationalists have no feeling whatsoever for the interests of the other racial groups in Malaysia , and least of all the people of the Borneo States, without whom there would have been no Malaysia . The Malay nationalists keeps talking of races in Malaysia as being limited to the Malays, Chinese and Indians, forgetting that in Sabah and Sarawak there dozens of other Malaysians races needing attention. Mahathir too, needs to appreciate that the people of the Borneo States are contributing a tremendous lot to the federal coffer, mainly through its oil revenue, and much of these Borneo resources actually goes into the pockets of Malay Umno cronies. As such, to forget and sideline the natives of the Borneo States is an act of ingratitude and plain arrogance. This is exactly why the State Reform Party is fighting for the Borneo Agenda, for preservation and restoration of the rights and autonomy of the Borneo States. We can't depend on the leaders in Kuala Lumpur to give us what had been promised to use from the very beginning because they will always fall back to the Malay Agenda. It is so ironic that the NMC had resolved to make a stand against corruption, cronyism and abuse of power and when in fact their call for greater privilege for the Malay is actually to support corruption, cronyism and abuse of power! What else do direct negotiation of project award, promotion of the Malay Agenda among GLCs, and more preferential treatments for the Malays mean, if not corruption, cronyism an abuse of power? How far can direct award of projects to some selected Malay contractors actually help the Malays. This had been done a lot in the past, but the benefits had not gone down to the Malay grassroots. In fact now, there is rebellion among low and middle Malays because of their hatred for Umno which has been widely known to have failed to help the common Malay, but instead had only enriched and made billionaires among Umno cronies through corruption and abuses of power. What the Malays really need is not anymore spoonfeeding but empowerment through socio-economic developments and rigorious mental revolution to make them succeed and be able to sustain and increase their wealth. What the NMC wants is only to increase privileges for the selected few, a step which will make the Malay proletariat hate the ruling elites even more, and join the opposition, including DAP, a Chinese party, to express their rebellion against the corrupt Umno leaders.
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Jolie, Ashley & Gang for Adoption Posted: 26 Oct 2012 05:07 PM PDT | ||||||||
Posted: 26 Oct 2012 01:50 AM PDT
TAKDENAMA NEWS REPORT, MMXII Bloody Slow Breaking News, Selangor. An undisclosed whistle blower had come forward to inform this news agency that Ampang MP and PKR Wanita Chief, Zuraida Kamaruddin aka Azmin's lackey, turned up at ADUN Cempaka YB Iskandar Samad's offices sometime last week when the latter was not around. Accompanying Zuraida is one Chinese old man, Mr. Yap aka Zuraida's "new" lackey, who is also the self appointed PKR Cabang (unofficial) Pandan Jaya "taiko". The two felons had approached YB Iskandar's aide ordering him to use Iskandar's official stamp on an official letter issued from PKR Selangor, stating that the issue has been discussed "upstairs" and that the stamp was required to complete the authorization of Mr. X as the new penghulu of Ampang New Village. Incidentally, everybody who is somebody in the Ampang & Pandan area knows that Iskandar is due to fly overseas the following day and will not be in his office that particular day. His office has officially informed both DAP and PKR's offices a few weeks before. When ordered by Zuraida, common sense prevailed and Iskandar's aide was quick to inform the Ampang MP that Iskandar's official stamp is always with him and not being kept in the office and that Zuraida and Mr Yap could either go directly to Iskandar's residence or wait until he comes back from his trip. That statement did not go down too well with Zuraida and she left without stating another word. | ||||||||
Don’t be Duped by BN’s Bread and Circuses Posted: 25 Oct 2012 10:56 AM PDT
Nicole Tan Lee Koon, Secretary, Seremban branch, DAP NS The term "Bread and Circuses" (Latin: panem et circenses) is a figure of speech for a fake sense of satisfaction or the "feel good" factor. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the garnering of public approval through manipulation and/or the instant/quick mere satisfaction of the shallow requirements of the citizens. In other words, as "panadols" for quick fixes. Juvenal (a Roman poet) defined it as "a simplistic motivation of common people". The phrase is taken to describe a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life. To politicians, it connotes the winning formula for the survival of the Roman Republic for centuries. Both the Roman Republic and China's Han dynasty lasted for 500 years. The former used "bread and circuses" whilst the latter was an absolute monarchy. Instead of winning the citizens' approval through excellent public service and policies, the Roman Republic gave cheap food and entertainment. The Roman Republic provided the bread and circuses in order to order to keep the Roman citizens from becoming too discontent with their lives. The Roman government provided the citizens with enough food (bread) so they wouldn't starve and enough entertainment (circuses) so they would be amused. Hence, the Romans elected them again and again. BN's breads are the 1Malaysia goodies and handouts (BR1M Part 1 & 2, free tyres for taxi drivers, smart phone allowances for young adults, FELDA's RM15,000, pay rise for civil servants, etc). BN's latest " bread" was announced by Najib : "Najib Announces RM2.98 Billion for Sabah next year" ( BN's circuses shows are the alphabet soup management (ETP, GTP, NKRA etc); not forgetting tarring the roads before any General elections. Another great circus show was Najib's "groundbreaking" announcement in his Malaysia Day's speech. He said the government shall repeal the 3 Emergency Declarations and the draconian statutes like ISA, Printing Presses and Publications Act and Banishment Food (or bread) for thought : is BN using the age old formula of "Bread and Circuses" to survive another general elections? Are we gullible enough to allow that to happen again? N.B : Steven Sim's article "Is A Country A Brand?" also touches on bread and circuses. |
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