Sabtu, 24 Disember 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

FGV listing and the interests of settlers

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:19 AM PST

So, we have to establish whether settlers have a standing in the first place to even question the listing. If they don't, they should shut up for as long as they get free benefits and are taken care of.

If we do indeed establish that settlers have standing and deemed interests, then we move on to ask, is the FGV listing a sellout to FELDA? So the second of our attention should be directed to the question whether the listing is a sellout.  

Let's face it- the interest of settlers is indirect here and is of little consequence. It should be a non-issue. As long as they get whatever form of benefits- bonuses, end of year cash handouts, futsal fields, indoor stadiums, hockey turfs, MRSM College, FELDA University- they should be thankful. Just on account of being a settler- they get all these. Where else can they get this kind of preferential treatment of being cared for from cradle to grave?

FELDA can continue giving all these, if it makes money as a whole. If it has the reserves from which they appropriate and apply as in the above examples we gave. And FELDA does indeed have the reserves. They even sued those who accused FELDA of being bankrupt. At its height, its reserves were RM 40 billion, then RM 4 billion and today- we don't know how much. Maybe this listing will top up the depleting reserves. We don't really know.

Hence the government which owns FELDA is greatly disturbed when people question the proposed listing of FELDA's businesses not directly owned by settlers nor operated by them. Settlers tend their 10 acre lots- that are all they do. It's FELDA- through FELDA Holdings and FGV that does business. Settlers have no business to interfere in these organizations run professionally.

Settlers derive direct benefits via ownership of the FELDA plots they have on which they worked on. They get benefits when they sell their FFB at FELDA owned mills at specific price level. Their interests are looked after better if they get good price for FFB, if the extraction rate of the oil is done truthfully, if their planting operations costs have been good. Their interests are better off, if the output per hectare is as good as estates operated by United Plantations, KLK, IOI and so forth.



The tragedy that is Umno

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 09:07 AM PST

Umno is full of Malays who are afraid to say "No". "No" to corruption. "No" to power abuse. "No" to seeking as well as giving patronage.

Perhaps one can add, "No" to Mahathir, "No" to Najib.

Umno has been in power for over 54 years. Not all Malays wish to be in Umno, but Umno does need all of the Malays for it to be a potent force. Today, Umno refuses to accept that Malays are abandoning Umno.

Around the time of independence, Umno may have had people of quality within its ranks. Today, it is alleged that loyalty is determined by money. Is that what Umno think the Malays are proud of? That their allegiance is easily bought? Umno strips Malays of self-worth and self-respect.

Instead of using intelligent discourse and logic to dissect any issue, Umno uses sexual allegations or character assassinations, to blacken the reputation of members of the opposition. Opposition leaders had their characters or their children's character tarnished with untrue allegations in pro-Umno blogs.

Gutter politics are prevalent in Umno and was witnessed during the last Umno general assembly. Name calling and snide insinuations seemed to be the order of the day. These men and women, who are supposed to be leaders and pillars of Malay society, are a disgrace to themselves and the nation.

In Umno, men who were guilty of sexual acts, against their hired help or against minors, talk about the sexual behaviour of other people, as if they led blameless lives. Those who are guilty of money politics tried to distract attention by calling on opposition members to resign. What happened to accountability and responsibility?

These men and women, talk about religion as if they were themselves, free of sin. These same people use any opportunity to say that the failure of the Malays is because of the dominance of the non-Malays.

In education, for instance, the Malays are given the best chances for obtaining a higher education. Things are made deliberately easy for them. The undesirable side-effect is that they and their children grow up lacking aspiration and ambition.

Malays who wanted to improve themselves by learning English are now considered traitors. Many Malays who study overseas have a poor grasp of English. Many who were not allowed to mix with other races at home, found great difficulty adapting to life with non-Malays.

Is this what Umno leaders want of the Malay? For them to be cocooned and their minds closed to what is happening in the global arena?

Tunnel vision

Malays have lost the respect of the other races and nationalities. Worldwide, people are breaking down the walls which prevent intermingling, but not, it appears, in the Malay race.

Malays have tunnel vision when it comes to understanding social mores. They see non-Malays and non-Muslims as a threat to their very existence. They feel that they are far superior to the other races or nationalities, and their belligerence prevents them from accepting that others are superior to them in many fields; be it education, business, social integration and civility.



Will Anwar Ibrahim be incarcerated?

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:48 AM PST

The story goes that Anwar Ibrahim stands a hopeless chance at getting an acquittal, if we were to base it on an earlier trial of about a similar offence in 1998. PKR has to brace itself for the worst case scenario where a leadership vacuum in the party will occur if Anwar Ibrahim is found guilty and is sentence to a jail term. I think that leadership vacuum will also be felt in the PR, but how this will affect the coalition's chances in the upcoming elections is difficult to predict.

There have also been numerous assessments citing the possibility of PR winning the elections, i.e. with or without Anwar Ibrahim. Some believe that Anwar Ibrahim isn't a critical factor in winning the elections anymore, and neither is there the 'sympathy factor' that impacted upon PR successes in the 2008 general elections. What are more important now are issues and exposures affecting UMNO/BN today that are most likely to weaken BN's reputation in the run up to the elections. And issues and exposures detailing UMNO/BN 50 odd years of wrong doing are slowly emerging. Even former PM Tun Dr. Mahathir 20 odd years of rule is not spared of public debate and criticism.

Even if Anwar were to be acquitted and assumes the premiership (should PR win the election), at best he would only last one term as he would breach his 70th birthday at the end of that term. It is for this reason that I think, PR should start developing and identifying a second tier leaders that are reasonably young capable (free of all the worldly vices) of taking over the leadership, so that when a leadership change does occur, the transition would be smooth. I believe the PR leadership today is not devoid of young and able leaders that are not seen to have been inflicted or to have been influence by the 'evils and vices of politics'. This is simply because they all have not savored political power, but once in power I certainly am not ruling out the chances of them emulating the inherent adverse qualities of the present UMNO/BN leadership. This will be the biggest challenge for the PR leadership.



Manipulasi masa adalah korupsi dalam sistem keadilan

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:43 AM PST

Kedua-dua hujah ini menekan bahawakeadilan tidak ditentukan oleh faktor masa, tetapi hendaklah berdasarkan undang-undang yang adil.

Di Malaysia, bukan saja hukum sering tidak adil, ia sering dizalimkan lagi dengan manipulasi masa. Bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Khir Toyo didakwa atas dakwaan yang telah diringankan bagi menyelamatkan beliau. Masa yang dipilih untuk memutuskan kes ini ialah menjelang cuti umum selama tiga hari, iaitu cuti hari Krismas yang dicantumkan dengan cuti hari minggu.

23 Disember sengaja dipilih ketika rakyat sedang bercuti penjang supaya mereka tidak sempat menganalisa kes ini dan dengan itu menyelamatkan sendiwara politik pemerintah.

Kita lihat lagi, Eric Chia dan Kasitah Gaddam didakwa menjelang PRU 2004 bertujuan memperlihatkan kononnya kerajaan bersungguh dalam menangani rasuah untuk kepentingan kempen, sedangkan kesalahan tersebut dilakukan berpuluh tahun sebelum itu. Dan beberapa tahun selepas PRU, mereka dibebaskan.

Pada tahun 1999, Marina Yusoff yang sedang popular dikalangan penyokong reformasi ketika itu didakwa atas Akta Hasutan, dan masa yang dipilih ialah pada hari raya ketiga bertujuan mengelak perhimpunan bagi menyokong beliau kerana kebanyakan rakyat ketika itu sedang bercuti.

Sebelum Anwar Ibrahim dibebaskan pada tahun 2004, beliau telah dimaklumkan beberapa bulan sebelum itu oleh 'orang-orang yang rapat' kepada Perdana Menteri bahawa beliau akan dibebaskan, tetapi masanya selepas PRU bagi mengelakkan beliau berkempen.

Kes terbaru Anwar diabicarakan secara tergesa-gesa dan dipercepat supaya hukuman dapat dijatuhkan sebelum Parlimen dibubar oleh Perdana Menteri untuk dijadikan bahan kempen oleh Umno/Barisan Nasional dalam PRU 13.

Dalam rancangan membebaskan dua katak Perak, Mohd Osman Jailu dan Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi sebagai habuan melompat, masa yang dipilih ialah ketika orang sibuk berkempen pilihanraya Sarawak.



Isa sepatutnya jadi peneroka dulu, baru jadi pengerusi koperasi

Posted: 23 Dec 2011 08:28 AM PST

Felda sejak tertubuhnya adalah di bawah Kementerian Tanah dan Wilayah dan dengan tekun serta kerja tidak mengenal penat lelah oleh mereka yang bertanggungjawab maka Felda telah maju dan menjadi di antara perbadanan yang paling kaya samada dalam bentuk tunai dan asetnya.

Kalau perbadanan ini mula di tadbir oleh pelaksana yang jujur seperti Tan Sri Taib Andak perbadanan ini telah berkembang di bawah kelolaan Raja Tan Sri Alias Ali sehingga Felda terkenal di seluruh dunia sebagai tanah rancangan yang paling tersusun dan ditadbir dengan baik serta beretika di bawah pimpinan Raja Tan Sri Alias Raja Ali selama 3 dekad beliau berada di sana.

Politik tidak begitu masuk campur dalam hal Felda selama ini. Kalau ada pun politik di dalamnya ianya terbatas kepada mempastikan yang matlamat asal penubuhan Felda itu di capai mengikut kehendak dasar-dasar yang di kepilkan dengan penubuhannya itu. Kerjasama semua pihak, pengurusan dari ibu pejabat sehingga pejabat pentadbiran wilayah-wilayahnya sehinggalah kepada individu-individu peneroka serta pengorbanan mereka semua telah menjadikan Felda sebagai perbadan yang paling baik pentadbirannya.

Kebaikkan pentadbiran perbadanan ini tentulah di sebabkan perbadanan ini di ketuai oleh pelaksana yang sangat komited terhadap tanggungjawab yang di amanahkan oleh pimpinan Melayu negara. Komitmen Raja Tan Sri Alias dalam membina Felda sehingga sampai ketahap ini memang menjadi contoh kepada semua pihak.

Nama Raja Tan Sri Alias di Felda itu terpahat sehinggakan ism pelaksana dasar kerajaan ini tidak akan mudah dilupakan oleh pegawai dan kakitangan Felda serta peneroka keseluruhannya. Apabila Raja Tan Sri Alias bersara Felda masih utuh kerana ism dan sistem tadbiran di bawah Raja Tan Sri Alias itu sangat berkesan dan 'follow through' dengan sistem Raja TS Alias itu terus menjadi asas pembangunan Felda sehingga orang politik mengetuai Lembaga Pengarah perbadanan itu bernama Tan Sri Yusuf Nor.

Tan Sri Yusuf Nor tidak mencuba-cuba untuk menggali dan menganjak cara Raja TS Alias di dalam perbadanan itu maka tidak adalah masalah besar berlaku di bawah pengerusinya TS Yusuf Nor itu.

Felda telah begitu berjaya sehinggakan ada pihak yang begitu cair air liurnya kerana kekayaan perbadanan ini hasil dari penat jerih ratusan ribu peneroka yang berada di bawah paying Felda itu. Dengan senyap-senyap Felda dipandang oleh setengah pihak sebagai perbadan yang boleh di kudakan untuk kepentingan politik setengah pihak. Maka Felda telah dipindahkan dari Kementerian Kemajuan Tanah dan Wilayah kepada Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan duduk di bawah dagu Najib Tun Razak sejak beliau masih menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri sehinggalah sekarang.

Sejak perpindahan Felda dari Kementerian Kemajuan Tanah dan Wilayah kepada pentadbiran Najib Razak inilah Felda mula di hinggapi penyakit yang berbagai-bagai. Sejak di bawah tadbiran Najib ini Felda telah menjadi tempat pelahap-pelahap negara mengambil kesempatan dan peneroka-peneroka rancangan tanah ini.

Sebelum ini peneroka dan rakyat tidak berapa menyedari apa yang telah dilakukan kepada mereka, Sekarang mereka telah celek dan mulalah anak-anak generasi Felda ini terutamanya mengambil langkah melakukan tentangan terhadap pihak berkuasa kerana tindakkan unilateral kerajaan persekutuan dalam menentukan corak Felda menghadapi masa depan yang kian mencabar.




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