Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- We shall remember and we shan’t forget
- Disappointing ‘performance’ by politicians
- ‘ANYTHING BUT UMNO’ in East Malaysia too?
- Siapa Lemahkan Melayu?
- PKR hak milik - Anwar dan Azmin
- Barisan National’s early elections plan in disarray
We shall remember and we shan’t forget Posted: 27 Dec 2011 04:35 PM PST We almost gave up and my mother ask me to write one last time to Mahathir when he became the PM. Few weeks later, Military Officers came to my house and 2 months later my mother pension was revised to RM350 and it was backdated to the day my father died. Cut the story short, my mother was ever grateful till today and anyone who wants to say anything bad about Tun M, will get an earful from my mother. She keeps telling us that we shall remember. Yesterday, the 211 families who are VICTIMS of Ukay Bistari whom could not longer wait for their house decided to take laws into their own hands. They took the keys from the developer office and broke down the fence. While all this was happening under the watchful eyes of the media and the police, we negotiated with the management. In the end, the developer agreed to give the keys provided due process were followed. The buyers followed the committee advice and keys were returned to the developers. Within the next few hours key were released to the purchasers in an orderly fashion. Some family wept openly upon getting their keys. It has been 9 years. Despite using the hot and cold approach, we finally got the MHLG to complete the project. It is still progressing. In January we hope 400 families will get their houses and the rest by March or April. All this happens because we got help from the Minister of Housing. He was approachable and always accommodating whenever we sought his time. His officers were equally supportive. Special mention should go Esther, Hafiz and Ir. Lai.
Disappointing ‘performance’ by politicians Posted: 27 Dec 2011 04:25 PM PST This piece was originally intended as a salute to parliamentarians who in the past year have given Malaysians a good enough reason to root for their survival in the 13th general election pipped to be held in the first quarter of 2012. These individuals would be those who have tirelessly chased down both high profile as well as bread and butter issues.Those who tossed out ideas, opinions and recommendations that were startling in their boldness but instrumental in setting the nation on the right track. Those who strode into raging rivers of controversy to stand beside the people even if it sometimes meant standing opposite their party leaders. And those who bravely hoisted the people's call and hope for change upon their shoulders. With 222 parliamentary seats political observers shouldn't have been hard pressed to name a decent number of political beacons across both camps. This is especially so considering the year's events and the politicians who were exalted by the public for the above mentioned traits. And yet two political observers approached by FMT were adamant that not a single politician this year had given a performance worthy enough of a re-admission into Parliament after the next general election. 'Incapable politicians' Khoo Kay Peng was unforgiving in his assessment of both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat of having dodged critical issues to indulge in superficial ones. "What the people really need to know is the state of our economy, a potential second dip, the outflow of illegal funds and our global competitiveness," he said. "Instead politicians are assuring us that all is well." These glib words have infuriated Khoo who warned that Malaysians are more concerned today about the state of the nation than that of political parties. "Our politicians are oblivious…When they awake in the morning their first thought is about who will win the next general election. They don't think about how to bring the country forward," he added. Khoo also observed that Malaysia is moving towards a socialist state through the manner in which politicians chose to resolve national dilemmas by stuffing money into the widening gaps. "A new generation of urban poor has emerged but you won't find it in the government's flimsy data. "Ultimately our politicians are incapable of solving the country's real issues. It's hilarious, really, " he said. Below average performance James Chin of Monash University was kinder in passing judgement saying that no event stood out enough this year to challenge the politicians' mettle. Calling 2011 a "holding pattern year" he pointed out that Umno was still playing the racial card while Pakatan had its sodomy and Islamic state soundtracks on repeat. "Bersih 2.0 was significant but overall it didn't make a strong impact as it was about civil society pushing for change. "At the end of the day it doesn't matter who people want to see win the next general election. "It will all boil down to the one winner for each camp who will either be (Prime Minister) Najib (Tun Razak) or (opposition leader) Anwar (Ibrahim). Those are the only two we need to watch for," said Chin. His colleague, Wong Chin Huat, meanwhile rated politicians' performance at 59 points which he said was one mark below a Credit in the university's system. "On one hand we have the ruling party's arrogance in pushing controversial views," he stated. "On the other we have an opposition that isn't up to par because it is too focused on the destination instead of the journey."
‘ANYTHING BUT UMNO’ in East Malaysia too? Posted: 27 Dec 2011 04:09 PM PST
We have held series of talks with one of ABU leading leaders, lawyer-activist Haris Ibrahim who flew to the Federal Territory of Labuan yesterday, in defiance of Sabah's 'persona non grata' order slapped against him recently.
However more are to be refined by the two major stakeholders in Sabah's current opposition front, the United Borneo Front (UBF) and Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), and i shall be reporting to them to get a good judgement on what transpired in our meeting with Haris.
We agreed in principle to support this ABU campaign because UMNO has shown that it has been meting bad decisions and policies against Sabahans and Sarawakians in the past 48 years we are in this Federation.
The very fact that both Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest states now speak volumes of what UMNO-led Barisan Nasional had done to our gas and oil resources. So we agree that UMNO must go at this coming general election.
It is understood that also in the meeting were Sabah activists Michael Liew and Kanul Gindol but the latter left early and did not join another meeting in the evening. Local singer-activist Atama was also in attendance.
Haris was barred from entering Sabah, as well as Sarawak before, as the state authority deemed him to be a threat to its own security. Haris was however not stopped in Labuan though he said there were special branch officers taking pictures of him at the airport here when he arrived. At this moment we might have a slight refinement on the name ABU for East Malaysia. Some of us had wanted 'UBA' which could mean 'change' but also stands for United Borneo Alliance to underline that we wanted a restoration of the way the Federal Government treats us as equal partners and not wanting us more and more just as mere subservient to the majority party in Peninsular. So, it is not just 'anything but UMNO' but we want a real change, a restoration of the special rights and position of Sabah and Sarawak within the Federation, this including our autonomy power.
Posted: 27 Dec 2011 07:31 AM PST Seraya mengambil hasrat ini sebagai pembuka kata, saya lontarkan persoalan-persoalan berikut dalam meneliti liku-liku sebab-musabab kelemahan kita: Siapa yang telah memerintah negara selama 54 tahun tanpa putus dengan menggunakan undang-undang keras anti-demokratik? Siapa bersubahat dengan penjajah British menahan dan tidak berusaha membebaskan pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaan Melayu daripada tahun 1948 sehingga 1957? Siapa yang sengaja benarkan Singapura meninggalkan Malaysia pada tahun 1965 dengan mudah? Siapa lemahkan kuasa dan martabat raja-raja dengan pindaan perlembagaan pada 1993? Siapa memberitahu seluruh rakyat bahawa raja-raja Melayu tidak relevan dan membahayakan bangsa pada tahun 1993? Siapa yang menghasut agar semua harta Raja-Raja disiasat dan dirampas pada 1993? Siapa yang melemahkan institusi kehakiman dengan memecat Ketua Hakim Negara dan meminda perlembagaan pada tahun 1988? Siapa yang hancurkan UMNO Lama yang ditubuhkan tahun 1946 dan gantikan dengan UMNO Baru pada tahun 1988? Siapa yang melemahkan kuasa politik Melayu dengan mengurangkan kerusi majoriti melayu melalui proses persempadanan semula semenjak 1999? Siapa yang memberikan kerakyatan dan kad pengenalan biru kepada warga asing dengan mudah untuk undi? Siapa lemahkan ekonomi Melayu dengan menjual RM50 billion daripada RM52 billion saham DEB semenjak 1970? Siapa serahkan dengan mudah dan murah; Pulau Batu Putih dan tanah KTM ke Singapura dan Blok L dan M ke Brunei? Siapa yang menjual tanah rizab Melayu kepada bukan Melayu dengan merubah status tanah kepada pegangan bebas (freehold) dengan mudah? Siapa yang telah menenggelamkan Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Berhad yang diwujudkan daripada Kongres Ekonomi Bumiputera pada 1965? Siapa yang memberikan lesen judi yang bertentangan dengan Islam kepada syarikat swasta tauke seperti Genting, Berjaya Sports Toto dan lain lagi? Siapa lemahkan penguasaan matematik dan sains anak melayu dengan mengubah bahasa pengantar kepada bahasa Inggeris dan setelah berbelanja lebih RM6 billion dan 8 tahun sekarang mahu mengubah balik kepada Bahasa Melayu? Siapa yang membebankan anak muda dengan hutang pendidikan tinggi melebehi RM 25 billion? Siapa yang menyebabkan peluang pekerjaan anak muda berkurangan dengan dasar pengunaan buruh asing yang membantut kadar upah di pasaran buruh Negara? Siapa galakkan harga barang naik berganda dengan membenarkan monopoli seperti Bernas dan amalan herotan pasaran yang hanya menguntungkan para peniaga berterusan? Siapa bebankan rakyat dengan kadar bil letrik yang tinggi berbanding dengan Negara jiran yang bukan pengeluar minyak? Siapa yang bertanggung jawab meluaskan lagi jurang pendapatan dengan 'gini coefficient' 0.492 yang kedua tertinggi di Asia dimana yang kaya bertambah kaya dan yang miskin bertambah miskin? Siapa yang menjadikan harga kereta mahal dua kali ganda dengan dasar perlindungan otomotif yang membebankan rakyat dan menguntungkan industri otomotif? Siapa bebankan rakyat dengan kadar tol lebuhraya yang tinggi sedangkan kutipan cukai jalan dan saman kenderaan mampu menampung pembinaannya tanpa tol? Siapa yang membenarkan harga rumah bertambah tinggi sehinga 15 kali gaji tahunan berbanding piawaian antarabangsa dengan hanya 5 kali gaji tahunan? Siapa benarkan syarikat-syarikat gergasi merosot dan gagal sehingga hanya menjadi jaguh kampung seperti MAS, Perwaja dan Proton? Siapa yang untung daripada bakal penyenaraian 800,000 hektar tanah perladangan milik peneroka nanti dengan anak syarikat Felda yang rugi besar?
PKR hak milik - Anwar dan Azmin Posted: 27 Dec 2011 12:12 AM PST
menceritakan bagaimana Azmin berusaha membentuk rejim nya dalam PKR. Rejim ini dibentuk dengan memanipulasi pemilihan yang ada – catas mencantas sehingga tumbuk menumbok berlaku. Memang usaha ini telah berlaku sewaktu pemilihan PKR yang menyaksikan kekotoran demokrasi yang dibenarkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan Anwar Ibrahim sendiri turut mencatur pemilihan bersesuaian dengan kehendak Azmin. Ini bukan satu rahsia di kalangan PKR. Malah ada yang berkata, UMNO jaga sahaja langkah dan jangan melakukan apa-apa kesilapan kritikal – PKR akan runtuh dengan sendiri bila Azmin mengambil alih teraju parti. Semua tahu dan semua bertanyakan kepada satu sama lain mengenai Anwar – Azmin. Malah kalau diselidiki usaha memasukkan kalangan anti Azmin oleh Presiden Parti dan anaknya turut ada tetapi tidak berjaya. Hubungan rapat Anwar –Azmin inilah yang menjadi kecemburuan kepimpinan lain – yang ada antara mereka sudah terpelanting keluar dari jemaah kepimpinan malah ada yang mengambil keputusan untuk keluar dari PKR dan menghentam PKR secara rakus tanpa strategi. Ini berlaku dalam hubungan tiga segi Anwar – Azmin – Ezam.
Barisan National’s early elections plan in disarray Posted: 27 Dec 2011 12:00 AM PST These range from indefinite postponement of the long delayed goods and services tax to financial grants and other handouts to Chinese, Tamil and Islamic religious schools as well as politically strategic groups including Felda settlers, Indian small entrepreneurs, low income communities, and imams and Kafa (religious) teachers. Najib's backroom boys must have been supremely confident that this mass saturation of money and handouts – so effective in past elections - would pave the way for a resounding victory as they plotted the timing of the next GE. Unexpected road blocks Two recent developments appear to have now derailed the BN's plans for an early election to take advantage of the 'feel good' sentiments generated by the deluge of monetary incentives disbursed under the glare of fawning media coverage. One is the spreading cloud of corruption and political irresponsibility associated with the National Feedlot Corporation's (NFC) scandal-ridden project. This is not only likely to result in Minister Sharizat Jalil's resignation very soon but is also causing consternation and reverberations among Umno's grassroots members and supporters in the Malay heartland. The arrogance and contempt displayed by Shahrizat, who received loud applause from Wanita Umno delegates for her bellicose speech, will not be easily forgotten. If the elections are called during the next several months when the cattle-gate case reaches its expected climax, Malaysians going to the polling booths will not only have indelible ink on their fingers; they will also go in with the overpowering and indelible stench of the NFC fiasco influencing their choice of parties. The other development is one which the Prime Minister's think tanks and cronies high up in the civil service must be kicking themselves over. The introduction of a new improved salary scheme for the country's 1.4 million civil servants was to be the main 'game changer' in the 13th GE. With a majority of the country's voters coming from civil servant or ex-civil servant households – perhaps 60% or more of the electorate – it is easy to understand why the roll-out of the new scheme was timed to take place just before the election. Its successful implementation would reinforce the BN's image as a government with the best interests of the civil service constituency at heart. It is possible that if given the thumbs-up by the majority of civil servants, the new salary scheme could have affected the outcome in many marginal constituencies where the civil service vote is critical to tilt in favour of the BN candidates. It is no exaggeration to say that civil service voters comprise the kingmakers in the country and that any aspiring government has to pay special attention to courting and winning this massive block of votes. Devil in the SBPA details The new public service remuneration scheme (SBPA) is to take effect in January 2012. The Public Services Commission rushed its introduction without providing full details of the SBPA key components and without adequate consultation with stakeholders. It was not surprising that the civil service trade union Cuepecs initially refused to be bulldozed into accepting what is now clearly emerging as "a half baked cake" with the icing of 7-13 percent salary increases prominently displayed but resting on a soggy base. Among the scheme's shortcomings is the lopsided salary increase that favours the top echelon. One civil servant compared the impact of the new scheme on lower and higher rank staff. According to him:
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