Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- Suspicious Secrecy From the Swiss!
- Sabah has right to deny visitors entry
- Under attack, PAS maintains Islamic agenda party priority
- Taib hits the roof at ‘daring’ reporter
- Year that was for the protester
- How much is too much democracy?
- MAS probes graft claims in cargo unit, boss put on leave
- Fatwa panel to discuss the use of indelible ink
- Dr M saved nation, says Najib
- BN man pockets RM1m in Salcra dividends
- Isu agenda Melayu sejak dari dulu sampai sekarang- Melayu tidak kemana juga
- PAS rubbishes claim of DAP eyeing Selangor MB post
- Mahathir says it again: "Wasn't me"
- I'm spending a week on a friend's boat in Phuket
- Will BN recapture Selangor?
- Dr M says took, but never sought, World Bank loans
- Hasan Ali says gathering proof of Christian proselytism
- Dr M: ‘I was the most feared PM’
- Response to the Alumni of Yayasan Selangor
- Police to call witnesses in Penang CM's officer assault
- Malaysia’s World Bank loans
- Facebook Hits 70% Penetration Rate in Malaysia
- Senate stamps approval on assembly bill
- World Bank row: Najib backs Dr M
- Behold the Perkasa fatwa on indelible ink!
- ‘Corrupt’ deputy minister under probe
- Hasan Ali: Saya bukan duri dalam daging, tapi PAS tergelincir landasan
- Perkasa: Melayu tidak akan keluar undi jika SPR guna dakwat kekal
- Tindakan Hasan Ali musnah diri
- Be a better leader, critics tell Ramasamy
- PRU-13: Pakatan S’gor kekal ‘status quo’
- PKR: Dr M bent on lying
- Shahrizat’s family owns luxury condo in S’pore?
- Political frogs thriving within BN, claims Mawan
- Hasan mahu Saari dirujuk ke Lembaga Disiplin
- So, this is Malay leadership
- I am not part of a plot: Guan Eng
- Former DAP leader pushed me, says lawyer
- Anwar merely blowing hot air
- PETRONAS tamat taja Ariff Alfian
- Neither DAP nor PAS respects Azmin
- Pekida: There’s no IC scam
- Dr Hasan and Khalid to face media and explain ongoing feud
- Boo Chang asks party to clear allegations instead of attacking him
- Frog drawing stirs curiosity
- Chua Soi Lek: there are only 20% Chinese-majority seats
- 'Anwar running out of ammo'
- Hasan to reveal plans today
- Mat Sabu’s trial postponed
- Calon PRU-13 tak boleh tarik diri
Suspicious Secrecy From the Swiss! Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:24 AM PST SARAWAK REPORT Taib did not get the response that he wanted from the Swiss Government yesterday. But he did buy some time. In answer to questions from MP Maya Graf in the Bern Federal Parliament, the Swiss Finance Minister, Evelyn Widmer Schlum, fell back on traditional Swiss secrecy! The country's financial regulators FINMA would not be able to publicise the findings from their investigations into Taib's assets, Widmer-Schlumpf explained, owing to Swiss confidentiality laws. She announced that FINMA has "no possibility, nor the right" to disclose any information on its findings to the public. Rather, it "will inform the directly affected persons only" on the results of its investigations. Those interested parties are, presumably, Taib himself and the Malaysian Government. But what about the people of Sarawak, who have lost billions in revenue owing to the Chief Minister's handouts of public property, concessions and contracts to his own companies and to his family? Still on the hook!
While this cryptic response has infuriated campaigners, who had been given to understand that Switzerland's new drive for more openess in its banking system would bring swift and clear answers, it has done little to help Taib. The reply that would have benefitted the Chief Minister, of course, would have been a straight confirmation of his own declaration earlier in the year, after the investigation was announced, that he had no assets in Switzerland at all! Indeed, Sarawak's billionaire politician had laid his reputation on the line by standing up in his own state assembly and announcing:
The Swiss Finance Minister has refused to corroborate this statement. Instead her reply seems to give the strong impression that there ARE interested parties who need to be informed of the results of this investigation! How long are his secrets safe?
Campaigners are hardly going to allow the situation to rest there. The Swiss, who have been trying to wipe clean their reputation as a country that made itself rich off the back of Nazi gold and the ill-gotten gains of the world's worst dictators, are in the middle of a national argument over ending its obsessive banking secrecy. The Finance Ministry may be on the side of conservatism, however the former President Micheline Calmy-Rey, who ordered the enquiry, made clear that she was in favour of openess and yesterday the Green MP Maya Graf said:
It is not the sort of endorsement that Taib would have wished for from Switzerland and it is a clear sign that the story is by no means finished as campaigners step up their noise on this matter. The Sarawak-focused Bruno Manser Fund demanded:
Taib will know that the longer an issue is bottled up, the bigger the bang when it is finally un-corked!
Sabah has right to deny visitors entry Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:16 AM PST But lawyers in Sabah want the state government to explain why it denied fellow lawyer Haris Ibrahim entry into Sabah (Free Malaysia Today) - The Sabah Law Association (SLA) said the Musa Aman administration is 'not obliged' to give a reason for denying non-Sabahans entry into the state. Whilst saying it is the 'state's right', SLA cautioned that the 'powers' were potentially draconian and wide-reaching and must be judiciously and fairly exercised. The association was commenting on the state government's decision to bar fellow lawyer Haris Ibrahim, the president of the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM), from entering Sabah on Dec 6. "Although the state is not obliged to provide reasons for or to justify its decision, we would urge the state government to issue its own statement as to its reasons for doing so in order to avoid the impression that the power was exercised capriciously or to comply with the wishes of the powers-that-be outside of the state. "Compliance with outside forces surely cannot protect, enhance or promote our constitutional rights," it said in a statement yesterday. The association added that it was speaking out as the decision to bar Harris gave rise to concerns as to the legality of the action of the state government. "Although the legality of the decision of the state government is beyond reproach for reasons as follows such decisions ought to be made carefully and ought not to be made frivolously or for reasons which do not further or protect the interest of the state. "The decision of the state government to bar Harris Ibrahim entry to the state was under Section 65(1) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963," it said in a statement. "The Sabah Law Association is of the view that the exercise by the state authority of its rights under the Immigration Act is not just an executive act under an ordinary legislation but is an act pursuant to the constitutional rights accorded to the East Malaysian States under Part VII of the Immigration Act.
Under attack, PAS maintains Islamic agenda party priority Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:14 AM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - PAS leaders have denied claims by two renegades that the party has abandoned its Islamic agenda, with its deputy president Mohamad Sabu pointing out that an Ulama panel oversees its policies. National leaders from the Islamic party denied the accusations made by Datuk Dr Hasan Ali, a senior Selangor government member, and Nasharudin Mat Isa, the former party secretary-general, that PAS was deviating from its Islamic struggle, and have, in turn, alleged the two leaders were frustrated over their inability to secure top posts within the party. Hasan, the ex-Selangor PAS commissioner, has also demanded his party's top leadership settle the thorny question of establishing Malaysia as an Islamic state with its Pakatan Rakyat partners now rather than later. The Gombak Setia assemblyman charged that the party had deviated from its original fight, pointing to the shift to push the concept of a "Negara Berkebajikan" at the party's annual general meeting earlier this year. Similarly, Nasharudin had, during the weekend, told Umno-owned Berita Minggu that the PAS leadership should not be too preoccupied with the party's political goals while abandoning its Islamic ones. He said that PAS was no longer seen as "consistent" with its Islamic image and that it could not afford to continually chop and change "terminologies" to suit its political direction. "Any decision within the party is ultimately decided by the Syura Council, which is led by the Ulama. How can PAS be deviating from Islamic principles when the Syura Council decides all party matters?" Mohamad Sabu (picture) told The Malaysian Insider yesterday. "If he (Hasan) has any objections, he should make his views known to the central working committee," he added. PAS central working committee member Khalid Samad echoed Mohamad's views, saying that the concept of "Negara Berkebajikan" does not contradict the Islamic state agenda.
Taib hits the roof at ‘daring’ reporter Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:08 AM PST It appears the chief minister is not entirely unaffected by the allegations of corruption against him. (Free Malaysia Today) - Is Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, whose US$1.46 billion wealth made global media headlines, beginning to feel the heat at home? Already stacked against him are a series of local and international reports of alleged corruption and abuse of power. Topping the list is the most recent and globally published report submitted by a group of international and Malaysian non-governmental organisations on the alleged corruption committed by him. The allegations, it appears, are affecting him after all if his violent reaction to a reporter's question last weekend was any indication. Taib was officiating at a function at the Kuching Waterfront last Saturday when a reporter asked for his comment regarding the report submitted by the group of international NGOs. Turning on the reporter, an angry Taib demanded to know the identity of the reporter who had "dared" to ask him that question. "Who is the reporter (who dared to ask)?" Taib was overheard asking while his bodyguards identified the reporter and allegedly pushed the newsman. Luckily for him the other journalists quickly rushed to help him. Reporters barred When they saw Taib was so angry, the reporters left and boycotted the function. "It is obvious that the chief minister is haunted by allegations of alleged corruption against him," said a senior reporter. Last Thursday, Taib refused to see pressmen after his weekly Cabinet meeting. For the past 30 years, it had been a traditional practice for Taib or other Cabinet ministers to meet and brief the press of government projects or programmes. But this time, Taib not only refused to see the reporters but also barred them from entering the Wisma Baba Malaysia building that houses the ministerial complex. New report handed to MACC Meanwhile, Sarawak PKR deputy chairman Zulrusdi Bin Haji Mohamad Hol yesterday handed over a report containing allegations of corruption allegedly committed by Taib to the state director of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) at Wisma Iskander. The report was received by a lady officer of the commission.
Year that was for the protester Posted: 20 Dec 2011 11:01 AM PST The silly season is already on us and no doubt will be a fractious and prolonged one going into 2012. While the Government responded to the Bersih demands by establishing the Parliamentary Special Committee on electoral reforms, at the same time the so-called Peaceful Assembly Act – aimed at curbing any other rallies like Bersih – was passed. Marina Mahathir, The Star IT'S the end of the year and, like everyone else, I'm going to try and summarise what made it an interesting year indeed. Time magazine named The Protester as its Person of the Year in 2011. I couldn't agree more, because really few people have made an impact on society than protesters this year. From the protesters in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya and Syria to the Occupy Wall Street protesters and its many offshoots, these largely peaceful protests have forced things to change in their societies. In the Middle East, corrupt and authoritarian leaders have been forced to step down. In some, it's still an ongoing battle. Of course, these steps towards democracy are not perfect. Nor are the results. But that's democracy for you. Just because people don't know what they want is no reason to dismiss democracy. It is the fact that they finally have choices is the triumph, after so many years of not having any. For those who insist on equating the London riots with the Arab Spring, do get your facts right. The former was not about changing an authoritarian government for a more democratic one, nor was it meant to be peaceful. The latter was a peaceful demand for change; the violence came from the government response. If you want to equate the London riots with the Syrian government's response, perhaps it would be more accurate. Time magazine has mostly recognised the Arab, Spanish and American protesters in their essay. But perhaps they should have also looked eastwards. I think the Bersih rally goers, protesting peacefully for clean and fair elections, are also deserving of the award. For the first time, ordinary Malaysians went out to demand what should be their right, to be able to vote fairly. Young and old of all races and religions, Malaysians marched to protect this basic human right. And were demonised because of it. While the Government responded to the Bersih demands by establishing the Parliamentary Special Committee on electoral reforms, at the same time the so-called Peaceful Assembly Act – aimed at curbing any other rallies like Bersih – was passed. In any case, it is delusional to think that curbing protests will curb rebellious thoughts. These will continue to thrive in 2012, that's for sure. Perhaps 2011 was also the year of the Strong Woman. On the international scene, not one but three women won the Nobel Peace Prize this year: President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia, Leymah Gbowee, also of Liberia, and Tawakkol Karman of Yemen, the youngest-ever recipient. It's interesting that all of these women are rebellious women, who refused to accept the established, and patriarchal, way of doing things. Instead, they found their own way, and worked for peace in their countries. Malaysia, too, has its share of strong women. Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan is the prime example of someone who has had to withstand personal attacks from all quarters like no other person has had to in our country, yet still carries on with her strong principles. Let it never be said that she lacks courage. For women to get ahead, it really is imperative that they have the sort of integrity and display the sort of ethical behaviour that we often find lacking in men. This year is, of course, also the year of the Obedient Wives Club, hardly a great leap forward for womankind. Nevertheless, the OWC knew exactly how to get publicity for their causes. And, I suspect, despite the sniggers over their sex manual, there are many who actually agree with their basic premise, that a good wife is one who blindly obeys her husband even when she doesn't feel like it. Finally, this year has been a bad year for justice and equality. Children born less than six months after their parents married are considered illegitimate, thus forcing them to bear the sins of their parents. Even if legitimate, children can be married off at even 10 years old, surely a blight on our society if we are to consider ourselves progressive. Muslim women still don't have the same rights as their non-Muslim sisters when it comes to marriage, property and inheritance. And people of different sexual orientations are not regarded as full citizens. I'd like to be optimistic about 2012 but that does not look likely. The silly season is already on us and no doubt will be a fractious and prolonged one. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, folks!
How much is too much democracy? Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:59 AM PST Mahatir Mohammed's prescription for India, with respect may, paradoxically enough, turn out to be a remedy worse than the disease. Indeed, it may prove fatal for the health of our federal democracy.
Mahathir Mohammed, the respected former Prime Minister of Malaysia and now an elder Asian statesman diagnosed some of the ills that seemingly afflict democracy in India. He recently addressed a gathering of national leaders, leading citizens, intellectuals and media personalities in the capital at a Leadership Summit organized by a leading national daily. The deliberations at the summit were broadcast live throughout the country.
MAS probes graft claims in cargo unit, boss put on leave Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:44 AM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Loss-making Malaysia Airlines (MAS) is investigating allegations of kickbacks in its cargo unit which has led to MAS Airlines Cargo (MASkargo) managing director Shahari Sulaiman to go on leave since early last month, sources said. The Malaysian Insider understands that an internal investigation report has been sent to the MAS board although the unprofitable flag carrier has not lodged a police report over the issue. "It is related to kickbacks in MASkargo and the board already has a report on the matter," a source told The Malaysian Insider. The source added new managing director Ahmad Jauhari Yahya and the top management have been going through the books for all divisions in the national carrier that has posted losses of some RM1.2 billion in the three quarters of the current financial year. MAS is not expected to make profits until 2013 despite a new business recovery plan. "They are cleaning up the company. This is just the start," he added. However, it is not clear why MAS has not lodged a police report over the alleged kickbacks in MASkargo, which made a record pre-tax profit of RM142 million in 2010. The Business Times had reported that Shahari has been away since early November 2011 after fresh allegations about problems in the cargo unit. The new MAS board had begun looking into all aspects of the airline operations after a share swap between the national carrier and Asia's biggest budget carrier, AirAsia in early August. It is understood that investigations started and a domestic inquiry was done but fresh allegations revived the probe. MAS had told Business Times early this month that "Encik Shahari Sulaiman, managing director of Malaysia Airlines subsidiary MASkargo, is currently on leave. "In his absence Encik Mohd Yunus Idris, senior vice president Global Sales & Government Affairs MASkargo, is overseeing thedaily operations of the subsidiary," it said in response to queries on the matter.
Fatwa panel to discuss the use of indelible ink Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:41 AM PST A new test and decree necessary (New Straits Times) - THE National Fatwa Council will hold a special muzakarah (meeting) to decide on the usage of the new indelible ink in the next general election. Its secretary Datuk Othman Mustapha said they have yet to receive an official application from the Election Commission for their view on whether the ink's use was allowed in Islam. He said once the meeting was concluded and a decision was reached, they would then issue a fatwa (decree) on the matter. "We are waiting for the application from the EC. We are ready to hold the meeting as soon as we receive the test result. "This matter will be given priority as it is important to the country's electoral process," said Othman, adding that he would discuss the matter with council chairman Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Abdul Shukor Husin. Othman was responding to a statement by EC chair-man Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof on Monday that a sam-ple of the new ink had been sent to the Chemistry Department for test-ing. Aziz also said that the results would then be submitted to the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim). Othman, who is also Jakim's director-general, said the special meeting was necessary as the new ink was slightly different from the one which they had declared as 'halal' in 2007. "Previously, we issued a fatwa on the use of indelible ink for the 2008 general election, that its use was not against Is-lamic rules and did not interfere with a Muslim's 'ibadah'. "However, the Election Commission is said to be using a slightly different type for the next general election, thus the need for a new test and fatwa to be issued." Othman said the discussion would focus on the ink's ingredients -- whether it contained non-halal substances and whether it would hinder water from contacting the skin. "These two are the major issues that will be discussed to determine if the ink's use will be according to Islamic rules, as Muslims can't use products which contain non-halal substances, and that it must also not interfere with ablution requirements," he added. Meanwhile, the Chemistry Department's deputy director-general (policy) Ismail Talib said they were analysing the indelible ink. "Our experts are conducting analysis on the ink and the results will be submitted to the relevant authorities soon." However, he declined to divulge the expected date for the tests to be completed. |
Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:37 AM PST Malaysians can thank ex-PM by making Vision 2020 a reality (New Straits Times) - IT was an unfounded accusation by some quarters to say that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had sought aid from the World Bank during the 1997 financial crisis, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Najib said he knew Dr Mahathir well and the latter would never have handed over Malaysia to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). "I can support Dr Mahathir on this. Mind you, it's a sin to tell lies," he said at Dr Mahathir's 86th birthday celebration last night. Najib was referring to the opposition's claims that Dr Mahathir had sought a loan from the World Bank and there were documents to prove it. He said Dr Mahathir had "saved the nation" during his tenure. "He (Dr Mahathir) has done a lot for this country. If I am to list everything he has done, it will take me right through the night until morning. "To put it in a nutshell, three significant achievements during his premiership have made Malaysia what it is today. "One, Vision 2020; two, putting Malaysia on the right track to becoming a developed nation; and three, instilling self-belief in us and giving us the confidence to believe we can do anything (Malaysia Boleh) if we put our minds to it." Najib said the best gift Malaysians could give to Dr Mahathir, in return for his contributions, would be to make Vision 2020 a reality. "That is why we have implemented many programmes, including the ETP (Economic Transformation Programme), to ensure we achieve Vision 2020." Still, Najib said the nation had to cross "the bridge (general election)" soon. "We hope to cross this successfully." Dr Mahathir said he introduced the slogan "leading by example" and stood by it when he chose to have his by-pass surgery in Malaysia instead of seeking medical treatment abroad. "I am blessed to have led this nation for 22 years. I have been tasked to lead and once we are entrusted to do this, we have to do it well. Politicians should accept criticisms to be effective leaders. "With the extra time I have, I hope I can continue contributing to the nation's development." Present were Najib's wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and Dr Mahathir's wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. Najib later launched the Mahathir Distinguished Internship Programme, which is for postgraduates, young academicians or professionals below 35 years to learn about Dr Mahathir. International applicants are welcomed. Those interested can call the secretariat of the Malaysian Professors Council at 03-88706308, 88706309 or 887063311. Successful applicants are expected to work full time at the Perdana Leadership Foundation during their internship. They will receive a a salary, and housing and transportation allowances. |
BN man pockets RM1m in Salcra dividends Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:24 AM PST While hundreds of Salcra landowners have seen pittance in dividends, a local politician has laughed all the way to the bank. (Free Malaysia Today) - A prominent Barisan Nasional (BN) politician in Bau, some 150km from here, has allegedly received at least RM1 million in dividends from Sarawak Land Custody and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra). Disclosing this today, a PKR Mas Gading division leader, Boniface Willy Tumek, said: "He is the single biggest recipient of dividends from Salcra's Bratak and Undan estates in Bau. "It means that the BN politician has a big acreage of land in these two estates to be able to receive RM1 million. "It means he has been buying up land at low cost from poor people when they are at their weakest point." Tumek said a seldom mentioned tragic fact about Salcra's plantation is that substantial land parcels in these estates have passed hands, from the original landowners (who were supposed to benefit from these schemes) to financially comfortable people. He pointed out that one hectare of oil palm would earn RM2,466 per year but it was a meaningless amount. Tumek said that nobody talked about this aspect in Salcra oil palm estates. Salcra was conceived with the aim of helping to develop the native customary rights (NCR)land of the natives to help eradicate poverty among the rural people. Selling to support children But this has not been the case. "The rich and the people of means are taking advantage of the poor people whose lands in the estates are bought at low prices when the people are most vulnerable. "This usually happens in the beginning of the year when students are about to go to university, especially during those times when Unimas (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak) was not in existence yet. "When you talk about going to universities, they are all in Peninsular Malaysia; so you talk about airfares and all kinds of expenses and the kampung people do not have this type of money. "I have personal experience. I was approached by someone from Kampung Stungkor in 1988. "He had a piece of land in the Salcra estates which he wanted to sell to me because he needed the money to send his daughter to a university. "I thought long and hard about it. In the end, I decided not to take it, because I know it was morally wrong for me to take advantage of his predicament or misfortune at the time when they were most vulnerable. "I told him that I would like very much to help him but I could not do it and advised him that if he was really in need of the money then he should go somewhere else, which, of course, he did. "This is what is happening. This has happened and will continue to happen to the poor who are being taken advantage of," he said.
Isu agenda Melayu sejak dari dulu sampai sekarang- Melayu tidak kemana juga Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:14 AM PST ASPAN ALIAS Agenda Melayu! Itulah isu yang tidak lekang di mulut pemimpin UMNO sejak tiga dekad dahulu. Semasa perlaksanaan DEB dahulu pun tidak begitu kuat pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO menyebut tentang isu agenda Melayu ini. Sekarang di mana-mana pemimpin-pemimpin terbesar negara bercakap tentang agenda Melayu tetapi Melayu masih dalam keadaan ketinggalan dan kerana itu isu itu masih mahu dihidupkan terutamanya dalam menghadapi PRU yang semakin hari semakin hampir ini. UMNO masih mengharapkan yang isu ini akan dapat menyatukan orang Melayu di bawah ketiak UMNO kononnya untuk menyempurnakan agenda Melayu. Kalau agenda Melayu sudah begitu lama di nyanyikan oleh kepimpinan Melayu UMNO, bagaimana orang Melayu terutamanya yang terlingkung dalam kumpulan generasi muda masih mahu mempercayainya?
PAS rubbishes claim of DAP eyeing Selangor MB post Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:08 AM PST (Harakah Daily) - PAS and DAP have hit out at their opponents for claiming that DAP was eyeing the Menteri Besar's post in Selangor should Pakatan Rakyat be returned to power in the state in the coming polls. At a press conference, Selangor PAS commissioner Dr Abdul Rani Osman, his deputy Khalid Samad and state DAP chairman Teresa Kok dismissed the allegation as another of UMNO's scare tactics among the Malay electorate. "The question of Selangor Menteri Besar's post does not arise as we are all satisfied with Khalid Ibrahim's performance and there is no plan to replace him.
Mahathir says it again: "Wasn't me" Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:06 AM PST (Harakah Daily) - Following PKR's claim that the post-Anwar Ibrahim administration of Dr Mahathir Mohamad had applied for World Bank loans, the former prime minister has repeated his denial by giving details of the loans approved by the global financial body. "I had just criticised the World Bank, then I ask money from them for what? I would be stupid," was his immediate reaction to the claim by Anwar during a speech that Mahathir had not been walking the talk in his criticism of World Bank and International Monetary Fund, two bodies he frequently associated with his one-time heir apparent during the 1997-99 economic crisis.
I'm spending a week on a friend's boat in Phuket Posted: 20 Dec 2011 08:37 AM PST I am updating this from the high seas, a guest of my friend who owns a boat in Phuket. We are now sailing out to Phi Phi Island and will be spending a week on the boat. This is how I have to suffer a life in exile. Marina, no worse for the rocking and reeling. The Boat Lagoon Resort in Phuket.
Our sleeping quarters. The 54-footer catamaran.
Phi Phi Island.
Posted: 20 Dec 2011 08:16 AM PST The situation is quite dire for Pakatan as it has taken no steps whatsoever to counter Umno's lies and propaganda. The Pakatan state government is either disinterested in strategy or plain ignorant as to what is going on in the Malay heartland. Umno's party workers are diligently doing home visits and their task is made easier as it is reinforced by the mainstream media, the only media which penetrates into the rural areas. Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today There have been grassroots reports that Umno party workers have been campaigning in the Malay rural heartland in Selangor by telling the rural folk two simple lies. The first is that if Pakatan Rakyat wins the 13th general election, DAP will "Christianise" the country and turn Malaysia into a republic like Singapore. The second big lie spread by the Umno campaigners is that PKR's revelations on the (National) Feedlot (Corporation) issue are all baseless. Of course, all these are falsehoods by Umno campaigners and it reveals that Umno's desperation has already come to the fore. Nevertheless, this is a very effective two-pronged attacking method employed by Umno in capturing the hearts and minds of the Malays so that they will give their vote to Barisan Nasional (BN). So far, the Pakatan Selangor state government is either oblivious to Umno's campaign or is in the dark about it as no steps whatsoever have been taken to counter Umno's lies and propaganda. If the Pakatan Selangor government does not take any action to reach out and explain the truth to the people, then all is lost as the polls could be held as early as February next year. In reality, the situation in Selangor is quite dire for Pakatan. There is no use harping on "Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor" when Umno's propaganda in regard to DAP and the Feedlot issues are taking root. Ground reports have revealed that the Malay rural folk are starting to believe that DAP wants to turn Malaysia into a republic and PKR's revelations on Feedlot are nothing but malicious lies to tarnish Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's reputation. With the Malay support in the kualas and the hulus swinging to Umno, it is going to be a very difficult task for Pakatan to hold on to Selangor. This is a fact as there are many seats in the rural areas compared to the urban areas. A 5% vote swing by the Malays to Umno is enough for BN to recapture Selangor. The statistics itself clearly illustrates the difficulty Pakatan is facing. There are 10 state assembly seats in Selangor where Pakatan won with a less than 10% majority in 2008. They are Bukit Melawati, Cempaka, Teluk Datuk, Sekinchan, Damansara (wherein all five of these seats were won with a less than 5% majority), Ulu Kelang, Bukit Antarabangsa, Kota Anggerik, Lembah Jaya and Selat Kelang. There are eight parliamentary seats in Selangor which were also won by less than 10% majority. They are Hulu Selangor, Kuala Selangor, Hulu Langat, Kuala Langat (all of which were won by less than 5% majority), Gombak, Ampang, Selayang and Kelana Jaya. Hulu Selangor has already been recaptured by BN when MIC's P Kamalanathan defeated PKR's Zaid Ibrahim in the Hulu Selangor by-election in April last year.
Dr M says took, but never sought, World Bank loans Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:54 AM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today that Malaysia has taken World Bank loans since 1958, but the former prime minister said he had never personally written a letter or verbally requested for such funds. Writing on his blog today, Dr Mahathir also accused Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim — whom he had appointed finance minister and deputy prime minister — of implementing policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to tighten conditions for bank loans and cutting government expenditure during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. Dr Mahathir conceded, however, that Anwar had not opposed his decision to impose capital controls that helped Malaysia stem capital flight. Instead, he said the Bank Negara governor and deputy governor at the time — whom he called Anwar appointees — refused to implement capital controls and resigned. Dr Mahathir has been engaging in a verbal war over the past week with Anwar and PKR leaders over their respective roles and actions during the Asian Financial Crisis. The former premier issued a challenge last week to Opposition Leader Anwar over allegations of a purported letter that the former had written to the World Bank to appeal for funds during the financial crisis. PKR has since produced World Bank records showing that Dr Mahathir's administration had accepted financial aid numerous times from May 18, 1982 to Malaysia's post-financial crisis period of March 30, 1999. This includes three loans for projects inked six months after Anwar was sacked as deputy prime minister in September 1998. Dr Mahathir said today any claim that he wrote to the World Bank was baseless. He added that Malaysia had borrowed from the World Bank since 1958. The last negotiation for loans, he said, was in 1997, but the funds were not disbursed until 1999.
Hasan Ali says gathering proof of Christian proselytism Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:51 AM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Bent on proving Christians were converting Malay Muslims in Selangor, Datuk Hasan Ali said today his research unit has found 41 apostates in Petaling Jaya and will continue to collect more "profound" data to back his case. The state executive councillor in charge of Islamic affairs told reporters the 41 apostates were mostly women aged between 30 and 60-years old who were from low-income households. He postulated that the figure was likely only the tip of the iceberg, with the actual number being much bigger. "It could be hundreds, maybe even thousands," he said. "No one has gathered information and made the statistics," he added, saying he had set up two-and-half months ago a research unit he called "USA", short for "Unit Selamatkan Akidah (Faith Rescue Unit)", to collect the data and persuade the apostates to return to Islam. "We are helping them, hoping they will come back to Islam," he said. The ex-PAS state commissioner appeared taken aback when challenged to prove his theory by a foreign news reporter who pointed out that the so-called apostates could have voluntarily embraced Christianity and were not induced to do so as alleged. "Are you a Malaysian?" he asked. When she answered no, he explained that there were state laws against the propagation of religions other than Islam to Muslims. When asked if he had pushed for the prosecution of Christian groups or individuals allegedly involved in proselytising their religion to Muslims, Hasan told reporters that he was researching for more "profound evidence". This latest disclosure, after a controversial August 3 raid by Selangor Islamic authorities (Jais) on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) in Petaling Jaya, risks further strain to already tense Christian-Muslim ties.
Dr M: ‘I was the most feared PM’ Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:47 AM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today admitted he was considered Malaysia's most-feared prime minister, and attributed this to his character and personality. "What is my legacy? I was the most feared prime minister," Dr Mahathir said during a special gala dinner celebrating his 86th birthday here. "When Tun Hussein Onn appointed me as deputy prime minister, some were saying how could this ultra-Malay be chosen as deputy prime minister?" he said. The former prime minister later added that the most enduring mark of his tenure as PM was the absence of communal violence. "The legacy I am most appreciate when I was PM was that there was no racial riots... even under a Malay extremist like me," he said candidly. Dr Mahathir said he had learned to take criticism in his stride, and advised other politicians to do the same. "Politicians have to accept the fact that they can be criticised. They have to stomach it; I do. Sometimes I even criticise others," he said to bouts of laughter from the audience.
Response to the Alumni of Yayasan Selangor Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:34 AM PST MAKLUM BALAS BERHUBUNG PENUTUPAN SERTA PERPINDAHAN PELAJAR ASRAMA YAYASAN SELANGOR KUALA LUMPUR (AYSKL) En. Aina Hanim bin Lokman 6. Yayasan Selangor juga turut membantu membaiki kemudahan prasarana dan infrastruktur untuk sekolah-sekolah daif persendirian di Selangor. Yayasan Selangor telah menaja pelajar-pelajar di Maahad Tarbiyah Islamiah Al-Ansar di Berjuntai Bestari dan Pusat Pengajian Pondok Bustanul Ariffin, Kampung Labohan Dagang, Banting, Selangor. Tajaan ini adalah dari segi tajaan makan/minum, kemudahan pengangkutan ke masjid untuk solat Jumaat dan pembayaran bil utiliti. Disamping itu, Yayasan Selangor turut memberi sumbangan kepada program yang berteraskan pendidikan kepada rumah anak-anak yatim, NGO, PIBG Sekolah, program SPIES dan sebagainya. Program-program CSR juga dirangka untuk membantu anak-anak yatim, miskin dan golongan yang perlu dibantu serta diberi program secara berpusat. 8. Sehubungan dengan itu, Yayasan Selangor telah memperuntukkan pinjaman pelajaran bagi tahun 2012 iaitu sejumlah RM782,000 untuk pelajar INPENS. Peruntukan tersebut melibatkan RM430,000 untuk pelajar-pelajar baru dan RM352,000 untuk pelajar yang sedia ada. Pembiayaan ini menunjukkan bahawa Yayasan Selangor serius dalam usaha untuk memberi peluang pendidikan kepada pelajar-pelajar kemahiran supaya mereka mendapat pendapatan yang lumayan suatu hari kelak dan seterusnya membayar kembali pinjaman tersebut. 9. Yayasan Selangor sentiasa berusaha kuat untuk mengumpul pendapatan dan dana. Punca pendapatan ini adalah dari hasil sewaan ruang pejabat dan kediaman, projek usahasama, mengusahakan ladang kelapa sawit, pelaburan jangka pendek dan panjang, penyewaan kem-kem bina semangat dan PLKN dan sebagainya. Yayasan Selangor telah berjaya menjana pendapatan sendiri untuk perbelanjaan tadbir urus syarikat dan menjalankan aktiviti pendidikan dengan menaja pelajar-pelajar di asrama mahupun menaja pelajar-pelajar di menara gading dan program-program modal insan. Yayasan Selangor dalam usaha menjana lebih pendapatan agar lebih ramai pelajar dapat ditaja dengan projek pembangunan semula bangunan Yayasan Selangor di Bukit Bintang, Kg.Baru, pembangunan tanah di Presint 7 Shah Alam dan pembangunan tanah di Kampung Pandan. 10. Seluruh warga kerja Yayasan Selangor berazam untuk berusaha keras demi memenuhi tanggungjawab sosial sebagai pemangkin membentuk generasi berilmu dengan menawarkan akses pendidikan samarata kepada rakyat Selangor walaupun berdepan dengan pelbagai rintangan. Yayasan Selangor akan terus menjana dana untuk disalurkan kepada pelajar-pelajar dari peringkat sekolah pondok sehingga ke menara gading. 11. Yayasan Selangor juga telah memperuntukkan RM350,000 pada tahun 2012 untuk menaja 50 orang pelajar peringkat Asasi di UNISEL dan pada tahun-tahun seterusnya.
Police to call witnesses in Penang CM's officer assault Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:30 AM PST (Bernama) -- Police will call several eye witnesses, including M. Satees, who is the former special aide to Deputy Chief Minister II P.Ramasamy, to investigate the case where a man was alleged to have caused hurt to a female officer at the Chief Minister's Office. Timur Laut police chief ACP Gan Kong Meng said the 24-year-old female officer had lodged a police report alleging that she had sustained injuries after being slapped in the face by the man. The incident, which took place in Jalan Tun Syed Sheikh Barakbah at the Esplanade here yesterday, was believed to have been caused by misunderstanding. Gan said the case was being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code and the police had ruled out political motives. Satees was reported to have resigned from the post after the incident.
Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:22 AM PST Dr Mahathir Mohamad The accusation that I wrote to the World Bank asking for loans is baseless. But Malaysia had been borrowing project loans from the World Bank since 1958. The last negotiations for the loans were made in 1997. These were for projects in: a) Education sector US$244 million (RM756 million) b) Social sector US$60 million c) Technical sector US$100 million The currency crisis also began in 1997. Naturally the loans were not approved until 1999 when the crisis was over. The usual sequence is for application for a loan to be made, followed by negotiations. Approval would be given by the bank later. The World Bank wanted Malaysia to request for loans to tide over the crisis like the other countries affected by currency trading. The loans would be conditional upon Malaysia following IMF advice on economic management. It is well-known that Malaysia refused to seek IMF or World Bank help because the so-called help would worsen the financial situation. Instead, in 1998 Malaysia imposed currency control which helped it to recover. In June 1998 (before currency control and while Anwar Ibrahim was still Minister of Finance) a loan for US$300 million was signed with the World Bank for: a) Fund for Food Programme b) Higher Education Loan Fund c) Microcredit Programme By 31st March 1999 a loan of US$100 million was signed for Technical Assistance and for overcoming Y2K problems. However, this loan was stopped after drawing down US$11.94 million. Of the US$244 million Education Project which was approved in March 1999, payment was ordered to be stopped after US$216.7 million was drawn down. Of the Social Sector loan of US$60 million, approved in March 1999, only US$600,000 was drawn down before it was stopped. As the whole world knows, Anwar was reported in the press and foreign magazines for implementing the IMF policy without the IMF loans. He raised interest rates, reduced the period for declaring loans non-performing from six months to three months, reduced budget allocation to ministries so as to achieve a budget surplus, etc. Although he did not oppose currency controls, his appointees as governor and deputy governor of Bank Negara refused to implement the policy and resigned. Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz was then appointed as Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia. As stated above, Malaysia stopped the draw down on loans negotiated with the World Bank in 1997 and June 1998. This did not stop Malaysia from recovering from the crisis. At no time did I write a letter or verbally request for loans from the World Bank. If Anwar can show evidence that I did, he should. Failing that he should swear on the Quran in a mosque that he knows what he says is true. I am prepared to swear that I never asked for loans from the World Bank. — * Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was prime minister from 1981 to 2003
Facebook Hits 70% Penetration Rate in Malaysia Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:17 AM PST
(Forbes) - There were a total of 9.5 million Facebook users in Malaysia on January 01, 2011. And last week, the total has surpassed the 12 million mark. As of today, the estimated total of Facebook users in Malaysia stands at 12,060,200. Currently, the total Internet users in Malaysia is 17.5 million. That means the Facebook penetration in Malaysia is now just a whisker shy of 70%. From January 2011 to December 2011, the Facebook user base has been growing at an average rate of 26%. The growth rate is markedly reduced compared to the last year's rate of 87% (March 2010 – December 2010). The growth rate is expected to decline further in 2012, with the increasing level of Facebook penetration in this country, continuing privacy concerns, onset of Facebook lethargy, and onslaught of emerging new online time sucks.
Senate stamps approval on assembly bill Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:48 AM PST Opposition senators fail to stop the passing of the law in a voting by division system. (Free Malaysia Today) - Opposition senators failed to stop the Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 today after a majority of Dewan Negara members voted in its favour in a voting by division system. The voting system, which was requested by the opposition, saw 30 members supporting it while eight others dissented. Earlier, when tabling the bill, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Liew Vui Keong said the bill allows citizens the rights to gather peacefully and without weapons, with certain conditions deemed necessary to maintain public safety and order. "The bill is the way forward towards strengthening the rule of law and upholding fundamental rights in Malaysia, in particular, the rights to gather peacefully and without weapons," he said. The bill was approved by the Dewan Rakyat on Nov 29 with six amendments. One of the amendments, involving Clause 9(1), allows organisers of assemblies to notify the police only 10 days before the event and not 30 days as in the original bill. Clause 12(1) was amended to shorten from 48 hours to 24 hours the period for the police to respond to the organisers' notification of an assembly. Clause 12(2) was also amended to shorten from five days to 24 hours the period for the vested party to make an objection to the police over the notice of assembly. The period for the police to respond to the objection was also shortened, from 12 days to five days, as per an amendment to Clause 14.
World Bank row: Najib backs Dr M Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:46 AM PST Mahathir would not have surrendered the country to the controls of the IMF, says the prime minister. (Free Malaysia Today) - Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak today dismissed as "nonsense" accusations that former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad had sought loans from the World Bank. He said it was Mahathir's leadership that steered Malaysia out of the 1998 financial crisis, adding that he was also known for his distrust towards the International Monetary Fund (IMF). "Any accusation that he (Mahathir) had written a letter (requesting aid from the World Bank) is nonsense," Najib said in his speech at a gala dinner honouring the former premier here. "Tun Dr Mahathir saved the economy in 1999… he would not have surrendered the country to the controls of the IMF under any circumstances," he added. Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim had tried to turn the table against his archrival, claiming that Mahathir had personally asked for aid from the World Bank and produced documents to back his claims. Anwar had always been portrayed as a "Western agent" by the former prime minister who justified his allegation by pointing to the former's alleged request for IMF aid. Mahathir retaliated by demanding that Anwar produce the supposed letter. PKR responded by furnishing World Bank records showing the Mahathir administration accepting financial aid from May 18, 1982 to the post-financial crisis period of March 30, 1999. This included three loans for projects inked six months after Anwar was sacked as deputy prime minister in September 1998. Mahathir stands by his version He said Malaysia had been taking loans from the World Bank since 1958, with the last being in 1997. The funds, however, were only disbursed in 1999, which explained the records produced by PKR. Mahathir reiterated his allegation that Anwar had favoured IMF policies which he said were detrimental to Malaysia's sovereignty.
Behold the Perkasa fatwa on indelible ink! Posted: 20 Dec 2011 06:43 AM PST Mr Syed hints that the indelible ink is un-Islamic, despite it being used in populous Muslim democracies such as Pakistan and Bangladesh, or more recently in Tunisia, or even in the seat of Islamic learning, Egypt, where the first fairly transparent elections were recently held and saw the strong support of Islamist parties. Perhaps now, the halal-ness of the Islamists' victory is questionable. Abdar Rahman Koya, Harakah Daily UMNO's right-wing offshoot Perkasa never fails to live up to its image, providing yet another comic relief. Last July, the group threatened to disrupt the huge Bersih rally for electoral reforms in the capital, only to admit that dozens, perhaps less than a dozen, of its members turned up to loiter around the Lake Gardens. This time, the group is incensed by the decision of the Election Commission to implement the indelible ink rule on voters at the coming polls. While not a single Muslim ulama, not even the bearded and "nur (light)-upon-thy-face"-type UMNO young ulama, had ever questioned the permissibility of the ink being applied on Muslim fingers, Perkasa has come up with what is perhaps the first 'fatwa' to suggest that the ink is not permitted under Islamic laws. The Islamic background of its secretary general Syed Hasan Syed Ali is unclear, other than the fact that his name carries the title 'Syed' usually reserved for the Prophet's lineage, though one can never tell on which side of the Quraysh clan (to which the Prophet belonged) this particular gentleman hails from. After all, some of the Prophet's strongest adversaries had been his own blood relatives. That said, here in Malaysia there are many "Friday Syeds", you know, those born on a Friday and therefore a 'Syed'!
Says Mr Syed: "It is a disgrace that a more advanced country than these developing countries wants to use indelible ink in the general election. "We are not like Somalia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia and other backward nations that do not have sophisticated identification, that only use handwritten papers as their identity documents. What a shame," fumes the 'First World' born Mr Syed. Interestingly, Mr Syed makes this derogatory view of his Muslim brethren on the same day the Malaysian parliament passes a bill that restricts any attempt by citizens to gather peacefully, unlike their counterparts in the more advanced countries for which Mr Syed has taken pains to become a part of. The latest fatwa by Perkasa, meanwhile, to be fair, is not a "do-what-I-command" type of edict. It shows that Perkasa's 'Shariah committee' (from which we presume this opinion by Mr Syed may have been based), is not made up of intolerant and self-righteous Islamic scholars out to impose their interpretation of Islam on others without trying to qualify their edicts with gentle exhortation as required by Islam.
"There is a big possibility that I myself will not come out to vote if the indelible ink ruling is implemented," says Mr Syed, walking the talk and showing leadership by example. So far, his Islamicity remains as solid as the rock at Bukit Malawati. "And there is a possibility that a big number of Perkasa members will not come out to vote. Who will be the loser when Perkasa and Malays refused to vote?" he asks. Valid question. Let's see. Judging by Perkasa's own claim of its membership, that would either mean hundreds of thousands of pious Malay-Muslims out to defend their race and religion not lining up at polling centres, or a dozen or so prefering to spend polling day at the Lake Gardens. Meanwhile, Perkasa has spoken. The ulama of the Muslim world should now wake up from their slumber. From the universities of Madinah through the study halls of Qom to the ivory towers of Al-Azhar, it looks like Perkasa is set to be the talk among Islamic scholars, thinkers and intellectuals. Lo and behold! The coming days and weeks will tell us whether the ulama of the Muslim world are ready to admit their mistakes, confess their sins, and seek forgiveness from the global Muslim Ummah for not questioning the indelible ink and for allowing millions of Muslim voters to have the devil's paint on their fingers.
‘Corrupt’ deputy minister under probe Posted: 19 Dec 2011 06:48 PM PST MACC, however, did not indicate it is investigating two aides working under Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Muhiddin Yassin. (Free Malaysia Today) - The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has confirmed that it is investigating allegations of corruption against Deputy Finance Minister Awang Adek Hussin. Awang Adek along with Advance Maintenance Precision Management Sdn Bhd and Gerbang Perdana managing director Yahya Abd Jalil were allegedly involved in covert dealings. Details of these dealings were recently revealed by an anonymous blogger, "The Whistleblower 711" on his blogsite. Also disclosed were the names and transactions between Yahya and two aides working under Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin respectively. In a statement issued to FMT yesterday, MACC said that it was aware of the contents of the blog and was investigating the allegations against Awang Adek. The statement, however, failed to mention whether MACC was invetigating Najib and Muhyiddin's aides. Top-level informants On Sunday, FMT reported "The Whistleblower711′s" allegations implicating, and naming, the deputy minister and the two aides. The blogger claimed to have top-level informants who had named the three government officials and claimed that they had been "bought" by one businessman for the purpose of obtaining contracts from the federal government and its agencies. The author claimed that the businessman, who is also an Umno leader in Johor, had been channellling several thousands of "monthly contributions" to the government officials. Proof of these contributions was published in the blog in the form of scans of several cash deposit slips, together with serial numbers. These were alleged to be the personal accounts of the government officials. The author claimed that the modus operandi of the businessman was to issue and cash out the cheques at a well-known bank. Then a deposit, of either a partial or full amount, would be put into the personal accounts of the government officials. "MACC would like to stress that all allegations or accusations related to any corruption offences, either received or obtained proactively by MACC will be acted upon as provided under Section 29(3) of the MACC Act 2009 (on powers to investigate)."
Hasan Ali: Saya bukan duri dalam daging, tapi PAS tergelincir landasan Posted: 19 Dec 2011 06:21 PM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Sambil menegaskan beliau bukan "duri dalam daging" bagi PAS, Datuk Dr Hasan Ali mahu parti itu kembali ke landasan asal penubuhan supaya perjuangannya terus konsisten dengan usaha memartabatkan Islam yang sebenar. Exco kerajaan negeri Selangor ini turut menegaskan, PAS sekarang seperti tergelincir dari landasan asal perjuangan akibat kekurangan golongan ulama dalam barisan kepimpinannya. "PAS sekarang sudah dipenuhi dengan golongan profesional dan akademik yang bersifat sekular berbanding sebelum ini yang menyaksikan parti ini dikuasai golongan ulama. "Saya berjuang bagi memastikan matlamat PAS diletakkan kembali di landasan asalnya bagi memastikan semangat perjuangan Islam itu kembali menjadi teras dalam perjuangan PAS," katanya pada sidang media di kediamannya di sini, hari ini. Menurut Hasan, pihaknya mempunyai bukti penyokong PAS semakin berkurangan kebelakangan ini akibat persekitaran sedemikian. "Penyokong mula menarik diri dari PAS, mereka bukan seperti lembu yang dicucuk hidung, mereka adalah insan yang berbudaya, bertatasusila dan beragama dan terbukti mempunyai kekuatan intelektual dan laras berfikir yang matang dan mesti dihormati," katanya mempertikaikan dakwaan Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali baru-baru ini bahawa dirinya terlibat menghasut penyokong PAS bahawa parti komponen Pakatan Rakyat itu tidak lagi memperjuangkan Islam. Jelas Hasan, beliau menghormati peranan golongan profesional dalam parti, tetapi adalah lebih baik sekiranya mereka turut sama berjuang mengembalikan parti kepada matlamat asal perjuangan menegakkan teras Islam. "Perjuangan saya turut mendapat respons positif Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Ketua Dewan Ulama PAS Pusat Datuk Harun Taib dan Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Nasrudin Tantawi, mereka menyokong usaha saya meletakkan semula PAS di landasan awal," katanya lagi.
Perkasa: Melayu tidak akan keluar undi jika SPR guna dakwat kekal Posted: 19 Dec 2011 06:16 PM PST (The Malaysian Insider) - Perkasa menolak keputusan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang semalam mengumumkan akan menggunakan dakwat kekal pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 atas alasan orang Melayu tidak akan keluar mengundi selain mendakwa ia bertujuan mengurangkan peratusan pengundi kalangan kaum itu kelak. Sehubungan itu, Setiausaha Agung Perkasa Syed Hassan Syed Ali berkata, pihaknya yakin penggunaan dakwat kekal akan membawa negara ke belakang. Selain itu kata beliau, Perkasa percaya ramai pengundi Melayu tidak akan keluar mengundi jika penggunaan dakwat kekal diteruskan. Semalam SPR mengumumkan bahawa semua pengundi wajib dicalit dengan dakwat kekal dan sekiranya mereka enggan berbuat demikian, maka pengundi terbabit tidak akan diberikan kertas mengundi. Langkah itu seiring dengan syor jawatankuasa pilihan khas Parlimen berhubung penambahbaikan proses pilihan raya. "Adalah memalukan negara yang jauh lebih maju dari negara-negara membangun lain mahu menggunakan dakwat kekal dalam pilihan raya umum. "Malaysia bukan negara seperti Somalia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kemboja dan lain-lain negara mundur yang rekod pengenalan diri masih tidak canggih, yang menggunakan kertas biasa dengan maklumat peribadi tulisan tangan. Memalukan," katanya. Syed Hassan juga mendakwa Perkasa percaya gesaan untuk penggunaan dakwat kekal adalah daripada pihak yang sebenarnya tidak mahukannya juga tapi oleh kerana ia cara untuk membuatkan orang Melayu dan Islam tidak mahu keluar mengundi. "Siapa yang untung jika orang Melayu tidak keluar mengundi? Saya sendiri kemungkinan besar tidak akan keluar mengundi jika kekal dengan penggunaan dakwat kekal. "Dan, kemungkinan ramai ahli Perkasa tidak keluar mengundi juga. Siapa yang akan terasa rugi jika ramai ahli Perkasa dan orang Melayu lain tidak keluar mengundi?" katanya. Oleh itu kata beliau, kerajaan perlu berfikir dengan sebaik-baiknya keputusan penggunaan dakwat kekal pada pilihan raya umum ke-13.
Tindakan Hasan Ali musnah diri Posted: 19 Dec 2011 06:10 PM PST Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Dr Abdul Rani Othman mengingatkan Hasan yang merupakan idola beliau untuk terus muhasabah diri. (Free Malaysia Today) - PAS Selangor menyifatkan tindakan Exco Hal Ehwal Islam negeri itu, Datuk Dr Hasan Ali hanya menghancurkan diri sendiri apabila terus menyuarakan kekecewaan peribadinya ke atas parti kepada umum. Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Dr Abdul Rani Othman mengingatkan Hasan yang merupakan idola beliau untuk terus muhasabah diri. Katanya, Hasan perlu menunjukkan sikap lebih terbuka ekoran tidak menerima pencalonan yang mencukupi daripada cawangan untuk mempertahankan kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Gombak Setia. Menurut Abdul Rani, beliau ada menghubungi Hasan namun sehingga hari ini tiada sebarang maklum balas daripada pemimpin PAS tersebut. "Sepatutnya kita tanya diri sendiri apa silap kita. Saya yang baru jadi Adun di Meru, ada orang Umno tegur dan beritahu silap saya. Hasan lebih tahu Gombak Setia, beliau patut tanya apa salah diri sendiri. "Saya ada mesej untuk tawarkan beliau jawatan sebagai ahli perhubungan PAS Negeri. Tapi bagi SMS, hubungi beliau pun tiada jawapan. Saya minta untuk jumpa namun dapat tahu beliau akan buat sidang media. "Saya ingatkan Hasan Ali agar dapat muhasabah diri. Apa yang beliau lakukan hanya merosakan diri sendiri. Sedangkan parti (PAS) ada kekuatan sendiri. Apa yang beliau lakukan hanya memberi kesan minimal pada parti," katanya dalam sidang media di Pusat Khidmat Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam hari ini.
Be a better leader, critics tell Ramasamy Posted: 19 Dec 2011 06:00 PM PST They say the DAP peace deal does not resolve the problems Penang Indians face (Free Malaysia Today) - A group of DAP grassroots leaders have asked Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy to review his leadership skills, claiming that he appears detached from problems plaguing the Indian community. The group consists of veteran and young members of branches within the mainland parliamentary constituencies of Bagan, Bukit Mertajam and Batu Kawan. They are all Indians, but they preferred not to be named out of respect for the peace deal that DAP has worked out to end Ramasamy's open spat with party chairman Karpal Singh. In separate interviews with FMT, they said Indians in the state had benefited little from Penang's achievements since DAP took the reins of the state administration in 2008. As a result, they added, many Indians who voted for Pakatan Rakyat candidates in the last election were now reverting to Barisan Nasional. Several of them said Ramasamy probably meant well, but was hampered by inexperience, ignorance or the lack support from his aides. They said some of the aides appeared ignorant and arrogant to the grassroots. They complained that the state had yet to fulfil some of its promises to the Indian community. "Where is the macro-economic master plan for Penang Indians?" said one. They alleged that state agencies had not given enough jobs to Indians or provided them with affordable housing. "Indians are unable to shake off their perception of feeling marginalised. Our graduates do not feel welcome in state-linked companies or in the public sector." They said BN parties were taking advantage of the situation. One of the critics cited the case of a young graduate who managed to get a job with a state agency only after seeking the intervention of a MCA divisional leader. Another critic acknowledged that Ramasamy's office did provide funds to Tamil schools but said the officials seemed unaware that some parent-teacher associations had channelled the money to MIC-linked functions.
PRU-13: Pakatan S’gor kekal ‘status quo’ Posted: 19 Dec 2011 05:56 PM PST DAP akan bertanding 15 kerusi, PKR (21) dan PAS (20), sama seperti pada PRU 2008, kata Teresa Kok. (Free Malaysia Today) - Pakatan Rakyat negeri Selangor bersetuju untuk mengekalkan 'status quo' dalam pembahagian kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) bagi menghadapi Pilihan Raya Umum ke 13 (PRU-13). 'Status quo' yang dipersetujui bersama ialah DAP akan bertanding 15 kerusi, PKR (21) dan PAS (20), sama seperti pada PRU 2008, kata Pengerusi DAP Selangor, Teresa Kok pada sidang media di sini hari ini. Menjawab mengenai dakwaan rancangan DAP untuk mengambil kerusi Menteri Besar, Teresa menjelaskan bahawa parti yang menang paling banyak kerusi akan diberi keutamaan dan dari 56 kerusi Dun Selangor itu, DAP hanya bertanding 15 kerusi berbanding PKR dan PAS. "Saya rasa hairan mengapa timbul kata DAP mahu kerusi Menteri Besar, dan daripada pengaruh di Selangor tidak mungkin perkara itu terjadi. Pihak yang menang paling banyak kerusi yang akan diberi keutamaan. "Tiada perbincangan siapa akan jadi Menteri Besar. Calon (Menteri Besar) pun masih belum boleh ditentukan. Itu pun sekiranya Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim tidak mahu menjadi calon dan sebaliknya hanya mahu bertanding kerusi parlimen sahaja," jelas beliau.
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 05:51 PM PST PKR claims that it has proof that Mahathir took a loan from the World Bank during the financial crises. (Free Malaysia Today) - PKR today showed more "evidence" that former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad was lying when he claimed that he did not take any loan from the World Bank to ride out the financial crisis of 1999. This time, PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli produced a document from Budget 2010 which listed the nation's foreign debt amount. "And item 4452 of the document clearly shows that the government took a loan from the World Bank in 1999 for a project termed as Social Sector Support," said Rafizi. The statement also indicated that Malaysia still owed the World Bank a sum of RM701,040 as of Dec 31, 2008. Rafizi said that this clearly shows that Mahathir had lied and is continuing to lie by denying his government had ever obtained loans from the World Bank. On Friday, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim alleged that Mahathir, despite labelling the former as an agent of the West, had written to the World Bank in 1999 seeking financial aid. Subsequently, PKR revealed three documents pertaining to a US$60 million loan taken by the Malaysian government from the international bank, when Mahathir denied the claims and challenged Anwar to swear on the Quran over the allegation.
Shahrizat’s family owns luxury condo in S’pore? Posted: 19 Dec 2011 05:34 PM PST PKR alleges the Umno leader's husband had purchased a unit worth RM10 million last year and questions the source of the funds (Free Malaysia Today) - Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's family owns a luxury condominium worth RM10 million in Singapore, PKR alleged today. Speaking at a press conference at the party headquarters, PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution said that the 2,282 sq ft unit at Anthony Road, Orchard Scotts, was purchased in January 2010, and is registered under her husband Mohamad Salleh Ismail and their children. However, there is no evidence to suggest that funds to purchase the luxury unit came from the RM250 million in soft loans given by the government for the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) project. Also present at the press conference were PKR women chief, Zuraida Kamaruddin, its chief of strategy Rafizi Ramli and PAS central committee member Dzulkefly Ahmad. Shahrizat and Mohamed Salleh, who is the NFC executive chairman, came under fire from MPs from both sides of the political divide when it was revealed in the 2010 Auditor-General's Report that the NFC was "in a mess". The opposition alleged that Shahrizat's family had misappropriated the RM250 million of public funds meant for the project to purchase land and luxury items such as a car and condominium units in Bangsar. They further claimed that the beef produce from the project was channelled to restaurants belonging to Shahrizat's family. The project was mooted during the reign of then prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, to reduce the nation's beef import by 40% by enhancing local beef produce. Meagre ministerial salary Saifuddin, who is also Machang MP, said Shahrizat could not have purchased the condominium unit in Singapore with her meagre ministerial salary. "And her husband, although being Technology Park Malaysia's head, would not have been able to afford it as well as it's not a business entity. So where did the funds come from?" asked Saifuddin.
Political frogs thriving within BN, claims Mawan Posted: 19 Dec 2011 05:26 PM PST The Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party president claims there are mischievous hands at work within his party. (Free Malaysia Today) - The turmoil within Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) has not ebbed and its president William Mawan's confession that "political frogs" are "thriving within BN" has further fuelled speculations of covert hands stirring discord within the party. A jittery Mawan, under pressure to keep his party intact, said: "Their (political frogs') presence is worrying because they are thriving within the BN fold. It is difficult for me to contain it." Mawan did not name the new breed of 'political frogs' but it is obvious he was referring to some leaders and supporters of Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) which is led by senior state minister, James Masing. There is no love lost between Mawan and Masing. Both are fighting to win over the confidence of the Dayak community. Mawan said that these "political frogs" seemed to have dual personalities. "They would support Barisan Nasional (BN) during the parliamentary election, but would fight against the ruling coalition during the state election. "I stumbled upon them during the April 10 state election when known supporters of the BN candidate in Julau turned against me. "I do not know what kind of political ideology these individuals are upholding nor do I know how to deal with them," he told his supporters at Rumah Tuat Bunya in Nanga Wak, Pakan During the state polls, Mawan was challenged by a Sarawak National Party (SNAP) candidate Jamal Abdullah @ Tedong Ak Gunda. Jamal was the only candidate, out of 26 SNAP candidates, who did not lose his deposit. Jamal secured 2,741 votes against Mawan's 3,938. Had Jamal the financial resources and a properly organised campaign, he may have caused an upset in this SPDP stronghold. Mawan, it is learnt, had snubbed many PRS leaders in his bid to stay in power. One of them is allegedly Julau MP Joseph Salang Gandum. Mawan allegedly ignored Salang during the April state election. The Pakan and Meluan state seats which are controlled by SPDP are within the Julau constituency. Salang, who is Information, Communication and Heritage Deputy Minister, is tipped to defend his seat in the coming general election. Like in the 2008 parliamentary election when Mawan and his supporters did not campaign for Salang, it is very likely they will not campaign for him in the next general election.
Hasan mahu Saari dirujuk ke Lembaga Disiplin Posted: 19 Dec 2011 05:23 PM PST Kenyataan Adun Hulu Kelang itu mengenai penggugurannya di kerusi Gombak Setia merupakan punca kepada tercetusnya polemik. (Free Malaysia Today) - Bekas Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Datuk Dr Hasan Ali menggesa agar Ketua Penerangan PAS Selangor Saari Sungip dirujuk kepada Lembaga Disiplin parti kerana mengeluarkan kenyataan berhubung senarai calon PAS untuk Pilihan Raya Umum 13 (PRU13). Katanya, kenyataan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Hulu Kelang itu mengenai penggugurannya di kerusi Gombak Setia merupakan punca kepada tercetusnya polemik sehingga menyebabkan pergeseran antara pemimpin parti. "Saya ingin menyarankan supaya pimpinan tertinggi parti mengambil tindakan disiplin terhadap Ketua Penerangan PAS Selangor. "Beliaulah yang mula menyemaikan bibit perpecahan dikalangan ahli dan penyokong parti. Tindakan beliau jelas tidak menguntungkan parti," katanya dalam sidang media dirumahnya di sini hari ini. Hasan yang juga Exco Hal Ehwal Agama Islam, Adat-Adat Melayu, Infrastruktur dan Kemudahan Awam Selangor sebaliknya menegaskan bukan dirinya yang menjadi punca kepada timbulnya isu ini, tetapi Saari. "Saya ingin tegaskan kepada ahli dan penyokong PAS dan kepada sesiapa sahaja bahawa saya bukanlah pihak yang menimbulkan polemik ini. "Sebaliknya isu ini timbul hasil daripada pengumuman yang dikatakan tidak kena masa dan tempatnya oleh Ketua Penerangan PAS Selangor mengenai pencalonan nama saya," katanya. Sehubungan itu, beliau menggesa agar satu siasatan terperinci dibuat ke atas proses pencalonan dan keputusan akhir bilangan pencalonan yang diterimanya di kawasan Gombak seperti yang dibuat oleh PAS kawasan itu. "Siasatan ini dicadangkan bagi melenyapkan sebarang spekulasi yang timbul berkaitan dengan pencalonan saya," katanya.
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:52 AM PST I've said this before, and I'll say it again: not all Malays deserve to get the help that the NEP brings. I would hazard a guess that most Malays who live in exclusive neighbourhoods in KL do not need the Bumiputera housing discount, or government scholarships for their offspring. Farah Fahmy, The Malaysian Insider If our politicians are to be believed, the Malays are under threat these days. Our religion, culture and power are steadily under attack from all and sundry. Everyone has it in for us, from Christians to the Chinese. We are even warned about a so-called "Malaysian Spring" being orchestrated by "anasir-anasir Barat" (and quite possibly, the Jews, who of course, have always had it in for us). "We won't surrender an inch," said the Melayu champion-in-chief (who also finds the time to be our prime minister) during a speech to Pekida recently. Malays, we were told, will never be oppressed in our own land so long as Umno is in power. Well, glory be. I'm sure there are many others who can sleep more soundly at night knowing that there are so many out there making sure we Malays are not stripped of our position and power in our land. But ... hang on a minute. The last time I checked we Malays, along with the other Bumiputeras, make up about 60-odd per cent of our country's population. Islam is not just our country's official religion, it is also the religion professed by about 60 per cent of our people. Not only are we and our religion in the majority, but let's see, we Malays also make up most of, oh, the civil service, police, army, ruling class and politicians. Of course, you can say that there are plenty of Malays who still need help. This, I don't dispute. I've seen rural poverty in our country, where people still live without basic amenities like constant water supply and proper toilets. I've also seen urban poverty, with families living in small, low-cost flats in the outskirts of KL making do with the little that they earn. Yet poor Malays aren't the only ones who need help. There are also plenty of poor people, non-Malays, who deserve help. My brother was once approached by a young Indian man late one evening. He had just arrived from Kulai and asked my brother for help; my brother pointed him in the direction of the nearest kedai mamak. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: not all Malays deserve to get the help that the NEP brings. I would hazard a guess that most Malays who live in exclusive neighbourhoods in KL do not need the Bumiputera housing discount, or government scholarships for their offspring. Are we really throwing away our "power" and "position" if we amended the NEP so that it excluded rich Malays and was open to all of our country's poor, regardless of their race? Yes, Datuk Najib, we've "willingly shared power with the non-Malays" since Merdeka, but why keep harping on the past? Why not share with us your vision for the future? I should have expected it, but I'm disappointed all the same. Is this what Malay leadership is about? Is there such a dearth of good Malay leaders in Umno that only scare tactics will do? Where is the vision about what the Malays can achieve? Why is no one inspiring us to be better? Why, in fact, is there no Malay leader out there who has the guts to say enough is enough, we Malays will never reach our full potential if we keep harping on about the help that we need? Why is no one honest enough to say that not all Malays are equal, and the haves should no longer receive a handout?
I am not part of a plot: Guan Eng Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:41 AM PST (The Sun Daily) - DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today refuted suggestions that he was part of a plot to topple national chairman Karpal Singh. He said such allegations were ridiculous and that he would not comment on such matters. "It is ridiculous so I won't comment," he said after he was asked about the issue during a press conference. It was reported that Penang Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan and Penang People's Progressive Party (PPP) chairman Datuk Dr Loga Bala Mohon had speculated that there was a hidden hand involved in the recent squabble between Karpal and deputy secretary-general Dr P Ramasamy. Karpal and Ramasamy were involved in a bitter spat following the latter's comment that the party should get rid of "godfathers" within its ranks. The comment was made in reaction to Karpal's comment that the party did not allow warlords to do whatever they like. This statement was made in response to Ramasamy's announcement in a Tamil paper that he and certain Indian members would be standing in the general election, although the party leadership had yet to make any decision on the matter. The dispute was resolved after a correction was issued by a Tamil newspaper chief editor for inaccurate reporting on the statement that sparked the row. Lim also told Teng not to meddle in DAP's internal affairs saying that such speculation was a means to distract the people from the problems faced by Gerakan. Earlier, Lim, who is also Penang Chief Minister, had declared open the state's first "Friendship Park" in Lebuh Farquhar. He lauded the opening of the 0.228ha site as a step forward in greening Penang. He said the park would be used to commemorate visits by foreign mayors via a tree-planting exercise whenever one visited Penang, while the other site in Padang Kota Lama would be reserved for visiting heads of state. The Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) took about two months to complete the RM120,000 landscaping works and have planted 50 variegated Bucida Molineti trees, and a further 30 Bucida Molineti trees.
Former DAP leader pushed me, says lawyer Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:39 AM PST (The Star) - A lawyer told a Sessions Court that a former DAP grassroots leader pushed and kicked him outside a courtroom in Northam Tower here. Lee Khai said the incident involving him and Teh Hock Yong occurred on Nov 29, 2006, on Level 2 of Northam Tower, where the High Courts were located at the time. Lee Khai, 43, was representing Penang Wanita MCA chief Tan Cheng Liang in a defamation suit against Teh on that day "The case was called up for mention on the day of the assault. After I left the courtroom, I was approached by reporters seeking details pertaining to the case," said Lee during cross-examination yesterday. "I was asked by a reporter if Teh was in court. I had not noticed him inside the courtroom, but at that moment I saw him standing a few feet away behind the reporters," said Lee. Deputy Public Prosecutor Mohd Faisal Md Noor then asked Lee if he had met Teh before. Lee said he was not sure if he had met him before, but had recognised him from newspaper reports. Lee said he walked back to Teh to hear what he had to say to reporters. "Instead, he pushed me and I lost my balance and fell on the left side of my body," said Lee, adding that Teh also kicked him. Teh's offence under Section 323 of the Penal Code carries a maximum one year's jail or a fine not exceeding RM2,000 or both upon conviction. Magistrate Siti Salwa set Jan 19 and 20 for further hearing.
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:35 AM PST Chew Lian Keng Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim only knows how to make empty promises, and his most recent promise to shut down the Lynas rare earth plant in Kuantan if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government is merely lip service as Pakatan Rakyat is unable to honour their promises. Before the 2008 General Elections, Anwar had paid a visit to Kampung Buah Pala and had promised to prevent their village from being demolished. He told the people there that as long as Pakatan Rakyat gains control of Penang, regardless of whether it is DAP or PKR, they will appoint a Chinese as the Penang Chief Minister and that within 2 weeks of taking office, a representative will come to Kampung Buah Pala to look into their problems. The video of Anwar making such promises has been widely circulated, but in the end, Kampung Buah Pala was demolished anyway despite pleas from the villagers. Anwar likes to simply make promises, but at the end of the day, these promises are not fulfilled and some have even been proven fake such as when Anwar had declared that Pakatan Rakyat will be able to take over the federal government on September 16, 2008. In the end he became the laughing stock of the political community. Also, when PAS criticized Anwar for saying that Lim Kit Siang can be the Deputy Prime Minister, he quickly retracted his statement. This shows that Anwar only makes promises for his own political purposes, thus he does not put too much focus on achieving what he has promised, and when the time comes, Anwar will abandon the voters and his promises to them. Cancelling the Lynas contract is easier said than done, as thousands of issues must be looked into first. Therefore, the people must consider Anwar's promises and decide if he is really concern for the people or is he merely blowing hot air. CHEW LIAN KENG is MCA Youth Federal Territory Chairman
PETRONAS tamat taja Ariff Alfian Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:23 AM PST (Berita Harian) - PETRONAS menamatkan penajaan Ariff Alfian Rosli, bekas pelajar yang didakwa berkahwin dengan pasangan sejenis di Dublin, Ireland, berdasarkan keputusan dan pencapaian akademik tidak memuaskan yang melanggar syarat perjanjian pinjaman. Dalam satu kenyataan media yang dikeluarkan semalam, Jabatan Perhubungan Media, Bahagian Hal-Ehwal Korporat Kumpulan PETRONAS, syarikat itu memutuskan sedemikian pada Januari 2009. PETRONAS sekali gus mengesahkan Ariff Alfian adalah bekas pelajar tajaannya di bawah skim Pinjaman Pelajaran Boleh Ubah Petronas bermula September 2001 untuk mengikuti kursus A-Level dan seterusnya melanjutkan pengajian peringkat ijazah perubatan di United Kingdom. "Setelah menamatkan kursus A-Level, Ariff Alfian memohon dan diterima memasuki University College Dublin. Sepanjang tempoh pengajian di Dublin, Ariff Alfian tidak pernah menghadiri sesi perbincangan berkala dengan Penasihat Pelajar PETRONAS dan tidak membalas sebarang emel serta panggilan telefon walaupun banyak usaha dibuat untuk berhubung dengan beliau." "Sehubungan itu, perbincangan juga sudah diadakan dengan penjamin pada pertengahan tahun ini mengenai pembayaran balik pinjaman berkenaan. Sehingga kini, PETRONAS masih belum menerima sebarang maklum balas mengenai perkara itu, walaupun surat peringatan sudah dihantar pada 6 Disember lalu.
Neither DAP nor PAS respects Azmin Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:50 AM PST PKR must find within its ranks a leader they can trust implicitly. And so I tell Anwar this: "If I know that PAS and DAP will not accept Azmin as leader of PKR, is it not time that you take cognizance of their stand and fall into line with this consensus too?" CT Ali, Free Malaysia Today Last week, I wrote that PKR must ready itself to lead the opposition Pakatan Rakyat with or without Anwar Ibrahim. The operative word I said was "ready itself". There are now within PKR three people who can do this (lead PKR): Azmin Ali, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and Nurul Izzah Anwar. Three candidates without any common ground between them that would enable them to work together as one for the good of PKR and Pakatan Rakyat. So PKR must choose one. First we talk about Azmin. Azmin is Anwar's choice. I am not going to go into Anwar's reason for doing so because my business is not to second-guess him. My business is to tell Anwar and you all why we should or should not agree with what Anwar wants to do. Remember what I have said before: "Where does our responsibility to Anwar end and our responsibility to PKR and Pakatan start?" It starts when I believe that Anwar has made a decision that will harm PKR and Pakatan. Anwar must defer to views When Anwar chose to endorse Azmin overtly or covertly, then PKR and we will have to decide if what he did was right. My stand is very simple. PAS will not accept Azmin as leader of PKR. DAP will not accept Azmin as leader of PKR. You and I should defer to the wisdom and experience of Tok Guru (Nik Aziz Nik Mat), Abdul Hadi Awang, Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh. And so I tell Anwar this: "If I know that PAS and DAP will not accept Azmin as leader of PKR, is it not time that you take cognizance of their stand and fall into line with this consensus too?" "To do otherwise would only harm what you want for PKR and Pakatan Rakyat. It is enough that PAS said in no uncertain terms that Zaid Ibrahim is back within Pakatan Rakyat's fold. Now will they have to tell you that they want Azmin out?" Second comes Saifuddin Saifuddin is a good man loyal to Anwar. What we can hope for is that his loyalty to Anwar will see him do what is best for PKR no matter what his personal preferences are. I doubt that he will have the stomach to immerse himself totally in the cut and thrust of PKR's politics but if push comes to shove, Saifuddin will do what is best for Anwar. And what is best for Anwar is a strong and cohesive PKR! We are now left with Nurul Izzah. And what a choice she is for us! Nurul Izzah is a riot of possibilities. Let's look at her pluses. She carries the goodwill of many of our young people and that of many women in Malaysia with her decision to go into politics. The others will give her room to develop politically and are not overly critical of her too tentative foray into Malaysian politics – but the clock is ticking. Her greatest strength is the potential and promise she exudes to do good in politics. But has she got what it takes to do what her father has done in the face of adversity? Does she have the ability to stand and fight when all is lost and what is left is only belief in yourself to do what you know is right? Will she stand up to Azmin and Saifuddin if they stand in her way? Nurul Izzah is still to be tried and tested in the cut and thrust of politics as it is done in Malaysia.
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:47 AM PST (The Star) - A Sabah businessman has warned that any attempt to probe claims of foreigners getting dubious identification documents would cause a backlash. Datu Mohd Akjan Datu Mohammad said any investigation through the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) would lead to misunderstandings, hatred and disunity among the ethnic groups in the state. Speaking as Islamic Welfare and Sermon Organisation of Malaysia (Pekida) Sabah chairman, Mohd Akjan said the group believed the repeated calls for such a probe were selfish and politically-motivated acts to undermine and incite hatred against the present Barisan Nasional-led government. "All these are being done without any consideration for the sentiment of the ethnic groups in Sabah," said Mohd Akjan who caused an uproar a year ago by accepting an offer to become the 33rd Sultan of the southern Philippine province of Sulu. He said the ethnic communities here, including the Bajau, Suluk, Bugis, Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis and Arabs had obtained their citizenship through legitimate means. Mohd Akjan said the Government had the prerogative to issue citizenship to those who had fulfilled the various criteria and requirements stipulated in the Federal Constitution. A Sabah MCA division has called for an RCI to probe widespread allegations of foreigners getting identification documents through dubious means. In making the call, Penampang MCA deputy chief Robert Chin Swee Ming said the issue was linked to Sabah's population explosion over the past decades. Chin said Sabah's population experienced an abnormal growth from 648,000 in 1970 to more than 2.6 million or 301% in 2000 compared with Sarawak's growth of 106% from 976,000 during the same period.
Dr Hasan and Khalid to face media and explain ongoing feud Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:45 AM PST (The Star) - It promises to be a hot day in PAS with two opposing factions set to present their case to the media today as an ongoing feud reaches a new high. The controversial Datuk Dr Hasan Ali, a Selangor executive councillor and former state party commissioner, is scheduled to meet the media at his home in Taman Tun Dr Ismail at 11am. At about the same time, PAS central committee member and Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad (pic) will hold court with the media on issues involving Dr Hasan. Khalid, a staunch critic of Dr Hasan, will be accompanied by several Selangor Pakatan Rakyat leaders. Dr Hasan was initially expected to meet the media yesterday to respond to allegations levelled against him by secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali and others in the party in relation to his proposal for PAS-Umno unity talks. Dr Hasan said that he intended to put everything in the "right perspective", stressing his loyalty to PAS. Despite his criticisms, Khalid said that Dr Hasan should remain in the party and urged the latter to be a team player. Mustafa has reiterated the party's stand that PAS was not interested in unity talks with Umno and that Dr Hasan was never entrusted to pursue such an agenda. For Dr Hasan, maintaining his stance is unlikely to earn him more support beyond the handful who are on his side such as Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan and former deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa. The question now is whether or not the party's top leadership will finally decide if they should act against Dr Hasan for going against the party line, and what the latter says today is expected to have a big impact.
Boo Chang asks party to clear allegations instead of attacking him Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:43 AM PST (The Star) - Former PKR division leader Lim Boo Chang wants PKR to answer his allegations about the party's poor governance instead of attacking him personally over his decision to exit the party last week. Lim, who quit as the Bukit Gelugor PKR division head and Penang Municipal councillor last week, said among the reasons he quit the party was his misgivings over the controversial RM300mil subterranean Penang International Convention and Exhibition Centre (sPICE) project. "I am also upset over the alleged interference of the state government in the administration of MPPP," he added. Instead, Lim said he was lambasted with claims by state PKR leaders that he was only interested in contesting a seat in the next general election. "Let me stress here that I left PKR because they failed to function effectively as a political organisation. "It is not about me wanting a seat in the next election," he said. Lim said it was his division that nominated him to contest either the Sungai Nibong state seat or the Nibong Tebal parliamentary seat. On claims that he was a "serial" party hopper, Lim said he was a victim of circumstances. "I am a principled person who leaves a party if I feel quitting is the best option when the party is no longer able to be honest with itself." Lim, 56, a former Gerakan vice-president, quit to join MCA before joining PKR in 2007. In 2009, he defeated Batu Uban assemblyman S. Raveentharan for the Bukit Gelugor PKR division chairman's post and was a two-term Datuk Keramat assemblyman under Gerakan and MCA. "PKR has fallen into the trap of growing-up pains. "The steep learning curve is difficult for them, but they are not helping themselves." He claimed that the internal level of politicking in PKR was more intense than Barisan Nasional.
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:42 AM PST (The Star) - A pencil drawing of a frog was found at the place where former PKR member Lim Boo Chang was believed to have sat as Penang Municipal Councillor at the City Hall building in Esplanade. However, Lim, who sent his resignation letters to PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and Penang Municipal Council president Patahiyah Ismail on Wednesday, said he was not bothered by it. A group of reporters saw the drawing after covering a full council meeting yesterday and approached Patahiyah, who denied that the council was responsible for it. "We do not know who put or drew the frog but it has nothing to do with the council," she said. Lim, who used to be in Gerakan before moving to MCA and subsequently PKR, applied to re-join Gerakan on Thursday. When contacted, Lim said he was not bothered about what had happened in the council. "I am no longer a councillor and not in control of what has happened. "I am also not interested in what happened during the meeting," he said.
Chua Soi Lek: there are only 20% Chinese-majority seats Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:36 AM PST (The Star) - Barisan Nasional is the better choice to serve the Chinese community, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said. The MCA president said that although Barisan was not perfect, the Prime Minister had a clear direction in developing the country through transformation programmes, unlike the Opposition coalition. "There are fewer than 46 Chinese-majority seats in this country. "Even if we win all the seats, it is impossible to form a government. "We must work with other parties including Malay-based parties," Dr Chua said, urging the people to choose Barisan. He was addressing about 5,000 people, a majority of whom were Chinese, at a dinner organised by the Muhibah Kimlan Association here on Sunday night. He said Pakatan Rakyat, led by PAS, was only interested in making Malaysia a theocratic nation governed by hudud laws. "The people think Pakatan is led by Anwar (PKR advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim). "But in actual fact it is PAS which leads the coalition, because it has more experience, resources and a larger membership," Dr Chua said. He also said the Chinese should throw their support behind the Government's Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). "The ETP is primarily led by the private sector, which will definitely affect the Chinese community," said Dr Chua. He added that the Government had achieved at least 90% of its foreign investment target in 2011. The dinner was held to celebrate the completion of the association's new headquarters here. Dr Chua also announced a donation of RM200,000 from MCA to the association's development fund.
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:16 AM PST (New Straits Times) - Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should resign from politics if he is adamant on attacking former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, said an independent member of parliament. Bayan Baru MP Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said Anwar, who is Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto leader, had ran out of ammunition in his latest attempt to smear the former Umno president. "Anwar should stop dragging the people and the country (through the mud) in settling his grudge against Dr Mahathir, who retired from politics long ago. "What Anwar is doing is politicising a non-issue. "He is manipulating the minds of the people, especially young voters, who do not know the true history of what had happened during the economic crisis," said Zahrain yesterday. He said if Anwar wanted to settle his grudge and if he really had evidence, then he should have taken Dr Mahathir to court. |
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:14 AM PST (New Straits Times) - Former Selangor Pas commissioner Datuk Hasan Ali is expected to reveal his future plans within the party today. He called for a press conference at noon in his home here in the wake of run-ins with the party leadership. The standoff started when it was reported that he was the only politician to be awarded a Datukship by the Selangor sultan in conjunction with his birthday. Just two days before the award ceremony, Selangor Pas information chief Shaari Sungib said Hasan might not be nominated to defend his Gombak Setia state seat as the latter had not received enough nominations from the party branches. Following this, Hasan declared that he was loyal only to Allah. He said that by championing Islam, the Malay struggle and defending the institution of Malay rulers was the bigger agenda. Hasan said that he was prepared to take up an offer from Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak to mediate in efforts to bring Pas and Umno together. |
Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:13 AM PST (New Straits Times) - The Sessions Court yesterday postponed to Jan 30 the trial of Pas deputy president Mohamad Sabu charged with criminal defamation against policemen and their families who were attacked by communists in Bukit Kepong more than 60 years ago. Judge Ikmal Hisnan granted the postponement pending a defence application at the Penang High Court to strike out the charge. The application is scheduled to be heard at the High Court on Jan 30. Deputy public prosecutor Yusaini Amer, who represented the prosecution, did not object to the application. Lawyer Amirul Fairuzzeen Jamaluddin, who represented Mohamad, popularly known as Mat Sabu, 57, said outside the court that the case should not proceed as it involved the deceased — namely policemen and their family members. "The trial will create adverse implications on the interpretation of history, resulting in a long-term polemic," said Amirul. Mat Sabu arrived at the court complex about 9am accompanied by his lawyers. He is charged with criminal defamation against 25 policemen and their families who were attacked by communists in Bukit Kepong. In the massacre at the Bukit Kepong police station, communists killed 13 policemen, six Home Guards, three women and a child. Mat Sabu is alleged to have committed the offence during a rally in front of a kindergarten at the Pas education centre at Padang Menora in Tasek Gelugor, Penang, on Aug 21. |
Calon PRU-13 tak boleh tarik diri Posted: 19 Dec 2011 08:05 AM PST Masa sejam selepas penamaan calon kemuka bantahan turut dimansuh Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof, berkata keputusan itu adalah antara 10 perkara yang disyorkan dan dipersetujui dalam perjumpaan antara SPR dengan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Berhubung Penambahbaikan Proses Pilihan Raya di Pulau Pinang pada 15 Disember lalu. "Selaras keputusan itu, tempoh sejam selepas penamaan calon yang diperuntukkan bagi calon mengemukakan bantahan berhubung kelayakan pencabar masing-masing juga dimansuhkan di bawah pindaan Peraturan-Peraturan (Perjalanan Pilihan Raya) Pilihan Raya 1981," katanya pada satu sidang media, di sini, semalam. "Dakwat itu juga dihantar ke Kementerian Kesihatan untuk memastikan ia tidak menjejaskan kesihatan pengguna secara umum," katanya.
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