Khamis, 8 Disember 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

not all is right in Lumut...

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 10:15 PM PST

A jetty is considered a strategic national asset similar to a port which has to be gazetted as a Legal Landing Point.

In the best interest of the country it should remain in the hands of the Government or a local nominee.

The Brazilian company Vale, will bring in and ship out huge amounts of iron ore through the jetty, which will be one of the largest jetties in the country and even the world.

The jetty is part of Vale International's US$1.37 billion (RM4.07 billion) maritime terminal in Lumut with capacity to dock its mega big Valemax vessels.

What worries us is this…

While the impact of the project in terms of the environmental consequences remains a question, the consequences of allowing a large jetty to remain in foreign hands pose a different set of questions.

And the degree of spinoff- downstream value flow to the people of Perak is unanswered.

The Perak Government under MB Zambry will be setting a very unhealthy precedence if it allows a foreign company to own a jetty in such a strategic shipping port such as Lumut.

Then, there are a host of other issues such as control, regulation and maintenance as well as liability for dues, charges and fees.

Zambry must not allow a jetty so large and important to be operated autonomously by a foreign owner.

It is only right for the Government to retain control of the jetty once completed.

This project is not about fulfilling the objectives of a foreign company simply because they are setting up shop and investing here.

The actions of the Government in allowing Vale to do what it does should ultimately benefit the people of Perak.

Are we, the locals, going to benefit from the project or are we going to be at the losing end?

Even the contracts for constructing Vale's facilities have largely gone to foreign hands while only a slight number has gone to Malaysian companies.

Read more at:

Zul Noordin: Dr Yusuf Qardawi deceived

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 04:14 PM PST

"We have made a mistake…we admit making the mistake. I was among those who made the mistake, and I must meet up with Syeikh Yusuf Qardawi to make amendments.

"Because…we wish to inform (that) it was true we had deceived Syeikh Yusuf Qardawi into believing that Anwar had been slandered," he said.

As Anwar's lawyer, Zulkifli had prepared biased questions to elicit the fatwa from Dr Yusuf Al Qardawi in 2009.

According to him, he was responsible in preparing the questions, which sided Anwar and hiding the truth about the complainant, Mohd Saiful.

"I was the one who gave the briefing and prepared the questions couched in specific forms to persuade and convince Syeikh Yusuf Qardawi that Anwar had been slandered…that was how it was pictured.

"We completely avoided the truth about the case, (for example) that Saiful was Anwar's employee…we didn't tell him about Saiful complaining that he had been sodomised.

"We (only) described that there was slander in this sodomy case. When he understood the way we put it, 
Syeikh Yusuf Qardawi immediately issued the 'Qazaf' fatwa,"

Zulkifli, who was one of Anwar's defence lawyers in the sodomy I trial (1998), also admitted what he did was wrong and sinful because he went to the extent of lying to the respected cleric just to save Anwar's reputation and image.

"Looking back, we find we have committed much sin relating to this matter…to the extent that we even had the audacity to deceive a cleric of such stature in believing that the issue faced by Anwar was one of slander – an issue that needed to be addressed through Qazaf.

"That was why I spoke in parliament…we have made a mistake and I am asking our colleagues not to persist in doing the same.

"Alhamdulillah, Allah has made me realise. I still have the time to meet certain people and ask for apologies...and I have done so.

"I have the responsibility to meet him (Syeikh Yusuf Qardawi) to explain and correct the situation, if it can still be corrected, that is. If he refuses to accept it, then it will be his responsibility, but at least I have tried to make amendments about what I have done," he said.


Why I was refused entry into Sabah

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:12 AM PST

MCLM members, political and grassroot leaders, and activists.

All of whom share the same viewpoint as I.

That UMNO and other BN leaders together with their cronies have plundered the wealth of this naton.

That if this nation is to be rehabilitated, if what remains of our national resources is to be properly applied to uplift the lives of the 40% who have been long marginalised, and if we are to have any chance at restituting some of the nation's wealth back to the rakyat, UMNO and BN had to be removed from Putrajaya.

Yesterday, at 3.30pm, I arrived at the Kota Kinabalu airport.

Upon reaching the immigration counter and presenting my passport, I was asked by the immigration officer to step into the immigration office.

Memories of my recent failed efforts to enter Sarawak immediately came to mind.

In the immigration office, an officer by the name of Ahmad apologised and informed me that they had received instructions from 'up above' that I was not to be allowed into Sabah, and that they were now processing to deport me on the next flight out of Sabah.

I immediately called friends who were waiting at the airport to receive me to inform them of this latest development.

Quick thinking by one of those who were waiting at the airport enables me now to leave you with a video clip of what transpired at the airport yesterday.



Portrait of a Malaysian Hero: Fan Yew Teng (1942-2010)

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:38 AM PST

In retrospect the cartoons I did for the poster weren't all that hot, but it was my first attempt at political cartooning and laid the groundwork for the drawings I did four years later for ADOI!

Fan Yew Teng, the public
intellectual, in 1980
Malaysians were terrified of Mahathir's secret police – and for good reason. A certain amount of dissent was tolerated but whenever it cut too close to the bone or threatened to make an impact in the public psyche, the full force of the regime's monolithic power would come into play, making life utterly miserable for anyone who dared speak truth to power openly.

Fan Yew Teng and Mahathir Mohamad are what you might call diametric opposites – not unlike Arthur Koestler's Yogi and Commissar archetypes, the ultraviolet and infrared ends of the psycho-emotional spectrum. The Yogi, representing inner evolution, envisions a world where every single soul is enlightened, liberated and in a natural state of bliss; while the Commissar, representing external revolution, has wet dreams about lording it over a perfect mechanical anthill colony where every atom knows its proper place and nothing irregular goes unpunished.

The Yogi and Commissar polarity is more or less the same as the Christ-Caesar dichotomy. Is it possible for these polar opposites to align and merge? I would say it's not only possible but absolute necessary if we are to survive as a tool-using species – however, the only way such a magical fusion can arise from the general confusion is if the Yogi or The Christ is accorded supreme and ultimate power, to be equitably shared with all strata of life and consciousness. What characterizes a true Yogi or Christ is the conscious renunciation of wielding power over others - and loving compassion for each and every expression of life, even apparent enemies.

The Commissar or Caesar types are what we might call younger souls - brash, ego-driven and reckless, but charged with a pragmatic dynamism that can and must be harnessed to loftier goals than crass power-over-others world domination. In the Pentagonian Hawk or Umno Warlord we see a classic example of Little Boys with Dangerous Toys whose playground brawls will inevitably bring about massive carnage and ruin.

Fan at a socialist convention in Paris, 1976
The Commissar or Caesar personality is a jealous, vengeful, spiteful, insecure and malicious Old Testament god who becomes utterly anal and aggressive when confronted with the prospect of having to share power. You can observe this behavior pattern among the Greek gods who were known to devour their own children rather than accept the possibility that one day their offspring will grow strong and take over.

Indeed, you don't have to go so far back in time – only 14 years ago, Mahathir Mohamad did exactly that to his hand-picked successor Anwar Ibrahim. As usually happens when demented old gods devour their own progeny, the outcome is a gigantic bellyache, followed by violent convulsions, a great deal of vomiting and angry rivers of diarrhea destroying all that we deem decent and honorable.

Well, as one who embodied everything we deem "decent and honorable," Fan quickly became marked as an "enemy of the state" – and the state took pains to crush Fan's political aspirations and thwart his dream of an enlightened and liberated Malaysia.

Fan & Noeleen in Salzburg, Austria, 1976
Fan experienced this faceless form of bureaucratic intimidation repeatedly but remained defiant and undaunted. In the 1960s he became active in the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and took over editorship of The Educator, the union's bulletin. He was among the organizers of the 1967 nation-wide teachers' strike demanding fairer wages and benefits for this very important profession. The Ministry of Education tried to break his spirit and browbeat him into silence by transferring him to increasingly remote towns and villages. This only served to nudge Fan into full-time politics.

He joined the Democratic Action Party (DAP) in 1968 and was soon appointed Acting Secretary-General and editor of the party organ, The Rocket. In 1969, Fan was elected MP for Kampar and in 1974, for Menglembu. The home ministry used the archaic Sedition Act against Fan for publishing a speech by the Penang DAP Chairman. Although he was never formally disqualified as a Member of Parliament, Fan was deprived of his MP's allowance, salary and even his pension.



Kalau pilihan kali ini salah lagi, salahkan diri sendiri

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:18 AM PST

Kepada negara-negara lain yang mengambil demokrasi sebagai cara politik mereka, pertukaran pemerintah itu adalah perkara biasa dan ia nya adalah hak rakyat ramai untuk menentukkan kepada siapa yang mereka hendak berikan mandat untuk mentadbir mereka. Di antara parti buruh dan conservative di Britain tidak tahu berapa kali pertukaran pemerintahan di antara kedua-dua parti itu dan sekarang pula adalah kerajaan campuran conservative dengan liberal democrat.

Di negara kita lain pula keadaannya. Pada UMNO rakyat mesti mendengar semua cakap dan arahan mereka. Hak rakyat hanyalah untuk pergi ke peti undi dan pangkah lambang dacing sahaja….tidak payah berfikir dan tidak payah membuat penilaian terhadap mereka. Rakyat hanya diarah untuk jadi burung balam sahaja…mengangguk walaupun tidak bersetuju.

Jika ada rakyat yang berbeza pendapat atau pun menyebelahi parti-parti lain rakyat ini akan dikatakan pengkhianat, pembelot, anti Melayu, anti Islam, DAP mengkristiankan orang Melayu, DAP nak jadikan negara ini negara republik dan sebagainya. Walaupun DAP parti halal, siapa yang menyertainya adalah pengkhianat dan pembelot seperti yang di ungkapkan oleh Muhyiddin Yassin. Saya tidak tahu parti halal itu adalah parti pembelot.

Rakyat, khususnya orang Melayu ditakut-takutkan oleh UMNO yang Melayu akan hilang di dunia ini dan hanya UMNO sahajalah yang berkebolehan untuk menyelamatkan orang Melayu….seolah-olah tidak ada elemen-elemen lain yang boleh menyelamatkan bangsa yang di pimpinnya seperti kehendak tuhan dan afa'al tuhan. Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO pergi sejauh menuduh DAP sebagai pencetus 13 Mei dan isu inilah yang di timbulkan setiap kali pilihanraya tiba.

Pemimpin mereka akan berkata yang UMNO sahaja yang boleh memberi mereka makan. UMNO sahajalah yang boleh melanggar undang-undang kerana pengaruh UMNO boleh memberikan 'immunity' kepada penjenayah kolar putih. Hanya UMNO yang boleh memberikan pinjaman ratusan juta jika isteri atau suami mereka berada di dalam kabinet.

Jika Shahrizat Jalil itu hanya seorang bidan di klinik desa, suaminya tidak akan dapat mendapatkan pinjaman RM250 juta dan membelanjakan wang hasil pinjaman mudah dengan interest hanya 2 peratus itu untuk membeli kondominium, dua lot tanah di Putrajaya, kereta Mercedez dan bercuti keluar negara serta mengerjakan Umrah. Hebat betul bila dapat jadi menteri walaupun mengikut jalan belakang.

Hanya UMNO boleh melanggar undang-undang dan perjanjian dan hanya UMNO boleh memasukkan atau mengeluarkan sesiapa dari penjara. Hanya UMNO boleh melakukan penderhakaan terhadap Raja-Raja Melayu seperti yang berlaku pada tahun 1993 dahulu yang di ketuai oleh Dr Mahathir Mohammed. UMNO merupakan satu 'tool kit' untuk sesiapa yang memegang parti ini tetapi sekarang ini sudah terlalu banyak trend yang membuktikan rakyat sudah berani menentang 'hegemony' UMNO ini. Kenapa rakyat sudah berani?

Jawapannya ialah kerana rakyat sudah tahu rupa-rupanya negara ini mereka yang punya, bukannya kepunyaan UMNO seperti yang mereka sebut dari dahulu hingga sekarang. Rakyat sudah insaf yang segala yang UMNO katakan itu kebanyakkannya merupakan tindakkan menyesatkan pemikiran mereka.

Rakyat baru sedar sekarang ini UMNO hanya mempunyai 56 kerusi parlimen di Semenanjung dan 13 lagi kerusi di Sabah dan jumlahnya hanyalah 69 kesemuanya. Rakyat sudah mulai sedar yang UMNO bukanlah parti yang memimpin parlimen itu dalam erti kata yang hakiki. UMNO hanyalah parti yang sudah begitu kecil penyertaan dan Dewan parlimen jika dibandingkan dengan masa-masa yang lalu. UMNO sekarang sudah menjadi parti yang menadah tempurung untuk mendapatkan lanjutan kuasa yang mereka telah alami sejak dulu lagi.

Rakyat sudah sedar yang rupa-rupanya UMNO bukanlah parti yang 'invincible' dan boleh diketepikan oleh rakyat apatah lagi dalam keadaan UMNO yang paling lemah dalam sejarah 23 tahun kewujudan parti itu. Baru sekarang UMNO hendak mencari calun-calun boleh menang tetapi sayangnya ia dilakukan semasa parti itu sudah tidak 'winnable' lagi. UMNO sesungguhnya sedang menghadapi krisis keyakinan yang paling teruk dalam sejarahnya.

Sebagaimana yang saya katakan tadi, di Semenanjung UMNO hanya mempunyai 56 kerusi dan ditambah dengan 13 kerusi dari Sabah yang belum tentu dapat bertahan atau tidak ke mana. Rupa-rupanya UMNO hanya mempunyai 20% suara dalam parlimen dan tahulah kita sekarang kenapa pemimpinnya bercakap bergegar-gegar dalam semua perjumpaan dalam persediaan menghadapi rakyat dalam tempoh yang terdekat ini.

Barulah rakyat sedar yang BN selepas pilihanraya ini hanya ada satu parti di Semenanjung ini kerana MCA dan Gerakan sudah hampir pupus dari scenario politik perdana negara ini. MCA dibawah kepimpinan CSL yang famous itu merupakan zaman yang paling getir dalam sejarah parti itu. Dijangkakan hampir semua baki-baki kerusi MCA itu akan hilang dan parti itu tidak akan lagi menjadi parti yang mempunyai apa-apa 'consequence' selepas ini.

Jika UMNO keseluruhan hilang 10 lagi kerusi kali ini ianya memberi makna yang UMNO sudah sampai ke penghujung hayatnya. Kalau UMNO mendapat kurang dari jumlah kerusi yang mereka menangi di dalam pilihanraya dahulu, waimma dengan hanya satu kerusi tambahan UMNO sudah boleh kita anggap secara 'conclusive' yang parti itu sudah mati dari segi hakikatnya.

Kalau keadaan itu berlaku keyakinan ahli-ahli UMNO sendiri akan menurun, apatah lagi bagi Melayu atau rakyat yang tidak menyertai mana-mana parti. UMNO sudah hilang kelayakan untuk memimpin BN kerana parti yang angkuh ini hanya mempunyai 23% perwakilan di parlimen. Apabila BN kehilangan komponen yang kedua terbesar dalam BN iaitu MCA maka BN tidak lagi mempunyai kredibiliti sebagai pemimpin komponen yang suatu ketika dahulu gagah dan perkasa. UMNO tidak akan lagi dihormati dan disegani oleh parti-parti komponen yang berada di dalam BN keseluruhannya.




Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:12 AM PST

In comparison University Malaya has only an enrollment of 23,000 students, and there they are talking about ensuring that more than 60%+ are Bumiputeras in University of Malaya.

Do you know that there is a University Science Islam?...that is also producing dentists and doctors as well?? This University is different from International Islamic University, which is also producing doctors and dentists.

Do you know that UiTM has more than 1,000 PhD. holders on their staff? UiTM now takes in 200 students for medicine every year!...all Bumiputeras of course! Selayang and Sg. Buloh Hospitals have become their teaching hospitals.

If you go to the PNB website and read the Annual report of Amanah Saham Bumiputera you will realise that that fund alone has about 80+ billion....and compare that with Public Mutual a subsidiary of Public Bank, the Largest Mutual Fund in this Country, which runs some 35 Funds or so with a total value of only less than 30 billion!

Although they say that there is cap of 200,000 units in ASB...Please read the Annual Report, carefully, and you will realise that there are several thousand Bumiputeras having an Average of about One Million Units in that Fund...Tax Free, Paying anything from 8+ to 11+ % per year!...and we are only talking about that one Fund!...ASNB manages Funds to the Total Value of about 130+ billion Educate yourself

All Older Malaysians have much to be accountable for what Malaysia is today…

Tolerances had been abused, and patience had been taken for granted… We are now what we had been—–By doing nothing. Right then, that is how we had ended up to what it is today!! If we choose to remain as what we had done, then we can expect nothing more than what we already had today!!

1Malay or 1Malaysia?

Malay, Chinese and Indian are all Malaysian brothers and sisters. But BN has screwed Malaysians and Malaysia up.




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