Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- REPLY TO ARTICLE - BN is the one short-changing us, not PR
- Recent ISA Arrest : Flagrant Hypocrisy of Najib’s Announcement on Malaysia Day
- Statement of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group of the German Parliament on the trial of Malaysian ...
- Enough of bullshitting!
- Release Them Now
- Chua Soi Lek (CSL), A Political Dwarf Against Lim Guan Eng (LGE), A Political Giant
Posted: 17 Nov 2011 10:35 PM PST
I was in Beijing on 16th for a meeting at the Shangri-la Hotel, Zizhuyuan Road, Beijing and walked into a pearl shop at the hotel foyer with a friend who wanted to buy a bracelet for his wife. He picked up this beautiful diamond bracelet only to find out that it cost US$55,000. The sales girl then pointed us towards a photo on the wall and said that the President's wife bought the same bracelet. And it was none other than Rosmah. By Ah Cheong |
REPLY TO ARTICLE - BN is the one short-changing us, not PR Posted: 17 Nov 2011 10:26 PM PST We refer to an article entitled "BN is the one short-changing us, not PR" published in Malaysia Today - MT Columns on November 10, 2011. We hereby would like to make some clarification of the article related to the minimum wage. By Corporate Communication Unit, Ministry of Human Resource, Putrajaya GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES TO IMPLEMENT MINIMUM WAGE IN MALAYSIA: A GRAVE CONCERN The government has agreed, on 15 October 2010 to implement the national minimum wage, and thereafter has progressively undertaken initiatives in moving forward towards the implementation of the minimum wages. Anticipating the volume of study and research, the Ministry of Human Resources has sought the assistance from the World Bank through the consultancy work in conducting the minimum wage study. The Ministry, in collaboration with the World Bank has conducted a series of Labs and Workshop since February 2011. Simultaneously, the minimum wage legislation was robustly developed by the ministry together with the AG Chambers which was ultimately tabled and passed by Parliament on 30th June 2011. The legislation has given way to the establishment of the National Wages Consultative Council to deliberate on the minimum wage on the rates and coverage and to make recommendation to the government. Assisting the Council and to compliment the World Bank study, the Technical Committee was established in April 2011 to conduct its internal research based on national data and also to conduct public consultation relating to minimum wage implementation. The government has truly and aggressively conducted its sincere attention towards the implementation of the minimum wage. The thorough study took concern not only to provide minimum wage that brings decent wage to workers but also looking seriously into the impact of minimum wage to the economy and the nation as a whole. |
Recent ISA Arrest : Flagrant Hypocrisy of Najib’s Announcement on Malaysia Day Posted: 17 Nov 2011 10:24 PM PST Lawyers For Liberty is appalled to learn the recent arrest under the ISA which clearly manifests flagrant hypocrisy of the announcement made on the historic Malaysia Day by Prime Minister Najib Razak. This recent arrest shows that Najib's administration continues to commit this legalized injustice despite sitting on the UN Human Rights Council where pledges have been made that Malaysia would uphold the highest standards of human rights before its re-election to the Council in 2010. On this year's Malaysia Day, Prime Minister Najib Razak surprised the nation by announcing that the draconian Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) will be abolished in the hope of building a nation that "practices functional and inclusive democracy where peace and public order are safeguarded in line with the supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and respect for basic human rights". The announcement stands in stark contrast to the recent arrest of 11 individuals in Tawau, Sabah who have been accused of terrorism under the ISA despite Prime Minister's undertaking that the draconian ISA to be abolished. It is important to be reminded that allegations made against individuals under the ISA remain mere allegations no matter how serious the nature of the said allegations is. These individuals have not been given any opportunity to challenge their detention or the allegations as the ISA allows detention without trial and it denies the basic right of the detainees to be tried in court. Lawyers For Liberty is appalled to learn the recent arrest under the ISA which clearly manifests flagrant hypocrisy of the announcement made on the historic Malaysia Day by Prime Minister Najib Razak. This recent arrest shows that Najib's administration continues to commit this legalized injustice despite sitting on the UN Human Rights Council where pledges have been made that Malaysia would uphold the highest standards of human rights before its re-election to the Council in 2010. The ISA allows detention without trial where the police have the power to arrest a person up to 60 days and the Home Minister may authorize further detention up to 2 years and the period may be further extended indefinitely. This draconian piece of legislation goes against the fundamental principle of the right to trial which has been guaranteed under the Constitution and crystalized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is to be noted that there has been a trend to progressively reduce preventive detention powers and the ISA-like anti-terrorism laws do not exist in countries like the UK, Canada and Australia post 9/11. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in its report dated 8 February 2011 stated that the ISA is no longer necessary to be in force in Malaysia since the Penal Code has been amended to make terrorism a specific offence. Lawyers For Liberty condemns the continued use of preventive laws such as the ISA under the pretext of combatting terrorism as it is tantamount to a gross violation of human rights. There are sufficient laws in Malaysia to combat terrorism and it is the duty of the police to carry out effective investigation and intelligence work to fight terrorist activities which can be established under the existing laws and proved in court. Lawyers For Liberty therefore demands the immediate release of all ISA detainees and the immediate abolition of the draconian ISA. |
Statement of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group of the German Parliament on the trial of Malaysian ... Posted: 17 Nov 2011 10:17 PM PST Our suspicions were confirmed that the trial may well be a process of eliminating political opponents. By Chair of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group Dr. Thomas Gambke Chair of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group Dr. Thomas Gambke, within the framework of the "MPs protect MPs" program in sponsorship of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, says on behalf of the Board: "We are carefully observing the trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim which is set to resume on November 23 and due for completion in December. During a visit to Malaysia at the start of 2011, our suspicions were confirmed that the trial may well be a process of eliminating political opponents. The team of lawyers defending Anwar Ibrahim were gravely disadvantaged during the entire two years of the drawn-out trial. We believe that the timing of the impending conviction of Anwar Ibrahim on sodomy charges has been planned to coincide with the Parliamentary elections due in spring 2012. If convicted, the opposition leader would lose his parliamentary seat thus weakening the entire opposition movement. We appeal to the Malaysian government to respect and regard seriously the goals of the movement for democratic reform of the electoral system, whose leading figure is Anwar Ibrahim. Measures to prevent electoral fraud should be introduced together with greater access to the public media for the opposition parties which to date are in control of five of the thirteen States of Malaysia. A politically motivated trial of Anwar Ibrahim would only damage the international image of Malaysia." The Board of the ASEAN Parliamentary Group (Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Original German text: "Wir beobachten aufmerksam und kritisch den Verlauf des Prozessesgegen Oppositionsführer Anwar Ibrahim, der nach einem Die Verteidigung von Anwar Ibrahim wurde in dem sich über mehr alszwei Jahre hinziehenden Verfahren immer wieder in ihrer Arbeitbehindert. Die Tatsache, dass nun Ende dieses Jahres mit einerVerurteilung von Anwar Ibrahim wegen des Vorwurfs des homosexuellenVerkehrs zu rechnen ist, scheint uns nicht zufällig in zeitlicher Nähezu Parlamentswahlen im Frühjahr 2012 zu stehen. Mit einer Verurteilungwürde der Oppositionsführer sein Abgeordnetenmandat verlieren und wäredie gesamte Oppositionsbewegung geschwächt. Wir appellieren an die malaysische Regierung, die Bewegung für einedemokratische Reform des Wahlsystems, deren führender Dem Vorstand der Parlamentariergruppe ASEAN (Brunei, Indonesien, Kambodscha, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippinen, Singapur, |
Posted: 17 Nov 2011 10:12 PM PST So, has public funds benefited Malaysians? Not even cows. Only Wanita Umno chief and minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and her husband and children's family companies benefited. By Jackson Ng, Retired journalistENOUGH of bullshitting! Stop assuming Malaysians and the world are plain stupid. The latest cock and bull story has come from the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) and its cow condo scandal. Please look up in the dictionary, be it printed or electronic, for the meaning of the words ethics, accountability and trustworthy. Are these words foreign or not in the dictionary of the NFC and its backers? These three words command the greatest respect of genuine and authentic investors – not dubious dealers. When public funds are allocated for a project for specific purposes, the custodians are expected to do just that. Not what they think is right. The NFC has no bloody business to use the money and risk it in other investments. That is against the rule of the law. That's unethical. It is not about whether the money is invested wisely into condominiums to bring about fat returns. The NFC was reported to have finally broke its silence today (Nov 17, 2011) to defend its RM12 million purchase of two multi-million luxury condominum units in Bangsar as a "good business decision". The issue is not about "good business decision". The issue is about public funds released to boost beef production so that all Malaysians, especially the poor, can enjoy affordable beef. If the government had wanted to invest into real estate, it would have allocated funds for such purpose to real estate professionals – not cow breeders. If public funds allocated for specific project purposes can just be used for other purposes by any Tom Dick and Harry with political patronage, then the financial system of the country is akin to a free-for-all – anyone can do anything with funds allocated for projects. In short – chaos is the order of the day. Do you goons now understand the implications of cow breeders using money allocated for cow breeding to buy condominiums? Is it a wonder that the Auditor-General (A-G) has concluded that the NFC project is a flop, failing to meet its target of beef production? Many real estate experts have concluded that Kuala Lumpur is facing a glut of luxury properties, with rental yields falling as much as 50 per cent in some cases. The Auditor-General's Report released last month had criticised the NFC, pointing out that it was now "in a mess". The report said production in 2010 was only 3,289 head of cattle or 41.1 per cent of the target set. So, has public funds benefited Malaysians? Not even cows. Only Wanita Umno chief and minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and her husband and children's family companies benefited. Plain and simple, don't you think so? If you still cannot understand such simple observations, do Malaysians and Malaysia a favour – go jump into the Straits of Malacca. Thank-you.
Posted: 17 Nov 2011 06:38 PM PST MCLM PRESS STATEMENT MCLM takes umbrage to the arrest of thirteen religious teachers and Islamic activists who were arrested in Tawau under the Internal Security Act (ISA) by a team of police officers from federal police headquarters Bukit Aman. Together with other concerned citizens and NGOs, MCLM condemns this outrageous move and demands that the police release these detainees to uphold Najib's pledge on Malaysia Day to do away with draconian laws including the ISA, Banishment Act 1959 and the Restricted Residence Act 1933. That this arrest happened barely two months after the announcement undermines the credibility of his pledge. If Najib is truly sincere about his pledge to ensure "a modern, mature and functioning democracy", he would have immediately called for their release upon learning about these arrests. MCLM is also very outraged that these detainees were arrested by fully armed police personnel nabbed the 'suspects' in front of their wives and children. MCLM is very concerned about the emotional and mental impact of such high-handed arrests as the police were heavily armed and rough. They also seized several laptops and cash. The arrests were carried out without warrants, notice or any prior information. MCLM views with concern that those arrested were all PAS members or supporters, including respected religious teachers in the Tawau district. Are the police carrying out religious profiling by carrying out such arrests? MCLM demands the immediate release of these detainees without conditions or for them to be charged in court. |
SUBSIDI UNTUK MALAYSIA ATAU SUBSIDI UNTUK ORANG FILIPINA? Posted: 17 Nov 2011 06:10 PM PST Saya ingin menyumbang pendapat mengenai pembelian aset-aset Esso/Mobil di Malaysia oleh syarikat arak Filipina, San Miguel. Ingin saya bertanya, mengapakah syarikat dalam industri strategik minyak negara, yang menerima subsidi kerajaan, boleh dijual dengan begitu mudah kepada orang asing? Untuk meringankan beban rakyat Malaysia dari kenaikan harga di pasaran minyak global, kerajaan membayar subsidi kepada syarikat-syarikat minyak seperti Petronas, Shell, Esso/Mobil dan BH Petrol. Syarikat-syarikat ini sama ada mempunyai kepentingan majoriti yang dipegang GLC, atau telah melabur berbilion ringgit demi menyumbang kembali kepada pembangunan negara kita – oleh itu, justifikasi untuk syarikat-syarikat ini untuk menerima subsidi minyak adalah wajar. Akan tetapi, dengan penjualan stesen-stesen minyak Esso dan Mobil kepada syarikat pembuat dan pengedar arak San Miguel dari Filipina, tiada justifikasi langsung untuk San Miguel menikmati subsidi minyak kerajaan (dan secara langsung wang dari kocek rakyat Malaysia). Tawaran San Miguel tidak menyebut tentang apa-apa cadangan pelaburan dalam negara. Para pembaca lihatlah sendiri jadual di bawah:
Dari perspektif lain, penyata kewangan ExxonMobil bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2010 menunjukkan ExxonMobil menerima subsidi kerajaan bejumlah RM152,939,651 (sila rujuk mukasurat 47 fail ini:$FILE/ESSO-Page%2012%20to%20ProxyForm%20(2.6MB).pdf). Inilah jumlah (tidak termasuk pelepasan cukai) yang akan disalur keluar dari negara kita ke Manila, dan seterusnya ke kocek San Miguel setiap tahun, untuk membuat lebih banyak arak. Saya hairan kenapa kerajaan Malaysia mengambil masa begitu lama untuk menolak pembelian stesen-stesen Esso/Mobil oleh San Miguel. Kenapa sunyi sangat dekat Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi Dan Kepengunaan? Dah kena sogok ke? Jangan lupa, duit San Miguel tu duit arak, haram tu… Pada pendapat saya, Petronas harus campur tangan dan mengambil alih pembelian stesen-stesen Esso/Mobil dari San Miguel. Petronas sendiri mempunyai sasaran menambah sebanyak 250 stesen dalam masa 5 tahun akan datang ( Petronas bukan sahaja mempunyai wang dan aset yang mencukupi, bahkan sebagai syarikat minyak negara, Petronas boleh menjadi penyelamat pemilik-pemilik stesen Esso/Mobil Bumiputera yang akan dipaksa San Miguel menjual arak yang haram di stesen-stesen mereka.
Nik Azahari Kota Bharu, Kelantan ******************************************** Petronas unit eyes top spot in petrol retail mart (NST) - Petronas Dagangan Bhd (PDB) expects to invest up to RM2 billion over the next five years to set up as many as 250 petrol stations, as it aims to become the number one player in the petrol retail segment within three to five years. The company currently has more than 950 petrol stations nationwide and controls a volume market share of about 32 per cent. About three years ago, its market share was below 30 per cent.
Chua Soi Lek (CSL), A Political Dwarf Against Lim Guan Eng (LGE), A Political Giant Posted: 17 Nov 2011 06:04 PM PST
Nicole Tan Lee Koon
This is in response to Chua Soi Lek's press statement dated 16th Nov, 2011 ( In that press statement, CSL said that he shall abstain from responding to LGE's demand for MCA to apologise unless LGE replied his questions on hudud law. In the same statement CSL claimed that he is not against overseas Malaysians voting. I would like to remind the MCA President that the main issue is the Malaysian citizen's constitutional right to vote (CCRTV). CSL should be defending CCRTV instead of just "not opposing". CSL is reluctant to implement CCRTV as a leader and he is evasive by using lame excuses such as logistical nightmare and "out of touch" (which he later denied). Lame because how can one use logistics to deny a constitutional right? Further, he tried to sidestep the issue by referring to their only ammunition (hudud law) which is being used ad nauseam. To set the record straight, LGE did respond to the hudud issue ( and ( CSL tried to brush off LGE's challenge for him to apologise for the overseas voting issue. Who is CSL to brush off LGE's challenge? CSL is only a political dwarf compared to LGE who is a political giant. Why? Because CSL has no courage to defend CCRTV like LGE. CSL's only courage was to own up to a sex video (CCTV) which made him well known to all Malaysians, Asians and the whole world. He was even rewarded by the MCA's delegates to be the President, immediately after that ! Speaks volumes of the quality of delegates that MCA has by electing a porn star to represent Malaysia. Whereas LGE's courage is quite different. He was incarcerated for defending an underaged girl whom he does not know. He suffered in jail for 18 months and he was also disqualified from standing for public office for a period of five years. He was the David fighting the Goliath in the form of big bullies, Barisan Nasional. He never gave up. For his courage and sacrifice, he was rewarded by the Rakyat to be the Chief Minister of Penang. CSL was given a new lease of life and yet he committed the greatest mistake by not defending the Rakyat's constitutional right to vote. CSL has no choice but to state his stand in defending CCRTV. He has to act as a leader. Failing to do so, he will go down in history as a MCA leader who refused to defend CCRTV. Even worse, in doing so he has denied CCRTV!
Nicole Tan Lee Koon, Hon. Secretary, Seremban branch, NS DAP
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