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- The Catholic Church and the Mission Schools
- Fakta-fakta Penyenaraian Felda yang tidak kan disiarkan TV3 dan Utusan
- No election until reforms are put in place
- 'Largest mobilisation of rakyat' if polls held before reforms
The Catholic Church and the Mission Schools Posted: 06 Nov 2011 10:06 PM PST reply by a Senior Physician Uppercaise is too kind to the Catholic church and the clergy. Let me use this space to explain why this body of people has been lacking in the simple wisdom that is required to keep pace with a changing modern world. Let me refer to two examples. In the 1980s a senior partner of Ernst & Young, a Catholic, some senior Christian officers in the Ministry of Finance and EPU and myself decided that the Catholic schools and the Catholic church had to become financially independent and reject government aid. Our plan was to examine large pieces of land owned by the church for conversion to commercial use. This land thus converted for commercial purposes would be then built upon so that a steady source of revenue would flow to the Catholic Church to fund church activities including support for schooling. We realized that there were enough well-to-do people who would support private schools which they as well as the public very much wanted. The LaSalle schools would be highly acceptable because they had a reputation. The land that we were looking at were mainly in Penang, Kuala Lumpur, and Johor Baru. These were choice pieces of land which only did not have value so long as they were occupied by government aided buildings. A notable case in point was land in Bukit Nanas. This effort failed for the following reasons. There were conflicts in the heiarchy of the Catholic Church. Bishop Vendargon insisted on selling a very valuable piece of land occupied by a seminary in Penang to the private sector which he did. The public does not know where that money went. The Bishop and his advisors held meeting after meeting. They then informed us that they will not go along with our plan. They would rather leave everything to the wisdom of God. Next was a plan that I together with two friends proposed specifically to SFI. Briefly this plan (supported by the Melaka State government) consisted of surrendering their existing school land including the land that belonged to the Sacred Heart Convent in Melaka for a much larger piece of land in Ayer Keroh. On this land would have been built two modern school buildings, one for SFI and one for the Convent with solar panel roofing (to save electricity), a chapel, a multipurpose athletic and games field with a running track to be shared by both schools, a basketball court, tennis and squash courts, and a boarding for upmarket local and foreign students. All this would be done by a renowned developer picked by the State government known to have the financial means, who had to build first before the schools relocated to these buildings. The State would support these new schools with generous infrastructure including roads, drainage, sewage and landscaping. The State was keen that these schools be converted to private schools (this required approval from the education department which the State would assist in getting) so that students from other countries would come to Melaka. The land in question was owned by 3 parties – the Catholic Church, the LaSalle brothers, and the Convent. To our astonishment we discovered that all these 3 parties would not talk to each other. There were also disagreements about changing these schools to private schools. Neither I nor other promoters of this idea were allowed to address these owners of the property. They seemed to be content to be sitting on these decaying properties in spite of the possibility that their land may be forceably acquired. This plan was therefore scrapped. These two incidents should show Uppercaise the kind of people in the Church that we are dealing with. They are solely responsible for the sorry state of affairs of the premier Catholic schools in this country. Of course the government changed. This had to happen in a democracy. But you will notice that they did not touch private schools. I believe that the leaders of the Catholic church had the clout to influence government leaders as time went by. Unfortunately these church leaders behaved like foreigners in their own country. In a separate letter "a Specialist" has written about the abuse that has occurred in the Assunta Hospital, another public project started for the poor by the Catholic Church. This matter was raised by "a concerned Malaysian" to which "a Specialist" responded. There does not seem to be anything that the "concerned Malaysian" can do. The board of directors of Assunta Hospital as well as Bishop Pakiam has maintained a discreet silence. The lay public of the Catholic church must hold the church leaders including Bishop Pakiam responsible for the sad state of affairs that exist today. | ||
Fakta-fakta Penyenaraian Felda yang tidak kan disiarkan TV3 dan Utusan Posted: 06 Nov 2011 09:54 PM PST Jaminan Isa Samad dan Sabri Ahmad bahawa FELDA bakal dibayar RM1 billion bagi meneruskan tujuan aktiviti pertanian dan pembangunan sosio-ekonomi peneroka setiap tahun selama 99 tahun adalah BOHONG DAN PENIPUAN TERBESAR By Suara Felda 1. Menteri Koperasi sendiri tidak tahu menahu dan enggan mengeluarkan surat arahan Menteri bertarikh ke belakang (back dated) untuk masuk campur isu rampasan kuasa Koperasi Permodalan Felda demi memenuhi nafsu Isa Samad kecuali diarahkan PM Najib. Campurtangan beliau dalam Koperasi Permodalan Felda bakal memberikan imej tidak baik, dianggap campur tangan politik kerajaan dalam sebuah koperasi yang aman dan berjaya serta bakal dibantah Jawatankuasa Koperasi Antarabangsa ( yang turut dianggotai oleh Angkasa. Difahamkan beberapa lembaga pengarah Jawatankuasa Koperasi Antarabangsa dari EU dan Afrika akan mengadakan kenyataan bantahan dalam hal ini tidak lama lagi. Berdasarkan potensi perkara ini bakal memburukkan imej negara dan menjejaskan peti undi Felda di Parlimen Bera (sekurang-kurangnya 14 peti undi Felda terlibat di bawah Parlimen Bera) Dato Seri Ismail Sabri akan terus mengambil pendirian berdiam diri dan tidak akan menyokong usaha Isa Samad merampas kuasa Pengerusi Koperasi Felda walaupun Isa Samad menjaja nama PM Najib ke sana ke mari. 2. Perjanjian Pajakan di antara Felda Global Ventures dan FELDA yang disorokkan dari diketahui warga Felda sekalian jelas menyatakan pajakan tanah terlibat adalah: Tanah-tanah perladangan Felda yang diuruskan Felda Plantation berjumlah 360,000 hektar DAN; Tanah-tanah sedia ada Felda (Additional Existing Land) yang telah dibenarkan kerajaan negeri untuk dibangunkan. Contohnya tanah Felda sendiri digunakanFelda dan peneroka untuk tujuan pertanian, perniagaan, sukan, perumahan generasi kedua, resort-resort Felda, serta tanah di mana penyelidikan. Dalam perjanjian itu menyebut bahawa jika tanah tersebut sudah mendapat geran,ia akan diberikankepada Felda Global Venture secara automatik dan jika belum diberikan geran akan diserahkan kepada Felda Global secara 3 tahun secara penyambungan automatik sehingga 99 tahun. Jika peneroka-peneroka pada masa ini ada mengadakan aktiviti perniagaan, pertanian atau sosial di tanah Felda yang akan diambil alih Felda Global Venture, bersedialah untuk membayar sewa atau dirampas kembali tanah-tanah tersebut oleh Felda Global Venture bagi aktiviti yang mereka anggap lebih menguntungkan kepada kroni Isa Samad dan Sabri Ahmad Tanah-tanah masa hadapan (Future land) yang bakal dibeli FELDA akan diserahkan kepada Felda Global Venture JIKA ISA SAMAD DAN SABRI AHMAD MENAFIKAN PERKARA INI, SEBAIK-BAIKNYA TUAN-PUAN PENEROKA MEMINTA ISA SAMAD DAN SABRI AHMAD MEMINTA DITUNJUKKAN DAHULU SURAT PERJANJIAN PAJAKAN DI ANTARA FELDA DAN FELDA GLOBAL VENTURES SEBELUM PAJAKAN DIMULAKAN PADA 1.01.2012. JIKA ENGGAN, DISARANKAN TUAN-PUAN MENYAMAN FELDA DARI MEMBUAT KEPUTUSAN MERUGIKAN MASA HADAPAN PENEROKA DAN ANAK-ANAK DAN MEMOHON INJUKSI MAHKAMAH BAGI MENGHALANG TINDAKAN PAJAKAN INI DILAKUKAN TANPA SURAT PAJAKAN INI DITELITI DAN MENDAPATKAN PERSETUJUAN SEMUA PENEROKA MELALUI SEBUAH REFERENDUM Struktur Pra-Penyenaraian Felda Global Venture telah direka khusus bagi menipu rakyat terutamanya peneroka dan kakitangan Felda. Struktur Penyenaraian dimaksudkan adalah: ![]() Tujuan Struktur Pra-Penyenaraian yang direka ini adalah seperti berikut: · Mewujudkan situasi kononnya terdapat konflik kuasa eksekutif apabila Pengarah Besar FELDA memegang kedua-dua jawatan Pengarah Besar FELDA dan Pengerusi Koperasi Permodalan Felda dan menggunakan alasan urus tadbir korporat yang baik (bukan menggunakan peraturan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti BSKL), Isa Samad merampas kuasa Pengerusi KPF melalui agenda khas dalam mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah FELDA yang diadakan semasa ketiadaan Pengarah Besar yang menunaikan umrah dalam bulan Ramadan. Struktur ini dirancang sendiri oleh Sabri Ahmad, bukannya FELDA mahupun PM Najib sendiri bagi mewajarkan tindakan Isa Samad ini. Apabila Isa Samad menjadi Pengerusi KPF, perkara pertama akan dilakukan beliau adalah meluluskan pelepasan pegangan ekuiti KPF di dalam Felda Holdings Berhad, merombak pengurusan dan lembaga pengarah serta mengetuai jawatankuasa pelaburan dan merubah polisi sedia ada yang menjaga kepentingan ahli-ahlinya selama ini · Menutup mata kakitangan dan peneroka iaitu ahli-ahli Koperasi Permodalan Felda bahawa mereka bakal kehilangan 51% Saham dalam Felda Holdings Berhad iaitu Syarikat Utama yang mentadbir anak-anak syarikat Felda. Anak-anak syarikat ini tidak akan wujud tanpa usaha bersama pengurusan FELDA dan kakitangan dan Struktur Selepas Penyenaraian akan menyaksikan penguasaan saham Koperasi Permodalan Felda dalam anak-anak syarikat akan jatuh kepada 30% sahaja dan 70% bakal diberikan kepada pelabur luar. FELDA pula disingkir keluar dari sebarang pemilikan dan hak dalam penyenaraian ini · Hasil pelepasan hak Koperasi Permodalan Felda dalam anak-anak syarikat Felda dan pelepasan hak Felda dalam Felda Global Ventures dalam aktiviti dipanggil 'divestment' (lawan kepada investment) ini akan menghasilkan sedikit wang yang akan digunakan bagi aktiviti pemberian durian runtuh yang sangat tidak berbaloi jika dibandingkan pembayaran one-off durian runtuh VS pendapatan dividen 51% selama 99 tahun + kehilangan hak Felda dan peneroka terhadap anak-anak syarikat Felda + kehilangan pendapatan Felda sebanyak RM1.5 – 2.0 billion
Kepada anak-anak Felda dan peneroka Felda yang celik IT, minta anda terangkan kepada ibu bapa dan rakan-rakan peneroka lain untuk memilih salah satu di antara berikut:
Jaminan Isa Samad dan Sabri Ahmad bahawa FELDA bakal dibayar RM1 billion bagi meneruskan tujuan aktiviti pertanian dan pembangunan sosio-ekonomi peneroka setiap tahun selama 99 tahun adalah BOHONG DAN PENIPUAN TERBESAR: a. Tidak ada jaminan BERTULIS di mana-mana berkenaan sumbangan tersebut dalam Surat Pajakan Tanah Felda (Diminta Peneroka dapatkan Peguam bagi menuntut kepada Felda untuk meneliti Surat Pajakan ini sebelum 1.1.2012) seperti dijanjikan Isa Samad dan Sabri Ahmad. Malah jumlah RM1 billion tidak cukup pun untuk peneroka berdasarkan perbelanjaan sebelum ini b. Isa Samad dan Sabri Ahmad tidak akan meletakkan JAMINAN BERTULIS kerana ini mengurangkan minat pelabur dan kapitalis terhadap penyenaraian anak-anak syarikat Felda. Pelabur dan golongan kapitalis bermodal besar Cuma berminat memiliki segala pendapatan, tanah dan lain-lain aset Felda dan tidak berminat memberi SEDEKAH PERCUMA kepada Felda untuk peneroka c. Segala kata-kata, janji dan jaminan Isa Samad dan Sabri Ahmad pada masa ini TIDAK LAKU kerana tidak mewakili Lembaga Pengarah Felda Global Ventures yang baru nanti apabila Felda Global Ventures disenaraikan. Isa Samad dan Sabri Ahmad sekadar bertaraf kontrak dan apabila masing-masing sudah kenyang akan pergi dan TIDAK LAGI BERTANGGUNGJAWAB terhadap kenyataan mereka sebelum ini. Sabri Ahmad sendiri pernah terlibat penyelewengan RM120 juta di syarikat Golden Hope Plantation Bhd (sebuah syarikat yang pada masa itu telah disenarai) yang disiasat oleh KPMG Forensics dan didapati bersalah sehingga dipaksa Lembaga Pengarah Sime Darby untuk meletak jawatan. Skandal Sabri Ahmad dan berita ini dilapor akhbar utama dan media alternatif sekitar Jun 2008 dan skandal salah laku Sabri Ahmad pernah ditanya oleh YB Wee Choo Keong di Parlimen (Link: dan ) Tentang Isa Samad tidak perlu lagi didedahkan siapa beliau. Masih rasa selamatkah peneroka-peneroka Felda, kakitangan Felda terhadap 2 individu utama ini yang muncul di semua media dan sesi penerangan yang meminta supaya mereka diyakini untuk ubah masa hadapan Felda? Semua fakta-fakta ini akan terbukti jika terdapat wakil peneroka membuat laporan polis dan melantik peguam menyaman dan mendapatkan injuksi mahkamag menghalang Felda dari memasuki perjanjian yang meragukan dan melibatkan masa hadapan peneroka dan anak-anak. Juga minta peguam-peguam anda meminta Felda dedahkan secara telus berkenaan keputusan mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah Felda yang mana lain diputuskan lain diberitahu oleh Isa Samad dan Sabri Ahmad semasa penerangan di media dan kepada himpunan peneroka dan kakitangan. Turut tertipu adalah pegawai Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan pejabat Timbalan Menteri Felda sendiri tetapi tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa kerana Isa Samad menjaja nama PM Najib merata-rata. | ||
No election until reforms are put in place Posted: 06 Nov 2011 03:14 PM PST PRESS STATEMENT: Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM)
It is no secret that a large number of Malaysian voters wish to see a regime change at Putrajaya and at state levels. This, we seek to do by due process, and constitutionally, through free and fair elections. This is plainly known by the Prime Minister, his government, his party and coalition members. Yet, our electoral process is fraught with irregularities that have long rendered our general elections mere shams that do not reflect or give effect to the will of the people. On 9th July, 2011, despite efforts on the part of the government and the police to hinder the right to legitimately assemble and protest, thousands of Malaysians descended on to the streets of Kuala Lumpur to make known their grievances with regard to the serious irregularities in our electoral system, and to present their demands to reform the same. Whilst the government and the Election Commission had initially continued to insist that those irregularities were more imagined than real, they had finally relented and, early last month, caused to be established a Parliamentary Select Committee to look into the various complaints in relation to our electoral system. Both before and after the setting up of this Select Committee, we have been feted to revelation upon revelation of improprieties that would certainly render any hope of free and fair elections being held, futile. These include : 1. an admission by the Election Commission, of the inclusion in the electoral roll of 42, 051 names whose records are unverifiable, thus clearly rendering the sanctity of the roll seriously and undisputably unreliable 2. acknowledgement of and agreement by the Election Commission to remove the names of 220 non-ctiizens whose names appeared in the supplementary electoral roll draft for the Paya Jaras state constituency for the second quarter of 2011 3. a disclosure through Wikileaks that 600,000 foreigners were given citizenship and placed on the electoral as voters in Sabah in the 90's, during the tenure of then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed, and with his full complicity 4. another exposure through Wikileaks that former Election Commission chief Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman had admitted to his having knowledge of the issuance of more than 60,000 fake Malaysian identity cards to foreign workers in Sabah in the 1990s on Umno's orders 5. a report that there exist on the electoral roll cloned voters, numbering approximately 10,000 6. the disenfranchisement of approximately 700,000 eligible voters currently overseas, by failing to recognise their status as absent voters and, as provided for under the constitution, afford to them the right and the requisite facilities to vote by post 7. the changes to voter registration rules, thus hampering ongoing efforts to register the more than 4 million as yet unregistered Malaysians who have reached voting age. It is against this setting that we have now received credible information that the Prime Minister is intent on seeking the dissolution of Parliament on 11th November, and to fix polling day for the 13th general elections on 10th December, 2011. If true, we see this as a move, once again, by UMNO and the Barisan Nasional to hold on to power, both at federal and state levels, through fraudulent means and to thereby deny the legitimate pursuit by a majority of Malaysians for regime changes. The people are no longer prepared to countenance this blatant and shameless attempt to retain power through foul means. We reiterate here that we are desirous of securing a regime change in Putrajaya through free and fair elections. Any elections called before the Parliamentary Select Committee has completed its work and, before the reforms demanded are given effect to, will be anything but free and fair. We are determined to and will take all steps necessary to not allow any general elections called before the requisite reforms are put in place, to proceed.
Haris Ibrahim President Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement | ||
'Largest mobilisation of rakyat' if polls held before reforms Posted: 06 Nov 2011 03:12 PM PST PRESS STATEMENT: Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM)
Recently, we have witness the rising power of the people bowed in several countries beyond a dictatorship govern. The sparks influence our country directly or indirectly, and the responded to the rising power of the people greatly feared by the government who play democracy inversely to remain in power. Despite enduring a government through fraud, including fraud in the elections that saw them with the specific purpose has rejected the reliable, clean and fair election system, but chose to pursue dubious electoral system and easily manipulated by the government agency itself. The Government is also pretend that they have alleged to have tremendous support, but the truth, mostly the people have rejected the ruling regime on factors of oppression and abuse the public trust.In the end as a result, this government collapsed fell even they've won a great victory in the elections of their creation. That's what happened in many countries ruled by regimes that deny democracy and ride all the agencies should act neutral, hence willing to sell country's sovereignty in order to remain in power In Malaysia, on July 9th 2011, thousands of people have chosen the street to persuade the country's election process improvements, which proved to be contaminated multiple disabilities who often denied the government. Shortcomings of the electoral process has been acknowledged by Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak announced the Select Committee On The Election Process Improvement, contrary to the declaration the need for the improvement of the electoral process. In the meantime, further public statements issued by the leadership of the National Front and the Prime Minister himself, who suggested that the General Elections to-13 will be held soon and not have to wait for the promised electoral reform process to be complete. Even more annoy and conflict with the guarantee to improve the election process, there was the variety of negative developments, such as granting citizenship to foreigners as 'special' for the purpose of voting. This madness seems to sell the country to retain power. Also feared to occur, improvement of claim in the context of reforming the electoral system of postal voting system in a protest before this is not only ignored but exacerbated by the proposed public employees other than police and military, as a member of RELA and nurses for example are forced to use postal votes. This is how they purposely put more damage on electoral system to allow the regime to stay in power. The latest information from internal sources that can be believed to have revealed that the Prime Minister to dissolve the parliament in November to allow general elections occur in the near future. Taking advantage of the monsoon season and the hajj, reinforces that November was chosen as the most appropriate time, thus providing an additional advantage for the regime. Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) along with friends of other mass organizations today representing the totality of the people to warn the Prime Minister of Malaysia that the election can be called only after the process of improving the election process done. Process improvements should also be a process of 'reform' which provides answers to the serious weaknesses that are often used by certain parties and not just mere cosmetic change. Be assured the people had begun to lose patience. The country is facing a crisis of belief in the democratic process of elections is now the worst. If the election is still valid before a convincing electoral process improvements, we promise to move the largest mobilization of the people. If elections are called in the near future (at least) before the special committee executed, then a most dirty election in history is guaranteed. If this still occur, the inevitable perception of this election is only the 'false' to justify the regime stay in power. But this does not rule out the possibility of the people down not only to protest but the willing to change the regime that has long failed to secure the rights of the people to get the democratic process of elections clean and fair would be beyond the limit. We can not rule out the possibility of the people will rise to ensure that the regime collapse to the fair and clean elections can take place and this country can be saved. We on behalf of Malaysians who are concerned to give an ultimatum to the Prime Minister of Malaysia compulsory elections only after the process of improvement of the electoral process seriously and assure complete sets or face the power of the people. |
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