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- DAPSY mengalu-alukan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap AUKU dan menempelak hipokrasi Pemuda MCA
- Court of Appeal Landmark Ruling on UUCA Breaks Free Another Chain of Repression of Freedom Movement
- Assunta Hospital Dilemma ( 3 )
- PPSMI - not the Magic Bullet
- Surcharge The Errant Public Officers Responsible And Such Financial Misdeeds Will Cease In ...
- Kenyataan Akhbar Zairil Khir Johari di Pulau Pinang
- Live Streaming for Bersih Public Lecture at ANU
- English for all - not for select few
- The Battle of Three Prime Ministers
- Media Statement on PPSMI
- Mahathir remarks on second DPM proposal nauseating
- Assunta Hospital Dilemma
DAPSY mengalu-alukan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan terhadap AUKU dan menempelak hipokrasi Pemuda MCA Posted: 30 Oct 2011 07:41 PM PDT
Oleh Loke Siew Fook, DAPSY Keputusan ini adalah satu kemenangan moral kepada kebangkitan gerakan mahasiswa di Malaysia yang telah lama memperjuangkan pemansuhan AUKU. 4 pelajar UKM yang membawa kes mereka ke mahkamah sehingga terhasilnya keputusan ini perlu dipuji di atas keberanian dan semangat perjuangan mereka yang cukup tinggi. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Court of Appeal Landmark Ruling on UUCA Breaks Free Another Chain of Repression of Freedom Movement Posted: 30 Oct 2011 07:37 PM PDT
By Fadiah Nadwa Fikri, Lawyers For Liberty Lawyers For Liberty applauds the decisiveness of the Court of Appeal ruling in upholding the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech and expression against the prohibition under Section 15(5)(a) of UUCA which impedes students' participation in political activities. This ruling reaffirms the right to political participation which is crystalized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which have been the cornerstone of the constitutional provisions in many countries. The right to political participation is central to the practice of democracy. It is pivotal to note that the right to political participation is to be enjoyed without discrimination. The Court of Appeal ruling is timely following the recent suspension of Law Professor Abdul Aziz Bari which is clearly in violation of academic freedom, free speech and expression. UUCA was deliberately amended in 1975 to restrict the student movement in political activities following the infamous Baling Demonstration which witnessed 30,000 people including students standing up for the poor farmers in Kedah, demanding for fair rubber prices and better living conditions. This unprecedented decision by the Court of Appeal underscores the most significant aspect of the duty of the court as the final bastion of justice to warn the government against continuing repressive action which is an affront to constitutional guarantee of free speech and expression.
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Assunta Hospital Dilemma ( 3 ) Posted: 30 Oct 2011 07:19 PM PDT By a concerned Malaysian It was with trepidation that I read the uncharitable comments that followed the letter that I had originally written asking questions about the original setup of the Assunta Catholic Charity Hospital. I apologise to Archbishop Murphy Pakiam and Sister Enda of the FMM sisters , as I did not anticipate the backlash of what followed from my good intentions. Having said that there still remains serious questions which truly need to be answered. 1) It has been established by "A Specalist" whose letter appeared on the 29th Oct on MT, that The Assunta Hospital was indeed set up as a charity hospital, received tax free status , and grew exclusively from public donations, how did a charity foundation that solicited public donations now turn and become a private enterprise ? 2) Where is the compliance of the present board members to their fiduiciary duties when they receive free medical treatment amounting to millions of ringgit , this is clearly a gross abuse of their position which remains unaccounted for. 3) Why Did a "Charity" hospital create multi millionaires by paying exorbitant salaries and permit their specialists to grossly overcharge their patients, clearly in voilation of the original charter of a "charity" hospital status 40 How did the board allow one of these specialist on the board in clear conflict of intrest situation when he could control the outcome of board meetings because the board members were beholden to the hospital for "free treatment" 5) Why are doctors allowed to work beyond 70 and continue being paid exorbitant salaries, making it impossible for the poor to seek treatment at this hospital even though it is a "charity" hospital. 6) Why has a "charity" hospital originally given tax free status and build on public donations now become a money making machine for doctors, members of the board and the manager. 7) How did the FMM sisters and the catholic church who were the pioneer promoters of this charity hospital built on donations which amounting to millions of ringgit just look the other way when this hospital was taken over by greedy individuals who clearly capitalised on the good name of the FMM sisters and the catholic church to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor. The catholic church and the FMM sisters are "morally responsible" for this debacle and should be held accountable, and take steps to restore the hospital back to its original status. If clear answers are not forthcoming this will be forwarded to the relevent authorities for investigation accordingly. A Deeply concerned Malaysian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 30 Oct 2011 03:50 PM PDT By Feizrul Nor Nurbi Before anything, let me clearly state that I am not pro-Bahasa Melayu or even pro-English. I am pro-Quality. A few arguments have caught my eyes. Do allow me to put down my 2 cents worth of view here: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surcharge The Errant Public Officers Responsible And Such Financial Misdeeds Will Cease In ... Posted: 30 Oct 2011 03:46 PM PDT By Lim Kit Siang Malaysia must be the only country which aspires to be developed nation status where year in year out, the Auditor-General reports of horror tales of financial hanky-panky, irregularities, abuses of power and financial indiscipline in Federal Government accounts. Malaysians are entitled to know why such financial hanky-panky and irregularities could not be stamped out when there should be quite easy ways of achieving this objective. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kenyataan Akhbar Zairil Khir Johari di Pulau Pinang Posted: 30 Oct 2011 03:31 PM PDT Oleh Zainal Khir Johari, Pegawai Khas kepada Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Berikutan kengganan pihak Umno-Online, iaitu laman web rasmi Umno, untuk menghentikan, menarik balik dan meminta maaf atas laporan-laporan palsu dan berunsur fitnah yang terus dimainkan terhadap YAB Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng dan keluarganya, saya selaku Pegawai Khas kepada Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang telah membuat laporan polis agar tindakan akan diambil ke atas pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab itu. Sehingga hari ini, sudah terdapat 9 laporan yang membawa tuduhan liar bahawa kononnya anak kepada Ketua Menteri terbabit dalam kejadian mencabul seorang pelajar perempuan. Di samping itu, laporan-laporan tersebut juga mendakwa bahawa Ketua Menteri telah membayar RM200,000 kepada keluarga pelajar perempuan tersebut sebagai sogokan untuk berdiam. Laporan-laporan tersebut disenaraikan dalam jadual di bawah:
Jadual 1: Senarai laporan-laporan di Umno-Online Tambahan pula, laporan-laporan "Guan Eng Jangan Perbodohkan Pengundi Dengan Cara Putar Alam" dan "Isu Cabul: Sejak Bila Pembangkang Pandai Bercakap Soal Moral??" pada 19 Oktober 2011, "Dari Rambut Panjang Ke Gejala Dadah, Guan Eng Makin Berputar Belit" pada 20 Oktober 2011 dan "Kalau Fitnah Guan Eng Patut Saman Bukan Beri Kenyataan Berbelit-belit" pada 21 Oktober telah memetik daripada sebuah laporan palsu yang kononnya telah disiarkan oleh suratkhabar Guang Ming Daily. Guang Ming Daily telah pun menafikan kewujudan laporan tersebut dalam akhbarnya pada 21 Oktober 2011 (halaman A2). Tuduhan-tuduhan tersebut merupakan fitnah yang keji dan langsung tidak berasas. Yang paling teruk sekali, laporan-laporan tersebut terus disiarkan dan dimainkan dengan sembereno walaupun bukti sudah pun dikemukakan oleh pelbagai pihak untuk membidas tuduhan-tuduhan yang liar itu. Sebagai contoh, pada 21 Oktober 2011, "pelajar perempuan" yang terbabit, Anya Corke, telah mengeluarkan kenyataan keras untuk menafikan penglibatannya. Malah beliau menegaskan tidak pernah bertemu dengan Ketua Menteri atau anaknya. Kenyataan Anya yang merupakan seorang pemain catur antarabangsa dari Hong Kong telah disusuli dengan penafian daripada Pengarah Pelajaran Pulau Pinang En. Ahmad Tarmizi Kamaruddin yang dilaporkan dalam akhbar The Star pada 22 Oktober 2011. Beliau pun telah mengesahkan bahawa tiada sebarang bukti untuk mengaitkan anak Ketua Menteri kepada apa-apa kejadian sedemikian. Kenyataan-kenyataan Anya dan Encik Ahmad Tarmizi pula adalah tambahan kepada kenyataan En. Goh Boon Poh, pengetua SMJK Heng Ee, iaitu sekolah lama anak Ketua Menteri, yang juga telah menafikan kejadian itu. Walaupun macam-macam bukti telah ditampilkan, Umno-Online masih lagi meneruskan serangan mereka tanpa melaporkan perkara yang sebenar, seperti yang boleh dilihat dalam laporan-laporan "Isu Cabul: Guan Eng Patut Saman Bukan Terus Politikkan Anak Untuk Cari Simpati" dan "Rasuah RM200 Ribu : Empat Laporan Polis Dibuat Terhadap Lim Guan Eng" yang bertarikh 25 Oktober 2011. Berikutan laporan-laporan ini, Ketua Menteri telah mengadakan sidang media pada 26 Oktober 2011 disusuli dengan kenyataan akhbar pada 27 Oktober 2011 untuk menuntut supaya Umno-Online menarik balik dan meminta maaf atas laporan-laporan palsu dan berunsur fitnah tersebut. Namun begitu, laman web Umno-Online bukan sahaja tidak menarik balik atau meminta maaf, malah masih lagi menyiarkan laporan-laporan yang sudah diketahui palsu dan berunsur fitnah. Ini boleh dilihat dalam laporan seterusnya pada 28 Oktober yang bertajuk "Isu Cabul : Guan Eng Umpama Penembak Buta". Saya percaya bahawa penerbitan dan penyiaran kesemua 9 laporan-laporan palsu dan fitnah tersebut merupakan suatu kesalahan jenayah di bawah, antara lainnya, Seksyen 499 Kanun Keseksaan, Seksyen 8A Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984 dan Seksyen 211 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998, dan berharap agar pihak polis akan mengambil tindakan siasatan yang segera serta tindakan susulan yang sewajarnya ke atas laman web Umno-Online supaya tidak berlaku sebarang kekeliruan dan kerosakan nama bagi Ketua Menteri dan keluarganya. Zairil Khir Johari Pegawai Khas kepada Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Setiausaha Politik kepada Setiausaha Agung DAP Lampiran Berikut adalah petikan daripada beberapa laporan yang melibatkan laporan palsu Guang Ming Daily: "Terbaru ialah tindakan tidak senonoh anaknya meraba pelajar perempuan di sekolah Cina dan membayar RM200 ribu sebagai tanda untuk tutup mulut pelajar terbabit. Akhbar Guan Ming Daily bertarikh 19 November 2011, pada halaman A10 melontarkan kenyataan Lim Guan Eng ekoran dakwaan anaknya meraba pelajar perempuan Sekolah Cina Heng Ee. Menurut laporan akhbar terbabit... Lim Guan Eng menjelaskan bahawa anaknya dipindahkan ke Sekolah St Xavier's Institution kerana bimbang terjebak dengan gejala dan sindiket dadah di kalangan pelajar." Dipetik daripada "Guan Eng Jangan Perbodohkan Pengundi Dengan Cara Putar Alam" yang bertarikh 19 Oktober di "Namun semalam, dalam sebuah akhbar berbahasa Cina, Guan Eng mengatakan anaknya dipindahkan dari Sekolah Cina Heng Ee ke Sekolah St. Xavier's kerana bimbang terjebak dengan gejala negatif dan sendiket dadah di kalangan pelajar." Dipetik daripada "Dari Rambut Panjang Ke Gejala Dadah, Guan Eng Makin Berputar Belit" yang bertarikh 20 Oktober 2011 di "Sebelum ini, anak lelaki Guan Eng didakwa terlibat dengan masalah moral apabila dikatakan telah mencabul seorang rakan sekolahnya. Akibat daripada kejadian tersebut, Guan Eng telah menukarkan sekolah anaknya dan menyogok keluarga mangsa dengan wang berjumlah RM200 ribu. ... Selepas itu, Guan Eng telah menukar kenyataannya yang tersiar di dalam salah sebuah akhbar berbahasa Cina kononnya pertukaran tersebut adalah kerana Guan Eng bimbang anak lelakinya akan terlibat dengan gejala dadah di kalangan pelajar." Dipetik daripada "Kalau Fitnah Guan Eng Patut Saman Bukan Beri Kenyataan Berbelit-belit" yang bertarikh 21 Oktober 2011 di
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Live Streaming for Bersih Public Lecture at ANU Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:05 PM PDT
Time : 3.00 pm (Malaysian time, UTC +08) Date : Tuesday, 1 November 2011 Instructions : Head to ustream.tvand type 'ANU Bersih 2011' at the channel/search bar. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
English for all - not for select few Posted: 29 Oct 2011 11:24 AM PDT By Feizrul Nor Nurbi Dear Parents, There has been an audible cry made by the supporters of PPSMI for the policy to be reinstated as an option in the national education system. An option here means schools are able to choose whether to continue teaching Mathematics and Science in English or revert back to pre-PPSMI medium of instruction, being Bahasa Melayu in national schools or Tamil/Mandarin in vernacular schools. Firstly, succumbing to this demand will open the proverbial floodgates of never-ending demands from irrational parents acting on the pretense that their demands are just for the good of their children. Perhaps once the floodgates are open, we will see demands for subjects taught in dialects instead of the 3 languages implemented now. The parents in Kelantan might want their children to learn in Kelantanese, Kedahan wanting to learn in 'loghat utara', and those from Penang wanting to learn in Hokkien. Even the current system of having 3 different school streams creates a set of complicated problems, but I shall leave that topic for another day. If that is not ridiculous enough then perhaps we are going to see parents clamoring for advance subjects being made available in schools - there will be Advance Math for the 'Math genius' and Basic Math for the 'normal' students. Or Advance Physics for those inspiring to be astrophysicists and Basic Physics for the not-so-gifted amongst them. Most ridiculous of all when parents make the demand for the 'gifted' sons or daughters be given extra attention by means of better teachers and better facilities at the expenses of the weaker learners. But wait - this is already happening. We call this 'class streaming' where the idea of segregating the talented from the academically-challenged often results in the best teacher being allocated to the best minds, while those unfortunate to sit in 'kelas corot' will be left to rot without extra effort to bring them at par with the gifted ones. It is rather clear that the notion of a national education system being the great equalizer is lost on these parents. A national education system should serve the role of academic-democratizer - where quality education is made available to all students regardless of background, where access to quality is made available to all at no extra cost and the opportunity to excel are given as a right and not only for the select few. Sadly, when talking about 'democratization of education', it has been misconstrued as the right to pick and choose whatever suit their irrational whims and wants. The reality is, in Malaysia, education has degenerated into a class war - the battle between the haves and the have-nots. The haves are those with the resources to pay for that good preschool, that Grolier encyclopedia set sitting in the home library, that crisp pearly white school uniforms, that Kumon classes, that subscription to Astro's Playhouse Disney, that private tutor 5 times a week, that piano class and violin lessons, the weekend ballet class and perhaps the most basic of all - a proper meal for your loved ones. On the opposite spectrum we have the 'have-nots' - those parents struggling to provide for their family, where an adequate preschool is already priced beyond their reach, where there are no money put aside for their child's education when the main concern is where their next meal going to come from, where the student themselves worry about working and earning a living to assist their family instead of focusing on the lessons in class. These are the ones depending wholly on the national education system to pull them out of their dire life struggles. This is the reality at hand, which perhaps most parents comfortably leading their air-conditioned lives are oblivious of. Oblivious enough even to demand that it is their right to be given privilege over the have-nots, arguing that their sons and daughters should not be held back just to accommodate those less fortunate. To those parents making these demands - I have two words for you - 'Private' and 'School'. What have we as a society degenerated into? We often make fun of southern neighbor for their Kiasu behaviour, but rather disconcertingly we are heading down the same way as they are now. For those making these demands, please understand that the Rule of Scarcity applies. Providing for one group will mean taking away from another. Asking for the option for PPSMI means funds and effort must be allocated to train teachers, for books and references, for a syllabus catering for the demands - valuable funds and effort that could have been used more productively to increase the quality of the education system across the board where it will benefit a bigger pool of people. Perhaps funds that will be the difference between a life 'kais pagi makan pagi' and a life where the next meal is guaranteed. And to some people, it can be even be difference between life and death. PPSMI, or even the English-medium schools, will get my vote if and when the whole policy is based on a level playing field. Here is where the early exposure to English is crucial via early-childhood education, preschools, kindergartens, and a conducive environment where children as early as 4 years old are exposed and encouraged to explore English. The only way to do this is to make early childhood education compulsory for all; by ensuring it is accessible and affordable, with the view that by the age of 7 all students will have sufficient proficiency in English for them to start learning other subjects - Mathematics and Science and others - in English. Can we achieve this? Is it at all doable? Or is it just a mountain too high to climb? A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. With a 'bigger picture' scenario that is really none too appealing, it is crucial that we channel what limited resource we have to tackle the real source of the problem. Its time we fight for the main course instead of bickering over crumbs and leftovers. On a personal note.... It has been an emotionally draining experience writing these articles, for it is an issue close to my heart, an issue that I am passionate about. I trust the fellows at PAGE are of the same stock, with the drive and perseverance galvanizing like minded parents to support their cause. For that they have my respect. Just it is a lament of mine that the cause chosen by PAGE does not directly address the ailment plaguing our country's education system. Certainly what the rakyat needs at this current juncture is a pressure group that acts as a watchdog over the national education system, persistently demanding quality across the board from the government for the benefit of the people. And I believe PAGE fits this role perfectly, only if it decides to be. It might be a harder target to achieve; perhaps without a change in government it will be impossible. But rest assured, when our education system is at par with the best in the world, the nectar of success will be the sweetest of all, and above all, enjoyed by all Malaysians, regardless of background, race and faith. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Battle of Three Prime Ministers Posted: 29 Oct 2011 10:48 AM PDT Media Statement by Lim Kit Siang Mahathir has won the shadow power battle of three Prime Ministers on the sidelines of Perth 2011 CHOGM on the EPG's proposal for a Commonwealth Commissioner for Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights The fourth Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir seems to have won the shadow power battle with the fifth Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the sixth Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razaki on the sidelines of the Perth 2011 CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) 2011 on the Eminent Person Group's (EPG) proposal for a Commonwealth Commissioner for Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights. The latest news from the Perth 2011 CHOGM is that the Commonwealth heads of government have not only rejected the EPG's proposal for a Commonwealth Commissioner for Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Rights, they have taken the shocking decision not to publish the EPF report on Commonwealth reforms to make it relevant and not an anachronism. This has led to the unprecedented unanimous criticism by the seven-member EPG in Perth against the CHOGM decision. It is good to see Abdullah, who is chairperson of the seven-member EPG, leading the EPG attack against CHOGM and issuing the warning: "After very careful study over 16 months the EPG is convinced that there is an urgent need for bold initiatives to reform and strengthen the Commonwealth as a beneficial force for the future. "If CHOGM does not deliver such reforms, it is our duty to sound the caution to you that this CHOGM will be remembered not as the triumph it should be, but as a failure." The Perth CHOGM decision to reject the EPG Report and its reform recommendations, particularly for the appointment of a Commonwealth Commissioner for Democracy, the Rule of Law and Human Rights, must have delighted Mahathir and former Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Rahim Noor in vindicating their warnings of "a human rights wave" as a new threat, akin to a new religion, comparable to the previous "wave" of communism and threatening "the principles upon which the nation was built". It is shocking and most deplorable that as the current Prime Minister, Najib had failed to give full support to the EPG proposal for a Commonwealth Commissioner for Democracy, the Rule of Law and Human Rights and played a leading role to push for its adoption as well as acceptance and implementation of the EGP Report: "A Commonwealth of the People: Time for Urgent Reforms". When the Prime Minister of Malaysia is not prepared to give full-hearted support to the EPG Report which is chaired by his predecessor the previous Prime Minister, how could one fault the other Commonwealth Heads of Government who opposes the EPG and its reform recommendations? Abdullah is right. Perth CHOGM 2011 will go down in Commonwealth history as a failure when the Commonwealth heads of government were not visionary and bold enough to act on the EGP Report to make the Commonwealth relevant to changing times. Is the triumph of Mahathir against his two predecessors in the shadow power battle of three Prime Ministers on the sidelines of the Perth CHOGM 2011 a foreshadow of the political developments in Malaysia, casting a very dark shadow on the promises of democratization and political transformation which Najib had pledged to carry out in the country? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 09:57 AM PDT By Tony Pua The Ministry of Education must allow for flexibility in the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English policy DAP Parliamentary Leader Lim Kit Siang had 2 years ago called upon the Cabinet to endorse "the call of Parents Action Group for Education (Page) that schools should be given the option to teach science and mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia or English or in one's mother tongue" and maintain "the use of English as medium of instruction for mathematics and science in secondary schools". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mahathir remarks on second DPM proposal nauseating Posted: 28 Oct 2011 07:20 PM PDT Unless a DPM is given for them (and the current DPM was agreeable to this during the Upko congress where it was voiced out by Tan Sri Bernard Dompok) the two states will continue to suffer and lose. Now, I wonder if Mahathir's opinion in the matter is of any relevance at all. Why do reporters still think his remarks have so much value? Daniel John Jambun I have for a long time thought of Mahathir as a former great man who had lost some of his sense of balance, after reading his many irritating comments about a lot of issues. We notice that of all the many former chief executives of nations anywhere in the world, he has gone on record as the most the most acidic and the most sarcastic. Tun Mahathir has been so aggressive in his criticism of the West and the Jews that he has been called "The Last Mohican of Asia," but he is also a kind of warrior whose war is not yet finished, so he is still on a rampage to bulldoze everything he thinks is against his beliefs. Humility and moderation are very far away from his mind, thanks to the 21 years of wielding power. And now in active 'retirement' he feels he is free to say whatever he wants, even at the embarrassment and expense of the current Prime Minister. But a long period in a powerful post doesn't make one right in everything. In fact arrogance often sets in and can make one make a lot of mistakes, even delusional. His comments on the proposal to introduce a second prime minister for Sabah and Sarawak is a case in point, in which he is now on record as having said, "Why Sabah and Sarawak? What about other states? I think Kedah also wants a deputy prime minister. Everybody wants a post. There should be a MCA deputy (PM), an MIC deputy (PM), a Gerakan deputy (PM). And if Pakatan Rakyat wins, everybody will want to become prime minister. Whether you're deputy (prime minister) or not, if you can serve the people, that's fine. If you don't serve the people, you'll suffer the fate of (Muammar) Gaddafi." The irritation you get from this wild and arrogant ranting simply gives you nausea, and make you want to puke out of pure disbelief. Firstly, the second deputy PM post is not asked for by Upko for somebody in Upko, but for someone from Sabah or Sarawak. So saying other BN components also want the same thing is taking it totally out of context out of sheer sarcasm. And then saying "Whether you're deputy (prime minister) or not, if you can serve the people, that's fine" is saying you can serve the people the same way whether you are an Assistant Minister or a Deputy Prime Minister. And how did he come up with the silly idea that Kedah wants to have a DPM as well? How come he equates Sabah and Sarawak to Kedah, a small state in the Peninsular which itself is smaller than Sarawak? Doesn't he see the logic in having a DPM for the Borneo states knowing the huge size of the area and its 2,000-mile distance from KL, and having hugely different historical and cultural backgrounds? Perhaps he just can't admit that the two states have suffered half a century of economic discrimination, and even neglect in many aspects. Unless a DPM is given for them (and the current DPM was agreeable to this during the Upko congress where it was voiced out by Tan Sri Bernard Dompok) the two states will continue to suffer and lose. Now, I wonder if Mahathir's opinion in the matter is of any relevance at all. Why do reporters still think his remarks have so much value? And as to the grossly crude remark "If you don't serve the people, you'll suffer the fate of Gaddafi," I would like to ask Mahathir if what he meant was some leaders in Malaysia should be shot dead for not doing their jobs? What about those who stole tens of millions from the national coffers through kickbacks? Should they be dragged in shame through the streets as well? I remember that at one time during the Libyan revolution Mahathir sympathized with Gaddafi, perhaps because in 2005 Mahathir received, in Tripoli, the Gaddafi International Prize for his human rights contributions. In pointing to Gaddafi's example for injustice and tyranny, at least Mahathir is showing a lot of rational thinking – wrong is wrong and right is right, regardless of who you were. History can't be changed because in the end, truth always does prevail. And Mahathir, as a former leader of international status, should know more than anyone of us that reckless statements will not go unnoticed, and will always come back to you, and often you have to swallow them yourself.
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Posted: 28 Oct 2011 03:19 PM PDT By A Specialist
The specialists continue to be paid a salary which is raised annually because of inflation. In addition they charge fees which have also risen sharply. Only a small portion of these fees is deducted for the hospital. However this is paid back by way of EPF contribution. Many of these specialists therefore earn millions in their EPF and millions by way of fees. They have become multi millionaires. |
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