Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Horror stories behind the AG Report- 1

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 06:33 PM PDT

It is also equally true, in the interest of good governance and accountability which any responsible government pledges itself to, the AG Report must be expeditiously supplied to lawmakers. Otherwise, it gives rise to a cause of concern that the delay is an attempt to shorten a critical assessment of the spending habits of government agencies. Lawmakers are guided by a higher sense of propriety, responsibility and accountability that demands they operate beyond the technical confines of written rules.

So it is correct  and proper when lawmakers demand to see the AG Report that by convention is provided alongside budget documents. It was disingenuous for a lawmaker to state recently that there is no law compelling the AG Report  be supplied together with other budget documents.

In my experience as an ADUN in Pahang, the auditor's report came along with the budget documents. This is necessary for legislators to go through the spending habits of institutions of government. That will ensure matters are debated as they should be.

The AG Report has acquired the status of almost an absolutely necessary addendum for the purpose of intelligent and responsible analysis of government spending habits. I have found them necessary to provide justification or grounded criticisms to the spending habits of government.Probably because there are not so many intelligent people on the government front benches, the AG report is seen as not crucial for a healthy debate in our parliament.

It is in these documents that we find most justifications for the criticisms directed at deficit spending and of government debt. By the way, the claim that 2012 debt is within tolerance limits is simply the result of artful manipulation of the 2012 GDP figures. When the finance minister announces that our GDP will grow by 5-6%, as a percentage or proportion, the 2012 debt will indeed remain within our psychological barrier. It enabled the minister to state our debt to GDP ratio is good. In terms of absolute numbers on the other hand, the debt to GDP ratio is much bigger than last year's. So, the declaration that the economy will grow by 5-6% was necessary so as to keep the proportion of debt to GDP acceptable. It was just a trick.

The more pointed criticisms about deficit budget are the hidden financial indiscipline that goes along with spending with wanton abandon.  The ministry waiting and wanting to be crucified is the Tourism Ministry because its minister is loud and appears to be pushing her bravado image to the limits. And so she reaps what she has sowed.



PAkS – Parti Anti-konsert Se-Malaysia

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 05:34 PM PDT

Elton John is coming to Malaysia. As he is apparently gay, PAS Youth thinks that his concert is "incompatible" with Malaysian culture.

Pahang PAS Youth chairman Shahril Azman Abdul Halim was quoted by the Malaysian Insider as saying:

"The authorities are aware that hedonism or excessive entertainment akin to poison is spreading fast among Muslim youths "…….."It is this culture that brings the downfall of morality in a society and encourage activities such as promiscuity drinking fornication and also cause them to neglect their religious duties."

Going to a concert is a hedonistic act? And it causes a "downfall of morality." Ah, of course, going to a concert also causes promiscuity, drinking and fornication. What else is new?

I suppose the father who raped his 2 month old baby son is an avid concert goer. And all those kids in Kelantan who fornicate are also avid concert goer. And those young girls who kill their babies are also avid concert goers too I suppose. And half of the male population in Malaysia would turn gay and start ramming each other's ass once Elton John touches down at KLIA.

I am sorry, but will Elton John sing on stage or perform a homosexual intercourse act on stage and ask concert-goers to join him while in Malaysia?

I remember the day Michael Jackson came to Malaysia. Boy, after the concert, all of us were holding our crotch on the streets!

What I really hate about some people, politicians and political parties is their self-righteousness and holier-than-thou attitude.



BERSIH 2.0 sweeps Australia

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 05:17 AM PDT

"Global Bersih is one of the greatest achievements of Bersih", Ms Sreenevasan says, referring to the worldwide solidarity movement that sprung up to support KL's historic, public show of defiance against a government that had banned the march and declared it "illegal".

"I know of no other movement that has pulled Malaysians and other supporters from all over the world quite like this. And we (Bersih 2.0 KL) did not organise this…you all did."

Similar modesty is likely to be cast to the winds as the Bersih 2.0 chair embarks on university lectures, meet-and-greet functions and media interviews to hammer home the point that fair and free elections in Malaysia can only come about with wide-ranging legislative reform. Considering Prime Minister Najib Razak is forecast to call the federation's thirteenth election any time between now and March 2012, the former president of Malaysia's Bar Council and her group have set themselves a daunting, formidable task.

"I feel a huge responsibility to Bersih and the people", Ms Sreenevasan says.

"I fear sometimes I am not up to it."

The avowed non-politician adds: "Then I remember the people are very forgiving." She is speaking, of course, totally unlike a politician. "Provided you are honest with them, and sincere."

The recipient of France's highest honour, the Chevalier de Legion d'Honneur (Knight of the Legion of Honour), then says: "Fate has brought me here, just as fate has brought us all together."

Ms Sreenevasan, who two years ago was also one of eight recipients of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's International Women of Courage Award, has caught the world's attention for Bersih 2.0′s fight to address fraud, inequity, discrimination and corruption in Malaysia's electoral system. She is also well regarded as a staunch defender of women's rights and religious tolerance.

In Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra, she will meet Malaysians and supporters of democratic reform and focus on convincing them there is much to be done, from Australia, to pressure Putrajaya into instituting real change in the electoral process.

David Teoh of Melbourne, a young Malaysian who now heads Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Australia (SABMoz), needs little convincing. He helped spearhead Australia's role among the global rallies that were held that same July Saturday in a show of support for the KL marchers.

"What transpired on 9 July awakened the sleeping giant," Mr Teoh says.

"On that day, in 40 cities around the world, we were one, united people sharing a common dream – beyond standing for clean and fair elections, we all took a stand for the integrity of this great nation to be restored.

"That such a movement was treated with so much contempt by the authorities only served to fuel our legitimacy."




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