Ahad, 30 Oktober 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Lapuran Ketua Odit Negara- kenapa kita bising2

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 08:43 PM PDT

Begini bunyi nya komen Walla.

Pendedahan yang memualkan oleh lapuran ketua odit negara (LKON) membatalkan semua rasa gembira dari bajet 2012. Malahan, pendedahan tersebut telah mengukuhkan lagi persepsi bahawa kerajaan yang di pimpin oleh UMNO secara sistematik membohong dan menipu rakyat setiap tahun hanya untuk memperkayakan imam2 perang UMMO dan Napoleon2 kecil.

Pengundi2 simpanan tetap- penjawat awam, guru, bekas tentera dan polis serta petani yang akan mendapat faedah dari bajet 2012, menikmati itu semua diatas penghukuman yang di kenakan keatas sektor swasta dan akan memudaratkan aliran tunai masa depan negara ini. Semua mereka ini yang akan menerima imbuhan jawab lah sendiri sama ada bolehkah mereka mendapat durian runtuh itu semua, tanpa rompakan dan samun yang berleluasa yang tidak di bendung?

Dimana mereka dapat menunjukkan muka ketika mereka menadah tangan menerima imbuhan yang disebut dalam najet 2012? Bagaimana rupa wajah sang guru wanita  ketika dia mendapat gaji baru sambil menyatakan bahawa harap harap gaji bertambah tidak bermaka kerja pun bertambah?

Sektor swasta yang menyumbang  jumlah cukai untuk membiayai pembelian kerajaan sekarang akan berfikir dua kali sama ada mereka mahu tulus terus membayar cukai kepada kerjaan yang hanya pandai memutar belit, cuai, mencuri dan bercakap soal perkauman yang ekstrim.

Mat Salleh yang menjadi pakar runding pembentukan imej PM Najib akan mendapati tangan nya terlalu penuh. Bagaimana dia mahu menunjukkan bahawa Najib ok manakala sekeliling Najib kucar kacir? Pinjam tongkat sakti Hermione? (Hermione ialah watak budak perempuan yang bersama dengan Harry Potter). Memakai minyak pati SK-11?  Atau suntikkan botox keatas pentadbiran Najib?

Sejak awal lagi, rakyat di beritau dengan tegas bahawa kita akan menjadi sebuah negara kaya dunia pertama; sebutan yang menyukakan seperti transformasi, kerajaan yang mengambil berat dan perihatin, 1 Malaysia, dan sebutan2 rengkas Pemandu tumbuh seperti buih untuk menggambarkan aura kemajuan dan kejayaan. Tapi sebenarnya, di belakang tabir, mereka membohongi rakyat yang di janjipalsukan dengan masa depan yang bersyuragaloka di bawah pimpinan UMNO.

Dari proksi perniagaan dalam GLC GLC  kepada pemalsuan harga yang menjahanamkan, UMNO telah menipu dan mencuri dari rakyat negara ini dan melemahkan semua sektor2 ekonomi kita.

Suatu ketika dahlu, kita mempunyai system kawalan dalaman. Kita ada undang undang serta peraturan dan protocol. Semua ini di laksanakan tanpa rasa takut, berat sebelah atau berbau perkauman. Hari ini, terutama sejak rejim talam dua muka Mahathir, semua ini telah di anakkampangkan.
Sejajar sangat dengan tradisi lanun bugis dari Sulawesi, semua nya di halalkan asal sahaja status quo yang menyokong penyandang kerajaan di pelihara; dan mereka yang mempunyai kuasa dan kedudukan berada di atas undang undang dan peraturan. Undang undang dan peraturan hanya untuk rakyat bawahan dan orang biasa yang akan di momokkan dengan pelbagai cerita seram supaya memastikan yang berkuasa terus berada di tampuk kuasa.

Jika tidak, bagaimana kita menerangkan Dr Mahathir di kebalkan dengan selimut Teflon yang kalis peluru manakala professor Aziz Bari hanya perlu di takutkan dengan sebutir peluru? Walhal, cacian keatas raja Melayu yang di lakukan oleh Dr Mahathir dahulu lebih dasyat dari yang termampu di buat melalui teguran seorang tokoh akademik. Pecacai UMNO yang mengencing para raja Melayu hari ini tampil kehadapan konon menjuarai kemaksuman raja raja Melayu. Podah lah!

Sila beri kita jawapan bagaimana Piawai Ilahi boleh di peliharai apabila prinsip prinsip keadilan semua nya di korbankan untuk tujuan muslihat politik, kerakusan peribadi yang akhirnya mendedahkan hipokrasi dan permunafiqan bangsa Melayu untuk di perlihatkan kepada seluruh dunia. Dimanakan harga diri orang melayu? Malu orang Melayu menggelarkan diri mereka Melayu jika berpegang kepada hipokrasi UMNO ini.

Untuk apa semua hipokrasi ini?

Untuk mendapat bayaran progress pertama dari pembinaan hospital yang mengenakan caj RM 1 juta per katil? Atau untuk mendapat pandangan dari seoang jaguh longkang yang berani memukul seorang insan lain yang tidak boleh mempertahankan diri sehingga lebam seluruh anggota dan mengorbankan hak seorang manusia lemah mendapat perlindungan dari yang berkuasa dan gagah walaupun yang mengharapkan ehsan itu lain bangsa dan agama nya?

Sesungguhnya, bangsa Melayu kita sudah di beri makan dengan rerumput kebodohan oleh pimpinan zalim di negara kita.

Bayangkan-lapuran ketua odit negara utu hanya bahagian atas gunung salji sahaja. Ini yang termampu di kesan oleh pasukan odit negara dari maklumat yang ada dalam rekod dalam tempoh odit yang terhad ketika sentiasa dalam pemerhatian pegawai pegawai yang bermuka masam dan kemarahan.

Bagaimana pula hal hal yang mencurigakan yang hanya mampu di sahihkan dan di terangkan oleh kemahiran perakaunan dan rekod simpanan akaun yang belum sofistikated? Kita tidak boleh terangkan kecuali menyatakan, kita belum cukup ilmu untuk menerangkan nya.  Jika sektor swasta boleh mempunyai perkara perkara seperti pasaran bayangan, tidak mungkinkah sektor awam juga mempunyai perbelanjaan bayangan?

Bagaimana kah rakyat yang siuman akan mempercayai kerajaan ini walaupun sesaat.

Maka disini lah letak nya jawapan mengapa kita semua mesti bising apabila lapuran odit negara di kemukakan- sebab amanah rakyat sudah di cabul. Apabila amanah, keyakinan dan kepercayaan sudah di cabul, tidak ada harapan lagi untuk kita mengharapkan kerajaan ini akan melakukan yang baik dan ikhlas. Setiap waktu dan saat adalah satu lagi lembaran muka perlakuan jinayah yang akan hanya di report dalam lapuran odit tahun hadapan.

Sebab itu lah sebagai contoh, walaupun berada sendiri dalam majlis tersebut, MP dari Bagan Datuk tidak boleh membezakan antara harga pasaran dan harga yang di bayar kepada kontraktor kroni UMNO. Perbezaan ini YB, bukan nya RM 6 tapi  Enam Bilion Ringgit. Itu RM 6,000, 000,000. Enam Ribu Juta ringgit. Tentu YB fahamkan. Bayangkan berapa banyak paket angpow hijau atau merah yang boleh  terhitung oleh seribu jebat si anak tani yang membanting tulang dalam kerjaya masing2? Dan seorang bekas Komrad perjuangan rakyat menyifatkan inilah bajet yang terbaik kerana memuliakan para petani dan pesawah. Bersyukurlah kerana saudara komrad sudah terjumpa jalan pulang.

Adakah jumlah wang yang begitu besar akan mengalami nasib serupa seperti dalam projek2 kementeian pertahanan yang melibatkan antara nya, kapal selam yang tidak boleh tenggelam, kapal peronda yang terkinja kinja, tangki yang bocor, dan program latihan yang melibatkan alatan letrik di tempat yang tidak ada bekalan letrik yang hampir pula dengan ampangan yang dibina beratus juta Ringit yang tidak ada air! Hampir2 saya ingatkan yang jadi menteri Pertahanan ialah Samy Velu.

Pada masa yang sama, elok kita bertanyakan soalan, ketika lidah kita masih belum kelu, mengapa wang simpanan EPF rakyat di jadikan ah long dan ceti yang membiayai syarikat2 tenat?

Adakah dengan memberi pinjaman2 raksasa kepada syarikat syarikat tertentu, tanpa jaminan bayaran semula dan di luar penglihatan pemegang saham dana ini yang sebenarnya- iaitu lebai malang rakyat biasa- adakah kerajaan berkata bahawa mereka telah mejumpai zikir atau jampi yang akan menghindari pencarum2 EPF dari malapetakan kerugian yang mengerikan?

Kalau lah pinjaman itu semua gagal di bayar, adakah kerajaan akan mengambil langkah mencitak matawang  dari kilang percitakan matawang mereka di Shah Alam untuk menampung kekurangan dana caruman , atau sebagai langkah untuk menyokong gerakan hijau mengurangkan penebangan pokok untuk membuat kertas citak, kerajaan akan menggalakkan pencarum2 yang pencen supaya mati segera?

Atau adakah, dengan segala pembohongan ini, sebetulnya rakyat mampu menyimpulkan sikap sebenarnya kerajaan terhadap rakyat dengan satu sebutan? Iaitu:-




Tail Wags the Dog

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:16 PM PDT

And Barbie Doll might say, "Yep, my good and faithful servant. I will build a wall to protect your farm."

Thus saith the Barbie Doll, and it was done.

Eventually, the water flowed to another city instead of the farm so the Yellows asked for the water to be released before the rain season to avoid floods. Barbie Doll did not so they had to open the floodgates of Hell, which unleashed its fury onto the Land of Smiles, turning into the Land of Swamps and the Yellows, who own ALL the Industries are screaming while the Reds are rejoicing that the Yellows SUFFER as much as the Farm Boys.

However, they forgot that once the Yellows don't have any more factories, the Reds ALSO LOSE THEIR Factory Jobs !!!

So, the stupid reds are now pi**ed off that they now have no work, no farms, and no one to blame anymore, so they now take it out on the dykes BY BREAKING THEM in so many places.  And so who suffers? The people.

A fairy tale gone awry? Read the REAL STORY here.

The above scenario is a very painful analogy of how the status quo is sabotaging Pakatan although not as serious and not as visible but still effective nevertheless, especially in Selangor.



English given a shove

Posted: 29 Oct 2011 10:53 AM PDT

The Education Ministry is being simply irresponsible for refusing to introduce the dwibahasa system in order to better facilitate the transition. The Deputy Minister's excuse that teachers are unable to speak English, let alone teach in it, is simply a cop-out and utterly inexcusable.
It is simply alarming that the federal government has completely failed to address the fact that their teachers were not qualified to teach Maths and Science in English since the policy's implementation. Now they use this as an excuse to re-introduce Bahasa Malaysia as the medium of instruction for these subjects. In short, they use incompetence to justify returning to mediocrity.
When the system was originally changed from the English to the Malay language system, the standard of English was still high. What we see now is the steady decline in the command of the spoken and written language. This is especially evident in our younger generations, which is setting off alarm bells in parents. This also gives rise to parents forming interest groups such as PAGE to fight for better English education.
I have expressed before that Bahasa Malaysia is an important language as our Bahasa Kebangsaan or national language. It is what unites us as Malaysians, and it should be used our local lingua franca. Bahasa Malaysia transcends race and religion, and unites us as one people.
Having said that, English is the global language of commerce, and could almost be portrayed as the global lingua franca. Even a super power such as China, which is the world's fastest growing economy does not underestimate the power of the English language, with more emphasis on its teaching within their education systems.

Why the fuss over the 2010 AG Report

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 04:28 AM PDT

Negligence- the Police Air Wing purchased two helicopters worth RM117.75 million, which could not be used, as they did not meet specifications. Another RM15.4mil was spent to train pilots to fly these helicopters.

Incompetence- Customs Department under-utilized its RM290mil information technology system but was planning to spend another RM451.30mil to develop a new one.

These are the findings of the Auditor General's report a few years ago.  From there we can more or less expect what's coming. We have all the reasons to believe that the report for 2011, will reveal the same story about misappropriation of funds, bizarre overpricing, projects not completed. These are indicators of negligence and incompetence.

What is even more horrifying; these are more or less the same findings that are similar to the reports of preceding years. What does that say? It says loud and clear, the same transgressions committed were not rectified or even allowed to continue. It means the same wrongdoings are allowed to be perpetrated because the enabling circumstances and possibly the same perpetrators were allowed to persist. It further shows those responsible to ensure the transgressions are not repeated have been incompetent and negligent in carrying remedial actions.

The same people who did all the transgressions are still in commanding positions; they will have the opportunity to improve upon their incompetence by doing more damage. The Chief Secretary's village fool response by way of saying he is not worried and that the problem has been dealt with because he has sent circulars asking officials to exercise more discipline is a negligent expression and ensuing act of gross callousness. I am afraid, the public isn't that forgiving.

We don't want circulars- we want those transgressors punished or even sacked. As them to publicly explain what happened to those overspendings? Let's ask the chairman of Giatmara for example, where is the shop that sells the heavy duty blender for 4 times the market price. Let's make it the 1 Malaysia shop for heavy duty blenders. Maybe even give them soft loan from EPF.  Let us Mydin the shop.

Yet we want to extend the services of such a fellow. Let's elect Allred E Newman for Chief Secretary then.  Then, we are assured the same transgressions repeated, will be met with the same incredulous response of what me worry!

The answer is also, we don't have to suffer the incompetence of those entrusted to manage public money. If they don't manage properly and because it's our money they are managing, they deserve to be publicly assailed. This isn't about being perplexed as to why the opposition should bicker about the report. If you do, then we shall have to explain to you in as simple terms as possible.

This is beyond opposition. This is about, the mismanagement of our money which deserves being treated as a cause of concern for possible fraud and deception.

The short answer to the question then as to why the opposition gets irked by the audit report as do all right thinking Malaysians is the money being treated isn't the property of the transgressors. That being so, the administration of the money and the application of the funds thereof, must be done with utmost care. It's not your father's money. That is the short answer.

The long answer is, Malaysians are fed up of the deception and misappropriation of funds.



Living From Hand To Mouth

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 12:49 AM PDT

According to Monsoon (Cup) winds of change,  a well-known Malaysian business magazine reported that Terengganu is the second richest state after Selangor but its rakyat are the second poorest after Perlis. The Kelantan Menteri Besar, Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, retorted that Kelantan may be poor compared to Terengganu, but its people are rich. "Kekayaan Kelantan di tangan rakyat," said Nik Aziz.  In early 2000, he also said that Terengganu is 2nd richest state in Malaysia but rakyat are poor while Kelantan is 2nd poorest state butthe rakyat are rich.

With all the economic hardship that people faced despite the fact that the state was rich, the opposition lost Terengganu back to BN in 2004. However, Kelantan stayed with opposition in spite of no development for different reasons - namely dignity and pride in the their faith of surviving without federal funding and in spite of being squeezed of federal funding.

That lesson from the pages of history is an illuminating one. Our political landscape  is currently in a very unpredictable and fuzzy state. Is there any point in PR crowing and boasting about how well state is doing?

Positive reports are impressive and leaves one with a syiok sendiri feeling but when rakyat vote, it will be based on how well they are REALLY doing. In the light of rising food prices, people are not as happy as PR may think. So PR had better be aware!

In reality, there are many individuals, families and large groups which have been pushed to the margins of society. These marginalized citizens are limited in education and employment opportunities as well as social and community networks. They have little access to power and decision-making and few opportunities to improve their standard of living.

Most worrying is that in time, more and more will be marginalized and if things do not improve in every area of governance, what will happen to Malaysia?

It is imperative that the government focuses on addressing real and serious issues that affect the rakyat instead of pushing their grandiose dreams and going on spending sprees. Tax revenue is from the rakyat and should directly benefit the rakyat in relevant ways.

Poverty is still very real in many ways with greater income inequality as the current system has serious limitations. According to the Central Intelligence Agency of US, 3.6% of the population (2007) live below the poverty line. Imagine - just a few years ago, a can of tuna was RM2.80. Three or four years down the road, that same can of tuna is RM4.90 whilst our real income has not improved much!

‘Sick’ projects, sick nation

Posted: 27 Oct 2011 07:50 PM PDT

Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (October 2008)

There was infrastructure failure in this hospital which was caused by poor maintenance and planning, which led to the intensive care unit (ICU) and surgical units being shut down. A few hundred of the hospital's patients were transferred after three blocks were declared unsafe by structural engineers.  The hospital's management had reported the deteriorating conditions as early as 2000.  The Health Ministry was supposed to have carried out maintenance and repair work on the hospital from time to time through its concession company, Syarikat Faber Mediserve Sdn Bhd.

Pekan Hospital, Pahang (March 2007)
This hospital located in the parliamentary constituency of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was scheduled for completion in 2003 but was only finally handed over to the Health Ministry in March 2007. Among the defects were leaking pipes, collapsed ceilings and problems with the main water tank.

Sultan Ismail Hospital, Johor (April 2007)
In September 2004, the hospital which cost RM550 million was shut down for 17 months due to a fungus problem. Two years later, large sections of the ceiling had to be removed due to structural problems. The company responsible for maintenance work was Pantai Medivest.

Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital, Alor Setar, Kedah (March 2007)
Built at a cost of RM550 milion, the hospital was opened four years after its scheduled completion date. The then health minister, Dr Chua Soi Lek, stated that the contractors lacked the necessary expertise.

Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital, Sungai Petani (February 2007)
Human faeces was found to be overflowing from a toilet and this forced an ICU unit to be closed temporarily. This hospital, built at a cost of RM450 million, was hailed as a state-of-the-art hospital. Another leakage had also occurred in the hospital cafeteria due to a defective sewerage pipe and there were also collapsed ceilings.

Ampang Hospital, Kuala Lumpur (March 2007)
This hospital was scheduled for completion in 2004 but it only opened its doors in 2007. The pediatric ward was ridden with fungus and the ceiling was similarly infected besides having the usual problem of leaking sewerage pipes. Then health minister Dr Chua Soi Lek commented that teething problems were to be expected in new buildings!

Despite the existence of such problematic hospital projects, the government is still awarding the construction of public infrastructure projects and building contracts of hospitals via direct negotiations, often to obscure and inexperienced companies. This practice is absolutely unacceptable and has resulted in losses amounting to billions.

None of the above contracts was awarded based on open competitive tenders and the cost of these "rent-seeking and patronage" is now taking a heavy toll on the nation's economy. And what is worse is that the government still has the audacity to expect the rakyat to pay for its faults, follies and foibles by introducing new and higher types of taxes such as the credit card tax, the real property gains tax and the soon-to-be implemented goods and services tax (GST).

One special hospital project that should be mentioned here is the Shah Alam Hospital that has an "Ali Baba" twist, where the main contractor for the RM482-million project did not even lift a finger to do any work at all and yet made a bountiful profit.



Two views on BN's premature optimism

Posted: 27 Oct 2011 07:40 PM PDT

Assuming that if 18( out of 20) of the seats now held by MIC, MCA and Gerakan fall to non BN parties, the BN's position does indeed rely on the BN partners in Sabah and Sarawak. Sarawak has 30 parliamentary seats while Sabah has 11. As the writer observed, the Sarawak strongman doesn't seem to give two hoots what Najib and Muhyidin want. Indeed he was sworn in the very night BN Sarawak was announced the winner fearing that delays would invite intrigues and machinations from national leaders. So, before the federal leaders can do him in, he thumped their noses. The message is clear. He doesn't trust our federal leaders.  Maybe it's time for him to make deals with other leaders and then agree on a timetable where he can exit with dignity and not unceremoniously evicted as he nearly was after the recent Sarawak elections.

PBB and its partners in Sarawak are friends under the same banner with BN leaders in Peninsula. Can the Sarawak people trust their partner in Semanjung who seemed willing to abandon its own partner in Sarawak just to retain power? With that kind of partner, they don't need enemies.

Indeed Taib Mahumud who must have felt humiliated by the treatment he got from federal leaders during Sarawak elections recently, now holds the trump card. He is said to have control over 23 of the 30 MPs. He must have felt immensely chagrined as Najib repeatedly told audiences that Taib Mahmud will retire. Taib Mahmud did not say anything about retiring. He said he will retire by a schedule of his own choosing. He is not an UMNO member and therefore doesn't have someone to watch over him. His party delivered 100 per cent results while UMNO in the Peninsula couldn't hold a candle to his track record. In short UMNO has no influence at all over Taib Mahmud. He can do very well as he damn pleases.

I have not said anything about Sabah and Sarawak. If the lifeline needed isn't extended to UMNO and BN in Semanjung, UMNO and BN will find themselves on the opposition benches. That would usher in the much needed cleansing process and the weak in constitution will be weeded out. It's a common anecdotal observation that should there be a hung government or BN and UMNO loses in the GE, its MPs can be induced and encouraged to cross over while just having teh tarik. Its that simple.



Compulsion in Islam?

Posted: 27 Oct 2011 05:12 PM PDT

At around the 9th minute of the video, Dr Ridhuan  strongly asserted that Islamic law has to be implemented by force and there is no other way to educate the non-Muslims on Islamic laws than by force. Dr Ridhuan added that the most opportune time for "us" to do so was after the 13th May 1969 incident and lamented the fact that "we" had let that opportunity gone.

During the speech, Dr Ridhuan lamented the fact that non-Muslims, especially the Chinese, have a negative view of Islamic state and hudud generally. Speaking from experience, as a Chinese, Dr Ridhuan insisted that he knows the Chinese's attitude towards Islam and that that attitude has not changed.

Firstly, I must confess that I am more than a little bit perplexed by Dr Ridhuan's attempt to connect the racial riot of 13th May 1969 with the idea of an Islamic state and the implementation of hudud or Islamic laws in Malaysia.

The riot of 13th May 1969, as far as I know, had nothing to do with the desire by any particular section of our society, including the Muslims/Malays, for an Islamic state or for the implementation of Islamic laws in Malaysia.

If the mainstream version of the riot were to be believed, that riot was caused by the economic imbalances between the Malays and the non-Malays, giving rise to a deep and seething anger between the two sections of the society culminating in racial hatred. This was sparked by the unprecedented  victory of the DAP in the general election immediately preceding the riot and the subsequent victory march by the DAP. The whole situation was worsen by the election campaigns which were full of racial rhetoric and overtone and the killing of some Chinese suspected to be communists.

Never have I read about the riot being anything about Islam, Islamic state or the implementation of Islamic laws. Even the non-mainstream version of the riot has omitted mentioning anything about those issues being the possible cause of the riot.

As neither Islam, Islamic state  nor Islamic laws was part of the catalyst or cause of the riot, how could Dr Ridhuan surmise that the most "opportune of time" to implement Islamic laws in Malaysia was after the riot? There is an obvious lack of cause, causation and result here. I mean, Dr Ridhuan may very well say that 31st August 1957 would be the most opportune time for all of us to choose Islamic state as the governing model of our nation. I would certainly understand that remark because that was the starting point of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu as an independent state. But to relate the choice of an Islamic state as a model "after" the riot of 13th May 1969 is as perplexing as any suggestion that the most opportune time to implement Islamic laws in Malaysia would be just after the Bersih rally, for example.

Regardless of the lack of any tangible connection between the May 13th riot and the issue of Islamic state, Dr Ridhuan had, by his remark, obviously – or even perhaps, inadvertently – exposed the notion, which could be popular among the neo-right winged-nationalist in contemporary Malaysia that the May 13th riot was "won" by the Malays or Muslims.

Premised on this notion of a "victory" being achieved by the Malays/Muslims during the May 13th riot, Dr Ridhuan quite obviously thought that the Malays/Muslims, as the victors, could have imposed an Islamic state model on Malaysia or implement hudud/Islamic laws as the laws of Malaysia after the said "victory." Conversely, the non-Muslims, particularly the Chinese, as the "vanquished", would not have been able to resist such forceful imposition of Islam on them at that point of time.

That, to my mind, would have been the natural conclusion of Dr Ridhuan's remark.

With all due respect to Dr Ridhuan's scholarly position, I view that with sadness.

The May 13th riot has no victors. Malaysia as a nation, society and people were all losers on that fateful day and from that dark blot on our history. May 13th 1969 was an absolute failure of all of us as a people. It was a day when we had left our power to reason and rationalise and let our primordial kinship and tribalistic emotions to take over. It was a day when we discarded civility and civilisation and opted for barbarism.

Victory on the May 13th riot and its aftermath, in my opinion, could only be measured by our collective ability and willingness, as a people and a nation, to learn the lessons brought about by the riot and to take measures to address the causes which sparked the riot. Anything else is a failure.

The notion that the Malays/Muslims could have done anything, including imposing an Islamic state model during its aftermath, is a perversion and represents an almost nihilistic view of the riot, its causes and consequences. It is yet another unwelcome addition to the plethora of abuses to which the Malay psyche has been subjected all this while. As a Malay Muslim, I find it absolutely objectionable.

Dr Ridhuan's lamentation that the Chinese, particularly, has a negative view of Islam and that their negative attitude towards Islam has not changed while at the same time asserting that hudud or Islamic laws must be implemented by force is, with respect, the peak of irony.

It is an irony because one of the main reason why the non-Muslims throughout the world have such a dim view of Islam is answered by Dr Ridhuan himself in his statement that Islamic laws should be implemented by force, regardless of any party's objection to it.

To many, the attitude of some of our ulamaks and mullahs are reflective of Islam's supposed intolerance of others, most particularly other faiths and not to mention cultures, breed and creed.

If Dr Ridhuan would stop and think at the repercussion of his assertion as such, he would realise that by making that assertion, he had managed to isolate millions of non-Muslims from the beauty of Islam, a faith that was premised on absolute respect for each other. Dr Ridhuan would do well to realise that the  Kharijite-ist approach towards maintaining Islam as the one and only faith does not bode well with Islam's core teaching of mutual existence, respect and co-operation.

If we were to force the implementation of Islamic laws in Malaysia, by extension, why don't we, as Muslims, force everyone to convert to Islam then, if I may ask? The answer is provided by God Himself, when in the Quran He says:-

"Let there be no compulsion in religion.  Truth has been made clear from error.  Whoever rejects false worship and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks.  And God hears and knows all things." (Quran 2:256)

Then He says again:

"If it had been your Lord's will, all of the people on Earth would have believed.  Would you then compel the people so to have them believe?" (Quran 10:99)

Dr Ridhuan insisted that as a Chinese coming from a family who are staunch non-believers of Islam, he knew how the Chinese feel about Islam. His disdain for the parties whom he always describes as "ultra-kiasu" is well known. Dr Ridhuan may have his own deeply personal reason for that. It is not for me, or for anybody else, to judge him for that. But surely Dr Ridhuan should not let his disdain prevent him from being just. The Quran says:

"O you who believe! Be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice, and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably; act equitably, that is nearer to piety, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is Aware of what you do." Quran 5:8)

Muslims and non-Muslims must be made to know and realise that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent as a "mercy for all the world" (Quran 21:107). He was not sent to force or compel anybody towards Islam or Allah. God says:

"Nothing is (incumbent) on the Messenger but to deliver (the message), and Allah knows what you do openly and what you hide." (Quran 5:99)

"So if they dispute with you, say 'I have submitted my whole self to God, and so have those who follow me.'  And say to the People of the Scripture and to the unlearned: 'Do you also submit yourselves?'  If they do, then they are on right guidance.  But if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message.  And in God's sight are all of His servants." (Quran 3:20)

Why then do we want to force Islam on anybody? Isn't that un-Islamic?



Slogan baru rakyat - ABU! (anything but UMNO) atau (asalkan bukan UMNO)

Posted: 26 Oct 2011 04:51 PM PDT

Tetapi kawan rapat saya memberi komen sinis yang jika himpunan itu hendak bercakap kepada 1 juta umat maka pengelola perhimpunan itu terpaksa mengadakan 200 kali perhimpunan seperti itu untuk menyukupkan jumlah 1 juta itu.

Satu hakikat yang sangat jelas ialah jika apa-apa perhimpunan itu di anjurkan oleh kumpulan yang ada kaitan dengan parti pemerintah begitulah keadaan sambutannya. Persepsi rakyat begitu rendah terhadap parti pemerintah dan kedatangan seramai 5000 orang dari seluruh negara itu sudah boleh di anggap berjaya jika di bandingkan dengan persepsi rendah orang ramai terhadap pemerintah.

Ramai dari rakan-rakan yang saya temui beberapa hari sebelum perhimpunan itu diadakan meramalkan yang kedatangan dan sambutan terhadap perhimpunan itu adalah rendah. Masing-masing memberi sebab masing-masing dengan andaian masing-masing.

Tetapi yang pasti himpunan 1 juta umat itu adalah perhimpunan yang dipengaruhi oleh politik dan di sabitkan pula dengan penglibatan parti-parti dalam BN walaupun penganjurnya adalah di atas nama NGO. PAS dan parti-parti lain memang tidak terlibat dengan perhimpunan itu. Yang mampu membawa keluar ramai umat ialah parti-parti dari PR dan tidak ada mana-mana perhimpunan anjuran BN atau kumpulan yang bersimpati dengan BN itu berjaya mengumpulkan umat yang ramai.

Isu tuduhan BN terhadapa kristian yang berusaha memurtadkan orang Islam itu (jika benar pun) tidak mungkin boleh di selesaikan dengan perhimpunan seperti itu. Jika kita sayangkan agama kita orang Islam mesti di hormati dan untuk mendapatkan penghormatan itu hanyalah dengan menunjukan kita sebagai seorang Islam yang baik lebih-lebih lagi kepada pemimpin-pemimpin yang beragama Islam.

Menjadi pemimpin bukannya satu kerja mudah. Pemimpin mesti menunjukan kewibawaan yang tinggi dan jika di pandang dari sudut keagamaan pemimpin-pemimpin kita harus menunjukan yang mereka betul-betul menghormati dan menjunjung agama kita dengan tahap yang sewajarnya.

Kita terlalu obses bercakap pasal Islam tetapi rakyat nampak jelas pemimpin kerajaan sendiri melanggar Islam dengan tidak merasa malu dan silu. Melakukan rasuah adalah bertentangan dengan Islam dan Islam menyamakan perasuah itu sebagai orang yang memakan daging saudaranya sendiri. Bagaimana sebuah kerajaan yang menjadikan Islam sebagai modal politik sedangkan apa-apa yang dilakukan itu semuanya bertentangan dengan kehendak Islam.

Dalam lapuran Ketua Audit negara yang baru dikeluarkan itu nampak jelas tidak ada Islamnya lagi. Barang yang berharga RM 400 dibeli oleh jabatan-jabatan yang terlibat dengan harga lebih dari seribu ringgit.

Pembelian alat keperluan angkatan tentera yang Def Tech boleh bekalkan dengan harga RM450 juta dibekalkan dengan harga lebih dari RM5 billion. Dimana Islamnya dan dimana amanahnya sebagai pemimpin yang beragama Islam. Apa semuanya ini?

Apabila rakyat yang terdesak pergi meminta bantuan dari pihak gereja walaupun tidak ada bukti mereka dimurtadkan maka semua mereka (kerajaan) mempolitikannya dan mengadakan perhimpunan sejuta umat pula.

Rakyat ramai yang terdesak kehidupannya tetapi mereka mendengar pemimpin-pemimpin melakukan kerja yang menyakitkan hati mereka. Mereka mendengar isteri-isteri pemimpin melalui TV memakai emas berlian berkarat-karat beratnya. Tas tangan kepunyaan setengah isteri- isteri pemimpin kita berharga ratusan ribu ringgit bagi satu beg tangan itu.

Kalau dikaji latar belakangnya bukannya datang dari keluarga yang kaya-raya pun. Mereka semuanya datang dari taraf sosial yang tidak jauh bezanya dengan kita semua ini. Sikap menunjuk-nunjuk ini selalunya dilakukan oleh mereka yang berlatar belakangkan mereka yang baru jumpa 'dunia'. Mereka tidak senang hidup jika orang ramai tidak tahu yang mereka sekarang adalah isteri pemimpin yang kaya raya.

Orang tua-tua dahulu ada berkata, 'kalau orang berdarah raja itu jika menjadi tukang sapu sampah atau jadi tukang cat sekali pun, ia tetap raja, tetapi jika si sengkek diletakan mahkota di kepala mereka sekali pun, mereka tetap sengkek'.

Rakyat yang terdesak kehidupan mereka tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah mereka dengan 'one-off payment' sebanyak RM 500 yang diumumkan oleh PM baru-baru ini. Kalau pemimpin kita tidak cukup dengan gaji yang besar sehingga melakukan rasuah bagaimana rakyat hendak hidup dengan bantuan RM500 itu? RM500 itu sebenarnya tidak cukup pun untuk membiayai makanan kucing orang-orang kaya dalam kerajaan pada hari ini.



Malaysian courts dragging feet over Altantuya lawsuit, now over 4 years

Posted: 26 Oct 2011 04:11 PM PDT

Her fed-up father Setev Shaariibuu has sent yet another tracer to Malaysia's growingly notorious courts, where his latest letter is bound to suffer the same fate as previous reminders - suppression and total silence! This time, however, Setev and his wife Altantsetseg Sanjaa have taken the additional step of appealing to Malaysian lawmakers for justice.

"Honoured members of the Parliament of Malaysia, I would like you to pay attention to my request and to treat this issue from the stand worthy of intelligent human beings," Setev said in his letter submitted via his counsel Karpal Singh, who is also the MP for Bukit Gelugor.

"There are vital matters pending such as to resolve the deceased's funeral and pacify her spirit through charitable attention to the orphaned children."

Money already paid, why do you delay my daughter's last rites

In his letter, Shaariibuu also pointed that he has complied with all the terms set by the courts to pursue the case including putting up a security bond of RM60,000 but nothing has been done, although the Mongolian government - which footed the deposit - had sent representatives over to discuss how to resolve the case.

"The fact that your government does not make positive steps towards the issue raised by Mongolia may perhaps adversely impact the interest of hundreds of Mongolians who are studying and living in Malaysia," he said.

"Despite the fact that the government of Mongolia proposed to discuss the issue by appointing and sending its representatives to Malaysia, it has been one year without any response."

The beautiful Altanuya was 28 when she was shot in the face and bombed with C4 explosives to prevent identification by Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Cpl Sirul Azhar - two former bodyguards of Najib's. They are now waiting on death row for their appeal to be heard. Her ashes are still in Malaysia, and her parents have fought hard to take them home but to no avail.

Among reasons given by the Malaysian government is that the two cops have appealed their death sentence. Their appeal is delayed because the trial judge, Mohd Zaki Yasin, who found them guilty has till date not written up his judgement. The judge's tardiness not only delays the cops in securing a hearing date from the Appeals courts, but also slows the lawsuit filed by Altantuya's parents. Government prosecutors say their case cannot be heard until the appeal is done with as it might 'prejudice' the cops' case.

"I can't see why the judge cannot finish writing his grounds. It has been two years already. I have raised the issue in Parliament but just received a written reply, which is pointless," Karpal had told reporters.



Alastair Campbell Is Advising Najib On How To Win Election – Exclusive!

Posted: 26 Oct 2011 05:49 AM PDT

We have learnt from exclusive sources that the former PM's ex-Communications Chief, Alastair Campbell (world-famous for the so-called 'Dodgy Dossier' that sanctioned the invasion of Iraq), is now advising Malaysian PM, Najib Razak on how to win the next election!

This follows the recent scandal over FBC Media, a story also broken by Sarawak Report, which revealed that Najib and Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud were illegally buying positive publicity on worldwide TV-news shows.

A common link between FBC Media, the PM's previous PR firm, APCOA and now Alastair Campbell is believed to be Paul Stadlen, who is a British PR man, close to Najib and based in KL.

Najib is said to be desperate  to brush up his international image, on the eve of an expected election and in the wake of the appalling world publicity gained by his treatment of the July 9th Bersih rally.  He also wants to increase his voter appeal towards an increasingly independently-minded urban electorate in Malaysia.

Our sources say that Campbell recently visited Najib in KL and has been behind advice over the past couple of months to show a more friendly image, such as the promise to reform detention laws (a gesture which has subsequently been put on indefinite hold) and the concept of a "Cool Najib", reflective of the coining of Tony Blair's "Cool Britannia" back in the 1990s!

Cosying up to oil-rich dictators?

Our revelations about Malaysian links with Tony Blair's team of advisors past and present, come hard on the heels of weekend reports in the UK's Financial Times and Daily Mail newspapers about similar activities in Khazakhstan.

Alastair Campbell was seen returning earlier this month from Astana, the Khazakh capital, where he admitted to doing some consultancy work "but nothing like on the scale that Tony is doing".

Tony Blair himself is believed to have forged close relations with the Khazakh President, Nursaltan Nazabayev during his period in office and to have continued those relations, including making a number of visits this year.

Nazarbayev is another potentate with international image problems, given the notorious cruelty and corruption of his 20 year regime.  

Intriguingly, the growing ties between him and Najib Razak, particularly in the field of public relations, have already been well documented in Sarawak Report's coverage of the FBC Media scandal.

Both countries had hired FBC's PR services and were frequently featured on FBC programmes. The question now must surely be what ties have there been between FBC and people linked to Tony Blair and how directly linked has Blair himself been to these and related PR initiatives?



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