Selasa, 27 September 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Kemungkaran politik dan ekonomi - Tanggunjawab rakyat menolaknya

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 08:37 PM PDT

Tetapi yang penting sekali kita lihat PM Najib sudah menjelajah ke seluruh negara mengumumkan peruntukan itu dan ini dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Wang ringgit yang di salurkan kepada rakyat sekarang itu adalah wang rakyat termasuk wang rakyat yang tidak menyokong BN, bukannya wang BN.

Bajet 2012 yang akan dibentangkan pada 7hb Oktober ini adalah bajet pilihanraya. Keseluruhan bajet itu akan penuh dengan janji-janji dan selalunya sebagaimana pengalaman yang lalu tidak semua janji itu akan terlaksana kerana ianya hanya janji dan janji. Samada bajet itu cantik atau sebaliknya kecenderungan rakyat untuk melakukan perubahan semakin kuat dan nyata.

Yang pentingnya rakyat mesti seronok selepas mendengar pembentangan bajet itu. Semasa rakyat sedang seronok itulah pilihanraya akan diadakan kerana jika dilakukan lama selepas itu rakyat akan sedar bajet itu hanyalah janji untuk mendapatkan sokongan yang kebanyakannya tidak akan dapat dilaksanakan.

Najib tidak akan mengadakan pilihanraya sesudah rakyat sedar yang bacaan pembentangan bajet itu hanyalah satu pembentangan yang tidak mungkin terlaksana. Sebelum rakyat sedar pilihanraya mesti di adakan.

Banyak perkara yang akan dilakukan yang memungkinkan rakyat marah semuanya ditangguhkan. Cukai 6% keatas perkhidmatan pra bayar melalui perlaksanaan GST telah ditangguhkan selepas pilihanraya. Dalam isu ini semua rakyat tahu yang mereka akan dikenakan cukai ini selepas pilihanraya nanti. Justru mengundi BN kali ini ialah untuk mempastikan BN boleh mengenakan cukai terhadap mereka apabila mereka mendapat mandat nanti.

Tetapi BN tidak menyedari yang anak-anak muda mungkin tidak akan mengundi BN untuk mengelakan mereka dicukai sebanyak 6% itu. Pendek kata semua yang akan dikenakan kepada rakyat tidak akan dilakukan sekarang ini. Mereka akan dikenakan semuanya itu setelah mereka mengundi BN nanti.

Di peringkat parti-parti kedua-dua belah pihak BN dan PR mereka sedang berusaha menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di antara parti masing-masing. UMNO dan ahli-ahli komponennya sedang berusaha menyelesaikan masalah di antara mereka. BN sedang cuba mengatasi masalah beban yang sedang UMNO pikul untuk menjadikan MCA dan Gerakkan di terima kembali oleh pengundi.

Di pihak PR yang hanya belum selesai ialah masalah isu hudud yang sedang di usahakan untuk dilaksanakan di negeri Kelantan yang kini menjadi masalah di antara PAS dengan DAP. Kedua-dua belah pihak mempunyai masalah.

UMNO berpendapat (kata Muhyiddin) yang UMNO bukan menentang hudud tetapi undang-undang itu belum sampai masanya untuk dilaksanakan kerana belum bersedia. Tetapi kepada yang masih mempunyai daya ingatan yang kuat kerajaan Persekutuan telah menolak usul untuk mengadakan hukum hudud ini bulat-bulat semasa pimpinan Dr Mahathir dulu.

Saya tidak menyalahkan Dr Mahathir dalam isu ini tetapi apa yang salahnya beliau telah mengalihkan kesalahan itu kepada Karpal Singh bukannya disebabkan penolakan kerajaan Persekutuan. Memanglah Karpal menolaknya kerana pemimpin Islam seperti pemimpin UMNO sendiri menolaknya bagaimana pula kita hendak mengharapkan Karpal untuk memperjuangkan hudud itu.

Saya tidak mahu berbahas tentang hudud ini kerana saya tidak faham tentang sistem perundangan hudud ini. Tetapi apa yang saya faham hudud adalah 'preventive Law" sedangkan undang-undang civil itu adalah sebaliknya. Yang saya tahu di Saudi Arabia yang melaksanakan hudud ini pun tidak sampai sepuluh orang yang dipotong tangannya kerana kesalahan mencuri, kerana dengan undang-undang hudud ini orang ramai amat takut untuk melakukan perkara-perkara yang mempunyai elemen mencuri dan sebagainya.

Tetapi biarkan isu itu dihalusi oleh semua pihak dalam PR kerana BN memang tidak bersetuju dengan hukum hudud ini. Hukum hudud ini memang telah dimomokan sebagai hukum yang zalim oleh mereka yang takut menghadapi undang-undang ini. Dalam sistem hudud bukan senang untuk membuktikan kesalahan seseorang kerana saksi-saksi yang sekurang-kurangnya 4 orang itu mestilah dari mereka yang muktabar dan ini susah untuk dicari. Usaha untuk menentukan samada saksi-saksi itu adalah dari mereka yang muktabar itu sendiri adalah susah. 



Whilst the nation inches towards financial ruin…

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 07:51 AM PDT

Not so kampung boy, though, that I cannot make out from this report in the Malaysianinsider that the attention of the whole world is turned to how Europe and the US deal with their debt crisis that is threatening to wreak havoc in national economies worldwide.

Well, the whole world except, it would seem, in Kelantan.

Maybe even the whole country.

Certainly, though, Kelantan seems oblivious to the impending financial crisis.

Nik Aziz seems determined to see hudud made the paramount law of all Kelantanese who profess Islam as their religion.

And the law applicable to any Muslim passing through the state.

Prof Aziz Bari, as reported in Malaysiakini, seems dead certain that the majority of Kelantanese are all for hudud law being implemented in the state.

Why, he says, the government is even prepared to take a referendum to the people on this issue.

What's not clear from the report is, firstly, whether by 'majority of Kelantanese', Aziz also meant the non-Muslim community, and, secondly, whether the Kelantanese non-Muslim community would also partake in any state-wide referendum on the issue?

What good, though, would such a referendum serve unless those who think it unwise to de-secularise Kelantan are given the widest possible berth to share those concerns with all the Kelantanese?

Will PAS allow for this?

Aziz is quoted as saying that he had the opportunity to listen to the sentiments of the grassroots and thereby discerned their inclination towards the implementation of hudud in the state.

It would have been good if, even as he sought their views on the hudud, Aziz had also elicited from that same grassroot their thoughts and concerns about the economic development or, more accurately, the near absence thereof, in the state.

Kelantan is, after all, ranked 5th amongst all the states in terms of the incidence of poverty.

As PAS pushes to implement hudud, do they also have a plan to uplift the economic lot of the impoverished Kelantanese?

That you do not need hudud law to rejuvenate the economy is exemplified by what the Pakatan state government has achieved in Penang these last 3 years.

Aziz postulates that there is no restriction in the constitution for the introduction and implementation of Islamic law, including the hudud.

His reasoning then, seems to be that as there is no such restriction and as the majority favour it, the will of the majority be done.

Aziz must concede that there is also no prohibition in the constitution for the introduction into law of any Christian precepts.



Kod Negara 71: mistake or not?

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 10:53 PM PDT

A senior UMNO figure conducted a serious and vigorous defense on this matter.

His salient points are:

# some of the opposition figures are holding kod negara 71
# the code is really meant for people born overseas

"Kalau pemimpin pembangkang yang memegang kod negeri 71 pada MyKad mereka boleh menjadi wakil rakyat, jadi apa salahnya Mismah menjadi pengundi? Beliau telah berusaha sebanyak dua kali untuk menjadi warga Malaysia sejak 29 tahun tinggal di Malaysia.

"Justeru, saya minta pihak pembangkang untuk menyiasat berhubung perkara ini," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas mengadakan pertemuan dengan keluarga Mismah di kediamannya di Desa Coafields, Sungai Buloh dekat sini hari ini.

Mismah telah mendapat Sijil Kewarganegaraan Malaysia pada 31 Januari lalu sekali gus melayakkannya memperoleh MyKad dan menjadi pemilih.
Berdasarkan maklumat dari Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN), kod negeri 71 pada MyKad adalah bagi mereka yang dilahirkan di luar negara.

The minister has made a misrepresentation base on JPN's information. From the JPN list, code 71 is not used at all hence it could either be interpretated as

1) isolated errors (the famous 0.0001% SPR argument)
2) used for people borned outside Malaysia but country of birth not known to JPN.

Explanation 1) is not acceptable.

170,818 71'ers registered successfully as voters for Q2 2011so it is no isolated errors but seems more likely a systematic  arrangement of some sorts between JPN and SPR.

(unless there is a hell lot of love making by Malaysians overseas and Tony Fernandez take note...AirAsia baby making package Coming Soon)


 42.33 % atau 72,742 pengundi yang tidak diketahui negara asal kelahiran ini adalah dari rumpun bangsa Cina iaitu Cina (71,252), Hokkien (521), Teochew (375), Cantonese (292), Foochow (135), Hainanese (119), Henghua (25) dan Hokchiu (23).

17.33 % atau 29,605 pengundi yang tidak diketahui negara asal kelahiran ini adalah dari rumpun bangsa India iaitu India (24,663), India Muslim (2,399), Punjabi (796), Sikh (639), Sri Lanka (346), Pakistani (328), Tamil (324), Tamil Sri Langka (67), Telegu (21), Malabari (12) dan Bangledeshi (10). Bangsa Bangledeshi adalah bangsa yang paling sedikit sekali menjadi pengundi di negara kita


If the PAS can identify the "rumpun" of those 71'ers and JPN list clearely set aside the relevant country codes - e.g. China 71, India 75, Pakistan 76, Hong Kong 63, Indonesia 61, Bangladesh 79, Singapore 66, Brunei 60, El Salvador 90 (how many Malaysians born in El Salvador that you know?)...with such a great list how could they miss out?

Another reason for KN 71 to be rejected is that JPN have their own procedures and insist on proof of place of birth when issuing IC, see:

Can you imagine a JPN officer issuing MyKad without knowing where the fella came from?

So if Najib wants to give civil servants some more, even more and more than ever pre general election bonus, the least they could do is to do their job properly.

Read more at:

The offences of not wearing what is mandatory and wearing that which is prohibited

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 06:30 PM PDT

Won't say where this happened as I do not wish to risk exposing the identity of the officers concerned.

I turned left at a traffic light and was flagged down by a police officer.

I immediately knew what the offence was.

I wasn't wearing the seat belt.

Pulled up and waited for the officer.

He came round to my side, and then looked aghast at me and exclaimed, "Alamak, ini kesalahan besar, encik".

I was puzzled, and asked him what was this 'kesalahan besar'.

Pointing to my chest, he asked, "Mana boleh pakai baju tu?".

I had completely forgotten that I was wearing my yellow 'BERSIH 2.0′ t-shirt.

"Apa salah pakai baju ini?", I asked.

By now, a second police officer came up to the car.

"Encik, ini kesalahan serius ni, encik,", the second officer offered.

"Pakai baju kuning salah? Ada lojik ke, encik? Encik nak cek kereta saya kalau ada senjata?", I asked the second officer.

"Ala, encik mesti tahu kerajaan sudah haramkan baju ini. Tak boleh pakai. Kesalahan besar, encik,", the second officer shot back.

"Encik berdua ada hadir kat himpunan pada 9 Julai, tak?, I asked them both.

The first officer kept silent.

"Ah, gila ke? Kita polis, lah! Mana boleh?", the second replied.

"Saya ada diperhimpunan itu.Encik ingat saya hanya berjuang untuk masa depan anak saya, tak berjuang untuk anak encik berdua ini?", I asked.

The first officer responded.

"Kami tahu encik", was all he said.

I shot another question to both.

"Berapa gaji kamu berdua?", I asked.

The seond officer appeared to take offence to my question.



Adakah KITA sedang mendekati Umno?

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 04:09 PM PDT

Zaid dipetik Bernama sebagai berkata:

"Saya dahulu tidak yakin Najib mempunyai keberanian untuk membuat sesuatu yang besar dan hari ini saya minta maaf pada Perdana Menteri kerana akhirnya sanggup berbuat sesuatu yang bermakna dan besar untuk memansuhkan ISA ini."

Kenyataan tersebut membuat Zaid diragui sesetengah orang sebagai membodek Najib.

Namun mungkin Zaid dengan hati tulus merasakan langkah perdana menteri hendak menghapuskan ISA dalam masa terdekat adalah berani dan benar. Maka pohon maafnya adalah bersifat 'gentleman' kerana ramalannya yang meleset pada suatu ketika dulu.

Mungkin juga pada pandangan Zaid, reaksi pemimpin pembangkang yang begitu lantas memperlekehkan keputusan Najib yang mengejut itu adalah tidak wajar kerana bertindak dengan penuh syak wasangka walhal belum ada kepastian. Ataupun dalam bahasa Inggeris — not giving Najib the benefit of the doubt.

Zaid juga seorang yang mahu "give credit where credit is due", bermaksud jika sesuatu tindakan itu betul, takkanlah kita menidaknya hanya kerana takut dicop sebagai juak Umno?

(Bagi saya, pihak pembangkang pada tempoh hari menampakkan betapa kecilnya jiwa mereka. Pakatan jelas menggelabah sebab usul pemansuhan ISA pasti akan mematah momentum 'Vote ABU'/ Anything But Umno yang giat dipupuk di kalangan pemilih bandar.)

Jeneral keseorangan

Zaid kena tempias lagi justeru mengumumkan KITA akan mengadakan 'Democracy roadshow' selama sebulan (Sept 27-Okt 26) ke seluruh pelusok negara — difahamkan roadshow tersebut untuk menerangkan dasar-dasar transformasi yang diperkenalkan Najib.

Mungkin Zaid menyokong Najib kerana perdana menteri kelihatan agak keseorangan. Timbalannya Muhyiddin Yassin serta Menteri Dalam Negeri Hishamuddin Hussein kedua-duanya pun seolah-olah caught off guard, iaitu sendiri terperanjat dengan pengumuman tiba-tiba itu.

Peristiwa ini mengingatkan saya kepada seperkara yang pernah disebut Khairy Jamaluddin sewaktu beliau berceramah di satu jamuan (dinner talk) anjuran kelab sukarelawan Haris 'SABM' Ibrahim pada bulan Disember lepas. [SABM itu Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia]

Khairy telah memberitahu hadirin bahawa Najib kurang mendapat sokongan daripada orang kuat Umno serta jemaah menterinya sendiri untuk melaksanakan inisiatif-inisiatif 'transformasi' yang cuba dikemukakannya. Peranan Najib sebagai 'great reformer' ibarat seorang jeneral yang tidak diiringi leftenan mahupun askar.

Berkenaan ISA, bukankah Pakatan seharusnya bersorak-sorai kerana pelupusan undang-undang itu yang sekian lama dituntut mereka akhirnya dipersetujui Najib jua. Akan tetapi Pakatan tidak menghargai benda besar ini sebaliknya meragam.

Janji nak mansuh ISA pun Najib disergah pembangkang. Beliau tidak mengaut apa-apa keuntungan (bukannya dia boleh melebihkan undi sebab para penyokong Pakatan tidak akan beralih) manakala puak Malay ultra seperti Perkasa pula menggertak (rugi undi Umno).

Mungkin kerana kesemua faktor-faktor di atas, maka perlunya Zaid memberikan sokongan setakat mana yang boleh kepada usaha menjayakan penghapusan ISA. Kalau bukan Zaid siapa lagi?

'Track record' menentang ISA

Pada hakikatnya, Zaid memang ada locus standi (mempunyai hak serta kena pada tempatnya) untuk menyumbangkan input beliau sebab dialah yang mempelopori kajian terperinci reformasi perundangan.

Zaid yang memantau undang-undang penahanan pencegahan selaku Menteri Undang-Undang (lebih tepat, Menteri dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan memegang portfolio undang-undang) dalam kabinet Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.



Antara "Dajal" Dan Laut Dalam

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 03:47 PM PDT

Ia merujuk kepada dua pilihan saya sama besar ancamannya. Ungkapan ini tidak asing kepada kepemimpinan politik dan orang ramai yang berpendidikan Inggeris, tetapi mungkin dianggap kasar atau kesat oleh yang tidak biasa dengannya.

Dalam konteks pilihan raya umum yang akan datang, apakah ini pilihan yang ada kepada kita?

Boleh jadi kerana tanggapan umum terhadap orang politik begitu negatif maka jarang mereka mengaitkan orang politik dengan laut dalam yang biru airnya.

Mereka lebih kerap mengaitkan politik dan orang politik dengan dajal. Maka diciptakan pula frasa yang berbunyi "it's better the devil know than the devil you don't" – lebih baik dajal yang kita kenali dengan yang tidak kita kenali.

Di Barat yang kini menjadi "kiblat" politik ramai Melayu dan bukan Melayu liberal, mereka sangat tidak menyukai dan jarang sekali mempercayai orang politik. Jadi, jolokan "devil" itu kerap dirujukkan kepada mereka.

Hatta seorang pembesar politik yang dikagumi kerana kehebatan tindak tanduk dan tipu-helahnya pun dikaitkan juga dengan dajal. Dia dikatakan "devilishly clever" – cerdik macam dajal.

Pilihan Dalam PRU Akan Datang

Jadi, menjelang PRU akan datang, apakah pilihan yang ada kepada pemilih di Malaysia – adakah di antara dajal dan laut dalam yang biru warnanya atau antara dajal yang mereka kenal dengan yang tidak mereka kenal?

Minta dijauhkan Allah, pilihan yang akan dikemukakan kepada kita nanti hendaknya bukanlah dajal sebaliknya insan-insan yang boleh kita panggil pemimpin.

Barisan Nasional/Perikatan telah menguasai politik Malaysia (Malaya) sejak Pilihan Raya Dewan Perundangan Malaya tahun 1955. Di kalangan parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat pula, hanya Pas mempunyai rekod yang lama mentadbir negeri. DAP dan PKR baru pada tahun 2008 berkongsi memerintah negeri.

BN menjadi sangat lemah ketika pentadbiran Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Beliau menang besar pada PRU 2004 dan kalah teruk pada PRU 2008.

Abdullah menjadi mangsa liberalisasi politik yang tidak terancang dan pembawa-larian pentadbirannya oleh beberapa kerat "insider" yang digelar Budak-Budak Tingkat Empat. Mereka terdiri daripada ahli keluarga, rakan-rakan dan pegawai-pegawai peribadi beliau.

Mohd Najib Abdul Razak naik menjadi Perdana Menteri pada tahun 2009 apabila Abdullah dihambat keluar oleh gabungan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, dan Naib Presiden kanan Umno masa itu, Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin.

Atas sebab itu, Mohd Najib terpaksa berhati-hati apabila berurusan dengan Dr Mahathir dan Muhyiddin yang kini timbalan beliau merangkap Timbalan Presiden Umno.

Abdullah cuba menjadikan "Islam Hadhari" wadah perjuangannya dan jatuh tersungkur. Hari ini, Islam Hadhari hampir-hampir tidak disebut lagi.

Mohd Najib mempunyai jauh lebih banyak gagasan dan slogan. Daripada 1Malaysia kepada rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan, Pelan Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP), Pelan Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP), Pemandu, KPI, NKRA dan pada malam menjelang Hari Malaysia 16 September lalu, memperkenalkan pula "cool factor" dengan mencadangkan pemansuhan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (AKDN) serta beberapa akta polok yang lain.

Banyak pihak menyindir dan menyelar retorik beliau, tetapi kerana kepandaian beliau dan "handlers" beliau memperkenalkan satu demi satu penjenamaan, rakyat jelata keliru dan akhirnya lupa janji-janji yang belum ditunaikan atau gagal pelaksanaannya sebaliknya gembira dengan janji-janji baru yang diperkenalkan satu demi satu.

Injit-Injit Semut Mohd Najib

Ada kalanya beliau memaksa pembangkang menari mengikut rentak beliau dan ada masanya rentak tarian beliau sama dengan rentak pembangkang.

Apabila beliau menguar-uarkan "package" liberalisasi politik yang termasuk pemansuhan AKDN, rentak beliau sama dengan rentak pembangkang sekian lama berkempen menghapuskan Akta itu.

Tetapi, pokok pangkalnya Mohd Najib, Umno dan BN akan diadili mengikut kriteria yang lebih asas dan fundamental seperti prestasi ekonomi, kenaikan kos sara hidup, pengangguran, kadar jenayah dan isu-isu harian.

Pemansuhan AKDN mungkin mempopularkan Perdana Menteri di kalangan pengundi minoriti Cina dan India, tetapi akan menimbulkan masalah di kalangan pengundi majoriti Melayu yang selama lebih 40 menjadi penyokong kuat ISA.

Jentera BN meramalkan prestasi baik pada PRU akan datang, termasuk menawan semula Selangor. Kalau keyakinan ini ada asasnya, ia bukanlah kerana BN telah menjadi lebih kuat, tetapi kerana PR menjadi lebih lemah.

Perkembangan dalam parti-parti PR dan di antara mereka memberi gambaran wujudnya masalah ideologi, dasar dan pendekatan yang luas.

Tarik tali antara Pas dan DAP mengenai Negara Islam/Hukum Hudud lawan sekularisme tidak membantu memperkukuhkan PR manakala isu kesinambungan kepemimpinan terumbang ambil akibat kes mahkamah ketua mereka, Anwar Ibrahim.

Keceloparan Timbalan Presiden baru Pas, Mohamad Sabu, membantu Umno kerana ramai anggota pasukan bersenjata dan perasanya marah kepada Pas. Undi pos polis dan tentera sudah dalam tangan BN.

Tetapi dengan mencadangkan pemansuhan ISA, Mohd Najib mungkin melukakan perasaan kelompok yang sama yang mengorbankan nyawa dan jasad mempertahankan negara daripada keganasan komunis dan pelampau-pelampau lain.



Write History as It is

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 06:40 AM PDT

Kanang and Apot are indigenous bumiputeras, the former from Sarawak and the latter from Perak. Both honors are for bravery and gallantry in fighting the communists during the Emergency (1948-1960). They certainly deserved the honors as heroes of  our country. No complaints about that.

The Criminal Defamation Charge Against Mat Sabu

But why weren't these heroes honored much earlier? Why only now? Has this to do with Mat Sabu, Deputy President of PAS, who was charged for criminal defamation last Wednesday September 21. Is UMNO- BN making political mileage of history?The charge against Mat Sabu followed weeks of debate after he said that there were many other freedom fighters who have been totally forgotten.

Mat Sabu then drew our attention to Mat Indera who played a prominent role in the 1950 attack on the Bukit Kepong police station. This was immortalised in a movie played by the legendary actor-director Tan Sri Dr. Jins Shamsuddin. The Policemen were portrayed as heroes who fought against the communists who were portrayed as villains and traitors. Thus, Mat Indera, who was allegedly a communist cadre , was cast as a traitor. However, a book by the Johor government in 2004 named Mat Indera as an insurgent freedom fighter and celebrated him as a Johor hero. So, was Mat Indera a hero or a traitorous ruffian?

This stereotyping of Malaysians into heroes and villians shows our failure as a nation to accept historical facts and our lack of appreciation for humanistic contributions.

And the moment politicians get involved in historical discourses and debates, then intellectual dishonesty creeps in and history is distorted for political and other self serving ends.The truth of history becomes irrelevant. Winston Churchill once said : "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."

For this reason, I am grateful to my friend, lawyer Rosli Dahlan, who insisted that I should read the writings of Tunku Zain Al'Abidin Muhriz, founding president of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) in his book, Abiding Times.

It seems that Rosli is an ardent admirer of this young royalty whom he politely declared to me  he would readily kiss this young Tunku's hands despite their age difference. Having just read Tunku Zain Al'Abidin's piece, Roaming Beyond the Fence (see link :, I can now understand why Rosli is impressed with this young man's intellectualism and maturity.

Yam Tuan Antah of Negri Sembilan

The intellectual honesty and capacity of Tunku Zain Al'Abidin (above) in evaluating history is revealed when he compared his ancestors, Yam Tuan Antah, and his great great grandfather, Tuanku Muhamad, whose son,Tuanku Abdul Rahman, became our first Yang Di Pertuan Agong (YDPA).

Yam Tuan Antah had waged war against the British in 1875 which invited the British retaliation by an artillery force which cannon-shot that destroyed Yam Tuan Antah's camp. The British advanced to Seri Menanti where they burnt down the Istana. Subsequently, Yam Tuan Antah was recognised only as Yam Tuan of Seri Menanti, rather than of Negri Sembilan as a whole. Yam Tuan Antah is celebrated in the same breath with Datuk Maharaja Lela and Mat Salleh as valiant defenders of their race, religion and nation.

Reclaim History for Ourselves

Yet, his son, Tuanku Muhammad, enjoyed much better relations with the British. He was educated at the English High School in Malacca and even received compliments from the British Resident, Sir Frank Swettenham, who wrote that he was an "example of the best type of intelligent, straightforward Malay Raja".

Thus, Tunku Zain's piece raised a most pertinent question: "Clearly, my two ancestors employed different strategies in dealing with the British. Was one a hero and the other a traitor? No, they were merely individuals trying to abide by their adat while dealing with the exigencies of global British power…The only way to fix this is for us to reclaim history for ourselves. Politicians must be removed from the process of writing the curriculum, and professors granted the academic freedom to include controversial viewpoints……Most importantly, the entire basis of the education system urgently needs to change from the rote learning of acceptable "facts" to the equipping of young brains to appreciate and analyse different opinions."

Isn't this the same thing that Mat Sabu had said? So, why does Mat Sabu's statement constitute criminal defamation? Did A-G Gani Patail not advise the government on this? Or is A-G Gani Patail again playing politics with the absolute powers vested in him as the Public Prosecutor to commit selective prosecution?



Najib and Rosmah Boarded Bus ... Luxury Bus

Posted: 24 Sep 2011 10:28 PM PDT

Najib has been trying to woo Malaysians that he is the MAN OF THE STREET but in actual fact he is just making a mockery of the situation by showing how POWER speaks for itself. This is the picture that was featured in mainstream medias:-

Najib Boards Bus To Attend Programmes In Perak

Who needs an Islamic state?

Posted: 24 Sep 2011 04:28 PM PDT

Well, PAS thinks we do.

And if PAS had its way, we'd be an 'Islamic State' today.

Whatever 'Islamic State' means.

Hope PAS knows because I haven't a clue although, looking around at the goings-on in some nation states that would have us believe they are 'Islamic States' sends a chill right down the spine!

And its fair to assume that at some point, PAS will want to share with the rest of us their grand plan for this 'Islamic State', going by what YB Dr Zulkifly Ahmad said at a talk bearing the same title as this post last Sunday in KL and as reported in the Star.

I quote Dr Zul :

'We are not pulling it (setting up of an Islamic state) back. It is still an issue that matters to us but we are allowing more time for the electorate to understand us better. The more important agenda now is reinstating democracy and good governance'

PAS is allowing more time for the electorate, you and I, to understand them better before they…

So they dropped 'Islamic State' from their 2008 election manifesto.

And they endorsed our People's Declaration.

And they are now part of Pakatan Rakyat.

So what?

Not for one moment in the run up to the last elections and thereafter have I deluded myself that PAS has abandoned its aspiration to establish an 'Islamic State'.

Dr Zul's statement as quoted above, as such, came as no surprise to me.

Another statement, though, left me wondering if the good doctor is himself deluded about how and why PAS did so well with the non-Muslim voters this time round. Will return to this shortly.

In truth, PAS's stance of not pushing their 'Islamic State' agenda to the fore at this time and the stance of many of us who, whilst wary of their 'Islamic State', gave PAS our vote, are both instances of pragmatic politics.

Calculated, pragmatic politics.

Just as DAP, PAS and PKR forging Pakatan Rakyat is pragmatic politics.

If PAS cannot expect those of us who aspire to retain the secular state established under the Federal Constitution  to give up just because we gave them our vote this time round, can anyone fairly expect PAS to abandon its 'Islamic State' agenda just because they are now part of the Pakatan?

Well, YB Karpal Singh does!

Malaysiakini reports that, responding to Dr Zul, Karpal said :

'It is incongruous for PAS to insist on having on its agenda (the) Islamic state and at the same time work with the other two parties in the Pakatan Rakyat…PAS should give an assurance that its leaders, including Kelantan Mentri Besar Nik Aziz Nik Mat and PAS president (Abdul) Hadi Awang will not publicly clamour in turning Malaysia into an Islamic state'

Why is it incongruous? 



MACC’S Appeal against Dato’ Ramli Yusuff is sheer buffoonery

Posted: 23 Sep 2011 06:23 PM PDT

You may recall that Dato Abdul Razak is the top notch MACC lawyer who appeared on behalf of A-G Gani Patail, as the Public Prosecutor, who had lodged and lost several appeals against the acquittals granted by various Courts to Dato' Ramli.

This Dato' Musa (above) gained fame on Youtube as the MACC lawyer who tried to strangulate himself in order to demonstrate how Teoh Beng Hock could have died of self-strangulation when he was challenged by Thai Forensic expert, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand, during the TBH Inquest. After that slapstick comedy in court, the MACC got wiser and engaged the much respected and extremely competent Dato Seri Shafie Abdullah to represent the MACC during the TBH RCI.

The MACC's appeal that Razak Musa appeared for on September 23 is against the acquittal granted by Sessions Judge M Gunalan on  March 2, 2010. However, on this occasion, Razak was a bit more respectful because Dato' Ramli was represented by Dato Seri Shafie Abdullah, his nemesis in the TBH saga.

The MACC's appeal that Razak Musa appeared for this morning is against the acquittal granted by Sessions Judge M Gunalan on 12 March 2010. However, on this occasion, Razak was a bit more respectful because Dato' Ramli was represented by Dato Seri Shafie Abdullah, his nemesis in the TBH saga.

The saying – "once a fool always a fool" is so apt on Razak Musa. In attempting to make a most passionate appeal on behalf of the PP, AG Gani Patail, Razak put on his most pathetic appearance when it became clear that the PP's appeal is a lot of hogwash.

The High Court Judge Dato Ghazali Cha noted that Sessions Judge M Gunalan had written a comprehensive and exhaustive judgment which showed that MACC DPP Kevin Morais had relied on a very questionable statement from a known criminal, self confessed briber, murderer, pimp and everything else that an underworld kingpin can be, called  Moo Sai Chin.

In doing so, Kevin successfully brought down Dato Ramli Yusuff (pictured above with his wife Dato' Anita Haron), at that time one of the top five most senior police officers, who could have been the IGP today.

To observers who have been following Dato Ramli's trial, it is all very clear that IGP Musa Hassan and A-G Gani Patail had used the MACC as a tool in the conspiracy against and persecution of Dato Ramli Yusuff. Yet, there are so many allegations of selective prosecution by the MACC at the behest of A-G Gani Patail.



Dr M - PAS' Hudud is sheer propaganda

Posted: 23 Sep 2011 04:54 PM PDT

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad told The Mole that PAS was actually in a dilemma following the party's decision to drop their quest to set up an Islamic state and implement Hudud.

"This is the problem with PAS, they are never very consistent. When they see that dropping (the struggle for an) Islamic state and Hudud makes them very unpopular now they want to come back and say that they want to implement (Islamic state and Hudud).

"But they know very well that they cannot implement simply because they are afraid they will not get the support of Karpal Singh and the DAP. … So what they are saying now is just propaganda to win back Muslim votes.

"PAS is in a dilemma. On one hand they want the non-Muslim support on the other hand they are afraid they would lose the Muslim support," the former Prime Minister and Umno president said when met at the National Mosque on Friday.

Nik Aziz who is also Kelantan Mentri Besar rekindled PAS' aspiration to implement the party's version of Hudud a few days ago and insisted that the party has never dropped its struggle for an Islamic state.

During PAS' 57th muktamar in early June, the party dropped their long-standing quest for an Islamic state and adopted the welfare state concept.

Party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang made the 'Welfare State' announcement at the end of the muktamar, much to the chagrin of PAS' own members and supporters. 

But Nik Aziz revived the Hudud issue again when he recently accused Dr Mahathir of singlehandedly preventing PAS from implementing Hudud in Kelantan when the latter was Prime Minister.

Nik Aziz said the high number of HIV/AIDS cases in Kelantan could have been prevented had PAS been allowed to implement the Hudud laws.




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