Jumaat, 23 September 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

What is meant by Hudud?

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 08:37 PM PDT

The origins and obligations of Sharia law

Sharia is the body of Islamic religious law based on the Koran and the words and actions of the prophet Mohammed and his followers.

In the West, Sharia has become synonymous with the brutal punishments meted out in Islamic states, but the majority of laws are to do with everyday issues, ranging from personal hygiene to banking.

Hard line Muslim leaders claim that Sharia is eternal and can never be changed, while moderates argue that it is not a strict set of laws but should be open to interpretation.

Sunni and Shia Muslims follow different schools of thought in interpreting the Sharia laws, but all Muslims are required to live according to Sharia wherever they are.

Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran have implemented Sharia as the legal system of the country, but in Britain it has no legal standing, despite the introduction of Sharia-compliant banking and food.

Examples of obligatory laws

• Earnings must be lawfully obtained

• Food must be halal

• Personal hygiene must be of a very high standard

• Couples must have a full bath in flowing water after intercourse

• The body must be covered modestly

• Prayers must be said five times a day

• Believers must fast during Ramadan

By Clare Dwyer Hogg and Jonathan Wynne-Jones, The Telegraph


Sharia is an Arabic word meaning "the right path". The Sharia comes from the Koran, the sacred book of Islam, which Muslims consider the actual word of God. The Sharia also stems from the Prophet Muhammad's teachings and interpretations of those teachings by certain Muslim legal scholars.

Muslims believe that Allah (God) revealed his true will to Muhammad, who then passed on Allah's commands to humans in the Koran.

Since the Sharia originated from Allah, Muslims consider it sacred. Between the seventh century when Muhammad died and the 10th century, many Islamic legal scholars attempted to interpret the Sharia and to adapt it to the expanding Muslim Empire.

The classic Sharia of the 10th century represented an important part of Islam's golden age. From that time, the Sharia has continued to be reinterpreted and adapted to changing circumstances and new issues. In the modern era, the influences of Western colonialism generated efforts to codify it.

Following Muhammad's death in A.D. 632, companions of the Prophet ruled Arabia for about 30 years. These political-religious rulers, called Caliphs, continued to develop Islamic law with their own pronouncements and decisions. The first Caliphs also conquered territories outside Arabia including Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Persia, and Egypt.

As a result, elements of Jewish, Greek, Roman, Persian, and Christian church law also influenced the development of the Sharia.

Islamic law grew along with the expanding Muslim Empire. The Umayyad dynasty Caliphs, who took control of the empire in 661, extended Islam into India, Northwest Africa, and Spain. The Umayyads appointed Islamic judges, kadis, to decide cases involving Muslims. (Non-Muslims kept their own legal system.) Knowledgeable about the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad, kadis decided cases in all areas of the law.

Following a period of revolts and civil war, the Umayyads were overthrown in 750 and replaced by the Abbasid dynasty. During the 500-year rule of the Abbasids, the Sharia reached its full development.

Under their absolute rule, the Abbasids transferred substantial areas of criminal law from the kadis to the government. The kadis continued to handle cases involving religious, family, property, and commercial law.

The Abbasids encouraged legal scholars to debate the Sharia vigorously. One group held that only the divinely inspired Koran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad should make up the Sharia. A rival group, however, argued that the Sharia should also include the reasoned opinions of qualified legal scholars. Different legal systems began to develop in different provinces.

From this very brief history of the Islamic empire and the development of the Shariah, some scholars argue that the Sharia evolved over time and transformed to meet the needs to society during their respective times. In other words, the Sharia was not static but dynamic.

Other scholars argue that the Sharia was already present during the time of the Prophet and was already fully developed by the time the Prophet died. In other words, this was what was laid down by the Prophet and merely continued after the Prophet died (meaning, the Sharia did not evolve or transform over time). This argument is to support the theory that the Sharia came from God and was not 'invented' by man over hundreds of years following the death of the Prophet.

In an attempt to reconcile the rival groups, a brilliant legal scholar named Shafiee systematised and developed what were called the "roots of the law". Shafiee argued that in solving a legal question, the kadi or government judge should first consult the Koran. If the answer were not clear there, the judge should refer to the authentic sayings and decisions of Muhammad. If the answer continued to elude the judge, he should then look to the consensus of Muslim legal scholars on the matter. Still failing to find a solution, the judge could form his own answer by analogy from "the precedent nearest in resemblance and most appropriate" to the case at hand.

This clearly shows that even the scholars themselves could not agree on whether the Sharia is God's law or man's creation based on interpretation of the Koran and the teachings (examples) of the Prophet.


The answer to Bersih 2.0 is Project IC 2.0 – now I know why we marched (dwi bahasa)

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 01:25 PM PDT

Translation of key points in the report entitled "Pemuda Pas discovered more than 170,000 suspicious voters", published in Oriental Daily on 22nd September 2011

Terjemahan kenyataan-kenyataan utama dalam laporan akhbar bertajuk "Pemuda Pas menjumpa lebih daripda 170,000 orang pengundi yang mencurigakan" dalam akhbar Oriental Daily bertarikh 22 haribulan September 2011.
Pemuda Pas discovered more than 170,000 suspicious voters
"Pemuda Pas menjumpa lebih daripda 170,000 orang pengundi yang mencurigakan"

(Putrajaya 21 September) Pemuda Pas urge Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to check on the inclusion of 170,818 persons with unknown country of origin as voters and citizens in 2nd quarter of 2011 alone.
(Putrajaya 21 September) Pemuda Pas menyeru Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara mengadakan Suruhanjaya Diraja untuk menyiasat kejadian seramai 170,818 orang yang negara asal mereka tidak diketahui tetapi boleh diberikan kewarganegaraan Malaysia serta didaftarkan sebagai pengundi hanya dalam suku tahun kedua 2011 sahaja.
Pemuda Pas pointed out that they discovered 170,818 voters with kod negara 71 in their IC number in SPR voters roll.
Pemuda Pas mendedahkan bahawa mereka mendapati seramai 170,818 orang pengundi dalam senarai SPR yang memegang kad pengenalan dengan kod negara 71
According to Ketua Pemuda Pas, Nasiruddin, 52% or 97,923 of these persons are allocated to Pakatan Rakyat administered states as the top 5 states with the most such voters are Selangor (29,758), Kuala Lumpur (17,548), Perak (16,680), Kelantan (15,345) and Penang (12,799).
Menurut Ketua Pemuda Pas, Nasiruddin, 52% atau 97,923 orang daripada jumlah tersebut telah diagihkan ke dalam negari-negeri yang ditadbirkan oleh kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat di mana 5 negeri yang memiliki jenis pengundi in yang paling tinggi adalah Selangor (29,758), Kuala Lumpur (17,548), Perak (16,680), Kelantan (15,345) serta Penang (12799).
"The number of people with unknown country of origin allocated to Pakatan administered states is huge and enough to topple the state government."
"Bilangan orang yang negara asal mereka tidak dapat dikenalpastikan telah diagihkan ke negeri-negeri kawalan Pakatan Rakyat cukup untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan negeri."

TG Nik Aziz mahu Hudud, Negara Islam tak peduli DAP!

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 04:50 AM PDT

Tuan Guru Nik Aziz berkata beliau akan tetap dengan pendiriannya untuk menegakkan hukum hudud dan penubuhan negara Islam walaupun mendapat tentangan hebat daripada rakan sekutunya itu.

"Saya tetap dengan Islam kerana benda (perkara) ini wujud pada tahun 1950-an lagi dan bukannya benda baru. Berdialog beberapa kali berdialog dah," kata beliau.

"Nak jumpa beberapa kali jumpa dah. DAP dah (pernah) keluar sekali dah, pada masa (gabungan pembangkang dalam) Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah (APU), saya kata 'bye-bye' tak apa.

"Sekarang dia (DAP) masuk balik ... itu dia (DAP) punya pasallah (jika DAP mahu keluar)," kata beliau selepas Majlis Himpunan Kursus Kenegaraan 2011 di Pusat Tarbiyah Islamiah Kelantan (Putik) di sini hari ini.

Dipetik Bernama Online, Nik Aziz berkata demikian mengulas kenyataan Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh bahawa parti itu tetap menolak penubuhan negara Islam dan pelaksanaan hukum hudud kerana ia bertentangan sama sekali dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Awal hari ini Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim secara peribadi menyokong pelaksanaan hukum hudud, tetapi katanya ia belum dibincangkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat.

Semalam, Nik Aziz menolak pandangan bekas mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin bahawa keadaan negara ketika ini tidak kondusif untuk melaksanakan hukum hudud itu.



Anwar & Zaid Ibrahim's - chalk & cheese

Posted: 22 Sep 2011 04:39 AM PDT

Asia's Renaissance Man supporting hudud? Wakakaka!

Or, maybe I should ask whether the DAP is now squirming with such an ally and touted leader of Pakatan? No, am not asking Tian Chua or Eli Wong because those PR people are utterly hopeless without any spine or independent thoughts, much as I love Eli ;-)

To answer my own questions, alas, no, I won't because Anwar being Anwar is always tap-dancing around any tulips which would make him personally smell sweet – note his classic evasive weaving 4-face Brahma-nic snake oil salesman talk, with a back door open for escape, where he … stressed … that PR had not discussed the matter and this was only a "personal opinion".

What I do know is that dearest invincibly anti-DAP Helen Ang would be dancing too, but in rapt delight at DAP's undoubted discomfort at the 'out from the left field' declaration by its unreliable undermining unconscionable Asia's Renaissance ally wakakaka.

Sorry, Uncle Lim and Lim GE, can't help you guys – go see Karpal Singh who will surely have a word or two to say about Anwar's treacherous pulling of the rug right from under the DAP's feet.

Rather, I prefer to write about Zaid Ibrahim.

But as a refresher, some words first about Zaid that I had written in Pakatan must not avoid the unavoidable as follows:



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