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- ‘Don’t Blame’, because he is not your son, Mr. Prime Minister
- Bian: Sarawak govt wrongly advised on NCR
- The Winter of Chinese Discontent
- Nazri says no to zero Chinese representation in government
- Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #81
- The Malay cock syndrome
- Petulant Khairy calls Mat Sabu a eunuch
- How can UMNO take out Mat Sabu
- ‘Mat Indera bukan pejuang kemerdekaan’
- Khairy kepada Mat Sabu: ‘Jumpa di Kota Baru’
- Court must ask Shafee to explain Sodomy II remarks, says Pakatan
- Singapore’s Lee denies calling Islam ‘venomous’
- Pak Lah’s fishing trip to the Caribbean
- Umno lawyer defends comments over Sodomy II
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- Najib Should Admit Putera 1Malaysia Somalia Trip was Reckless
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- 'How will UMNO (re)-write history on Anwar Ibrahim?'
- Dr M: Pas wants DAP's trust
- Umno attacking Mat Sabu to protect own version of history, say analysts
- Umno Youth launches roadshow to attack Mat Sabu
- BN MPs get extra funds as snap polls loom
- Meet the Manne who sank the Malaysia plan
- Tee Keat's fall - the inside story
- UMNO own's media confirm Mat Sabu is correct
- Cry of the silent millions goes unheeded
- UMNO's Somalia Medical Mission: Genuine or Publicity Stunt?
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- Secret files show British, US ties to Kadhafi regime: report
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- WikiLeaks report incorrect: Sabah Speaker
- Najib is ‘politically finished’
- DAP won’t give up Jelapang state seat
- Bagaimana agaknya Umno tulis sejarah Anwar
- Bukit Kepong ‘battle’: NGOs back Mat Sabu
- Refusal to swear in court raises questions
- Utusan wants PAS snubbed over purported communism support
- DAP leader lodges report against TV station
‘Don’t Blame’, because he is not your son, Mr. Prime Minister Posted: 05 Sep 2011 01:09 PM PDT I am not saying that all parties involved in a particular incident should be jailed or penalized, but do we at least allow such matters to be debated openly or investigated with transparency? By Ng Ooi Cheng Journalist Noramfaizul Mohd Nor was one of the casualties in many 1Malaysia-tagged programmes. Last month and in June alone, nearly 200 primary students in different schools of Melaka and Johor experienced symptoms including stomachache and vomiting due to milk poisoning under the 1Malaysia School Milk programme, and they seemed to carry no weight in the UMNO-controlled newspapers. In 2010, more than 20 primary students fell into a river at night in Kuala Dipang, Perak at the 1Malaysia Camp, and three of them died. Definitely, no one would have wanted the above incidents to take place. However, had the organizers and parties involved taken enough consideration, precautions and measures to prevent the undesired incidents? (Read report below) I was upset when I saw the headline 'Don't Blame' in a local newspaper yesterday (5 September), alluding to a comment by Prime Minister Najib about what had happened to Noramfaizul. My spontaneous reaction from my heart was, "Don't blame? Of course, because he is not your son." It is this 'blameless' attitude that people are now facing hard times, mistakes are repeated, and many culprits escape. So, nobody is accountable for any faults, or all faults are denied as false. In Japan, Naoto Kan relinquished his prime minister post, kneeled down and apologized when admitting his government's responsibility for the HIV-tainted blood incident when he was the health minister. In Korea and Taiwan, former presidents got jail terms for corruption. In China, businessmen were sentenced to death for tainted milk powder that killed several babies. I am not saying that all parties involved in a particular incident should be jailed or penalized, but do we at least allow such matters to be debated openly or investigated with transparency? For instance, in the case of Noramfaizul, did those organizing the mission understand the modus operandi of journalists when in a battlefield or war zone? Did they provide the journalists with adequate protection? I have learnt from news reports that the Malaysian journalists did not even wear bullet-proof jackets. Did anyone have full understanding of what is happening in Somalia? It is basically a state of anarchy. People who follow the international news know that the Gulf of Aden offshore Somalia recorded piracy cases higher than any other region over the last few years, and they were mainly Somali pirates who were involved. Dozens of journalists were reported to have been killed in Somalia and foreign journalists have been fleeing the country. A local journalist was reported to have said that both insurgents as well as pro-government forces were targeting journalists as they did not want any record of their criminal acts. Everything is too late now as damage cannot be undone. Heroic titles and compensation can be given, but the beloved father, husband and son to family members cannot be returned. May he rest in peace and his family blessed.
Somalia: Will Anyone Be Left to Tell the Tale? Posted by Katherine Carson on Jun 12, 2009 It seems there may be a campaign underway to rid Mogadishu of its independent media. Recent reports highlight the increasing harassment and intimidation of journalists in Mogadishu. While dozens of journalists have been killed since late 2006, there has been a visible increase in the targeting of journalists this year. Thus far in 2009 , five journalists have already been killed – most recently Mukhtar Mohamed Hirabe, director of Radio Shabelle. Dozens more have fled Mogadishu after receiving death threats. According to Hamdi Kadiye, an executive member of the National Union of Somali Journalists, "We [journalists] are in a very difficult and dangerous situation. We are being forced to choose between reporting on what is happening and our lives."
But why are journalists being targeted? According to Hamdi Kadiye, it is because the groups fighting, both the insurgents and pro-government forces, want to ensure there are no records of the crimes they are committing. Over the past month, fighting has overtaken Mogadishu, resulting in the displacement of 117,000 people since early May. According to UNICEF's acting representative for Somalia Hannan Suleiman, it "is the most concentrated displacement of civilians the city has seen in years." Even more worrying are U.N. reports of ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the use of boys – some as young as nine – as fighters on the front lines, and increasing reports of rape and sexual violence against women. These are the stories the fighters want silenced due to fears that media reports could be used as evidence against them in the future. Silencing these reports would be a catastrophe for the Somali people. As fewer international journalists are able to travel to Somalia, it has fallen to the independent media within Mogadishu to continue reporting on the ongoing violence. Without their reporting, the world will know woefully little about the horrors facing the Somali people. Hamidi Kadiye put it best when he said, "If journalists left and the independent media ceased to exist, there would be no one to tell the story of those suffering."
Bian: Sarawak govt wrongly advised on NCR Posted: 05 Sep 2011 10:45 AM PDT By Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: Is the Sarawak government being wrongly advised on the issue of native customary rights (NCR) over land? The opposition here believes that the Attorney-General's Chambers is not knowledgeable enough about the reach of the NCR issues and is ill-advising the state government. Said Sarawak PKR leader Baru Bian: "The advice given (to the state government) is that NCR land only covers temuda land, and it does not cover pulau galau (communal forest), pemakai menua (territorial domain), pendam (graves) and tembawai (old longhouse sites). "But we have proved to them that they are wrong. "The High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court have agreed with our interpretation and have ruled that the NCR land also covers pemakai menua, pulau galau, pendam and so on." Asked why the state government has been ignoring the court decisions, Bian said the government was afraid that recognising the court rulings would mean that the entire state could come under NCR ownership. "Accepting the ruling on pulau galau and pemakai menua means the whole of Sarawak belongs to the natives. That's why the state government is worried. "A lot of areas deemed to be state land may not be state land after all; it could be NCR land. "Those are not my words, but the words of a government officer," he said, citing remarks made by a government officer in the Nor Anak Nyawai case. Indiscriminate approvals According to the officer, if the government is to recognise pulau galau and pemakai menoa as part of NCR land, then it would have to survey all the NCR land. Bian said the state government has been indiscriminately approving licences, leases and provisional leases covering pemakai menua, pulau galau and temuda land to oil palm and timber companies. "Many native landowners have sued the government over its decision to take away their NCR land.
The Winter of Chinese Discontent Posted: 05 Sep 2011 09:22 AM PDT By Masterwordsmith Ten years ago, the Chinese community in Malaysia thought in terms of 'us' (The Chinese) and 'them' (The Malays). Fast forward to the present and what do we have? A complete paradigm shift where the Chinese (and even other groups in Malaysia) realize that it is no longer a race struggle but a class struggle that we face in Malaysia today! In other words, no longer is it Chinese vs Malays but Malay-Chinese-Indian vs Malay-Chinese-Indian in a class struggle. Undoubtedly, the political consciousness of Chinese has changed very radically. The Chinese community today are now more politically active and dare take a stand on issues - a far cry from those who cowered in fear ten years ago! (As a Chinese, I am discussing it from a Chinese perspective without prejudice against other races. I thought I'd better make this clear from the start.) And why are Chinese Malaysians braver now? It is because they are fed up. Angry. Frustrated. Even after contributing to the vibrancy of the Malaysian economy by opening up all kinds of enterprises, even after trying to be positive contributors to the development of this country, even after trying their best to integrate and to assimilate to the best of their abilities, they still have to fight for rights before the government gets to be more hard core in marginalizing and sidelining us. All this is done while they have the cheek to grandly deny that they are NOT sidelining us and worse still, we cannot voice our concerns or question this.
Nazri says no to zero Chinese representation in government Posted: 05 Sep 2011 09:06 AM PDT
By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 6 — A senior Umno minister has declared that he would fight tooth and nail to ensure Chinese representation in a Barisan Nasional (BN) government even if the MCA or Gerakan fails to secure a single parliamentary seat in the coming polls. Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz told The Malaysian Insider that BN would not "punish" the Chinese voters by simply yanking their representatives from Cabinet posts if they refused to vote for the two Chinese-centric component parties. While admitting that the matter would not be his to decide, the minister in the Prime Minister's Department gave his word that he would champion this cause to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should such a situation arise when the coalition retains the government."I want to tell the Chinese voters that BN is a multi-racial government and regardless of the outcome of the elections, we will always have a Chinese representative in Cabinet. I want to say this with certainty even though I am a nobody in Umno... not even a vice-president. "But if it should come to that, I will do my very best to persuade the PM that we should not have a single communal government. The system allows us to appoint senators and we need to have representatives of the non-Malay community," he said. Nazri recalled that such a promise was made by the country's longest-serving prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad during his tenure in government. "I remember back when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was PM... he told Cabinet that even if we come to a stage where MCA or Gerakan loses in all parliamentary seats, we cannot form a Malay government. "We cannot be a single communal government as it simple goes against the spirit and policy of BN. We cannot punish and penalise a section of the community just because they do not support BN," he said. Nazri was recalling a pledge made by MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek several months ago when the former Cabinet minister said he would pull his party from the government if it performs worse than it did in Election 2008.
Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #81 Posted: 04 Sep 2011 09:26 PM PDT M. Bakri Musa IFIs thrived in the first few centuries of Islam not because those early Islamic thinkers had found a magic way to dispense with the cost of funds and returns on investments, rather they used different terms (or more crudely said, put a different spin on the issue) to circumvent interests payments and earnings. Chapter 9: Islam in Malay Life Reform in Islam Islamic Financial Intermediaries (Cont'd)
IFIs thrived in the first few centuries of Islam not because those early Islamic thinkers had found a magic way to dispense with the cost of funds and returns on investments, rather they used different terms (or more crudely said, put a different spin on the issue) to circumvent interests payments and earnings.
The modern version of Islamic banks was resurrected only in the last few decades. Despite its recent rebirth, its popularity has soared both in Islamic and non-Islamic countries. This recent history should serve as a ready caution. The system has not been tested. The system of auditing, accounting, and regulating has not been standardized. What I fear most is that should Islamic banks fail in an economic crisis, it would not only aggravate the situation but also set back people's trust in them. That in turn would severely shake Muslim's trust in their religion. A senior official of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which supervises the world's largest and most sophisticated banks, voiced his concern about this in his address to a meeting of Islamic bankers who were eager on introducing the concept to America. Through bitter experience America has wisely separated commercial banking from insurance and investment banking, and also banking from commerce. A century ago American banks were deeply involved with commercial enterprises much along the lines currently advocated by proponents of Islamic banking. The 1930 depression was blamed in part because banks were deeply involved in speculative share trading activities of companies they owned. Further, such co-mingling of banking and other commercial activities could lead to an unhealthy concentration of economic power. Banks would then cease from becoming an impartial arbiter of credit worthiness. Modern Western banking has been continuously refined over the past centuries. Banks today (at least in Western countries) are safer and offer better services. They have also contributed immensely to economic development. The challenge for IFIs is not simply to say that Western banks are un-Islamic but to offer comparable services to customers and thus serve the economic needs of society. Instead of trying to parse non-existent differences between interest and other costs of funds, modern Islamic bankers and economists should more productively focus their intellectual resources to differentiating the various kinds of lending. Islam rightly prohibits "making money on money," which I interpret as gambling and speculating, but encourages trade, which is taking risks in productive investments. There are certainly significant differences between my borrowing money to buy a Mercedes limousine to show off to my colleagues and neighbors, or to use it as a taxi. The economic multiplier effect of the purchase, for example in creating jobs at the factory as well as the car repair shops, is the same in both cases – the direct effects of consumer spending. From there the economically meaningful differences emerge. With the first instance I am using borrowed funds for consumption; the second for production or investment. With the latter I, as a borrower, would actually earn money (passenger revenues) as a consequent of the loan. And if I share my taxi with another driver, that would create yet another job (making a total of two taxi drivers). No such additional incomes or job creations would result with the first type of borrowing. Additionally, my taxi would provide a much-needed transportation service to the community. My private limousine would only create more pollution and envy from my neighbors. But the most important difference is that with the first borrowing, only the lender (bank) makes money out of the borrower; with the second, both lender and borrower make money. In either case money is being borrowed and interest (cost of funds) incurred. But with the second case the borrowing serves a useful societal purpose; it is in fact a form of trading. I trade my service or expertise as a taxi driver for the bank's capital. The first borrowing on the other hand, is purely for consumption. One can be easily persuaded that borrowing in the second instance should be encouraged as society as a whole would benefit from such activities. No such societal benefits would accrue from the first borrowing. Thus we could properly differentiate, as many recent scholars have suggested, between the costs of capital in the first type of lending as interest, riba; the costs in the second instance should be more accurately called profit on the trading of capital, which in this case is money instead of the usual assets such as goods and real estate. Muslims must remind ourselves that current accepted interpretations of terms such as riba and gharar (risky sale, speculation) are just that: interpretations. Indeed there are some scholars who interpret riba to mean excessive interest. Just as excessive profit is bad (and often illegal as they are usually obtained through such means as market manipulation, monopoly, or plain hoarding) so too are excessive interest rates. Likewise there is a conceptual difference between interests on "productive" versus "consumptive" loans. The latter would more likely fit the description of riba while the former as profit on the trading of capital. There is a comparable controversy on whether insurance, specifically life insurance, is halal or haram. Islam has its own version of managing risks, Takaful. (mutual aid). Again here it is the duty of its proponents to clearly differentiate their product, especially with respect to safety, security, and rate of returns from traditional insurance so consumers could be better informed and be able to "comparison shop" intelligently. In such important matters we must go beyond simplistic and legalistic changes of specific words but instead concentrate on deciphering the meanings and intent of such terms. Indeed Muslim shippers in Spain first started the very concept of takaful or insurance. They would collect levies on each shipper so they would have funds to support the unfortunate shipper who would meet untimely calamity along the way. Of course the concept has since developed a long way from there. When one traces the development of insurance from a mutual aid society, the ulama can easily understand and readily agree to the concept. I once explained to an alim who vehemently opposed life insurance, the concept of risk sharing. I described a community where when someone dies, the rest of the community would contribute some money to take care of the deceased's family. He readily agreed to the benefits of such deeds and went on to quote eloquently some holy passages to buttress his agreement. Then I suggested that instead of collecting the money only when someone dies, we would collect it regularly and put that cash in a pool ready to be distributed at the time of need, that is, the death of a member. Again, he readily concurred. Then I moved on and suggested that instead of giving the same amount of money for each family, we use our judgment and give more to those who die leaving behind young children as opposed to those whose children have grown up. Again, he readily agreed to the rationale that the expenses of a family with dependent children would certainly be greater and therefore they should get more. Then I made the leap forward by suggesting that instead of us or the village committee deciding how much money the deceased family would get, we let individual members decide how much to leave to their family when they die. Surely the individual is the best judge on the needs of his or her family. Those who want to leave more would of course have to contribute more; those who want to leave less would contribute less. Again he saw no problem with that. Then I surprised him by saying that is in essence the concept of life insurance. You decide how much your family would get when you die and you make your contributions (that is, pay your premiums) accordingly. Today, life insurance is much more complex as other risk factors like age and family history are considered. And instead of a village committee we have a team of professional actuaries who assess and price risks as well as invest the premiums. But cut to its core, life insurance is essentially a commercialized mutual aid society. The money contributed (premiums), instead of being left underneath the village headman's mattress, is being invested and thus further contributes directly to the economy. The ulama's prohibition on insurance, specifically life insurance, is simply based on their lack of understanding of the concept of risk sharing. They have this simplistic notion of life insurance as a bounty to invite some mischief on the part of the beneficiary in order to collect the cash. Well, such a scheme is a crime. One would be punished right here in this world for fraud and murder. Life insurance, like other forms of insurances, is merely a form of mutual sharing of risks. Nothing prevents a community, co-operative, or a "mutual" company from offering such investments. Indeed such co-ops and mutual insurance companies are among the biggest issuers of insurances in America. The Mormon Church has a similar insurance-like scheme by levying charges (tithes) on its members to take care of the sick and disabled amongst them. Next: Educating Ulamas on Modern Economics
Posted: 04 Sep 2011 08:55 PM PDT
The trouble is these Malays measure the size of your balls according to the size of the cock's balls. And to qualify as a man you must have balls the size of a cock's balls. They are not concerned whether you have brains bigger than a cock's brains. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin You may have noticed that the 'hot' news these past few weeks is all about so-and-so challenging so-and-so to do this, that or the other. Mat Sabu challenges so-and-so, Khairy Jamaluddin challenges so-and-so, so-and-so challenges Anwar Ibrahim, so-and-so challenges Najib Tun Razak, and whatnot. |
Petulant Khairy calls Mat Sabu a eunuch Posted: 04 Sep 2011 07:07 PM PDT
Khairy sees red after PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu suggested that the debate on Bukit Kepong should be between the two Youth chiefs. (Free Malaysia Today) - Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has not even verified if PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu really made a social blunder over the Bukit Kepong incident but he has already started his character assassination. A petulant Khairy, upset that Mohamad Sabu or Mat Sabu has refused to have a debate with him over who were the true independence heroes, has started maligning him in his micro blogging Twitter site. Some of the names Khairy has called Mat Sabu in his Twitter site are "coward" and "eunuch". "One thing is sure: today I know that PAS chose a coward as a deputy president who doesn't have dignity. He is afraid because he is wrong. He is defeated before the war. "That is what they elected. A eunuch," wrote Khairy. The debate was suggested following controversy relating to Mat Sabu's speech in Penang on Aug 28 during which the PAS strongman is alleged to have said that the communists who attacked Bukit Kepong police station are the true independence heroes. Khairy explained that Mat Sabu wants him to debate with PAS Youth chief Nasruddin Hasan Tantawi instead. "I have no issues with PAS Youth chief. Nice guy. But I debated with PAS Youth chief in Sinar Harian. Been there, done that," wrote Khairy in reference to a debate in July at Sinar Harian office on the issue of slander. Khairy heaped praises on PAS vice-president Husam Musa for brushing aside protocols to debate with him on hudud in 2008 in Kota Baru. "Even though Husam was vice-president and Kelantan senior exco, he agreed and we debated in the presence of more than 3,000 people. Husam wasn't concerned about protocols. "At least Husam dared to keep party protocols aside for the sake of political openness. He is daring. We met on an intellectual platform."
How can UMNO take out Mat Sabu Posted: 04 Sep 2011 06:17 PM PDT SAKMONGKOL AK47 I write this article with the full knowledge that UMNO will not strategize. Its advisers will suggest the sledgehammer approach. Its advisers are motivated by headlines in the media. Not for them the strategic content and advantage. There is no mileage in UMNO escalating the Mat Sibu extolling communism issue. If it pursues the issue further, in the end, UMNO will be exposed for what it truly is- a racist non-inclusive Malay political party. Don't allow the hawkish and extreme right wing supporters of UMNO succeed in causing UMNO to be regarded as such. UMNO leaders must stop the madness. Don't sacrifice potential long term gains for the allure of short term gains. The short term gain is winning the argument against Mat Sabu. The longer term gain is to ensure UMNO retain its image as a voice of moderation and reasonableness. The former produces divisiveness. The latter earns credibility for UMNO not only from Malays but non Malays. But if UMNO doesn't care about this, then it will be true- UMNO is imploding. The strategy is to isolate Mat Sabu. Not to widen the issue by dragging Islam into it. What Mat Sabu said has nothing to do with communism. The godless creed remains Islam's eternal enemy. UMNO foot soldiers will find it increasingly difficult to defend its fictional creation. Will UMNO be able to defend its contention that PAS the Islamic party supports communism? PAS leadership will stand behind Mat Sabu insisting that what he meant was historical injustice done to one Mat Indera. UMNO can simply demolish this allegation of historical injustice by saying that it is the UMNO led Johor government that honored Mat Indera by listing him as one of the influential Johoreans who have contributed to the state. The Johor government has done substantially more to the memory of Mat Indera than Mat Sabu's rhetorical stunt in his speech. The issue should have stopped at just that. Nail Mat Sabu for his stupid stunt. Cite him for impetuousness and insensitivity that indicate clear lack of leadership credibility. Take Mat Sabu out. Mat Sabu doesn't have the coolness and presence of mind to be a leader of caliber. But to widen the issue to include communism will be self-defeating. No one would believe that PAS will go to bed with communism. If UMNO uses this argument, it will find itself fighting with Islam and shows it is just a xenophobic political party consumed by paranoia all through. The reason why UMNO has succeeded in earning credibility and legitimacy is because it has always operated on the principles of moderation and reasonableness. UMNO leaders and members must realize where historical extremism and bigotry is leading UMNO to. By historical extremism and bigotry we mean the chauvinistic treatment of history in the furtherance of an xenophobic position. What is it? The whole issue is reduced to a racial war simpliciter. Chinese out killing Malays. This is what the hawkish and right wing UMNO supporters want UMNO to become. So we have articles claiming people of Batu Pahat will never forget the reign of terror inflicted by Bintang 3. Or suddenly we are lectured on the atrocities of communism- or more particularly Chinese atrocities on Malays during the communist reign of terror. Did the 10th Regiment inflict the same terror on the Malayan people? Mat Sabu didn't mention anything about communism. He mentioned the name of Mat Indera, the Malay 'communist' who led the attack on Bukit Kepong police station in 1950. Most of the police who were killed were Malays. Most of the communists who attacked were Chinese. If Mat Sabu had wanted to correct the historical mistreatment of Mat Indera, he has chosen an insensitive way in doing it. The Johor government has issued a publication that listed Mat Indera as one of influential Johoreans who had shaped the history of Johor. That proper historical rehabilitation was done by the government of Johor. Where is the political premium for UMNO in debating this issue? These are only short term gains. First, this is an opportunity to denounce PAS, where in fact, it should have been only Mat Sabu. Second and more important, the Bukit Kepong incident can be turned into a racial issue.
‘Mat Indera bukan pejuang kemerdekaan’ Posted: 04 Sep 2011 05:59 PM PDT Seorang tokoh sejarah Malaysia terkemuka mendakwa Mat Indera orang seberang. (Free Malaysia Today) - Seorang tokoh sejarah tampil menjelaskan bahawa Mat Indera atau nama penuhnya Ahmad bin Indera bukan seorang pejuang kemerdekaan yang menentang British. "Komunis ketika itu cuba mewujudkan orde baru dunia berdasarkan fahaman komunis dan Mat Indera seorang penyokong gerakan komunisme," jelas tokoh sejarah terkemuka, Profesor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim. Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya berkenaan latar belakang Mat Indera yang mengetuai serangan komunis ke atas balai polis Bukit Kepong pada tahun 1950. Isu berkenaan Mat Indera sebagai ketua kumpulan Parti Komunis Malaya yang terlibat dalam serangan Bukit Kepong menjadi kontroversi apabila timbalan presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu dalam ceramahnya di Pulau Pinang mendakwa bahawa komunis yang terlibat adalah pejuang kemerdekaan sebenar, lapor Utusan Malaysia pada minggu lepas. Khoo turut menjelaskan bahawa Mat Indera bukan anak tempatan. "Mat Indera orang seberang. "Dia berasal dari Indonesia, bukan rakyat jajahan takluk kesultanan Melayu." Khoo turut menyatakan bahawa sejarah diputar belit oleh ahli politik untuk kepentingan diri.
Khairy kepada Mat Sabu: ‘Jumpa di Kota Baru’ Posted: 04 Sep 2011 05:56 PM PDT Bagaimanapun, dalam perkembangan terbaru ayam kokok PAS itu menolak debat dengan Khairy. (Free Malaysia Today) - Khairy Jamaluddin menegaskan dia menolak pelawaan untuk berdebat dengan Ketua Pemuda PAS, Nasrudin Hasan. Sebaliknya, beliau sedia berdebat dengan Mohamad Sabu. Alasannya kerana kerajaan Kelantan meminta ahli Parlimen Rembau itu berdebat dengan Timbalan Presiden PAS. "Its OK bro. Kerajaan Kelate minta saya debat Sabu. (Mohamad)." Bagaimanapun, dalam perkembangan terbaru ayam kokok PAS itu menolak debat dengan Khairy. Semalam, Ketua Penerangan PAS, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man mengesyorkan debat PAS-Umno berhubung kontroversi tragedi Bukit Kepong dan isu siapa pejuang kemerdekaan negara bagi membolehkan rakyat sendiri membuat penilaian. `Saya dah terima jemputan…' Bagaimanapun tarikh debat tersebut tidak dinyatakan.
Court must ask Shafee to explain Sodomy II remarks, says Pakatan Posted: 04 Sep 2011 05:08 PM PDT
By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 5 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has called on the High Court hearing Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trial to haul up lawyer Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah over allegations that he conspired with the Najib administration to destroy the opposition leader's image. Opposition lawmakers told The Malaysian Insider that the court must find out if the prominent lawyer had met media chiefs along with staff from the Prime Minister's Office to subvert media coverage of the high-profile trial. "This raises doubt over the proceedings of the case and the court should call on Shafee to explain to ensure the credibility of the trial," said PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar (picture). This was echoed by Perak DAP chief Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham, who said that as Shafee is frequently employed by and linked to backroom discussions with Barisan Nasional (BN) lynchpin Umno, he cannot be considered a neutral party. "Justice must be seen to be served. This was also the lawyer who said openly to the media that it was 99.9 per cent sure that Anwar was the man in a sex video," the Beruas MP said, referring to allegations earlier this year that the PKR de facto leader was the man recorded having sex with an unknown woman. With Anwar's ongoing sodomy trial winding to a close, the Permatang Pauh MP had given his statement from the dock, claiming that the accusation, which surfaced over three years ago, was a conspiracy by Datuk Seri Najib Razak to end his political career. Muhammad Shafee has come under scrutiny online purportedly for interfering with the news coverage of the controversial court case by issuing instructions to mainstream media editors and reporters over their reporting of Anwar's statement. The alleged conspiracy was given more flavour by a blogger calling himself Ahmat Gaza who claimed that a clandestine meeting on August 23 at the swanky Le Meridien Hotel in the city here included one of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's media advisers, Abdul Jalil Hamid. But the lawyer scoffed at the allegations, stating that the meeting with various media such as Utusan Malaysia, TV3 and The Star was not a secret and he was there to talk about the law of contempt.
Singapore’s Lee denies calling Islam ‘venomous’ Posted: 04 Sep 2011 05:07 PM PDT
Former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew has stirred a hornets' nest with his remarks about the religion as reported in leaked US diplomatic cables. (Free Malaysia Today) - Singapore's outspoken former leader Lee Kuan Yew today denied calling Islam a "venomous religion" after leaked US diplomatic cables set off a furore in the multiracial city-state. One of hundreds of cables from the US embassy in Singapore released last week by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks had Lee as describing Islam as a "venomous religion" in a 2005 meeting with then senator Hillary Clinton. "This is false," the 87-year-old Lee, Singapore's founding prime minister and elder statesman, said in a statement. Lee said that he looked up a foreign ministry note of the meeting, and "nowhere does it record me describing Islam as 'venomous', nor did I say anything which could have given that impression". "I did talk about extremist terrorists like the (Southeast Asian) Jemaah Islamiyah group, and the jihadist preachers who brainwashed them. They are implacable in wanting to put down all who do not agree with them," he said. "So their Islam is a perverted version, which the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Singapore do not subscribe to." During the meeting, another US lawmaker in Clinton's party had asked Lee about "how organised terrorists were internationally", according to the leaked cable signed off by then US ambassador to Singapore Frank Lavin. It said Lee "responded that orthodox Islam was a powerful force capable of recruiting volunteers for terrorist groups". "He noted Singapore's experience in 2001 and 2002 in dealing with Jemaah Islamiyah's terrorist plots in Singapore and characterised Islam as a 'venomous religion'." Singapore has a predominantly Chinese population with minority races including Malays, who are mostly Muslim, making up 13.4 percent of its population of five million.
Pak Lah’s fishing trip to the Caribbean Posted: 04 Sep 2011 04:54 PM PDT
While in St Vincent for a 'working visit', Abdullah spent most of his time vacationing in the Grenadine islands where high-end resorts are located, says a leaked US cable. (Free Malaysia Today) - Former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's four-day "working visit" to two Caribbean islands in 2006 was the subject of a confidential US cable which raised questions over the purpose and the potential achievements for the countries involved. The cable by US diplomats based in the Caribbean to the State Department in Washington DC came about two weeks after Abdullah completed his visit to St Vincent and the Grenadines from April 29 to May 2 in 2006. The cable noted that Abdullah's visit was more of a vacation rather than a working visit, in which the Malaysian premier had spend a day on a fishing trip with St Vincent Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves. "After meeting with PM Gonsalves, the Malaysian (Abdullah) vacationed for a few days on the Grenadine islands Mustique and Canuoan. "He spent one of these days on a fishing trip accompanied by Gonsalves. PM Abdullah returned to St Vincent proper on May 2 and addressed Parliament before departing for Jamaica," added the cable. The cable noted that Mustique was a private island containing over 75 private villas, many of which are owned by international celebrities. Canuoan meanwhile was the location of the high-end Raffles Resort and an opulent villa complex and golf course developed by Donald Trump. The cable was leaked by whistleblower site WikiLeaks and handed over to Raja Petra Kamarudin's Malaysia Today website which published it today. Red carpet welcome The US diplomats added in the cable that following Abdullah's departure from St Vincent, a joint statement by the two countries expressed further interest in "enhancing cooperation" in a number of areas. The cable also noted that the lack of a concrete agenda or results from Abdullah's trip to St Vincent did little to clear up the circumstances surrounding Gonsalves' earlier trip to Southeast Asia. "When first announced, the Malaysian leader's St Vincent trip appeared to suggest that PM Gonsalves had indeed accomplished something for his country by travelling to Southeast Asia earlier this year. "Considering, however, that the 'working visit' was really a vacation, it does not appear that St Vincent will necessarily benefit from its PM's previous globetrotting," stated the cable. "The lack of a concrete agenda or results from PM Abdullah's trip does little to clear up the circumstances surrounding Gonsalves's earlier trip to Southeast Asia, the purpose and financing of which remain unclear," stated the cable. The US cable also stated that the government of St Vincent "literally rolled out the red carpet for the Malaysian PM, who was greeted by the entire Cabinet and other dignitaries at St Vincent's small airport when he arrived on April 29".
Umno lawyer defends comments over Sodomy II Posted: 04 Sep 2011 04:53 PM PDT
By Debra Chong, Malaysia Today KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 5 — As Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's ongoing sodomy trial winds to a close, Malaysia's best-paid lawyer has denied conspiring with staff in the Prime Minister's Office to subvert the media and end the political career of the man once deemed the biggest threat to the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN). Prominent lawyer Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, frequently linked to the BN's powerful lynchpin Umno, has come under fire online after Anwar's unsworn statement of defence from the dock, purportedly for interfering with the news coverage of the controversial court case by issuing certain instructions to mainstream media editors and reporters. The alleged conspiracy was given more flavour by a blogger calling himself Ahmat Gaza who claimed that a clandestine meeting at the swanky Le Meridien Hotel in the city here included one of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's media advisers, Abdul Jalil Hamid. Muhammad Shafee broke his earlier vow of silence yesterday to denounce the allegations against him as an attempt to plunge the country's government institutions into chaos in order to enable a takeover of Putrajaya, but stopped short of attributing it to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pact, headed by Anwar. "His agenda is to create as much distrust as possible, against the institutions of government including the judiciary, to create chaos against the rule of law," Muhammad Shafee replied when asked the motive of the allegations against him, referring to the blogger Ahmat Gaza. "This Gaza is an idiot who does not know the true nature of this meeting," the pro-Umno lawyer said yesterday when contacted by The Malaysian Insider. He scoffed at the allegations of a conspiracy to do harm to Anwar, and put it down to the imagination of the unknown blogger Ahmat Gaza, whom he warned he would sue for defamation once the latter's real identity is revealed. The allegations have since gone viral and been replicated on other websites. Muhammad Shafee admitted that he had met with several media workers at Le Meridien on August 23, saying it was "not a secret". "It was organised by Utusan… someone called Fatiman, to explain to the media what is contemptuous law," he said, adding that there were between eight and 15 media representatives present that day from several mainstream news organisations and named the Umno-owned Malay-language daily, national private broadcaster TV3, English-language daily The Star, among them. He said he doubted Ahmat Gaza was a whistleblower among those present at that meeting because it was not a secret meeting as claimed in the blog. Asked if Abdul Jalil was also present at that meeting, Muhammad Shafee said: "If Jalil was there, I vaguely think he was there, I'm not surprised if Jalil was there because he was there as a media person." He said he knew of Jalil but was not on close terms with the PM's aide, adding that he only was aware of the latter's current position after being informed as such by The Malaysian Insider. A former senior journalist with international news agency Reuters, Abdul Jalil declined comment when contacted by The Malaysian Insider. Muhammad Shafee said he had also been approached by TV3 for a similar explanation after both media companies were hauled up in the Shah Alam court for contemptuous coverage of the murder of cosmetics tycoon Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya last month.
Awang Adek taken to task over highway remark Posted: 04 Sep 2011 04:19 PM PDT (Harakah Daily) - Kelantan PAS has slammed deputy Finance minister Awang Adek over his remark that the state government could never solve traffic congestion issue, describing it a vile and shallow attempt to discredit the PAS-led government. Kelantan PAS Youth chief Abdul Latiff Abdul Rahman reminded Awang that Federal government was responsible for highway infrastructure across Malaysia.
S’gor offers Sarawak Pakatan help Posted: 04 Sep 2011 04:02 PM PDT By Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: Selangor has pledged to channel its resources, including manpower, to help Sarawak in the coming general election as it is one of the important states that can ensure the Pakatan Rakyat 'march' to Putrajaya is successful. Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, who was here on a visit together with de facto PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim, said people were begining to accept Pakatan. "As the people are now beginning to understand our policies and our struggle, the Pakatan Rakyat will mount a very serious challenge against the Barisan Nasional government. "It is possible for us to go to Putrajaya with strong support coming from Johor, Sarawak, Sabah and other states. "Sarawak is important to us. This is why we have to send our manpower and resources to Sarawak," he told a press conference yesterday. Khalid and Anwar were in Kuching for a meeting with state PKR leaders. Khalid called on Sarawak PKR leaders, members and supporters to work hard and to go to the ground and mix with the people. "You must explain our policies, our struggle and our pledge to the people. "The more they understand our struggle, the brighter the chance for us to win over their hearts and minds," he said. Not easy "Many people are scared of political backlash or that they are being threatened if they show open support for us. "Let me remind Sarawak leaders that if they continue to do this, we from Selangor can also do the same that is, banning them from entering the state or refusing them from using our facilities. "But Selangor will not do it. They can use our halls and other facilities because these facilities are built using people's money. "However, they must follow rules and regulations. "Tell Sarawak leaders not to be arrogant and give the people the opportunity to choose between BN and Pakatan. "I feel sad that Sarawak is so rich with natural resources, but the people have no chance to enjoy those benefits. "That is why I dare to say that we will work together with the people to plan a better future for the people of the state," he said. Later in the afternoon Khalid left for Miri to meet with party leaders and members, while Anwar met with members of the state leadership council. Later Anwar left for a Bidayuh village in the Mambong constituency, which is one of the 15 seats that PKR has expressed its interest to contest.
Coup bid: ‘Five MPs were ready to defect’ Posted: 04 Sep 2011 03:55 PM PDT
By Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: A leader of a component party within the Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) today revealed that five MPs from Sarawak were prepared to defect to the opposition before or on Sept 16, 2008, in support of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's plan to take over the federal government. The leader, who requested anonymity, told FMT: "I was directed by an Umno leader to contact 10 MPs from PBB, SUPP, PRS and SPDP to defect to the opposition. "Five of the MPs agreed to jump ship on condition that an Umno leader would be appointed as the interim prime minister to replace (premier) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi." The leader was responding to a WikiLeaks report which said that Anwar's plan to take over Putrajaya, with the support of BN legislators, was real. "Five more were interested, but they wanted to wait and see before making any decision," the BN leader said, adding that there were several BN parliamentarians who had been unhappy with Abdullah. "I had a number of meetings with the Umno leader, who told me that Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah would be appointed as the interim prime minister in the unity government for the next two or three years. "Anwar would be appointed as deputy prime minister," he said. According to him, the Umno leader claimed that apart from Sarawak MPs, the plan had also received the support of MPs from Sabah and other states. 'My job to explain our policies' However, the plan failed to materialise as some Umno MPs who were considering defecting had leaked the plan to the then prime minister. Two weeks or so before the Sept 16 deadline set by the opposition to form the new government, about 40 MPs, mostly from Sabah and Sarawak, were sent by the BN backbenchers club to Taiwan to "study" agriculture. The move derailed Anwar's plan.
‘What if govt cannot repay EPF?’ Posted: 04 Sep 2011 03:38 PM PDT By G Vinod, FMT PETALING JAYA: With a RM290 billion debt hanging over its head and with continued overspending, the government is on a reckless path to self-destruction which could well eat into the people's Employee Provident Fund (EPF) contributions. According to a research group although the country has been running on deficit since 1998, it has however not stopped the government from spending beyond its means. The group pointed out that the government has overspent by RM290 billion in the past 13 years. According to Research for Social Advancement (REFSA) executive director Teh Chi-Chang, the deficit could pave the way for more cuts in spending on other important areas such as education and healthcare. "The last time we had a surplus or savings, where we spent less than our income was in 1998. "By end of this year, our total over-spend would reach about RM290 billion. "It means all Malaysians would be in debt by an average of RM10,000 each," said Teh raising concerns over the impending content of the 2012 national budget. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who is also Finance Minister, would be tabling Budget 2012 come Oct 7. Many quarters are expecting Najib to announce several goodies in the upcoming budget to cater for snap polls, rumoured to be held sometime late this year or in early 2012. Barisan Nasional is said to be facing its toughest ever battle in its political history going into the 13th general election. In the 2008 polls, the ruling coalition lost five states – Perak, Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor – to opposition Pakatan Rakyat. BN later wrested Perak in a reverse takeover. In the recent April Sarawak state elections which was seen as a litmus test of approval, BN lost an unprecedented 16 seats, a clear indication according to analysts of fast dwindling popularity. Going into the 13th GE, BN is expected to blow hundreds of millions to secure its grip on Putrajaya and such excess spending will mean more borrowings. EPF funds under threat Explaining the economic scenario, Teh said people should understand that when the government runs on deficit, it means having to borrow money to pay for the excess spending. "And the lenders are normally the EPF, banks and fund managers," said Teh. He also said that as long as the government continues to borrow to pay for its dues, interest rates in the country would eventually soar. Teh said with substantial amount of borrowing, there would come a time when lenders would be unwilling to lend anymore which would force government to cut its spending. "Lenders may be forced to take 'hair-cuts; that is accepting lesser payment than what is owned by the government. "Imagine if the government can't pay back its dues to EPF, the contributors will have lesser savings in their account," said Teh. The NGO then offered a solution to the government.
Considering, however, that the "working visit" was really a vacation, it does not appear that St. Vincent will necessarily benefit from its PM's previous globetrotting. As stated in reftel, the Government of St. Vincent cannot afford such trips by its PM, which must be paid by third parties. The question remains, what do these third parties stand to gain from financing the travels of the leader of a small Caribbean island-state? THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
1. (SBU) Summary: Malaysia Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi visited St. Vincent and the Grenadines over the course of four days in April and May for what was touted by St. Vincent Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves as a follow-up to his successful March visit to Malaysia and Singapore. While in St. Vincent, the Malaysian leader addressed a session of Parliament, but spent most of his time vacationing in the Grenadine islands where St. Vincent's high-end resorts are located. The lack of a concrete agenda or results from PM Abdullah's trip to St. Vincent does little to clear up the circumstances surrounding Gonsalves's earlier trip to Southeast Asia (reftel), the purpose and financing of which remain unclear. End summary. Malaysia PM Unwinds in St. Vincent 2. (U) Malaysia PM Abdullah visited St. Vincent and the Grenadines for four days, April 29 to May 2, for what was called a "working visit" in a press release provided by the Malaysia MFA. From St. Vincent, the Malaysia PM went on to Jamaica for a two-day "official visit." A reporter traveling with the PM wrote in the Malaysia Star that the Jamaica portion of the trip dealt with possible Malaysian investment in energy exploration and construction projects, while the PM was stopping in St. Vincent "mostly for a vacation and to unwind from the pressures of work." St. Vincent Rolls Out the Red Carpet 3. (U) The Government of St. Vincent literally rolled out the red carpet for the Malaysia PM, who was greeted by the entire Cabinet and other dignitaries at St. Vincent's small airport when he arrived on April 29. After meeting with St. Vincent PM Gonsalves, the Malaysian vacationed for a few days on the Grenadine islands Mustique and Canuoan. He spent one of these days on a fishing trip accompanied by Gonsalves. PM Abdullah returned to St. Vincent proper on May 2 and addressed Parliament before departing for Jamaica. 4. (U) Note: Mustique is a private island containing over 75 private villas, many of which are owned by international celebrities. Canuoan is the location of the high-end Raffles Resort and an opulent villa complex and golf course developed by Donald Trump. The stylish environment of the Grenadines contrasts markedly with the somewhat squalid conditions encountered on the main island of St. Vincent. End note. Gonsalves to Visit Malaysia, Again 5. (U) Following the Malaysian PM's departure, the Governments of St. Vincent and Malaysia released a joint statement with standard diplomatic language expressing further interest in "enhancing cooperation" in a number of areas. PM Gonsalves announced that he had accepted an invitation to make an official visit to Malaysia in June and would also see the Malaysian PM in September during the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting in Cuba. St. Vincent formally joined the NAM at the organization's 2004 summit in Malaysia. Comment 6. (SBU) When first announced, the Malaysian leader's St. Vincent trip appeared to suggest that PM Gonsalves had indeed accomplished something for his country by traveling to Southeast Asia earlier this year. Considering, however, that the "working visit" was really a vacation, it does not appear that St. Vincent will necessarily benefit from its PM's previous globetrotting. As stated in reftel, the Government of St. Vincent cannot afford such trips by its PM, which must be paid by third parties. The question remains, what do these third parties stand to gain from financing the travels of the leader of a small Caribbean island-state? GILROY
Najib Should Admit Putera 1Malaysia Somalia Trip was Reckless Posted: 04 Sep 2011 12:56 AM PDT The media workers from Malaysia had no bullet proof vests, head gears and the 4-wheel they were traveling in was not marked "Media" to avoid sniper attacks. Charles Santiago Member of Parliament, Klang We all understand that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is thinking about the reputation of his party, UMNO, even as the wife and family members of BernamaTV cameraman Noramfaizul Mohd Nor grieve over his death. At a press conference this morning, Najib rebuked those who were trying to pin the blame for Noramfaizul's death on UMNO Youth and Putra 1Malaysia. The premier must understand that no one is playing a blame game. But UMNO division chief Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, Putra 1Malaysia and Bernama must be held responsible for not providing Noramfaizul with adequate protection and training. The media workers from Malaysia had no bullet proof vests, head gears and the 4-wheel they were traveling in was not marked "Media" to avoid sniper attacks. Najib has gone on record to say that one could get killed even if he wears a bullet proof vest. He also dodged questions about whether journalists assigned to conflict zones must be given adequate training, saying such assignments come with its inherent risks. But his most irresponsible remark is this – "Even foreign journalists get killed…If you don't want to become a journalist, stay at home". I am shocked. Journalists do not have to go to conflict zones to bring back news reports and footage. But some opt to do so to tell the truth and disseminate accurate information to the people. This is an honorable job. As such, it is the duty of the media organizations to adequately train and protect their journalists. Noramfaizul has been described by Najib as a national hero. Let's try telling that to his wife, two young children and parents. The truth is that he died because of a reckless trip put together by Putra 1Malaysia and Abdul Azeez with the backing of the government and Bernama. It was nothing but a cheap publicity stunt for UMNO and Putra 1Malaysia when the aid could have been disbursed through existing aid agencies like the Medecins San Frontieres (MSF). The government has to stop repeating what it does best – sweeping pertinent issues under the carpet. Najib must admit that a gross mistake has been made by Putra 1Malaysia and Bernama. Following that the Ministry of Information must impose safety protocol requirements to media organizations in order to protect reporters going to hostile areas. This is because no story is worth dying for. I call upon the government to institute an investigation into the level of preparedness of this poorly planned and reckless mission to Somalia.
WikiLeaks crowdsourcing tool / Alternative cablegate browser Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:26 PM PDT By Addy Following the full release of unredacted WikiLeaks cables on Sept 2, 2011, we have made available an updated crowdsourcing tool for journalists and general public also at: The app allows you to easily browse, search and read all the released WikiLeaks cables in a sleek and simple interface. All 251,287 cables will be uploaded to the site soon. Stay tuned. I believe this will certainly interest quite a number of people as we have over 900 Malaysian cables. |
Sejarah Bagai Gadis Disolek Sesuka Hati Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:20 PM PDT Setujukah kalau kita katakan bahawa kita hanya ada sebelah buku sejarah iaitu versi UMNO sedangkan Inggeris mempunyai buku sejarah tentang negara kita yang lebih lengkap yang tersimpan di London. By Tongkat Bahaman 54 Soalan untuk renungan anak-anak muda pasca merdeka sempena 54 tahun "merdeka…"
Isu Bukit Kepong: PAS sedia debat dengan Umno Posted: 03 Sep 2011 09:42 PM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - PAS bersedia untuk berbahas dengan Umno berhubung kontroversi tragedi Bukit Kepong dan fakta sejarah negara — yang kini menjadi senjata terbaru parti Melayu itu untuk menyerang kepimpinan Mohamad Sabu. Ketua Penerangan PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berkata, ramai pejuang kemerdekaan yang tidak diiktiraf dalam sejarah termasuk Muhammad Indera atau Mat Indera, salah seorang yang terlibat dalam tragedi Bukit Kepong. "Mat Indera dan ramai para pejuang kemerdekaan yang tidak diiktiraf dalam sejarah yang telah menjadi fokus utama serangan media perdana pro-Umno kepada PAS memerlukan satu penyelesaian konkrit. "PAS berasa simpati kepada kesan mendalam kepada waris Mat Indera dan tokoh-tokoh pejuang kemerdekaan yang lain yang bangun menentang penjajah tetapi jasa mereka digugurkan dan tidak diiktiraf dalam sejarah akibat terpaksa menanggung pelbagai tuduhan liar 'pejuang-pejuang pertahanan sejarah versi Umno' tanpa ruang untuk menjawab," katanya dalam satu kenyataan. Jelas beliau, sebahagian besar waris pejuang kemerdekaan yang terkorban menentang penjajah berasa dukacita apabila dilabelkan sebagai komunis. Selain itu, tegas Tuan Ibrahim, serangan Umno melalui lidah rasminya Utusan Malaysia membuktikan parti Melayu terbesar itu kehilangan modal untuk menyerang PAS terutamanya untuk meraih sokongan pengundi Melayu dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13. "Disebabkan serangan bertubi-tubi Umno yang kini berlangsung selama sembilan hari ini, rakyat kini, terutamanya golongan muda yang celik internet terdedah dengan pelbagai maklumat mula membuka mata dan mulai bangkit mencari kebenaran dan membuat penilaian semula fakta sejarah yang dihilangkan selama ini oleh pihak pemerintah. "Selain itu, sebahagian besar waris pejuang kemerdekaan yang terkorban dalam menentang Inggeris kini sangat dukacita apabila mereka dicapkan sebagai golongan komunis, sedangkan mereka langsung tiada kena mengena dengan komunis," katanya. Tambah beliau, waris Muhammad yang ditemui pihaknya juga kesal dengan laporan media yang mengaitkan pemimpin Melayu itu dengan komunis. "Waris Mat Indera yang ditemui juga sangat berdukacita dengan laporan tidak beradab media perdana yang mengaitkannya dengan komunis. Mereka yakin, hanya dengan tumbangnya kerajaan BN (Barisan Nasional) barulah fakta sejarah yang sebenar dapat ditegakkan," katanya. Justeru jelas Tuan Ibrahim, pihaknya bersedia berdebat secara terbuka dengan Umno bagi menghurai kontroversi yang berlaku.
Guan Eng denies approving Berjaya’s Penang Hill plans Posted: 03 Sep 2011 08:00 PM PDT
By Boo Su-Lyn, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 4 — Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng today denied approving purported Berjaya Corporation Bhd development projects for Penang Hill, pointing out that the company has not even sent him any such proposal. He also accused the state opposition of concocting the claims, adding that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has yet to investigate a RM40 million land dispute linked to businessman Tang Hak Ju. "Penang PR (Pakatan Rakyat) state government will not be distracted by such baseless accusations and lies, but will instead press for BN (Barisan Nasional) to come clean on BN's RM300 million scandals on land scams, Pulau Jerejak and loss of MPSP (Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai) funds," said Lim in a statement today. "Instead of expressing remorse over such loss of public funds, BN has continued to brazenly lie about the Penang state government secretly approving Berjaya's development plans for Penang Hill," added the DAP secretary-general. The state-run funicular train that services Penang Hill was given a RM73 million upgrade earlier this year. The train service was halted on February 25 last year so that the old cable-run carriages, which had been in use since 1923, could be replaced with a new electric-powered system. Lim also accused Penang Gerakan chief Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan of lying repeatedly about the development of the iconic Penang Hill. "The first lie is when Teng publicly called for a people's uprising on August 26, 2011 against the Penang PR state government's revival of Berjaya's original plans to develop Penang Hill," he said. "When challenged to show proof that such approval had been given to Berjaya, Teng made a 180-degree U-turn by lying on August 29, 2011 that he never made this claim. There is now a third, newest lie by Teng that I had held secret meetings with Berjaya on reviving their original plans for the development of Penang Hill," he added. The Bagan MP stressed that Berjaya — one of the largest companies in Malaysia — has never bid for development projects for the Craig Hotel, the hawker complex and the canopy walk. "All projects on Penang Hill are carried out individually under open tender," said Lim. "The PR state government will not bow to threats from BN Penang to sue the state government for exposing their scandals, but will go for a public pamphleteering campaign to ask BN to come clean and return as much money as possible of the money lost to the people of Penang," he added. Lim said the pamphlets would reveal RM40 million dispute linked with Tang, the RM30 million Pulau Jerejak scandal, and MPSP's losses of RM230 million.
Posted: 03 Sep 2011 07:52 PM PDT By Masterwordsmith Mat Sabu does not strike me as a loose cannon. Whilst others may argue that his controversial remarks have cast doubts especially among the Malay electorate where communism is taboo, I believe this is Mat Sabu's sleight of hand to deflect interest in the DUMC and Sodomy issues by throwing a red herring in BN's path. It was in July when I first saw Mat Sabu - a jovial gentleman in his wheelchair giving his speech at the Ops Scorpene Fund Raising Dinner. Holding his X-ray films, he told the audience the injuries he sustained during the Bersih rally with the sole intention of maintaining the credibility of his claim - and all that done with smiles on his face that reached his eyes. I had a good first impression of Mat Sabu - a jovial man oozing with earnest sincerity. The recent uproar over Mat Sabu's alleged remarks about the attack on Bukit Kepong in 1950 during British occupied Malaya puzzled me greatly. Let's get this straight. The attack on the Bukit Kepong police station was before Merdeka - Aug 31, 1957. The country was colonialised by the British and all personnel who worked for the administration were under the payroll of Her Majesty, the Queen of England. Mat Sabu does not strike me as a loose cannon. Whilst others may argue that his controversial remarks have cast doubts especially among the Malay electorate where communism is taboo, I believe this is Mat Sabu's sleight of hand to deflect interest in the DUMC and Sodomy issues by throwing a red herring in BN's path.
Posted: 03 Sep 2011 07:12 PM PDT
The Unspinners say that Rosmah could not have been at the scene of Altantuya's murder because she was at a dinner event at the Tabung Haji building in front of the US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. But the dinner was at 8.00pm. Altantuya was murdered between midnight and dawn. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin "Konspirasi mekanik bodoh dari RPK si penipu," said The Unspinners, a pro-Umno Blog, on Friday. In English, that would roughly translate to 'Conspiracy by the stupid mechanic, RPK, the liar'. |
Posted: 03 Sep 2011 04:58 PM PDT
(New York Times) -- Documents found at the abandoned office of Libya's former spymaster appear to provide new details of close relations between US and British intelligence and the Libyan intelligence agency. Most notably, the documents suggest the Americans sent terrorism suspects at least eight times for questioning in Libya, despite that country's reputation for torture.
DAP, PSM head for standoff over Jelapang Posted: 03 Sep 2011 04:45 PM PDT DAP secretary-general S Arutchelvan refutes Perak DAP's 'PSM spoiler' claim and insist on contesting in the Perak state seat. (Free Malaysia Today) - Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) and DAP look set to head for a clash over the Jelapang state seat in Perak with both parties not willing to compomise on their interest in the seat for the next general election. PSM first expressed its interest to contest in the state seat on Friday but that was immediately rejected by DAP yesterday. Today, PSM secretary general S Arutchelvan expressed his disappointment with Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham over his strong stand in not willing to give the Jelapang seat to PSM. He was also upset by Ngeh labelling the PSM as being spoilers for wanting to contest in the seat. "PSM can only be spoilers if we put candidates in all Pakatan Rakyat areas, but we are only asking for one (state) seat in Perak where DAP (candidate) ran away. "How can we be spoilers?" Arutchelvan asked. In 2008, DAP rep Hee Yit Foong won the seat in a three-cornered fight which saw PSM's M Sarasvathy losing her deposit. Hee subsequently quit the party to become a BN-friendly independent, leading to the fall of the Pakatan Rakyat state government in 2009. PSM is now saying that Sarasvathy stands a strong chance to trounce any Barisan Nasional candidate following the work she has done on the ground since 2008. Ngeh however had rebuffed this by stating that although Hee had defected, the voters in Jelapang – almost 90% are Chinese- were still with the DAP. "The people of Jelapang did not reject DAP, they only rejected the candidate," he told FMT yesterday. "How can PSM ask for a DAP winning seat? I hope PSM would not become spoilers (in the coming general election)," said Ngeh, who is also Bruas MP and Sitiawan state assemblyman.
PAS sliding down the popularity scale Posted: 03 Sep 2011 04:27 PM PDT The Islamic party is taking another hard knock over the controversial Mat Sabu's remark on the Bukit Kepong massacre. (Free Malaysia Today) - PAS, which is riding high in Pakatan Rakyat, is fast losing its popularity among the Malays, with the eruption of another controversy caused by its deputy president Mohamad Sabu. Many Malays who supported the party but are not registered members are shying away from the party as it struggles to keep its position as the only party that champions the Malay and Islamic cause. Many PAS members on the ground are in a confused state as their cherished struggle is questioned by kampung folk who want to know whether the party recognises the communist insurgents whose ideology was against Islam. An Islamic party based on Islamic fundamentalism, the party is now being viewed by many of its Malay members as a "mere tool" being used to benefit its partners in the Pakatan alliance, which are the Chinese-based DAP and Malay-based PKR. Mohamad Sabu, or popularly known as Mat Sabu, stirred a hornet's nest when he allegedly said the communist terrorists led by a Malay, Mat Indera, were the heroes in the attack on a police station in Bukit Kepong, Johor, during the Emergency in 1950. All the policemen and their family members including children were massacred. This is not the first time Mat Sabu has put the party in an awkward position among the Malays who support its struggle for an Islamic state. His remarks (which he said were distorted by Utusan Malaysia) on the Bukit Kepong massacre is considered the worse statement to emerge from the party. 'Mat Sabu a rabble rouser' 'However, we do not agree nor endorse many of his statements made in his current capacity given his level of intelligence is lower than that of the former deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa," said a PAS member who wanted to remain anonymous when met during a Hari Raya gathering. Several PAS members joined the numerous calls made for Mat Sabu to apologise as the Bukit Kepong killings is a sensitive issue that is close to the hearts of the Malays. They said Mat Sabu should have steered clear from the incident which was recorded in history as one of the many atrocious acts of the communist insurgents in the country. They agreed that Mat Sabu's statement has somewhat damaged the party, especially when it is at the forefront in championing the Islamic cause. Support for PAS is eroding among many Malays who have yet to make up their minds on which party to vote for in the coming general election. "Many Malays who supported us in the 2008 general election have yet to fully throw their support to us as their votes in that election were just 'throw-away votes' because they were dissatisfied with the then prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi," said a PAS member.
'How will UMNO (re)-write history on Anwar Ibrahim?' Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:58 AM PDT
(Harakah Daily) - Sep 3: The question has been posed by PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, to drive home the point that history as written by human beings should not be taken as gospel truth, but must be accompanied with research, especially when history is written by victors. Tuan Ibrahim (right) was giving his take on the media frenzy which followed PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu's remarks on the 1950 Bukit Kepong incident, in which a colonial-era police stations was attacked by anti-British guerilla fighter, Mat Indera.UMNO-controlled media had immediately launched an intense propaganda war, branding Mat Sabu a communist sympathiser. However, Mat Sabu clarified that he had never mentioned even the word communists, as it was UMNO's version of history which had lumped Mat Indera as communists to please British masters of that time. Tuan Ibrahim concurred with the adage that historical texts had always been biased to the victors. Such a situation is made worse by the fact that challenging such long-established distortions confounded had been risky. "However, there were those who dared to write. Still, their texts would be obliterated by the victors in the hope that future generation would idolise them and be reminded of their good deeds, all to serve their own interests," explained Tuan Ibrahim. Anwar in future Taking a cue from the latest controversy, Tuan Ibrahim further asked whether the nation's contemporary history would also suffer a similar fate. Citing the example of Anwar Ibrahim and the political issues centred around him, Tuan Ibrahim has little confidence that it would not be distorted, because "there is the interest of the ruling party to indoctrinate the mind of the next generation". "If the history of Anwar Ibrahim's leadership is to be discussed in the future, in which version will it be recorded?" asked the Pahang PAS commissioner. He said even at present, Anwar's past position as UMNO's second most powerful leader as well as the deputy prime minister had been eclipsed by government propaganda painting him as traitor, among other labels. "Where are the records about his contribution to the country's development, or his contribution in UMNO? Will the history of the BN government retain these, or will these be erased? "Or will the portrait of this former deputy to Dr Mahathir Mohamad simply disappear from UMNO's chart of past leadership?" asked Tuan Ibrahim. Similarly, he said there had already been attempts to remove the historical fact that PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang had once served as Menteri Besar in Terengganu. "Such is the reality in this game of writing history," he added. Maturity According to Tuan Ibrahim, such a distorted rendition of history led to freedom fighters such as Mat Kilau, Tok Gajah, Datok Bahaman, Abdul Rahman Limbong, Tok Janggut, Datok Maharajalela, Si Puntong and Dol Said, among many other names, to be simply ommitted in history books.
Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:46 AM PDT (NST) - KUALA LUMPUR: Pas' support of the communists and the move to portray them in a positive manner is meant to endear the party to the DAP, said former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The move would gain the trust of DAP and enable Pas to enhance its electoral gains in the next general election, he said. In his latest blog posting on, he said Pas, in taking this approach, had even dropped its objective of an Islamic nation and implementation of the hudud. "By cleaning up the image of the communists, Pas hopes to gain the trust of DAP and help Pas win when facing Umno in the 13th general election." Dr Mahathir believed this move by Pas was unhealthy for the loose opposition coalition of Pakatan Rakyat as the people's support, especially from the security forces and their families, would be eroded. Dr Mahathir said Pas leaders' stand on this would not affect the support for the party from their die-hard followers. "Pas nowadays is willing to turn its back against Islam because it is power-crazy." |
Umno attacking Mat Sabu to protect own version of history, say analysts Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:42 AM PDT
By Boo Su-Lyn, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 4 — Umno's relentless media attacks against PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu shows the Malay party's desire to defend its version of history, analysts have said. The nation is engulfed by history debates following the alleged remarks by the Kubang Kerian MP at a political gathering last month about the attack on Bukit Kepong in 1950 during British occupied Malaya. Political analysts told The Malaysian Insider that Umno wanted to maintain its interpretation of history — which has been "propagated in schools and by the official media" — that it was the main force behind the nation's fight for independence. "Of course, the Umno at that time is totally different from the Umno of today, and independence came about through the efforts of various forces, including the Malayan Communist Party," said Lim Teck Ghee, the director of policy reform organisation Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI). "However, the hope is that the Umno propagandist and self-serving version would be the unchallenged and pre-eminent interpretation of that period of our history," he added. Umno Youth said yesterday it would amass all former soldiers, policemen and kinsmen of the Bukit Kepong tragedy victims in a nationwide roadshow — called the Pentas Patriot or Patriot Stage — to counter Mohamad's view of the fire-fight. Mohamad, widely known as Mat Sabu, stirred controversy when he told a Bukit Gelugor ceramah that freedom fighters attacked the police station — which killed 25 — during the pre-independence communist insurgency. The maverick politician has since been accused of being a communist sympathiser by Umno leaders and sniped at daily in Umno-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia, despite denying that he had used the word "communism" in his speech. Umno appears determined to use Mohamad's statement to woo support from the Malay electorate, among whom communism remains a bogeyman, ahead of anticipated snap polls. Mohamad, however, has pointed out that Muhammad Indera — one of the individuals he praised in his ceramah on August 21, was already recognised as a freedom fighter by Umno-controlled daily Berita Harian on August 13, 2010.
Umno Youth launches roadshow to attack Mat Sabu Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:22 AM PDT By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 3 — Umno Youth will lead the offence against PAS by amassing all former soldiers, policemen and kinsmen of the Bukit Kepong tragedy victims in a nationwide roadshow to counter the Islamist party's No. 2 Mohamad Sabu's view of the fire-fight. In a statement today, Umno Youth said the roadshow, called Pentas Patriot or Patriot Stage, will include video and multimedia screenings, a series of ceramahs by speakers from its Speech Unit and special guests like "former commandos, soldiers, policemen and local historians". "It is hoped that Pentas Patriot will not only recall the history of past struggles but reignite the spirit of patriotism among people, especially the youths. "Pentas Patriot will also chronicle to our Malaysian youths events that highlights our struggle for independence while exposing how Mohamad Sabu's theory is no more than just a lie by those who refuse to accept the that our country's freedom and independence was achieved through wisdom and intelligence and without bloodshed," said a statement today from Umno Youth's office here. The roadshow, said to be held "soon", comes after the PAS deputy president triggered a controversy when he told a recent ceramah that the attack on the Bukit Kepong police station in 1950, which killed 25, was by freedom fighters. The maverick politician has since been accused of being a communist sympathiser by Umno leaders and sniped at daily in Umno-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia despite denying that he had used the word "communism" during his speech. But Umno appears determined to use Mohamad's statement to woo support from the Malay electorate, among whom communism remains a bogeyman, and has now armed itself for war.
BN MPs get extra funds as snap polls loom Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:20 AM PDT
By G Manimaran and Boo Su-Lyn, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 4 — Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmakers will get special cash allocations from Putrajaya to upgrade infrastructure and engage constituents through programmes and welfare aid ahead of anticipated snap polls within a year. The Chinese-language newspaper, Sin Chew Daily, reported that the funds can run as high as RM2.5 million for certain constituencies, but no special allocations would be made for "black" areas, where BN lost both state and federal seats in the historic Election 2008 that saw the ruling coalition ceding the two-thirds parliamentary majority that allows them to approve laws on their own. Several BN MPs contacted by The Malaysian Insider last night confirmed they will receive between RM500,000 to RM2.5 million in what is seen as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's desire to regain a powerful parliamentary majority. A BN lawmaker said some of the allocations have already been doled out before last week's Hari Raya holidays, with the rest in stages before 2011 lapses. The Malaysian Insider understands that MPs who were allocated RM2 million have received RM400,000 before the Hari Raya break. Those who were allocated RM1 million have already received RM250,000. "Areas that BN lost in the last general election were allocated RM500,000. BN held a special briefing mid-last month about the allocation of funds," said another representative. "However, if there are more than 60,000 voters in a BN constituency, for example, the representative would be paid more than RM2 million. This was what was promised, or maybe RM2.5 million," added the lawmaker. When contacted, Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin, however, denied that there were such allocations. Sin Chew Daily reported last night that BN has classified constituencies as "black", "grey" and "white" areas. "Grey" areas — where BN and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) both hold seats or where BN won marginally — will receive between RM1 million and RM2 million. Allocations will be distributed accordingly to MPs in "white" areas where BN holds federal and state seats. The Malaysian Insider reported last July that BN lawmakers have told coalition leaders that the government must ensure more funds trickle down to their constituencies — instead of concentrating on big-ticket projects like the Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) — if the ruling coalition wanted to receive a strong mandate in the next general election. While the BN representatives said they understood the purpose of the multi-billion ringgit MRT, some of them felt that development projects within "rural" constituencies should be prioritised. It was understood that some BN leaders had requested an extra RM1 million in allocation of funds, on top of the usual annual allocation of an estimated RM1 million. Sin Chew Daily also reported that BN representatives in Selangor received federal funds in August.
Meet the Manne who sank the Malaysia plan Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:03 AM PDT
By Tom Hyland, Sydney Morning Herald IF YOU ask David Manne how he helped derail Julia Gillard's plan to send asylum seekers to Malaysia, why he became a lawyer and what he believes in, he will say these are complicated questions. But part of the answer is simple. It lies in the lives of his recent ancestors, some who fled persecution and others who were consumed by it. The way Manne tells it, he helped bring the government undone because he used the law. He became a lawyer to help vulnerable people. And he wants to do that because of lessons absorbed from his family.Manne's grandparents fled the Nazis and were among the lucky few European Jews whose lives were saved by Australia. His great-grandparents and other relatives were lost in the Holocaust. The solicitor was a central player in the High Court case that last week sank the federal government's Malaysia plan, which the government hoped would stop refugee boats sailing to Australia. The immediate impact was to prevent the deportation of 42 Afghan and Pakistani asylum seekers. The 42 were the vanguard of 800 the government wanted to expel, in return for accepting 4000 refugees whose asylum claims had already been assessed in Malaysia. The court found the scheme was illegal and the ruling left Ms Gillard's asylum seeker policies in disarray. There are now doubts over whether the government can even send asylum seekers to Papua New Guinea or Nauru to have their status assessed. The case may also have established an international precedent by spelling out the level of protection governments are required to provide under the Refugee Convention. Manne, 40, is executive director of the Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre, based in Melbourne. His family came from Austria and Germany. His mother's parents fled to Australia in the late 1930s. ''The rest of the family left in Europe were caught up in the Holocaust.'' His formative influences were his mother and his uncle, the academic and writer Robert Manne. ''I've been very close to Robert and he's one of the people who has been a very profound influence on my life.'' He was not lectured or given formal instruction on what he should believe in or do with his life. ''It's about a way of living, a way of conversing and a way of treating others. It means coming to the world with an open mind, and trying to make a contribution that at its heart tries to promote …a decent and humane approach in society.'' Manne's role in the High Court drama began with a phone call on August 6. It was the last in a chain of calls from an Afghan asylum seeker in detention on Christmas Island, Syed-Navad Shah, the spokesman for 36 people. The solicitor had 24 hours to stop the plane that would fly the man and his companions to an uncertain fate. ''They were petrified,'' Manne says. Shah was concerned for the fate of six unaccompanied minors, also to be deported, who wanted legal advice. Manne spoke to an official on Christmas Island who refused his request to talk to the unaccompanied minors, on the grounds they had not made a specific request for legal aid. By Sunday morning Manne and his colleagues had gathered a formidable legal team, veterans of earlier cases. Melbourne barrister Debbie Mortimer was a leading player, as was barrister Richard Niall. Mortimer marshalled junior barristers, while the legal firm Allens Arthur Robinson added weight and resources. All worked pro bono. It was a race against time when the team gathered in Melbourne on the Sunday. They sought an urgent sitting of the High Court. They were told to have documents ready by 4pm and Justice Kenneth Hayne would hear their application at 6pm. The flight to Malaysia was scheduled for 11.30am the following day. On Sunday Justice Hayne ordered the asylum seekers not depart, pending a hearing on Monday. That hearing blocked any transfers while the court considered the challenge. Lawyers for the asylum seekers argued their rights could not be protected in Malaysia, given its failure to sign key human rights treaties. ''There is a sufficiently serious question to be tried,'' Justice Hayne said. Manne says he was not confident of success but by a six to one majority, the High Court judges ruled the expulsions were illegal. They found that, before asylum seekers could be sent to a third country, that country needed to be bound by international and domestic law to protect them and assess their claims. Manne and his colleagues were in Mortimer's Melbourne chambers. First they got a phone call saying: ''We've won''. Then the judgment was emailed from the law firm. ''It was one of the great moments,'' Manne says of hearing the judgment. ''It all comes down to this, this is why we do it.'' The news was then phoned through to Christmas Island, first to the six children, then to the 36 adults, kept in separate parts of the detention centre. Manne describes their reaction: ''There was an immense feeling of relief, and gratitude. They couldn't stop saying it, their gratitude. It was like speaking to people whose lives had been saved.''
Tee Keat's fall - the inside story Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:32 PM PDT What further alienated him from Umno was the opinion poll on whether MCA should pull out from BN in his blog after he assumed the MCA Presidency. This was said to have really irked Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's administration. By Lee KeeACCORDING to MCA little birds, former MCA president Ong Tee Keat was known to have abhorred the arrogance of power perpetrated by Umno in Barisan Nasional (BN). He was labelled by Umno as anti-Malay through its mouth-pieces in the 2008 General Election. He created another wave shortly after the political tsunami when he openly expressed his strong disagreement over Ketuanan Melayu in his capacity as a minister. That earned him several brickbats from his What further alienated him from Umno was the opinion poll on whether MCA should pull out from BN in his blog after he assumed the MCA Presidency. This was said to have really irked Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's administration. It was believed that Tee Keat's insistence on having "leaving BN" as an option had indeed precipitated the determination of Umno top brass to remove Ong in the long run. They grabbed the opportunity when the duly elected MCA leaders like Liow Tiong Lai, Wee Ka Siong (once aligned to Tee Keat) felt insecure when Tee Keat went on to spearhead the multi-billion-ringgit Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) financial scandal probe with gusto. Both were known to have strong links with Tiong King Sing (the key contractor implicated in the PKFZ probe who is known to have the confidence of the Umno top brass). Tiong has so far been holding the chairmanship of BN Backbenchers' Club unscathed despite the strong adverse publicity implicating his involvement in the PKFZ scandal. Whilst the then Wanita MCA chief Chew Mei Fun (known to have remained loyal to Ong Ka Ting and Ong Ka Chuan (Ka Ting's elder brother who was later dropped as a minister) had also placed their hope on the Umno top brass in view of Tee Keat's unpredictable move of contemplating to leave BN. Both the Liow and Ka Chuan cliques realised the latent danger that Chua Soi Lek (the then Deputy President of MCA) might ascend to the presidency should Tee Keat be toppled. They craftily designed a conspiracy to eliminate both Tee Keat and Chua through Chua's disciplinary case. According to MCA insiders, in all fairness, the case was instituted against Chua not by Tee Keat but by his The expulsion decision meted on Chua's disciplinary case (over the sex DVD scandal) triggered by the Presidential Council was indeed a masterstroke as the trio (Liow, Wee and Chew) managed to influence the decision of the Council while hiding behind the shield of Tee Keat. So, Tee Keat had to bear the full blame in the eyes of the Umno top brass who had earlier wanted Tee Keat to stop or to defer the disciplinary proceedings against Chua. Tee Keat was known to be overly gung-ho by giving an uncompromising "No". Both Najib and Umno vice president Hishammuddin Hussein, who were then engaging Tee Keat on the issue, were said to have hit the roof top over Tee Keat's recalcitrant stance. They dubbed him as unpredictable, uncompromising and unfriendly to Umno. What actually served as the last straw breaking the camel's back was Tee Keat's resistance to Najib''s demand for the Port Klang Authority (PKA) to pay Kuala Dimensi (the controversial turnkey contractor in the PKFZ scandal) the hefty bond interest due. Tee Keat was quoted as arguing that the disputable bond interest payment had to b held in abbeyance in the public's interest, whilst Najib was wary of the bond market confidence. When the various factions thirsty for Tee Keat's blood managed to oust him at the behest of Umno, Najib ultimately chose to oust him from his Cabinet on the rationale that the ministerial appointments are party-based. Since Chua made the recommendation to replace Tee Keat, Najib willingly obliged. But the mockery was Najib's action came on the heels of the assessment of his six National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) where the opinion poll rating in favour of the Tee Keat-led Public Transport revamp ranked top. That, the MCA insiders say, is the reward for performance or in terms of the next general election, a winnable candidate for BN? The moral of a politician's story in the BN is: "Don't be a smart ass! Just suck Umno's ass to remain relevant for the crumbs." |
UMNO own's media confirm Mat Sabu is correct Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:27 PM PDT
I found an article in Berita Harian dated 13 Dec 2010 entitled, "Kopi Kecubung Tewaskan Mat Indera". "Kecubung' is amethyst, the purple semi-precious stone. It shows Mat Sabu is correct on Mat Indera as confirmed by UMNO own's media. By Arazak The article can be found at: Kopi kecubung tewaskan kekebalan Mat Indera NAMA Jawa Ponorogo pernah terkenal dengan berita penangkapan anggota komunis, Ahmad Indera atau dikenali sebagai Mat Indera, berdarah pahlawan daripada keturunan Datuk Bentara Husin Lela Pahlawan Siak Seri Inderapura yang menjadi panglima kanan Sultan Sharif di Siak. Ugutan Inggeris terus menjadi tekanan kepada penduduk Sri Medan termasuk untuk memindahkan mereka dan mengambil tindakan tegas kepada mereka yang membantu membekalkan makanan kepada Mat Indera. Penangkapan Mat Tukyo oleh Inggeris sebelum ditawarkan beberapa ganjaran selain hidup bebas di Sri Medan menjadi kemuncak tindakan nekad penduduk Jawa Ponorogo, namun perlu melalui kaedah terancang kerana semua mengetahui kesaktian Mat Indera. Pada 14 Oktober 1952, lima lelaki Jawa Ponorogo yang diketuai Md Sham dan dibantu Ismail Mustakim (Misban), Beladang, Mat Tukyo dan Bajuri menggunakan tipu helah untuk memberkas Mat Indera. Ia bermula dengan jemputan Mat Tukyo dan Misban untuk mengadakan perbincangan mengenai pelan bantuan orang kampung kepada Mat Indera. Dalam perbincangan itu, dia dijamu dengan tempe dan kopi yang dicampur kecubung. Akibat itu Mat Indera mabuk dan mengantuk. Kesempatan itu digunakan untuk menanggalkan semua tangkal serta mengikat tangannya dengan lalang. Dikatakan, kerana itulah ilmu ghaib dan kehebatan Mat Indera tidak lagi dapat digunakan. Bekas ketua kampung Parit Warijo, Malik Samuri menjadi saksi bagaimana Mat Indera dibawa dengan basikal sedang tangannya diikat daun lalang. Peristiwa itu sebenarnya menimbulkan pelbagai reaksi masyarakat Jawa Ponorogo. Ada yang gembira dan ada yang sebak. Mohd Abidin Ismail iaitu anak salah seorang yang menangkap Mat Indera, Misban, berkata meskipun terbabit secara langsung dalam tipu helah itu, sepanjang hidup ayahnya tidak pernah menyatakan kebanggaan atas kejayaan itu, malah tidak sesekali melabelkan Mat Indera sebagai petualang. "Cuma apa yang kerap diceritakannya ialah tindakan mereka ketika itu adalah disebabkan tekanan yang dihadapi akibat ugutan Inggeris. Mungkin ada melabelkannya sebagai petualang tetapi saya merasakan dia seorang pejuang tetapi memilih jalan yang salah. "Tidak adil terus melabel Mat Indera sebagai pengkhianat kerana dia juga berjuang untuk menuntut kemerdekaan. Cuma kumpulan yang disertainya itu tidak sesuai, itupun disebabkan tiada kumpulan lain ketika itu. Kumpulan Melayu lain terlalu lambat bertindak" katanya.
Cry of the silent millions goes unheeded Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:12 PM PDT When the Malayan flag was hoisted in 1957, 'every person there did not represent one race, they were Malayans," recalls Mrs FR Bhupalan, who was then a 30-year-old mother of two. Having championed causes such as the anti-drug abuse movement, women's rights, education and social justice, Bhupalan was one of the earliest women involved in the fight for Malaysian (then Malaya) independence. Aneesa Alphonsus, Free Malaysia Today At the age of 84, Rasammah Bhupalan's eyes still light up at the mention of Aug 31, 1957. Her eagerness when sharing what she witnessed that momentous day is infectious and at times poignant. Known to many as Mrs FR Bhupalan, she was both a Malaysian freedom fighter and social activist. Having championed causes such as the anti-drug abuse movement, women's rights, education and social justice, Bhupalan was one of the earliest women involved in the fight for Malaysian (then Malaya) independence. At the age of 16, she joined the Rani of Jhansi Regiment, the women's wing of the Indian National Army, to fight the British. As founder president of the Women Teacher's Union, she fought for equal pay for women teachers and tried to bring a disparate teachers' unions under the same roof. With these achievements, which she described as, "modest", it is little wonder why she feels so strongly about the day Malaya was liberated and recalls the day with much clarity and enthusiasm. "It was the most exhilarating and happy period of the time. But it also came with the realisation that therein was a challenge (for me) as a citizen of an independent country and nation. "It made me think about how I must undertake certain responsibilities and have greater participation in the life of our country. I was 30 years old at the time." On the eve of Merdeka, Bhupalan made her way from Ipoh to be in Kuala Lumpur with two of her children in tow – a girl of five and a boy of three. Excitement and anticipation Having been a student of history, Bhupalan felt it was important that when the Union Jack was brought down and our Malayan flag hoisted, she should be there in order for her to share with her children the value of liberty. So together with her cousins, Mrs Bhupalan arrived at what is now is known as Dataran Merdeka, as early at 9pm on Aug 30. She recalled that even at that time, a massive crowd had already gathered. There is pride in her voice when she recalls that the ambience that night was breathtaking. "People were chatting and there were happy shouts everywhere. I never saw anything like it. Then the Union Jack came down and it was the most poignant moment. "The clock struck 12 midnight and Tunku Abdul Rahman raised our flag. I was emotional with happiness because I felt that the future held great promise. "Here was a country previously under colonial rule but which was now free. "The whole spirit of that night was triumphant. Every person there did not represent one race, they were Malayans," she says, her voice catching. At this juncture, she pauses and shared a thought that had come to her mind while witnessing the historic moment. "My paternal grandfather came to Malaya in 1860 as a contractor and there I was standing as witness to this independence in 1957, three years short of a century. "This fact struck me at the time. For me, there was every hope that Malaya would achieve its independence with a unity in spite of our multi-racial, cultural, language, and socio-economic differences. "Tunku brought forth great hope. There would be no turning back now and as a nation, we would be moving forward," she said. When 'hope' was born Bhupalan smiles when she recalls the Merdeka morning. She arrived at the newly constructed Merdeka Stadium very early and the first thing that caught her attention were flag poles upon which state flags flew. "The guest list was impressive, but we squeezed ourselves in. Yes, we were insignificant among the illustrious guests, but being there when our independence was declared made me feel very special. "It was a majestic and breathtaking sight to see our nine Sultans decked out in full regalia looking so strong and proud," she said. When asked about her stand on the monarchy and liberty, Bhupalan said she believes in the status of the Sultans. "I knew at the time that we were a constitutionally democratic country where we would have free elections. "There was hope that the nation of Malaya would uphold the constitutional monarchy within a democratic party. "That the government would assure that every man, woman and child would get their place in the sun. The whole concept of a democracy was there." She said she knew then that everyone had rights that would be protected by the constitution, and the government which the citizens would elect would have the power and responsibility to rule this new country. "Electing the government was one thing, but more essential was assuring that each person becomes major players in the various multi-faceted responsibilities. "It was the duty of a citizen to contribute to the progress and development of this new, young nation, " she said, adding that it is not enough to be a recipient of rights without understanding that with this comes both accountability and responsibility. True spirit lost When asked her views on the current situation in Malaysia, Bhupalan was biting. She didn't mince her words. "To be honest and forthright, I am greatly perturbed and disappointed that many aspects of life which we had dedicated ourselves to in the country have not received the same commitment and dedication from the vast numbers of persons. "Many men and women have lost the true spirit of sacrifice, but there are also others who are pushing forward for change. "In our country, we have… acquired a spirit of complacency. We have lost in part our spirit and determination to stand up without fear or favour. "Many have just chosen to accept instead of boldly stating what should be a strong impetus for the country and our people as a whole. "There is a streak of egotistical self-sufficiency, which has become a major part of our individual life. "There are millions in Malaysia who have seen minimal change. The gap between the haves and the have-nots is still with us. "The cry of the silent millions goes unheeded. From 1957 to 2011, could we the citizens have made a greater, positive contribution to the lives of the have-nots? "I ask myself this everyday." No unity now Bhupalan also feels strongly that a predominant part of our early history is tragically lost. She opines that rhetoric from politicians, leaders of corporate bodies, non-governmental organisations and from both men and women clearly shows that the much-needed action is ignored. The need for a strong proponent for unity in the country is unfortunately not present.
UMNO's Somalia Medical Mission: Genuine or Publicity Stunt? Posted: 02 Sep 2011 11:12 PM PDT A brief look at the Army's hospitals' websites indicate that almost all their hospitals have hardly any patients, which will then beg the question. What do our army docs and medics do with so much free time on their hands? Shouldn't they have gone instead of the UMNO club? By Blackhawk By the time this article is published, the body of 39-year-old Noramfaizul Mohd Nor, Bernama's late cameraman, who had apparently followed UMNO Putra club's humanitarian mission to Somalis would have arrived in Malaysia. It is tragic, that apart from the hundreds of lives lost during the Raya period on Malaysian roads due to the balik kampong mayhem, Faizul should meet his death in war torn Mogadishu, Somalia. Was this just an accident? Could it have been avoided? Did UMNO rush to Somalia to genuinely help Somalians? Or did UMNO throw caution to the wind and rush callously on the eve of Raya to Somalia just for a publicity stunt? If it was for a publicity stunt, then Faizul would have died in vain and this wouldn't have been the first time when our personnel, both medical and non-medical would have risked not only their lives but more importantly the people around them who may be completely oblivious to the dangers of this sort of missions.
In 2003, Mercy Malaysia similarly put medical personnel at risk. Its two doctors, Dr. Jamilah and Baba Deni were lucky to get away alive although both were shot in Baghdad. Not so lucky were their Syrian driver and the Iraqi medical personnel who were accompanying them. Both lost their lives in the shooting. Malaysians may mean well, but extending aid to war torn and disaster areas carries immense risks and requires specific training. It is not a boy scout outing. Apart from the safety aspect, questions have arose as to how these trips are being financed and who actually audits these ventures.
When the 2004 tsunami flattened Acheh, Malaysians were one of the first to reach Acheh. But they were hopelessly ill-equipped for the task ahead. In direct contrast, Singapore and Australia sent in their army and naval outfits to attend to the distribution of aid. Humanitarian aid carried out by trained forces tend to be more orderly, organized, triaged and focused to help. Malaysians out to help nuclear-disastered Sendai, Japan following this year's tsunami were not even allowed to leave Subang for Japan by Japanese authorities, as the Japanese politely refused knowing well they could not guarantee the safety of their own people let alone foreign volunteers untrained in handling nuclear fall-outs.
From the images shown on local TV, the UMNO Putra Team appeared to be untrained personnel doing their rounds on unfriendly and sometimes hostile terrain. How would giving adhoc cholera/typhoid vaccinations and holding impromptu outpatient clinics at refugee camps help civilians there in the long-term? And why would you want to do a job you are not trained to handle especially on terrain you are not familiar with and unfriendly at that too. Shouldn't it have been a job for our army boys. We are in peace time anyway and this would have been a good mission to keep them on their toes. There is no imminent danger of our submarines sinking as they apparently cannot dive, or our air force jets with no engines crashing and there are certainly no communists to look out for who may be waiting to create another Bukit Kepong situation.
A brief look at the Army's hospitals' websites indicate that almost all their hospitals have hardly any patients, which will then beg the question. What do our army docs and medics do with so much free time on their hands? Shouldn't they have gone instead of the UMNO club? Unless of course the help UMNO wanted to deliver was a sideshow, the main menu being publicity for UMNO or its leaders judging from the daily reporting in the MSM and TV images during prime time. Is this GE-13 election campaigning using the Somalians misery and our journalists' lives to brainwash our kampong folk?
UMNO must now be ready to answer some difficult questions. The Mission arrived in Somalia on 30th August at one of the world's most dangerous destinations and to a country that is home to pirates that can put to shame even the mightiest of navies in the Indian Ocean, including the US Navy. Apparently it was timed to provide Hari Raya aid and according to a statement issued by its chief, Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim to even have Hari Raya prayers there! If the Health Ministry was involved and had sent some of their personnel, Liow Tiong Lai better have some answers ready! With our own Malaysians getting literally war conditions treatment in many of our government hospitals, it would be interesting to listen to Liow's excuses, in his own Tung Shin way.
Aid was supposed to be distributed to five areas, with Mogadishu being the first stop. Others included Badbadur, about 25km from Mogadishu, where about 250,000 people are taking refuge, Al Shabeb in Merka where 300,000 people are affected by the famine and in the Balet Veni camps which house 100,000 people. Both areas are located 100km from Mogadishu. Even the Operations chief Lt-Col Zahani Zainal Abdin had warned saying it would be risky to even fly into Mogadishu at night. In total there were a total of 55 volunteers and members of the media who formed part of the mission to cover a radius of almost 200 km in a country where there was no law except for a 9000 strong UN backed force - the only law in a country of 10 million. Make no mistake, in this country even 12 year olds carry AK-47s. UMNO club members had no business being in this country and in their pursuit of cheap publicity endangering the lives of other civilians both Malaysians and Somalians. Any mission that carries with it civilians and journalists are a handicap to any military personnel exposing even the most well-trained military commando to being nothing more then a sitting duck. Al- Fatihah to Noramfaizul Mohd Nor's family. Let's hope Bernama and Utusan don't spin his untimely and unnecessary death into a "mati syahid" affair. |
Kenapa BN/UMNO bersusah payah sangat nak jadi pembangkang? Posted: 02 Sep 2011 04:27 PM PDT ASPAN ALIAS Jelas, pilihanrayua semakin hampir. Banyak isu yang dipaparkan oleh pihak parti kerajaan sekarang memberikan bayangan yang kuat yang pilihanraya sudah hampir tiba dan ada pandangan yang menyatakan pilihanraya akan di adakan pada penghujung tahun ini juga. Keputusan untuk memanggil pilihanraya ada di tangan UMNO khususnya kepada Presidennya yang juga Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak. Jika pilihanraya diadakan pada bulan November ianya merupakan penggal yang terpendek ia itu 3 tahun lapan bulan. Dalam sejarah pilihanraya negara penggal 1978 ke 1982 merupakan penggal yang hanya 3 tahun 8 bulan juga.
Secret files show British, US ties to Kadhafi regime: report Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:57 PM PDT (AFP) - British and US intelligence cooperated closely with Libya, with prisoners being offered to Moamer Kadhafi's regime under the rendition programme, a report said Saturday citing files found in Tripoli. British daily The Independent said the secret documents discovered in the office of former Libyan foreign minister Mussa Kussa also show that Britain passed details of exiled opponents to Kadhafi's spies. The cache further shows that it was the office of former British prime minister Tony Blair that requested that a 2004 meeting with Kadhafi in Tripoli should take place in a Bedouin tent, the daily said. There was no immediate reaction from British or US authorities to the report. The paper said the documents would raise questions about the ties that Britain, in particular, and the United States forged with Kussa and the regime as the western powers tried to bring Libya out of isolation. Kussa flew to Britain in March and defected, but despite being accused of rights violations was allowed to fly to Qatar the following month. The Independent said the papers include leters and faxes to Kussa headed "Greetings from MI6" (Britain's foreign intelligence service) and a personal Christmas greeting signed by a senior British spy with the epithet "Your friend". It also cites a US administration document, marked secret, saying that it was "in a position" to deliver a man named as Shaykh Musa, a member of the Al-Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, "to your physical custody." "We respectfully request an expression of interest from your service regarding taking custody of Musa," it quotes the document as saying. Secret CIA rendition flights transported dozens of terror suspects around the world following the 9/11 attacks, often for interrogation in third countries. Meanwhile British intelligence in a letter dated April 16, 2004 informs a Libyan security agency that a Libyan opposition actvist had been freed from British detention, the Independent said. A further document purportedly from MI6 seeks information about a suspect travelling on a Libyan passport, adding that it is a "sensitive operation". The cache also shows that a statement given by Kadhafi announcing that his regime was giving up weapons of mass destruction in a bid to shed its pariah status was put together with the help of British officials. A letter addressed to a Libyan official from British intelligence attached a "tidied up version of the language we agreed...", it said. Meanwhile the Independent said a sizeable amount of the correspondence was devoted to preparations for Blair's landmark Tripoli visit, and showed that Kussa played a role as conduit with the premier's 10 Downing Street office. In one, it sad an MI6 officer wrote to Kussa saying: "No.10 are keen that the Prime Minister meet the leader in his tent. I don't know why the English are fascinated by tents. The plain fact is the journalists would love it." Blair was duly pictured shaking hands with Kadhafi in a Bedouin tent.
WikiLeaks' media partners blast release of US cables Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:51 PM PDT (AFP) - WikiLeaks' media partners on Friday blasted the anti-secrecy website's decision to publish unredacted its full cache of more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables, saying it was the decision of Julian Assange alone. "We deplore the decision of WikiLeaks to publish the unredacted State Department cables, which may put sources at risk," said a joint statement from the Guardian, the New York Times, Der Spiegel and El Pais. The news organisations said: "Our previous dealings with WikiLeaks were on the clear basis that we would only publish cables which had been subjected to a thorough editing and clearance process." They said they would "continue to defend our collaborative publishing endeavour", but added: "We cannot defend the needless publication of the complete data -- indeed, we are united in condemning it. "Today's decision to publish by Julian Assange was his, and his alone." Assange, the Australian who founded WikiLeaks, is living under stringent bail conditions in Britain while he fights extradition to Sweden where he is wanted for questioning over allegations of rape and sexual assault. WikiLeaks said on Friday it had published its full archive of more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables, accessible through an Internet link without a password. It said it took the action after claiming the Guardian had leaked the passwords to the full cache of cables. The British newspaper denies the claim. The Guardian, the New York Times, Der Spiegel of Germany and Spain's El Pais as well as French newspaper Le Monde were WikiLeaks' original media partners and published selected cables, although with names of sources redacted. The Guardian broke off its cooperation with WikiLeaks in December over concerns about the security of sources. The United States and human rights groups have warned that releasing unredacted cables could endanger the lives of the people who had spoken in confidence to US diplomats.
WikiLeaks report incorrect: Sabah Speaker Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:50 PM PDT (Bernama) -- Sabah Legislative Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said Keruak has dismissed as untrue a WikiLeaks report on his purported comment over the failed bid by the opposition Pakatan Rakyat to take over the federal government on Sept 16, 2008. "I never confirmed or endorsed the purported defection of MPs to the opposition or Pakatan Rakyat. At that time, as far as I can recall, the opposition tried hard to win over MPs from Sabah but they failed to woo them. "What had happened was more of a "psy war" adopted by the opposition to destabilise the Barisan Nasional (BN) government," Salleh, a former Sabah chief minister, told Bernama after attending the Kota Belud Wanita Umno Aidilfitri open house in Kampung Siasai, here. Online portal Malaysiakini was quoted as reporting yesterday that a leaked US embassy cable had lent credence to Pakatan Rakyat leader Anwar Ibrahim's claim that a group of Sabah and Sarawak politicians had planned to defect from the BN on Sept 16, 2008, over alleged marginalisation of the two states. An entry in the cable, posted by WikiLeaks, quoted Salleh as telling US embassy officials that potentially more than half of the 25 Sabah MPs were ready to abandon the BN. The cable claimed further that embassy officials found "no expressions of support" for then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership among the senior Sabah politicians they met in a series of meetings in the state from June 18 to 20 that year.
Najib is ‘politically finished’ Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:43 PM PDT According to a seasoned Umno politician, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin isn't as 'stupid as he looks' and that the '3M' threat is 'something the Najib camp is manufacturing'. Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, Free Malaysia Today Many of us have fond memories of former Kedah menteri besar, Sanusi Junid, for 1,001 reasons. He can be comical at one time, deadpan serious at another. Sanusi, who joined Umno in 1963, used to regal many of us with his caustic remarks aimed at disarming Umno president Najib Tun Razak or discrediting Najib as it were. He related his many conversations with Najib' father, Tun Razak. One of these conversational bites was when Tun Razak was sighing about how Najib couldn't cut his teeth into politics. Sanusi would let out a half smile when he tells us of the moment when he cheekily asked: "Why Tun?" And Tun Razak replied: "Too much skirt chasing." According to the Oracle of Syed Putra, there is a growing divide between Najib, Umno and the Malays. (Incidentally, the Oracle is the alter ego of Daim Zainudin. You can almost say what the Oracle says is what Daim thinks.) According to him, the low estimation of Najib as prime minister and Umno president is no longer just confined to the man on the street whose opinions may be justifiably dismissed as idle talk. But the same opinions are being said and repeated by Umno luminaries, people of some significance, indicating a very serious perception problem. Umno leaders complaining So what is Najib doing now? Najib is seen as being busy finding ways to channel money to Chinese vernacular schools and that is alienating the Malay voters farther. He's seen as appeasing non-Malays more and more. It seems to me his way of solving problems is by paying his way through. Yet the Umno warlords from which Umno and its president depend for political power are not amused. They are NOT receiving projects for their areas. For example, the Umno leaders in Kedah are complaining. They have been asked to set the agenda to retake Kedah yet they have not been given resources to go into battle. Forget '3M' grouping Speaking of Kedah, I asked the Oracle what's his take on the 3M grouping of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyidin Yassin and Mukhriz (Mahathir's son)? "I wouldn't give much credence to the 3M thing. For what purpose? For Muhyidin to ascend to the PM post? "He can do that by other means at his disposal. He is enjoying better credibility with his Malay first, Malaysia second attitude with the Malay hoi poloi. "To prop up Mukhriz so that Mahathir will lend his weight to Muhyidin? That is possible. "But how long can Mukhriz survive in politics by hanging on the coat-tails of his father? "It's like you said about Najib being cornered to come out with his last resort defence when attacked on his policies. "All he could muster was – he is Tun Razak's son. How long can you sell that?. "So why should Muhydin be a party to declining forces?" said the Orcle.
DAP won’t give up Jelapang state seat Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:32 PM PDT Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham hopes PSM would not play the role of a spoiler in the coming 13th general election. Free Malaysia Today) - Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham today brushed off calls by Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) that the Jelapang state seat be allocated to PSM, hence paving the way for a possible three-cornered contest. "How can PSM ask for a DAP winning seat? I hope PSM would not become spoilers (in the 13th coming general election) ," said Ngeh, who is also Bruas MP and Sitiawan state assemblyman. Yesterday, PSM central committee member Dr D Michael Jeyakumar said the Jelapang state seat in Perak should be allocated to PSM in the upcoming national polls. "We should get the seat. DAP got the seat and lost the (state)government," he said. PSM argued that it should get the seat since Jelapang state assemblywoman Hee Yit Foong quit the DAP in 2009 that led to the fall of the Pakatan Rakyat government in Perak. Hee is now an independent aligned with the Barisan Nasional. Ngeh also casts doubts over PSM's loyalty towards Pakatan. "PSM declared it is Pakatan-friendly but it is not bound by the decisions made by Pakatan," Ngeh said.
Bagaimana agaknya Umno tulis sejarah Anwar Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:28 PM PDT (Harakah Daily) - Setelah membuat satu kenyataan yang membuatkan rakyat terfikir bagaimana sepatutnya sesebuah sejarah harus ditafsir, Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man hari ini sekali lagi mengajak rakyat berfikir mengenai kesahihan penulisan sejarah oleh manusia, dan mengapa sejarah tidak harus diterima bulat-bulat tanpa soal selidik terlebih dahulu. Menggunakan ungkapan sinis 'Yang menang tulis sejarah, yang kalah buat puisi', Tuan Ibrahim berkata adalah sukar untuk mencari penulisan sejarah oleh manusia yang jujur, kerana majoriti penulis sejarah menulis dari perspektif di pihak mana mereka berada dan ada yang menulis di bawah kawalan ketakutan dan telunjuk golongan berkuasa. Tuan Ibrahim menyifatkan sejarah sebagai peninggalan untuk dinilai, difahami, dipelajari dan diambil iktibar terhadap sesuatu yang pernah berlaku, jarang sekali ia adalah untuk mencari kesalahan mana-mana pihak ketika peristiwa sejarah tersebut berlaku. Menurut Tuan Ibrahim, yang juga Pesuruhjaya PAS Pahang, secara tidak sedar, rakyat dan negara kini sedang mencipta dan mencatitkan sejarah tersendiri, namun persoalan utamanya ialah apakah sejarah yang sedang kita lakar kini, sebagai contoh apa yang berlaku 20 tahun yang lalu untuk generasi masa depan, akan atau telah dibuat secara jujur? Kenyataan itu menurut akhbar Umno itu diucapkan timbalan presiden PAS itu, dalam ceramahnya di Tasek Gelugor, Pulau Pinang pada 21 Ogos lalu. Ekoran itu, isu itu menjadi 'peluru' pemimpin Umno dan medianya menyerang Mohamad Sabu dan PAS kononnya parti itu menghina para polis Bukit Kepong dan membela Komunis yang menyerang balai polis itu. Sejak itu juga, berpuluh laporan polis dibuat terhadap Mohamad khususnya oleh Umno dan menggesa beliau memohon maaf serta menarik balik kenyataannya. Mohamad bagaimanapun menafikan laporan akhbar itu yang didakwa cuba memfitnah dirinya dan tidak akan sesekali memohon maaf. Beliau menegaskan bahawa beliau tidak pernahpun menyebut Mat Indera itu sebagai seorang komunis sepertimana yang telah disiarkan oleh Utusan Malaysia.
Bukit Kepong ‘battle’: NGOs back Mat Sabu Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:13 PM PDT Deputy IGP criticised for practising double standard in carrying out police investigation of the PAS deputy president. (Free Malaysia Today) - Several NGOs today criticised Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar for practising "double standard" over the controversy surrounding PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu's remarks on the Bukit Kepong incident. Last week, Mohamad Sabu, also popularly known as Mat Sabu, criticised Utusan Malaysia over its report which suggested that he allegedly praised the communist insurgents who attacked the Bukit Kepong police station during the Emergency on Feb 23, 1950 as heroes. During a political rally in Tasek Gelugor on Aug 21, Mat Sabu allegedly said that "nearing Merdeka, the Bukit Kepong clip will be aired". "In Bukit Kepong, the police were British policemen. Those who attacked Bukit Kepong were the true freedom fighters. Their leader was Mat Indera (Muhammad Indera)." Later, Khalid confirmed that police will investigate Mat Sabu after receiving 49 police reports nationwide regarding his alleged statement, and might charge him under the Internal Security Act (ISA). Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (WargaAMAN), representing 20 major Indian NGOs, came to the defence of Mat Sabu saying that people will lost their trust in the police for clearly discriminating against the Pakatan Rakyat leader. "We are not against the police decision, but why didn't the police take similar action against Utusan Malaysia, Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali and Senator Mohd Ezam Mohd Nor for their racial statements?" WargaAMAN secretary-general S Barathidasan asked. He said that WargaAMAN itself had lodged numerous reports against Utusan Malaysia and Ibrahim for stoking racial tension, but till today the police did not carry out a single investigation. He added that the reputation of the police will be damaged if they continued to show favoritism to the Barisan Nasional. Barathidasan also fully supports the views of Mat Sabu as "substantively correct".
Refusal to swear in court raises questions Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:08 PM PDT (NST) - Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim yesterday urged opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's family to step forward and explain the reason behind his refusal to swear under oath in mosque and court. Dr Mashitah said Anwar's wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and daughter Nurul Izzah should provide an explanation on behalf of Anwar. This is because his refusal had received wide public interest. "If he (Anwar) is not guilty, he should swear under oath like what Saiful (Bukhari Azlan) had done, who had sworn under oath that Anwar had sodomised him. "The family should not defend him blindly, but instead should let the public know the reason behind it." |
Utusan wants PAS snubbed over purported communism support Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:06 PM PDT (The Malaysian Insider) - Umno's Utusan Malaysia urged all parties today to reject PAS for purportedly glorifying communist guerrillas, saying it was "enough" that the Islamist party exploits religion to gain political mileage. Continuing its warfare against the opposition party, the Malay daily said in a column by its editors that PAS's top leaders were attempting to seek popularity by standing by deputy president Mohamad Sabu's referrence to Mat Indera as a "hero" and a freedom fighter. Mohamad, more popularly known as Mat Sabu, had reportedly described as heroes those who attacked the Bukit Kepong police station during the pre-independence communist insurgency in 1950. "The act of endorsing the struggles of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) by twisting historical facts is irresponsible and should be rejected by all parties who understand clearly the violence and cruelty of the guerrilla forces then," the Malay daily's editors wrote today under the pseudonym Awang Selamat. "As such, Awang would like to advise PAS, it is enough to try and exploit religion for political gains, to a point they even revere MCP for the sake of seeking power," Awang continued. Calling himself "sad", Awang said he could not fathom what was in the minds of PAS leaders when they chose to support Mat Sabu's statements. Utusan Malaysia had carried a report on his ceramah speech last Saturday and accused him of disparaging the country's armed forces and expressing support for communists. PAS and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders have since backed Mat Sabu, who himself has denied the report and threatened to sue the newspaper. He also pointed out yesterday that Mat Indera, one of the individuals he praised in his ceramah on August 21, had been recognised as a freedom fighter by Umno-controlled Berita Harian on August 13, 2010.
DAP leader lodges report against TV station Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:04 PM PDT (The Star) - State opposition leader Dr Boo Cheng Hau has lodged a police report, denying claims by a local television station that several DAP leaders, including himself, were supporters of a murtad or apostate Facebook group. Dr Boo, who is also the state DAP chairman, said he was shocked that his picture and those of other leaders were used during a two-minute report aired at the station's news slot at 8pm on Aug 27. "It was stated in that report that we were members of this Facebook page, called Murtads in Malaysia and Singapore. I would like to reiterate that I am not part of this group," he said, demanding an apology. Besides lodging a police report, Dr Boo said he had also forwarded a complaint to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission on Thursday. A spokesman from the Commercial Crime Unit confirmed the police report, adding that the case had been referred to MCMC for further action.
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