Isnin, 5 September 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

How can UMNO take out Mat Sabu

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 06:17 PM PDT

There is no mileage in UMNO escalating the Mat Sibu extolling communism issue. If it pursues the issue further, in the end, UMNO will be exposed for what it truly is- a racist non-inclusive Malay political party. Don't allow the hawkish and extreme right wing supporters of UMNO succeed in causing UMNO to be regarded as such. UMNO leaders must stop the madness. Don't sacrifice potential long term gains for the allure of short term gains.

The short term gain is winning the argument against Mat Sabu. The longer term gain is to ensure UMNO retain its image as a voice of moderation and reasonableness. The former produces divisiveness. The latter earns credibility for UMNO not only from Malays but non Malays. But if UMNO doesn't care about this, then it will be true- UMNO is imploding.

The strategy is to isolate Mat Sabu. Not to widen the issue by dragging Islam into it. What Mat Sabu said has nothing to do with communism. The godless creed remains Islam's eternal enemy. UMNO foot soldiers will find it increasingly difficult to defend its fictional creation. Will UMNO be able to defend its contention that PAS the Islamic party supports communism?

PAS leadership will stand behind Mat Sabu insisting that what he meant was historical injustice done to one Mat Indera. UMNO can simply demolish this allegation of historical injustice by saying that it is the UMNO led Johor government that honored Mat Indera by listing him as one of the influential Johoreans who have contributed to the state.  The Johor government has done substantially more to the memory of Mat Indera than Mat Sabu's rhetorical stunt in his speech.

The issue should have stopped at just that. Nail Mat Sabu for his stupid stunt. Cite him for impetuousness and insensitivity that indicate clear lack of leadership credibility. Take Mat Sabu out. Mat Sabu doesn't have the coolness and presence of mind to be a leader of caliber. But to widen the issue to include communism will be self-defeating. No one would believe that PAS will go to bed with communism. If UMNO uses this argument, it will find itself fighting with Islam and shows it is just a xenophobic political party consumed by paranoia all through.

The reason why UMNO has succeeded in earning credibility and legitimacy is because it has always operated on the principles of moderation and reasonableness. UMNO leaders and members must realize where historical extremism and bigotry is leading UMNO to. By historical extremism and bigotry we mean the chauvinistic treatment of history in the furtherance of an xenophobic position.  What is it? The whole issue is reduced to a racial war simpliciter.

Chinese out killing Malays. This is what the hawkish and right wing UMNO supporters want UMNO to become. So we have articles claiming people of Batu Pahat will never forget the reign of terror inflicted by Bintang 3. Or suddenly we are lectured on the atrocities of communism- or more particularly Chinese atrocities on Malays during the communist reign of terror. Did the 10th Regiment inflict the same terror on the Malayan people?

Mat Sabu didn't mention anything about communism. He mentioned the name of Mat Indera, the Malay 'communist' who led the attack on Bukit Kepong police station in 1950. Most of the police who were killed were Malays. Most of the communists who attacked were Chinese.

If Mat Sabu had wanted to correct the historical mistreatment of Mat Indera, he has chosen an insensitive way in doing it. The Johor government has issued a publication that listed Mat Indera as one of influential Johoreans who had shaped the history of Johor. That proper historical rehabilitation was done by the government of Johor.

Where is the political premium for UMNO in debating this issue? These are only short term gains. First, this is an opportunity to denounce PAS, where in fact, it should have been only Mat Sabu. Second and more important, the Bukit Kepong incident can be turned into a racial issue.



Sejarah Bagai Gadis Disolek Sesuka Hati

Posted: 03 Sep 2011 11:20 PM PDT

54 Soalan untuk renungan anak-anak muda pasca merdeka sempena 54 tahun "merdeka…"

  1. Benarkah UMNO tidak pernah berperang dengan British dan pemimpinnya hanya berunding untuk mendapat kemerdekaan. Jadi Tunku adalah perunding atau pejuang ?
  2. Sebelum Merdeka British begitu terancam dengan PKM selepas merdeka UMNO pula, walaupun sudah berdamai (1989) tetapi tetap gelabah. Apakah mereka bimbang mengenai hakikat sejarah yang akan terbongkar?
  3. Benarkah ramai tentera British telah menjadi korban gerila Tentera Pembebasan Rakyat Malaya (TPRM) yang terdiri dari seluruh bangsa rakyat Malaya yang bergabung tenaga bersama PKM?
  4. Bilakah semboyan MERDEKA bermula dan siapakah pemulanya?
  5. Benarkah ramai perajurit TPRM juga telah terkorban menentang tentera penjajah Inggeris sejak darurat 1948 hinggalah merdeka. Apakah maksud pernyataan ini?
  6. Kalau merdeka tanpa pertumpahan darah kenapa begitu ramai nama-nama askar Inggeris yang mati direkodkan di tugu negara kita. Kenapa mereka mati? Mempertahankan siapa - tanah jajahan atau rakyat Malaya?
  7. Benarkah Darurat 1948 adalah perang terhadap rakyat yang berjuang bersemboyankan merdeka. Mereka ditangkap, dipenjara dan dibunuh yang terlepas menyusup ke hutan bergerila membentuk TPRM.
  8. Akta darurat 1948 adalah demi keselamatan negara atau keselamatan imperialis Inggeris di Malaya?
  9. Benarkah Darurat 1948 ini diisytiharkan sesudah kuasa penjajah Inggeris melihat PKMM, AWAS, API, PKM, BATAS, Kesatuan Buruh dan lain-lain telah berjaya mengumpulkan berjuta rakyat Malaya di bawah PUTERA-AMCJA untuk mengusulkan negara merdeka berpelembagaan.
  10. Benarkah Darurat 1948 diistiharkan bagi mengekang tekanan dan suara merdeka di bawah PUTERA-AMCJA pelbagai kaum rakyat Malaya ketika itu.
  11. Benarkah HARTAL yang dilancarkan pada 1948 adalah antara penyebab kuasa imperialis Inggeris melancarkan akta darurat 1948 … dan kenapa?
  12. Siapakah yang sebenarnya dalam keadaan darurat – imperialis Inggeris atau rakyat kerana kebangkitan seluruh rakyat ketika itu … ?
  13. Benarkah akta ini adalah muslihat untuk British tidak mengisytiharkan perang sedangkan ia suatu perang terhadap rakyat yang berjuang menuntut Merdeka dengan membawa masuk 400,000 tentera dari tanah-tanah jajahannya ke Malaya?
  14. Kerana akta ini ramai pemimpin PKMM, AWAS, API serta lain-lain parti yang berjuang untuk menuntut merdeka telah bersama PKM dan berjuang dengan senjata menentang Inggeris dan kenapa?
  15. Jika mereka tidak memilih hutan dan gerila apakah pilihan yang ada untuk mereka kerana seluruh parti-parti progresif telah diharamkan. Apakah mereka perlu memilih rumah pasung Inggeris (balai polis), penjara atau tali gantung (UMNO sahaja yang tidak diharamkan ketika itu kerana ia ditaja oleh British).
  16. Kenapa perang dalam negeri terus berlangsung selepas merdeka. Bukankah ini antara syarat yang dikenakan Inggeris untuk merundingkan kemerdekaan? Apakah signifikan syarat ini? Tidakkah untuk memberi masa kepada British bagi mengelak "premature withdrawal"? Dan apakah signifikannya terhadap soal perniagaan senjata jangka panjang ke Malaya oleh British serta kepentingan mempertahankan harta mereka (kolonial) yang masih ada.
  17. Benarkah Inggeris memberi kemerdekaan kepada Malaya kerana mereka hormat orang Melayu yang mereka pernah tulis sebagai bangsa yang tinggal di atas pokok (1786) atau kerana mereka sudah tidak dapat tahan terhadap ribuan serangan bertubi-tubi dari gerila PKM yang menyebabkan beribu-ribu askarnya cedera dan terkorban.
  18. Setujukah kalau kita katakan bahawa kita hanya ada sebelah buku sejarah iaitu versi UMNO sedangkan Inggeris mempunyai buku sejarah tentang negara kita yang lebih lengkap yang tersimpan di London.
  19. Bolehkah wira-wira Melayu silam seperti Tok Janggut, Datok Bahaman, Mat Kilau, Dato Sagor, Dato Maharajalela dan yang lainnya yang dituduh oleh British sebagai pengganas itu adalah sebahagian dari pejuang kemerdekaan.
  20. Benarkah pada tahun 1948 UMNO hanya sebuah parti (gerombolan) kecil minoriti seperti PERKASA hari ini?
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