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- Hasan Ali backs Jais raid, says ‘Quran’ and ‘Pray’ used in front of Muslims
- Istri PM Najib dan Cincin 24 Juta Dollar
- Malaysia on an express route to populate its land
- AG - Why prosecute PSM EO6 and not MACC for TBH RCI?
- Remove A-G's prosecution powers & drop charges against PSM 6
- NGO condemns Lynas plant in Australia, rejects IAEA report
- Mid-year corruption perception index at 45pc
- Jakarta paper claims PM’s future in-law has ties to Russian mafia
- Ahmad Sarbaini Died Of Sudden Death, Says Police
- Malaysian PM's Wife Draws flak
- Ling’s letter to Dr M did not follow VPSD valuation, court told
- Khairy: Plot against Najib a PAS ploy
- Pakatan Rakyat terbuka buat Ku Li
- No candidate to replace Anwar yet, says PAS
- Anwar has lost clout: PKR founder
- ‘Malays less sensitive on corruption than Chinese’
- Ku Li issue – ‘Umno diversion tactic’
- Rosmah, masalah baru Najib
- Perkasa lapor polis projek kaitan Israel
- Ex-army man: I was ‘ordered’ to vote BN
- So who is talking nonsense now, Shafee?
- CNBC drops flagship show over paid Malaysian interviews
- PAS claims mutiny in Umno
- Christian cleric condemns Jais raid on PJ church
Hasan Ali backs Jais raid, says ‘Quran’ and ‘Pray’ used in front of Muslims Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:54 AM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Selangor executive councillor Datuk Hasan Ali defended today a late-night state Islamic enforcement raid on a church in Petaling Jaya yesterday, saying the words "Quran" and "pray" were used in the presence of Muslims at the dinner function. He claimed this was part of the authorities' evidence that Christians were proselytising to Muslims. Widely seen as a religious conservative, Hasan has been at odds with the ruling Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state government's seemingly liberal policies on several occasions, most notably his push for a beer sale ban in the country's most developed state earlier this year. Hasan had lost badly in the recent PAS election as the Islamist party moved to embrace leaders like Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad who is seen to represent a more progressive and inclusive brand of Islam. Dropped as PAS Selangor chief after the party polls, Hasan's statement today is seen to rebuff his tendency to mirror rival Malay party Umno's thinking. "Towards the end of the event, the enforcement team and the police had made checks and found attempts to prevent their examination and to get rid of the evidence material," the PAS man said in a statement faxed to The Malaysian Insider this evening. He said the authorities had discovered further materials to prove there was activity to proselytise a religion other than Islam to Muslims, but did not disclose what they were. Hasan added that several Muslims had attempted to flee the premises through the church's back door but were successfully stopped by Jais. He also denied the authorities had carried out a "raid" on the church as alleged, saying instead it was merely an "examination" that was based on a report that Muslims had attended the church dinner's "break fast" event. "There was no raid and no arrests. Instead, examinations were conducted after negotiations with the organiser," he said. Hasan said 12 Muslims who attended the dinner have been ordered to turn up at the Jais enforcement office for further investigation. "Based on initial investigations those involved can be charged under Section 10 of the Syariah Criminal Enactment 1995." The executive councillor in charge of Islamic religious affairs' remarks came just after Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim moved to calm the uproar over the raid. Earlier today, Khalid had asked the state Islamic authorities to justify their raid on the multiracial dinner at a Petaling Jaya church last night, adding he regretted the incident that has caused a public outrage. A group from the Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) raided the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) building during a dinner and had questioned a few Malay guests based on an unspecified complaint. Khalid said today he had called DUMC's senior pastor Daniel Ho to personally express his regrets regarding the incident.
Istri PM Najib dan Cincin 24 Juta Dollar Posted: 04 Aug 2011 02:42 AM PDT
Egidius Patnistik, Kompas DALAM sepekan terakhir terjadi saling serang dan pembelaan antara media kubu oposisi dan media pro-pemerintah terkait kepemilikan cincin berlian senilai 24 juta dollar AS (setara Rp 203 miliar) dengan Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor, istri Perdana Menteri Malaysia Mohamad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak. Jumat (29/7), Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor muncul dan mengungkapkan bantahan di harian berbahasa Inggris, The Star, yang menyatakan tuduhan itu adalah fitnah dan tidak berdasar. Sejumlah foto pemberitahuan bea cukai (Kastam Malaysia) atas impor cincin berlian senilai lebih dari 24 juta dollar AS dari pialang berlian kelas dunia, Jacob and Co, di New York, AS, dan nama pengekspor atas nama Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor beredar luas di internet. Bantahan Datin Rosmah menghiasi halaman favorit di situs Rosmah menduga ada pihak yang memanfaatkan namanya dikaitkan dengan cincin berlian yang harganya selangit itu. Perusahaan Jacob and Co yang namanya dikaitkan dengan berlian ratusan miliar rupiah itu pun dikenal kontroversial. Penulis di situs, Yow Hong Chieh, mencatat, Jacob Arabo, seorang Yahudi asal Uzbekistan, pemilik Jacob and Co, berulang kali ditangkap aparat karena diduga terlibat pencucian uang hasil kejahatan. Kontroversi Datin Rosmah Kehidupan Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor memang penuh kontroversi. Perusahaan Rosmah, Perimekar Sendirian Berhad (Sdn Bhd), diketahui Parlemen Malaysia menerima uang jasa 100 juta euro (sekitar Rp 1,2 triliun) atas pembelian kapal selam Scorpene buatan Perancis. Pertengahan Juli, pengacara Perancis, William Bourdon, yang mewakili sejumlah aktivis pro-Demokrasi Malaysia, menggugat Perimekar Sdn Bhd atas dugaan suap dan korupsi dalam kasus kapal selam Scorpene. Ia ditahan imigrasi Malaysia, lalu dideportasi. Tindakan itu memicu protes dari penggiat hak asasi manusia di Malaysia, seperti lembaga Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram). Kasus pembelian kapal selam Perancis, pesawat tempur jet Rusia, dan persenjataan lain diduga mengakibatkan pembunuhan model asal Mongolia, Altantuya Shaarribuu, bulan April 2006. Altantuya, putri seorang profesor di Ulan Bator, diketahui memiliki hubungan khusus dengan Abdul Razak Baginda, penasihat pribadi PM Najib Razak. Altantuya yang fasih berbahasa Rusia dan sejumlah bahasa asing, menurut pihak oposisi, mengerti betul seluk-beluk pembelian senjata yang digunakan Angkatan Tentera Diraja Malaysia itu. Karena menuntut terlalu banyak, akhirnya ia ditembak mati, lalu tubuhnya diledakkan. Situs berita Singapura,, pada 9 April 2009 melaporkan, dua polisi, Azilah Hadri dan Sirul Azhar Umar, dijatuhi hukuman mati karena menjadi eksekutor Altantuya. Namun, auktor intelektualis dan dugaan korupsi pembelian senjata tidak pernah disidangkan hingga pihak oposisi Malaysia mengajukan gugatan di Pengadilan Paris, Perancis. Kontroversi lain yang melingkupi Datin Rosmah adalah hubungannya dengan calon besan bernama Maira Nazarbayev asal Kazakhstan. Maira Nazarbayev yang memiliki gaya hidup ala Imelda Marcos konon memiliki kaitan dengan Organisatziya atau mafia Rusia. Maira Nazarbayev kerap bepergian bersama Datin Rosmah. Mungkinkah kasus cincin berlian 24 juta dollar AS ini nanti menjadi pintu perubahan dan demokratisasi Malaysia? Hanya rakyat Malaysia sendiri yang menentukan.
The ISA also is subject to misuse for political ends and is an important insurance policy for maintaining UMNO in power. For both CT and political reasons, the GOM will not readily give up the ISA. We doubt that the increased political pressure and seeming swing in public opinion against the ISA, due in part to its misuse in September, will result in the ISA's amendment or revocation in the near future, absent the Opposition coming to power. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Classified By: Political Counselor Mark D. Clark, reason 1.4 (b, c and d).
1. (S) Summary: The Malaysian government's use of the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial and is central to the GOM's intelligence-driven CT effort, has come under increasing political pressure over the past three months. The GOM's employment of the ISA in September to carry out three politically-motivated ISA detentions unrelated to terrorism sparked unprecedented public criticism. At least eight component parties from the governing National Front (BN) coalition have since broken ranks with the leading United Malays National Organization (UMNO) and called for amending or abolishing the ISA. The opposition party alliance led by Anwar Ibrahim has made the revocation of ISA one of its highest profile policy goals. In November, a High Court judge delivered a legal blow to the GOM's wide discretion in using the ISA in a ruling that freed blogger Raja Petra, and the GOM is appealing the decision. Prime Minister Abdullah, his deputy and successor Najib and Home Minister Syed Hamid have defended the ISA as essential to national security, while Najib told the Ambassador privately ISA should be retained but used more judiciously. The GOM released 17 ISA detainees, among them 10 previously linked to terrorist groups, including Yazid Sufaat, from November 5 to December 4. 2. (S) Comment: The ISA is the cornerstone of Malaysia's CT effort and has allowed Special Branch to take successful preemptive action against suspected terrorists and their supporters. Given the GOM's exclusive reliance on the ISA "crutch" and on Special Branch's role, police and prosecutors remain ill-prepared to investigate and bring to trial terrorist suspects (or prosecute other complex criminal conspiracies). The ISA also is subject to misuse for political ends and is an important insurance policy for maintaining UMNO in power. For both CT and political reasons, the GOM will not readily give up the ISA. We doubt that the increased political pressure and seeming swing in public opinion against the ISA, due in part to its misuse in September, will result in the ISA's amendment or revocation in the near future, absent the Opposition coming to power. These developments, however, reinforce the conclusion (ref H) that Malaysia cannot take for granted the availability of the ISA as a CT tool in the long run. It remains in the U.S. interest to encourage and assist Malaysia to develop an approach centered on prosecutions and convictions before an independent judiciary to combat terrorism. 3. (C) Comment continued: It is unclear to what extent outside political pressures played a direct role in the GOM's latest release of ISA detainees. The decisions may have more to do with Syed Hamid's personal exercise of authority as Home Minister. Syed Hamid has taken a more proactive role as Home Minister, compared to PM Abdullah who held the position through March 2008 and tended not to become involved in details. End Summary and Comment. 4. (C) The Malaysian government's use of the Internal Security Act (ISA), central to the GOM's intelligence-driven counterterrorism efforts, has come under increasing political pressure since the September ISA arrests of three persons based on political rather security considerations. The September 12 ISA detentions of an ethnic Chinese journalist, an ethnic Chinese Opposition MP (Teresa Kok), and a prominent blogger (Raja Petra Kamarudin) served the ruling UMNO party's immediate political purpose of sending a warning to opposition politicians and those considering defecting from BN, as some UMNO politicians have told us. This came at a time when Anwar Ibrahim was publicly threatening to bring down the BN government via parliamentary crossovers by September 16. The arrests, however, also sparked unprecedented public criticism of the ISA, including from UMNO's ethnic minority partners within BN. The Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), the key ethnic Chinese BN component party, reportedly threatened to leave BN unless the GOM released the Chinese journalist; the GOM complied within less than 24 hours (ref F). Authorities freed MP Teresa Kok after seven days. Home Minister Syed Hamid ordered a two-year ISA detention period for Raja Petra, who was freed on appeal in November in a surprise court ruling (see below). 5. (C) Comment: Unlike his predecessor Mahathir, PM Abdullah refrained from using the ISA for political purposes until December 2007 when police detained five leaders of the ethnic Indian activist group HINDRAF that organized large street protests. The public viewed the GOM's September 2008 ISA arrests as more transparently political, in part because of the lack of public order concerns. End Comment. 6. (C) Political pressure against the ISA did not dissipate following the release of the first two of the three recent ISA detainees. At least eight component parties from the governing BN coalition of 14 parties have since broken ranks with UMNO and called for amending or reviewing the grounds for the ISA, while several have supported the law's abolition. In late September MCA, BN's second largest party, called for "a comprehensive review of the ISA so that it will apply strictly to cases relating to terrorism and subversive elements," and also argued for the introduction of "checks and balances in the use of ISA." The leader of the Gerakan party, Koh Tsu Koon, called on the GOM to "abolish the ISA once and for all," and rely on the judicial system instead. The leader of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) also initially called for ISA to be abolished, and on December 1 said PPP would withdraw from BN unless if the ISA were not amended before the next election. In response, Prime Minister Abdullah called PPP's bluff and said the small party, which holds no seats in Parliament, could leave BN if it wished. BN MPs so far have not backed up their criticism of ISA with action. In response to a petition circulated in Parliament for the review or repeal of ISA, only one BN MP signed his name. 7. (C) The opposition party alliance (Pakatan Rakyat, or Pakatan) led by Anwar Ibrahim has vocally condemned ISA as undemocratic and unjust, and made the abolishment of ISA one of its highest profile policy goals. A number of senior officials from Pakatan's three parties, Anwar's Peoples Justice Party (PKR), the Democratic Action Party (DAP), and the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) were detained under ISA during the era of former Prime Minister Mahathir. Not surprisingly, the three parties have vowed to revoke ISA if they come to power. "Abolish ISA" was the most prominent theme at PKR's annual party conference on November 29, which Polcouns observed. The keynote event concluded with a focus on ISA and featured large screens that scrolled through the list of all 60-plus ISA detainees with the several thousand attendees reciting the detainees' names as they appeared. Well-known blogger Raja Petra, released from ISA detention only days before, mounted the stage as the surprise guest of the grand finale. 8. (SBU) On November 7, a High Court judge delivered an unanticipated legal blow to the GOM's wide discretion in using the ISA in a habeas corpus ruling that freed blogger Raja Petra. The Embassy obtained the full text of the judge's 22-page ruling. ISA Section 8.B states "there shall be no judicial review in any court" of the Home Minister's exercise of "discretionary powers in accordance with this Act," except for compliance with procedural requirements. The judge ruled, however, that the Home Minister decisions could not be "unfettered and arbitrary," allowing for the court to consider whether the Minister's ISA detention order was "in accordance with the Act," and its focus on threats to national security, including the national economy; threats to maintenance of essential services; and threats to the public emanating from a "substantial body of persons" who intend to change the government through unlawful means. In the case of Raja Petra, the judge concluded that the grounds for his detention did not fall within the purview of the ISA. The government has appealed the ruling and as of mid-December the appeal remains pending. 9. (C) Many civil society groups took the opportunity over the past three months to highlight their standing opposition to the ISA, as well as other emergency ordinances that allow for detention without trial. Both conservative and liberal Muslim NGOs called on the GOM to abolish the ISA, as did the inter-faith Consultative Forum that groups the leaders of all major religions except Islam. The National Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) chairman Abu Talib restated the commission's existing position, namely "detention without trial is against human rights principles; that's why we advised the Government years ago to repeal the ISA." 10. (C) As questions over the ISA have mounted, Prime Minister Abdullah, his deputy and successor Najib, and other senior UMNO leaders defended the ISA as essential to national security. In the wake of public criticism over the September ISA arrests, Home Minister Syed Hamid, who has authority under the ISA to approve detention orders, defended the Act as essential and stated clearly that "we have no plans to do away with ISA." In early December, Syed Hamid waved off criticisms, arguing that the ISA "has never been abused or used for politics." He also commented that, "Malaysians sometimes don't know how lucky we are in that we have not experienced what is happening in Mumbai (the terrorist attack) and Bangkok (political unrest) now." He said the fact that there have been no post 9/11 terrors attacks in Malaysia was in part due to the ISA. On December 15, Syed Hamid again publicly defended use of the ISA, stating, "More apt, faster and better to use the ISA... detention under the act is early action to prevent the security of the country from being adversely affected." 11. (C) DPM Najib, who is anticipated to become Prime Minister in late March 2009, told the Ambassador privately on November 11 that the government continued to need the ISA, "even though there are civil liberty concerns," but should reserve ISA only for those who pose "serious threats, like terrorists" (ref A). On December 8, PM Abdullah publicly rejected calls for amendments to the ISA. 12. (SBU) In early December, local and international press reported that the GOM had released 17 ISA detainees from November 5 through December 4. Of those released, 10 had been held for suspected links to Al Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiyah, and/or the Darul Islam terrorist groups. The released terrorist suspects included Yazid Sufaat, who played an important role in Al Qaeda's anthrax development program, according to the 9/11 Commission. The remaining seven persons released consisted of suspected foreign agents (2 persons), southern Thailand separatists (2), document forgers (2), and prominent blogger Raja Petra, according to an NGO that consistently and accurately monitors ISA detentions. In his public remarks, Syed Hamid said those recently released ISA detainees had been rehabilitated and no longer posed a security threat to Malaysia. 13. (S) Note: Authorities had detained the terrorist suspects for periods between two and (in the case of Yazid Sufaat) seven years, for an average detention period of four years for the ten individuals. Special Branch relies on a process for rehabilitating ISA detainees, and eventually releasing them under restricted and monitored conditions when judged necessary. The GOM has never attempted to prosecute any terrorist suspects, including those held under the ISA. This is due in large part to the fact that the GOM pursues almost exclusively an intelligence approach to CT, as opposed to a law enforcement approach that would involve criminal investigations, collection of legally admissible evidence, and development of cases for prosecution in the courts. In 2007, Malaysia amended anti-terrorism provisions in its penal code and criminal procedures code, but authorities have not yet utilized these provisions. Malaysia also has a poor track record of prosecuting other complex criminal conspiracies, including drug trafficking cases, preferring instead to utilize the ISA and other emergency ordinances to detain suspects without trial. End Note. 14. (S) A well-known journalist contacted us in early December and said that officers of the Police Special Branch had complained to him that Home Minister Syed Hamid had ordered the recent releases of terrorist suspects without adequate consultation and in some cases against the recommendation of Special Branch. Australian and British diplomats, speaking with Polcouns December 16, stated that Syed Hamid, who is a lawyer by training, personally reviewed the dossiers of ISA detainees and was inclined to approve releases absent compelling justification from the Special Branch. 15. (C) The Thai embassy contacted Poloff on December 15 to express concern over the release of two ISA detainees (Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad and Mat Tarmizi bin Shamsudin, who apparently are dual-citizens of Malaysia and Thailand) who had been held for their connection to the insurgency in southern Thailand. The Thai diplomat said Bangkok considered Abdul Rahman in particular to be a major player in the insurgency. He noted that those released are required to remain in Malaysia and check in periodically with the police. The Thai diplomat said he believed the GOM released the detainees in order to diffuse criticism of the ISA. We learned that the Thai embassy also has contacted other Western embassies (UK, France, Australia) to express concern over the recent ISA releases. KEITH
Malaysia on an express route to populate its land Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:51 PM PDT ![]() By J. D. Lovrenciear Even our neighboring nations across our borders and seas are extremely careful in permitting foreign workers to hole up in their countries. They are extremely frugal but prudent when it comes to awarding PR status. And their stringent standards to awarding citizenship are even tighter. But that does not seem to be the case in Malaysia these days. We are coming up with all kinds of schemes that continue to see an invasion of foreign nationals into the country. So much so even the economic activities mushrooming in the country are obviously created to serve these communities solely. Just take a look at grocery stores, restaurants and entertainment outlets and shopping centers. What do these tell you? What about the kind of foodstuff that is increasing even filling our wet markets and pasar malams? It is very indicative that today Malaysia has such a sizeable foreign community that it makes good business sense to even set up shop in our own Tamans just to cater for their daily needs. And with our growing made-to-believe dependency on foreign labor, many of our youths are increasingly finding it hard to be economically engaged but to look for left-over jobs. But our leaders keep dishing out justifications that our youth are not interested in these jobs and therefore we need foreign labor to drive our economy. Now since when did we transform into a developed world with the entire working population being highly qualified to take on manual and mundane jobs? The citizens know. The entire work-in-progress is to spruce profit taking. Let us stop kidding each other. Period. We need courage to admit where we are going wrong. We need a patriotic heart to see the truth in the eye. We need loyalty to King and country to stop this selling out of our land. Many Malaysian professionals who returned with foreign spouses are still struggling with the renewable PR procedures. But illegal immigrants and renegades are easily getting citizenships and PR status virtually spoon fed to them. Why? Our neighbors are all using their own population in so many creative ways to ensure that their nations remain totally self-reliant. From the building industry to the farming communities, from the corporate corridors to the sewage services, they have their citizens proudly and viably engaged. Thailand is a great example. It is about time that our Rulers stepped forward and made a point to keep Malaysia for Malaysians – their loyal subjects. If we do not act fast, someday, Malaysians will wake up to find themselves being lorded over by foreigners who have claimed citizenship. This worrying state of affairs demands honest, responsible, accountable and patriotic redress. And it needs to be done like yesterday, going by the sudden naturalization exercises fast tracking lately. |
AG - Why prosecute PSM EO6 and not MACC for TBH RCI? Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:45 PM PDT By Lim Kit Siang The Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail should explain why the alacrity with which he wants to prosecute the PSM EO6 in contrast with his total immobility to charge Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers for a pile of crimes and unlawful actions as exposed by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock's (TBH) death? Yesterday, The PSP EO6 including the Sungai Siput Member of Parliament Dr. Michael Jeyakumar who were released last Friday from detention-without-trial Emergency Ordinance were charged in the Butterworth Sessions Court under the Internal Security Act and the Societies Act with possessing subversive documents and assisting an illegal organization. However, there are no signs whatsoever that the Attorney-General is taking any action or shown any interest in the report of the James Foong Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock's death, in particular in the shocking RCI revelations of the pile of crimes and unlawful actions committed by MACC officers in the MACC massive operation resulting in Beng Hock's death. The RCI's conclusion that Beng Hock was "driven to suicide" is not acceptable as it is not based on any evidence but a mere leap in imagination. However, the RCI has discovered a mountain of crimes and unlawful acts committed by MACC officers in the massive July 2009 MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death. In the first place, the massive 33-men MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death at MACC headquarters in Shah Alam on 16th July 2009 was mala fide, a gross abuse of power and acts of corruption. The RCI found that Hishammuddin Hashim (who had "absolute authority" to investigate anyone whom he suspected of corruption in the state "without informing or obtaining the consent of his superiors" in MACC or Selangor although he was only Deputy Director MACC Selangor) was the "mastermind" who launched the massive MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death without supporting facts but merely on "a mere belief" from a telephone call. The crimes and violations of the law committed by the MACC officers in the massive MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death include the following: (1) Responsible for Beng Hock's death. (2) MACC officers committing perjury and telling lies about what happened to Beng Hock when at the MACC headquarters in police investigations into Beng Hock's death, the TBH Inquest and the TBH RCI proceedings, which warrants the establishment of a Special Investigations Squad to identify Beng Hock's killers. (3) Violating Section 31 of the MACC Act in illegally and without lawful authorisation exercising the powers of "search and seizure" when MACC officers carried out their raids on various places during the massive MACC operation resulting in Beng Hock's death. In Para 245, the RCI castigated the MACC officers over their "cavalier attitude" in "arrogating to themselves a power that the law did not, and does not, confer". The RCI also castigated the MACC for its common "unlawful" practice of conducting "search without warrant or authorization". In their report, the RCI commissioners referred to "a number of instances of blatant abuse of powers by the Selangor MACC officers and the other officers involved in the operation". It said: "The investigation into the allegations of corruption by the MACC showed scant regard for the law in the pursuit of the MACC to produce results." (Para 295) The TBH RCI had expressed the view that "the death of TBH should not be in vain" and in this spirit, the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail should explain why the AG Chambers is totally indifferent and unconcerned about the exposes of the pile of crimes and unlawful actions committed by MACC officers as exposed by the TBH RCI report, submitted more than six weeks ago.
Remove A-G's prosecution powers & drop charges against PSM 6 Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:38 PM PDT By N Surendran The continued State-sanctioned persecution of these six dedicated political and social activists bodes ill for our nation. The police force, government and Attorney General have put themselves in an untenable position. They are using State powers to crackdown on a movement for free and fair elections, and to criminalize citizens such as the PSM 6 who participated or supported that movement The charges against the PSM 6 are politically motivated and a blatant abuse of investigation and prosecution powers. These six men and women have a long and spotless record of public service; their persecution shames the nation. We note with grave concern that the office of the Attorney General has been consistently used to bring politically motivated criminal charges against opposition politicians and civil society. The powers of the Attorney General must be reviewed and immediate reforms must be instituted. The powers of prosecution should be held by an independent Director of Public Prosecutions, as is the practice in many Commonwealth countries. Meanwhile, Keadilan condemns the criminal investigation launched upon the editor of Suara Keadilan, its journalist and Keadilan leader Latheefa Koya under section 505(b) Penal Code. They were questioned today by Dang Wang police relating to an article published about tear gas canisters. This police investigation is an infringement of the freedom of the press and another instance of the continual police harassment of opposition parties and their news organs. We call for: a) Immediate withdrawal of all charges against the PSM 6; b) Urgent reform of the office of the Attorney General and removal of prosecution powers to an independent body; c) End of police harassment of Suara Keadilan and its journalists. Issued by, N SURENDRAN VICE PRESIDENT KEADILAN |
NGO condemns Lynas plant in Australia, rejects IAEA report Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:30 PM PDT
By Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — Save Malaysia Stop Lynas (SMSL) continued to go all out to stop Australian miner Lynas Corp from setting up a RM700 million rare earth refinery plant in Gebeng and condemned today the opening of Lynas's concentration plant in Mt. Weld, Western Australia. "Let us each do our part to ensure that this impending tragedy that will befall a population of 700,000 around a 30km radius of the LAMP does not begin with the opening of the concentration facility at Mt. Weld. "We the Save Malaysia Stop Lynas movement will take every action and do everything possible to stop it," said SMSL representative Tan Bun Teet in a statement. According to Australian media, the Mt Weld mine, about 35km south of Laverton, is a US$100 million (RM310million) Lynas Corporation project developed over the past 10 years. The ore will be concentrated at Mount Weld before export to LYNAS Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) in Gebeng, about 25km from Kuantan, and then sold globally. The non-governmental organisation had also rejected the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) report saying the controversial rare earth plant in Gebeng is safe. "Lynas has conveniently used the narrowly focused IAEA review to claim that the LAMP is safe. What Lynas has failed nor bothered to reveal is that the IAEA review panel has only narrowly assessed the radiation safety aspects of the LAMP. "In reality, the IAEA Review has not dealt with the many critical aspects of the LAMP that have far greater impact on the environment and our health. The entire plant design, its construction, operation, incidents, decommissioning, shutdowns, and waste treatment; environmental, plant asset integrity, civil and structure have been left out in the review. Other crucial issues including occupational health and safety as well as socio-economic were also not in the scope of the review," he said.
Mid-year corruption perception index at 45pc Posted: 03 Aug 2011 08:21 PM PDT By Lee Wei Lian, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — About 45 per cent of Malaysians feel that the government's fight against corruption has been effective, below the official mid-year target of 50 per cent said Pemandu today. It also said that the public's opinion of regulatory and enforcement agencies however hit a score of 2.99, exceeding the mid-year target of 3.5 (1 being the best and 5 the worst). The surveys were conducted by independent third party research firm TNS and is used by Pemandu as a proxy to track progress against its targets for Transparency International's (TI) annual Global Corruption Barometer Score which will be released later this year. Malaysia scored 48 per cent in last year's TI Global Corruption Barometer Score, exceeding Pemandu's 2010 target of 37 per cent and 2009's score of 28 per cent. Pemandu has set a target of 50 per cent for this year's Global Corruption Barometer Score. Pemandu director for the corruption National Key Result Area (NKRA), D. Ravindran said in a briefing here that the anti-corruption efforts were to "reinspire confidence and get Malaysians to believe again that Malaysia is a good place to do business."
Jakarta paper claims PM’s future in-law has ties to Russian mafia Posted: 03 Aug 2011 07:55 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Indonesia's top newspaper alleged today that the Kazakh mother of Datuk Seri Najib Razak's and Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor's future son-in-law is linked to the Russian mafia. Nooryana Najwa, Daniyar Nazarbayev, Maira Nazarbayev and Khanbolat Nazarbayev Kompas, the most widely-read newspaper in Indonesia, published a column today that also questioned whether the controversies surrounding Rosmah would lead to "change and democratisation in Malaysia." The newspaper did not substantiate its claims, but the column today was published amid a tussle between Najib and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for influence in Indonesia following the Bersih rally last month. Umno had despatched its secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor to Jakarta last month to explain Putrajaya's crackdown on Bersih activists after Indonesian media criticised Malaysia. Last week, Anwar also made a trip to Jakarta. In the column, the newspaper described Rosmah's ties with soon-to-be in-law Maira Nazarbayev as close although it provided no evidence to back its claims. "Maira Nazarbayev, who lives a lifestyle ala Imelda Marcos supposedly has links to the Russian mafia," the paper said. Maira is the former wife of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev's brother Bolat Nazarbayev.
Ahmad Sarbaini Died Of Sudden Death, Says Police Posted: 03 Aug 2011 07:39 PM PDT
(Bernama) -- The Coroner's Court was told Thursday that there was no element of murder or suicide in the death of Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed. ASP Zuhairi Mohamed, from the Cheras Police Legal Investigation Division, said Ahmad Sarbaini's death was classified as sudden death.
Malaysian PM's Wife Draws flak Posted: 03 Aug 2011 07:27 PM PDT
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's wife blazes her own controversial trail She has also been photographed carrying what appears to be a Birkin handbag, designed and manufactured by Hermès of Paris and named for the actress and singer Jane Birkin. Prices of the bags range from US$9,000 to US$150,000 according to the type of material used. She has been photographed as well wearing what appears to be a 65.77 carat white and black Zebra safari bangle bracelet from also Jacob & Co. and made of white and black pave diamonds and 18-karat white gold. Written by John Berthelsen, Asia Sentinel The surat layang – "flying letters" in Malay, or anonymous assaults -- have been flying in record numbers in recent weeks, attacking Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. They are being picked up and spread in volume by the country's blogosphere, much of it arrayed against the Barisan Nasional, or ruling national coalition.
Ling’s letter to Dr M did not follow VPSD valuation, court told Posted: 03 Aug 2011 07:06 PM PDT
(Bernama) - The High Court here was yesterday told that former Transport Minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik submitted a letter containing terms of agreement which were different from the recommendations made by the Valuation and Property Services Department (VPSD) to former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Former VSPD deputy director-general (Valuation) Datuk Mani Usilapan, 61, said the attachment on the terms of agreement with Kuala Demensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB), which was sent on June 29 2002 stated that the rate of land purchase in Pulau Indah was RM25 per sq ft, while the VPSD set the value at RM21 per sq ft. He said that through a letter, with the title "Cadangan Pengambilan Balik Tanah Di Pulau Indah Untuk Pembangunan Pusat Distripark Serantau Di Pelabuhan Klang', the attachment also stated the land size at 999.5 acres (about 404.5 hectares) and the purchase at RM1,088,456,000, but the VSPD only made valuation on land covering only 830 acres (about 335.9 hectares). Mani said among the other terms which were attached together with the letter were on the repayment period based deferred payment of 15 years; down payment of 10 per cent to be paid as earnest money in two stages (two per cent after approval had been obtained and the remaining eight per cent soon after the agreement signing); interest rate of 7.5 per cent a year and a moratorium of four years. Mani, during examination-in-chief by Deputy Public Prosecutor Manoj Kurup, said all the terms were not recommended by VSPD. He said the VSPD only made consideration on the 10-years repayment period, the first year down payment of five per cent and coupon rate at six per cent. Mani also said that following the valuation on the 999.5 acre land at RM25 per sq ft, there was excess cost of RM720 million. Meanwhile, when cross-examined by lawyer Wong Kian Kheong, Mani said he informed his superior (former VSPD director-general Valuation) Datuk Sahari Mahadi) on the recommendations made by VSPD. Mani also said that on Oct 9 2000, he wrote a letter to the Transport Ministry Secretary-General on a proposed purchase of a 830 acre site in the same area and suggested that the valuation rate of the land, if repayment was extended to 15 years, based on the same terms for a 10 year repayment period, the rate was RM25.82 per sq ft. Questioned by Wong whether the VSPD had statistics or percentage on the valuation made by the department being followed by government agencies, Mani said there was no statistics. Dr Ling, 68, faces an amended principal charge of cheating the Malaysian government by concealing from the Cabinet the additional interest of 7.5 percent a year on the purchase price of a land in Pulau Indah as against the six percent rate set by the VPSD. He also faces two amended alternative charges of cheating the government by not revealing to the Cabinet the facts related to the additional interest rate, and cheating the Cabinet into believing that the facts related to the purchase of the land were certified and agreed to by the VPSD when he knew there was no such consent. The offences were allegedly committed at the Prime Minister's office in Putrajaya between Sept 25 and Nov 6, 2002. The hearing before judge Datuk Ahmadi Asnawi continues today.
Khairy: Plot against Najib a PAS ploy Posted: 03 Aug 2011 06:30 PM PDT
Khairy Jamaluddin dimisses the existence of such a plot in Umno and accuses PAS of cooking up the issue to divert attention. (Free Malaysia Today) - Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has dismissed speculation of a move within the party to oust Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak before the next polls. Instead, he accused PAS of cooking up this issue to divert attention from its internal problems "It's utter rubbish. We fully support Najib," he told FMT. This morning, PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali claimed that there was a move by certain top guns in Umno to topple Najib before the general election. Yesterday, FMT reported that Penawar, an organisation comprising former Umno MPs, also wanted the prime minister to relinquish his post. According to Khairy, PAS was embroiled in a crisis as some leaders in the party had lost faith in the leadership of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. "That is why some in PAS are talking about having Gua Musang MP (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) as the new opposition leader," he said. Quizzed on Penawar's stand, Khairy said he had not heard about the organisation wanting Najib to step down. "But as far as current Barisan Nasional leaders are concerned, we are fully behind Najib," he added.
Pakatan Rakyat terbuka buat Ku Li Posted: 03 Aug 2011 06:11 PM PDT
Jika dia terus berdiam diri di sarang UMNOnya di Gua Musang, Najib dan UMNO tidak akan berani mengusiknya. Jika dia tidak dicalonkan semula di Gua Musang oleh BN, dia akan bertanding atas pentas apa jua, dan saya amat yakin Pakatan Rakyat akan memberi laluan kepadaya untuk mengalahkan calon BN selain daripadanya. Subky Latiff, Harakah Daily APABILA Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan beberapa orang bekas orang kuat Barisan Nasional membentuk NGO bernama Amanah, mengaitkannya dengan legasi Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra dan pesan amanah kemerdekaan yang ditinggalkan, maka ia terdedahkan kepada serba spekulasi. Kenyataan awal pelancaran Amanah itu baik dari Ku Li dan rakan kanannya Tan Sri Kadir Shikh Fadhir mengkritik politik dan pimpinan Perdana Menteri Najib yang mereka kira tidak sejalan dengan semangat amanah kemerdekaan yang dibawa Tunku dulu. Ku Li dan Amanahnya akan membuat penjelasan lanjut tentang dakwaan itu dan menariknya ia berlaku di ambang PRU 13 dan sejurus selepas tsunami Bersih 2.0 yang menggegarkan tembok pentadbiran Najib dan BN. Reaksi awal tidak segara datang dari Najib tetapi datang dari pihak yang boleh dikira proksinya iaitu Zaharin Hashim, MP pelarian PKR Bayan Baru. Ia tidak datang dari UMNO yang sah dan tidak juga dari kerabat BN. Tetapi suaranya dipercayai mewakili kekhuatiran Najib. Politik Ku Li kira-kira adalah gara-gara risikan kerabat Pakatan Rakyat menganjurkan Ku Li boleh alih peranan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ditakdirkan ketua pembangkang itu dipenjarakan atau dijatuhkan hukum yang melarangnya jawatan awam politik. Mungkin fikiran mengaitkan Ku Li dengan perkembangan pembangkang itu ada asasnya, tetapi bom asap yang dilepaskan oleh Zaharin itu adalah bagi menolak supaya Ku Li terkeluar dari sarang UMNOnya dan segeralah berambus ke gelanggang Anwar. Kemahuan Najib ia supaya Ku Li tidak lagi jadi duri dan ancamannya dalam UMNO. Kiranya Najib mulai berada di sarang UMNO yang Abdullah Badawi bertinggik dulu, maka Ku Li adalah antara calon berpotensi untuk menolaknya sama seperti Najib menolak Tun Lah dulu. Akan kurang satu ancamannya dari dalam. Bagi Zaharin adalah untuk mendapat sedikit untung dari apa jua yang boleh melemahkan Anwar dan PKR. Sekali pun dia payah untuk mendapat kedudukan dalam UMNO selepas PRU nanti, tetapi dia boleh menumpang kasih dari Najib kiranya kembali berkuasa. Tetapi bagi Ku Li tidak beroleh apa-apa kerugian dari politik bom asap yang dilepaskan oleh Zaharin itu. Jika dia terus berdiam diri di sarang UMNOnya di Gua Musang, Najib dan UMNO tidak akan berani mengusiknya. Jika dia tidak dicalonkan semula di Gua Musang oleh BN, dia akan bertanding atas pentas apa jua, dan saya amat yakin Pakatan Rakyat akan memberi laluan kepadaya untuk mengalahkan calon BN selain daripadanya. Hayat politik Zaharin dipercayai berakhir sebaik Parlimen dibubarkan, tetapi Ku Li mulai ada harga yang tinggi baik dia kekal dalam UMNO atau pun dia ditolak keluar dari UMNO. Jika Najib dan UMNO menang lagi dan Ku Li adalah dalam UMNO, maka Ku Lilah tumpuan UMNO bagi mendepani politik Najib yang serba uzur itu. Sekali pun Najib kembali berkuasa tetapi kedudukannya lebih teruk dari kedudukan Tun Lah dulu. Giliran Ku Li sekali lagi menawar diri menjadi calon Presiden UMNO. Kali ini peluang Ku Li lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Tetapi kalau digugurkan UMNO di Gua Musang, Pakatan Rakyat adalah terbuka kepadanya. Memang Pakatan Rakyat terbuka untuk semua orang kecuali Dr. Mahathir. Dan kalau sudah ada kemputusan Anwar tidak boleh menyertai pilihan raya, maka keadaan Ku Li mungkin terapung ketika itu tetapi harganya tinggi. Tidak kira dia akan menggantikan Anwar atau tidak, tetapi dia dapat menambah satu gambar lagi dalam poster Pakatan Rakyat, setanding dengan gambar Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Tok Guru Haji Hadi, Lim Kit Siang dan Anwar. Tidak penting sama ada Ku Li sudah dirisik atau tidak. Dengan dia menubuhkan Amanah, dia mulai menjadi bahan politik yang panas. Jika dihantar oleh merisiknya pun tidak ada yang merugikan PR. Jika dia menolak, maka PR tetap dalam keadaannya yang ada, dan kedudukan Anwar tidak akan bertukar dari keadaan yang payah kepada keadaan yang senang. Anwar hanya akan senang kira PRU 13 ini memihak kepada Pakatan. Tetapi jika Ku Li memberi jawapan positif kepada risikan itu, ia bukan sekadar bom asap kepada politik negara, tetapi ibu segala bom. Tidak salah Ku Li dirisik dan dipujuk. Tentunya seseorang itu mahu dihargai. Bukan tujuan saya mahu menyamakan Ku Li dengan Abu Sufian. Abu Sufian sudah tidak ada harga pada Rasulullah SAW sekali pun dia masih orang kuat Quraisy. Bapa saudara Nabi, Abas memujuknya supaya beriman ketika baginda sudah dalam perjalanan untuk membebaskan Mekah. Dia pun beriman. Nabi menghargainya dengan menyatakan siapa yang berlindung di rumah Abu Sufian dijamin selamat. Sikap di saat terakhir Abu Sufian itu membantu Nabi masuk Mekah tanpa halangan. Merisik Ku Li dan dia tahu pula membawa diri menyesuaikan dengan keadaan, memberi banyak manfaat kepada semua kecuali UMNO dan BN.
No candidate to replace Anwar yet, says PAS Posted: 03 Aug 2011 05:51 PM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - PAS was forced today to allay concerns that its leaders have been courting Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, declaring that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) does not have any leader in mind as yet to replace Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as opposition leader. The party summoned a special press conference to clarify the issue at its headquarters here where secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali told reporters that he had checked with all leaders concerned and confirmed that the rumours were wrong. He said that in the first place, such a matter would have to be discussed at the PR leadership level and not at any party level. "We (PR) have never discussed who should take over (Anwar). We have not arrived at that bridge yet. Not yet. So the issue does no arise at all," he said, when asked if PR has any candidates in mind as Anwar's replacement. Mustafa pointed out that Anwar's sodomy trial was ongoing and a decision was unlikely to be reached before the next general election. PAS has been at the centre of the controversy, first raised by Bayan Baru MP Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim through the media. According to Zahrain, an independent MP who was formerly from PKR, PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat had met the Kelantan prince, popularly referred to as "Ku Li", to discuss the issue. Nik Aziz denied the accusation last night and likened Zahrain to "trash where insects nest". "I have checked with all and there was no meeting between Tok Guru (Nik Aziz) and Ku Li. It never happened. "It has never been discussed by PR, too. And now, Nik Aziz has also denied it. So where did they get this from? Zahrain?" Mustafa said today, smiling.
Anwar has lost clout: PKR founder Posted: 03 Aug 2011 05:16 PM PDT
(Bernama) -- One of the founders of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Ng Lum Yon, said it was not surprising if the opposition pact had offered Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to be opposition leader. Ng said the opposition pact was now seen as sidelining current Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who had lost influence in the pact. "We see that Anwar is no longer relevant to continue to be (PKR) leader as he has a lot of personal and out of court, plus the sex video case believed to involve him. "Besides, the many promises made by Anwar have not been fulfilled. So, I am not surprised if the opposition pact is looking for an alternative leader," he said when contacted by Bernama, here, today. Ng quit PKR in January this year as he was disappointed with the leadership. He felt the party was no longer fighting for the people's interest but only to fulfil Anwar's wants.
‘Malays less sensitive on corruption than Chinese’ Posted: 03 Aug 2011 05:04 PM PDT
The Chinese are more concerned about corrupt practices of the nation's leaders, says PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu. "But now when we mention to the Malays that Rosmah (Mansor) has a ring costing RM24 million, they are not stunned. But the Chinese are. In that sense the Chinese seem to be practising Islamic culture more than the Malays," he said. Teoh El Sen, Malaysia Today PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu said many Malays do not seem to know that it is part of the Islamic teachings to have zero-tolerance for corruption. Instead, the Chinese seem to be more sensitive and concerned about corrupt practices of the nation's leaders. "The second Qaliph Umar Al Khattab had a large country under his rule and when he often wore new shirts, the people would ask where he got his money from to buy them. "That is what Islam asks of you, to be critical and check your leaders," said Mohamad, better known as Mat Sabu, during a live interview on FMT RAW yesterday. "But now when we mention to the Malays that Rosmah (Mansor) has a ring costing RM24 million, they are not stunned. But the Chinese are. In that sense the Chinese seem to be practising Islamic culture more than the Malays," he said. Mohamad said Malays need to change their mindsets. "Even when I tell them RM28 billion was lost due to corruption in Malaysia, they don't care or can't comprehend but the Chinese, as taxpayers, get angry," he said. Mohamad also said that Umno would totally "collapse" when it comes to the urban and semi-urban seats but Pakatan Rakyat still had a long way to go with rural voters. He touched on how the Umno-controlled mainstream media as well as the National Civics Buerau (Biro Tata Negara) have a hold on the minds of many Malays, and Pakatan needs to find a way to break that strangehold. On the incident where he was allegedly rammed into by a police vehicle when he was on his way to take part in July 9 Bersih 2.0 rally, he said he was disappointed by accusations that he dramatised the whole episode. "That's very low politics. We don't play with health. When Najib (Tun Razak) was sick, we prayed for him, when the Inspector-General of Police had a heart treatment, we prayed. Even with Ibrahim Ali, (although) I don't like him… I called him and wished him a speedy recovery," he said. The incident caused a torn ligament on Mat Sabu's right knee, and as a result he had to undergo an operation at a hospital to insert a metal screw in his knee.
Ku Li issue – ‘Umno diversion tactic’ Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:49 PM PDT
PAS' Mustafa Ali claims that Umno is using the issue to cover up its internal problems, adding that that Pakatan is firmly behind Anwar Ibrahim. (Free Malaysia Today) - The speculation about Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah being roped in to replace Anwar Ibrahim as opposition leader is an Umno diversion tactic, said a PAS leader today. PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali said Umno was attempting to use the issue to cover up the party's internal problems. Speaking at a press conference here, he said that Pakatan Rakyat leaders were firm in their support for Anwar. "I have attended all Pakatan and PAS leaders' meetings and we never discussed anything about replacing Anwar. So it's a non-issue," he added. Last month, Tengku Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, launched the Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) movement in a bid to steer the nation back to the principles expounded by the nation's first premier, Tunku Abdul Rahman. Since then, speculation has been rife that the Umno veteran would switch camps. Two days ago, PAS ulama council chief Harun Taib said that it is not impossible for Tengku Razaleigh to lead the opposition pact provided that he enjoyed the support of Pakatan leaders and the public. Anwar's replacement Asked to comment on Harun's statement, Mustafa said he was unsure of the matter. "I don't know why he said that. That you have to ask him," he added.
Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:44 PM PDT
"Di Malaysia, orang belum boleh menerima isteri seorang PM sebagaimana yang dibuat oleh Rosmah," kata Prof Datuk Dr Zainal Kling. (Free Malaysia Today) - Seorang penganalisis politik tempatan berpendapat Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak kini berdepan dengan masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, di samping timbunan masalah lain. Prof Datuk Dr Zainal Kling berkata, orang melihat Rosmah sebagai lebih menonjol dari Najib sendiri. Di Malaysia, orang belum boleh menerima isteri seorang Perdana Menteri sebagaimana yang dibuat oleh Rosmah. Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya mengenai kepimpinan Najib yang menjadi perbualan banyak pihak termasuk di kalangan orang Umno sendiri. Persatuan Bekas Ahli Parlimen Umno (Penawar) mahu Najib meletakkan jawatan kerana mendakwa tidak berjuang untuk orang Melayu dan negara Malaysia. Setiausaha Agung PAS, Mustaffa Ali pula mendakwa ada kumpulan pimpinan Umno yang mahu Perdana Menteri meletakkan jawatan sebelum pilihan raya umum. Mengulas lanjut, Dr Zainal berkata, rakyat curiga dengan Najib yang cuba membentuk keseimbangan untuk semua orang. Orang Melayu anggap Umno tidak membela mereka, orang Cina dan India pula dakwa kerajaan Umno tidak membela mereka.
Perkasa lapor polis projek kaitan Israel Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:31 PM PDT
Ini bukan perkara remeh memandangkan wujud penglibatan seorang lelaki berbangsa Cina yang mempunyai hubungan intim dengan Israel dan Singapura. (Free Malaysia Today) - Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) menggesa Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menyiasat empat laman blog yang didakwa mendedahkan aktiviti penyelewengan dan penglibatan Israel dalam pemberian projek di ibu pejabat PDRM di Bukit Aman. Menerusi laporan polis di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Dang Wangi di sini tengah hari tadi, Ketua Wira Perkasa Irwan Fahmi Ideris mendakwa pendedahan oleh empat laman blog ini dikesan sejak lapan minggu lalu. Irwan berkata empat laman blog itu termasuklah Darul Ehsan Today, Gerakan Timur, Gerakan Anti PKR dan Keris Putra. Beliau mendakwa pendedahan yang dibuat dalam laman blog itu bukan perkara remeh memandangkan wujud penglibatan seorang lelaki berbangsa Cina yang mempunyai hubungan intim dengan Israel dan Singapura. Malah laman blog Gerakan Anti PKR dengan jelas memaparkan maklumat lengkap termasuklah nombor kontrak projek berkenaan, orang yang terlibat malah maklumat daripada Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SMM).
Ex-army man: I was ‘ordered’ to vote BN Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:27 PM PDT
A former army clerk reveals how he was instructed by his superiors to tick 900 ballots in favour of the ruling coalition. (Free Malaysia Today) - An ex-army personnel claimed that he was instructed by his superiors to vote for Barisan Nasional and admitted that postal votes are often subject to abuse. Nasir Ahmad, a former army clerk at the Sandakan military post in Sabah, made the revelation at a PAS Youth media briefing on electoral fraud here today. In the 1987 general election, Nasir said he and a colleague were instructed to open a bag and tick some 900 postal ballots according to "my taste", an implicit reference to BN. "I took about 400 ballots while my friend Ayub Mat took the rest," he added. Nasir's admission was among the many allegations made in the past by former army personnel who claimed to have followed similar instructions. PAS and its allies in Pakatan Rakyat had long accused BN and the Election Comission of manipulating postal votes to favour the ruling government. The nation's security forces are largely seen as reliable vote banks for BN. The opposition bloc also raised the alarm over the drastic rise in postal voters throughout the country as it prepared to face a pivotal battle in the 13th national polls which was likely to be held early next year.
So who is talking nonsense now, Shafee? Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:11 PM PDT
"It was impossible for Ahmad Sarbaini to stand on the window itself as claimed by Raja Petra. If Raja Petra can do it, then I want to see him try. Raja Petra is talking nonsense. I believe this allegation will not affect the inquest. He is history. Raja Petra has nothing left to talk about, no credibility and not even accepted by the opposition." NO HOLDS BARRED
I remember back in the 1980s when I used to fraternise with the IGP and Deputy IGP. The IGP then was Tun Haniff Omar and his Deputy was Tan Sri Amin -- who later went on to become the Acting IGP when Haniff took one-year sabbatical leave to do law in the UK. What Haniff and Amin told me was very interesting indeed. 90% of the success of the police in solving cases depends on information, they said. Without information, the police would not be able to solve the many cases of crime. And that is why informants are very crucial and the police pay for this information from informants, also known as 'squealers' or 'stool pigeons' -- and what I call Deep Throats. My friend in the Income Tax Department (Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri) also said the same thing. They too depend on informants to catch tax evaders. Most times, the accountants of the tax evaders themselves are these informants. And that is why a reward of 50% of the recovered amount is paid to informants to make it extremely profitable for 'insiders' to turn informants. And the same goes for the Customs Department, said my friend. Without the help of informants, the Customs Department would not be able to conduct raids to catch smugglers. And, again, a handsome reward is paid to these informants. So you see, the Malaysian government and governments all over the world depend on informants, squealers, stool pigeons or Deep Throats to solve crimes and catch criminals. And that too is how Malaysia Today operates. We too depend on Deep Throats for information, just like the Malaysian government and governments all over the world. On 20th July, in Part 7 of "Ahmad Sarbani's death: The lies and deceptions by the MACC", Malaysia Today's Deep Throat revealed that MACC Deputy Director Mohd Fauzi had ordered Ahmad Sarbaini to climb out the window and stand on the ledge. Malaysia Today also said that Ahmad Sarbaini's belt then got stuck on the outer part of the window, which caused him to lose his balance and his life when he fell to his death onto the badminton court below. Malaysia Today did not say that Ahmad Sarbaini was thrown out of the pantry window. Malaysia Today said that he was ordered to stand on the window ledge and that his belt got stuck -- which explained the scratches on his belt buckle. The swift response from the MACC's lawyer, Datuk Seri Shafee Abdullah, was to ridicule what Malaysia Today's Deep Throat had reported. The high-profile lawyer said, "It was impossible for Ahmad Sarbaini to stand on the window itself as claimed by Raja Petra. If Raja Petra can do it, then I want to see him try." Shafee added, "Raja Petra is talking nonsense. I believe this allegation will not affect the inquest. He is history. Raja Petra has nothing left to talk about, no credibility and not even accepted by the opposition." Actually, what Shafee said in Malay was more scathing when he called me "bercakap merapu" and "suka merepek". Now read what the lead forensic pathologist who examined Ahmad Sarbaini, Mohamed Prof Dr Shahrom Abd Wahid, told the Coroner's Court yesterday. He concluded that Ahmad Sarbaini had climbed out of the window, stood on the ledge and lost his balance and fell. The pathologist also told the court the scratches on Ahmad Sarbaini's belt buckle showed that he had tried to climb back into the pantry through the window. This is not a spin by Malaysia Today. This is what The Star published today. And you can read The Star news report below. Malaysia Today said it first on 20th July. Shafee called it nonsense on 21st July. On 3rd August, the forensic pathologist Prof Dr Shahrom confirmed what Malaysia Today said. So who is talking nonsense now, Shafee? **************************************** Wednesday August 3, 2011 An accidental death, says pathologist By LISA GOH, The Star KUALA LUMPUR: The lead forensic pathologist who examined Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed told the Coroner's Court here that he died an "accidental death". "Ahmad Sarbaini landed on his right knee first, followed almost simultaneously by his left knee, his right forearm, left wrist, the fronto-parietal area (top front area of the head) and the facial part of the head. "The injury to the head was very severe," said Prof Dr Shahrom Abd Wahid, who is from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He opined that even if Ahmad Sarbaini had survived, he would have been in a vegetative state. He was testifying in an inquest into the death of Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbaini who was found dead on the first floor of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) building on April 6. Prof Shahrom conducted a second post mortem on Ahmad Sarbaini, 56, on April 7, twenty-four hours after his death to allow for a clearer detection of some wounds. He concurred with the findings of forensic pathologist Assoc Prof Dr Faridah Mohd Noor, who had earlier stated that Ahmad Sarbaini's cause of death was "severe head injuries and positional asphyxia due to a fall from height". The courtroom was transformed into a scene from the CSI television series as Dr Shahrom explained his findings with the aid of photos, pictures and diagrams. In his testimony yesterday which lasted about four hours, Prof Shahrom came out of the witness stand to demonstrate his point of how Ahmad Sarbaini landed on the ground. The court was also shown still-shots taken from the video of a re-enactment of the fall done by stuntman Mohd Asri Ramli, and Prof Shahrom compared Mohd Asri's body position while falling against the position of Ahmad Sarbaini's body when he was found on the badminton court. He concluded that Ahmad Sarbaini had climbed out of the window, stood on the ledge and lost his balance and fell. The pathologist also told the court the scratches on Ahmad Sarbaini's belt buckle showed that he had tried to climb back into the pantry through the window. Based on the evidence, he also dismissed the possibility that Ahmad Sarbaini had died of natural causes, homicide or suicide. Hearing before Coroner Aizatul Akmal Maharani continues today. |
CNBC drops flagship show over paid Malaysian interviews Posted: 03 Aug 2011 02:38 PM PDT
By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — International news broadcaster CNBC has confirmed cancelling its flagship show World Business as allegations of impropriety surface linking the programme to FBC Media, a British firm apparently paid millions of ringgit by Putrajaya and Sarawak to shine their images globally. The satellite news channel said it has also started investigating FBC Media's business practices, in what is seen as a bid to remove itself from being tainted by any possible scandal that could smear it like the phone-hacking allegations that ended the 168-year-old News of The World last month. "In response to your question below, you are correct in that we have withdrawn World Business in the light of serious questions raised last week and we have initiated an examination of FBC and its business practices," Charlotte Westgate, CNBC's vice-president of marketing and communications, told The Malaysian Insider in an email last night. The news of CNBC's popular business news programme, under the eye of its managing editor John Defterios, being dumped was first reported yesterday by Sarawak Report. In the story "CNBC Dumps FBC Media!", the London-based whistleblower said the decision came on the heels of its earlier expose disclosing how Malaysia's powerful ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians have been paying FBC Media millions of ringgit a year out of public coffers "to buy them positive publicity on the show". The Sarawak Report listed the ruling coalition politicians as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, his predecessor Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Taib Mahmud. "Allowing slots to be purchased in this way, deceiving millions of viewers who thought they were watching impartial programming, is a serious breach of broadcasting laws, for which broadcasters such as CNBC's parent company, the American broadcasting giant NBC, would be held ultimately responsible," Sarawak Report said. CNBC's Westgate, however, declined further comment on the case for the time being. FBC Media is also said to have dealings with British national broadcaster BBC and US-based CNN. The Malaysian Insider tried to contact both FBC and CNN to clarify Sarawak Report's potentially damaging allegations, but have received no response at the time this report is published. Award-winning journalist Defterios, who recently interviewed Najib in London for CNN, had been criticised for lobbing softball questions compared to the hard-nosed probing befitting a 25-year veteran of his standing in financial news global affairs, raising questions over a possible conflict of interest. A full transcript of the interview as released by CNN on July 14, just days after the controversial July 9 public rally for clean and fair elections organised by Bersih 2.0, showed Defterios failing to press his interviewee for details over the BN government's response even as videos depicted policemen cracking down on marchers. Below is an extract of the transcript:
Posted: 03 Aug 2011 02:35 PM PDT By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider PAS claimed today of a huge uprising within Umno to oust Datuk Seri Najib Razak amid fears that the prime minister and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor would cost Barisan Nasional (BN) its hold on Putrajaya in the coming polls. But the Islamist party claimed that Najib was fully aware of this movement and has refused to step down as he is determined to lead BN into the polls, expected to be held in coming months. PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali told a press conference here today that this was the reason Umno had purportedly "engineered" rumours that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders have been courting Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to replace Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as opposition leader. Mustafa would not say if the anti-Najib movement was led by the latter's deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, but claimed that he had received the information from reliable sources. He added that the movement was significant, involves leaders from the upper echelons of the ruling party and would rear its head soon. "They feel that Najib-Rosmah has become a liability to BN and they want him to step down because they fear this will affect their performance in the coming elections," he said. He said that, among others, Umno leaders fear that the scandals involving Najib and Rosmah, such as the Scorpene submarines purchase and its link to the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaaribuu, would affect voter sentiment towards BN during the polls. Opposition leaders have repeatedly linked Najib and Rosmah to the scandal, which is currently being probed in France, and the government's recent decision to deport French lawyer William Bourdon fuelled their suspicion further. Rosmah has also been criticised for her purportedly extravagant spending habits, with latest news reports claiming that she had purchased a RM24 million diamond ring from world-renowned jeweller Jacob & Co. "You cannot separate Najib and Rosmah," Mustafa said, when asked if Najib's detractors were merely unhappy with the prime minister's wife and not him. He added that his allegation was not an attempt to wage a "psychological war" against Umno, claiming that the movement was a "real thing". "Najib is aware but he is adamant. He has said 'no'," said Mustafa. An online news portal reported on speculation of the revolt yesterday, claiming that Najib's detractors were former Umno MPs from Penawar who were aligned to Muhyiddin. The news report said that Penawar, headed by ex-Cabinet minister Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin who was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's fomer political secretary, had decided at a meeting last week that it was time for Najib to step down. |
Christian cleric condemns Jais raid on PJ church Posted: 03 Aug 2011 02:25 PM PDT By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider In an immediate reaction, Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) secretary-general Rev Hermen Shastri hit out at Selangor's Islamic religious authorities for "storming" a Petaling Jaya church last night on questionable grounds. The Malaysian Insider reported earlier this morning that some 30 policemen and enforcement officers from the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) had barged unannounced and without a warrant into a multiracial dinner at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) here last night over an unspecified complaint. But Shastri said he understands the raid was linked to attempts to preach to Malay Muslims about Christianity. "Apparently there was a police report by Jais on proselytising to Malays," he told The Malaysian Insider when contacted. "The facts of what happened are yet unclear but the Council of Churches view with great concern this development and call on the government to take whatever action necessary to curb the power of Jais to just go into the religious places of other communities and conduct their investigations," he added. The vocal Christian slammed Jais for resorting to such high-handed action in conducting its investigations without first checking with the church leaders. "This is unprecedented. Should the authorities have any concern, the courteous thing to do is to contact the church for clarification," he said. "Before [they] enter any place of worship, they should talk to the leader. They should not storm the church. Imagine how it would look if someone stormed a mosque," he continued, saying Jais' act was "totally unacceptable" when various groups were trying to build a harmonious community in line with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's unifying 1 Malaysia call. Shastri, who is on the Cabinet's Special Committee to Promote Harmony and Understanding Among Religious Adherents set up last year is expected to raise this issue to Putrajaya's attention. He co-chairs an interfaith subcommittee aimed at resolving peaceably disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims. A DUMC pastor, Daniel Ho had told The Malaysian Insider last night that the church had hosted a thanksgiving dinner organised by a non-governmental organisation called Harapan Komuniti that was attended by between 100 and 120 guests of all races. "This is a dinner for people to come in the 1 Malaysia spirit," Ho said, adding they were mainly Christian although he admitted there were "there were about 15 or so Malays."
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