After that, Ho Hup's auditors discovered that Gani Patail's assistance to Vincent Lye went beyond just friendship. Vincent Lye had also bribed Gani Patail. But Vincent Lye was a cheapskate and he used Ho Hup's funds to pay for various renovation works for Gani Patail's second wife's house in Seremban.
Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Unholy Trinity of Gani Patail, Shahidan Shafee and Tajudin Ramli
Last year, Malaysia Today revealed Attorney-General Gani Patail's pilgrimage to Mekah that he and his family performed together with Tajudin Ramli's proxy, ex-police officer cum lawyer Shahidan Shafee.
It was a free Haj trip, paid for by Shahidan.
This is what we call corruption in the name of Allah and adds a new dimension to the concept of money laundering. Dirty money, when used to finance your trip to Mekah to perform the Haj, becomes squeaky-clean money.
Is JAKIM going to now come out with a new fatwah regarding whether your Haj trip, paid for with dirty money, is true Haj or bullshit Haj? Or is JAKIM only concerned about whether Muslims wear Santa Claus hats on Christmas Day?

Now, this was not just a wild allegation of 40% truth and 60% lie, as Mukhriz Mahathir would say. Malaysia Today provided Tabung Haji documents that clearly showed they travelled together and shared rooms like one big happy family of Mafia Dons.

This revelation caused an uproar, but only for a short while, because, as Tun Dr Mahathir said: Melayu mudah lupa. This Haj trip of Gani Patail is reminiscent of Chief Justice Eusoffe Chin's holiday to New Zealand with that infamous lawyer, VK Linggam, who made the phrase 'correct, correct, correct' popular.
As expected, and as is customary of how things are done in Malaysia, nothing much came out of this revelation. In fact, Gani Patail was 'investigated' and cleared by the MACC Operations Evaluation Panel (PPO) chairman, Tan Sri Dr Hadenan Abdul Jalil, who said that the case has been dropped because the investigation showed "no testimony to any criminal offence."
Okay, for those who do not understand what this means, in simple English it means NFA (no further action). In Chinese they would say 'I scratch your back and you scratch mine'. The Umno Members of Parliament call it the 'close one eye' syndrome.
Last week, the de facto Minister for Law, Nazri Aziz, directing the GLCs to withdraw their civil suits against Tajudin Ramli. Why do they want to do this? Well, according to Nazri, this is to help save the government a lot of unnecessary expenditure because court cases cost money.
Then again, could this be because of what Malaysia Today has been saying regarding Tajudin Ramli cutting a deal with the government? Nah! It cannot be. That would be dishonest and criminal in nature. Surely the government would not dare do something that illegal.
If you can also remember, Malaysia Today also revealed that Gani Patail used his prosecutorial powers to help his corporate friends involved in boardroom tussles. Malaysia Today provided a picture of Gani Patail with Dato Vincent Lye at the Ho Hup Bhd office.
After that trip, Vincent Lye's adversary in the boardroom tussle, Dato' TC Low, was charged in court for a very minor technical offence in order to tilt the balance in Vincent Lye's favour. Unfortunately for Vincent Lye, the minority shareholders ganged up on him and booted him out during an EGM.

AG Gani Patail with Dato' Vincent Lye at Ho Hup's Office
After that, Ho Hup's auditors discovered that Gani Patail's assistance to Vincent Lye went beyond just friendship. Vincent Lye had also bribed Gani Patail. But Vincent Lye was a cheapskate and he used Ho Hup's funds to pay for various renovation works for Gani Patail's second wife's house in Seremban.
Now see the documents below of how Vincent had used Ho Hup's company funds to gratify his friends in the corridors of power.
So, will the MACC now charge Gani Patail?
Many have been hauled to the MACC office and were thrown out of the window for less than this. And this not only involves a larger amount but also involves the number one man in the AG's office.
Now let's see what the MACC is going to do. I place my bet on the MACC doing nothing and that Gani Patail will continue to serve and will retire a very rich man.
I suppose it is true when they say that Cina baruah Melayu. Is this not a case of the Chinese paying for the cost of the Malay's bonking partner?

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