Ahad, 14 Ogos 2011

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

UMNO - Lebih memberi masalah dari menyelesaikannya

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 05:18 PM PDT

Di dalam keghairahan untuk mementingkan keuntungan peribadi ini maka segala nilai-nilai murni dalam sesuatu sistem politik itu akan secara beransur-ansur luntur dan akan wujud krisis keyakinan yang merbahayakan negara dan rakyat.

Najib sedang menghadapi masalah yang sama, iaitu masalah mewarisi pusaka kepimpinan yang sudah tersedia lemah dan ternoda. Najib sendiri merupakan seorang 'untested leader' kerana beliau naik ketahap tertinggi parti dan negara kerana permainan 'play save' dan tidak pernah bertanding di dalam mana-mana jawatan yang beliau pegang. Lagi pun beliau adalah pemimpin yang wujud melalui pengaruh keluarga sebagai anak bekas Perdana Menteri.

Sehingga beliau duduk di kerusi PM ini beliau tidak pernah di cabar dan tercabar dan beliau hanya mendapat segala-galanya melalui pengaruh Tun Razak itu sahaja. Itulah sebabnya beliau hanya menyelesaikan masalah politik negara dengan sentimen tanpa 'idea' yang bernas untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara politik yang baik dan 'conclusive'.

Beliau menyelesaikan masalah dengan membeli sokongan tetapi beliau membelinya dengan premis politik yang salah. Palanivel dilantik menjadi ahli jemaah Kabinet semata-mata kerana hendak memujuk kaum India bagi menghadapi pilihanraya yang akan datang. Tindakan Najib hanya menumpukan untuk undi pilihanraya tanpa memikirkan consequence yang akan timbul dari tindakan beliau itu.

Najib adalah seorang 'elected representative' tetapi beliau di kerumuni oleh 'rejected representative'.. Dengan perlantikan Palanivel di dalam Kabinet Najib telah menambah seorang lagi Menteri yang mewakili 'rejected rep' ini. Sharizat Jalil dilantik di dalam Kabinet walaupun beliau dikalahkan oleh Nurul Izzah Anwar dan Koh Tsu Koon yang tertewas dengan majoriti yang besar di Batu Kawan telah dilantik ke dalam Kabinet.

Melantik Palanivel itu ialah untuk mendapatkan sokongan kaum India yang telah berpecah mengambil tempat di dalam parti-parti lain samada dalam parti Kerajaan atau parti pembangkang. Wakil mereka di Parlimen sudah ramai walaupun kaum India hanya kaum yang kecil di dalam negara ini. Kaum India merupakan kaum yang saya hormati di dalam politik kerana mereka membina kepimpinan mereka di dalam banyak parti.

Tetapi MCA yang sekarang ini masih mempunyai 15 ahli Parlimen tidak pula diwakili dalam Kabinet oleh Presidennya Chua Soi Lek. Raja Nong Chik dan beberapa orang yang lain yang tidak pernah dipilih oleh rakyat dijadikan Menteri Kabinet. Jawatan Menteri itu di jadikan sebagai umpan untuk mendapat sokongan dari pihak dan kumpulan tertentu dan perlantikan mereka bukan di dasarkan kepada kebolehan dan disokong rakyat yang ramai.

Kita sudah tidak terkejut jika ada lagi individu yang di anggap penting untuk menampal yang koyak dan menyambung yang putus akan dilantik menjadi Menteri.

Janji Najib untuk mengecilkan saiz kabinet setelah Pak Lah melantik 32 orang ahli jemaah kabinet dahulu hanya tinggal janji. Akhirnya beliau telah melantik 41 orang ahli kabinet (termasuk duta yang bertaraf Menteri) dan ini merupakan rekod dalam sejarah negara sebagai barisan kabinet yang paling besar. Amerika Syarikat yang merupakan 52 kali ganda besar keluasan negaranya dari Semenanjung Malaysia dan 12 kali ganda jumlah penduduknya hanya mempunyai 21 orang ahli kabinet mereka.Perlu diingat Amerika Syarikat adalah negara demokrasi dan ekonomi terbesar dunia dan negara itu tidak memerlukan 40 orang Jemaah Kabinet.

Sebagai sebuah kerajaan kita mempunyai pemimpin-pemimpin yang terlalu rendah sahsiahnya. Sahsiah seseorang itu selalunya terbentuk dari didikan yang diterima mereka dari guru-guru dan ibu bapa mereka. Sekarang kita hari-hari mendengar kata-kata yang tidak bermoral dan sahsiah dari penyokong-penyokong kerajaan dengan menggunakan kata-kata kesat apabila ada pihak yang berpandangan politik tidak sehaluan.

Bagi mereka, UMNO sahaja parti yang semua umat mesti sokong. Jika tidak mereka (penyokong UMNO) tidak gemar dengan orang lain mereka akan menggunakan istilah kotor seperti anjing, babi celaka dan sebagainya. Bagi mereka ini tidak mahu mendengar perkara yang tidak sedap. Mereka hanya mahukan pujian dan dukungan tetapi mereka tidak menjaga sahsiah diri dan politik mereka. Kelaukuan mereka memalukan dan diperhatikan oleh rakyat secara terangan. 



MAS-Air Asia swap: A shroud of mystery

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 05:09 PM PDT

After undergoing fairly lengthy tests, it turns out I've been asthmatic for quite many months. Having undergone the treatment, I am feeling much better now. Not fully recovered, but physically better.

A word of advice: Never underestimate that common COUGH.

As much as I am yearning to comeback fighting on the MAS issues, I will have to pace myself. For one, I will have to analyse what was the meaning behind the meaning of Tun Dr Mahathir's supportive words for the swap excercise. He hoped MAS can learn how to reduce cost.

Thus I'll not start going Tora! Tora! Tora! to blast every other insider input I get but to compile and review the various views already expressed on the issue. A friendly, elderly and wiser advise told me to remain supportive of Dato Najib.

We'll start with Miriam Mokhtar's column on FMT here minus the caustic sarcasm part on Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli. That issue will be covered differently. Remember that this blog was the one to debunk the RM8 billion slanderous claim on Tajuddin.

Not forgetting her terrible treatment of Pehin Seri Taib Mahmud leading to the Sarawak State Election in April 2011, the gist of Miriam's column provide a background view of this issue. She expressed the concern of opposition politicians like Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad on matter of competitiveness, monopoly and business fairplay.

After all, the Government embarked on an Airline Rationalisation Plan in 2005 to promote competition within local aviation industry but not saved from being shrouded with intrigue.

Why is the MAS/AirAsia merger necessary? Was it to help MAS or AirAsia? No one really knows as this deal is shrouded in mystery.


Malaysian Insider’s sinister agenda to divert away from ‘share-swap deal’

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 05:02 PM PDT

Suspiciously, looks like Kalimullah "Riong Kali" Hassan playing his cards to deflect the issue away.

The Malaysian Insider the past few days felt that it was important to highlight the current suit and counter suit between Danaharta and former Malaysia Airlines, TRI and Naluri Chairman Tan Sri Tajuddin. They were compelled to skew the on-going civil case, even to a point of false reporting and getting quotations meant to demonise a onetime power Malay business baron.

They even got quotations from the Opposition, to show the ruling party's patronage on certain business personalities is still very much alive, just like former-abuse-of-power-convict Anwar "Mat King Leather" Ibrahim's immediate charge against then Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad when the former was sacked as Deputy Prime Minister on 2 September 1998, 'cronyism'.

The case was about complications of a business loan spinning into a very vicious cycle and eventually turned bad. A straight forward term loan was raised by Tajuddin as a 'privatisation project to improve financial and profitability of Malaysia Airlines'. Many also want to be believe that then he was asked to take over Malaysia Airlines from Bank Negara in 1994 for RM 1.792 billion. The taking-over of Malaysia Airlines shares from Bank Negara alone was a story which has a very interesting history to it.

The RM 1.792 billion was raised via a term loan syndicated through RHB Bank. The collateral of the loan then was 130 million of TRI shares, 309.6 million of Naluri shares and 45.2 million of Promet Langkawi shares.

Then came the Asian financial crisis of 1997/8. Business was bad and Tajuddin and his group was cash strapped. His loan defaulted. It became non-performing loan.

As an after math of the 1997/8 Asian Financial crisis, RM 90 billion worth of loans defaulted and became non performing loans (NPLs). Government of Malaysia set up Danaharta to take-over these NPLs from the financial institution so that they could move on. Instead, Danaharta would do its best to either supervise a recovery plan to for turn-around and make these NPLs productive or recover the most from these NPLs, which include liquidating it.

An extract of a Bank Negara presentation in 2005:

•Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Berhad ("Danaharta") was established by the Malaysian Government in June 1998 to address the non-performing loans ("NPLs") problem plaguing the banking system during the Asian financial crisis.
•The NPL resolution agency, euphemistically known as the national asset management company ("AMC"), was established as a pre-emptive measure to avert a failure in the banking system.
•Danaharta's objectives are:
–to remove NPLs from the banking system to allow banks to concentrate on their core business of lending to viable borrowers (completed in March 2001)
–to maximise recovery from its NPL portfolio (ongoing till 2005)

So, Danaharta took over these loans from the banks at 30sen from the nominal RM 1.00 value. After a series of discussion which involved the Government of Malaysia, Tajuddin entered into a Settlement Agreement with Danaharta on 8 October 2001.

Considering Danaharta took over the balance of Tajuddin's loan amounting to RM 942 million for RM 300 million, it was agreed that the repayment tranche was broken into four:



Imam digantung kerana sertai Bersih 2.0

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 12:32 PM PDT

Beliau Hassan Md Said, imam masjid Kampung Ladang sudah berkhidmat selama 14 tahun.

Menurut surat yang ditandatangani Pengarah Jabatan Agama Johor, Elias Hasran, penggantungan Hassan bermula pada tarikh 2 Ogos lalu sehingga 2 November 2011.

Tanpa menyatakan kesalahan Hassan dengan jelas, surat itu hanya menyatakan tindakan penggantungan itu kerana Hassan "melanggar beberapa arahan Majlis Agama Islam Johor melalui Pejabat Kadi Daerah Johor Bharu.

Selain penggantungan sebagai imam tersebut, Hassan juga disekat dari mendapat surat tauliah sebagai Pegawai Amil Zakat Fitrah bagi penduduk Kampung Ladang biarpun lulus kedua-dua ujian saringan yang dijalankan.

Difahamkan, sewaktu beliau ingin mengambil tauliah tersebut pada masa yang telah ditetapkan, pegawai JAJ yang bertugas menyatakan penangguhan pemberian tauliah kepada beliau dan terpapar dalam senarai nama penerima tauliah bahawa namanya telah ditandakan merah.

Lebih merumitkan, Hassan juga telah dinafikan haknya untuk menerima elaun bantuan dari Persatuan Nelayan Kampung Gelang Patah yang sepatutnya diterima oleh semua ahli persatuan sejak sekian lama yang bernilai RM 350.

Pada hari himpunan Bersih 2.0 Julai lalu, Hassan adalah antara 1600 peserta himpunan yamg ditangkap pihak polis.

Beliau ditangkap ketika memasuki bandar Kuala Lumpur kira-kira jam 11 pagi iaitu sebelum himpunan sebenar bermula kira-kira jam 2 petang.

Read more at: http://bloglistpolitik.blogspot.com/2011/08/imam-digantung-kerana-sertai-bersih-20.html

Mainstreaming the lunatic fringe?

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 09:54 AM PDT

And many a time, these public expressions have without exception insulted the intelligence of the average Malaysians, irrespective of ethnic and religious backgrounds.

What's equally disturbing is that such articulation has caused hurt, pain and even outrage among the people who have been subjected to these irrational outbursts from the lunatic fringe. 'Lunatic fringe' here refers to the fanatical, extremist or irrational members of society who seem to be on the rise lately. Perkasa and other groups of similar disposition come to mind immediately.

This political posturing of the lunatic fringe could possibly pose a threat to our ethnic relations as well as national security.

And yet de facto law minister Nazri Aziz insists irrationally that Malaysia's political landscape has changed so drastically that what was taboo or "sensitive" a few years ago is now acceptable to Malaysians.

"Sensitive matters are now being discussed in the open," he told The Malaysian Insider (20 May 2011) recently. He added, "When something is mentioned all the time, it becomes less sensitive and this is a good thing because then things can be mentioned but people will not take offence of it."

Nazri's statement was made in the context of the recent claim by certain blogs and subsequently quoted by the irrepressible and irresponsible Utusan Malaysia that the Christian community in Malaysia was involved in a conspiracy to replace Islam with Christianity as the official religion of the federation. This matter, as it turned out, became easy fodder for groups such as Perkasa to publicly express their dismay and disgust and to agitate – although armed with no iota of evidence!

Freedom of expression or freedom to incite?

The minister's 'explanation' seems to imply that freedom of expression and of the press is in full swing in contemporary Malaysia. Is this really so?

I don't think so. If anything, this so-called freedom of expression has been applied by the powers that be in a very selective manner. When was the last time Malaysians were encouraged, let alone permitted, to publicly discuss pertinent but 'sensitive' issues such as religious conversion that has implications on a couple's children, meritocracy, the brain drain, institutional racism, the NEP; history text books and the ISA, to name but a few?

Anyway, to follow the minister's argument to its logical conclusion, does freedom of expression provide the licence to the citizenry to mouth racist remarks that could well spark ethno-religious uneasiness or even conflict in multi-ethnic and multireligious Malaysia? Have the authorities subscribed to the creed that freedom of expression includes the right to cause hatred among ethnic and religious communities?

If so, wouldn't this new political philosophy run counter to and make a mockery of Prime Minister Najib Razak's recent plea at Oxford University for moderates from all religious communities to join hands in promoting justice, freedom, hope, compassion and goodwill (The Malaysian Insider, 17 May 2011) ? Or was that mere PR spiel for the international crowd?

If the Najib administration is serious about reining in the extremist and irrational elements in our midst, one would have thought that he and his cabinet ministers would have reprimanded and condemned the wild utterings of the lunatic fringe. Of course, we're not suggesting that the federal government make use of such undemocratic legal tools as the ISA, but at the very least Malaysians expect him to make a public statement to categorically denounce such extremist expressions.



The Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Story: Of Plunder, Abuses and Lies

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 11:51 PM PDT

It is clear to me that the plunder of MAS 10 years ago when Tajuddin Ramli controlled 29% of its shares is about to repeat itself with the entry of Tony Fernandes as MAS's new 20% shareholder. And Tony Fernandes did not even have to pay for these shares. All he did was to swap shares with Khazanah. For every 2 shares in MAS, Tony gave Khazanah only 1 share in AirAsia.

That AirAsia will gain from having Khazanah as a shareholder is clear. They will now have "government" muscle to achieve what they could not before. But let me leave that to the financial analysts to comment and write about.

The so-called "Global Settlement" or Bailout?

I have previously written about the "Global Settlement" that the government-linked companies (GLCs) are forced to enter with former Malaysia Airlines Chairman, Tajuddin Ramli. This Malay tycoon plundered the national carrier to the bones. Yet, to this day he lives in absolute luxury in his ranch at Kuang, which he pretentiously calls Ar-Raudhah or the Garden of Paradise.

That Tajuddin is immune from prosecution should not come as a surprise. This was already to be expected when Malaysia Today exposed that Tajuddin's proxy, Shahidan Shafie, had gone to Haj as part of AG Gani Patail's family.  In case readers have forgotten,please see the official Tabung Haji document below:

Shahidan's name had also surfaced in court documents when the "Global Settlement" was first flouted in court. Read paragraph 4 of this document (below) that appeared in various  blogs last year. At that time, I had already known that Shahidan is also close to Nazri Aziz and other UMNO leaders. This was convenient to allow Tajuddin to still cut deals without being seen.



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