Ahad, 21 Ogos 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Where has Malay Nationalism gone to?

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 08:51 PM PDT

Where is UMNO's main appeal? It appeals to the Malay ground that adopts the cruder form of Malay nationalism, the sledgehammer variety so enthusiastically expounded by organizations like Perkasa. But that variety of base and crude nationalism is dying. The new generation of Malay voters adopt different values and have different expectations.

You can see what form of nationalism they subscribed to- making out the case that Bersih march for example was masterminded by Malaysian Indians out to topple the Malay government. They thought that would turn the Malay ground xenophobic until they discovered the majority of the marchers were Malays.  You get disappointed that you can no longer reduce the issue to a simple Malay- non Malay clash.

What's the other important thing to the Malays? Their religion- comes the answer. So UMNO leaders came out accusing homely Ambiga as a threat to Islam. Still no go as that would assume the Malay faith in their religion is so fragile that even the appearance of Ambiga who is probably remotely interested in another person's religious denomination, is sufficient to shake the religious fiber of the Malay ground. Still no one buys that argument as it died out as quickly as it was raised.  

Hmm, let's try communism, that godless creed. The Malay's hatred for communism seemed to be a possible source to limit empathy from the Malay ground. So pictures of Shamsiah Fakeh a member of the Malay communist regiment of the 1940s were resurrected and given prominence. The idea was to say that Bersih marchers were communism inspired.

The feeble attempt was non impactful because the attempted association with communism goes against mainstream logic; no one country in the world is sticking around communism. Even China has gone free market. Why would a band of marchers, marched in the cause of communism?

Face it. UMNO can't appeal any longer to the cruder form of xenophobic nationalism or group pride.

Let's ask calmly, where has Malay nationalism migrated to? The answer to me is it hasn't migrated anywhere. But Malay nationalism has mutated into the finer form of nationalism which finds expression in variegated forms of universal causes. Example. The abhorrence for corruption is one reconstituted form of the previously crude form of nationalism. Revulsion towards other races has tuned to a more universal revulsion for corruption for example. Because corruption cuts across and affects the interest no longer of distinct groups, but the whole country. It undermines the moral fiber of the whole nation.

Wasn't the principal idea of the original nationalism was to inculcate one's love for the country and one's love for the country finds expression in a more universal desire to protect the country's interest as a whole? The crude form of nationalism which is essentially irrational chauvinism exist as an insignificant subset to the wider and more universal nationalism. It exists among the inhabitants of the lunatic underworld.



Biometrics – The cash cow for Umno elections

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 07:49 PM PDT


The Umno elections might be more than a year away but those who want to go to the top need to make their money from last year. Otherwise, how to be number 1.

Let's face it. Jibby Razak is out of the picture. He can't get two-thirds majority in the next general election without whole-scale cheating. He's not used to fighting or cheating because he doesn't need to fight.

Have you ever seen him fight for a post? Not for Umno Youth. Also not in the 1993 Umno elections when he was part of the Wawasan Team led by Anwar "Mat Leather King" Ibrahim.

But others have to fight. And they all need money to fight, to buy votes, to guarantee loyalty among the Umno voters and delegates. Lots of money lah.

That's where biometrics comes in. Create a system that no one needs and make money off the migrants, the workers, the illegals and anyone else looking to use cheap labour.

After all, what is RM300 per illegal? Cheap what. Multiply with the 2 million illegals and plus re-registering those who are legal? Money in the bag lah.

Who's in on it? The question to ask is, who isn't in on it? It's the biggest racket that involves Umno's senior politicians who want to take over from Najib.

Read more at: http://biometricscandal.wordpress.com/2011/08/20/biometrics-the-cash-cow-for-umno-elections/

Ada Batu (Rocky) Dalam Selimut

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 07:45 PM PDT

Some people in PMO have been wondering why PM has been acting weird lately. Is it because of pressure from Bersih? Is he worried about elections?

Maybe. But the real reasons are that history has a way of repeating itself.

In 2006 and 2007 a certain Batu by the name of Rocky aka Datuk Ahirudin Atan made his move against that sleepyhead PM Pak Lah. Being asleep Pak Lah had no idea what was happening.

Rockybru, the self-proclaimed tai ko of SoPo bloggers organised a full on assault against sleepyhead. Backed by Dr M, Rocky influenced public opinion against Pak Lah, and helped oust the sleeping PM.

In stepped our current PM Datuk Seri Najib.

Here's where it gets interesting. Rocky is doing the same thing again. But this time against our current PM.

By next month Rocky will have his new news blog set up. Operating from an office in a nice KL suburb, Rocky will be ably assisted by his side kick Shamsul Akmar Musa Kamal.

Notice how Rocky in his blog has already been laying the groundwork on his blog by attacking certain deals.

Well wait for his new venture.

But the really interesting thing is who is backing his new venture financially.

If you were to find out you would think these were some of Najib's closest allies.

Read more at: http://catoutofbag.wordpress.com/2011/08/20/ada-batu-rocky-dalam-selimut/

Pilih Perdana Menteri mengikut Perlembagaan - Cara konvensyen sudah ketinggalan zaman

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 04:17 PM PDT

Pemilihan Perdana Menteri secara konvensyen ini menyumbang banyak masalah kepada negara kerana pimpinan UMNO akhir-akhir ini sudah tidak mampu lagi untuk mengekalkan kredibiliti sebagai parti yang unggul untuk dijadikan sebagai badan siasah yang mampu menjadi tunjang kepada pemerintahan negara.

Bagi saya kita perlu memilih Perdana Menteri mengikut peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan negara, iaitu Perdana Menteri dipilih di kalangan ahli-ahli Parlimen yang mendapat kepercayaan di dalam Dewan Parlimen itu. Dengan cara ini maka risiko rakyat mendapat pemimpin yang tidak bertanggungjawab akan berkurangan.

Jika pucuk pimpinan UMNO itu dipegang oleh seorang pemimpin yang terlalu di ragui oleh rakyat maka negara akan menjadi kacau bilau politiknya. Keadaan sekarang sudah berlainan. Dulu UMNO dipimpin oleh mereka yang mengutamakan negara tetapi sekarang UMNO di pimpin oleh mereka yang mahu jadi ketua kepada negara walaupun tidak berkepimpinan. Seorang ketua tidak semestinya mempunyai kepimpinan.

UMNO sudah tidak mungkin mampu untuk memilih kepimpinan yang betul kerana sistem pemilihan secara delegasi itu masih diamalkan. Dengan bercambahnya kegiatan rasuah politik sekarang ini maka, hanya mereka yang berkuasa dan mempunyai kewangan yang besar sahaja yang akan menjadi pemimpin. Pendeknya UMNO tidak lagi mampu untuk mempersembahkan kepada rakyat pimpinan yang benar-benar berkepimpinan.

Mereka yang jujur dan berkepimpinan yang sepatutnya di persembahkan kepada rakyat. Pemimpin-pemimpin yang berkepimpinan hanya duduk di tepian dan inilah masalah yang paling rumit dan sukar untuk di perbaiki. Yang hendak kita selamatkan ialah negara yang mempunyai penduduk yang berbilang kaum ini.

Bagi pandangan yang bertanggungjawab pemilihan Perdana Menteri melalui pemilihan di Dewan Parlimen itu lah yang paling sesuai untuk masa dan generasi sekarang. Hanya yang perlu di lakukan ialah untuk memilih di kalangan ahli Parlimen Melayu yang beragama Islam untuk di tonjolkan dan dan disokong oleh Dewan Rakyat itu, tidak kira dari parti apa sekali pun.

Pandangan ini jangan di anggap sebagai pandangan di luar kotak. Ianya ada termaktub di dalam perlembagaan negara. Tidak ada parti dalam negara ini samada di dalam BN atau pembangkang yang menolak kenyataan yang negara ini mesti di pimpin oleh seorang Melayu tetapi Melayu itu biarlah Melayu yang berwibawa dan di hormati serta diterima oleh semua kaum dan pihak. PAS mengakui yang pimpinan negara kita mesti di kalangan Melayu dan beragama Islam. DAP pun begitu. DAP tidak mahu mencuba untuk mengambil tempat Perdana Menteri atau Menteri-Menteri Besar kecuali di dua buah negeri-negeri 'Straits Settlement' iaitu Pulau Pinang dan Melaka.

DAP mengakui serta menerima yang negeri-negeri bersekutu dan tidak bersekutu mesti diketuai oleh seorang Ketua Eksekutif Melayu yang beragama Islam. Ini jelas tetapi pihak yang memerintah tidak mahu memberikan gambaran yang sebenarnya ini kerana permainan politik untuk mengelirukan pandangan ramai terhadap isu ini.

Cara konvensyen ini hanya boleh di teruskan jika UMNO berjaya mencari seorang pemimpin yang dihormati ramai. Memenangi kerusi Presiden UMNO itu hanya merupakan pilihan ahli-ahli UMNO tetapi dia bukan pilihan orang ramai. Sebenarnya pemilihan itu bukannya pemilihan ahli-ahli UMNO yang ramai pada hakikatnya tetapi hanya pemilihan dari delegasi seramai 3 ribu orang sahaja.

Masakan pilihan 3 ribu manusia Melayu yang menjadi delegasi dalam pemilihan itu merupakan satu representasi bagi 29 juta rakyat negara? Yang 3 ribu orang itu pun selalunya dikongkong oleh permainan politik wang dan kuasa yang sangat merbahaya kepada masa depan politik dan kesetabilan negara. Ramai di antara delegasi itu memilih pada siapa yang membayar mereka. Itu sebabnya ramai di antara perwakilan itu boleh membeli kereta baru dan menyelesaikan masalah hutang rumah dan sebagainya.

Mahu tidak mahu kita wajar mengakui yang UMNO tidak memilih pemimpin yang berkemampuan tetapi yang memilih pada siapa yang paling berkuasa dan mempunyai wang yang banyak dan bertimbun. Selagi isu ini tidak dibereskan selagi itulah negara tidak akan dapat pemimpin yang sebenarnya.

Kita terpaksa memilih seorang Perdana Menteri 'beyond the domain of political parties'. Kita perlukan pembaharuan yang drastik semata-mata untuk menjaga keselamatan dan keluhuran sebuah negara yang berdaulat seperti negara kita. 



And the Winner Is?

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 01:07 AM PDT

On the surface, it can appear as if Tony Fernandes is the winner of this development since AirAsia is directly competing with MAS. During the times when MAS was in the red, AirAsia was reaping profits.

Will the share swap enable MAS to rise again as a premium airline? It is common knowledge that MAS has been in the red for the past few quarters. Was it necessary for Putrajaya to intervene to help MAS? In 2002, BinaFikir consultancy, then led by Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, (currently managing director of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, MAS's ultimate main shareholder) had its books cleaned up in 2002 under the wide asset unbundling (WAU) exercise.

Since that WAU exercise, MAS had two rights issues, raking in RM1.6 billion in 2007 and RM2.67 billion in 2010 to fund its operations and fleet purchases.

In reality, there was a turnaround from 2006-2008. In December 2006, Datuk Seri Idris Jala and his management team joined MAS and took a few drastic measures including:

  • the sale of the iconic MAS building in the heart of Kuala Lumpur
  • the sale of the Four Seasons hotel in Langkawi
  • what about the London property?
Bear in mind that at that time, MAS  had little other assets to sell. Earlier in 2003, it had already sold all its aircraft to Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad (PMB) under the widespread asset unbundling (WAU) exercise.

If not for that move, MAS would have had cash flow problems. MAS at that time had little other assets to sell, having sold all its aircraft much earlier in 2003 to Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad (PMB) under the widespread asset unbundling (WAU) exercise — way before Datuk Seri Idris came into the picture.

Eventually, the share price of MAS improved and some sang glorious songs praising Idris for helping MAS to turnaround.

The 2004/2005 MAS annual report said:

Malaysia Airlines' total revenue in 2004/2005 improved by RM2.6 billion to RM11.4
billion due primarily to the record 24 per cent increase in international passenger
traffic growth of 1.7 million passengers and a 21 per cent increase in cargo tonnage flown. International passenger revenue grew by 29 per cent to RM7.9 billion while cargo revenue increased by 44 per cent to RM2.4 billion.
These statistics differ from that of Wikipedia:

1. Prior to the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the airline suffered losses of as much as RM 260 million after earning a record-breaking RM319 million profit in the financial year 1996/1997. The airline then introduced measures to bring its P&L back into the black. For the financial year 1999/2000, the airline cut its losses from RM700 million in the year 1998/1999 to RM259 million. However, the airline plunged into further losses in the following year, amounting to RM417 million in FY2000/2001 and RM836 million in FY2001/2002. With these losses, the airline cut many unprofitable routes, such as Brussels, Darwin, Honolulu, Madrid, Munich and Vancouver. The airline recovered from its losses in the year 2002/2003. It achieved its then-highest profit in the year 2003/2004, totaling RM461 million.

2. In 2005, Malaysia Airlines reported a loss of RM1.3 billion. Revenue for the financial period was up by 10.3% or RM826.9 million, compared to the same period for 2004, driven by a 10.2% growth in passenger traffic. International passenger revenue increased by RM457.6 million or 8.4%, to RM5.9 billion, while cargo revenue decreased by RM64.1 million or 4.2%, to RM1.5 billion. Costs increased by 28.8% or RM2.3 billion, amounting to a total of RM 10.3 billion, primarily due to escalating fuel prices. Other cost increases included staff costs, handling and landing fees, aircraft maintenance and overhaul charges, Widespread Assets Unbundling (WAU) charges and leases.

A former MAS staff Song Eu Jun had this to say:



Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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