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- DAP is NOT Joining BN
- SC: Reprimand Them!
- Stop lying!
- Profusion of Ah Longs a sign of economic woes
- What happened to the RM29 million health clinic probe?
- "Questions for Muslims"
- A Meek Attempt?
Posted: 14 Aug 2011 04:11 PM PDT By Lim Kit Siang The media has been abuzz following the Sin Chew Daily interview with Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Nazri Aziz and his notion that DAP should join the Barisan Nasional. The question of DAP joining the Barisan Nasional to replace MCA does not arise at all. DAP is not a Chinese party fighting for Chinese rights but a Malaysian party fighting for the rights of all Malaysians whether Chinese, Malays, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans or Orang Asli as common Malaysian citizens who are entitled to an equal place under the Malaysian sun. DAP leaders have toiled and sacrificed for their political beliefs in the past 45 years, persecuted and prosecuted in court, detained under the Internal Security Act for as long as four year and nine months, jailed and disqualified as MP and barred from elective office for five years for standing firm and steadfast on a matter of principle to fight for the rights of all Malaysians transcending race and religion – all these sacrifices not just for the DAP to replace MCA in the Barisan Nasional. Right from the beginning, the vision and commitment of DAP leaders is for a Malaysia where all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion, can unite in a common Malaysian patriotic endeavor to form an efficient, clean and transparent government to build a just, democratic, progressive, prosperous and competitive Malaysia. DAP must always act not just for the Chinese but for all communities in Malaysia. Only a new politics and a new national compact, breaking completely away from the politics of "divide and rule" along ethnic lines, subordination of public interests to private greed resulting in destruction of independent national institutions, rampant corruption and cronyism where privatization has become piratisation and NEP an instrument to foster Umnoputras in the name of bumiputras, can save Malaysia. DAP is fully committed together with PAS and PKR to ensuring Pakatan Rakyat success in 13th general elections to restore the constitutional rights assured to all Malaysians regardless race and religion and bring about fundamental changes so that a new start could be made to fully develop Malaysia's potentials particularly our human resources and talents to be a united, successful and great Malaysian nation.
Posted: 14 Aug 2011 12:52 PM PDT By Tony Pua Despite the nationwide furore over the directive given by Minister in Prime Minister's Department, Nazri Aziz to all Government Linked Companies (GLCs) to withdraw from civil suits against Tajuddin Ramli, none of the GLCs which are listed on Bursa Malaysia have made any public announcement over the matter. According to The Malaysian Insider, the directive from the Nazri, who claimed to have the mandate of the Government said that: This is to inform you that the government of Malaysia and the Finance Ministry has agreed to settle all civil claims against Tajuddin Ramli and others to be withdrawn immediately in view of the fact that the government and the Finance Ministry have agreed that the said cases will be settled out of court… For your information the government has given me the mandate to act for the government in this matter. Nazri's letter also directed the lawyers acting for the GLCs and Danaharta to hand over their cases to the firm of Hasfarizam Wan and Aisha Mubarak, a well-known UMNO lawyer. Such a directive from the Minister dated 8th August to public-listed entities should have been immediately disclosed on Bursa Malaysia as the litigations involved billions of ringgit in claims and counter-claims which are surely "material" to finances of these companies. The Board of Directors of these companies must also immediately state their immediate position vis-à-vis the letter from Nazri to allow investors, particularly the minority shareholders to weigh their investment options. The listed companies involved include Telekom Malaysia Bhd, Axiata Group Bhd, CIMB Bank Bhd, Atlan Holdings Bhd and Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAS). None of these companies have issued any announcements pertaining to the matter as at the time this statement is issued, nearly a week after the government directive was given. The failure to disclose material developments on a timely basis may subject the company and/or its director and officers to penalties under the Listing Requirements and the Securities Industry Act, including a fine not exceeding RM1 million, a suspension of trading of the company's securities; and/or the delisting of its securities. The Securities Commission (SC) must act without fear or favour and reprimand these listed companies for failing to make the necessary disclosures to protect the public and shareholder's rights. SC must also require these companies to publish the Government's directive in full to ensure that investors are not confused by "hearsay" over the exact content of the letter. The blatant interference by the Government will also rock investors' confidence in our stock markets as it becomes questionable if the Board of Directors will act in the best interest of these companies, or will be nudged to comply with arbitrary government decrees. SC which has worked hard over the years to improve Malaysia's reputation for poor corporate governance since the Asian financial crisis especially over the then RM3.2 billion bail out of Halim Saad, must not allow this incident to reverse the progress it has achieved.
Posted: 13 Aug 2011 10:43 AM PDT
By Tan Sri Robert Phang 1. The public outrage over Nazri Aziz's letter dated 8th August is justified. It is unprecedented and wrong for the Minister in the Prime Minister's Office to direct all Government-Linked Companies (GLCs) to withdraw their civil suits against former MAS Chairman, Tajuddin Ramli. I find it very appalling that a Minister of Nazri's seniority and status can direct GLCs to withdraw their claims against Tajuddin Ramli which means allowing him to get away with billions of ringgit in debt or RAKYAT MONEY. 2. Nazri's immediate back pedaling by attempting to say that his letter was only an "advice" and not a"directive" or "instruction" by itself shows that Nazri knew that he had made a grave error. Now that Malaysia Today has posted Nazri's letter, it clearly shows that Nazri had lied. To make a mistake is one thing, but to lie in order to cover up for that mistake makes it worse. 23. (1) Any officer of a public body who uses his office or position for any gratification, whether for himself, his relative or associate, commits an offence. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an officer of a public body shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to use his office or position for any gratification, whether for himself, his relative or associate, when he makes any decision, or takes any action, in relation to any matter in which such officer, or any relative or associate of his, has an interest, whether directly or indirectly.
Profusion of Ah Longs a sign of economic woes Posted: 12 Aug 2011 10:32 PM PDT All so-called anti-poverty actions are just ad-hoc programs. Solve this and this, and wait for the next one to surface! The government is confused because it doesn't have the financial capability to solve the problem and it doesn't understand all the factors affecting the economy. By Daniel John Jambun The decision by the Government Employees Co-operative Society Berhad (Kopeks) recently to settle debts owed by its members to Ah Longs to the hefty tune of RM500,000 made one wonder if Kopeks is not actually encouraging its members to go into debt, because it could easily bail them out anytime when the situation becomes critical. The bailout was a precedent that set a bad example of co-operative fund management. It also reminded us how bad the economic situation in the Sabah is right now. If government servants can go into serious debt in spite of earning salaries, imagine the situation for those without jobs, and those in the rural areas who have to live off the land just to keep body and soul together. In this period of high inflation even those with salaries are in fact living below the poverty line. If we still need to be convinced about the dire situation the people are facing, just let's note that the recent job fair organized by the BN got a surprising response of 30,000! And these only involved those who could afford to come. Many didn't even bother to come because they knew it was not worth the effort and cost to go. Part of the reasons for the state's poverty is the high unemployment rate among young school leavers and graduates. Many graduates actually survive by opening and operating kueh stalls, even taking on odd jobs. So the repeated advice to youths not to be choosy with jobs is actually a lot of nonsense knowing these young people, out of sheer desperation, are even going by the tens of thousands to Kuala Lumpur, Johore and Singapore to earn money. High unemployment in Sabah has also caused the existence of sandwich families, which the government has admitted to be very high in number. The term "sandwich family" can be defined, from my own observation, as the case of parents who have to house and feed their children who are already married and have their own children because of joblessness. Many families are not even having any celebration when their children get married because they are so cash-strapped! There is an ongoing, hidden depression going on in Sabah. They have suffered so long but have partly resigned to their fate knowing they is nothing they can do. The government has simply failed them. A fifty-ringgit note doesn't last very long, doesn't buy a lot these days. People have very little savings and for those who struggle to make ends meet, the money runs out long before payday. What is more depressing is that we all know the government has not an iota of a plan to solve the problem; all so-called anti-poverty actions are just ad-hoc programs. Solve this and this, and wait for the next one to surface! The government is confused because it doesn't have the financial capability to solve the problem and it doesn't understand all the factors affecting the economy - globally or locally. So they have become experts in coming up with lame explanations and playing the blame game, like they blame youths for being unemployed because "they are choosy". What a load of nonsense! So in desperation, the people who need to settle their financial problems have to resort to Ah Longs, or loan sharks. And loan sharks come to fill up the market because there is a huge need for their service. A profusion of loan sharks, the rise of MLMs, get-rich-quick schemes and gambling businesses are a clear indication of serious economic problems in any country. People need a way out to escape financial pitfalls and hope to fulfill their dreams by buying lottery tickets as a way to comfort their troubled souls. The latest way to become rich overnight today is to find the tokek lizard and make millions overnight! I would challenge the BN government to undertake a statistical survey of the situation and give us the accurate figures for unemployed secondary school leavers and graduates, the number of sandwich families and the grand total of amounts they spend from their parents' income, the number of Sabahans who are working in the Peninsular and Singapore, and most importantly to give an economic blueprint for Sabah to solve unemployment and poverty in the short term. Or is the government itself too cash-strapped to undertake these surveys? How much does it cost to pay IDS to do them compared to providing for some road buildings in which the cost are doubled of tripled for the benefit of some political bosses? How much money has been stashed overseas, robbing us of economic trickle-down effects? We can only imagine the terrible losses we have suffered and our children will suffer in the future because of our government's corruption and mismanagement! |
What happened to the RM29 million health clinic probe? Posted: 12 Aug 2011 10:26 PM PDT The probe was completed last year but little birds in MCA have revealed that the probe papers, with about 28 letters and documents attached, had found the way to the MACC. Why is the MACC sitting pretty on the case with such mounting evidence is anyone's guess. But we don't really need a genius to tell us why. By Lee Kee No amount of money spent on public relations will regain the public's confidence in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) until it displays true justice and independence from the powers that be. The MACC's selective persecution and prosecution is so glaring to the public that only a mongoloid will believe it is a truly anti-graft agency. And, please don't rate its administration with Hong Kong's ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption). It's insulting. The Teoh Beng Hock tragedy continues to hog the limelight and public anguish had yet to die down after more than two Teoh's death was caused by the MACC. Whether its officers were directly or indirectly responsible, it is still unclear because of the cover ups. The public cannot stomach the fact that the MACC found it just to grill Teoh aggressively as a witness against his boss, a Selangor DAP executive councillor, over the purchase of Malaysian flags costing about RM2,000 plus for the Merdeka celebration. However, there are many cases which have resulted in millions, if not billions, of ringgit in losses to the government (read taxpayers). The infamous Port Klang Free Zone financial scandal is the biggest, running into billions of ringgit. Unfortunately, there is also another case involving MCA bigwigs running into millions but the MACC is just sitting on it. Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai had in 2009 ordered a probe into the purchase of land for Klinik Kesihatan Taman Ungku Aminah in Johor Baru (on Lot 44148, PTD71027 HS (D) 239701 Mukim Pulai, Johor Bahtu – about 7.448 acres). Until today, Liow has evaded and refused to clarify what has happened to the probe? Why the silence? Is Liow covering his MCA porn president Chua Soi Lek's arse? Or are there other reasons? The probe was completed last year but little birds in MCA have revealed that the probe papers, with about 28 letters and Why is the MACC sitting pretty on the case with such mounting evidence is anyone's guess. But we don't really need a genius to tell us why. A special purpose vehicle for the scam, Kurnia Heights Sdn Bhd, was set up to buy the land at about RM8 million plus and The directors and shareholders of Kurnia Heights have family ties to a Dato' Tee Siew Keong, the political secretary to the The probe papers revealed highly suspicious circumstances surrounding the transactions. Consider the following: Kurnia Heights shareholders included a Phua Tai Kiang, a brother-in-law of Dato' Tee Siew Keong's wife, Datin Lee Choon Guek, the political secretary of then Health Minister Dato' Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek; Kurnia Heights acquired a power-of-attorney after it signed a sale and purchase agreement with the original land owners, the Lee family of Maha Global Sdn Bhd for a sum of about RM8 million plus. The documents show a redemption sum of about RM4.065 million paid to the charge bank, RHB Bank Bhd, and about RM3.048 million paid to Maha Global directly with the usual Kurnia Heights is clearly a special purpose vehicle set up for the purpose of the land transaction as it did not have the cash reserve and assets to be able to transact such a large amount. No bank loans were taken by Kurnia Heights to finance the purchase. The company merely relied on the power-of-attorney to deal on behalf of Maha Global as against the BN government; Kurnia Heights obviously had prior and inside knowledge of the intended acquisition of land by the Government before the power-of-attorney and land purchase from Maha Global took place. The timing of the transactions i.e between the date of the purchase of land, which happened in October 2005, and the date of the gazette of land acquisition (and change from private There is no reason for an "investment holding" company such as Kurnia Heights to purchase the land which is restricted to private school use, before the gazette by the Government, unless it has prior and inside information that the Government had already decided to buy the land; The person by the name of Tee Yok Ong, who is a relative but is not a director or shareholder of Kurnia Heights was authorised to collect the cheque from the Government on behalf of the company; There were suspicious reports from Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPH) that indicated the land was over-valued; and Despite objections raised, the instruction to pay Kurnia Heights was given, as documented. Malaysia will surely be bankrupted in no time by the corrupt if the BN government is allowed to continue with such practices. Ultimately, the rakyat or taxpayers will have to bear the consequences. |
Posted: 12 Aug 2011 07:03 PM PDT By John Doe Soul-searching Questions: Download the free PDF versions which are freely available, or else, download the numerous mp3 versions if you are too lazy to read the words of the Entity which created the World, and the Planets, and the Quasars, and the Black Holes, and the Warp Holes, and the DNA, and the most important one by Allah of course, is.... JAIS. The 114th Book of the Koran is dedicated to JAIS. In fact, it is titled "JAIS". The only pre-requisite would be, that you have read the complete Koran. SET "A" Is the Koran the word of Allah? Is the word of Allah infallible? Is every single word in the Koran directly from Allah? Can Muslims choose to obey some and not other rules as dictated in the Koran? SET "B" What is Syariah Law? Is the Syariah Law the decree of Allah? Is this Law absolute? Can the Syariah Law be changed? If the Syariah Law is absolute and the decree of Allah, then why are no two Muslim countries having the same Syariah Law? How many Allah's are there, if that's the case? Does Allah have different Laws for different people? If he indeed does, and the multiple versions of Syariah Laws prove just that, then move to a country which has more relaxed Syariah Laws. Allah is apparently more Merciful there. Who is JAIS? Set "C" Is Allah fair? Is Allah just? Why does Allah condemn some to stoning but not others? If you believe that every single letter of the Koran should be followed, then Stoning should be brought back. (And Razak Baginda should be stoned first, because he admitted to adultery with Altantuya.) Rosmah should be the First Lady to be stoned. Why? Because she does not wear the Jilbab. And we have all seen her ankles. Hishamuddin stoned himself with beer. (yes, most of us have seen that picture too) Has JAIS arrested Hishamuddin yet? Has JAIS arrested Hishamuddin's daughter yet, for producing porn? Is Hishamuddin bashing his head on the wall after reading this? Did he damage the wall? Can JAIS arrest him for vandalism then? Set "D" How literal should we follow the Koran? Every word? Some words? Or whatever JAIS says? Who determines that JAIS is the absolute authority on what Allah said 1,400 years ago? Can JAIS show us the Allah-Human SMS, or e-mail MT the Certificate from Allah? Who is JAIS again? Set "E" If JAIS cannot verify that they are indeed the authority for Allah, then why are their Laws different from the mUddle East? Why are there only fines, and "re-education" in Malaysia and NOT stoning-to-death? Where did hand-cutting come from? When was the last Hand cut after Friday Prayers in Malaysia? When is the next Hand-Cutting Ceremony? Why do the Malaysian Police still have their hands? Why does UMNO members still have their hands? Should they all not have been cut off because of corruption? Who is JAIS again? Set "F" Does Allah defend people? Do people have to defend Allah? Who is JAIS again? JAIS...Keep quiet. |
Posted: 12 Aug 2011 11:38 AM PDT By Tony Pua The Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's meek attempt to explain the withdrawal of civilian suits against Tajuddin Ramli as an "off-site" solution epitomises the former's complete lack of political will to fight patronage, rent-seeking and cronyism in Malaysia. In fact, the "off-site" solution by Najib suggests some secret rendezvous between the two parties to thrash out a handshake deal by subterfuge. In his oft-quoted speech to foreign investors at the launch of his landmark New Economic Model (NEM), Najib said that "we can longer tolerate the behaviour of rent-seeking and patronage". However, the crude and blatant attempt to direct all Government Linked Companies (GLCs) to withdraw their multi-billion suits against Tajuddin to reclaim outstanding debts as well as other alleged misendeavours when he was the Chief Executive of Malaysian Airlines System (MAS) leaves a bad taste in the mouth. The directive proves beyond doubt that Najib is not only failing to live up to his NEM promise, he is doing the complete opposite. The Prime Minister is more than tolerating behaviour of rent-seeking and patronage, he is protecting the richest cronies who have benefited from the largese handed down by the Barisan Nasional government. In one of the most outrageous bail outs in Malaysian history, the Malaysian government paid RM1.79 billion to acquire MAS shares belonging to Tajuddin's corporate vehicle at RM8.00 per share despite its market price then being only RM3.62 per share. In addition, gross mismanagement by Tajuddin since 1994 has resulted in MAS suffering billions in losses and was laden with RM9.5 billion in debt. Despite MAS debts being whittled down via a "asset unbundling" exercise where Penerbangan Malaysia Bhd (PMB) was set up to acquire all MAS aircrafts and their associated debts, MAS never really recovered from Tajuddin's maladministration with its share price today struggling below RM1.80 per share. The attempt by Najib to withdraw all suits againts Tajuddin, and to even replace all the lawyers independently appointed by the GLCs with a well-known UMNO lawyer smacks of letting Tajuddin getting away scot free. Is Najib trying to tell us that when the respective GLCs including MAS, Telekom Malaysia, Prokhas (formerly Danaharta), many of which are listed, were poorly advised and did not know what they were doing when they filed their suits againts Tajuddin? Is the Government telling us that the existing panel of appointed lawyers, including some renown names, were wrongly advising the GLCs to claim billions of ringgit in debt and damages from Tajuddin? Were their advice so bad that they must be replaced wholesale by an UMNO lawyer? Given the billions of ringgit in rakyat's money involved, the Government must be completely transparent in its actions and not sweep everything under the carpet. The public interest in this case is paramount and must be protected at all cost. Najib must immediately withdraw the directive to GLCs to drop the suits againts Tajuddin because it is improper, an abuse of power and a corrupt practice to protect a billionaire crony. The Government must instead make public the case against Tajuddin to prove the Prime Minister's determination to eradicate rent-seeking behaviour, political patronage and cronyism. Did Minister in Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz really finish law school? I have asked yesterday for the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Nazri Aziz to be investigated under Section 2(1) of the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No. 22/1970 where "Any member of the Administration, Parliament or State Legislative Assembly or any public officer who commits a corrupt practice shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of 14 years or a fine of RM 20,000 or both." A "corrupt practice" in this case is defined as "any act done by a member…in his capacity as such member…whereby he has used his public position or office for his pecuniary or other advantage…" When questioned on the above, Nazri retorted that I was "practising double standards". Nazri told The Malaysian Insider, "I want to ask him (Pua): When (PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang asked the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) and Jais (Selangor Islamic Religious Department) to see him and explain the recent church raid, why did he not rebuke Hadi? Because what power does Hadi have in doing so? He is not the mentri besar of Selangor and neither is he the minister for religious affairs. So why the double standards, Tony?" I'm completely shocked by the absurdity of the analogy used to accuse me of being hypocriticaland practising double standards. Firstly, PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang did not ask DUMC and JAIS to see him. Hadi asked to see them to better understand the recent controversy at DUMC. Secondly, PAS President did not give any directive to JAIS, a government body – whether to withdraw from investigation the alleged offences or to take action against any party. Thirdly, even if Hadi did in effect express an opinion on the issue, one way or another, it does not constitute a directive especially since Hadi is not a "member of the Administration" who is able to exercise the powers of his public office over JAIS. On the other hand, Nazri as a Minister is clearly a "member of the Administration" who has "used his public position or office" to unduly exercise improper influence over the actions of Government Linked Companies (GLCs) by-passing the GLCs Board of Directors, possibly to obtain "pecuniary or other advantage…" It is the exact same law used to find Anwar Ibrahim guilty of alleged abuse of power in 1999 where he was sentenced to jail for 6 years. Anwar, while holding the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, was found guilty of having "committed corrupt practice" by giving alleged directives to two police officers. If there is a relevant analogy at all, it has to be with the former Deputy Prime Minister's case. The comparison between his actions and that of the PAS President is that between night and day, which raises the question of whether Nazri is qualified to take on the role of Minister in-charge of law.
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