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- Imam digantung kerana sertai Bersih 2.0
- London riots: police debate how far they should go to regain control
- Pua threatens to sue Najib, Nazri for Tajuddin Ramli bailout
- Now is not the time for police to use water cannon and baton rounds
- The competing arguments used to explain the riots
- Stop lying!
- A hard sell, but new allies want it to work
- AirAsia Must Eradicate The Corrupt Umno/BN Culture Of MAS
- Work with EC to ensure best possible result at the polls
- Umno to counter Pakatan Hari Raya blitz with grassroots campaign
- Mainstreaming the lunatic fringe?
- Tsu Koon slams Ezam’s ‘jihad’ threats
- The Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Story: Of Plunder, Abuses and Lies
- Profusion of Ah Longs a sign of economic woes
- What happened to the RM29 million health clinic probe?
- "Questions for Muslims"
- Punish if proselytisation proven, PAS tells Jais
- Lest We Forget
- Umno deputy minister wants referendum law, lower voting age
- Bersih 2.0: Najib never specified Shah Alam in stadium offer
- Quantity over quality
Imam digantung kerana sertai Bersih 2.0 Posted: 13 Aug 2011 12:32 PM PDT
By Bloglist Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR, 13 Ogos: Seorang imam bertauliah di kawasan Gelang Patah digantung jawatannya oleh Jabatan Agama Johor (JAJ) dipercayai kerana beliau menyertai himpunan aman Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai lalu. Read more at: |
London riots: police debate how far they should go to regain control Posted: 13 Aug 2011 12:15 PM PDT Police in Hackney, north London, on Monday night. The Metropolitan Police's deputy assistant commissioner Stephen Kavanagh said the force was not "namby-pamby". Photograph: Kerim Okten/EPA The Guardian, UK He expanded on the reason not to fire baton rounds: "We had people as young as 11 being arrested for looting last night. Do we genuinely want to see the police of London using that type of tactic on 11-year-olds? We have to be very careful about what we use and how we're using it." Pictures of officers standing and watching as youths smashed and looted shops have puzzled the public The biggest outbreak of rioting to hit Britain in living memory has led to debates within the police service about how far forces should go to regain control of the streets. Pictures of police officers standing and watching as youths smashed and looted shops have puzzled the public. But Steven Kavanagh, the Metropolitan police deputy assistant commissioner, denied those images were a sign of the force being soft on rioters: "The Met is not namby pamby," he told the Guardian. He added: "The face of policing has changed, 25-30 years ago it would have been a different response, we'd have gone to baton rounds and water cannon straight away. Now we are more measured." He said the police faced contrasting demands from the public: "There are two extremes, the hang 'em and flog 'em brigade, and those who say these are frustrated youngsters." Twenty-five years ago, Kavanagh said, officers might have "let anger get the better of themselves", and go wading in, but he said there was now a more disciplined approach, with officers not charging in as they were "holding the line" to protect firefighters putting out blazes that threatened life. With police numbers stretched beyond anything experienced in living memory, another source said commanders had to make tough choices. "Sometimes you will let offences take place because you can't afford to lose two to three officers for every arrest. The priority is not to protect property but to protect life. There will be no order to be soft." At a Scotland Yard press conference Kavanagh said the Met was considering using baton rounds. But there is huge debate among the police leadership about the wisdom of such a move. Kavanagh said of the option of using the devices: "The Met does not wish to use baton rounds but if it gets put into a position that it needs to protect the people and the property and the lives of Londoners, [then] we will do so." He expanded on the reason not to fire baton rounds: "We had people as young as 11 being arrested for looting last night. Do we genuinely want to see the police of London using that type of tactic on 11-year-olds? We have to be very careful about what we use and how we're using it." Another source said that it would be too early to use baton rounds: "They are for use when there is mortal danger, such as at Broadwater Farm. Here, we're in mortal danger of losing control of the streets and of shops being looted. It would be disproportionate." Baton rounds can only be "deployed", or, given to officers to use, on the direct orders of the commissioner of the Metropolitan police. They have never been fired on the British mainland. Outside London, a chief constable is required to authorise their deployment. Specially trained officers attached to C019, the elite firearms unit, fire the single baton rounds from devices that look like shotguns. Brian Paddick, Scotland Yard's former deputy assistant commissioner, who has trained in the deployment of baton rounds, said: "If you believe you are losing control of the situation, it is a legitimate tactic. They are quite effective in dispersing crowds. The advantage is you can put a lot of distance between you and the crowd. The downside is, if you hit someone in the wrong place you can kill them." One senior officer, involved in drawing up plans to quell riots in his area, said he would favour authorising use of baton rounds if they were needed. "When you've got a big crowd who are intent on over-running your officers, I don't see the big deal in using them. You can withdraw or use baton rounds, which are more under your control than using dogs. I don't see it as crossing a Rubicon for British policing – it's much better than a baton charge where you can't control the level of violence officers use." Paddick explained how the devices would be used in London: "There is a public-order commander on the ground who sends a message to the commissioner that all conventional means to contain the crowd has failed. The commissioner then gives the designated senior officer authority to use them. "When the DSO, having been given the authority, believes the situation is beyond conventional means, they can then be used." Baton rounds were issued to officers at the Broadwater Farm riots in Tottenham, London, in 1985, but were not used. Paddick said the weapons had been issued, every year for at least the last 10 years, for the Notting Hill carnival, in London. "It is there, if there is a riot and conventional tactics can't contain the violence." For police the scale and intensity of the recent riots are creating a need for new thinking, in a race against time to quell the unrest. One source said: "It is beyond the experience of anything we have experienced. If a bomb goes off we know what to do. This is as highly challenging as anything could be."
Pua threatens to sue Najib, Nazri for Tajuddin Ramli bailout Posted: 13 Aug 2011 12:08 PM PDT
By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider DAP MP Tony Pua threatened legal action against Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz today, saying they would be sued for negligence if Putrajaya fails to recover the billions in debts owed by Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli. The Petaling Jaya Utara MP predicted the directive ordering all government-linked companies (GLC) to withdraw their suits against the former Malaysia Airlines (MAS) chairman would likely see him escaping scot-free. "If the current Attorney-General is unwilling to consider the above action against the Prime Minister due to the complete lack of independence of the former's office, Najib can be assured that full, open and transparent investigations will be carried out by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government against his misdeeds should we secure victory in the next General Election," Pua warned in a statement today. "This is to ensure that those who have knowingly and negligently caused losses to the government's coffers will be held accountable and will not be let off unpunished," he added. The DAP national publicity secretary demanded an assurance from both PM Najib and Nazri, a senior Cabinet minister, that Tajuddin would be made to settle a bulk of his debts to the GLCs and reminded them that it involved taxpayers monies. He said if the GLCs heeded the directive and withdrew all civil suits against Tajuddin before a settlement is achieved, the companies would no longer have any avenue to claim any compensation or damages from the tycoon. "This is because they would not be able continue with the existing suit against Tajuddin once they are withdrawn. "At the same time, because the claims were for actions which occurred more than six years ago, the GLCs will not be able to initiate new legal actions against Tajuddin as it would be time-barred," Pua (picture) said. An out-of-court settlement with the GLCs, he added, would grant Tajuddin little or no incentive to settle any of his debts once the suits are withdrawn.
Now is not the time for police to use water cannon and baton rounds Posted: 13 Aug 2011 12:02 PM PDT David Cameron has announced that ministers have drawn up plans to allow police to deploy water cannon at 24 hours' notice. Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/PA Although I understand the enthusiasm of politicians and communities for robust measures, excessive force will destroy our model of policing in the long term. What we must hang on to in all of this is the British model of policing, premised on human rights and the minimum use of force. We police with consent and must be professional, proportionate, fair and justifiable to the public at all times. By Hugh Orde (The Guardian, UK)
Such tactics should only be used in very specific circumstances and we will not rashly deviate from the British model of policing One of the greatest strengths of British policing is that operational decision-making is conducted not by politicians, but by professional chief police officers who have spent their whole career in policing. While David Cameron today referred to some of the more extreme measures available to us, they are not new, and responsibility for their deployment remains entirely a matter for chief officers. There can be no confusion here at all; it is a fact that we cannot be ordered to police in a certain way but we will be held robustly accountable for what we choose to do or not do. As one of only two officers in the country to have ordered the use of water cannon and baton rounds in public-order policing, my professional judgment is it would be the wrong tactic, in the wrong circumstances at this moment. Both require an extremely precise situation. The use of water cannon, while logistically difficult, works against large stationary crowds throwing missiles at police or, as I witnessed in Northern Ireland, at other communities. It achieves distance between police and unlawful crowds that is often vital. Utilising baton rounds, an even more severe tactic, is fundamentally to protect life. When I ordered their use, again in Northern Ireland, my officers were being attacked by blast bombs and live fire. I would always use both with a heavy heart, but it is always an issue of proportionality. What we have seen so far from these riots, involving fast-moving and small groups of lawless people, is a situation that merits the opposite end of public-order policing. This morning, myself and members of police forces around the country had the opportunity to share with the home secretary the tactics that are working and the evidence is that fast arrests, rapid processing of prisoners through the court system, making sure the correct charges are being placed and collecting appropriate evidence through proper, investigative practice, is working. Baton rounds and water cannon were not mentioned once. Although the policing of disturbances in London on Monday has been widely criticised for lack of arrests, we have learned and moved on quickly from it. Indeed, events on Monday posed unique difficulties for the deployed 6,000 officers – more than have ever policed an event in London. Making arrests at that time, although some did occur, would not have been sensible; we needed cops on the street to keep the peace and preserve life. We can deal with property loss and damage post-event, and while foresight is not always a commodity afforded to the police, part of any deal is that the police will have to explain themselves to the public. What we have seen so far is not soft policing, and although I understand the enthusiasm of politicians and communities for robust measures, excessive force will destroy our model of policing in the long term. What we must hang on to in all of this is the British model of policing, premised on human rights and the minimum use of force. We police with consent and must be professional, proportionate, fair and justifiable to the public at all times.
The competing arguments used to explain the riots Posted: 13 Aug 2011 10:46 AM PDT By BBC News Magazine Many theories have been posited about the underlying causes of the riots in England - from moral decay to excessive consumerism. Here two criminologists give their views on some of the arguments. Welfare dependenceSir Max Hastings, in an article for the Daily Mail, focused on "a perverted social ethos, which elevates personal freedom to an absolute, and denies the underclass the discipline - tough love - which alone might enable some of its members to escape from the swamp of dependency in which they live". There is a culture of entitlement in the UK, says David Wilson, professor of criminology at Birmingham City University and a former prison governor. "But it's not just about the underclass - it's about politicians, it's about bankers, it's about footballers. "It's not just about a particular class, it permeates all levels of society. When we see politicians claiming for flat-screen TVs and getting jailed for fiddling their expenses, it's clear that young people of all classes aren't being given appropriate leadership." Social exclusionWriting in the Independent, Kids Company charity founder Camila Batmanghelidjh blamed a society in which the "established community is perceived to provide nothing... It's not one occasional attack on dignity, it's a repeated humiliation, being continuously dispossessed in a society rich with possession". Studies do suggest that living in areas of social deprivation could be a factor, says Marian FitzGerald, visiting professor of criminology at the University of Kent. "But the socially excluded are not always the ones who are rioting - in fact they are often the ones who are most vulnerable to riots. We need a better thought-out approach rather than just using social exclusion as an excuse." Lack of fathersAccording to Cristina Odone of the Daily Telegraph, the riots could be traced back to a lack of male role models: "Like the overwhelming majority of youth offenders behind bars, these gang members have one thing in common: no father at home." "I brought up two boys on my own," says Prof FitzGerald. "Yes, there are some issues about where boys get a positive sense of masculinity from when they don't have anyone in the home to give it. But if you have a stable family set-up then these kids can still be very high-achieving." Spending cutsSpeaking on the BBC's Newsnight, Labour's candidate for London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, suggested that austerity measures were responsible: "If you're making massive cuts, there's always the potential for this sort of revolt against that." It's too soon to say this, Prof FitzGerald says. "The full implementation of the cuts to local authority services that will have the biggest impact on these areas will not be fully felt until next year. "However, it may be that because there's been so much talk about police spending cuts, the rioters may have internalised the message that they're less likely to be caught." Weak policingIn a leader, the Sun newspaper said it was "crazy" that water cannon was not available to officers, and that parliament "must not be squeamish" about the use of tear gas and baton rounds. There has also been discussion about the impact of the fall-out from criticism of policing during the G20 protests in London in 2009. Some commentators have suggested officers might be afraid of taking on the rioters directly for fear of legal action. It may have made some difference if the rioters had been more immediately engaged with a more robust form of policing, says Prof Wilson. "Several of the rioters who were interviewed clearly enjoyed the feeling of being powerful. They were encouraged to feel that the cities in which they were misbehaving belonged to them. "However, I don't think that has anything to do with political correctness. What has characterised British justice over the past 25-30 years is the large numbers of young people we have sent to prison compared with our European neighbours." RacismViolence began in Tottenham on Saturday after the fatal shooting by police of Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old black man. Christina Patterson of the Independent said the race factor could not be overlooked: "Too many black men have been killed by the police. Too many black men and women have been treated like criminals when they're not. This is not the cause of these riots, but it's there in the mix." Police shootings are very rare, Prof FitzGerald notes. "According to IPCC reports in the last three years there have only been seven and all of those - including the shooting of Raoul Moat - were of white people. "The Met police has seen huge changes in attitude since the Macpherson report. That said, its use of section 60 stop-and-search powers disproportionately brought normally law-abiding young black people in particular into potentially confrontational encounters with the police. "However, this is not true of many of the other police forces who are now facing similar threats to public order - so it cannot be used as any sort of excuse." Gangsta rap and culturePaul Routledge of the Daily Mirror blamed "the pernicious culture of hatred around rap music, which glorifies violence and loathing of authority (especially the police but including parents), exalts trashy materialism and raves about drugs". It's certainly clear that gang culture is a real phenomenon, says Prof Wilson. "I once interviewed a boy who said 'just because I like the music doesn't mean I agree with the lyrics', which is true," says Prof FitzGerald. "But it may be a factor when it comes to those who may be particularly susceptible." Consumerism"These are shopping riots, characterised by their consumer choices," insisted Zoe Williams of the Guardian. She added: "This is what happens when people don't have anything, when they have their noses constantly rubbed in stuff they can't afford, and they have no reason ever to believe that they will be able to afford it." In studies of street crime, this has been shown to be a factor, says Prof FitzGerald. "But with the recent riots, I'm not so sure - in the context of looting, it's about taking what you can. As well as mobile phones and clothes, there were plenty stealing petty things like sweets and cans of beer." Opportunism"As more and more people became embroiled in the riots, others have been tempted to join them, confident that one unexceptional individual in a sea of hundreds is unlikely to be caught or to face retribution," according to Carolina Bracken writing in the Irish Times. This is credible, says Prof Wilson. "Opportunism, mixed with a sense of being in a big gang, will have enticed many who wouldn't necessarily do something like this normally. "Also significant is the feeling of invulnerability because they are part of something so big. Also linked to this is the feeling of doing something transgressive and feeling powerful in a culture where they don't have much power. Technology and social networking"Social media and other methods have been used to organise these levels of greed and criminality," Steve Kavanagh, the deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan police, told reporters. This is an under-explored phenomenon, suggests Prof Wilson. "For years we've been aware of gangs and football hooligans have been using technology to get together and fight. I think the police have been quite slow to respond to this. "But as we know, mobile phones can also be used to counteract criminality and to an extent I think that's something the police prefer to downplay." |
Posted: 13 Aug 2011 10:43 AM PDT
By Tan Sri Robert Phang 1. The public outrage over Nazri Aziz's letter dated 8th August is justified. It is unprecedented and wrong for the Minister in the Prime Minister's Office to direct all Government-Linked Companies (GLCs) to withdraw their civil suits against former MAS Chairman, Tajuddin Ramli. I find it very appalling that a Minister of Nazri's seniority and status can direct GLCs to withdraw their claims against Tajuddin Ramli which means allowing him to get away with billions of ringgit in debt or RAKYAT MONEY. 2. Nazri's immediate back pedaling by attempting to say that his letter was only an "advice" and not a"directive" or "instruction" by itself shows that Nazri knew that he had made a grave error. Now that Malaysia Today has posted Nazri's letter, it clearly shows that Nazri had lied. To make a mistake is one thing, but to lie in order to cover up for that mistake makes it worse. 23. (1) Any officer of a public body who uses his office or position for any gratification, whether for himself, his relative or associate, commits an offence. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an officer of a public body shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to use his office or position for any gratification, whether for himself, his relative or associate, when he makes any decision, or takes any action, in relation to any matter in which such officer, or any relative or associate of his, has an interest, whether directly or indirectly.
A hard sell, but new allies want it to work Posted: 13 Aug 2011 10:37 AM PDT (NST) - The trouble with that is, proclaiming that MAS and AirAsia are now friends doesn't actually make anyone believe that they can be. ON Friday, at an interview, AirAsia Bhd co-founder Datuk Kamarudin Meranun brandished his newly-obtained Malaysia Airlines photo ID. It was comical, as he was wearing his trademark AirAsia cap in the photo.
As a deal, the share swap between Khazanah Nasional Bhd and Tune Air Sdn Bhd has sparked a lot of talk, most of it negative.
No one wanted to hear about all the reasons why the national carrier was not making money. They just wanted for it to make money. |
AirAsia Must Eradicate The Corrupt Umno/BN Culture Of MAS Posted: 13 Aug 2011 10:31 AM PDT
By Mariam Mokhtar In MAS, MH stands for Malaysian hospitality which many of us know is highly overrated; MH might as well stand for Malaysian humbug. Or Malaysian hanky-panky. A once proud airline is now a shadow of its former self. It is run by the corrupt and the incompetent - all puppets of the government. If the MACC were a responsible outfit, MAS would not be in the position it is today and many MAS senior managers, and government ministers, past and present would be languishing in jail. The new MAS-AirAsia merger is shrouded in secrecy. Tony Fernandes is just a public front and assumes the rôle of pilot in this move.Someone else has charted the route for him. Who is that person? One thing is certain. There is talk about solving the operational issues in MAS. Will Tony be able to alter an Umno/BN culture that has been allowed to corrupt all levels of the airline's hierarchy? This Umno/BN culture is mired in controversy. MAS, like other GLCs, is haemorrhaging money. Attempts to stem this outflow have been unsuccessful. Would any CEO of MAS be as daring as Peter Hill, the British CEO of Sri Lankan Airlines, who stood up against the Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2007? Rajapaksa, together with his family and several officials, was in the United Kingdom to witness the passing out parade of Rajapaksa's son from the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth. When Rajapaksa demanded that 35 seats be reserved for his entourage to return to Colombo, Hill refused to bump passengers off the flight from London. Hill may have been the passengers' hero but his work permit was rescinded. Unfortunately, the work culture that exists in MAS is symptomatic of our government's performance. Some dishonest MAS staff allegedly "steal" from the airline. Perhaps they are taking their cue from the government officials or from previous chairmen. Perhaps they see this as part of their perks and benefits. Cost cutting has reduced many allowances which they once enjoyed. One stewardess who declined to be named, said that she had lost track of all the items she took from the plane and according to her, "everyone did it". In an attempt to justify her actions, she blurted, "What about the millions the chairmen have 'stolen'?" She is wrong. It is billions. Not millions. How many politicians and their spouses have used their influence to obtain free flights or bullied airline staff for upgrades for themselves, their officials, friends or relatives? How many times have we heard of a spouse of a leading politician wasting tax payers'money on transporting her shopping via MAS and MAS Air Cargo? How many genuine passengers have been victims of alleged over-booking by MAS when it is well known that government officials were offered preferential seats over normal fare-paying passengers? It is also well known that MAS practices two sets of rules: one for Malaysians and another for westerners. One Malaysian mother and child were bumped off one flight to the UK. Under EU rules, cancellation of the flight meant they were due compensation. Only her teenage son was offered compensation because he had an English name. The mother was refused compensation despite pointing out the discrepancy to the senior managers in London. In one European airport, it is alleged that some members of staff have protected their long-term positions by fraternizing with senior politicians and VVIPs. In most companies, employees would not be allowed to remain in one posting indefinitely, but not, apparently, in this location. Another person alleges that it is common knowledge that a member of staff would use influence to perform "dodgy" upgrades for friends or people of influence and later be rewarded with "gifts". Others allege, too, that this person removes items from the aeroplane on a regular basis. Cheese, toilet rolls, toiletry bags, duvets and blankets from First and Business Class may not be classed as the crime of the century, but it is theft all the same. The modus operandi appears to be to wait till the flight and cabin crew, have left the aeroplane. The security staff must be complicit in these thefts. Could there be hanky-panky with food and fine wines from the Golden lounge? One wonders why work colleagues have remained silent about the alleged petty theft. Are the senior station managers in these postings incompetent or in collusion? Perhaps theses managers don't want to deal with the problem. Co-workers are probably afraid of whistleblowing because they fear they will be known as troublemakers. They wonder, "Can the system be trusted or will they will be identified and crucified?" Like the Malaysian public and corrupt politicians, employees are reluctant to report irregularities because they do not see much hope of redress. Perhaps the worst sort sycophancy is the one which is ignored by all because it involves VVIPs. In one European airport, it is alleged by many that some MAS employees turn up, even when they are not officially on duty, to attend to the VVIPs. This is no charitable act or selfless dedication to duty. The rewards are high. Cash and expensive, small personal electrical items are the norm but the most prized of all is a title. When even the bodyguards of the VVIPs proudly display their designer labels, which lowly worker can fail to be impressed? Which junior employee would refuse a title in exchange for making sure personal baggage and the truckloads of luxury goods are safely loaded onto the plane? Who dares ensure that the customs at KLIA will tax these items? It wouldn't take a genius to trace the titles that are dished out to MAS employees at some of the overseas airports which are frequented by VVIPs. And it would surprise no-one that even those in menial positions in the airline, can acquire Datukships. The equilibrium at work must be disturbed as it is alleged that those conferred titles are known to be generally work-shy, are late for work, despite occasionally reporting for extra duty for VVIPs. It is baffling that these employees are allowed, allegedly, to have a stake, either directly or indirectly, in companies which provide airline services which are in conflict with MAS cargo services. Will Tony address the staff, who only attend to VVIPs and celebrities who give them benefit in kind? This is a form of bribery and theft from the airline, reminiscent of Umno political tactics. Will he put pressure on those in charge of complaints? VIPs get their complaints seen to promptly. Others may take months. The truly unlucky customers have theirs swept under the carpet by lazy station managers. So what else is going on? Tony should whip the corrupt and inefficient MAS work-culture back into shape and the MACC should investigate these irregularities. Then again, pigs might fly.
Work with EC to ensure best possible result at the polls Posted: 13 Aug 2011 10:27 AM PDT (The Star) - THERE are different ways for political parties to approach an election as an exercise in democracy and a competitive event. One is to engage fully and in good faith in the obligatory processes involved. The other is to withhold full participation for whatever reason, while pointing accusing fingers at official agencies involved in the election process. This unproductive course is often accompanied by confrontational campaigns aimed at official processes and procedures. It typically precludes suggestions and recommendations, even by way of constructive criticism of any perceived shortcomings. However, voters of all political persuasions deserve better from those who would offer themselves as public representatives. It is not good enough to try and score political points pre-election by condemning electoral conditions without doing anything meaningful about it. In this, a test case concerns the attitude and response of political parties towards the Election Commission (EC). The commission is a politically neutral body tasked with carrying out an election, and all political parties are obliged to work with it to that end. Ultimately, it is what it does and what others allow it to be. If some parties insist on not working fully with it, then it can hardly be blamed for seeming to work closer with others who do. It is incumbent on all parties to give their utmost cooperation in the period leading up to an election. It is no good to act as if the EC were somehow already a partisan force, and then complain that it appears partisan or is biased. Let not any presumed partisanship be regarded as a fait accompli, only to encourage a self-serving, self-fulfilling prophecy for those out to discredit the EC. For its part, the EC cannot be accused of merely sitting on its laurels. It is, for example, set to remove some 12,000 names of voters aged 90 and above from the electoral roll. This is among the ways to minimise, if not excise altogether, the prospect of phantom voters lurking in the roll. All parties should surely have an interest in ensuring that the EC functions efficiently and appropriately. And ensuring that surely requires the full and active participation of all parties. That way, everyone can be sure that whatever the election outcome, the result will be for the best. |
Umno to counter Pakatan Hari Raya blitz with grassroots campaign Posted: 13 Aug 2011 09:57 AM PDT
By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 14 — Umno leaders has dismissed Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) pre-election campaign strategy for Hari Raya, expressing confidence that their grassroots strength alone is enough to curb their political foes from influencing people during the festive occasion. The federal opposition revealed recently that it planned on campaigning for the Malay vote ahead of the next general elections by distributing specially-prepared information kits, pamphlets and CDs to rural folk in kampungs during Hari Raya. The plan, according to PR leaders like Azmin Ali would be to trumpet PR's reform agenda in areas they believe has limited access to information. PR leaders have said they would make full use of the Hari Raya holidays to participate in "balik kampung" programmes aimed at spreading the "PR word". Umno leaders remain unimpressed by PR's plans, and will launch a counter-offensive grassroots campaign to rebut any allegations brought by the opposition. The same leaders have also claimed that PR's pre-polls strategies were "not new" and that Umno had already utilised similar campaign tactics in the past. "The difference between Pakatan and Umno is that they are just planning these campaigns now. We have already been engaging with people on the grassroots level throughout the year. Our major concern is that the information given by Pakatan on current issues like Bersih and the economy is misleading...therefore we have our own networking system all set up and ever ready to go," Umno MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan told The Malaysian Insider. Umno's advantage over PR, claimed the Kota Belud MP was its grassroots machinery — where the party has over 20,000 branches throughout the entire country with the exception of Sarawak. "Umno has an established networking system, whether there is elections or not. We have over 20,000 branches in the country, even in areas where the MP or assemblyman is from MCA or MIC. Even in Pakatan Rakyat stronghold areas like Jelutong, we have our own branches- to make the dissemination of information and campaigning smooth. "Go to almost any part of Malaysia and you will find an Umno branch, even in opposition strongholds. This is because we are ready, when Pakatan makes a mistake or fails to attend to the needs of their constituents, we will take up that responsibility," said Abdul Rahman. The Barisan Nasional (BN) backbencher said that Umno cemented BN's manifestos through localised programmes like community gotong-royong events as well as local cooking classes organised by the Malay party. "We have our fact sheets and CDs as well. What PR is doing is not rocket science...Azmin himself used to be an Umno guy, most of Pakatan's strategies are our (Umno)'s inventions," added Abdul Rahman.
Mainstreaming the lunatic fringe? Posted: 13 Aug 2011 09:54 AM PDT By Mustafa Kamal Anuar, Aliran In the recent past, middle-ground Malaysia has borne witness to a series of disturbing public expressions by certain groups and individuals that border on ethnic slurring, slander and rabid racism. And many a time, these public expressions have without exception insulted the intelligence of the average Malaysians, irrespective of ethnic and religious backgrounds. What's equally disturbing is that such articulation has caused hurt, pain and even outrage among the people who have been subjected to these irrational outbursts from the lunatic fringe. 'Lunatic fringe' here refers to the fanatical, extremist or irrational members of society who seem to be on the rise lately. Perkasa and other groups of similar disposition come to mind immediately. This political posturing of the lunatic fringe could possibly pose a threat to our ethnic relations as well as national security. And yet de facto law minister Nazri Aziz insists irrationally that Malaysia's political landscape has changed so drastically that what was taboo or "sensitive" a few years ago is now acceptable to Malaysians. "Sensitive matters are now being discussed in the open," he told The Malaysian Insider (20 May 2011) recently. He added, "When something is mentioned all the time, it becomes less sensitive and this is a good thing because then things can be mentioned but people will not take offence of it." Nazri's statement was made in the context of the recent claim by certain blogs and subsequently quoted by the irrepressible and irresponsible Utusan Malaysia that the Christian community in Malaysia was involved in a conspiracy to replace Islam with Christianity as the official religion of the federation. This matter, as it turned out, became easy fodder for groups such as Perkasa to publicly express their dismay and disgust and to agitate – although armed with no iota of evidence! Freedom of expression or freedom to incite? The minister's 'explanation' seems to imply that freedom of expression and of the press is in full swing in contemporary Malaysia. Is this really so? I don't think so. If anything, this so-called freedom of expression has been applied by the powers that be in a very selective manner. When was the last time Malaysians were encouraged, let alone permitted, to publicly discuss pertinent but 'sensitive' issues such as religious conversion that has implications on a couple's children, meritocracy, the brain drain, institutional racism, the NEP; history text books and the ISA, to name but a few? Anyway, to follow the minister's argument to its logical conclusion, does freedom of expression provide the licence to the citizenry to mouth racist remarks that could well spark ethno-religious uneasiness or even conflict in multi-ethnic and multireligious Malaysia? Have the authorities subscribed to the creed that freedom of expression includes the right to cause hatred among ethnic and religious communities? If so, wouldn't this new political philosophy run counter to and make a mockery of Prime Minister Najib Razak's recent plea at Oxford University for moderates from all religious communities to join hands in promoting justice, freedom, hope, compassion and goodwill (The Malaysian Insider, 17 May 2011) ? Or was that mere PR spiel for the international crowd? If the Najib administration is serious about reining in the extremist and irrational elements in our midst, one would have thought that he and his cabinet ministers would have reprimanded and condemned the wild utterings of the lunatic fringe. Of course, we're not suggesting that the federal government make use of such undemocratic legal tools as the ISA, but at the very least Malaysians expect him to make a public statement to categorically denounce such extremist expressions. |
Tsu Koon slams Ezam’s ‘jihad’ threats Posted: 13 Aug 2011 12:01 AM PDT
(The Malaysian Insider) - Senator Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon slammed today his Barisan Nasional (BN) colleague Umno Senator Ezam Mohd Nor's threat to wage war against those who try to proselytise Muslims. The Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in National Unity and Performance Management said in a statement that Ezam's threats had sent out the wrong message and could damage the coalition's reputation. "Senator Ezam Nor's open threat to burn two online news portals (Malaysia Kini and Malaysian Insider) is uncalled for, unwarranted and unacceptable, further fanning emotions in the controversy arising out of JAIS' (Selangor Islamic Affairs Department) action against DUMC (Damansara Utama Methodist Church)," Koh (picture) said. The Gerakan party president said Ezam has his right to express his views about defending Islam and his concern about alleged proselytisation of Muslims which is now being investigated. "If he thinks that reports in the online news portals were not correct and proper, he should present cogent arguments against them, present relevant facts and solid evidence, or even take legal action. "Unfortunately, instead of using his intellect and influence to argue and counter whatever he did not agree with, he allowed himself to be overtaken by emotions and sentiments which have evoked negative reaction of others," Koh said. Ezam vowed yesterday to wage war against those who try to proselytise Muslims, in a highly-charged assembly where he also defended the state Islamic religious authorities' raid on a dinner at a church last week. The former PKR leader and a group of demonstrators rallied after Friday prayers here in support of the Jais over its raid at the DUMC in Petaling Jaya on August 3. Among those present was Kulim MP Zulkifli Noordin.
The Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Story: Of Plunder, Abuses and Lies Posted: 12 Aug 2011 11:51 PM PDT
DIN MERICAN While the mainstream media and public relations firms spin yarns about the economic, financial and operational benefits of the MAS-AirAsia share swap deal, let me state up front that I am sceptical. It is clear to me that the plunder of MAS 10 years ago when Tajuddin Ramli controlled 29% of its shares is about to repeat itself with the entry of Tony Fernandes as MAS's new 20% shareholder. And Tony Fernandes did not even have to pay for these shares. All he did was to swap shares with Khazanah. For every 2 shares in MAS, Tony gave Khazanah only 1 share in AirAsia.
That AirAsia will gain from having Khazanah as a shareholder is clear. They will now have "government" muscle to achieve what they could not before. But let me leave that to the financial analysts to comment and write about. The so-called "Global Settlement" or Bailout? I have previously written about the "Global Settlement" that the government-linked companies (GLCs) are forced to enter with former Malaysia Airlines Chairman, Tajuddin Ramli. This Malay tycoon plundered the national carrier to the bones. Yet, to this day he lives in absolute luxury in his ranch at Kuang, which he pretentiously calls Ar-Raudhah or the Garden of Paradise. That Tajuddin is immune from prosecution should not come as a surprise. This was already to be expected when Malaysia Today exposed that Tajuddin's proxy, Shahidan Shafie, had gone to Haj as part of AG Gani Patail's family. In case readers have forgotten,please see the official Tabung Haji document below: Shahidan's name had also surfaced in court documents when the "Global Settlement" was first flouted in court. Read paragraph 4 of this document (below) that appeared in various blogs last year. At that time, I had already known that Shahidan is also close to Nazri Aziz and other UMNO leaders. This was convenient to allow Tajuddin to still cut deals without being seen.
Profusion of Ah Longs a sign of economic woes Posted: 12 Aug 2011 10:32 PM PDT All so-called anti-poverty actions are just ad-hoc programs. Solve this and this, and wait for the next one to surface! The government is confused because it doesn't have the financial capability to solve the problem and it doesn't understand all the factors affecting the economy. By Daniel John Jambun The decision by the Government Employees Co-operative Society Berhad (Kopeks) recently to settle debts owed by its members to Ah Longs to the hefty tune of RM500,000 made one wonder if Kopeks is not actually encouraging its members to go into debt, because it could easily bail them out anytime when the situation becomes critical. The bailout was a precedent that set a bad example of co-operative fund management. It also reminded us how bad the economic situation in the Sabah is right now. If government servants can go into serious debt in spite of earning salaries, imagine the situation for those without jobs, and those in the rural areas who have to live off the land just to keep body and soul together. In this period of high inflation even those with salaries are in fact living below the poverty line. If we still need to be convinced about the dire situation the people are facing, just let's note that the recent job fair organized by the BN got a surprising response of 30,000! And these only involved those who could afford to come. Many didn't even bother to come because they knew it was not worth the effort and cost to go. Part of the reasons for the state's poverty is the high unemployment rate among young school leavers and graduates. Many graduates actually survive by opening and operating kueh stalls, even taking on odd jobs. So the repeated advice to youths not to be choosy with jobs is actually a lot of nonsense knowing these young people, out of sheer desperation, are even going by the tens of thousands to Kuala Lumpur, Johore and Singapore to earn money. High unemployment in Sabah has also caused the existence of sandwich families, which the government has admitted to be very high in number. The term "sandwich family" can be defined, from my own observation, as the case of parents who have to house and feed their children who are already married and have their own children because of joblessness. Many families are not even having any celebration when their children get married because they are so cash-strapped! There is an ongoing, hidden depression going on in Sabah. They have suffered so long but have partly resigned to their fate knowing they is nothing they can do. The government has simply failed them. A fifty-ringgit note doesn't last very long, doesn't buy a lot these days. People have very little savings and for those who struggle to make ends meet, the money runs out long before payday. What is more depressing is that we all know the government has not an iota of a plan to solve the problem; all so-called anti-poverty actions are just ad-hoc programs. Solve this and this, and wait for the next one to surface! The government is confused because it doesn't have the financial capability to solve the problem and it doesn't understand all the factors affecting the economy - globally or locally. So they have become experts in coming up with lame explanations and playing the blame game, like they blame youths for being unemployed because "they are choosy". What a load of nonsense! So in desperation, the people who need to settle their financial problems have to resort to Ah Longs, or loan sharks. And loan sharks come to fill up the market because there is a huge need for their service. A profusion of loan sharks, the rise of MLMs, get-rich-quick schemes and gambling businesses are a clear indication of serious economic problems in any country. People need a way out to escape financial pitfalls and hope to fulfill their dreams by buying lottery tickets as a way to comfort their troubled souls. The latest way to become rich overnight today is to find the tokek lizard and make millions overnight! I would challenge the BN government to undertake a statistical survey of the situation and give us the accurate figures for unemployed secondary school leavers and graduates, the number of sandwich families and the grand total of amounts they spend from their parents' income, the number of Sabahans who are working in the Peninsular and Singapore, and most importantly to give an economic blueprint for Sabah to solve unemployment and poverty in the short term. Or is the government itself too cash-strapped to undertake these surveys? How much does it cost to pay IDS to do them compared to providing for some road buildings in which the cost are doubled of tripled for the benefit of some political bosses? How much money has been stashed overseas, robbing us of economic trickle-down effects? We can only imagine the terrible losses we have suffered and our children will suffer in the future because of our government's corruption and mismanagement! |
What happened to the RM29 million health clinic probe? Posted: 12 Aug 2011 10:26 PM PDT The probe was completed last year but little birds in MCA have revealed that the probe papers, with about 28 letters and documents attached, had found the way to the MACC. Why is the MACC sitting pretty on the case with such mounting evidence is anyone's guess. But we don't really need a genius to tell us why. By Lee Kee No amount of money spent on public relations will regain the public's confidence in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) until it displays true justice and independence from the powers that be. The MACC's selective persecution and prosecution is so glaring to the public that only a mongoloid will believe it is a truly anti-graft agency. And, please don't rate its administration with Hong Kong's ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption). It's insulting. The Teoh Beng Hock tragedy continues to hog the limelight and public anguish had yet to die down after more than two Teoh's death was caused by the MACC. Whether its officers were directly or indirectly responsible, it is still unclear because of the cover ups. The public cannot stomach the fact that the MACC found it just to grill Teoh aggressively as a witness against his boss, a Selangor DAP executive councillor, over the purchase of Malaysian flags costing about RM2,000 plus for the Merdeka celebration. However, there are many cases which have resulted in millions, if not billions, of ringgit in losses to the government (read taxpayers). The infamous Port Klang Free Zone financial scandal is the biggest, running into billions of ringgit. Unfortunately, there is also another case involving MCA bigwigs running into millions but the MACC is just sitting on it. Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai had in 2009 ordered a probe into the purchase of land for Klinik Kesihatan Taman Ungku Aminah in Johor Baru (on Lot 44148, PTD71027 HS (D) 239701 Mukim Pulai, Johor Bahtu – about 7.448 acres). Until today, Liow has evaded and refused to clarify what has happened to the probe? Why the silence? Is Liow covering his MCA porn president Chua Soi Lek's arse? Or are there other reasons? The probe was completed last year but little birds in MCA have revealed that the probe papers, with about 28 letters and Why is the MACC sitting pretty on the case with such mounting evidence is anyone's guess. But we don't really need a genius to tell us why. A special purpose vehicle for the scam, Kurnia Heights Sdn Bhd, was set up to buy the land at about RM8 million plus and The directors and shareholders of Kurnia Heights have family ties to a Dato' Tee Siew Keong, the political secretary to the The probe papers revealed highly suspicious circumstances surrounding the transactions. Consider the following: Kurnia Heights shareholders included a Phua Tai Kiang, a brother-in-law of Dato' Tee Siew Keong's wife, Datin Lee Choon Guek, the political secretary of then Health Minister Dato' Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek; Kurnia Heights acquired a power-of-attorney after it signed a sale and purchase agreement with the original land owners, the Lee family of Maha Global Sdn Bhd for a sum of about RM8 million plus. The documents show a redemption sum of about RM4.065 million paid to the charge bank, RHB Bank Bhd, and about RM3.048 million paid to Maha Global directly with the usual Kurnia Heights is clearly a special purpose vehicle set up for the purpose of the land transaction as it did not have the cash reserve and assets to be able to transact such a large amount. No bank loans were taken by Kurnia Heights to finance the purchase. The company merely relied on the power-of-attorney to deal on behalf of Maha Global as against the BN government; Kurnia Heights obviously had prior and inside knowledge of the intended acquisition of land by the Government before the power-of-attorney and land purchase from Maha Global took place. The timing of the transactions i.e between the date of the purchase of land, which happened in October 2005, and the date of the gazette of land acquisition (and change from private There is no reason for an "investment holding" company such as Kurnia Heights to purchase the land which is restricted to private school use, before the gazette by the Government, unless it has prior and inside information that the Government had already decided to buy the land; The person by the name of Tee Yok Ong, who is a relative but is not a director or shareholder of Kurnia Heights was authorised to collect the cheque from the Government on behalf of the company; There were suspicious reports from Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPH) that indicated the land was over-valued; and Despite objections raised, the instruction to pay Kurnia Heights was given, as documented. Malaysia will surely be bankrupted in no time by the corrupt if the BN government is allowed to continue with such practices. Ultimately, the rakyat or taxpayers will have to bear the consequences. |
Posted: 12 Aug 2011 07:03 PM PDT By John Doe Soul-searching Questions: Download the free PDF versions which are freely available, or else, download the numerous mp3 versions if you are too lazy to read the words of the Entity which created the World, and the Planets, and the Quasars, and the Black Holes, and the Warp Holes, and the DNA, and the most important one by Allah of course, is.... JAIS. The 114th Book of the Koran is dedicated to JAIS. In fact, it is titled "JAIS". The only pre-requisite would be, that you have read the complete Koran. SET "A" Is the Koran the word of Allah? Is the word of Allah infallible? Is every single word in the Koran directly from Allah? Can Muslims choose to obey some and not other rules as dictated in the Koran? SET "B" What is Syariah Law? Is the Syariah Law the decree of Allah? Is this Law absolute? Can the Syariah Law be changed? If the Syariah Law is absolute and the decree of Allah, then why are no two Muslim countries having the same Syariah Law? How many Allah's are there, if that's the case? Does Allah have different Laws for different people? If he indeed does, and the multiple versions of Syariah Laws prove just that, then move to a country which has more relaxed Syariah Laws. Allah is apparently more Merciful there. Who is JAIS? Set "C" Is Allah fair? Is Allah just? Why does Allah condemn some to stoning but not others? If you believe that every single letter of the Koran should be followed, then Stoning should be brought back. (And Razak Baginda should be stoned first, because he admitted to adultery with Altantuya.) Rosmah should be the First Lady to be stoned. Why? Because she does not wear the Jilbab. And we have all seen her ankles. Hishamuddin stoned himself with beer. (yes, most of us have seen that picture too) Has JAIS arrested Hishamuddin yet? Has JAIS arrested Hishamuddin's daughter yet, for producing porn? Is Hishamuddin bashing his head on the wall after reading this? Did he damage the wall? Can JAIS arrest him for vandalism then? Set "D" How literal should we follow the Koran? Every word? Some words? Or whatever JAIS says? Who determines that JAIS is the absolute authority on what Allah said 1,400 years ago? Can JAIS show us the Allah-Human SMS, or e-mail MT the Certificate from Allah? Who is JAIS again? Set "E" If JAIS cannot verify that they are indeed the authority for Allah, then why are their Laws different from the mUddle East? Why are there only fines, and "re-education" in Malaysia and NOT stoning-to-death? Where did hand-cutting come from? When was the last Hand cut after Friday Prayers in Malaysia? When is the next Hand-Cutting Ceremony? Why do the Malaysian Police still have their hands? Why does UMNO members still have their hands? Should they all not have been cut off because of corruption? Who is JAIS again? Set "F" Does Allah defend people? Do people have to defend Allah? Who is JAIS again? JAIS...Keep quiet. |
Punish if proselytisation proven, PAS tells Jais Posted: 12 Aug 2011 06:55 PM PDT By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 13 – PAS finally declared its official stand today on the recent church raid in Petaling Jaya, saying the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) must take immediate action if it finds proof that Christians were proselytising to Muslims there.
Its leaders said the decision is in accordance with PAS's position as a party founded on Islamic principles, adding that under no circumstances would it compromise on religious matters. "PAS is an Islamist party. Our Constitution states Islam is our foundation and the Quran. "So PAS's priority is to defend the sanctity of Islam, there is no compromise when it comes to upholding the faith," deputy president Mohamad Sabu told reporters after the party's political bureau meeting here this evening. |
Posted: 12 Aug 2011 05:13 PM PDT
By Masterwordsmith While Malaysians express outrage about the RM8-RM9 billion MAS scandal and the 'reverse takeover' of the national airline company through Air Asia -- which is another multi-billion 'backdoor asset stripping' exercise -- lets us not forget the RM6-RM7 billion patrol boat fiasco. As Dr Mahathir said: Melayu mudah lupa. Well, let us not lupa this. In February '11, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi announced via a Bernama statement that the government has agreed to allocate RM6bil to build six second generation patrol vessels for the Royal Malaysian Navy. The rationale given for the expenditure was to "boost the economy while benefiting 632 vendor companies". The Defence Minister clarified that they would ensure that "at least RM2bil of the allocation will benefit these vendor companies which are strategic partners of Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd". Then, many Malaysians were up in arms after that disclosure. "This is as seen with the company's Scorpene service job, which took a year for the LOI to be firmed up via the letter of award," ECM Libra said in a research report. (CLICK HERE for more.)
Umno deputy minister wants referendum law, lower voting age Posted: 12 Aug 2011 05:10 PM PDT
By Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider Higher Education Deputy Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said today Malaysia should have laws allowing for referendums, adding that the Election Commission (EC) should also lower the voting age to 18. There is now no law to hold referendums, which is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. "It is about time we had legislation for referendums. I think the government of the day, whichever party, should get approval not just from the Parliament, but from the people as well, on big or fundamental issues," he said at the Electoral Reform and Purification of Democracy Forum organised by the Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) and the Abim Lawyers Group (GPA). Other panellists were Professor Dr Redzuan Othman, Universiti Malaya's dean of the Literature and Social Science Faculty, and Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas) director Wan Firdaus Wan Fuaad. Saifuddin, an Umno supreme council member, also said there should be an increase in civil society participation in the democratic process. He said the problem now was that the state was still "condescending and does not trust civil society". "I agree with automatic registration for 18-year-olds to vote, if not for the 13th general election, there should be a roadmap leading towards this goal. If needed, we should change the law or the Constitution to make it easier for the people to vote," he said. The current minimum age for voting is 21. He had previously urged PR and BN lawmakers to start "the ball rolling" by forming a caucus in Parliament for such a cause. The Temerloh MP also said: "Just because BN had never lost doesn't mean that the election is clean, and vice versa just because there is a constant change in government doesn't necessarily mean the election is fair. We cannot be so simplistic in that thinking."
Bersih 2.0: Najib never specified Shah Alam in stadium offer Posted: 12 Aug 2011 05:08 PM PDT
By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider Election watchdog Bersih 2.0 disputed Datuk Seri Najib Razak's claim yesterday that he had specifically offered "a stadium in Shah Alam" for its July 9 rally. Steering committee member Maria Chin Abdullah reminded the prime minister today that he had never named a stadium when he made the offer to the coalition just days before the mammoth event. "That offer only came from Selangor Mentri Besar (Tan Sri) Khalid Ibrahim, not from the PM. Najib never said which stadium... he only said a stadium. Perhaps we were expected to read his mind," she told The Malaysian Insider when contacted this afternoon. Maria Chin (picture) was commenting on Najib's statement to the press yesterday that he had specifically offered Bersih 2.0 use of a stadium in Shah Alam to hold its rally and had never retracted the offer. "We are regretful that the offer made by the government (to Bersih) to have its gathering in a stadium in Shah Alam was not accepted by the (rally) organisers. "This offer was never denied or retracted by the government. We wanted to avoid any untoward incidents from happening," he had said. Maria Chin recalled that the stadium offer was made following the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin's surprising decree on July 3, calling for all warring parties to reach a mutual agreement over Bersih 2.0's electoral reform demands. A check on media reports of the sequence of events in the run-up to the tumultuous July 9 rally revealed that Najib had not expressly named any stadium in Shah Alam when he made the offer. In one media report on July 3, Najib was quoted as saying: "We are willing to provide a stadium for them to rally but why choose to protest in the streets. The government is not against them rallying in a stadium from morning until night. Just don't hold street protest as it is very risky to the nation."
Posted: 12 Aug 2011 04:14 PM PDT
In other words, we have no say in the matter. Allah will decide when the time is right and whether it will happen or not. Allah will decide whether you are born a Muslim or born a kafir (infidel). Allah will decide whether you become a sinful Muslim or a good Muslim. Allah will decide whether the sinful Muslim finally repents and becomes a good Muslim. Without Allah's will, nothing will happen. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin
Demos in Selangor and Penang to show support for Jais (The Star) - Demonstrations were held in Selangor and Penang in support of the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) operation during a multiracial dinner at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC). A group calling itself Gerakan Anti-Murtad (Anti-Apostate Movement) would lodge a police report in every district of Selangor so that investigations could be carried out against the DUMC, said spokesperson Datuk Zulkifli Noordin. The Kulim Bandar Baru MP said this after Friday prayers at the Sultan Salehuddin Abdul Aziz Shah mosque in Shah Alam yesterday. Also present were Senator Mohamed Ezam Mohd Noor, PAS members and the movement's supporters. Ezam said the movement had nothing against non-Muslims, but would wage war against those "who were rude and who tarnished Islam", including by burning down online news portals. **************************************** You will notice one thing about the Malays-Muslims. They are very preoccupied with getting non-Muslims to become Muslims. And they are paranoid about Muslims renouncing Islam. Maybe what happened at the DUMC did happen. Maybe the allegations are true. I was not there but I have been told that the allegations are not entirely false. Nevertheless, I go by what the Malays would normally tell me. If you ask a 'sinful' Malay why he does not stop his gambling and drinking and womanising and go to Mekah to repent and to perform the pilgrimage, he would reply, "Allah belum gerak hati lagi." This translates to 'Allah has not moved my heart yet'. When a non-Muslim becomes a Muslim, the Malays would say, "Allah buka hati dia." And this means Allah has opened his or her heart (to become a Muslim). If you ask an ustaz (religious teacher) why Allah made only 20% of the world Muslim while 80% are non-Muslims, and why did Allah not make 100% of the world Muslim, the ustaz would reply, "Only Allah knows." In short: this is all Allah's will and Allah could make you Muslim or He could make you non-Muslim and it is up to Him to open your heart to receive Islam or to repent your 'evil ways' and go to Mekah to perform the pilgrimage. In other words, we have no say in the matter. Allah will decide when the time is right and whether it will happen or not. Allah will decide whether you are born a Muslim or born a kafir (infidel). Allah will decide whether you become a sinful Muslim or a good Muslim. Allah will decide whether the sinful Muslim finally repents and becomes a good Muslim. Without Allah's will, nothing will happen. Now, that is a most interesting concept. This means I may be born a Muslim but be born a bad Muslim because Allah has not opened my heart to become a good Muslim. This also means, later on in life, Allah may open my heart and I will see the error of my ways and repent to become a good Muslim. Then again, Allah may will it that I be born a non-Muslim and, later on in life, convert to Islam when Allah opens my heart to Islam. Or, Allah may never open my heart and I may die a non-Muslim like 80% of the population of the world. The crux of this whole issue is Allah decides and wills it and what happens (or does not happen) can never happen without the will of Allah. And only when Allah wills it or opens our heart will we see something happen -- and not otherwise and not before that. Okay, based on this ideology, what about when someone is born a Muslim and later leaves Islam? Could this ever happen if Allah does not will it? Would it not be Allah who opens your heart to make you leave Islam? Everything that happens is the will of Allah and everything you do is because Allah has moved or opened your heart into doing it. So, when you leave Islam is this not also Allah's doing? This is the confusing part about the argument on the will of Allah. You will never be born a Muslim without Allah deciding this will happen. You will never convert to Islam without Allah deciding this will happen. When you decide to leave Islam does Allah not also have a say in the matter? Is this not His will? As I said, Malays-Muslims are preoccupied with non-Muslims becoming Muslims and paranoid about Muslims leaving Islam. So we now have a Gerakan Anti-Murtad (Anti-Apostate Movement) organising demonstrations in the Pakatan states to protest those leaving Islam. I am not so concerned about Muslims leaving Islam because if it is true that nothing happens without the will of Allah then no Muslim can ever leave Islam unless Allah wills it. What I am more concerned about is Munafiq (hypocritical) and Fasiq (sinful) Muslims. Why don't these people also launch a Gerakan Anti-Munafiq dan Anti-Fasiq (Anti-Hypocrites and Anti-Sinners Movement)? We should perang (declare war) on Muslims who kill, rape, rob, steal, cheat, swindle, abuse their power, lie, and do all sorts of evil things that give Islam a bad name. We should not worry about the quantity. After all, 80% of the world is non-Muslim anyway. We should worry about the quality. We do not want Muslims who have no scruples, compassion, honesty, ethics, values, etc. We want Muslims who demonstrate the ideals and ethics of Islam. We want Muslims who demonstrate what a good Muslim should be like. We want Muslims who show what a good Muslim is so that we can be proud of Islam. That should be the perjuangan (struggle) for Muslims.
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