Rabu, 31 Ogos 2011

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

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Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Konspirasi Shafee-JPM dalam kes Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 01:58 AM PDT

Salam kawan kawan.

Dalam musim bermaaf-maafan ini, saya nak ceritakan konspirasi peguam Umno tersohor, Shafee Abdullah, dengan penasihat media Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Jalil Hamid, dalam liputan kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim.

Walaupun falsampah politik saya tak selari dengan Anwar Ibrahim, saya sebagai wartawan Malaysia muak dengan konspirasi konspirasi untuk menggunakan media untuk menjatuhkan ahli politik.

Sudah lama dah. Dari zaman Utusan Melayu di ambil alih 1961 sampai sekarang. 50 tahun. Cukuplah Umno dan Umno Baru. Sedarlah sikit.

Konspirasi yang terbaru ni sama seperti konspirasi memburukkan Raja Petra Kamarudin beberapa tahun dulu.

Kira-kira dua minggu yang lalu, Shafee Abdullah dan Jalil Hamid, yang baru ini kena kutuk pasal pelannya  memburukkan Bersih 2.0, telah berjumpa pengarang kanan media tempatan untuk cara-cara meliputi kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim.

Mereka mengutuk pendakwaraya yang tidak membantah ucapan politik Anwar Ibrahim pada permulaan pembelaannya dalam kes liwat aduan Saiful Bukhari Azlan. Yalah, Anwar Ibrahim berucap mengutuk kerajaan dan apa yang dia panggil konspirasi terhadapnya.

Pendakwaraya diam sahaja. Tidak membantah dan membenarkan dia bercakap.

Shafee Abdullah tidak tahan lagi. Walaupun dia tidak ada hak atau kepentingan dalam kes ini kecuali untuk anak guamnya Umno, dia terus memanggil pengarang-pengarang kanan untuk satu mesyuarat.

Dan sebelahnya, penasihat media Perdana Menteri, Jalil Hamid. Dulu orang Bernama, lepas tu Reuters, lepas tu Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Sekarang bertempat di National Communications Team di Mid Valley. Ini semua maklumat yang dari sumber-sumber sahih seperti A. Kadir Jasin, yang dulu penasihat Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Kira Goebbels Senior dan Goebbels Junior lah.

Dalam mesyuarat yang diadakan di Le Meridien Hotel, Shafee memberitahu dan mengarahkan pengarang-pengarang kanan media tempatan cara-cara dan isu-isu yang patut di utarakan dalam media masing-masing. Yalah, cara nak mencerca dan mengutuk Anwar Ibrahim.

Antara yang dalam mesyuarat itu adalah si penemuramah Raja Petra Kamarudin dari TV3. Yang bergelar Datuk. Yang sekarang ini terjebak dalah kes gangguan seksual. Ini kuasa Allah. You burukkan orang, you kena nanti.

Tapi saya nak tanya. Apa kuasa Shafee Abdullah dalam kes ini. Apa peranan Jalil Hamid dalam kes ini. Mengapa mereka ada kuasa memanggil pengarang-pengarang kanan dan memberitahu mereka apa yang patut di buat dalam liputan kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim.

Read more at: http://ahmatgaza.blogspot.com/2011/08/konspirasi-shafee-jpm-dalam-kes-anwar.html

WikiLeaks: 463 embassy cables from KL released

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 04:53 PM PDT

The KL cables date back four years from last year, covering the two years before and after the 2008 general election. The breakdown by year: 2010 (21); 2009 (150); 2008 (136); 2007 (101); and 2006 (55).

Some of the more recent ones on Malaysian politics, Raja Petra Kamarudin, the Altantuya Shaariibuu case and the Najib Tun Razak government have been published at Malaysia Today, though an arrangement between Raja Petra and Julian Assange, main person behind WikiLeaks.

The 463 cables give a picture of the US State Department's main concerns. These fall broadly into four categories:

  • politics (assessments of the overall political situation and discussions with various politicians)
  • human rights — religious rights (Islam and relations with other religions); press freedom; women's rights, trafficking in human persons
  • economics and business — the state of the economy; intellectual property rights, free trade agreements, regional trading arrangements
  • security — arms exports; money laundering; nuclear non-proliferation; military co-operation

In addition, Anwar Ibrahim, Raja Petra Kamarudin and other bloggers, received individual attention.



A House of Cards?

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 09:34 PM PDT

Most of us do not realize the obscene expenditure on arms spending because it is such a gray area. Kua Kia Soong's book "Questioning Arms Spending in Malaysia: From Altantuya to Zikorsky" questions the purpose of this entire splurge on arms by the BN Government. It just does not make sense that our country spends so much on submarines, helicopters and other fighters when priority should be given to meeting needs in the health or education sector.

This research by Chin Jitkai, Liew Chin Tong and Nur Jazlan Mohammad argued that in recent years, Malaysia has steadily increased the overall defence budget and defence expenditures. They noted that there is a lack of transparency from MINDEF as most of the controls on defence spending are made internally. Secondly, not many NGOs pay particular attention to the issues of the defence budget and spending. Most MPs also lack expertise in defence related issues.

Singapore, our nearest neighbour with a population of 5.1 million (3.2 million) excluding foreigners, enjoys a per capita income of more than USD 37,293. Due to its size and location, Singapore's expenditure on defense is premised on the belief that security threats do not disappear. In sharp contrast, Malaysia has a population of 27 million and a per capita income of USD6897!!! (Source: Wikipedia) Our country is much bigger but has a lower GDP and a very high military expenditure which has been a bone of contention for many concerned citizens.

This link at the World Bank says that the military expenditure of Malaysia is 1.96% of the GDP.

The World Bank says that Malaysia's GDP was 222 billion USD in 2008.

Wikipedia's write up on the Malaysian Armed Forces states that the budget for military expenditure is 3.5 billion USD or 0.9% of GDP.

Yet, what are some of the scandals that have rocked our country?

1. The Missing Jet Engines

In December 2009, the Malaysian government faced a fresh corruption crisis after officials admitted that two US-made fighter jet engines had disappeared from an air force base after apparently being illicitly sold by military officers to a South American arms dealer. Read more here.

The Strategy website said:

Two of these engines power the six F-5 fighters used by the air force. Packed for shipping, the engine would be a box about eight feet long and weighing half a ton. At first, the engine was believed shipped out of the country, from a Malaysian air base, and sold into the black market. It was thought that the most likely customer would be Iran, which would probably pay a million dollars, or more, for it. Iran has been under arms embargos for decades, and is desperate to obtain spare parts. Iran has about sixty F-5 fighters, purchased in the 1970s. Iran has used the F-5 as the model for domestically designed and built aircraft. So they are definitely in the market for J85-21A engines.

But on further investigation it was found that the engine probably never left the country, but was instead taken apart, and the components sold to a South American broker, or back to the Malaysian Air Force. The government has promised to punish those responsible, but has not named names. Corruption is a common problem in the region, and stealing spare parts, or money allocated for equipment maintenance, is common.

Wikileaks revealed Putrajaya failed to inform Washington that two "US-supplied" F-5 fighter jet engines had gone missing since May 22, 2008, despite having at least "three opportunities" to come clean, according to leaked United States diplomatic cables released recently.


It is time to stop buying into a lie

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 05:54 PM PDT

May I be honest?

I am sad. I am sad because I am told by my government that I must celebrate the Independence Day of my country on the 31st of August. But what is so wrong about this that it makes me sad?

Let me tell you. If you don't like dry and boring history lessons, you can leave my blog now. But if you have ten minutes to spare, read on.

The Federated States of Malaya which comprised all the nine Sultanates, Malacca and Penang were given their independence by Great Britain on the 31st of August, 1957. The photo below records the historic event. It is the iconic image of Tunku Abdul Rahman proclaiming independence for Malaya. Yes, MALAYA. Not Sarawak, not Sabah, but MALAYA. And this date became known as MERDEKA DAY. For the Federated States of MALAYA.

Then, six years later, Sarawak was given her independence. On the 22nd of July, 1963. Bet you didn't know that the 22nd of July is an historic date for Sarawak, huh? Of course you wouldn't. It has probably been wiped off the official history text books, or glossed over during history classes. But if you buy a copy of the Sarawak Government Almanac, it's there in black and white. The British gave up Sarawak on the 22nd of July, 1963 and on that day we became an independent nation. A country all of our own. Our own flag, our own anthem and even our own money!

Then, fifty five days later, after the British granted her independence, Sarawak, together with Sabah, Singapore, and the Federated States of Malaya came together to form a new nation called MALAYSIA on the 16th of September. This date, the 16th of September, 1963, came to be known as MALAYSIA DAY because it was on this historic day that a brand new country was born in the world. (Singapore got 'kicked out' later but Malaysian history books politely claim she decided to withdraw from the new nation. Brunei was also involved in the discussions to form Malaysia but it too decided against the idea.)

However, gradually, Malaysia Day became forgotten through, I suspect, a subtle and systematic process of brainwashing on the part of the Barisan Nasional government. More and more emphasis was placed on Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day was ignored, its significance eroded and displaced by Merdeka Day. Merdeka Day became a public holiday, and the whole country began to get caught up in celebrations come every 31st August.

Young Sarawakian school children were, and still are taught to wave flags and jump for joy come 31st August because on this date Malaysia achieved her independence. Now if you have been paying attention, you will obviously have noticed that there is a factual error in the previous sentence. Malaysia DID NOT achieve her independence on the 31st of August, 1957 simply because Malaysia had not existed yet! It was only Malaya which achieved her independence on the 31st of August, 1957; Malaysia was only formed six years AFTER Malaya achieved independence.

The date 31st of August means very little to me as a Sarawakian and yet I am told by my government to honour this date on the basis that I am a citizen of Malaysia and therefore as a proud and loyal Malaysian, I should jump and shout for joy that Malayans received their independence on the 31st of August despite the fact that I am also a Sarawakian and this date has little significance to me. This date did not affect my beloved Sarawak in any way whatsoever and has never been part of its rich history, so what is there to celebrate or what memory is there to honour and cherish for a Sarawakian? Sarawak achieved her independence on the 22nd of July but the government does not give this date any due recognition. Instead, I am to celebrate a date which has more significance for my fellow Malaysians in West Malaysia. That is why I am sad.

Malaysia Day, the 16th of September, 1963, however, means a lot to me. It was the date my beloved Sarawak became a part of a new nation, standing tall and proud in the world amongst other independent nations. Shouldn't this date when we officially became a country take centre-stage in our history as a nation?

And yet, it was only last year that the Barisan Nasional government decided to recognise Malaysia Day and grant it 'public holiday' status. And only because Pakatan Rakyat 'reminded' the BN government. It actually took the BN government forty-seven years to recognise Malaysia Day officially!

But the question on my mind is why did the BN government try to sweep Malaysia Day under the carpet and dispatch it to the annals of history to be conveniently forgotten? And why do I suspect that there is a conspiracy going on to distort and blur the story of the formation of Malaysia? 

Read more at: http://beingvernon.blogspot.com/2011/08/it-is-time-to-stop-buying-into-lie.html


MACC’s Silence on A-G Gani Patail is Deafening

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 11:22 PM PDT

Also, Muslims who go to Makkah for Haj are expected to return to a more serene blessed life. But, not so for A-G Gani Patail. His Haj Trip with Tajuddin Ramli's proxy, one Shahidan Shafie, the ex-policeman who was charged for bribery and now turned lawyer and businessman, is anything but serene and blessed. A-G Gani Patail's Haj became a subject of controversy which has dogged him ever since. Is that an indication of God's ire?

Self-appointed crusader against social injustice and corruption, Tan Sri Robert Phang (left), lambasted A-G Gani for inappropriate conduct in consorting with Tajuddin's proxy at a time when public pressure is mounting why there is no action taken against Tajuddin. Because of that, Phang came under attack and was investigated by the MACC.

Something is also obviously wrong when A-G Gani disregarded the investigation report  by former Director CCID, Dato' Ramli Yusuff, who had made strong recommendations to former PM Abdullah Badawi that Tajuddin should be prosecuted.

Instead, Dato' Ramli was stripped of his rank, suspended and charged in court. And when Dato' Ramli was acquitted by the courts, A-G Gani Patail continued to pursue appeals against his acquittals which are still going on in an attempt to prevent Dato' Ramli from being reinstated and getting his pensions.

As pointed out by Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), the Tajuddin's case is bizzare in that the Opposition Bloggers would say that they trust the Police while the UMNO Bloggers are calling the Police a bunch of liars: here

Suspicions were already abound that Tajuddin Ramli was receiving preferential treatment from the MACC and A-G Chambers. Now that suspicion is confirmed when de facto Justice Minister, Dato Seri Nazri Azizi, announced that he had been mandated by the government to appoint new lawyers for the government linked companies (GLCs) and to close the cases by a Global Settlement which simply means the cases are to be withdrawn.

Thus, I wrote on August 13, 2011 about THE MAS STORY: OF PLUNDER, ABUSES AND LIES here because I was alarmed to note that Tan Sri Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah has now entered the MAS Board of Directors.

The corporate world is fully aware of  Wan Azmi's closeness to Tajuddin Ramli. They are both Tun Daim's boys drawn from the  Peremba clique who had benefited from Tun Dr Mahathir's bumiputera privatisation initiatives. Wan Azmi's presence in the MAS Board is ill-timed and will continue to fuel more suspicions. This will certainly be an election issue come GE-13.

Barely has that controversy subsided, A-G Gani Patail is again embroiled in another controversy when RPK produced documents which showed that A-G Gani was being bribed by former Ho Hup Construction Bhd Deputy Executive Chairman Datuk Vincent Lye in exchange for help in a boardroom tussle involving his corporate rival, Dato' TC  Low. Vincent Lye was ousted during an EGM in March this year and the documents of the bribery became exposed. The allegations is strengthened by a photograph of A-G Gani with Vincent Lye at Ho Hup's office (picture below). That certainly begs the question- why was A-G Gani Patail there?

Following this recent revelation, Robert Phang has asked the MACC to show independence and not impotence when dealing with A-G Gani Patail. Phang is justified to demand swift action from the MACC especially given the absolute manner in which A-G Gani was cleared over the Haj Trip affair but Phang himself was only given a conditional clearance over an unfounded allegation. That certainly smacks of preferential treatment and selective prosecution.

The MACC's silence on this matter is also deafening. The investigations against the Selangor opposition assemblymen involving only RM2,400 which led to the death of Teoh Beng Hock was widely sensationalised. So was the investigations against Customs officers in the much touted Ops 3B which led to the death of Ahmad Sarbaini.

The government has also been buying advertorial spaces in the main stream media to laud the MACC's anti-corruption drive in the government's transformation plan (GTP), yet a matter as serious as A-G Gani  Patail's bribery seems to receive the silent treatment from the MACC. What is happening here? Is this an attempt to bury an otherwise explosive story?

Dato' TC Low left for Sydney in a huff

My friends in the corporate circles tell me that when this story broke, Dato' TC Low  left the country in a huff  for Sydney, Australia. Is there something that Dato' TC Low is afraid of? Was he fearful of retaliation from A-G Gani Patail? Why has the MACC not stepped in to give him protection?  Why hasn't the MACC interviewed the Managing Director of Ho Hup, Mr Derek Wong?  Or for that matter the rest of the Ho Hup Board of Directors which includes senior lawyer Felix Dorairaj? Are all these people afraid because it involves A-G Gani Patail?

All Quiet on the MACC Front

All these information about Ho Hup is easily available on the company's website and yet all is quiet on the MACC front. My research disclosed even more interesting facts. The Chairman of Ho Hup is former Kuala Lumpur City Mayor Tan Sri Dato Kamaruzzaman Sharif. And guess who is Ho Hup's Deputy Chairman? Does the name Dato' Ramli Yusuff ring a bell? I was astounded. Could it be?



PSC: A tactic to delay, deny and confuse?

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 10:33 AM PDT

What has transpired since then only seems to confirm this observation.

The onus is with the government now to dispel this notion. And the only way to do it is to give a public pledge to the nation that parliament will not be dissolved any time before the PSC completes its work and presents its findings to parliament to put in place the reformation that is urgently required to ensure free and fair elections.

This undertaking is absolutely necessary to convince Malaysians that there was sincerity and commitment on the part of the PM in setting up this PSC. We need to be assured that the Barisan Nasional government will go all the way to implement the reforms that are demanded by the people.

But what was confusing to Malaysians was the statement made by the PM nine days later that the next general election can be held anytime and will not be bound by the findings of the PSC on electoral reforms. This is perplexing!

In order to call for elections, parliament has to be dissolved and when that is done the PSC lapses. He would have effectively scuttled the PSC and sent it into oblivion. The truth of the matter is that the life of the PSC doesn't go beyond the life span of the current parliament. When that is the case, then what is the purpose in setting up the PSC to look at the necessary electoral reforms?

By dissolving parliament before the PSC completes its duties entrusted to it, the PM will immediately deny all Malaysians the electoral reforms that were promised by setting up the PSC. Not only that, he will inevitably delay the promised reforms indefinitely.

History would suggest that the BN has no intention of introducing any meaningful reforms. Since the last Bersih Rally in 2007, the BN had two years to rectify this problem. The four demands of Bersih in 2007 were:

  • The use of indelible ink (which was already been agreed to by the Electoral Commission, but later scrapped);
  • A clean-up of the registered voters' roll;
  • Abolition of postal votes; and
  • Access to the government-controlled print and broadcast media for opposition parties.

The BN government did nothing to address these issues. And these four demands have now become part of the eight demands of Bersih 2.0.

In reality there were only four new demands in 2011:



Kredit: www.malaysia-today.net

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