Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- 3,424-diamond bangle cost RM1.65 mil
- Bersih rally provides lessons to Malaysian gov't
- Malaysian police used 'excessive force' in KL rally
- Breezes of change in Malaysia
- Al-Kesah Kita dan Dia
- Voter Registration at Rumah Anak Bangsa Malaysia this weekend
- Mr. Masing, do you really know what the PDRM did last Saturday?
- Cakap cakap....This is DSAI
- Lies, lies and shameless lying through their teeth
- Save Malaysia: Australia Trip
- No escape from new media effect
- US airs concerns on Malaysia crackdown
- 170,000 'like' Facebook page urging Malaysia PM to go
- Forever Tarnished
- Apologies Needed, Not Denials
- It’s too late, Najib
- Ahead of Malaysia-Vatican ties, an archbishop under siege
- Malaysia's Najib must abandon the Mubarak model
- Cop: Use of excessive force was wrong
- Doctors blast police attack on hospitals, ready to issue affidavits
- Ambiga not foreseeng more rallies in future
- WikiLeaks’ Assange wraps up appeal arguments
- Meet Jacob the jeweller
- My challenge to The Unspinners and the Umno Bloggers
- MCLM Calls BERSIH 2.0 a Great Success and Hails the Rakyat who Participated as the Third Force
- We are the boss
- MACC report filed over diamond ring
- Tweets show Bersih has lots of apolitical support
- The Principles Behind UMNO’s Corruption Exposed for All to See
- Suara rakyat: Bersih 2.0 tewaskan 1Malaysia
- Nik Aziz sokong Bersih 3.0 jika tidak berubah
- Bersih dan Ambiga
- BERSIH 2.0 berjaya, polis dan media gagal
- 170,000 ‘like’ Facebook page urging Najib to go
- Now: Rosmah’s ‘diamond bangles’
- Baharuddin family unhappy post-mortem delayed
- Utusan dismisses Anwar’s tunnel escapade as play-acting
- Justice for Jeyakumar!
3,424-diamond bangle cost RM1.65 mil Posted: 13 Jul 2011 01:41 PM PDT
By B Nantha Kumar, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: The pair of bangles with 3,424 diamond stones, allegedly owned by Rosmah Mansor, is worth RM1.65 million, according to fine jewellers Jacob & Co. In an e-mail communique to FMT, the New-York based jewellers said the price for the pair of bangles is US$540,000 (RM1.65 million). Jacob & Co said each 18k white gold bangle is fitted with 1,712 diamond stones and weighed 137.31 grams. "Each bangle is studded with 751 stones 30.00ct of black diamonds and 34.50ct 961 stones of fancy intense white diamonds," the company added. Yesterday, a pro-Pakatan Rakyat blogger published a photograph of Rosmah sporting a pair of bangles which looked strikingly similar to Jacob & Co's "Zebra Safari" collection. Yesterday, bloggers had claimed that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's wife had acquired a diamond ring from the same jewellers, worth a whopping RM73 million.
Bersih rally provides lessons to Malaysian gov't Posted: 13 Jul 2011 01:32 PM PDT
By Jia Ning Tan, Xinhua News KUALA LUMPUR, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Last weekend's rally in Malaysia posed a question to the government: should it look into the electoral system or are there lessons to be learned? On Saturday, floods of activists of the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections or Bersih joined an illegal street demonstration in Kuala Lumpur, demanding for an electoral reform. The authorities put the figure of demonstrators at five to six- thousand people. The situation returned to normal at 6 p.m. on the day and a total of 1,667 demonstrators were arrested, including the organizers of the rally but were released by Sunday. Meanwhile, thousands of activists living abroad also gathered in about 30 different cities around the world demonstrating for the same cause, making the rally the largest one over the past four years. Prime Minister Najib Razak repeatedly denied any shortcomings in the country's electoral system in Malaysia. He noted earlier that if the government could manipulate electoral results, then the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional ( Malay for National Front) would not have lost five states in 2008 General Election, would not lose the two-thirds majority in parliament and PAS (the opposition) would not have been administering Kelantan for the past 21 years. "We even display the electoral list for voters to check," he added. Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad echoed his view, condemning the rally as politically-motivated. "Its objective is to tarnish the government's name and the police, so that the opposition will win," Mahathir said earlier this month.
MOTIVATION BEHIND, LESSONS EMBEDDED Analysts also said the rally was more than just about electoral reform. "You have the non-governmental organizations wanting the electoral reform, that was the principle reason; but all kinds of other groups also flocked into the bandwagon partly because they see that as a platform for them to surface their issues," Ibrahim Suffian, a political analyst from opinion research firm Merdeka Center told Xinhua in an exclusive interview. "You see the opposition parties and their supporting the Bersih rally partly because they see this as a platform on which they can show strength and energize their leadership," he said. "They see this as a platform they can raise the issues that they were critical of the government in recent times, like corruption, slowness in implementing policies," he added. He said although the government was not likely to bow to their demands considering how near the general election looms, Bersih succeeded in placing pressure on the government, triggering awareness about electoral reform among the people and mobilize the Malaysians living abroad. "They have placed some form of pressure in the government, they were able to mobilize Malaysians outside of Malaysia and I think for people who care about this issue, they can see the difference of treatment for demonstrators in overseas," Ibrahim said. And he expects the rally to better prep the government in handling dissent, which was under scrutiny recently after the rally. Police were claimed by the demonstrators and activists to be using excessive force when making arrests and dispersing the crowd in the rally an accusation the government said it was investigating. "In Malaysia, there are groups of people who are equally patriotic, equally responsible but may not agree with certain policies," he said. "I noticed a large number of young people who were there for the first time. The key lesson here is how the government can engage this segment society, who are not necessarily anti- government but they have different views, they need to be engaged, " he added, suggesting that the government would in the end find a middle ground between the people's grievances and what it can deliver to portray itself positively. Although it would likely embolden the opposition for now, giving them a sense of power, Ibrahim said it also allows the government to widen its focus, from a series of people-friendly policies and transformation programs to core issues that concern the younger generation, like rights and democracy. "The government needs to be transparent, acknowledge the flaws in the system, they need to begin to talk to these people," he added. Bersih, a non-government organization, was advocating for a clean and fair election in the next general election, which is expected to start within this year. They have eight demands, which include introducing automatic voter registration, reforms to postal voting and the use of indelible ink. The organization held a similar rally with a crowd of an estimated between 10,000 to 40,000 people in 2007 that dealt a major blow to the ruling coalition, who lost five states to the opposition during the 2008 election.
Malaysian police used 'excessive force' in KL rally Posted: 13 Jul 2011 01:21 PM PDT
By Teo Cheng Wee, Straits Times (Singapore) Police used excessive and unnecessary force against Bersih rally participants while arrests were made randomly and arbitrarily, according to the Malaysian Bar Council. The Bar Council's comments - detailed in a report by a team of 100 people who openly monitored the rally last Saturday - add to the flak that the authorities have received from the United Nations, human rights groups and international news editorials over their handling of the demonstration for electoral reforms. More than 1,600 people were arrested and one man died in Malaysia's biggest street protest in years, as police fired tear gas and sprayed chemical-laced water at tens of thousands of protesters. The police's response was indiscriminate and made without audible warning to the demonstrators, said Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee, who signed off on the report. With the exception of an unruly few, most of the participants had behaved in a peaceful and calm manner, he said. The report also noted that police were seen beating, hitting and kicking some of the protest participants, contradicting earlier remarks by Prime Minister Najib Razak that there was "no physical contact" between police and protesters. It reserved praise, however, for "a significant number" of police officers who were polite towards protest leaders and participants. The report ended with the Bar Council calling for the government to "uphold the constitutional rights of Malaysians to assemble without a need for police permits", and to investigate the claims of aggression by the police. "The outcome of the monitoring exercise demonstrates that people in Malaysia are mature and peace-loving when championing a cause they believe in," said Lim. "This is contrary to the fear of possible racial disharmony or riots, expressed by irresponsible public figures." Days after the Bersih rally, reports such as the Bar Council's have kept public pressure on the government of Prime Minister Najib. Already a Facebook petition for Datuk Seri Najib to resign has picked up speed, with close to 180,000 'likes', five days after it was posted. The PM is out of the country, on an official visit to Britain. Prominent online news websites have also been regularly publishing first-hand accounts from protesters, many of whom hit out at the authorities and their heavy- handed response. "Was there violence? Yes - tear gas, water cannon... but well, if you want to call making lots of noise and chants, and singing (national anthem) Negara Ku and shouting 'Daulat Tuanku' (Long live the King) several times violence, I guess we were pretty violent," one protester wrote in a column yesterday. Pro-Umno blogs, however, have attempted to deflect the criticism by highlighting the buffet spread that Bersih detainees were treated to by the authorities, at a cost of 25 ringgit (US$8) per person. They also referred to standby medical treatment and makeshift prayer tents that were provided during the rally, claiming that these showed that the police treated Bersih protesters well. Parts of the mainstream media also continued to hit out at Bersih organisers and opposition leaders for holding the illegal rally. In an editorial yesterday, Umno-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia accused Selangor Pakatan Rakyat leaders of disobeying the Malaysian King and the Selangor Sultan. The King had called for restraint and urged the government and Bersih organisers to hold consultations over the issue of elections. The Selangor Sultan had warned the public to stay away from street protests. "Is it wrong to call them treasonous and liars out to damage the institution of the monarchs?" said Utusan's editorial. "This group lied to the King when they still brought their supporters to the streets." |
Posted: 13 Jul 2011 01:14 PM PDT By Rachel Harvey, BBC SEA Correspondent, BBC News Malaysia's reputation as a peaceful, multi-ethnic role model was shaken last weekend when thousands of protesters took to the streets of the capital, Kuala Lumpur. The rally was organised by a collective of non-governmental organisations and activists calling itself Bersih - or the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections. The word "bersih" means "clean" in the Malay language. The group's stated aim is to push for reforms of Malaysia's electoral system, which it claims is skewed in favour of the governing coalition. In a determined effort to enforce a ban on the march, police locked down the centre of the city. Traffic was allowed - almost encouraged - to leave, but nothing was allowed back inside the cordon. The protesters pushed on regardless, gathering in front of the road blocks, determined to make their point. Police in full riot gear were waiting. Jets from water cannon flooded Kuala Lumpur streets. Clouds of tear gas billowed overhead - empty canisters were thrown back towards the police lines. Screaming headlines Protesters beat a retreat with baton-wielding police officers in pursuit. More than 1,000 people were arrested, though most were quickly released. A day later everything had returned to normal. Apart from the screaming headlines in the local newspapers, it would be impossible to tell anything untoward had happened. Standing on the spot where just 24 hours earlier he had been trying to direct the crowd, one of the protest leaders, Hairs Ibrahim, reflected on the way things had developed. "We promised things would be peaceful," he said. "But we felt there was a need to press the authorities to take these reforms seriously." Those reforms include a longer campaign period before polling day, equal access to the media for all parties, and accurate voter lists. "On polling day the dead get up to vote," he said. But the government says there is more to all this than meets the eye. Among the protesters' chants there were clearly recognisable opposition slogans, evidence, the government claims, of the reform movement's partisan agenda. In an office decorated with football trophies and photographs, Khairy Jamaluddin, leader of the youth wing of the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), the party which has dominated Malaysian politics since independence more than 50 years ago, acknowledged the electoral reforms were needed. But he said Bersih's approach was deliberately confrontational. "If you are talking about electoral reforms, then there's a way of doing it. That's to work with the elections commission to push for some of the points they have highlighted and not try to create a kind of us-and-them polemic," he said. Haris Ibrahim does not deny Bersih is a political organisation. But he strongly rejects the charge the reform movement is bent on removing the government from power. "We don't pretend to be otherwise. We don't apologise for being political. But we are non-partisan." The government may, in part, be nervous because of the results of the last election in 2008. It retained power, but it lost five states - its worst ever performance. That election was preceded by a protest march organised by an earlier incarnation of Bersih - the new movement has the full name of Bersih 2.0. Changing dynamic Part of the problem for the government is it can no longer control the message the way it once did. One striking phenomenon of last weekend's protest was the number of people using their smart phones to record and upload video and to get real-time information on where the police blocks were and how to avoid them. Malaysia now has 60% broadband penetration and there is free wi-fi in many parts of Kuala Lumpur. The Malaysian Insider, an online news portal, has tapped into the growing demand for information. Its offices display clear influences from the new media ethos developed in the US. There are chalk boards on the walls with a mix of motivational messages, team objectives and a list of names who had signed up for an office bowling night. It is open-plan, informal, and hi-tech. Jahabar Sadiq, who is both editor and company boss, says he is convinced social media is changing the political dynamic in Malaysia. "Internet media is changing the way people think, giving them a wider choice between what the government says and what is actually going on," he said. And he made this striking prediction: "Someone within Facebook or Twitter will capture people's imagination, and he or she will take over leadership of this country, I think, within a decade." There are definitely stirrings of change in Malaysia. But this is not Egypt or Libya. Malaysia is not on the verge of a violent uprising. But there is a growing desire for a genuine and fair political choice and an increasing willingness to make that demand heard. |
Posted: 13 Jul 2011 12:29 PM PDT DARI JELEBU Aduhai bodoh lah polis yang makan upah. Aduhai SB yang membeli parang. Ushalah sikit. Bergeaklah sikit. Jangan beli parang dari kedai yang sama. Nampak sangat malas bekerja. Parang ini sepesen sepesol. Serumpun macam baru dibeli borong dari Kedai Aked Mara di Kuala Kangsar. Hishamuddin Rais SUARA KEADILAN TERBARU Read more at: |
Voter Registration at Rumah Anak Bangsa Malaysia this weekend Posted: 13 Jul 2011 12:18 PM PDT Come register as a voter this weekend and next weekend at Rumah Anak Bangsa Malaysia (RABM) from 2-4pm. Date: 16-17 July (Saturday & Sunday)23-24 July (Saturday & Sunday) Time: 2-4pm Venue: Rumah Anak Bangsa Malaysia,66 Lorong Setiabistari 1, Bukit Damansara (GoogleMap link here) If you're already a registered voter, you can drive all your friends and family who are not yet a voter to RABM this weekend! Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Are you amongst the 3,973,032 eligible but as yet unregistered to vote? Do you know of someone who can but hasn't yet registered? Register now and get every unregistered voter you know to do the same, if we are to have a chance for change come the 13th General Election. Register as a Voter today!
Mr. Masing, do you really know what the PDRM did last Saturday? Posted: 13 Jul 2011 12:15 PM PDT No one broke the law. If anyone did, then why were the 1,667 civilians arrested by the police all released without charge? By Being Vernon No sooner had Mr. William Mawan anak Ikom spewed his disgraceful and uninformed comments, another Dayak leader has joined the fray to gush more tired rhetoric. This is what was reported at the Borneo Post Online.
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Posted: 13 Jul 2011 12:13 PM PDT So what happens if UMNO takes DSAI out? What happens if UMNO is able to neutralize DSAI? And they do it after the announcement of a date for the 13th GE? I live my life as I want to. I am my own best company and isolation from all things is my preferred option. There is nobody to talk to me of ethics, race or religion for I do not suffer these "disturbances" easily. And so I live my life here with just my family for comfort and solace. But I have had to make concessions when I started blogging two years ago. Once I started to write and what I write is in the public domain I opened myself to the sensibilities of the multitudes. The accolades that came from those who liked what I wrote did my ego much good. It is always chicken soup for the soul when what you write is agreed to by people that you have never met and probably never will. But too soon the barbs began to arrive. After a suitable period of being amazed at the ability of these people to continued to visit my site despite being totally repulsed by what I write I have now settled down to accepting the good with the bad.Nothing much fazes me anymore. For the past two years I have chosen to write consistently against UMNO, its associates and the people within UMNO.I said chosen because it was a conscious decision from the start to do this...and the "bahan bahan" or data/info that was with me on UMNO gave me ample fodder to fill my blog pages...and I enjoyed myself tremendously! But now the 13th general elections nears.By all reckoning this will be a decisive moment for our country. Will the people continue with the flow towards Pakatan Rakyat or has Pakatan Rakyat done enough to stem the flow their way? Please read that last line again. Will the people continue with the flow towards Pakatan Rakyat or has Pakatan Rakyat done enough to stem the flow their way? My question is "has Pakatan Rakyat done enough to stem the flow their way?" UMNO does not come into the equation at all. We all know UMNO for what it is -a corrupt, arrogant and self serving political party. The 13th general election is for Pakatan Rakyat to lose...and losing it seems to be the way it is now going. My last posting "An inconvenient truth for Pakatan Rakyat" is my two cents worth on this delicate issue. There is an elephant in PR's room - and everyone in PR chooses to ignore it. That elephant in the room is DSAI. The leadership within Pakatan Rakyat accepts DSAI - warts and all but I say that DSAI is too much of a distraction because of the baggage he carries with him from time immemorial. From his time in UMNO until today. It is better for DSAI to be King maker for he cannot be King. As I have said in my first paragraph of this posting - I chose to live my live as I want to. And because I do so living in KL is not a wise option - what more to hold public office -even if that was at Cawangan level of any political entity. To start with I do not suffer fools perish any thought of me doing any thing that requires interaction between other human beings...what more in politics! At 64 I cannot change....make that I do not want to change! DSAI wants to be Prime Minister of Malaysia. A noble calling indeed but one that would require a noble soul to do so. DSAI does not have a noble soul. What ever he has endured in the past, what ever injustice done to him by UMNO, whatever sacrifices he and his family has made in the name of the nation if not in DSAI's name - all these put together still does not give DSAI the right to consider the Prime Minister ship of Malaysia as his to claim. I am not talking about the right of Najib or any other UMNO's president to be Prime Minister - that is another issue altogether - I am talking about OUR Pakatan Rakayat and OUR Prime Minister designate. The one who will lead PR into the 13th GE and the one who will be Prime Minister if PR wins the 13th GE. I say that that man cannot be DSAI. Before you condemn me to Hell with Satan and Gabriel as my company please hear me out. |
Lies, lies and shameless lying through their teeth Posted: 13 Jul 2011 12:03 PM PDT In the face of all these denials the government even has the audacity to threaten legal action against the media world for publishing the facts and truth. By J. D. Lovrenciear
It is mind blowing. How do ministers as well as all those charged with leadership responsibilities lie through their teeth knowing full well that not just 28 million people have seen the evidence but the entire global community of people do know what actually happened at Bersih 2.0 on July 19, 2011? It insults. It hurts. It really is very frightening when you start wondering how a government and its agencies could adamantly disclaim solid, real first eye witness accounts backed with hard evidence showing the way the police went about brutalizing and intimidating the citizens at the rally. There are citizens carrying photos of experiences in their cell phones. The blogs have posted evidences. The world press have published hard evidences. Television stations around the globe have showcased snippets of the real life drama. And yet the government denies. Celebrated individuals and professionals around the world have written stinging remarks against the police brutality shown against its own citizens. Global organizations have clearly demonstrated their shock at the way the government went about dealing with its citizens. And our so-called leaders still choose to deny? Mahathir always believed that when you tell a lie all too often or persistently peddle it, people will start believing it. If that is the paradigm from where our government is operating from, you must be worse off than the turkey really. Now, fraternities of doctors from the Tung Shin hospital have stepped forward to state in no uncertain terms that the police did break an international code of ethics by infringing onto hospital premises. And the leader representing Health Care in Malaysia makes an outright denial. And to cap it off, another leader from BN makes a mockery of the truth. What is all these? A joke? Or is someone putting a gun to the heads of spokespersons? And in the face of all these denials the government even has the audacity to threaten legal action against the media world for publishing the facts and truth. Does it not make this nation look extremely foolish in the eyes of a globalizing world? Is this not treason of the highest order – shaming a nation in the most damned manner? One citizen died and the top most leaders make a jest out of it. Others demean the bereaved family members. People were injured. Many more were hurt physically. Young and old suffered. And the government has no qualms in shaming the citizens even more? And it is even threatening hints to the wind that it can marshal millions more to create "chaos". Why? Why? Whatever has got into the heads of our so-called chosen leaders? Look, honorable men and women and respected organizations here and abroad are speaking up against the crime committed on peaceful citizens and the authorities are breathing more hell-bent fire on its citizens by making more denials, showing zero compassion, and displaying absolutely no cares or even any iota of remorse of conscience. And to cap it with even more atrocity, various channels are being employed to fan hatred and suspicion and condemnation against its own citizens. Why? What does the government want in the final analysis? Why so much of lies, lies and shameless lies even when every corner of the nation and the four corners of the world are saying that the government was wrong in its ways? Something is seriously very wrong. It is beginning to seem even more frightening to think what else is coming. This madness must stop. And it better stop yesterday not just for the love of rakyat and king but also for the region and the world at large. Do not for a single moment forget that when the world gets angry at these persistent lies, the price cannot be paid. |
Posted: 13 Jul 2011 11:26 AM PDT 9ksg24Fqq8s We gathered how Australian Laws on regulating such industries differed from ours and based on one or more of these laws we can consider taking up a legal injunction there to stop Lynas from operating in Malaysia. By Save Malaysia Stop Lynas Or watch video at: The SAVE MALAYSIA STOP LYNAS MOVEMENT has, under the sponsorship of residents in Balok, Gebeng and Kuantan made a trip o Australia from the 3rd to 10th July 2011. Since its inception in March this year, SMSL has made presentations to the Malaysian Parliament calling upon the government to scrap the project called LAMP (Lynas Advanced Materials Plant) Rare Earth processing plant. Till this day there hasn't been any response from the authorities oncerned. We then staged a 1000 mothers candle light vigil at the Teluk Cempedak beach on the Mother's Day and followed up by a Solidarity Walk to the Australian High Commissioner's Office in Kuala Lumpur n the 20th May 2011. In response to the opposition to this plant by the local residents, the government set up an independent panel of experts called the IAEA Panel to look into the safety aspect of the plant. They were given a term of reference that merely concerned itself on whether there is any non-compliance of the regulations regarding radiation as laid down in the IAEA guidelines on such matter. The panel revealed its findings on the 30th June 2011 by declaring that they could not find any cases of non-compliance by Lynas Advanced Materials Plant. However they proposed 11 conditions to be fulfilled by both AELB, the regulating body ,and Lynas before the next stage license be granted to the plant. We have, during the course of the submission period set by the government to the IAEA panel, declared that the terms of reference is too narrow and it did not address the various concerns of the residents living in the vicinity affected by the presence of this plant. We chose not to make any submissions and when the report by IAEA came out, it proved us right that the whole exercise was an eyewash. Though we demonstrated peacefully during the first two days of submission by members of the public at the Hyatt Hotel Kuantan, there were hired thugs who came to harrass us. We have made a police report and a complaint to SUHAKAM regarding the violation of our rights to gather peacefully and to express our opinion, till this day there has not been any response to our police report and complaint to Suhakam on the day's incident. We subsequently held two large peaceful gatherings comprising of ordinary residents from these affected areas at the Taman Gelora on Father's Day and a morning hike up Bukit Pelindung to register our protest against the LAMP project. To date, no positive response from the government has been forthcoming. The IAEA Report mandated 11 recommendations to be fulfilled by parties concerned before the government grant the license for the next stage of development for the plant. We found the report inadequate in many areas. The plant is built on an ecologically sensitive area as it is sited on a large reclaimed swamp land. It is surrounded by swamps. Nearby factories had tested and yielded results from geological studies that the water table is merely 1 metre below the surface. With such delicate geological structure, the radioactive solid wastes of the plant which will amount to hundreds of thousands of tons which will be stored in 'storage cells' built on top of the reclaimed areas will in gradual setting lead to possible cracks on the 1 foot thick clay bottom and cause the plastic lining above it to give way. This will lead to seeping of radioactive elements in the solid wastes into the ground water which will end up in the ecosyatem and eventually in our food chain. Once this happen, the traditional artisan fishermen who have been depending on the catch in the nearby sea will not be able to sell their catch as the fear of ending up eating radioactive fish becomes real to the propective buyers. This will effectively end their livelihood and it will be grossly unjustified for anyone to deprive these hard working kampung folks of the means to support their families. They have been living in these areas since time immemorial. They are the first inhabitants of this area. The LAMP will treacherously destroy the rights of these artisan fishermen of the right to earn a living and this is a grave and serious violation of basic human rights and the Malaysian Constitution! The IAEA team conveniently ignored this possibility as it fell outside the scope of their reference! The Report also recommended that the regulating authority , the AELB, be equipped with adequate resources to monitor and to regulate the activities of this plant 24/7. We have withnessed how the head of AELB had declared that the radioactive waste produced by the plant is so low in radiation that one can 'tabur' (sprinkle') it around! His credibility was further compromised when he declared that depositing the waste permenantly at the factory backyard was not acceptable. These statements contradicted each other and it demonstrated vividly the incompetency of the personnel involved in monitoring the plant's activities. Now that Lynas has mentioned the proposed installation of two units of radioactivity detectors, it made us wonder why these units were not included in the specifications laid out for the plant before it was built? Can we honestly trust AELB to carry out its duties effectively when it is not bothered to check whether these two units of detectors are up to international specifications as they were bought by Lynas! It is equivalent to public road users themselves buying the speed detector for our JPJ to detect whether we have driven our cars exceeding certain limits! Whatever extra measures put in place by Lynas will not change the lack of trust the public has of the competency of our regulating authorities as past incidences have shown that they are lacking in capability in instituting and implementing effective and competent measures to safeguard our environment. The IAEA mentioned the permissible low level of radiation that will be absorbed by the public and the plant employees. It merely concerned itself with EXTERNAL RADIATION for which the irradiation of nearby people or object will obey the inverse square rule. This means the further one is, the lesser will be the strength of the radiation absorbed. It did not address the problem of radioactive dust and liquids that will be produced during the processing of rare earth. It did not consider the dust particles and radioactive gases that could be inhaled and ingested into our bodies. The INTERNAL EMITTERS that result from such inhalation or ingestion will pose many time more risks than that of external radiation. These internal emitters will irradiate our cellular particles inclusive of our DNA and cause permanent mutation which could lead to the gradual development of cancer in the body. It takes only one mutated cell to cause cancer. Obviously the ordinary citizens' voices were not given the due respect and attention. We therefore turned our attention to exploring other options through which we could help bring the LAMP project to a solution acceptable to the residents of Balok, Gebeng and Kuantan. It is under this scenario that we made the trip to Australia. After an overnight flight, we landed at the Sydney airport on the 4th morning and headed for a pre-rally meeting at University Technology of Sydney. We met with the organiser of the next day's demonstration and attended a special meeting with members of Amnesty International. There we explained our situation to the crowd present and they responded positively towards our plan to demonstrate at the Lynas HQ the next day. On the 5th morning, we gathered our gears and travelled by train to 56 Pitt Street where Lynas HQ is situated. We picketed from 1 pm to 2.30 pm. Australian media of all modes came to interview us and our activities were reported in various newspapers and radio talk shows in Sydney. Lynas CEO Mr. Nick Curtis invited us to his office to discuss the issue. We accepted and five of us representing SMSL attended the discussion. We felt rather disappointed because he was merely repeating the points that were aired through one of the videos he did as a PR exercise in Youtube. He tried to justify Lynas' presence here by basing his argument entirely on the IAEA report and he admitted that the company had not done enough to engage the local population. We told him that this engagement which he was attempting to do at that moment should have been done in Kuantan long before Lynas started its project! When we found that the conversation led to no where, we stood up to depart but before we left, we handed him our memo and told him that our bottom line is we DO NOT want Lynas anywhere in Malaysia! We met up with other NGOs that afternoon and we gathered enough info from them on where we should be heading now in our search to bring this issue to a close. We went to the Australian Parliament on the following day and we had meetings with three of their Senators. We had had very fruitful discussions and we were promised that there will be follow-up actions on their part to bring forth the issue in their next sitting while coordinating with other relevant authorities in mapping out strategic engagements with parties that will help to further our cause. Though the weather was cold, the trip to the Australian Parliament was most rewarding even though we had to spend the entire day there. The next day we met up with other NGOs in Canberra and they were all very supportive of our cause as they felt that a dirty toxic industry like rare earth processing should not have been exported to other countries as this will tarnish their national image. They promised to take up the issue and help spread the message around. It is also through one of these meetings that we gathered how Australian Laws on regulating such industries differed from ours and based on one or more of these We are now preparing all things needed to pursue this course of action and we call upon all residents of Balok, Gebeng and Kuantan who still wish to see the 'last, restful paradise' in the East Coast of the Peninsula intact from the possible disastrous ravages of Rare Earth processing to come forward and help us defend our homeland. We in SMSL will lead the fight in preserving our beautiful homeland! We later went on to Albury to attend a Student of Sustainability (SoS) workshops and spoke to a full quorum of students from various universities and individuals who came to participate in the workshops that dwelled on all issues concerning human rights and the destruction of environment. We spoke on the LAMP issue and received overwhelming response and support from the participants. The following day a support group was set up to further take up our campaign. We came back to Sydney on an overnight train ride and were in time for the Bersih 2.0 gathering at the Sydney townhall. We took the opportunity to speak to the crowd about the purpose of our trip to Australia and they too gave us undivided support and they promised that the next trip we make shall see them lining up to help us drive the message home to Lynas that we don't want the plant anywhere in Malaysia! They are true Malaysians! 1. That we found new options through which we can institute actions to stop Lynas in Australia. |
No escape from new media effect Posted: 13 Jul 2011 11:00 AM PDT Whether by choice or due to an inability to engineer a mindset turnaround, Barisan's team has also missed out chances to update its messaging and repair missed touchpoints. Perhaps it might be in serious need of a major overhaul of its voter communication bureaucracies. By Ho Aoi Ling
Unfortunately for stakeholders in Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, Malaysia's political rhythm for the upcoming 13th general election has changed to a new beat from 9 July 2011. In this new political landscape where the rakyat hold supreme in the choice between Barisan and Pakatan, any forward looking players should now be urgently re-thinking their choice of campaign managers and teams who will play an important role to make or break the political incumbents' careers or aspirants' dreams. Compared with Pakatan which has adopted heavy use of new media much earlier, Barisan is running behind in the race to articulate its messages on this platform. Whether by choice or due to an inability to engineer a mindset turnaround, Barisan's team has also missed out chances to update its messaging and repair missed touchpoints. Perhaps it might be in serious need of a major overhaul of its voter communication bureaucracies. For the influential segment of middle class voters who possess more confidence to make a stand on issues and demand for intelligent discourse, BN's incongruent messages do not synchronize with the people's vision of 1Malaysia. The incongruous noise also implies a lack of updated skills in political messaging by Barisan's campaigners, promoters, speakers and spokesmen. One also suspects non-existent political knowhow in the advertising companies managing the BN coalition parties' or candidate's media accounts. Some voters might recall being bombarded by 'unreal' messages from political advertisements mostly carried in mainstream newspapers in the 12th general election campaign. Due to its misalignment to voters' sentiment, some might recall being amused by BN's manifesto's theme 'Selamat, Aman, Makmur' or MCA's ad depicting its President still cycling around the new village. Those messages may have worked well in the days before new media became a daily work, communication and information essential. According to the Election Commission, Malaysia has 11.82 million registered voters after the supplementary electoral roll for the fourth quarter of 2010 was gazetted recently. In June 2010, there were 16.9 million internet users in Malaysia (representing 64.6% of the population) according to Internet World Stats. Certainly these data presents a huge opportunity to extend the power of messaging beyond traditional platforms or hardsell to reach the hearts and minds of Gen X and Y families, especially the new voters. The new media platform exposes its users to diverse perspectives and is a tool to politicize younger people. Today's voters are disengaged from the traditional ideas of political loyalty and places more value on issues of governance and civil discourse. Today's middle class talk about values and rights of an individual. It may even be perceived as a form of cruelty, a turnoff or politically incorrect behavior to cast aspersion via character assassination or cliché to bespattering someone with metaphorical mud. Thence, it was no surprise that individuals 'guilty' of moral indiscretions were elected or appointed to office as the value creation from harnessing their career skills carried more weightage against other considerations. No longer bound to thought limitations of mainstream newspapers, radio and television, your fellow citizens are free to watch and compare ideas on the worldwide internet almost everyday and communicate their expanded worldview to share with their families, relatives and friends in the rural areas or globally. This complicates and presents a huge challenge to candidates contesting in the urban and semi-urban constituencies. Any political campaigners worth their salt must possess listening experience on the internet before embarking on the political trail to try to persuade voters to listen to their candidate's message. As always for political players and stakeholders, fresh approaches to politics are absolutely necessary to convince voters beyond traditional offers of lunch, dinner or charity. There is no escaping the new media effect and for sure, at any given time, the world may be watching and sharing through the internet what one is saying today or have said yesterday.
The writer is a social media listening specialist and heads an independent think tank in Kuala Lumpur. She may be reached at or Twitter |
US airs concerns on Malaysia crackdown Posted: 13 Jul 2011 10:35 AM PDT
(AFP) - WASHINGTON - THE United States on Wednesday voiced concern about Malaysia's weekend crackdown on an opposition-backed rally and said it would keep an eye on developments. Riot police fired tear gas and water cannons to end Saturday's rally to demand electoral changes and arrested more than 1,600 people. One demonstrator was killed. 'We do have some concerns,' State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters. 'We... continue to stand for the right for people to freely express their democratic aspirations and express their views freely.' 'I would stress that those must be peaceful demonstrations,' Mr Toner said. 'We continue to monitor the situation closely.' Malaysia has promised to investigate allegations of police brutality. Prime Minister Najib Razak has defended the police, saying the rally was a ploy to tarnish the country's image. International human rights groups strongly criticised the crackdown and urged the United States and other countries to put pressure on Malaysia to ensure accountability. Malaysia has been looking to build closer relations with the United States amid an effort by President Barack Obama's administration to reach out to South-east Asia. -- AFP |
170,000 'like' Facebook page urging Malaysia PM to go Posted: 13 Jul 2011 10:34 AM PDT
(AFP) - KUALA LUMPUR - A FACEBOOK petition has seen more than 170,000 people back a call for Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to quit, days after an electoral reform rally was broken up by police firing tear gas. The page titled '100,000 People Request Najib Tun Razak Resignation' was set up on Saturday, the same day police arrested more than 1,600 people during the mass protest in the capital Kuala Lumpur. Backed by opposition parties, electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 mobilised thousands of people to hit the streets in the biggest rally in four years, piling the pressure on Mr Najib with elections widely expected next year. Following the demonstration, the page attracted around 300 'likes' per minute, hitting its 100,000 target early Monday and the number has been steadily increasing with the page showing 172,868 'likes' on Wednesday morning. 'I don't understand why the harshness, the beatings (by police) and the tear gas,' according to a post by supporter Sofie Muhammad on the page. 'The crowd didn't even throw stones at the shops, why is the government afraid? All we want is free elections.' Others felt the prime minister was too far removed from what was happening on the ground. 'Najib is out of touch. He cannot understand pain of tear gas, irritation of chemical water, pain of being kicked and beaten up by (police),' said Longyao Phang in another posting. |
Posted: 13 Jul 2011 09:45 AM PDT
By Sarawak Report When he allowed his forces to brutally attack thousands of peaceful marchers, who were calling for an end to corrupt practices over the weekend, Najib must surely have taken into account the effect on his international image? Millions of dollars worth of expensive PR, positioned press and TV interviews have been swept aside by scenes that show exactly how BN have kept power in Malaysia for over 50 years, achieving their current status as one of the world's longest-lasting regimes. Genuine democratic governments do not attack peaceful marchers with acid-laced water cannon and tear gas. They do not unleash police charges; firing rubber bullets and lashing out with whips and truncheons. Their forces do not push peaceful women and hurl insults at them or arrest people for wearing yellow T-shirts. Najib was determined to show his people that he is boss and that he does not appreciate complaints about rigged elections. However, in the process he also showed the rest of the world that he is just another nasty dictator like the Middle Eastern fellows, who are currently being shown the door by their own people and like Marcos and Suharto, who have already been chucked out by Malaysia's neighbouring powers of Indonesia and the Philippines. Embarrassing guest It has made Najib an embarrassing guest for the British PM and Queen this week. Their briefing teams will have made them well aware of the issues – that BN have been in power for a very suspiciously long time and that people who have been criticising them have ended up beaten in the street and locked in jail without charge and without access to their lawyers under so-called Emergency Orders. Morever, that in Malaysia people are being hauled into detention for wearing the colour yellow and people making polite requests to end electoral corruption are being treated as enemies of the state. It was bad enough having Rupert Murdoch turn up in the middle of the biggest scandal in years over media corruption, but entertaining Najib must have been even more uncomfortable. Flash demos And, as our pictures above show, Malaysian sympathisers have been making sure throughout the week that Najib's British hosts are constantly reminded of the real nature of their guest with 'flash demos' outside his various key engagements. Today they were outside Downing Street, where Najib was due to have lunch with the UK PM, giving the crowds of tourists and passers by a thought-provoking insight into the real Malaysia away from the holiday advertisements. UK police not so cooperative for BN These hard-core demonstrators say they are not going away easily and infuriatingly for BN, the UK police have refused to do anything to budge them (see our photographs of a nice little chat they had with them outside Downing Street). |
Posted: 13 Jul 2011 09:28 AM PDT
By Tony Pua The IGP and the BN Government should stop making fools of themselves to the entire watching world. Eleven doctors who were present at Tung Shin Hospital have bravely stepped forward to present their eye-witness accounts on the fact that the police force has violated the sanctity of the hospital and to express their disgust at the authorities for having "shamelessly denied publicly, the occurrence of these incidents..." All three leaders, Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Ismail Omar, Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai and MCA President, Dr Chua Soi Lek were extremely quick to deny the incidents where the police deployed tear gas and water cannons onto the hospital compounds and entered the hospital to arrest, sometimes violently, Bersih supporters who had sought refuge there. They had defended the actions of the police despite the avalanche of visual evidence that the hospital was attacked with the most pathetic and incredulous of excuses, like the "wind" blowing the tear gas into the hospital compound or that the police "only brought in some injured demonstrators for medical treatment". After being criticised heavily for his 'valiant' but futile attempt to defend the police, the Health Minister had attempted to salvage his reputation by pushing the blame to the Hospital board of directors instead and asked "everyone to wait for the results of police investigations into all reports on incidents that took place on Saturday." While he was initially very quick to absolve the police from blame, Liow had the cheek to then ask "everyone to wait for the results of police investigations" after having seen the evidence otherwise. Worse, his party president, Dr Chua persisted in arguing that the videos and pictures were "unclear", proving that the former Health Minister is either physically blind or acting blind. Now with 11 distinguished medical specialists testifying what Malaysians already know as the truth, are the IGP, Health Minister and MCA President going to procrastinate further by claiming that they need to send the video recordings and photographs to experts in the United States, this time to prove that the evidence have been, forgive the pun, 'doctored'? The IGP and the BN Government should stop making fools of themselves to the entire watching world. The IGP must take responsibility for the infraction, and apologise immediately to the hospital for the "scant regard for the safety of patients, staff and the general public who were at the buildings that afternoon," to quote the good doctors. The Health Minister must apologise to all Malaysians for failing to protect the hospitals under his charge by demanding accountability from the police force, and to the hospital on behalf of the federal government. He must also retract all the lamest exuses and lies he had provided to defend the actions of the police earlier, if he is sincere about respect for hospitals as a "place of convalescence", as he preached in his tweet yesterday. Dr Chua Soi Lek, himself a practising doctor, should give voice to Malaysians who are disgusted with the actions of the police and prove that MCA is not without a backbone, remaining completely voiceless in Barisan Nasional and subsevient to Umno. He must apologise not only for MCA's failure to defend what is morally and ethically right, but also for becoming apologists for the BN state apparatus used to repress ordinary Malaysians defending their constitutional right.
Posted: 13 Jul 2011 09:15 AM PDT
By K Pragalath, FMT There is a Malay saying to the effect that you can profit from your regret only if you heed it before doing something to cause it. The wisdom of this saying should be hitting Najib and Co as they attempt to repair their battered image in the wake of mindlessly violent suppression of citizens' right to peacefully assemble and express their dissatisfaction. Damage control at this point is just too late. Even as Barisan Nasional called former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi out of retirement to spew propaganda on its behalf, visual images and eyewitness reports of harsh police action are already all over cyberspace, and condemnations by international organisations and in the foreign press have continued. Indeed, the Jakarta Post has printed an editorial that supports Bersih 2.0's demands, as if spitting in the face of Foreign Minister Anifah Amin, who is on a damage control trip in Indonesia. Even the United Nations has accused Malaysian authorities of undermining democracy. Trying to justify suppression of human rights is hard enough for an administration that claims to be espousing democracy, but the police and members of Najib Tun Razak's cabinet are making it worse by continuing to vilify Bersih 2.0. Their argument that Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is behind Bersih does not hold water for at least two reasons. One, the steering committee does not include politically affiliated individuals, unlike in Bersih 1.0. Two, Bersih chief S Ambiga publicly told Anwar off after he said he would tell her to call off the rally.
Ahead of Malaysia-Vatican ties, an archbishop under siege Posted: 13 Jul 2011 09:08 AM PDT KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 — As Putrajaya gears up to establish formal ties with the Vatican, the archbishop of Kuala Lumpur has come under scrutiny from certain sections of his congregation who question his role in the government's diplomatic mission. Some of the harshest criticism against Archbishop Murphy Pakiam come, surprisingly, from within the local Roman Catholic Church, with a vocal few labelling the senior cleric a "sellout", as one local priest recounted to The Malaysian Insider. Rev Father Michael Chua acknowledged that Pakiam (picture) has come under attack since word got out that the archbishop will be accompanying Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on the federal government's official visit to meet Pope Benedict XVI next week. "Many critics may view the establishment of these ties and the participation of the local hierarchy as a 'selling out' or radical change of position by the Church," said the ecclesiastical assistant in the Archdiocesan Ministry of Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs (AMEIA) for the Catholic Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur. The priest attributed the Catholic community's anger to the timing of the visit. "Perhaps, what may render it as controversial to some people is that Putrajaya chooses to respond at this time," he said. "It is unfortunate that this event comes after the occurrence of several tensed and critical events, including the use of the 'Allah' word in the Church's publication, the Alkitab and the Bersih rally," he said, linking their outrage to a series of current events that have raised chilled relations between Christians and the majority Muslim federal government. Chua said if not for those issues "most Catholics would be celebrating that ties are finally being established between the Vatican and Malaysia after years of pursuing this". The other problem, he said, was that many Malaysian Catholics were not able to distinguish between a state that has diplomatic ties with the Vatican and a state that does not, which causes them to question why the archbishop is accompanying the Malaysian delegation. "In the case of the former, a visit by a head of state would therefore not involve the local hierarchy as all communique will be via the respective state's ambassadors (the nuncio, in the case of the Vatican)," Chua explained. The Malaysian Insider understands that the Catholic Church does not usually send a representative to accompany the government's diplomatic missions. The priest explained that many were under the impression that the local Church has abandoned its role in standing up for values to build a just, peaceful and equitable society. Chua confessed that he has been approached by several concerned churchgoers over the seeming conflict of interests for a man of the cloth to act as the government's wingman on an official trip. "However, in the present case, since there are no diplomatic ties between the Vatican and Malaysia, Archbishop Pakiam, a local prelate of the Catholic Church who has been instrumental in laying the ground work for this state-to-state diplomatic relations, has been invited by the Vatican to be part of this process," Chua said. He further explained that the Vatican has always sought relations with all countries.
Malaysia's Najib must abandon the Mubarak model Posted: 13 Jul 2011 08:53 AM PDT By Simon Tisdall, Guardian As Najib comes touting for UK trade, Cameron has a chance to show him strong-arm tactics against protesters are unacceptableIt is not in the same league as Arab spring uprisings in Egypt and elsewhere. But Malaysia's fancifully named "hibiscus revolution" has potential, at least, to inflict a winter of discontent on the gormless government of prime minister Najib Razak. That's something David Cameron should bear in mind when Najib comes touting for business in Downing Street on Thursday. Bilateral trade and investment is important. Respect for basic human rights more so. Najib reacted with characteristic heavy-handedness when tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur at the weekend demanding "reformasi" – democratic reform – and an end to a defective electoral system that guarantees Najib's party representing the Malay majority, Umno, stays in power indefinitely. About 1,700 people were arrested and many injured as police used baton charges, watercannon and teargas to break up peaceful protests. In an echo of Britain's Ian Tomlinson affair, one protester, identified as Baharuddin Ahmad, 59, collapsed and later died near the Petronas Towers in central Kuala Lumpur while fleeing teargas. Amnesty International said police had beaten many demonstrators. It demanded an investigation into claims they failed to provide prompt assistance to Baharuddin and that there was a 90-minute delay before an ambulance arrived. "Prime minister Najib's government rode roughshod over thousands of Malaysians exercising their right to peaceful protest," Amnesty said. "This violent repression … flies in the face of international human rights standards and cannot be allowed to continue. David Cameron should tell prime minister Najib that these human rights violations are unacceptable." The protests, the product of rising tensions linked to mooted early elections, spending cuts and political upheavals in neighbouring Thailand and Singapore, echo events across the Muslim world. Many of the participants were reportedly younger-generation Malaysians kicking back against establishment cronyism, curbs on public assembly and debate, and state-imposed censorship considered draconian even by regional standards. Within hours of the violence, a Facebook petition demanding Najib resign was attracting 300 "likes" per minute, the (Singapore-based) Straits Times reported. As of this morning, more than 172,000 people had expressed support. "I don't understand why the harshness, the beatings," posted Sofie Muhammad. "The crowd didn't even throw stones at the shops. Why is the government afraid? All we want is free elections." Videos were also recorded by protesters. Marimuthu Manogaran of the Democratic Action party, representing the ethnic Chinese minority, said many of the protesters were "first timers". "Young people [are] coming out there to demand their rights … and I think that is a good sign for Malaysia," he told Luke Hunt of the Diplomat. Another report, denied by police, said a hospital where protesters had taken refuge was attacked by security forces – an incident akin to events in Bahrain earlier this year. Appalled by the behaviour of police and federal reserve unit special forces, Bersih 2.0, the opposition "coalition for clean and fair elections", called for a royal commission of inquiry and vowed to continue its reformasi campaign, come what may. Anwar Ibrahim, the veteran opposition leader endlessly persecuted by successive governments on trumped-up sodomy charges (he is due in court again next month), was among those injured. He said later the government had lost the people's confidence and more street protests were inevitable. "We will have to pursue free elections inside and outside of parliament," he warned. Far from admitting fault, Najib has threatened more strong-arm tactics if the demos continue. "Don't doubt our strength. If we want to create chaos, we can. Umno has 3 million members. If we gather 1 million members, it is more than enough. We can conquer Kuala Lumpur," he said. Such threats seem ill-advised. When elected in 2009, Najib promised to bridge Malaysia's political, ethnic and religious divisions. Now he's in danger of exacerbating them, as his old boss, Malaysia's founding father Mahathir Mohammed, suggested in a recent interview. Malaysia is not on the verge of revolution, hibiscus-coloured or otherwise. Relatively speaking, it is more stable, homogenous and prosperous than other Muslim or Arab countries currently experiencing popular turmoil. But it is not politically immune to the international zeitgeist, any more than its economy is immune to global trends. This latter consideration explains why Najib is in London. And it gives Cameron and other European leaders leverage should they choose to use it. Malaysians need only look north to see how Thai voters defied the political-military establishment and voted in a leader of their choice. When Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi speaks of the twin imperatives of freedom and democracy, she speaks for an entire region. And if Malaysians look south to Singapore or east to Hong Kong, they see entrenched ruling elites under determined challenge by activists emboldened by the spirit of change. Malaysia's leaders should wake up and smell the coffee. Led intelligently and openly, Malaysia could be a paradigm for south-east Asia. Led repressively, it could fall apart. Najib must get on the right side of history. The Mubarak model doesn't work. |
Cop: Use of excessive force was wrong Posted: 12 Jul 2011 09:04 PM PDT
There were special police teams who were already targeting those leaders behind the rally, such as Bersih chairman S Ambiga, says a policeman. (Free Malaysia Today) - The police force has been denying the use of violence during the Bersih 2.0 march on July 9. But among them is one lone voice who condemned the use of violence on the protesters. A brave policeman said the use of excessive force when arresting Bersih 2.0 marchers was uncalled for and wrong. The policeman who was in charge of making arrest spoke to FMT on condition of anonymity. "Those policemen who hit the people are in the wrong. They can actually be charged… Even if you want to say you were forced to do it, that you were attacked first, it should not reach such a stage as what we're seeing in the video footages." "Usually when we make arrests, the most we do if the person struggles and fights back is to make him lie down and use our knees to stop him. Not continue to beat or kick him, even after you handcuff him. That is wrong." He said on that day, he witnessed groups of policemen crowding around a suspect and hitting him, with some even using batons. Asked if there were any instructions from the top to start using force on demonstrators, he said that the orders did not come from the top officer who briefed them a week before the rally. "But there were other high-ranking officers who told us to just hit if we felt like (the situation warranted it ), using violence. However, we were also told to assess the situation and the location before using violence ," said the policeman. The policeman said that he himself did not agree with hitting people and he refrained from using too much force. "Also, there are a lot of people taking photos including our own photographers. We have to think properly before we do something like that; we could be charged in court and I am not sure if my superiors would defend me if I did something like that," he said. Explaining why he thought many policemen were seen using excessive force, the policeman said the amount of pressure and stress could have been a factor. "There were many who were frustrated, tired, and hungry that day. We had very little sleep and had to be on standby early in the morning and were without food until late in the afternoon. There is also a lot of pressure from our superiors… and when things start to unfold, you become different, angry," he said. The policeman said the previous Sunday and Monday, the team of more than 1,000 in the "arrest squads" were briefed by Bukit Aman criminal investigation department director Mohd Bakri Zinin. "We were told 'don't be afraid, just arrest'." "We were ordered to arrest those wearing yellow T-shirts and those who refused to disperse when ordered, including those who fought back or insulted the police," the policeman said, adding that policemen were roped in from all the states except Sabah and Sarawak. He said that in the police crackdown, there were two types of arrests – arrests of quality and without quality. "Those from the first category were those who wore Bersih T-shirts or those VIPs or leaders of the rally. They were brought to the Jinjang police station." "Those from the non-quality category were brought to the Police Training Centre (Pulapol) on Jalan Semarak. They were mostly protesters who refused to disperse and were brought there for documentation," he said. He said "arrest squads" consisted of teams of at least five people comprising one officer, three detectives and one photographer. He added that the photographers, about 150 of them on that day, were there to capture photos of the protesters before and during the arrests, because previously many cases failed when brought to court due to a lack of photographic evidence. "There were also some taking video. That is also why Home Minister (Hishammuddin Hussein) said that he has photographs and video evidence of almost all the action on that day, because we really have them," he said.
Doctors blast police attack on hospitals, ready to issue affidavits Posted: 12 Jul 2011 09:01 PM PDT
(Harakah Daily) - A group of senior medical doctors today issued a joint statement expressing outrage at the authorities' handling of the Bersih rally, specifically when police fired tear gas into the compounds of the Tung Shin and Chinese Maternity Hospitals along Jalan Pudu.
This was followed by a press conference held by Health minister Liow Tiong Lai, claiming that the police did not shoot tear gas and water cannon into the Tung Shin Hospital compound and that allegations on the contrary were not true. 'Prepared for sworn affidavits'
Ambiga not foreseeng more rallies in future Posted: 12 Jul 2011 08:16 PM PDT
(Bernama) -- Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, chairman of the illegal Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih), does not foresee more rallies taking place. This is, despite PAS saying it would push Bersih to hold another demonstration, should the government ignore demands for electoral reforms. In an interview published by Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on its website today, the former Bar Council president, asked if the group would hold more rallies, said: "I do not see it happening in the near future." On an assertion that Bersih was just a front for opposition parties as Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim played a prominent role in Saturday's rally, Sreenevasan said it was unfair (to state as such) because the group had invited all political parties, including Barisan Nasional (BN), to support the rally. "We invited all political parties, including BN, to support us. How can you say the cause for free and fair elections is only for the opposition? "It is for everybody. Pakatan Rakyat members are also citizens of this country. Are they not entitled to support a movement for free and fair elections?," she asked. Despite being denied police permit, Bersih went ahead with an illegal rally last Saturday. ********************************** Bersih 3.0 if no electoral reforms before GE, says PAS (The Malaysian Insider) - PAS has called on the Najib administration to bow to Bersih's eight-point reforms to the electoral system or face a repeat of the rally that plunged the capital into chaos on Saturday. Party deputy president Mohamad Sabu said today it would hold another rally before the next general election if the Election Commission (EC) failed to implement the reforms demanded by the coalition of 62 NGOs.
Despite Bersih claiming that 50,000 had poured into the city last weekend, Mohamad (picture) threatened a larger rally, stating that "PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang has already said this is only the beginning." He also said the Islamist party would ask Bersih to declare Saturdays "Bersih Day" where members of the public should wear yellow to show their support for free and fair elections. Asked if he was calling for the public to disobey the law, Mohamad said "the yellow shirts are only illegal to Umno but no court has declared them unlawful." He added that the EC could already implement part of the demands set out by the electoral reform movement such as cleaning up the electoral roll, reforming postal votes, using indelible ink and providing free access to the media for all parties. Bersih had claimed a turnout of 50,000 for the street demonstration which went ahead without police permission, resulting in nearly 1,700 arrests, leaving dozens injured and the spouse of a PKR leader dead. The electoral reform movement decided to take to the streets despite previously accepting Najib's offer to move the street rally to a stadium after the government refused to allow the gathering to take place in Stadium Merdeka. This came after the Yang di-Pertuan Agong called on the government a week ago to execute its duties fairly and for it to meet Bersih and discuss the issue of free and fair elections. Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin had intervened after a police dragnet that had seen over 100 arrests, the raiding of the Bersih secretariat and confiscation of Bersih-related materials in the space of a week. The first Bersih rally in November 2007 also saw tens of thousands being dispersed by police with tear gas and water cannons. It was said to have been a key factor in a general election called just four months later, which saw BN losing its customary two-thirds hold of Parliament, ceding 82 seats and five state governments in its worst showing ever at the polls.
WikiLeaks’ Assange wraps up appeal arguments Posted: 12 Jul 2011 07:33 PM PDT
(AFP) - LONDON: Lawyers for WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange wrapped up their arguments today against his extradition to Sweden to face rape allegations, as they pursued a new "quiet" approach to his defence strategy. Assange has a new legal team which has abandoned the bombastic statements by his previous lawyers warning that he could be deported to the United States and incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay. The 40-year-old Australian himself has remained uncharacteristically silent during the latest proceedings, refusing to comment yesyerday or today to reporters waiting at London's High Court. The current two-day hearing is dealing with Assange's application to overturn a lower court's rejection in February of defence arguments that he would have an unfair trial in Sweden. Lawyer Mark Summers closed the defence's case today by reiterating arguments that the European Arrest Warrant issued by Sweden was invalid because he is only wanted for questioning and has not been charged. "There was from the very outset of this case an easier way to proceed, a more proportionate way to proceed," he told the court. He said the European Commission had examined the European Arrest Warrant system and issued guidance that warrants should not be issued in circumstances where there is a "less onerous" alternative. "The reality of this case is also that no decision to prosecute or charge has been made. The preliminary investigation remains open," he said. Swedish authorities want to question Assange over the sex assault claims made by two women — allegations he denies – although he has not been formally charged. At his previous appearances he gave long press conferences claiming the allegations are politically motivated and linked to his whistleblower website's releases of huge caches of leaked US government documents. Assange was arrested in Britain in December. He has been living under strict bail conditions, including wearing an electronic ankle tag and a curfew, at a friend's mansion in eastern England.
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:58 PM PDT
Behind the glitz and glamour, there is apparently a dark side to Rosmah Mansor's allegedly favourite jewellery designer. (Free Malaysia Today) - The founder of Jacob & Co, for whose luxury merchandise Rosmah Mansor allegedly has a soft spot for, is as colourful as his clientele. Among foreign celebrities, Jacob Arabo, an Uzbekistan-born Jew, is a household name and those who flock to his lavish outlets range from the likes of Beyonce Knowles to David Beckham. The other prominent individuals on Jacob's glittery list were renowned rappers 50 Cent, Diddy, Kanye West and other celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Naomi Campbell. Arabo is so popular that in the video game "Def Jam: Fight for NY" part of the prize awaiting thugs who collect the most cash, was a choice to purchase jewellery from him. Apart from this, his name had also cropped up in numerous rap songs. Famed for his opulent diamond-encrusted wrist watches and chunky jewellery, Jacob & Co, with outlets in 46 countries, was for those with very deep pockets. Arabo had moved to the United States at the age of 14, and had dropped out of high school to enrol in a six-month jewellery design course. By 21, he had opened a kiosk in the Kaplan Jewelry Exchange. Beginning in the 1990s, he started designing pieces for hip-hop artists. But behind all the glitz and glamour, there was also a dark side to Arabo's story. He had been accused of many crimes including money laundering and possession of stolen property. In June 2006, he was arrested by the FBI over allegations that he laundered millions for members of a notorious Detroit-based drug gang, Black Mafia Family, and that he failed to report large cash purchases to the US Internal Revenue Service. Arabo, who also has an outlet in the upscale Star Hill shopping complex here, landed in the limelight in Malaysia after several pro-opposition bloggers claimed that Rosmah had acquired a diamond ring worth a whopping RM73 million from his outlet in New York. When the report was published in FMT and found its way to numerous blogs, there were some commentators who claimed that Jacob & Co's website had removed Rosmah's photograph from its list of celebrities, but this could not be verified.
My challenge to The Unspinners and the Umno Bloggers Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:15 PM PDT
I was actually waiting for the Umno Bloggers to raise this matter, yet again, so that I can reply to it. Now that they have I have replied to it. And now I would like to reveal that the police have recorded my statement, something that I know you were not aware of before this. NO HOLDS BARRED
First read what the pro-Umno blog, The Unspinners, wrote: Pembohongan cincin Rosmah oleh RPK Raja Petra Kamarudin telah pun mengakui dia telah memfitnah Dato Rosmah Mansor serta Perdana Menteri Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak melalui pengisytiharan berkanun (statutory declaration) yang menuduh Rosmah membunuh si Altantuya. Ini bukan kali pertama RPK telah membohong dan memfitnah orang. Dalam episode terkini RPK ulangi fitnah kononnya Rosmah Mansor telah membeli sebiji cincin berlian (diamond) yang berharga US$24 Juta (RM73 Juta). Menurut penulisan RPK di laman Malaysia Today cincin itu telah dibeli di "New York-based fine jewellers, Jacob & Co." Gambar cincin itu turut dimuatkan. Inilah gambar cincin berlian yang kononnya berharga RM73 juta itu. Soalan pertama ialah bagaimanakah RPK boleh mendapat gambar cincin kepunyaan peribadi sesiapa pun? Gambar ini seolah di 'cut paste' daripada majalah atau gambar hiasan daripada Internet. *************************************** Now read what Free Malaysia Today wrote: RM73 mil diamond ring for Rosmah? As Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak still reels from the Bersih 2.0 rally's political aftershocks, a glittering new allegation has surfaced about his wife, Rosmah Mansor. The self-styled First Lady had allegedly come into possession of a diamond ring, worth a whopping US$24 million (RM73.48 million) sometime in April this year. A pro-Pakatan Rakyat blog called "Milo Suam" claimed that the ring was sent to Rosmah by the New York-based fine jewellers, Jacob & Co. The blog claimed that the ring, identified as a "Natural Fancy Blue Gray Cushion Cut Diamond Ring" passed through the Kuala Lumpur International Airport customs and was cleared by a customs operations manager known as A Krishnan. Screenshots of the alleged customs computer displays also revealed that the ring did not have import duties imposed on it. The same display also indicated the value of the ring to be US$24.4 million. The story of the ring had also spread to many other pro-Pakatan blogs. According to a Forbes website, the ring is a "VVS2 clarity diamond mounted on a platinum ring surrounded by 414 diamonds in a micro-pave setting (3.48 cts.)." Meanwhile, "Milo Suam" questioned Najib's rationale in allegedly purchasing such an expensive item for his wife. READ MORE HERE: READ MORE HERE: **************************************** The Unspinners said, "Menurut penulisan RPK di laman Malaysia Today……" Actually, I never tulis (wrote) anything, as alleged by The Unspinners (see here: I just provided a link to Forum Lowyat, one of the sites that carried the story, which also provided all the graphics in their posting (see here: The Unspinners is actually spinning. And they even raised the issue of my first 'lie', my June 2008 Statutory Declaration, to prove that I am a consistent liar. Okay, I need not defend myself on my second 'lie' about Rosmah's ring because I never wrote anything other than provide a link to another site. I never even made a comment on the matter. But let us talk about my first 'lie', my Statutory Declaration. For the information of The Unspinners and the other pro-Umno Blogs, the police have already taken my statement on the matter. And both my lawyers are aware of this because the police also recorded the statement of one of my lawyers. Yes, I bet you did not know this. I wanted to keep this a secret until the Umno buggers come out from their lubang and start whacking me, again, on my Statutory Declaration of June 2008 and my TV3 interview of April 2011. Then I would grab them by their balls (or by their tits if they are female Umno Bloggers). So there you have it. The police already recorded my statement in Bangkok, Thailand, in late April 2011. And my statement was recorded based on my TV3 interview of early April 2011. And the fact that my April 2011 TV3 interview refers to my Statutory Declaration of June 2008 means that the two matters are now linked as one investigation. Hah…I bet you thought I was stupid to have walked into TV3's 'trap'. Well, not so stupid as you may have thought. Now that the issue was aired on primetime TV and received national coverage, the police were forced to spring into action. And since my TV3 interview was about my Statutory Declaration, this matter has had to be resurrected as well. So, how now, The Unspinners? This matter is now in the hands of the police. The police already recorded my statement and an investigation has been launched. And the investigation is based on whether I did or did not sign a false declaration and whether what I said on TV3 is true or false. In short, the investigation is about whether I lied or told the truth in BOTH my Statutory Declaration and TV3 interview. The ball is now at the feet of the police. I have cooperated with the police as requested. I allowed them to record my statement. My statement to the police is the same as my TV3 interview and is also the same as my Statutory Declaration. In short, what I said in my Statutory Declaration, my TV3 interview, and my statement to the police, are CONSISTENT. There is no discrepancy in ALL THREE. Maybe The Unspinners and the other Umno Bloggers can now hassle the police and demand that they reveal the result of their investigation. Better still, maybe these Umno Bloggers can demand that action be taken so that the truth can be revealed. I am sure The Unspinners and all those pro-Umno and pro-Najib Bloggers want to know whether the police investigation has revealed the truth or untruth behind what I said in my Statutory Declaration and TV3 interview. I was actually waiting for the Umno Bloggers to raise this matter, yet again, so that I can reply to it. Now that they have I have replied to it. And now I would like to reveal that the police have recorded my statement, something that I know you were not aware of before this. So, over to you The Unspinners and the other Umno Bloggers. Where do you want to take it from here? Do you want to whack the police for dragging their feet on the matter? Why have the police not acted? Maybe The Unspinners and the other Umno Bloggers can enlighten us on this. Over to you guys. Your comments please! |
MCLM Calls BERSIH 2.0 a Great Success and Hails the Rakyat who Participated as the Third Force Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:57 PM PDT
The Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement congratulates the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0) on the success of its rally, "Walk for Democracy" held on 9 July 2011. Despite the opposition and obstacles thrown its way by Najib Razak's government and the Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM), BERSIH 2.0, led by chairperson Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan and the steering committee, successfully stayed the course. The "Walk for Democracy" will go down in the annals of history as a sterling example of People Power. The ultimate goal of presenting the memorandum of the eight demands of BERSIH 2.0 to DYMM Yang di Pertuan Agong may have been thwarted by the PDRM in defiance of his majesty's stated wish to receive it. However, an even higher goal was achieved, that is, the demonstration of solidarity by the Rakyat. As the Third Force, the Rakyat who took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur were awe-inspiring. As individuals and as a collective force, you were passionate, restrained and courteous. As you stood firm against the onslaught of tear gas and water cannons, helping each other to brave the pain and discomfort, sharing your salt, sharing your water, you revived that spirit of unity that the Barisan Nasional government has tried to destroy over the decades. You have shown the world the true heart of Malaysia, one that is caring, generous and steadfast in adversity. You have shown the government and its instruments of oppression that you are a force to be reckoned with. You are the Third Force. MCLM salutes you. RAJA PETRA KAMARUDIN/CHAIRMAN HARIS M. IBRAHIM/PRESIDENT |
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:46 PM PDT
Two — that if nothing else, Saturday was a reminder to both the Najib administration as well as Pakatan Rakyat that the people of Malaysia are in fact, the boss. Zeffri Yusof, The Malaysian Insider As Malaysia takes in the aftermath of Bersih 2.0, a few things have been laid quite bare by events in our capital over the weekend. One — that tens of thousands of Malaysians can accomplish what most of us already know we're capable of doing: unite for a common cause. And no, not necessarily a drummed-up one handed down from up top, but a grassroots one based on the universal values of justice and fair play that transcends religious, racial and even political interests. The fact is, many of us already do this with our multiracial friends, co-workers and neighbours, so only the truly integration-challenged folks out there would raise an eyebrow at this. Two — that if nothing else, Saturday was a reminder to both the Najib administration as well as Pakatan Rakyat that the people of Malaysia are in fact, the boss. All of us – not just the majority but the minorities as well. Any politician or political faction that forgets, chooses to ignore, or worse, asks that the people be "grateful" would do so at their peril. You can't want to cultivate a knowledge-based society and not deal with what naturally comes with it – a thinking populace with strong opinions to put forth. Three — that no amount of propaganda or choreographed mainstream media campaign by the government can gloss over; much less overturn the honest, heartfelt and emotionally resonant personal accounts that have been shared, re-shared and made viral for and by the more than 17 million Malaysians who now regularly access the Internet. The poignant words and images of #bersihstories have collectively bore witness, recording a moment in our history that would echo on. Indeed, the mindshare slam dunk also exposes just how out-of-touch existing government machinery is in dealing with information age realities. Some GTP NKRAs may be in need of a relook. Four — that no one is really swayed anymore by the tired, disingenuous argument that street rallies and demonstrations "tarnish" the country's image... whatever that is supposed to mean. On a personal level, how many of us really occupy our time thinking about and judging other people? Aren't we busy enough with our own matters? Did the French racial riots tarnish their country's image? Did Tahrir square condemn Egypt in the eyes of the world? And no, for the pedants out there I am not necessarily equating the two with Bersih 2.0. Besides, image should arise from substance, not artificially shaped by what façade we would like to portray to outsiders. For lessons on that, we can always look to the likes of North Korea. Five — that at the end of the day, those who shout the loudest are often the ones without the stuff to back it up. Of all the factions that were supposed to "show" on the day, only one really mattered in the end. And more importantly, it was plain for observers to see that it was the one non-partisan cause that represented the concerns of ordinary Malaysians who just wanted to exercise their constitutional right to peaceful assembly. Six — and certainly most damning of all is that whether by miscalculation or incompetence, the police's actions and especially the FRU's excessive show of force on the day had more or less ensured that the government of the day loses yet more hearts and minds, particularly that of our youth — including and especially those who only experienced their political awakening on July 9th.
MACC report filed over diamond ring Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:14 PM PDT By Athi Shankar, FMT GEORGE TOWN: A report has been filed with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) over the RM74 million ring allegedly acquired by the prime minister's wife, Rosmah Mansor. The report was filed by pro-Pakatan Rakyat NGO Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) president Badrul Hisham Shaharin. Badrul said MACC had a public duty to ensure that Malaysians don't suffer from the "Filipino Imelda Marcos" syndrome. He urged the commission to carry out an immediate open investigation into the report, adding that there was an "abundance of evidence". "We don't want a repeat of the Philippine fiasco where the self-styled First Lady Imelda cleaned public funds for selfish lavish spending," added the Rembau PKR division chief. Yesterday, pro-Pakatan bloggers claimed that the ring known as "Natural Fancy Blue Gray Cushion Cut Diamond Ring" was sent to Rosmah by the New York-based fine jewellers Jacob & Co in April this year. The ring allegedly passed through the Kuala Lumpur International Airport customs and was cleared by a customs operations manager known as A Krishnan. Screenshots of the alleged customs computer displays also revealed that the ring did not have import duties imposed on it. The same display also indicated the value of the ring to be US$24.4 million. Today, another blogger published photographs of Rosmah wearing bangles that appeared strikingly similar to those made by Jacob & Co, which industry experts claimed could cost a fortune. 'Don't sweep this under the carpet' Meanwhile, Badrul challenged Rosmah to publicly deny the allegations. "Where did she get that much of money? She must clear her name," he demanded. He also questioned whether Rosmah's husband, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, "abused" his position as finance minister to exempt the ring from taxes.
Tweets show Bersih has lots of apolitical support Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:10 PM PDT
By Tarani Palani, FMT PETALING JAYA: Some may complain that politicians have hijacked Bersih's agenda, but Twitter activity indicates that the movement has plenty of support from those Malaysians who normally do not show interest in politics. According to preliminary statistics, tweets promoting Bersih's July 9 rally were plentiful even before the issue heated up with the slew of arrests aimed at derailing the programme. Politweet, a research organization that studies Twitter interactions between ordinary citizens and politicians, says Malaysian users are generally not politically inclined but are fired up by Bersih. "Bersih has an appeal to even non-political people," Politweet founder Ahmed Kamal Nava told FMT. "Users who had never tweeted about a YB before were bothering to tweet about Bersih. On a daily basis, the heaviest promoters of Bersih were people not politically affiliated. "Even in the run-up to July 9, Pakatan politicians were not heavily promoting Bersih, except Elizabeth Wong. It was only after the arrests started that politicians began to actively promote Bersih on Twitter." Politweet has been tracking Malaysian Twitter user behaviour since 2009 and has traced trends on by-elections, the Sarawak state election, the 1Malaysia project and other political developments. Ahmed also said that the number of RTs (retweets) on Bersih surpassed the average by "a large margin". According to him, a tweet may be re-tweeted 50 times on average. However, preliminary statistics reveal that #bersih retweets are dramatically more frequent. The most retweeted message is to encourage people to add the Bersih badge to their tweeter profile pictures. "Support Bersih: add a #PicBage to your image" has been retweeted at least 679 times in recent weeks. Other messages extensively re-tweeted were reactions to police action before and during the rally. One message that was retweeted 283 times was "RT @xandriaooi: Dear polis, I don't think the folks rallying are out to cause trouble. If they wanted 2 fight, they won't set a date & tell u abt it. #bersih." Other favourites include "RT @radins: #bersih mass arrests by police at KLSentral. Commuters within profile of Bersih supporters picked up upon alighting from trains. Pls RT" and "RT @NatAsasi: If one baby from Tung Shin hospital is harmed, #NajibResign IMMEDIATELY! #bersih." Ahmed acknowledged that it was difficult to gauge opinions for or against the rally, but added: "I can say that a minority of tweets were negative.
The Principles Behind UMNO’s Corruption Exposed for All to See Posted: 12 Jul 2011 03:59 PM PDT By batsman In a previous write-up, I suggested that it is important to understand the tiniest details of grand concepts such as democracy and electoral reforms (Who is Sovereign? The Rakyat or UMNO? ). To back up Bersih 2.0's 8 demands for electoral reform I present some detailed case arguments for your consideration. UMNO no longer has access to reason. It has to rely on prejudice and bigotry. Everyday on UMNO controlled TV stations, traders are interviewed to give their opinions about the Bersih 2.0 rally. Invariably they condemn the rally which they allege cost them one day's losses in revenue. What is the tiny principle behind all these complaints of the traders? It just exposes UMNO's value system that self-interest overrides democratic rights and justice. In UMNO's thinking, 1 day's losses is more important than democratic rights of citizens. When extended further, such value system and thinking creates great dangers for the country and people. When applied to the judiciary, the self-interest of UMNO VIP cronies overrides the law and justice. Is this not what we all already see before our very eyes? Even in Kugan's case, before incontrovertible evidence, the MMC scolds the forensic expert for giving false evidence in his autopsy report, but this is all (Malaysiakini report). The policeman scapegoat is found not guilty and the forensic expert gets away with a scolding. Meantime a man has been tortured to death and his family still awaits justice. When self-interest overrides democratic rights, the right to justice, and even the law itself, these are the dastardly things that happen. And please don't say it does not concern you because it all happened to a 2nd class Indian pariah. Will justice also be denied the pariah Beng Hock and the pariah Sarbaini? When will it be we pariahs' turns? In the case of the traders complaining against Bersih 2.0, their whining shows pathetic kiahsuism. When they chose their locations for strategic value in terms of being the focal point of customers, everything else comes with the territory. This everything else also includes the possibility that demonstrators marching peacefully to express their democratic rights may choose the same locations for the same strategic reasons. The self-interest of these traders is so obsessive that it even extends to monopolizing their locality against other people with legitimate rights. These are the same people who fill parking spaces and 5 foot ways with their tables and wares and scratch your car if you happened to park in a legitimate parking space which they have somehow monopolized and claimed. When self-interest overrides the legitimate and democratic rights of others, such dastardly things happen. Unfortunately, this seems to be the same value system of UMNO and their thugs in UMNO subsidiaries, such as KIMMA and maybe even Perkasa. Apart from whining traders, TV interviews also show students condemning the Bersih 2.0 rally saying that students should spend their time in a better way by advancing their studies and their careers. It would seem that UMNO's education system is bringing up generations of students who selfishly think about themselves above all instead of spending some time with issues of social conscience. This means that UMNO is preparing youngsters to go into the big wide world prepared only to look after their own self interests. These are the people most likely to abuse their power and engage in corruption for their own self-interest. UMNO is screwing up a few generations of young Malaysians by turning them into its own self image. In the west, such arguments as the above do not need to be made. All these things are well understood. That is why their democracies are dynamic and functioning well. Unfortunately in Malaysia's case, such arguments have to be made and made frequently. It would seem that some Malaysians – even EC officers still cannot make the obvious connection between 2 interconnected principles viz. – "no one can stop you from exercising your democratic right to vote" and "no one can stop you from exercising your democratic right to protest peacefully". This is so hard to believe that there must be something wrong. It shows that Bersih 2.0 is absolutely justified in advancing their demands for electoral reforms because top EC officers show or pretend to show in a very suspicious way, their total lack of understanding for democratic principles. All these things are happening right before your eyes almost everyday these days on TV stations controlled by UMNO. There is even an advertisement these days trying to use the glory of Tun Razak and trying to stick some of it on his useless son. Tun Razak tried his best to help poor and marginalized Malays. Unfortunately his useless son is only helping rich UMNO cronies who may be repaying the debt by making presents of expensive bags and diamond rings. Personally I pity Tun Razak for having such a useless son. Some dads may actually have more capable daughters. But this is not why I brought up this issue. Who is paying for this advertisement to glorify a useless son? Tun Razak is a great man, but his useless son seems to be only good at spending public money on expensive TV advertising campaigns for his own self aggrandizement as well as employing expensive consultants both local and foreign to advise him on how to tear gas peaceful demonstrators as well as ram a leading demonstrator with a police land rover and get away with it all, and maybe also how to use low life cronies to explain how the wind spreads this tear gas into hospitals among other things When the TV is used for personal glorification and for UMNO's benefit, it would seem that Bersih 2.0 is absolutely justified in making demands for electoral reforms. In fact I wish they extended their demands for electoral reforms to include reforms in the judiciary and the police as well, because, after looking at the principles behind UMNO's corruption, it would seem Malaysia needs a lot of fixing up in a good many other proper reforms. |
Suara rakyat: Bersih 2.0 tewaskan 1Malaysia Posted: 12 Jul 2011 03:59 PM PDT
Isu dan perkara yang perlu diperhatikan dalam himpunan aman Bersih 2.0 ialah kepelbagaian rumpun bangsa yang menyertainya bagi menyampaikan suara rakyat.
Justeru, beliau mencabar Najib Razak supaya membuktikan gagasan 1Malaysia benar-benar berlaku dan diperjuangkan dalam perjuangan politiknya berdasarkan apa yang telah berlaku dalam himpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai lalu. Katannya, sepanjang beberapa minggu sebelum 9 Julai, Himpunan Bersih 2.0 telah dimomokkan sebagai pertubuhan haram di kaca mata Najib dengan pemberitaan yang pincang dan berat sebelah. Sedangkan, menurutnya hakikat sebenarnya Bersih adalah tuntutan dari gabungan puluhan NGO yang berdaftar secara sah dan mereka menuntut supaya wujud pilihan raya yang lebih adil di Malaysia. "Kemuncaknya pada tarikh itu juga merupakan kayu ukur yang penting bagi mengetahui mana satukah yang benar-benar merupakan suara majoriti rakyat Malaysia atau 1Malaysia," ujarnya dalam kenyataan kepada Harakahdaily. Beliau berkata, gelombang rakyat yang berkumpul di Kuala Lumpur walaupun berdepan dengan ugutan, sekatan dan halangan dilakukan oleh polis menggambarkan satu ancaman yang baru kepada Najib. Menurutnya, media pro BN yang cuba menutup perkara sebenar dengan cuma memaparkan berita bohong dengan mengatakan hanya bangsa Melayu sahaja yang menyertai perimpunan tersebut. "Ia tidak lain dengan niat jahat dan bertujuan memburuk-burukkan penganjur Bersih 2.0," katanya. Sedangkan, ujarnya Umno BN sepatutnya mempelawa ahli MIC dan MCA untuk turut serta berdemo dalam kelompok pro BN yang berbaju merah, mereka juga mengaku bahawa kumpulan mereka adalah ejen pertahanan kedaulatan negara tetapi hakikatnya semua kenyataan tersebut layak dibakul sampahkan sahaja. Menurutnya lagi, apa yang boleh dilihat melalui rakaman yang tersiar dalam media baru seperti Youtube, blog dan sebagainya jelas menunjukkan kumpulan yang menamakan diri mereka sebagai Patriot cuma berkumpul dalam jumlah yang berskala sangat kecil yang terdiri daripada bangsa Melayu sahaja. "Mengapa jadi begini?" soalnya yang juga Adun Titi Serong. Katanya, berdasarkan bukti rakaman jelas menggambarkan bahawa kumpulan itu menerima 'layanan baik' daripada pasukan FRU semasa mereka berhimpun. Beliau menambah, kumpulan itu juga sempat melarikan diri setelah gas pemedih mata dilepaskan ke arah mereka berbanding kelompok Bersih 2.0 yang dikejar sehingga ditangkap kemudian dibelasah oleh polis walaupun mereka sedikitpun tidak melawan. Justeru, tambahnya, Najib sepatutnya merasa malu dengan kumpulan Patriot, Perkasa dan Pemuda Umno kerana jelas ketiga-tiganya dianggotai oleh rakyat yang pengecut dan tidak menggambarkan 1Malaysia seperti yang diperjuangkan Najib sendiri dalam gagasan politiknya. "Nampaknya Najib keseorangan melaungkan 1Malaysia dalam keadaan sekelompok Melayu sahaja yang masih pertahankan kuasa Umno dan BN," ujarnya. Menurutnya, majoriti banga Cina dan India sudah bersama Pakatan Rakyat untuk menghukum BN dalam PRU 13 yang bakal menjelang. Beliau berkata, Bersih 2.0 terbukti merupakan suara rakyat yang benar-benar tulen apabila ia dianggotai oleh seluruh bangsa dan generasi di Malaysia. "Suara keramat 9 Julai membuktikan rakyat berbilang kaum mahukan perubahan," ujarnya. Beliau menambah, 1Malaysia yang dilaungkan oleh Najib cuma retorik dan pembohongan bagi mengaburi mata rakyat demi meraih sokongan dalam keadaan mereka telah gagal dalam menunaikan amanah yang diserahkan oleh rakyat lebih 50 tahun lalu.
Nik Aziz sokong Bersih 3.0 jika tidak berubah Posted: 12 Jul 2011 03:52 PM PDT
(Harakah Daily) - Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, (gambar) menyokong sekiranya Himpunan Bersih 3.0 diadakan pada masa akan datang demi untuk keadilan dalam pilihanraya. Menurutnya, pilihanraya adil dan bersih dituntut dalam Islam kerana ianya menyentuh soal kepimpinan negara.
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 03:43 PM PDT
Antara komennya adalah "kenapa menyokong Bersih yang diketuai oleh Datuk S Ambiga itu." Lalu dikaitkanlah Ambiga adalah peguam Lina Joy dan penyokong IFC (Inter Faith Commision). Zulkifli Sulong, Harakah Daily Anak saya salah seorang ahli jawatankuasa kecil penganjur Himpunan Sejuta Belia yang dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Belia dan Sukan. Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek kebetulan sahabat lama saya. Antara komennya adalah "kenapa menyokong Bersih yang diketuai oleh Datuk S Ambiga itu." Lalu dikaitkanlah Ambiga adalah peguam Lina Joy dan penyokong IFC (Inter Faith Commision). Sebenarnya inilah isu Bersih di kalangan Umno dan penyokong tegar mereka sebenarnya. Ia tidak ada bezanya dengan apa yang dibawa ke minda para anggota keselamatan yang bertugas di hari 9 Julai lalu. Ramai peserta Bersih yang ditangkap disumpah seranah oleh para rakan-rakan polis kononnya padan dengan muka kamu kerana mengikut telunjuk Ambiga yang Hindu itu dan cuba memurtadkan umat Islam itu. Sekali pandang, kita yang berfikiran waras akan tergelak mendengar hujjah itu. Tetapi kerana kesian kepada mereka yang sudah terperangkap dengan indoktrinasi ini, kita perlu memahamkan mereka apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku dan pemikiran bagaimanakah yang benar. Saya menerima email ini dari seorang pembaca Harakahdaily: Assalamualaikum Saya ada mendengar desas – desus , Pemimpin BERSIH 2.0 Datuk Ambiga merupakan peguam Lina Joy yang murtad. Dia juga antara individu yang menyokong IFC. Jika benar , macam mana boleh PAS sokong dan mengangkatnya sebagai ketua BERSIH, walhal terang lagi nyata dia musuh ISLAM. Allah berfirman 14 kali dalam al-Quran jangan kita mengangkat kafir menjadi pemimpin kita. Wallahualam. Email ini ringkas sahaja tetapi inilah yang cuba dihantar ke dalam pemikiran masyarakat oleh Umno sekarang. Isu inilah dimainkan oleh rakan-rakan anak saya yang menyokong Himpunan 1 Juta Belia itu di wall facebooknya. Ia juga digunakan oleh polis yang menyergah para peserta perhimpunan Bersih 9 Julai dan juga blog-blog pro Umno. Kepada penghantar email ini, saya telah menjawabnya secara ringkas sebagaimana berikut: Tuan, Saya tak tau dia peguam Lina Joy atau tidak tetapi yang pasti Ambiga juga peguam saya dan Datuk Husam Musa dalam kes lawan ECM Libra. Apakah dia penyokong negara Islam yang PAS bawa hanya kerana menjadi peguam kami. Sebenarnya tidak begitu, dia hanya seorang peguam bukan Islam beragama Hindu dan percaya kepada hak asasi manusia. Dia jadi pengerusi Bersih bukan di angkat PAS tetapi oleh 62 NGO untuk perjuang pilihanraya yang adil ada bersih (bebas) ... PAS hanya salah satu penyokong Bersih bukan (yang) lantik Ambiga. ZS Inilah yang sebenarnya. Inilah yang telah mengikat ratusan ribu rakyat Malaysia dan antarabangsa pada 9 Julai lalu. Kita bersatu bukan kerana kita satu agama atau satu bangsa tetapi kerana satu tujuan yang universal iaitu untuk mendapatkan pilihan raya yang adil dan bersih. Ini kerana, dengan pilihan raya yang adil dan bersih sahaja kita akan mengangkat pemimpin dan membentuk kerajaan yang terbaik untuk kita. Ketika Bersih membentangkan agenda perubahannya di Dewan Pehimpunan China, semua pihak telah dipanggil untuk memberikan sokongan kepadanya termasuklah parti-parti politik. Yang dijemput adalah Umno, MCA, MIC di samping anggota Pakatan iaitu PAS, DAP dan juga PKR. Namun pada hari itu, kerusi yang dikhasnya untuk Umno, MCA dan MIC kosong sahaja tanpa penghuni. Penolong Setiausaha Agung PAS, Dr Syed Azman Ahmad Nawawi datang ke majlis itu dan diberikan masa 3 minit sahaja untuk berucap. Para pemimpin NGO yang banyak berucap. Di majlis itulah, Bersih membentang lapan tuntutan dalam agenda perubahan yang hendak dibuatnya. Lapan agenda itu adalah: Tuntutan Segera Perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 • Senarai undi harus dibersihkan dengan segera untuk menyingkirkan 'pengundi hantu' seperti orang yang telah meninggal. • Pendaftaran pengundi automatik yang diselarikan dengan senarai Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara boleh menyelesaikan masalah pengundi hantu dalam jangka masa panjang. 2. Mereformasikan undi pos • SEMUA pengundi seharusnya dibenarkan untuk mengundi melalui undi pos atau mengundi lebih awal sekiranya seseorang individu itu tidak dapat berada di kawasan pengundian semasa hari mengundi. • Anggota polis dan tentera yang tidak bertugas harus mengundi seperti biasa pada hari mengundi. • Undi pos mesti dijalankan dengan telus! Agen parti politik harus dibenarkan untuk memantau proses undi pos. 3. Gunakan dakwat kekal • Penggunaan dakwat kekal boleh mengelakkan seseorang (atau pengundi hantu) daripada mengundi beberapa kali. 4. Masa kempen minima 21 hari • Masa yang lebih panjang diperlukan untuk calon menyebarkan maklumat, terutamanya di kawasan luar bandar dan pedalaman. Contohnya, pilihanraya negeri Sarawak baru-baru ini diberi masa kempen 10 hari sahaja. • Pada 1955, ketika era pemerintahan penjajah, pilihanraya mempunyai masa kempen sepanjang 42 hari. Manakala semasa Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 pada 2008, masa kempen 8 hari sahaja. 5. Akses media yang bebas dan adil • RTM dan Bernama adalah agensi media yang dibiayai oleh kerajaan. Mereka sepatutnya memberi liputan yang seimbang dan adil untuk semua parti yang bertanding. • Parti politik harus dibenarkan untuk membuat pengiklanan tanpa sebarang diskriminasi dan penapisan. • Ini adalah mengenai keadilan! Semua media perlu memberikan hak untuk semua parti membalas kepada tuduhan-tuduhan negatif terhadap mereka. 6. Kukuhkan institusi awam Institusi awam dan kakitangan kerajaan harus tidak berat sebelah dan menegakkan undang-undang dan demokrasi. Institusi awam harus direformasikan supaya bertindak secara bebas, menegakkan undang-undang dan melindungi hak asasi manusia. Contohnya : Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) hendaklah memastikan pilihanraya yang bebas dan adil. Badan Kehakiman harus memelihara kebebasannya dan menegakkan kedaulatan undang-undang tanpa gentar atau memihak. Peguam Negara perlu bertindak secara tidak berat sebelah dan mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat. Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia harus bertindak dengan adil dan menghentikan pendakwaan selektif dan penyalahgunaan kuasa. Polis Di Raja Malaysia perlu bertindak secara profesional dalam melaksanakan tugas dan menegakkan kedaulatan undang-undang. 7. Hentikan rasuah Rasuah adalah kegiatan mencuri dari rakyat untuk kepentingan peribadi. Rasuah menyebabkan orang kaya bertambah kaya dan golongan miskin semakin miskin. Pembelian undi harus dihentikan! Akta Kesalahan Pilihanraya 1954 mesti dikuatkuasakan. 8. Hentikan politik kotor BERSIH 2.0 menuntut SEMUA parti politik untuk menghentikan politik kotor. Cadangan untuk Najib Sebenarnya inilah isu yang ada didepan kita bukannya cuba mengalihkan isu sebenarnya. Apa salah Umno selaku parti utama yang memerintah negara bertindak lebih rasional. Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan bekas setiausaha politik Tun Dr Mahathir, Matthias Chang. Tiga cadangan Matthias adalah:- 1) Arahkan para penasihat politik beliau (PM Najib) menonton siri TV "The Three Kingdoms" dan belajar asas-asas strategi politik. 2) Hantar sepupu beliau, Datuk Seri Hishamudin Husein iaitu Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk dianalisa jiwanya untuk "Enlarged Ego Syndrome" (EES) dan menyusun semula semua pegawai kanan Polis Diraja Malaysia. 3) Masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk semua pimpinan Pemuda Umno pimpinan Khairy Jamaludin. Ini kerana masalah sebenar Najib bukannya pembangkang tetapi dalaman BN sendiri. Jadi, Datuk Seri Najib, marilah berfikir secara yang rasional bukan terperangkap dalam kapsul masa kerana kini zaman facebook, youtube dan twitter.
BERSIH 2.0 berjaya, polis dan media gagal Posted: 12 Jul 2011 03:40 PM PDT
Meskipun, rakyat dikongkong daripada menganggap Bersih 2.0 sebagai lambang penyatuan ke arah suatu amalan pilihan raya telus, bersih dan adil. Tidak kurang juga, polis dan media terus mengecap Bersih 2.0 sebagai pengacau, pertubuhan haram dan penyekat aktiviti ekonomi rakyat. Wan Nik Wan Yussof, Harakah Daily Bersih 2.0 bukan pengacau. Buktinya puluhan ribu rakyat berjaya berhimpun menyokong lapan tuntutan Bersih 2.0. Rakyat tetap menyokong perhimpunan pada 9 Julai lalu meskipun dikacau oleh polis dan dikongkong oleh media perdana milik penguasa Umno-BN. Polis telah melaksana strategi perang pencegahan terhadap rakyat yang cintakan pemulihan demokrasi negara. Tangkapan awal dibuat, sekatan jalan ditingkatkan. Sehingga 59 laluan masuk ke Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. Karenah polis telah mendaruratkan Kuala Lumpur pada 9 Julai. Saturday seven nine
Polis sudah dijadikan perisai menyekat serangan baju kuning. Sekali gus menyerlahkan kekencangan denyutan nadi pemimpin Umno-BN, khususnya Datuk Seri Mohd Najib selaku presiden parti yang memilihnya sebagai perdana menteri ke-6 Malaysia. Cukuplah. Layaknya Najib sebagai pemimpin Umno terakhir!
Pengongkong rakyat
Maka sukacita dinyatakan, kalimah 'haram' merupakan kalimah terdesak yang menggambarkan ketempangan demokrasi yang memenangkan pemimpin Umno-BN disebabkan undi pos, penipuan senarai pemilih, rasuah politik, penggunaan terlarang jentera kerajaan Pusat dan kempen media yang berat sebelah. Natijahnya kemenangan pilihan raya diraih Umno-BN selayaknya bertaraf 'haram' tetapi dihalalkan oleh kuasa dan kongkongan minda rakyat daripada memahami nilai-nilai kebersihan pilihan raya. Sebagaimana diperjuangkan oleh Bersih 2.0 atas hasrat untuk demokrasi yang segak dan tampan, adalah ingin memperbaiki nilai pendemokrasian di Malaysia. Kesannya lebih daripada 65 peratus ahli perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 disertai anak muda Malaysia yang pelbagai kaum. Ia bukan 1Malaysia tetapi sepakat untuk demokrasi segak dan tampan! Meskipun, rakyat dikongkong daripada menganggap Bersih 2.0 sebagai lambang penyatuan ke arah suatu amalan pilihan raya telus, bersih dan adil. Tidak kurang juga, polis dan media terus mengecap Bersih 2.0 sebagai pengacau, pertubuhan haram dan penyekat aktiviti ekonomi rakyat. Natijahnya, tindakan polislah (menutup jalan, menangkap dan mengarah kedai-kedai ditutup pada hari 9 Julai) penyebab utama peniaga terkandas untuk masuk berniaga dan pembeli pula dihalang membeli belah. Sedangkan puluhan ribu (menurut Al-Jazeera, 100 ribu) ahli perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 yang hadir sepatutnya boleh berbelanja sakan dan mewah. Atas realiti ini, adakah boleh diterima akal apabila polis mengecap ahli perhimpunan sebagai pengacau kepada peniaga. Realitinya, tindakan polis yang menembak, menggempur dan menangkap ahli perhimpunan pencetus kekacauan sebenar.
Media asing lebih adil
Ia jauh berbeza dengan laporan media lokal yang terlampau negatif untuk Bersih 2.0, malah turut mengundang persepsi, betapa media tersebut kuat dikontrol oleh penguasa Umno-BN . Meskipun semua pengamal media boleh menyifatkan orientasi media itu sudah melanggar etika pemberitaan kerana sarat dengan kandungan kepalsuan, pembohongan dan pemfitnahan melampau. Fakta palsu Di antara nilai terlampau media lokal yang dikontrol penguasa Umno-BN ialah menyiar hal Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai berlapikkan ulasan atas fakta palsu, bohong dan fitnah. Misalnya akhbar berita harian telah menggunakan 'imej jadian' dengan mempamerkan lagak seorang pemuda seumpama pemuda Palestin sedang melontar batu ke arah polis Israel. Ia suatu ciptaan, bukan realiti tentang perhimpunan Bersih 2.0. Mana ada lagak pemuda sebegitu! Ia suatu teknik kepalsuan ala media Israel (Yahudi) yang bertujuan mencemarkan misi perhimpunan Bersih 2.0. Media lokal itu juga turut mesra pembohongan apabila dikesan tela mengabaikan fakta sebenar tentang perhimpunan Bersih 2.0. Di antaranya meletakkan status Bersih 2.0 sebagai gagal. Lalu menyiarkan kenyataan Ketua Polis Negara yang kononnya ahli perhimpunan hanya sekitar lima/enam ribu sahaja. Sedangkan dalam lembaran akhbar sama turut mengesahkan lebih 1,600 telah ditangkap. Jika benar gagal, kenapa perlu tangkap sampai hampir dua ribu orang? Demikian pula, pembohongan paling tidak berperikemanusiaan turut disiarkan melalui kenyataan Pemangku Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur berhubung pengakuan di sebalik kematian pemandu teksi, Baharudin Ahmad. Kematian itu dikatakan akibat sakit jantung, sedang ahli keluarganya mendakwa arwah tidak pernah mengidap sakit jantung. Apakah kepakaran polis telah mengambil alih kepakaran seorang doktor? Hanya media yang sewel seumpama media lokal tersebut sahaja yang mengiktiraf kenyataan polis sebagai benar!
Rumusannya, Bersih 2.0 semestinya dianggap berjaya mengembalikan semangat dan kesedaran rakyat tentang demokrasi. Ia turut mengimbau sejarah Bersih pada 10 November 2007. Momentum itu harus disegarkan untuk meluncur laju menghadapi pilihan raya umum ke-13. Justeru rakyat yang masih keras hati kerana ingin kekalkan nilai kekotoran pilihan raya di Malaysia sewajarnya berubah. Berubahlah dan hayatilah misi pendemokrasian yang dibawa oleh Bersih 2.0. Pilihan raya bersih pastinya diberkati Allah SWT. Hanya individu yang beriman memiliki hati yang bersih. Hati yang bersih adalah kekuatan untuk Bersih 2.0 mencipta landskap politik baru pada pilihan raya umum ke-13.
170,000 ‘like’ Facebook page urging Najib to go Posted: 12 Jul 2011 02:46 PM PDT (AFP) - KUALA LUMPUR: A Facebook petition has seen more than 170,000 people back a call for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to quit, days after an electoral reform rally was broken up by police firing tear gas.
The page titled "100,000 People Request Najib Tun Razak Resignation" was set up on Saturday, the same day police arrested more than 1,600 people during the mass protest here. Backed by opposition parties, electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 mobilised thousands of people to hit the streets in the biggest rally in four years, piling the pressure on Najib with elections widely expected next year. Following the demonstration, the page attracted around 300 "likes" per minute, hitting its 100,000 target early Monday and the number has been steadily increasing with the page showing 172,868 "likes" today morning. "I don't understand why the harshness, the beatings (by police) and the tear gas," according to a post by supporter Sofie Muhammad on the page. "The crowd didn't even throw stones at the shops, why is the government afraid? All we want is free elections." Others felt the prime minister was too far removed from what was happening on the ground. "Najib is out of touch. He cannot understand pain of tear gas, irritation of chemical water, pain of being kicked and beaten up by (police)," said Longyao Phang in another posting. Bersih activists yesterday called for a royal probe into the electoral system, which the opposition says favours Najib's Barisan Nasional coalition, which has ruled Malaysia for half a century but saw its majority slashed in the previous general election, in 2008. Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said the push by concerned democracy activists "augurs well for the future of this country". "I would appeal to them to continue to monitor developments, exercise their right, have the courage of conviction to stand for what is right," he added. Najib, who is in Britain on an official visit, has accused Anwar of masterminding the rally and manipulating its organisers to beef up support for his ambition to become the next prime minister. The premier and his administration have faced previous online attacks with a Facebook petition in October calling for a million Malaysians to reject plans for a 100-storey megatower in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysians are avid users of social network and micro-blogging sites. A study by global research firm TNS last year showed Malaysians to be the most popular people on the Internet, with an average of 233 friends in their social networks compared with 68 in China and just 29 in Japan. -AFP |
Now: Rosmah’s ‘diamond bangles’ Posted: 12 Jul 2011 02:39 PM PDT
By B Nantha Kumar, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: Another glittering allegation has surfaced about the prime minister's wife, this time over a set of diamond bangles which industry experts claim may be worth a fortune. Yesterday, several pro-opposition bloggers claimed that Rosmah Mansor had acquired a ring from the New York-based fine jeweller Jacob & Co worth RM73 million. The bloggers identified the item as a "Natural Fancy Blue Gray Cushion Cut Diamond Ring". It had supposedly passed through the Kuala Lumpur International Airport customs in April this year. Screenshots of the alleged customs computer displays also revealed that the ring did not have import duties imposed on it. Today, another blogger called "Semut and Papan Kekunci" published photographs of Rosmah wearing bangles that were strikingly similar to Jacob & Co's "Zebra Safari Collection". The fine jeweller's website stated that the Zebra print pave diamond bangle from its Safari collection, "features white and black pave diamonds total carat weight 65.77 in 18k white gold." When FMT checked with a local diamond merchant, the latter said the price for top quality stones could be worth as much as RM100,000 a carat, but a gemologist, who declined to be named, opined that certain designer items could be worth much more.
Baharuddin family unhappy post-mortem delayed Posted: 12 Jul 2011 02:35 PM PDT By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — The family of Baharuddin Ahmad, who died during last weekend's Bersih rally, is upset that his post-mortem report has been delayed and will only be released next month. Eldest son Mohd Nasrul Baharuddin said his was told on Saturday the report would be ready in "four to five days" but was informed by Kuala Lumpur Hospital today that the document will only be issued in four to five weeks. "What's happening? The body's been buried so what are they waiting for?" the 22-year-old told The Malaysian Insider. "I hope the doctor will release the results because... I'd like to know why my father died." Baharuddin, 56, died at Kuala Lumpur Hospital on Saturday evening after collapsing near KLCC during the Bersih rally while running away from tear gas and water cannon bombardment by the police. He was laid to rest at 12.55pm the next day at Lembah Keramat Muslim Burial Ground here, just three kilometres from his home.
Utusan dismisses Anwar’s tunnel escapade as play-acting Posted: 12 Jul 2011 02:31 PM PDT
By Yow Hong Chieh, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — Utusan Malaysia has trained its sights on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim again following his run-in with the police on Saturday, saying it was another ploy to gain public sympathy. The Malay daily's assistant chief editor Datuk Zaini Hassan in his Cuit column today ridiculed the opposition leader for claiming he a victim of police tear gas at KL Sentral, likening it to yet another "episode" in the saga of Anwar. Mockingly likening Anwar to a cat with nine lives, Zaini said the PKR de facto leader was now playing up injuries he received there to the point where Anwar now appeared to be "fighting for his eighth life after losing lives in seven prior incidents". These incidents include the black eye he received in 1998 from then-Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Rahim Noor, the alleged plot against Anwar which prompted him to seek refuge in the Turkish Embassy here and the alleged sabotage of wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail's car. "It was said that Anwar was shot by the armed FRU armed with elephant guns, blood drenched his clothes until the yellow was no longer visible, oxygen was needed, this is a serious case," Zaini said dryly. "It was also reported in many blogs that Anwar's eighth life is hanging by a thread, the sounds of Yassin fill the air and the will is now being read to family members who await new stock for his ninth life." Zaini pointed out that Anwar has almost as many "characters" throughout his political carrier: as a student leader leading a demonstration in Baling, supporting PAS in Kelantan during the 1978 state election and eventually throwing in his lot with Umno five years later. "Anwar's greatness lies not only in his oratory but also his acting that is sure cloud the eyes of many fanatical and ignorant supporters," he said.
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 02:28 PM PDT By Martin Jalleh Bersih 2.0 laid bare the fact that Umno is politically bankrupt. It brought out the same old bag of tricks, treats and threats. It looked like a party in a sordid state of denial and beyond redemption. Alas, the BN went berserk over Bersih! The coalition continues to be the bane of democracy in Bolehland as it resorts to political moves most base in stifling and stopping Bersih! The Prime Minister now tries desperately hard to redeem his battered image – which he has largely brought upon himself! Time and again he blundered – and very badly too. Najib puts on a brave front whilst playing his blame game. He has been blindly led by his advisors and now finds himself in a bind, with a bruised ego and sounding very much like a broken record! This time a humble woman lawyer of substance and a non-politician outshone him. Each time he attacked her, he reduced himself to a small boy begging for attention and looking for a fight. The Home Minister did what he is most at home with – he bellowed with rage, and blared out the most bizarre and unimaginable balderdash. But no one bothers anymore with his bark and blather! Of course the men in blue who looked as though they made up a branch of the Government (or a component of the BN), bowed, bent and did the bidding of their political (pay)master. A bunch of bullies, their brutality was captured on bountiful clips on the Internet. Yet they unashamedly bulled about their innocence, and the PM and Home Minister added to the bunkum! Whilst Malaysians refused to buckle, the bosses of the servile mainstream press continued to suck up to their political masters, giving stories a spin and slant that served the government. The beleaguered BN continued to bluff itself– all the time! The rakyat refused to buy what it (and its newspapers) were selling! The Bersih 2.0 march is over but its spirit lives on in many Malaysians – in spite of it being branded "illegal". The Government can ban all it wants, but the rakyat will not be browbeaten! The BN's image has hit rock-bottom. It should begin cleansing its stained credibility and integrity by releasing all who are still "illegally" detained (as a result of their involvement with Bersih)! Till to date, there is no solid and substantiated basis for the continued detention in particular of Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj and five of his colleagues of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM). The Government has reduced itself to a political buffoon by resurrecting the"communist" and "foreign" bogeyman in the arrest and re-arrest of Dr Jeyakumar and the rest. For a Government that brags so much about transformation and change, deploying Cold War tactics on political rivals in these days only reveals how far behind the times it really is! Expecting the public to believe that Jeyakumar is trying to revive communist ideology is as ridiculous as saying that Deputy PM Muhyiddin Yassin is intelligent! Those who know Jeyakumar personally readily vouch for his integrity, his passion for the poor and his principled, patient and peaceful approach. The MP is truly a rare breed politician! The judiciary has just betrayed its often loud claim of being independent when it delayed today the hearing date of habeas corpus application of Jeyakumar and the five others by a month. A June 2010 court circular states that such urgent hearing dates must be fixed within a week after filing. The blunt and brutal truth -- the judiciary remains beholden to the government. The longer Jeyakumar and his colleagues remain behind bars, the longer the Government of Malaysia will look bad in the eyes of the world. It has no one to blame but itself. The Government has to clean up its act. Malaysia sits on the UN Human Rights Council with a laundry list of transgressions. It cannot afford to turn a blind eye to this daylight mockery! Alas, the Government got more than it bargained for when trying to banish Berish into oblivion. Najib leads the nation forward into abysmalpolitical backwaters. |
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