Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News |
- A Sister's Grief
- Confirmed : Tian Chua was a bad, bad boy!
- Malaysian refugee swap spells human rights disaster
- The Technology of Trust
- Pusat Pentadbiran Negeri Sabah adalah Sabah for Sabahans …..?
- The Battle Has Just Begun
- TBH inquisition reveals racist underpinnings
- RM14.5bn golden yacht story ‘fake’: Motorboat website
- Tengku Razaleigh & Friends
- Apocalypse begins
- DSAI and Sodomy Three
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 07:15 PM PDT At the "BERSIH 2.0 Crack-Down: "EO Another ISA" Forum" last night, it must have been difficult for Dr Prema Devaraj, younger sister of Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, to recount the memories of the ordeal following the detention of EO6. Not many could have pulled it through but Prema did - beautifully! Her face, though weary, did not belie the grief within her. The sea of faces looking right at her must have given her the inner strength she needed to speak so movingly. On that fateful night, she recounted how there were only ten supporters waiting outside the Kepala Batas Police Station and she wished that there could have been more that evening to cry for their release - the volume of support might have rattled the police.
Confirmed : Tian Chua was a bad, bad boy! Posted: 27 Jul 2011 02:54 PM PDT You showed disrespect to the Bersih 2.0 leadership that was present there, especially Ambiga, and were leading the rally. Most importantly, you took it upon yourself to alter a peaceful rally to one of aggression and, in so doing, put many out there at risk to life and limb. Please do not keep silent on this, Tian Chua. READ MORE HERE: EARLIER POST: Tian Chua, have you been a bad, bad boy?
Malaysian refugee swap spells human rights disaster Posted: 27 Jul 2011 02:29 PM PDT This deal from both Australian and Malaysian perspectives seems mind boggling. For Australia, if the policy is not implemented properly and human rights of refugees are seen to be abused then Julia Gillard's Labor government will face political disaster. For Malaysia, it's out of character with its long-term foreign policy of limited engagement and could embarass the nation by putting a global spotlight on Malaysia's terrible human rights record. How the refugee deal fits in with Malaysia's foreign policy strategyThe current Malaysian prime minister, Najib Razak has a clear strategy when it comes to foreign policy. Firstly, to improve his personal international profile to compensate for declining domestic popularity. And secondly to directly improve Malaysia's economic fortunes by convincing international investors & entrepreneurs to invest in Malaysia. But there are serious implications to Najib's strategy. Malaysia is very gradually moving away from its long-held position of non-alignment and limited engagement towards a tighter alliance with the US and two of its closest allies in the region – Singapore and Australia. Under Najib, Malaysia's relationship with the U.S., Australia and Singapore is the closest ever. The number of difficult deals that Najib has delivered with these countries has made him appear to be an important asset. One perspective is that Malaysia has opted to resolve the refugee matter at the bilateral level rather than through regional (Bali process) or multilateral (UN) channels. But also the refugee swap deal falls into this broader trend of raising Najib's international profile. A puzzling policyBut what is puzzling is the fact that Najib would accept this trade-off between a higher profile for himself among government leaders for public humiliation. It is inevitable that due to the intense media scrutiny around this deal, Malaysia's atrocious human rights record will be put under the spot light. If this is the principle reason Malaysia signed such a deal, then whose objectives were really being considered – Najib's personal needs or the country? Another theory is that the generous payments from the Australian government maybe trickling in to companies related to the ruling regime. The Australian government will need to make public who are the beneficiary companies from this deal.
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 12:07 PM PDT Who is to say otherwise? The recent announcement by the Elections Commision to use biometric systems at the polls was instantly met with criticism and scepticism. The EC claims that the biometric system is a "fool-proof" system, while opposing parties went on to question the competence of the EC in deploying, maintaining and securing such a system. For me, the technical merits of this, or in fact, any system is rather irrelevant. One may argue that there are several known methods of circumventing a fingerprint reader. Or that the records of voters are unreliable, etc. If we continue along this path, we soon find that 'biometric system' is just a pair of words with no absolute definition. Without a detailed set of definitions, open to peer review, it could mean just about anything the EC wants it to mean. Then there's the matter of implementation. Who is to know if the voting process is being carried out exactly to specifications? What safeguards are there against deviation and fraud? Who makes the observations and certifications? It all comes down to trust. If there is no trust in the people who run the system, it doesn't matter how 'fool-proof' the technology is. For example, there are cryptographic algorithms available these days that are statistically impossible to crack; yet, people get busted and data gets stolen all the time. Not because of any technical failure, but because the people who were trusted with the keys gave in. Read more at:
Pusat Pentadbiran Negeri Sabah adalah Sabah for Sabahans …..? Posted: 27 Jul 2011 12:04 PM PDT Reading some facebook walls postings, I suppose a good number of common Sabahans are not exactly thrilled with the proposed Pusat Pentadbiran Negeri Sabah awarded to Bina Puri Group. Was there any public tendering? Never mind that. This is the Bursa Malaysia announcement: The Chairman of Bina Puri Group is Dato' Ir Wong Foon Meng According to the profile page of its 2010 annual report and accounts:- "He was elected as a State Assemblyman in Terengganu* in 1995 and subsequently appointed as a member of the State Executive Council (EXCO). He was appointed as Senator and elected as Deputy President of the Senate of Parliament of Malaysia in 2004. He was then elected as the President of the Senate from July 2009 until April 2010" * as a MCA candidate In the Chairman's statement touching on "Business Outlook and Prospects", Dato Wong has this comment : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "….the world economy experienced the worst effects of the global financial crisis in the first half of 2009, ……. As a highly open economy, the Malaysian economy was similarly significantly affected …. Against this backdrop, coupled with the Government's growth impetus policies that included the roll-out of RM9billion in infrastructure projects, including a provision of RM4.7 billion for roads and bridges projects and RM2.6 billion for water supply and sewerage services, the Bina Puri Group will benefit accordingly" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What the Chairman is saying, to this reader, is that when there is a world economy crisis hitting Malaysian soil, instead of taking measures to cut cost and leakages, raise the competitiveness of the nation, strengthen the safety nets for citizens, the BN administration will further increase the deficit budget, causing higher national debts and award more contracts to selected parties. Understandably, the projects that prop up the Group are significantly public projects funded by tax payers. Was there any public tendering? Oh do shut up! > 60% of the Group's revenue is derived from public project Affordable housing in a profit to a Semenanjung developer, perhaps According to the Group Managing Director, Senator Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng in his Review of Operations, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "HIGHWAY CONCESSION Read more at:
Posted: 27 Jul 2011 09:49 AM PDT By the time I arrived, the darkness of the night was reminiscent of the solitary confinement cells. Did they know night from day? Or how long they had been there? Deep within, I knew that this candlelight vigil and forum "BERSIH 2.0 Crack-Down: "EO Another ISA" Forum"* would be different from the rest because of the impact of the BERSIH 2.0 rally. Led by Seok Hwa of Suaram, cries of "Hidup Rakyat" and "Bebaskan EO6" filled the night as the crowd grew in size. A few members from the crowd stepped forward to speak up for those in detention and also about the issue at hand - the repressive legislation enforced even though there is absolutely no emergency situation.
TBH inquisition reveals racist underpinnings Posted: 26 Jul 2011 06:48 PM PDT These ingredients together created a scenario where it is difficult to escape the implications that our independent public institutions, like the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, are neither independent nor public. It is unsettling to see the MACC operate as a tool of the state. It could be even more unsettling if there was perversion in the MACC's function such that it resembles the interrogation unit of the secret police as found in some autocracies. A deconstruction of events leading and consequent to the deadly outcome is necessary to assess the repercussions of Teoh's tragedy. Mind and methods of MACC Firstly, all the deliberate obfuscation and obstructions put up against the fact-finders seeking the truth of Teoh's death implies a collusion to serve the interest of the executive branch. This type direction seemingly coming from high levels is an indication of a political landscape where the state is the party. So has our ruling party Umno become now indistinguishable from the state? MACC investigation into Ean Yong Hian Wah, the DAP Seri Kembangan assemblyman who was Teoh's employer, commenced amidst Barisan Nasional hopes that it could take over Selangor following its successful toppling of the Pakatan government in Perak. Was the initial investigation and subsequent campaign of harassment by the MACC started at Umno's behest? Kicking into action through selectively targeting DAP, the federal agency put the party assemblymen under the microscope. At the same time, the elephant in the room – former Selangor Menteri Besar Mohd Khir Toyo with his unexplained wealth and stunning 'Bali castle' for all to see – somehow escaped notice. The difference in treatment against mere witnesses from the opposition ranks and suspects from within establishment circles is stark. This is demonstrable from the vast discrepancy in the sum for which Ean Yong (RM2,400 order for national flags) and Khir (millions to buy land and build mansion) were respectively investigated. Further contrast is clearly seen in the varied harshness of the process – "aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation" according to the RCI report on Teoh. A comparison between the two cases as well as drawing the necessary inferences will reveal the racial discrimination, on top of the political bias practised by the MACC. Unless the agency is detached from state (read Umno) control and made answerable to an independent body – and Parliament be given oversight – it will continue to function as a political appendage of the party in power and not in any circumstances to regain public trust. Everything under Umno umbrella Secondly, the RCI ruling on Teoh Beng Hock runs contrary to the more compelling evidence suggesting murder. Its conjectures are weak speculation and too far-fetched for arriving at a finding of suicide whereas on the other hand homicide cannot be dismissed. The issue of distrust re-emerges when the commissioners are seen as aligned to the powers that be. In the court of public opinion, the judiciary and public prosecutors are part of the Umno-dominated power axis or have been co-opted by the authorities (synonymous with Umno). Previously, a royal commission had put forward concrete proposals, including the establishment of an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) for the purpose of reforming the police force. The recommendations contained in the extensive RCI report have been largely ignored to date. Yet another set of conclusions from a different RCI on the VK Lingam judge fixing has dissipated into thin air. In the face of the aborted attempts at reform and NFA (no further action), the public is entitled to query the symbiotic relationship between Umno and judiciary and police. Does the 1party control the bench and the men in blue? Inversely, do the police being in possession of sensitive intelligence hold certain levers to control key Umno personalities? Or else how do we explain the police top brass thumbing their nose at the implementation of the IPCMC? Recently we had the royal commission with terms of reference to enquire into MACC investigative procedures. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the RCI recommendations will once again be more of the same morass. What traditionally arise from these so-called royal commissions are cosmetic changes (e.g. moving the MACC interrogation room to the basement), and the inevitable stonewalling on cleaning up the outfits. After all, Selangor MACC deputy director Hishamuddin Hashim who was the field mastermind behind the torture of Beng Hock was even promoted to MACC director in Negri Sembilan. The state-party nexus between those officials in government pay and Umno is more often than not reflected in the arrangement 'you do our bidding, we cover your back'. It is this mutual protection racket that helped obliterate incriminating traces of what really happened the night of Teoh's death. Instead of promoting the rule of law, such destructive living in each other's pocket only promotes lawlessness as evidenced in the brutish behaviour of the MACC inquisitors. How the long-drawn saga eventually panned out is not only causing immense anguish to the Teoh family and heaping insult on the memory of the deceased but has also inflamed public anger.
RM14.5bn golden yacht story ‘fake’: Motorboat website Posted: 26 Jul 2011 03:37 PM PDT The yacht story had initially looked genuine as the golden yacht was featured on the website of UK designer Stuart Hughes. The yacht 'History Supreme' is apparently a gold-plated Baia 100, a model introduced by Baia Yachts of Italy in 2008. But basic journalistic tenets were apparently ignored. The golden yacht story was picked up by half the UK press (and elsewhere) and "reported faithfully, without a call to Baia to check the story's authenticity", claims Motorboat and Yachting deputy editor Stewart Campell. The images that were circulated appeared to have been taken from the Baia Yachts website and 'photoshopped'. The Baia Yachts sales manager Mario Borselli confirmed to Motorboat and Yachting that the story was fake. "We will write him a letter asking him to take them down, but we are not thinking to go legal. It's such a stupid story it's not worth it… I can't believe people would believe someone would be so stupid to commission this boat."
Posted: 26 Jul 2011 03:20 PM PDT I was not invited to the launch but imposed myself by calling the organisers and asking if I could attend. Fortunately, they were gracious about it and I was there together with some 200 others being fĂȘted with speeches about how rotten things have become and what needs to be done. I was seated next to Nurul Izzah Anwar and that was special too. I have always liked her very much and being able to have a friendly chat with her about politics after many months was memorable. There was a lot of speculation about Tengku Razaleigh's game plan or motive behind launching Amanah. Some say it's his way of keeping his hope of becoming the next PM alive. Others are less kind, and say he is clutching at straws to keep himself relevant at a time when his influence within UMNO is fast receding. I am inclined to see the action of Amanah's promoters as noble and sincere. They want to remind people that we must not abandon the principles upon which this nation was founded. They seem to be saying that we must not try to reengineer or remodel this country on new imperatives, forgetting along the way all that has kept this nation together for so long. The call is for a more decent and trustworthy Government — who can dispute the relevance of that? I would prefer Tengku Razaleigh to be more explicit and direct about his plans. In this country there is no middle path that one can take and still hope to make an electoral impact, which is necessary especially if one is looking at effecting a political transformation. One is either with BN or with Pakatan Rakyat. Kita is a new political party that is willing to take a different and more risky route, but our "business model" is different. We focus on issues that have divided us like the NEP, religious freedom, the secular state, democracy, etc, and other similarly sensitive issues because we feel that addressing and understanding them are key to our future stability. Our manifesto touches on all these issues that BN and Pakatan shy away from. But these issues do not win elections in the short term. I do not believe Tengku Razaleigh and his friends are going to articulate them and be ideological in the way that we are. Amanah, I am sure, will be pragmatic in their approach and this is why I was somewhat surprised that its promoters did not endorse the Pakatan Rakyat platform, at least on substantive issues. This will give them the momentum and the enthusiastic crowds on their nationwide tour. Otherwise, who will listen to them but a handful of smart urbanites, who are probably already converted to their line of thinking? Supporting Pakatan does not mean we subscribe to all of their policies or approve of all their leaders. But making Pakatan stronger will transform the political dynamic, which hopefully will bring some positive changes.
Posted: 26 Jul 2011 01:55 PM PDT In this tragic-comedy, who will have the last laugh? This is the most unnatural country where innocuous actions are seen as crimes – the wearing of clean yellow T-shirts with the word "Bersih" on them and the possession of banners, pamphlets and flags, and images of long dead communist leaders. Where, indeed, are we heading? Some are still afraid of shadows; how much longer can they use that as an excuse to do nothing? They, whose main concern is only for their own well-being, exist only for the present, not for the future. When they die, their fears will die with them and their existence will stop there. No achievements to speak of, no contribution to peace made, just the end of a mediocre life.The winds of change are swiftly gathering gale force, but where will this twisting cloud in all its terrible power take us? READ MORE HERE. |
Posted: 26 Jul 2011 01:15 PM PDT Most times I shake my head in wonderment at the gullibility of men…and women. I am an equal opportunity kind of guy – men and women have equal rights to being gullible. No gender bias here! The defining criteria that elevates you from being a moron to being a "thinking" being is the ability to comprehend what is being said to you. Most dogs understand "SIT", "STAY" and even, though albeit reluctantly "NO". Now there are people out there who has taken the trouble to visit my blog (for that I am grateful!) in order to agree to disagree with what I put in the public domain. What I disagree is the disagreeable way they choose to disagree with me. I tend to measure others by the manner I measure myself. Let me explain. When I am surfing the net I will only linger to read anything if the first few lines agree with me. If I continue to read something that disagree with me I do so because I want to see whether what is being said will move me to have a different perspective of the issue at hand. Sometimes it does and if it moves me I will write to say so. If it does not then I take it as "lesson learnt." The feed back I get these last few weeks from my writings on DSAI has some defining characteristics. In the main they are abusive, eloquent in their description of my private and public persona and firm in their desire to die not for country, bangsa and religion…but for DSAI! Good for DSAI bad for me! Let us not dwell to much on me…I am the messenger not the story. And the story that needs to be told is one that most of us already know. We know and yet we are hoping against hope that DSAI is not the person most of us already know he is! But a few truths about me and I will try to say this in plain language so that what I said will not be construed (opps I better use a simpler word here)…so that what I said will not be misinterpreted as being something else. First: I have never ever received a single ringgit from UMNO/BN to write what I write. Now some of you will interpret that as me confessing that I did received a few cents NOT exceeding one ringgit from UMNO/BN – I will leave that to the imagination of others to interpret if that is what I intended to convey! Read more at:
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