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- A Biased and Comical Judgement
- Najib suffers from a “mild stroke” in UK
- Najib Snubbed By UK PM?
- Bersih march may delay GE
- A State of Hypocrisy and Lies!
- Detention without trial in Malaysia
- Video Interview: Malaysian PM on KL protests
- Malaysians in the United States submit Bersih 2.0 memorandum to the Malaysian Embassy
- Political affray in Malaysia : Taken to the cleaners
- Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #73
- This is what happens when a tear gas canister hits your face
- Dear PM, do you really want a second term?
- Voter's registration in Kuching, Sarawak
- Bersih 2.0 - New York City
- 9th of July - an everyday in Malaysia
- Suggesting a possible strategy for future rallies : Loving kindness and compassion to the Police
- Malaysia Bans Books
- Citizen Empowerment School (CES)
- 'Give me back my land’
- Inflation - The Real Picture
- Liow’s Tongue Lies!
- Banning of the book “The March to Putrajaya”
- Neck ties now a threat to national security
- Now do you understand the meaning of The Third Force?
- Assange case judges reserve decision
- Yes, minister, you are wrong!
- More than 200,000 at Bersih 2.0
- Customs officer: I was beaten and forced to confess
- Sign of the end for BN when people no longer afraid
- Bersih – my final thoughts
- After July 9th, What Next?
- UN: Malaysia Acts Too Much against Protesters
A Biased and Comical Judgement Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:34 PM PDT
By Zunar I am referring to the High Court's decision in dismissing my judicial review application to challenge the banning of my cartoon books, "1Funny Malaysia" and "Perak Darul Kartun" by the Home Minister on 14 July 2011. Although this is expected, I am disappointed with the court's decision. In her judgment, Judge Rohana Yusof said, she agreed with the government's argument that "1Funny Malaysia" and "Perak Darul Kartun" are detrimental to public order. But she failed to address the core issue: in what context are my cartoon books, or its content can be regarded as detrimental to public order as stated by the government as a reason of the banning? Which one of the 150 hundred pieces of cartoons in these two books is dangerous to the public? I am sad that the court chooses to ignore the freedom of expression as provided by the Federal Constitution and support the government's move to suppress the objective editorial cartoons. By upholding the banning, the court fails to acknowledge the role of political cartoonists as the 'check and balance' agents, as practiced in any democratic country. Therefore, I think the judgment is biased and comical. This is a sad day in Malaysian cartooning industry. It kills the future younger generation of critical cartoonists that can contribute in developing the nation. I will continue to draw cartoons to expose the corruptions of the Najib government, as this is a duty of an editorial cartoonist. ZULKIFLEE ANWAR ULHAQUE (ZUNAR) | ||||||||||||||
Najib suffers from a “mild stroke” in UK Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:21 PM PDT
By Martin Jalleh He calls police action "quite mild." It appears that the Prime Minister has suffered a mild "brain attack" whilst on an official visit to UK. | ||||||||||||||
Posted: 14 Jul 2011 12:44 PM PDT By Sarawak Report The flash crowd that turned up to boo Najib's event at Mansion House (the official residence of the City of London's Mayor) was larger than yesterday's outside Downing Street. They had been joined by Amnesty International, who have spoken out about the treatment of the Bersih demonstrators at the weekend. Amnesty commands considerable respect in the UK. The Malaysian PM had come to court the City's investors and it was embarrassing. Investors do not like countries with uncertain human rights records and an unhappy middle class. Few non-Malaysians turned up in the end, but some of the investors who did went and chatted first to the crowd of protesters outside. One, who described himself as 'working for a global investment company', said that he was well aware of the human rights issues in Malaysia and confirmed that his company monitors the matter and that such issues are of concern. Brushed off Meanwhile, the main topic in the crowd was the news that Najib's lunch with Cameron had been cancelled. Was it owing to the human rights issues or simply because the UK PM was too busy they wondered? Neither looked particularly good from the perspective of the Malaysia PM !
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Posted: 14 Jul 2011 12:34 PM PDT By Tashny Sukumaran, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: The Bersih 2.0 rally may have made up Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's mind on when to call for an election. The election may be called later than sooner because Najib hopes that by then people may have "forgotten this ugly" incident. An article from the UK based The Economist weekly said the "heavy-handed" police tactics used to control the Bersih 2.0 march for clean and fair elections last Saturday showed a lot of nervousness on the government's part on how much opposition it can tolerate. The article states that the long- term effects were harder to change, and that the rally just may help unite the opposition against the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional. The article says the lifespan of Bersih 2.0 was fraught with setback after setback, as it was declared illegal with crackdowns made on those wearing or carrying Bersih-related items such t-shirts or pamphlets. The government went as far as to arrest six Parti Sosialis Malaysia members under the Emergency Ordinance. They also arrested 24 Bersih 2.0 supporters under Section 122 of the Penal Code, the charge of waging war against the King – a move that The Economist called "particularly desperate, reminiscent of the abuse of the monarchy's position in neighbouring Thailand." However after the Agong stepped in, the authorities offered Bersih 2.0 a stadium – and later seemingly withdrew the offer by way of not granting them a permit.
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A State of Hypocrisy and Lies! Posted: 14 Jul 2011 11:01 AM PDT
By Malaysia Today On Wednesday, Najib told a small group of international reporters Wednesday in London that if the Malaysian government allowed street demonstrations of the kind seen in Kuala Lumpur last weekend, the country would face protracted instability. He explained, "Public order is very important in Malaysia because if we allow for street demonstrations, there's no end to it, there will be another group that wants to demonstrate. If protests are not controlled, "you will get a situation in which more and more of these street demonstrations will take place in Malaysia," he said. "Suhakam feels that in view of the number of complaints on excessive use of force, the incidents of tear gas, the death of Baharuddin Ahmad and the denial of access to lawyers, various violations of human rights could have happened," said Suhakam Vice Chairman Khaw Lake Tee. The group said in a statement that further details of the inquiry would be announced in two weeks' time. Very clever! He offered the use of a stadium and then the police rejected the application to use Merdeka Stadium. What else could Bersih supporters do but to march in the streets? A series of press statements and articles from international media ensued. Take note of the following selection: 1. Bersih was declared illegal on July 1, after which hundreds of activists were arrested, though most have since been released. All those arrested on Saturday were released later that night. During the rally, almost 1,700 protestors were arrested. 2. In a statement issued on Tuesday, The Malaysian Bar Council said that its monitors witnessed the police using tear gas and water cannons "arbitrarily, indiscriminately and excessively" and "beating, hitting and kicking the rally participants." The protesters, it said, acted in "peaceful and calm manner," except for an incident in which "one or more" people threw plastic bottles at a television reporter. 3. Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said on Thursday: "The Malaysian authorities' crushing of Bersih's march shows that when basic liberties compete with the entrenched power of the state, the government is quick to throw respect for human rights out the window." 5. Wall Street Journal said, If the government is going to respond like this—intimidation followed by denial—a Bersih 3.0 could eventually materialize, though organizers have ruled it out anytime soon. Underlying this weekend's events is growing public impatience with UMNO as Malaysians find rising inflation, coupled with slow reforms, eating into their standard of living. Saturday's turnout is a sign that Malaysians also understand the link between true democracy and good government. 6. The Jakarta Post said: The leaders of Malaysia are laboring under an old paradigm that says you can have development or democracy, but not both. We have news for them: You can be rich and free at the same time. Malaysians deserve both and they deserve it now — not sometime in the future.... The police clearly overreacted. They did not need to invoke the Internal Security Act to arrest some of the protest's leaders before Saturday. They certainly did not need to detain more than 1,600 on the day of the demonstration.... The Bersih 2.0 rally is the clearest sign that Malaysians want freedom and justice, as well as wealth. 7. The New York Times article Malaysian Prime Minister Defends Muzzling of Protests by Mattew Saltmarsh and Liz Gooch gave a good run-down of the chain of events. The headline of the article already speaks volumes. 8. Malaysiakini reported that "Top editors of three Chinese newspapers were called to the Home Ministry yesterday, apparently in relation to reports favourable to the Bersih 2.0 rally organisers." And the PM can declare over CNN that "there is democracy in Malaysia"!!! 9. Amnesty International called the government's response to the July 9th Bersih rally as "the worst campaign of repression we've seen in the country for years." It also said, "Prime minister Najib's government rode roughshod over thousands of Malaysians exercising their right to peaceful protest. This violent repression … flies in the face of international human rights standards and cannot be allowed to continue" 10. Rupert Colville, a spokesperson for the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCR), as quoted from the UN webpage, July 12 said: 11. Simon Tisdall of Guardian said, "Najib reacted with characteristic heavy-handedness when tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur at the weekend demanding "reformasi" – democratic reform – and an end to a defective electoral system that guarantees Najib's party representing the Malay majority, Umno, stays in power indefinitely." He also said, "Malaysia's leaders should wake up and smell the coffee. Led intelligently and openly, Malaysia could be a paradigm for south-east Asia. Led repressively, it could fall apart. Najib must get on the right side of history. The Mubarak model doesn't work." 12. On 9th of July, Bibhu Prasad Routray said: Vilification of the opposition remains rather common to the ruling regimes all over the world that have faced revolutions in the recent past and the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak was not expected to behave differently. He played down the "illegal rally." He added that far smaller number of people attended Bersih's rally compared to the one organized in support of the government, incidentally on the same day. Bibhu Prasad Routray said on 12th July: What amazes analysts of Malaysian politics is the sheer detestation the government demonstrates towards the opposition. In this politically polarized island nation of 28 million people, Prime Minister Najib Razak has made no attempt whatsoever to reach out to the opposition to evolve a consensus politics and erect an electoral system that provides fair ground for competition to both the ruling party and the opposition......But UMNO under Najib Razak appears to have a death wish. It appears to have no hesitation to sacrifice its own goal of bringing economic development for the sake of staying on in power. For how long it manages to do so, is a mere question of time. In the light of the many objections to the repressive action taken by the government, it galls patriotic Malaysians that the government still has the cheek and audacity to deny and to lie to their own peril. Worse still, to proclaim their pure innocence. To think they are thick-skinned enough to insist in a letter to Wall Street journal that Malaysia is a 'true democracy'. We have had ENOUGH of all their hypocrisy and lies. Nobody wants pathological liars to lead the country. Vote them OUT in the next elections with the biggest margin in Malaysian history!
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Detention without trial in Malaysia Posted: 14 Jul 2011 10:57 AM PDT
By Dr Kua Kia Soong Simon Tisdall's World briefing (14 July) on Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak's violent suppression of last weekend's street demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur was a welcome reminder to the Cameron government of its commitment to human rights. The Najib government has continued the decades of suppression of Malaysians' freedom of expression, assembly and association, and blatant racial discrimination. Most objectionable of its abuses is the use of detention without trial under three different laws. The most infamous of these is the Internal Security Act, which has been used against more than 10,000 people since it was passed in 1960. Today more Malaysians have been detained without trial under the emergency ordinance and the Dangerous Drugs Act than under the Internal Security Act. Six leaders of the Socialist Party of Malaysia, including Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj MP, were detained just before last weekend's demonstration under the emergency ordinance. They are being held in solitary confinement, which is a form of mental torture, and face further two-year renewable detention orders. Throughout the years of abusing human rights by detention without trial, the Malaysian special branch has used torture with impunity. David Cameron should demand the immediate release of detainees, the abolition of detention without trial, and the ratification of the convention against torture and the convention on the eradication of racial discrimination before doing business with the Najib government. Failure to do so would be another compromise of British commitment to human rights, democracy and justice. Dr Kua Kia Soong Director, Suaram for Human Rights *This letter was published in The Guardian, UK.
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Video Interview: Malaysian PM on KL protests Posted: 14 Jul 2011 10:31 AM PDT By Malaysia Today In this video interview, Prime Minister Najib Razak sits down with CNN's John Defteriosto to discuss financial concerns regarding the European zone and the United States, and the protests over electoral reforms in Malaysia last weekend. The interview was conducted then Najib was in the United Kingdom to cement economic ties with Britain . Last year, Malaysia exported US$30 billion ($36.5 billion) worth of goods to the euro zone. Currently, he hopes to ink a free trade agreement with the European Union in 2012. In this interview, he gives his comments talks about the US debt and the recent Bersih rally. At the 2:05 point of the interview, CNN's John Defteriosto asks Najib why there was 'such a high level of protests' Najib's response was (note the lapses of 'ers' & 'and' which appeared more often than in preceding statements of the interview etc.) : "Well John, er it is basically politics because er..there is democracy in Malaysia and we are committed towards er electoral reform . I've, you know come out to say that we are all for clean and fair elections and ..and and as you know the last general election er you know the the the the ruling party lost five states and we're deprived of five states....." When asked if he was satisfied with the security response to the particular round of protests, Najib said "It was QUITE MILD er you know because although they were..they were taken in, but they were released after 8 ..8 hours and they were treated very well. There was no undue use of force...and and and you know the demonstrators were dispersed using minimum force...."
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Malaysians in the United States submit Bersih 2.0 memorandum to the Malaysian Embassy Posted: 14 Jul 2011 10:18 AM PDT Washington, DC -- Malaysians gather at the Malaysian Embassy, and send a Bersih 2.0 memorandum and signatures of support to the Malaysian Embassy, in support of the Bersih 2.0 Movement to demand free and fair elections. Khair Bahari Ahmad, Third Secretary (Administration & Finance) represents His Excellency Dato' Sri Dr. Jamaludin Jarjis, Ambassador of Malaysia to the United States of America, to receive the memorandum and signatures submitted by Phebie Thum. His Excellency Dato' Sri Dr. Jamaludin Jarjis is not in Washington, D.C. | ||||||||||||||
Political affray in Malaysia : Taken to the cleaners Posted: 14 Jul 2011 10:08 AM PDT By The Economist MALAYSIA is one of South-East Asia's stabler nations; but a rally in Kuala Lumpur on July 9th in demand of electoral reform turned surprisingly nasty, leading to the arrest of more than 1,600 people. The police fired tear gas and water cannon into the crowd, and one man died of a heart attack. All those arrested were released fairly quickly, but Amnesty International, a London-based human-rights group, called it "the worst campaign of repression in the country for years". The government's reaction showed a lot of nervousness about how much opposition it can tolerate. In fact the crackdown started a few weeks ago after "Bersih 2.0" announced that it was going to stage the rally. Bersih, also known as The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections, is a loose alliance of NGOs and activists (bersih means "clean"). It argues that all candidates should be given access to the mainstream media and that indelible ink should be used to stop people voting more than once. It all sounds uncontroversial, but not to the government. Bersih was declared illegal on July 1st and about 200 activists were rounded up. The march itself was then banned, although the authorities offered Bersih a stadium to meet in—and then withdrew the offer. | ||||||||||||||
Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #73 Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:19 AM PDT Shari'a literally means, "the road to the watering hole," the right or straight path to be followed. To Muslims, Shari'a refers to the body of Islamic laws that are perceived as being part and parcel of the faith. It thus assumes the same rightful place as the Quran and sunnah. To criticize the Shari'a is to criticize the faith itself. And therein lies the problem. M. Bakri Musa Chapter 9: Islam in Malay Life Shari'a in a Plural Society The issue of the Islamic state is needlessly consuming the energy of many Malaysians, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It is also the platform of the Islamic Party (PAS), its reason for being. Yet when challenged on the specifics, PAS is sorely unprepared. Surely after championing the issue for the past half a century, its leaders should have a pretty clear idea of their goals. If by Islamic state they mean one based on the ideals of justice and morality of the Quran, then all Muslims and many non-Muslims would agree. But if they want a state based on the Shari'a (Islamic law) in its current form, many Muslims and certainly all non-Muslims would demur. The Shari'a took three centuries to formulate and consumed the best intellectual talent of the Muslim world at the time. Although based on the Qur'an and sunnah (ways of the prophet), the Shari'a remains the creation of mortals and as such, carries all the imperfections implicit in such endeavors. For Muslims to ascribe to it the reverence and perfection reserved only for the Quran means that we ascribe those very same qualities to the mortals who crafted the Shari'a. Shari'a literally means, "the road to the watering hole," the right or straight path to be followed. To Muslims, Shari'a refers to the body of Islamic laws that are perceived as being part and parcel of the faith. It thus assumes the same rightful place as the Quran and sunnah. To criticize the Shari'a is to criticize the faith itself. And therein lies the problem. There are over 6,000 verses in the Quran; of these less than 600 are concerned with the law. And most of those cover such matters as prayers and rituals. Only about 80 verses deal with such traditional legal matters as crime and punishment, contracts, and family law. Clearly the Quran is not a legal tome but a general guidance on how to build a moral and ethical society. It is a magnificent tribute to the intellect of those early Muslim scholars that they were able to fashion out of the Quran and the sunnah a coherent and consistent body of laws that is the Shari'a. In its time the Shari'a represented a giant leap in intellectual, social, and legal achievements. Its treatment of women in particular was light years ahead of its time. The status of women accorded by the Shari'a was of the order of magnitude a thousand times better than the prevailing practices. Then women were not even recognized as humans. Whereas women are granted a share of the inheritance in the Shari'a, in the then prevailing culture, women were the inheritance. They were chattels and properties of their husband, to be passed on or traded accordingly. The Shari'a represented a grand emancipation of women. In this regard Islam was centuries ahead of Western civilization. The codifying of divorces too was truly an inspiration, considering that the concept did not even exist then. Wives were not divorced then; they were simply discarded, traded, or handed over to their husband's heir. The Shari'a's treatment of criminal justice was similarly light years ahead of the prevailing ethos of "an eye for an eye;" likewise the treatment of slavery and indentured labor. While the Shari'a represented a quantum leap in achievement of early Islam, in its present form it is clearly incompatible with many of today's universally accepted norms, in particular with respect to human rights, criminal justice, public law, gender equality, and hosts of other areas. I do not say this lightly seeing that to many Muslims, any criticism of the Shari'a is blasphemous. But I cannot look at my daughter and tell her that she is worth only half that of my son, as the Shari'a would have it. I love all my children equally and my inheritance to them should and will reflect that sentiment. Nor do I find such cruel and inhuman punishments as stoning to death a woman for adultery and the chopping of hands for thievery compatible with an All Compassionate and All Merciful Allah. Similarly I find the death penalty for apostasy as prescribed by the Shari'a not only abhorrent but also incompatible with the Koranic admonition that there shall be no compulsion in matters of faith. As a Muslim I take the Koran to be Allah's revelation. Its message is infallible and immutable, and for all mankind at all times. That is a matter of faith. Being Allah's words, the Koran takes precedence over everything else, including the Shari'a and the sunnah. That is a heavy statement. Having said it, a much-needed pause for clarification. Muslims consider the Koran and the sunnah as co-equal parts of the faith. One cannot separate the message (the Koran) from the messenger (the prophet – pbuh); they both form an integral part of the faith. I agree wholeheartedly. The main issue I have is differentiating between the actual practices and sayings of the prophet (pbuh) and what scholars say they are. I will revisit this important differentiation a few pages hence. Meanwhile back to my original discussion. Societies change, and so too must the laws. There is nothing in the Shari'a that mandates we give it the reverence due only to the Quran. Thus the pertinent question, and one rarely asked, is not whether the Shari'a should be applied to modern society, rather how can we adapt and modify it to meet current needs. A body of laws that was an enlightened piece of legislation for 7-10th Century Arabia is clearly not suitable for the present. When the Shari'a was formulated, the Arabian society was just emerging from the Age of Jahiliyah (Ignorance), a period of rampant female infanticide, slavery, and tribalism. A millennium later, the problems are of a different order. The challenge today is to enhance the freedom and dignity of humans. That these freedoms and rights are emphasized by Western civilization is no reason for Muslims not to co-opt and adopt them. Today's Muslims should emulate our illustrious predecessors. Had ancient Muslims been like their present-day counterparts and considered everything originating outside of Islam as "un-Islamic," Islam would not have expanded. Muslims today should be equally receptive to and be welcoming of new ideas and innovations regardless of where they originated. That Allah chose a Christian to reveal His secret on gravity, a Jew on the nature of the atom, a Confucian on the explosive power of gunpowder, and a Hindu on the concept of zero, is not for us to question. It is however, for us to appreciate that such wisdom and insights are for the benefit of all. Next: Reform in Islam
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This is what happens when a tear gas canister hits your face Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:16 AM PDT Let there be no doubt: the police wanted to seriously hurt or kill the Bersih and Pakatan leaders who were present at the underpass. By Lawyers for Liberty Fayyadh Afiq, Anwar's bodyguard is a hero. He shielded Anwar from the direct barrage of tear gas canisters shot into the crowd trapped at the Sentral station underpass. He suffered a broken cheek bone and underwent a 5-hour operation. MP Khalid Samad who was also at the underpass, was similarly hit by a tear gas canister and sustained six stitches on the back of his head. To view the brutal tear gas attack, see FMT video "Bersih 2.0: It's 50k, and a big success". The villain? Undoubtedly, the police for the cruel and unjustifiable attack, especially the notorious Brickfields police chief ACP "Headhunter" Wan Bari who could be seen directing his men to shoot low at the crowd. He repeatedly said "bawah", "bawah" when his men initially pointed the tear gas guns upwards. Let there be no doubt: the police wanted to seriously hurt or kill the Bersih and Pakatan leaders who were present at the underpass. Common sense will tell you that metal projectiles shot at high velocity will cause serious injuries or death – even the tear gas instruction says: DO NOT FIRE DIRECTLY; INJURY OR DEATH MAY RESULT. Read more at: | ||||||||||||||
Dear PM, do you really want a second term? Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:08 AM PDT You, the believers in BN, must come to realise that you are no different from those you think are anti-BN – you and they all want the same things. It is BN that wants you to believe that you and they want different things. By AsamLaksa I have a strong suspicion that UMNO and BN are about to abandon ship. For those in BN and their supporters, I say it is time to wake up and find a life vest; your captain is about to leave you all to drown. Why do I think so? Well, let's start with the PM who has not yet led a general election. There is no more pretence of winning hearts and minds. It is a stark contrast with the initial 1Malaysia campaign where he appeared to try but now he can't even be bothered to even pretend. He can't even be bothered with any populist agenda. The recent policies add burden to the citizens without a sweetener on the side; for example, raising the price of petrol without actually using the additional funds earned into other Where in the world is Najib Abdul Razak? The PM has travelled the world many times in his first term without really pushing for any political or economic agenda. It is free holidays all paid by the taxpayers. Err, who's running the country? The country is in crisis post July 9 and he has gone walkies. Does he really care? This reminds me of former world leaders who, close to the end of their term in office, tend to have their last all expenses paid red carpet travel – one last hurrah. I would not be surprised if the 13th general election is held as far back as possible so that he can slot in a few more overseas trips. Where has Najib and Rosmah not been to yet? The cabinet is also showing signs of giving up. There's the big spending in times of austerity. It's one of those let them eat cake moment – out of touch and insensitive to the public. There isn't even any attempt to justify the spending with future savings. It's more like an attempt to empty the coffers. There is little substance in long term economic policies. The hoped for major changes never occurred. Instead they hyped up the projections but when looked at closer you can't find the meat. Progress can't happen just by talking about it. It's the same story with social policies, simply no substance. Take the government scholarships for instance where many top scorers do not get offers in Malaysia and some were offered foreign scholarships. This has been going on for decades now. On one hand the government talk about attracting back foreign based Malaysians to address the brain-drain issue but it makes little effort to stem the leak by retaining all the top scorers in the first place. Even after the issue was highlighted the government still only paid lip service and defended their assessment criteria and method. So now it's down to the BN members and supporters. Najib's administration still needs you all the way to the last moment when the Tanah Melayu Titanic hits the reality iceberg and there are not enough lifeboats for everyone – it won't be women and children first or you jump, I jump. What Najib's administration wants is time. You the BN supporters are giving them the time to amass their fortunes and milk the privileges. They fool you into directing attention towards enemies that you can't really grab hold of; like how do you fight Bersih 2.0 which is bigger than Ambiga and Anwar – it is an idea that lives and breeds in the minds of millions of Malaysians? Najib and his ilk want you, their supporters, to be their shield to protect them from real scrutiny. You, the supporters of BN, are not asking the right questions. You are not asking the government you place your trust in what have they done to make life better for you and the people closest to you? Have they made you feel safer and secure in your future? Have they made sure your elders' and children's health and welfare are taken care of? If you think that other groups are better off than you, ask yourself under whose watch that happened? You, the believers in BN, must come to realise that you are no different from those you think are anti-BN – you and they all want the same things. It is BN that wants you to believe that you and they want different things. From the quality of its leaders, BN's reign is ending. It may not be in GE13 but it is definitely in a spiral towards ground and Najib and his ministers could not care less. (If anyone finds this useful, could you please translate to Malay, Chinese or Tamil and disseminate. Thank you.) | ||||||||||||||
Raja Petra was charged after posting an article on his website on April 25 entitled 'Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell' that implied that DPM Najib Tun Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor were connected to the 2006 murder of a young Mongolian interpreter, Altantuya Shaaribuu. He also accused PM Abdullah of holding on to evidence that implicates his deputy in order to keep Najib in line. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Classified By: Political Section Chief Mark D. Clark for reasons 1.4 (b and d).
1. (C) Summary. For the first time, Malaysian authorities have resorted to a colonial-era law to bring sedition charges against a blogger and the author of a comment on an internet web site. Blogger and veteran anti-government activist Raja Petra Kamarudin touched a sensitive nerve in implying that DPM Najib Tun Razak and his wife were connected to 2006 murder of a young Mongolian interpreter, Altantuya Shaaribuu (reftels). He also accused PM Abdullah of holding on to evidence that implicates his deputy to keep Najib in line. Visiting EAP DAS Marciel raised the issue with Deputy Home Minister Wan Farid on May 6, and Wan Farid indicated the proceedings against Raja Petra should be a warning to other bloggers. The Raja Petra case will continue to keep public focus on the Altantuya case and allegations of Najib's involvement. Prosecuting a blogger for sedition also complicates Prime Minister Abdullah's efforts to be seen as a reformer. End summary. Colonial-era Sedition Act utilized 2. (SBU) On May 6 Malaysian Police charged blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin and Syed Ali Akhbar, who posted a comment on Raja Petra's website, with sedition. This is the first time Section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act (enacted by British colonial authorities in 1948) has been used in response to material appearing on the internet. The Section reads, 'Any person who prints, publishes, sells, offers for sale, distributes or reproduces any seditious publication' can be charged with sedition. If found guilty, Raja Petra and Syed Ali could be jailed for a maximum of three years and/or face a fine of up to USD1,600. Syed Ali was released on bail after pleading not guilty and the court fixed June 10 to hear submissions by the defense and prosecution on a preliminary objection raised by the defense, which claimed that the charge was groundless. Raja Petra initially refused to post bail and was remanded at the Sungai Buloh prison, but on May 8 he changed his stance and he was scheduled to be released on bail May 9. His trial is fixed for October 6-10. 3. (SBU) Another prominent blogger described Raja Petra's action to poloffs as a gambit to not only generate publicity for himself but also for his news portal Malaysia Today ( The local blogger community as a whole has reacted with outrage to what is seen as a threat to the free exchange of ideas on the internet. The Malaysian Bar Council called on the authorities to withdraw the charges against Raja Petra and Syed Ali, describing the relevant section of the Sedition Act as a draconian, archaic and repressive legislation that has long outlived any perceived utility it might ever have had. A number of prominent civil society groups issued a statement characterizing Raja Petra's arrest as politically motivated and aimed at silencing principled and uncompromising voice speaking against the abuse of power, including those stemming from the highest level of government and authority. 4. (C) DPM Najib publicly denied that the arrests were politically motivated or an indication of government intentions to crack down on internet sites. Visiting EAP DAS Scot Marciel raised the case with Deputy Home Minister Wan Farid on May 6 and questioned why the government was using sedition charges in such a case. Wan Farid said bloggers could not be allowed to accuse people of murder and not back up such claims. "You can't just (post) anything on the internet," and not expect consequences, indicating this was a warning to other bloggers. The government would proceed with the case in court, Wan Farid said. Raja Petra a thorn in UMNO's side 5. (SBU) Raja Petra was charged after posting an article on his website on April 25 entitled 'Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell' that implied that DPM Najib Tun Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor were connected to the 2006 murder of a young Mongolian interpreter, Altantuya Shaaribuu. He also accused PM Abdullah of holding on to evidence that implicates his deputy in order to keep Najib in line. Two police officers from the security detail of DPM Najib have been charged for killing Altantuya, while Abdul Razak Baginda, a close associate of DPM Najib, was charged with abetting the murder. The murder trial that began in June 2007 has been dragging along for nearly a year, giving rise to suggestions of deliberate delays for political reasons (Ref A ). 6. (SBU) This is not the first time Raja Petra, a cousin of the current Sultan of Selangor, has challenged the ruling establishment. He was one of the key leaders of the reformasi movement launched in September 1998 by former DPM Anwar. In 2000 he became the Director of the Free Anwar Campaign (FAC) and founded the FAC website that regularly posted articles criticizing the government. In 2001 he was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and held for 52 days before being released unconditionally, reportedly due to pressure from his uncle the then King, the late Sultan of Selangor. In July 2007 he was detained, questioned and released after UMNO Information Chief Muhammad Muhammad Taib filed a police report against him for allegedly insulting the King and Islam. 7. (SBU) Raja Petra launched Malaysia Today in August 2004 "to test how far Malaysia under its new Prime Minister (PM Abdullah) can honor, respect and tolerate free speech." The blog grew to an average of 1.5 million hits a day and was voted one of the top ten websites by local internet users in 2007. One reporter describes it as Malaysia's answer to the U.S. Drudge Report, a news aggregation site, dedicated to entertaining tales of political intrigue. In meetings with poloffs, Raja Petra has nevertheless insisted that all of his reports are backed by hard evidence. 8. (SBU) UMNO leaders have blamed internet media and bloggers, in particular Raja Petra, as contributing to the BN's setback in the March election. Raja Petra agreed, telling reporters on May 6, they lost in the election because of the internet war. Malaysia Today was one of the culprits. He added that his defense team would prove there was no case against him and that it was a matter of political persecution. One sympathetic academic described the action against Raja Petra as the return to sledgehammer rule by UMNO, but added recalcitrant bloggers like Raja Petra threaten UMNO's survival, because the ruling party has failed to find a formula for countering its internet critics. Syed Akhbar Ali: Easy to Impress the Malays 9. (SBU) In Syed Akhbar Ali's case, the author was belatedly charged for posting a comment in June 2007 on a Raja Petra authored Malaysia Today piece alleging strong links between Inspector General of Police Musa Hassan and a major organized crime syndicate. Raja Petra had written that the syndicate protected by the IGP was involved in prostitution, drugs, and illegal gambling. In his comment, titled Easy to Impress the Malays, Akhbar used crude language in maintaining that massage centers are mushrooming in the city due to the sudden increase in Arab visitors, and in a similar vein went on to make some scurrilous comments about the Arabs and Islam, and the naivety of Malays in accepting Arab ideas. Comment 10. (C) In another indication of the growing influence of internet media, both DPM Najib and his wife have been compelled to go public in responding to Raja Petra's report, maintaining that the allegations are unfounded and unfair. The Raja Petra case will continue to keep public attention on the Altantuya murder and on allegations of Najib's involvement in the crime at a time when Prime Minister Abdullah has announced Najib as his eventual successor. Prosecuting a blogger for sedition complicates Prime Minister Abdullah's efforts to be seen as a reformer and will further boost the profile of Malaysia's anti-government internet activists. KEITH
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Voter's registration in Kuching, Sarawak Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:00 AM PDT DAP Socialist Youth with collaboration with PAS Youth wing and Angkatan Muda Keadilan will organise a voters registration this Friday at E-Mart at Jalan Matang, Petra Jaya from 7.30pm - 10.00p.m and at Matang Sunday Market from till 10am. This jointly organise event will be the first of its kind joint voter registration help in Sarawak. Those who have not registered as a voter are encouraged to come and register at our booth. For more information, please contact Andrew Sim at 0168799606 or Awang Saifeluddin at 0168899149. | ||||||||||||||
Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:00 AM PDT To date, more than 30 cities around the globe held a Bersih 2.0 rally on the same day. All these rallies were organized by people like you and me, ordinary people who want to see change for our country. By Leng-Feng Bersih 2.0 is a peaceful rally scheduled on July 9th, 2011 2pm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The goal of Bersih 2.0 is straight forward: demanding clean and fair elections for the people of Malaysia. It is about electoral reform that is long needed in Malaysia. A group of people gathered in New York City to support their countrymen in Malaysia who chose to go to the streets on 709. This is a grass-root movement in which people rise up to answer the call of Bersih 2.0 to demand electoral reform, so that every vote counts. This 'documentary' records bits and pieces on that day, and the day before. When I decided to organize the Bersih 2.0 in NYC (simply because I couldn't find anyone organizing it at that time), about 3 weeks before the event, I thought I might end up showing up there alone, probably with my girlfriend. Roughly 10 days before the event, Kwang Huei from NJ joined me to help organize this event. This is a great help since he is in NJ while I live in MA. A week before the event, we had roughly 30 people who told us they will attend the event. A day before the event, the number jumped to 60. But we didn't know how many will actually show up the next day. This uncertainty is a result of the fear of the government of Malaysia, who have threaten its citizens with strong words and declared the rally 'illegal'. Students under government sponsored scholarships received letters warning them not to participate in this event. Soon after we started to organize one, at about the same time, San Frans, LA, and later Chicago, D.C. and many other cities around the world started to self-organize Bersih 2.0 in their respective counties. Most of us spread the news and the event through Facebook. Later, we learnt that others shared event info to many online forums, which then attracted other non-FB users. To date, more than 30 cities around the globe held a Bersih 2.0 rally on the same day. All these rallies were organized by people like you and me, ordinary people who want to see change for our country. We formed a loosely-tied global steering committee to share info and materials. All these happened in less than 2 weeks. And as people used to say, the rest, is history. Watch video at:
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9th of July - an everyday in Malaysia Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:00 AM PDT By eechia First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Najib Razak, Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein, IGP Ismail Omar, Deputy IGP Khalid Bakar and KL Police Deputy Chief, Amar Singh for making 9th July happen. For without the insane crackdown on Bersih supporters with Yellow coloured t-shirts, unreasonable detention, the flip-flop invitation of using the Stadium by the Prime Minister, the massive road blocks and KL lock down days before the rally, 9th of July may not have been what it was that historic Saturday. Read more at:
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Suggesting a possible strategy for future rallies : Loving kindness and compassion to the Police Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:00 AM PDT The strategy of demonising the police could backfire on the safety of participants in future rallies because we are making them (the police force) enemies. In normal human behavior, if you back someone in a corner and do not give them space and time to think over what they have done or what they are about to do then the normal human reaction is to retaliate with force since they have all the tools of oppression. By KUO Yong Kooi I am an activist dropped out and had not been involved in any political activist work for more than 15 years now. My last work was with Suaram in early 96 for 5 months. After that final short stint I decided to head to a monastery in Burma and then to Thailand to try out the lifestyle of a Buddhist Monk for two years in search of "the meaning of life". I would like to suggest some possible strategies looking at a distance from only through the news in World Wide Web and facebook from friends. Of course, the best possible suggestion is to observe it from the ground but I think after having been to many demonstrations during my student activist days, I am sure the psychology and dynamics of it does not change much as we are all humans that have the common fear, confidence, excitement and anger factors all mixed up together in a tense moment at rallies. Twenty years ago when you call for a rally you can virtually count the heads that turned up. It was almost like knocking your head against the brick wall. Demonstrators were outnumbered by police. Bersih 1.0, 2.0 and many others recently have shown that the brick wall we have been knocking has ruptured. It is just a matter of time the wall will come tumbling down. The question is how many lives are we willing to sacrifice for this wall to tumble? I believe the strategies we adopt might be able to change the body bag counts in future rallies (inshaaalah of course). That would also depend on how vicious the UMNO regime in training up some crack forces to deal with demonstrators in the future. The aftermath of Bersih 2.0 has clearly shown that the "Silent majority rakyat" had loss faith in the UMNO regime. If there were no intimidation from the UMNO regime, one million could have easily turned out. There are rare historical events like the collapse of the Soviet Union where the top leader hands in the white flag and the apparatus was dismantled peacefully. Pre Bersih 2.0 demonstrated that the UMNO leaders be it Najib or Muhyiddin are willing to dig deep, but I don't think at the level of Gaddafi, but probably at the level of Hosni Mubarak or Ferdinand Marcos. As long as the rakyat is willing to provide a few helicopters for Rosmah and Najib, inshaaalah no lives lost. That is the easiest exit strategy for the top leaders. Let's look back a few decades ago at the defining moment in the Phillippines' history where there was a stand off between the demonstrators and the military under the dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Lots of demonstrators gave flowers to the military and then the revolution was over shortly after that. I think most of us would agree that the majority of our country's police force is not educated enough to be fair referees. The next big task for the opposition and the civil society is to re-educate the police force to be fair referees. The same as Bersih's objectives are to get the Election Commission to be fair referees, it seems like the more immediate stumbling block are the police not being fair referees. The strategy of demonising the police could backfire on the safety of participants in future rallies because we are making them (the police force) enemies. In normal human behavior, if you back someone in a corner and do not give them space and time to think over what they have done or what they are about to do then the normal human reaction is to retaliate with force since they have all the tools of oppression. Shabas to the Bersih 2.0 rally participants for being extremely vigilant in making the rally peaceful. I must admit it was world standard, the rakyat behaved very matured in front of "a yet to be developed country's" police force. As my previous experiences in rallies informed me that in a rally dynamics, rally participants have to shout the slogans to vent out the years of frustrations in their heart on the government's wrong doing. I would agree that shouting out loud is a non-violent way to voice our opinion. After meditating for a while and contemplated on it, I think it is still seen to be overly aggressive if you are at the receiving end of things. I recall an incident when I was working for Suaram, I was at a rally to prevent the demolision of some squatter houses. I was photographed by a special branch officer. I reacted angrily by confronting the Special Branch officer and shouted at him and insisting that he should take my photos clearer, ie right in front of him. The Officer was shocked at my action. Although it was technically classified as non-violent in modern times, the action caused the Special branch officer to retaliate in the same manner of aggression towards me. A Buddhist perspective in non-violence is basically extending an aura of non-intimidation towards your so-called enemies, including sending an aura of kindness and compassion to them for they are beings just like us seeking safety and security. So to emphasise on that, imagine you are the police force with numbers for example 2,000 confronting a crowd of 20,000. As the crowd shouts a slogan, do you feel safe and secure as a police officer hearing the thundering slogans ramp into your ears? In a tense stand off like that the rally participants also have their fears of death and injuries as the police have their M16, tear gas, water cannon and baton. Demonstrators would naturally shout and show fists to gain confidence to try to overcome the fear and anger factors, therefore that action itself I believe creates another round of fear on the other side of the fence for they know that they were outnumbered. Of course in those rally days when I have not discovered meditation, I guess that is the only normal human thing that I can do and my perspective at that point is justifiable and definitely non-violent. After the meditation days, I discovered there are other ways to overcome fear without exerting an aura of intimidation to others so that the other side of the fence feel completely safe. Loving kindness meditation is one other way. I am sure other religions have it. In future, if the Umno regime decides to ban a rally, then the real stumbling block are the police. At that standoff point, the politicians are using the police/military apparatus to dig in. The decision makers in Putrajaya have no power at all. If more than half of the police force decides not to carry out the order, then the so called order from the top has been rendered ineffective. So I guess the next strategy is to ask all demonstrators to bring flowers "hibiscus" it's easily available (and original, since jasmine is already known and used in the Middle East) and walk silently. Say prayers in our hearts quietly to overcome fear and anger. An atmosphere like that is less intimidating for the other side and if we do receive a round of tear gas, at least it would give the police force the benefit of the doubt that we meant no harm to them and that would hopefully backfire on their conscience. All beings have conscience. Great idea in wearing yellow every Saturday. The rakyat can also diffuse the tension by belanja "teh tarik bersih" to our police force when opportunity arises. I would not call that corruption. I think that is crucial in diffusing further tension. Another great world history lesson is the South African "truth and reconciliation" commission in resolving the matters involving the police and military wrong doings during the apartheid years. I think that is a great way to move forward. Some might think that this is a crazy suggestion/idea, I think the battle has not been won yet. Creating more enemies can only create more barriers for ourselves in future battles. Makcik Anne Ooi with her flower has got the greatest impact on me as far as I am concerned. May we all be well and happy. KUO Yong Kooi
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Posted: 13 Jul 2011 11:10 PM PDT
Making fun of the government is not allowed (Asia Sentinel) - A Malaysian High Court judge has upheld the banning of books by a popular political cartoonist for the online news site Malaysiakini and by a columnist closely connected to the opposition Parti Keadilan Rakyat. The ban, requested by Home Affairs Minister Hishammuddin Hussein under the country's Printing Presses and Publications Act, is on two books by the cartoonist Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaq, known by his pen name Zunar, and a third by columnist Yong Thye Chong, who writes under the pen name Kim Quek.
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Citizen Empowerment School (CES) Posted: 13 Jul 2011 07:50 PM PDT
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Posted: 13 Jul 2011 07:28 PM PDT
By Joseph Tawie, FMT KUCHING: A housewife here is demanding that the state government return a piece of land which it had clamped in 1999, under Section 47, purportedly for construction of a school. Shuriyanna Ahmad is not alone. Scores of other natives living a stone's throw from the present State Legislative Assembly building have also suffered the same fate.The government had in 1999 issued a Section 47 notification on their lands. At the time they said the land may be acquired for the construction of a secondary school. "But until now, the government has not decided whether to develop the land or not. It has deprived us of doing something economically to our land. "We want our land back so that we can do something useful to the land. For me, I want to build a house on that piece of land which is about 0.8 acre," she said. Having patiently waited 13 years, Shuriyanna has now decided to take legal action and seek the assistance of Kota Sentosa assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen. Chong, who is also state DAP secretary, told reporters today that he had written a letter to the Land and Survey Department, State Planning and Resource Management Minister Awang Tengah Ali Hassan and Chief Minister Taib Mahmud requesting the Section 47 notification to be lifted. He said if the government decided to acquire the land for development, then the state authorties must pay the landowners the market price of the land at the time the Section 47 notification was imposed on the property. In this case it was in 1999. "This is highly unfair to her. For the last 13 years, the land prices in Kuching have gone up by leaps and bounds. "Some prices of land have even doubled. "And yet because of the (present) law (land code) the government is taking advantage and victimising the landowners," he said. Inadequate compensation Recalling a statement made by Awang in 2007, Chong said Awang Tengah had indicated that the government would review the need to acquire lands that came under Section 47 every two years. "Until today there is no review, and nothing has been done. Shuriyanna's land is still subject to Section 47 and so are the lands nearby," he said, adding that some 60 acres of land are involved. Chong, who is also the Bandar Kuching MP, said that the problem facing the landowners is that they cannot do anything to the land after the imposition of Section 47.
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Posted: 13 Jul 2011 07:14 PM PDT
By Masterwordsmith In an interview with journalists in London on Wednesday, Najib said that the central bank would monitor the situation "very very closely". Some investors were surprised that Bank Negara did not raise rates at a policy meeting last week and surmised that such moves may cause Malaysia to slip in the battle against inflation. Speaking to the reporters, Najib said, "We believe [the official interest rate] is at the right level. It's a balance between strong growth and at the same time keeping inflation in check and making sure we don't get an asset bubble economy in Malaysia.
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Posted: 13 Jul 2011 07:08 PM PDT ![]() By Martin Jalleh On 11 July he very confidently claimed that the police did not shoot tear gas and spray chemically-laced waterfrom cannons into the Tung Shin Hospital compound, in the crackdown on the recent Bersih 2.0 rally. He added (in a press conference held in the hospital) he had confirmed with the hospital authorities that the claims circulating on the Internet are not true. "The police shot the tear gas over the main road. Maybe the smoke was blown by the wind in this direction - that, we don't know, but they were not aiming at the hospital," he told reporters after meeting board members of the hospital this afternoon. "As for the water cannon, they were shooting at 45 degrees onto the main road, maybe the edge of it may...(have spread to the hospital)." The police have also denied shooting directly into the hospital compounds after protesters had sought refuge there. Liow blamed the opposition for bringing in politics to the hospital, which he labelled as an irresponsible act. Liow was strongly supported by his boss in the MCA (who was also a former Health Minister), Chua Soi Lek, who never lacks cheap excuses when the chips are down. Chua charged that "the truth of the pictures and videos of alleged police brutality during the July 9 Bersih 2.0 rally for clean and fair elections, should be viewed "in totality", it "lies in the eye of the beholder". Two days later, a group of doctors (who "wish not to enter into the polemics of the Bersih 2.0") said they were prepared to provide sworn affidavits to say that police had fired tear gas and chemical-laced water into the compounds of the Tung Shin and Chinese Maternity Hospitals during the Bersih rally (Malaysian Insider, 13.07.11). In a signed statement, 11 doctors, including some who were at the scene, said they were outraged at the actions of the police in firing tear gas and water cannons without scant regard for the safety of patients and doctors. "Hospitals are considered as safe sanctuaries for all, even during wartime, but these consecrated places of refuge and protection were violated by the defence forces that afternoon. Police even entered the buildings in search of some of these peaceful marchers. "What was most frightening and witnessed by many was the unprovoked violent assault within the hospital compounds and the apprehension of several protesters who had merely run into the hospitals to seek shelter from the tear gas and the water cannons. "It is repulsive that the authorities entrusted with policing the nation and protecting the weak and needy, have shamelessly denied publicly, the occurrence of these incidents in spite of countless photo/video and eyewitness accounts of what was evident to all independent observers," they said. It is very evident that Soi Lek has been "soiled" in his judgment of things and lacks wisdom. Are we expected to believe that 11 senior and reputable doctors suffered from "optical illusion" that day! Chua has bit off more than he could chew! As for Liow, how low can you go? Surely the Health Minister knows it is not healthy to lie! | ||||||||||||||
Banning of the book “The March to Putrajaya” Posted: 13 Jul 2011 06:23 PM PDT
Kim Quek I am terribly disappointed at judge Rohana Yusof's decision to reject my application to declare the seizure and subsequent banning of my book "The March to Putrajaya" null and void. The judge's one sided judgement which completely ignores the argument submitted by me and my legal counsel is obviously a flawed judgement. It cannot help but convey the unmistakable signal that the present political hold on the judiciary to deliver what the political masters want is intact. It means that Malaysians will continue to be denied their fundamental liberties guaranteed under Part Two of the Constitution – which include the freedom of expression – through abuse of power by the Executive, which will be ultimately protected from legal accountability by a compliant judiciary. It is ironical that the Institution – judiciary – entrusted by the Constitution to play the role of ultimate protector of citizens' rights against encroaches by the Executive has found itself playing the reverse role – the ultimate protector of an abusive Executive that tramples on people's fundamental rights. It should be very clear by now that we cannot count on any of the existing state institutions – judiciary included – to look after the people's interest and to ensure that they truly enjoy what is due to them in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. This calls for the final solution to this tragic predicament faced by the nation – a complete overhaul of our institutions through a change of political leadership. As for today's judgement by Judge Rohana, who also rejects the celebrated cartoonist Zunar's application to lift the ban on his two cartoon books in the same judgement, both Zunar and myself have pledged to fight the legal battle to the very end, despite the thinning chances of receiving justice as we ascend the judicial hierarchy. Our legal effort is part of the larger political movement aimed at turning a new leaf for the country – for ourselves and for generations to come.
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Neck ties now a threat to national security Posted: 13 Jul 2011 06:16 PM PDT
(Bernama) - Police will take action including arresting individuals found selling items related to the Bersih illegal rally on Saturday and seizing these items as it is against the law. Shah Alam police chief ACP Ahmad Zahedi Ayob said the sale of items such as T-shirts and neckties bearing the logo of the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) was strictly not allowed.
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Now do you understand the meaning of The Third Force? Posted: 13 Jul 2011 05:31 PM PDT
We hope, now, the meaning of The Third Force becomes clearer. And the newly crowned leader of this Third Force is Ambiga Sreenevasan. She may be a reluctant leader. Maybe she did not plan to emerge as its leader. However, like it or not, she is now the leader of Malaysia's Third Force. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER Raja Petra Kamarudin
Reject Anwar's 'revolution', says Utusan Malaysia (The Malaysian Insider) - Continuing its anti-Bersih tirade today, Utusan Malaysia told Malaysians to reject Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's "revolution" and ignore a spin-off campaign from last weekend's rally which calls on supporters to wear yellow every Saturday. The Umno-owned daily front-paged an article titled "Reject Anwar's revolution" where it solicited the views of four retired top cops, including two former Inspectors-General of Police, to condemn Anwar's "revolution" comment on Malaysia to the Indonesian media. Calling Anwar "pengkhianat negara (traitor to the country)", the paper wrote that many have rejected the opposition leader's purported attempt to instigate the people by claiming that Malaysia was on the verge of revolution. "Anwar Ibrahim has been deemed a traitor to the country and stern action should be taken against him immediately," the paper wrote. According to the article, former IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan said that Anwar's statement clearly showed that the opposition leader wants to see his country in chaos. "The police and the government should not hesitate to take stern action against him," he was quoted as saying. Other top cops, including former IGP Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor, former deputy IGP Tan Sri Samsuri Arshad and former Special Branch director Datuk Zulkifli Abdul Rahman were also quoted as condemning Anwar in the article. In its editorial section, Utusan Malaysia praised the police as the "true heroes" of Saturday, despite widespread criticisms from the opposition, civil society groups and the foreign media that the police had used excessive force on protestors. Thousands took to the capital's streets on Saturday to march for free and fair elections but chaos broke out close to midday when police in full riot gear moved to disperse the crowd by firing tear gas canisters and spraying jets of chemical-laced water on protestors. "As sane-minded individuals, surely we can acknowledge that the true heroes were the police. Their persistence, hard work and patience in carrying out their duties saved the country from chaos on July 9," said Zulkiflee Bakar, the paper's editor. In another editorial, Utusan Malaysia predicted that Bersih's spin-off "wear yellow every Saturday" campaign could hamper public safety. "First it starts with one or two groups but if it is allowed to prolong for weeks, it may build a strength that could affect public safety. "The authorities should move quickly to overcome Bersih's agendas, which are reaching a point where they should no longer be given face," the paper said. *********************************** They can reject Anwar's 'revolution' if they so wish. This is really no skin of our nose. First of all, we really don't know what 'revolution' it is that they are talking about. Maybe they think that Anwar is attempting to start a Tahrir Square in Malaysia. Secondly, this has nothing to do with Anwar. Why focus just on Anwar as if he is the only one that matters and the rest don't? Thirdly, one man -- Anwar or whoever it may be -- really can't start revolutions unless it is the will of the rakyat. Then again, if it is the will of the rakyat then we don't need Anwar to tell us to start a revolution. Finally, and most important of all, the revolution has already started. The only thing is the government/Barisan Nasional were sleeping while it happened. And when they were told about it back in 2004, after the GE of that year, they pooh-poohed the whole thing. In 2007-2008 they actually said that the Internet is not a threat and not significant. Then, after the 2008 GE, when they got hit bad, the government sheepishly admitted that they underestimated the power of the Internet. Yes, the revolution I am talking about is the mental revolution triggered by yet another revolution, the communications revolution, triggered by yet another revolution, the Internet, which made access to information so easy. It was a sort of chain reaction. We need to study history and understand how the ruling elite in collaboration with the church kept the rakyat in ignorance. Only by keeping the rakyat in ignorance can the people be enslaved -- mental slavery. But once the people started educating themselves and dragged themselves out of ignorance, changes started to happen. It was a long and winding road to freedom but finally, after generations of fighting against ignorance, the rakyat won. And Europe is what it is today because of that. But it took a very long time indeed. Nevertheless, the rakyat finally won. Ignorance was cast side and the people took control of their destiny. We must remember that Europe remained in ignorance for a very long time. And it remained in ignorance as the Middle East moved ahead and progressed. And the Middle East moved ahead because they welcomed education and innovation. But once the ruling elite of the Middle East banned innovation, the Middle East went backwards while the very backward Europe, which learned everything it could from the Middle East and improved upon it, overtook the Middle East. Today we can see the glaring difference between Europe and the Middle East. The once enlightened are now locked in ignorance while the once ignorant are now masters of the world. That, in a small way, is happening in Malaysia, just like it is happening all over the world. The world is seeing a second wind of sorts. Changes have been happening all over the western world. And because of the now borderless world and the world being reduced to a global 'village', Malaysia is being dragged along screaming and kicking and resistance is futile. The government has to understand that this is not about Anwar. This is a natural phenomenon. The only way for Malaysia to isolate itself from this mental revolution brought on by the communications revolution, which has in turn been brought on by the Internet, is to embark upon a closed-door policy. Malaysia has to do what China once did. It has to shut itself from the rest of the world. Then the global revolution would not hit Malaysia's shores. But it may be too late for that now. The next point I want to make is about what Bersih represents. Over the last year or so we have been trying to make people understand what we mean by The Third Force. When we first mooted the idea of The Third Force through the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM), most people interpreted this to mean 'three-corner fights' in the elections. As much as we tried to explain the concept, many refused to accept our explanation and insisted that The Third Force, which to them means 'three-corner contests', is destructive to the ideals of a two-party system and counter-productive to Pakatan Rakyat's effort at ousting Barisan Nasional. On 9th July 2011, what we saw was The Third Force in action. This was not about 'three-corner fights'. This was about taking back power from the politicians and transferring it into the hands of the rakyat. Never mind whether 6,000 people came out that day (as what the police says), or 20,000 people (as what the mainstream media says), or 50,000 people (as what some say), or 200,000 people (as what others say), or whatever. The numbers are not as important as the fact that the rakyat demonstrated their will to come out to show their unhappiness and to send a strong message to the powers-that-be that changes must happen and resistance is futile. The rakyat has 'tasted blood', that day on 9th July 2011. And there is no turning back the clock. Bersih has taught the rakyat the meaning of The Third Force. The rakyat now understands that united they can force changes. And the rakyat is going to continue to force changes and anyone who stands in the way of the rakyat is going to be swept aside. We hope, now, the meaning of The Third Force becomes clearer. And the newly crowned leader of this Third Force is Ambiga Sreenevasan. She may be a reluctant leader. Maybe she did not plan to emerge as its leader. However, like it or not, she is now the leader of Malaysia's Third Force. Now I hope you understand what we mean when we talk about The Third Force. | ||||||||||||||
Assange case judges reserve decision Posted: 13 Jul 2011 04:04 PM PDT
(Agencies) - LONDON:Judges considering the extradition of Julian Assange need to find evidence of "monumental proportions" to excuse the Australian from facing sexual assault allegations in Sweden. That is the argument of prosecutors who have already convinced one British judge of the need for the WikiLeaks founder to return to Stockholm where two women claim to have been victim to his forceful and at times violent sexual actions in August 2010. In February Assange, now 40, was ordered to return to Sweden by Senior District Judge Howard Riddle, who dismissed claims by defence lawyers that the extradition was without legal basis and would result in a violation of human rights. Assange has appealed the extradition order in Britain's High Court, overseen by Lord Justice Thomas and Mr Justice Ouseley, who have heard a second day of argument over the detail of a European Arrest Warrant which alleges three counts of sexual assault and one of rape against two women on two separate occasions. Assange has not been charged and denies the allegations, including that he deliberately broke a condom to have unprotected sex, saying that on each occasion sex was consensual and that Judge Riddle's extradition order was "wrong". "If a woman chooses to spend the night in a single bed with a male, there is an inevitable possibility that she will come into contact with an erect penis at some time," barrister Ben Emmerson, QC, told the court. Lawyers for Assange further argued that the extradition warrant fails to meet points of law, including that he is not named for prosecution, but instead simply wanted for questioning, which could be done by phone. However prosecutor Clare Montgomery, QC, said that the warrant is valid and contains allegations capable of justifying criminal charges. "Those charges as claimed are substantiated by probable cause," she told the court. "With that as a factual background, your Lords would need evidential clarity of quite monumental proportions to displace what the (Swedish) prosecutor has complained about." Comparing evidence in the arrest warrant to that detailed in a prosecution dossier and not yet made available to the court, Ms Montgomery said the particulars are essentially the same. "In my opinion, when one does that (comparison) it is perfectly plain that what one is looking at is not only … non-consensual, coerced sex …. but that that is clearly the only inference that can be drawn from the claimants," she said. "They did not freely consent … (but) were coerced either by physical force or after having been trapped into a position where they couldn't (refuse) and … they let him continue. "If what they say matters, they are clearly describing violent sex acts where there was no reason to believe consent had been granted." Montgomery accused Assange's lawyers of "19th Century conceptions of consent", adding that in contemporary law, consent to share a bed, or even engage in foreplay, does not translate to consent to have intercourse. Furthermore, to Assange's desire to engage in unprotected sex, Montgomery referred to a witness statement made by one of the complainants that: "(Assange) preferred virgins because he would be the first to impregnate them". Emmerson said the allegations needed to be considered in their entirety and not with the "socially desirable interpretations of consent" suggested by the prosecution. The judges have reserved their decision in the appeal and will hand down their findings at a date to be confirmed.
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Posted: 13 Jul 2011 03:47 PM PDT
By Dr Hsu Dar Ren Article 18, Part II of the Fourth Geneva Convention (August 12, 1949) states clearly that: " Civilian hospitals organized to give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm and maternity cases, may in no circumstances be the object of attack but shall at all times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict." Hospitals are sanctuaries that should be respected and avoided by all warring sides. One of the reasons is that the injured and wounded are unable to defend themselves, and any honourable being will never attack or fight with anyone who is disabled or ill. The patients are also unable to run or seek shelter elsewhere. There are many videos and photos showing that during the rally on 709, Tung Shin Hospital, or more specifically, the front compound of Tung Shin hospital, was hit by water cannons and tear gas . It is understandable that in the heat of flexing their muscles against unarmed civilians , some of the personnel might have forgotten that hospitals are sanctuaries to be avoided. I suspect some may not even have heard of the Geneva Convention, given the state of our education system. So it was actually understandable that some might have been so caught up that they fired their gas canisters and water cannons into the compound of the hospital. Afterall, humans are fallible, we are not God. But when a person has erred, he must be prepared to learn from his mistakes and apologise for his error, and accept any punishment for making the error if it is serious enough to warrant such punishment. The correct response from the powers that be, including the 'honourable' Home and Health Ministers, should be the acknowledgement of such attacks in the presence of irrefutable evidence and issuing a sincere apology to the patients, staff and management of the Hospital, and a promise that such nonsense would never happen again.
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More than 200,000 at Bersih 2.0 Posted: 13 Jul 2011 03:35 PM PDT By Hawkeye And so with all these consideration and using the methodology as stated in one of my earlier posting in the Anti ISA rally here. The conservative estimates are that the total number of people who were at the Rally at just about more than 200,000. Just received an email from Ruth aka Crankshaft asking about the methodology on crowd estimating and my thoughts on the turnout and so let's elaborate a bit here on, first of all you need to be observant and an "estimating" consciousness during the rally and after that inspecting the videos and photos of other areas that you could not access or did not visit on that day. These were some of my observation:
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Customs officer: I was beaten and forced to confess Posted: 13 Jul 2011 03:09 PM PDT
By Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 — A Customs officer who was among those arrested in a recent crackdown on corruption in the Customs Department said he was beaten and forced to confess to taking bribes. Abdul Rahim Abdul Kadir, 41, told a coroner's inquest into the death of Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed that he was detained by the MACC from April 1 to 5. The two were among those arrested in the swoop. "The officers raised their voices and snarled at me, and even threatened me so I would confess," Abdul Rahim said. He said he was hit on the head during questioning on April 4 and he wasn't allowed to perform his prayers. Ahmad Sarbaini, the Selangor Customs assistant director, was found dead after he was believed to have fallen from the pantry on the third floor of the MACC office in Jalan Cochrane here on April 6 and landed on the badminton court on the first floor. Ahmad Sarbaini had confessed on April 4 to accepting between RM50 and RM100 a month from Schenker Logistics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd officer Wan Zainal Abidin Wan Zaki as well as between RM30 and RM200 a month from a Top Mark Freight & Shipping Sdn Bhd officer called Ah Seng.
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Sign of the end for BN when people no longer afraid Posted: 13 Jul 2011 02:53 PM PDT
By Daniel John Jambun
At one time in Malaysia, especially during the earlier part of Tun Mahathir premiership, people were afraid of the government. Dark stories of sufferings in detention haunted the people, and to us then, being arrested under the ISA was a fearful, dreadful thing. But now we young people like Atama Katama saying he is prepaid to be arrested under the ISA if need be, for the sake of his struggle for free and elections in his beloved country. On being released after her arrest on July 9, Ambiga Sreenevasan, Bersih's President, stated what was already obvious to everyone: "Malaysians are no longer scared of government intimidation." This reminds me of what, Thomas Jefferson, one of the drafters of the US Declaration of Independence, said: "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Gladly, we are clearly heading for that liberty, because it is obvious the government is now on the defensive, clearly intimidated and threatened by the force of the people's desire for clean and free elections in the country. This was made amply clear during the Bersih rally on July 9. Despite weeks of threats and intimidation from the government, laced with rude remarks to make Bersih look like an evil organization, supposedly having a destructive agenda, the people came in droves. The whole city was locked down, but 50,000 people managed to pass through and participate in the rally in high spirit.
What should a government do when the people are no longer afraid to be arrested, even to suffer for a good and noble cause? Isn't is a sign that the end is in sight for the BN?
The BN leaders downplayed the impact of the day by saying the planned rally didn't get the support of the people "because only about 10,000 people turned up instead of the planned 100,000." But if the police and FRU didn't lock down the city, and allowed a free rally, there would have been 200,000 or even more. The fact is 50,000 turned up in spite of the police blockades.
The loud verbal attacks by the Prime Minister against the rally organizers in an arranged and BN-sponsored gathering on 6,000 at the Putra World Trade Centre the following day, sounded hollow and futile, a reaction which was too little too late. The irony of the speech was that it tried to insult the rally participants and those who wished they participated, but it only achieved to galvanize their support for Bersih instead of demoralizing or cowering them into submission. The PM sounded so illogical in his reasoning, and by the sound and the fury of his speech it was obvious he was doing it all just to try a psychological victory over the previous day's rally. It was also obvious he was scared, and feeling highly threatened by Bersih. BN had succeeded in making enemies with the rally participants, and created a strong body of anti-BN Malaysians – a reversal of the 1Malaysia objectives.
The BN is now in a very serious quandary. What will it do now? Should it clean up the election process? And isn't that what the government of a free and democratic country supposed to be doing? But then won't that be an exercise in self-destruction? Then again, if it doesn't clean up the obviously dirty election process, how will it justify itself to the people? The BN must also be struggling with the hard question of what to do with Bersih 3.0 – the third rally which Bersih is threatening to hold if the government doesn't do anything to meet its 8-point demand. And we can bet, this time the rally will be at least three times bigger than the one on July 9, even with the brutal suppression of the police and FRU. There are already Bersih rallies all over the world, and more will come.
The other dilemma giving BN a throbbing headache is whether to suppress or just allow Bersih's next huge rally. If it is allowed, the number of demonstrators will be so huge it will create history and an international embarrassment for the BN regime. If it is suppressed even harder than before, the police brutality, which will be exposed by international news media and the internet, will lower Malaysia to the barbaric level of the Middle East regimes.
So the BN is now caught in the middle, between the choice of becoming civilized or uncivilised. It knows that cruel suppression will fail, and will tarnish the nation's image, and it will definitely lead to a quicker downfall of the BN. The best choice would be for it to listen to the people, to do the right thing, which is to comply and fulfill Bersih's 8-point demand. This is because the people are asking why is the BN so reluctant to do the right thing, and why is a clean electoral process so frightening to the BN?
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Posted: 13 Jul 2011 02:46 PM PDT
By Art Harun In my opinion, the biggest mistake that the government had made in the Bersih issue was to isolate a large section of the society from itself, anger them and convert them into a Bersih sympathiser and/or supporter.At some point of time before the Bersih rally – in my opinion it was about the time Pak Samad Said was hauled to the police station – the Bersih movement had transcended its electoral reform objective into a full scale platform for the people to vent their frustrations, disappointments, angst and anger to the government. To put it crassly, from that point of time, Bersih became a platform for many people to show their middle finger to the government, for whatever personal reason(s) they may have. All the government had to do in the early days of Bersih 2.0 was to deal with Bersih and its demands. The demands were not about the escalating inflation and price of household items; not about Teoh Beng Hock or Sarbaini; not about corruption; not about electricity rate hike; not about Astro price hike; not about the police, MACC or whichever agency. The demands were just about a fair and just election or what was perceived by Bersih as such. That was it. It was politically related but not politically motivated. (For the uninitiated, there is a difference between the two). The fact that some opposition political parties were in solidarity with Bersih did not demote Bersih into a political party with the inevitable and attendant political baggage. The premise of Bersih was an idea, a thought. The idea was our election process is not fair. The resulting conclusion from that idea was that our electoral process needs reform or at least a change. That was all. Being an idea, or a thought, Bersih operates and infects the masses insidiously. It is in their head that the idea is planted. It is not in their behaviour. A Bersih sympathiser or supporter, with the said planted idea, would not act in a way an Al-Qaeda member would. He or she was not going to strap C4 around his or her body, go to the mall on a Sunday, and buy the proverbial ticket to heaven by blowing himself or herself up. Planted with that idea, a Bersih sympathiser or supporter would try to convince others that that idea was correct. That idea will infest and continue to infest. The wearing of yellow t-shirts with the word Bersih was just a way or means employed by carrier of such idea to make known that he or she subscribed to that idea to the open world. The yellow t-shirts were not even a manifestation of the idea which he or she carried. With or without the yellow t-shirts, the idea still infests their mind. Similarly, the colour of the t-shirts, did not matter. It could have been pink for all they cared but the idea stayed the same. The idea, as I said earlier, was that the election process is not fair and it needs reform. And so, this was what, allegorically, the government was facing about a month before the rally. There were some yellow mosquitoes flying around in some wet markets; shopping malls; seminar rooms and on the streets. That was it. Nothing more.
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Posted: 13 Jul 2011 02:32 PM PDT By Bowler In the post-Bersih 2.0 rally period, the rakyat will tire of the polemics, petty quarrels and nit-picking that hasensued. Far beyond the pain and sacrifices made by our countrymen in that rally, there is a desperate need to ensure permanent good effects come out of the rally. Leaders or leading supporters of Bersih 2.0 have been issuing contradictory statements that have undermined Bersih's efforts.Beyond wishful thinking and vague hopes, systematic and organized strategies must be executed. Loose ends must be tied up. Here are some suggestions: I. Abang Baharuddin's death needs closure Bersih 2.0 needs to assign an officer (with the agreement of the bereaved family) to work with the family to ensure they are not left alone. This officer must assist the family in every way to obtain justice until the family is fully satisfied that justice has been done and any compensation due achieved. 2. Resolve the Tung Shin Hospital Controversy Bersih 2.0 must assign an officer to work with hospital authorities and doctors as well as with independent NGOs to ensure that hospitals and universities are never again abused by the police – that policemen never again invade hospitals and universities – whether with tear gas, water cannons or with their dirty boots and truncheons, nor place their spies, secret agents and appointed cronies in these institutions. Those demonstrators who were injured by policemen with excessive and purposeful force and cruelty also need to see that their torturers are brought to justice. An officer must be assigned to work on this too. If there is any compensation due, this must be successfully obtained from those responsible for the atrocities. All these individuals cases must be settled properly and with full satisfaction of the victims. In addition, the public's grievances must also be settled. 3. Develop the demands of Bersih 2.0 While it is relatively easy to fight for indelible ink to be used in elections, bersih must suggest concrete and effective checks and balances to counter dirty politics? There is some hard thinking and some hard work to be done in this area. Consider and tackle issues related with implementation. Take for example the cleaning up of electoral rolls. Should this be left entirely to the EC? Should there be a watch dog to check the EC? After all, one of the complaints of Bersih 2.0 is that the public servants are not fair and that some steps should be taken to ensure they are fair and professional in their approach to their work and responsibilities. How is this to be ensured? Can the EC be trusted to clean up the electoral rolls? If there is to be a watch dog, how is it to be selected and funded? Is it to be purely voluntary or by appointment? How is it possible to guarantee that civil servants do not have any interest in the outcome of elections in the sense of who wins or who loses the elections? After all even Ministers refuse to declare their assets, what more top and middle ranking civil servants? Who is to ensure that their declarations are accurate? Who is responsible to dig up dirt in case of cover ups and dishonesty? The mechanisms to ensure that civil servants do not have any interest in who wins or loses elections have to be carefully thought out and invented yet. Bersih 2.0 needs to spend some time on this and make their proposals known to the public and voters. 4. Resolve the problems related to postal votes. It is enough to have observers? Do the postal voters list need to be specially checked? After all, even ordinary voters if they are unable to come to the polling stations are recommended by Bersih 2.0 to be given the postal vote. This seems to be a very big thing and may get out of hand. Who is to say whether they can or cannot come to the polling stations? Who is to check and verify the lists of such postal voters? As if police and military postal voters are not enough, now those who are in foreign countries may be given the postal vote too. This is a logistical trap and may even backfire on Bersih 2.0. Prisoners should also be given the postal vote according to the principle that no one may stop a voter from exercising his right to vote. Such rights must be respected and no one may take away such rights lightly especially ministers who refuse to declare they assets. This way, if the rights are carefully protected, the people are assured they are sovereign, not UMNO. However, who can confirm the prisoners can vote freely and not under duress? After all their jailers have more or lees the power of life or death over them. This may influence they way they vote in a really big way. In fact rank and file soldiers are under such strict discipline that their officers have the power to make life hell for them. Who is to ensure that their votes are free and not under any duress? These things may backfire on Bersih 2.0 Bersih 2.0 needs concrete proposals for the public and voters via practical systematic and well organized work for the next elections. 5. Counter Unfair Media Coverage Then there is the problem of media air time and coverage. If everyone of the employees including the top bosses in a TV station is a UMNO crony, how can media air time and coverage be made equal and fair? Bersih 2.0 needs to do some hard thinking on this too and make their proposals known to the public.
After all was it Stalin who is credited with saying that the voters are important, but the people who count the votes are even more important (or something to that effect)? Are UMNO faithful secret followers of Stalin? Should UMNO be the one to appoint the media watch dogs if this were the case? Take the MACC for example. The MACC is supposed to have a watch dog. However, things have gotten so much out of hand in the MACC that a RCI was needed to try and sort out a famous case involving the MACC. This should be considered a slap in the face of the MACC watch dog because they have failed in their duties to keep the MACC on track in its professionalism and integrity to the extent of requiring a RCI to do their job for them. However the thick skinned shameless characters in the watch dog commission refuse even to apologise for this let alone resign their commissions. Such watch dogs are completely useless especially if they are appointed by a Stalinist type authority. Bersih 2.0 needs to ensure that watch dogs not only have the professionalism and integrity, but the funds and power too to do the job they are supposed to do. What I suggest is that all watch dogs must be set up by parliament whether they are watch dogs to monitor media, the judiciary, the police, the EC or the MACC. They must have the power to remove the heads of the departments concerned and they must comprise independent professionals chosen by a parliamentary team comprising government as well as opposition members. If there is dispute, the opposition has the final say in 2 cases while the government has the final say in only 1 case. Funding for such watch dogs must be automatic and compulsory with mechanisms to cater for inflation and special cases of importance to the public, not at the whims and fancy of the government. This case, even if the PR comes to power, BN will have control over the appointments of the watchdogs and vice versa. It will be some sort of check on absolute power. My proposal just highlights the difficulties involved in the cause. Bersih 2.0 cannot afford short cuts in their endeavours which require hard work. At the end of the day, what we desperately need are checks on absolute power. The measures taken must reflect this need. Until politics becomes cleaner, such drastic measures may be withdrawn for more appropriate measures to suit the changed conditions. Hopefully by then Malaysia will be a better place to live in with greater hope for and more confidence in the future – when the rakyat are sovereign. | ||||||||||||||
UN: Malaysia Acts Too Much against Protesters Posted: 13 Jul 2011 02:21 PM PDT
By VIVAnews Tens of thousands of Malaysian protesters called for free and fair elections on the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on last Saturday, July 9. The government however reacted with heavy-handedness when dealing with the mass protest, arresting around 1,700 people and injured many as teargas and watercannon were fired. Provided the incident, the United Nations human rights office voiced concern about the use of excessive force against protesters. |
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